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Messages from the WSG Core Team





My name is Abdelrahman Yasser, and I am the Secondary Head Boy for this academic year, currently I am in Year 13.

Over the last year our students have achieved great accomplishments, breaking records in competitions whether it be academically or athletically, as well as achieving spectacular grades, which surpassed our predecessors’. We have reached total excellence. However, we are not yet satisfied, over the years we have come to learn that we are capable of achieving so much more than imaginable. We strive for Excelsior.

The student government body is constantly striving to find new and creative ways to boost student morale as well as better the school as a whole. New initiatives are being implemented almost daily, whether they’re completely new or an overhauled idea. We hope to continue to break records and achieve all our goals while representing our school with uttermost pride and glory. All of us leaders, are here to help one another not just as students but as a big family that strives together. We unite to form a society of pioneers who are always looking and working for the betterment of our school as a community.



As Head Girl, I hope for this academic year to bring about new changes in the self-expression and creativity of students. Our world is an ever-evolving landscape where new ideas, thoughts and beliefs are constantly being discovered, and I believe our students are the embodiment of this continuous path to the future. As the world progresses ahead, we as students flourish and carry on prospering towards grander endeavours simultaneously. I am certain that this academic year will have greater opportunities for the students of Winchester to showcase their multifaceted natures, foster new passions and expressive outlets, as well as further strengthen our cohesiveness as a community and commitments to the core values of the Winchester family.



The Winchester School puts in all the efforts to instil leadership qualities in all its pupils and achieve academic excellence as well as endeavour to become citizens of the future. It's my pleasure to be the Head Boy for the academic year 2022-2023, and it gives me immense honour to serve my school. Being the Head Boy is not an easy path, but with the support of my teachers and friends, we will facilitate this mission. I stand here not only to lead the Primary school, but to work in collaboration with each one of you to achieve the best for our school. Dream, set targets, and accomplish them with diligence and pride. And always remember that hard work is the key to success.



“Every Child Matters” is the motto of the Winchester School, with every member of the Winchester family collaborating to deem this possible. We at Winchester, strongly believe that student voice is important. Through our Student Government body, our school inculcates leadership skills in our students to create lifelong leaders. I am Saadgee Singh and it is my immense pleasure and honour to be the Primary Head Girl. Since the beginning of the academic year, our team has been working to accomplish new targets. We all are leaders, whether we have a badge or not. In this academic year, we can improve our leadership qualities as things are starting to take a turn towards normal. We will be able to interact with our peers more and learn new skills from them.

Having a motto is one thing, but living up to it is another. My personal motto is: “Collaboration is the key to success.” We hope to see lot of collaborations as two minds are better than one.

We all come to school to learn, dream and achieve but we end up doing much more. Anything is possible if we believe in it and work for it. Your time, and dedication are extremely essential to ensure that we succeed as a team.

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