January 2021

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Over the years we have developed a unique structure for committees at Windsor Gardens. Currently we have 19 committees. Formerly, they consisted of only board members, but a few years ago the board decided to ask residents to also serve on committees. We, as a community, have benefited from the experience, research and advice these additional committee members have brought to the table.

It was my pleasure in December to make the committee assignment recommendations to the Board of directors based on the committee interest forms that were submitted. We received 37 forms this year compared to 45 that were received last year. Everyone that submitted a form was assigned to at least one of the committees requested. Thank you to all who are willing to share your time and talents to improve our community.

I’d like to share with you some of the answers these volunteers gave to the question “What do you wish to accomplish as a committee member?” I was struck by the honest and heart-felt answers this year. Here are a few:

 Improve community life and help bring back activities.

 I would like to help prevent social isolation.

PEN continued on page 5

In This Issue Committee Meetings pg 3 In Remembrance ............................................ pg 3 Letters pg 3 2021 Board of Directors ............................. pg 6 Board in Motion ............................................. pg 6 Thank You, 2020 Committee Members pg 7 Association Budget and Annual Meeting .. pg 8 HOA Fees Breakdown pg 8 What to Expect from your Bldg Rep ......... pg 9 Association Bank Change on April 1 ......... pg 9 COVID-19 Notices & Updates pgs 10-12 Black Lives Matter Sign and Parade ...... pg 13 Maintenance Matters and Report pg 14 Retiring Laundry Machine Serviceperson pg 15 Grounds: Season of Lights ........................ pg 16 Watch Out for Icy Conditions pg 16 Dear Cop Shop .......................................... pg 18 From Councilwoman Sawyer pg 19 Community Life Updates .......................... pg 20 Artist Profile ................................................ pg 21 100th Birthday pg 21 New Residents............................................. pg 21 Holiday Card Project pg 22 Virtual Celebration of Lights pg 22 Holiday Light Displays and Contest pgs 24-25 Activities pgs 26-29 Windsor Writers ................................ pgs 30-31 Puzzles and Trivia ...................................... pg 32 Classifieds pg 33 Service Directory ............................... pgs 34-35 January 2021 Volume 19, Issue 1

2021 Board Officers & Committees Association Contacts



Executive Committee

 Michele Compton, President

 Dennis Knight, Vice President

 Mike Lopez, Treasurer

 Jane Doyle, Secretary

Architectural Review

 Roni Reynolds, Chair

 Jane Doyle, Board

 Cleo Dioletis, Resident

 Mary Carol Ooten, Resident

 Kelli Schuttinga, Resident


 Dean Deverick, Chair

 Roni Reynolds, Board

 Sharon Holsapple, Resident

 Jeanne Lee, Resident

 Marilyn Tyler, Resident

Employee Relations/Safety

 Dean Deverick, Chair

 Bobbie Mays, Board

 Debra Adams, Resident

 Ginny Cox, Resident

 Barbara Ellis, Resident

 Shane Fair, Employee

 Jacob Pacheco, Employee

 Community Response Officer


 Mike Lopez, Chair

 Dean Deverick, Board

 Debra Adams, Resident

 Marilyn Tyler, Resident

 Bobbi Hess, Resident


 Bobbie Mays, Chair

 Dean Deverick, Board


 Bobbie Mays, Chair

 Sue Freehling, Resident

 Mary Carol Ooten, Resident

 Donna Sanford, Resident

 Jan Sheppard, Resident

 Jim Wright, Resident


 Bobbie Mays, Chair

 Dennis Knight, Board

 Barb Ellis, Resident

 Sharon Holsapple, Resident

 Barbara Penn, Resident

Long Range Planning

 Dennis Knight, Chair

 Mike Lopez, Board

 Sharon Holsapple, Resident

 Mona Knight, Resident

 Carolyn Wicker, Resident

 John Young, Resident

 Bill Walsh, Employee

Policy/Governing Docs/Rentals

 Jane Doyle, Chair

 Roni Reynolds, Board

 Debe Alikchihoo, Resident

 Donna Sanford, Resident

 Jan Sheppard, Resident

 Carolyn Wicker, Resident

 Jim Wright, Resident

Underground Garage

 Roni Reynolds, Board

 Mike Lopez, Board

 Carl Bruckman, Resident

 Reuel Hunt, Resident

 William Laub, Resident

 Jan Sheppard, Resident



 Dennis Knight, Chair

 Dean Deverick, Board

 Kristin Brotherton, Resident

 Barb Ellis, Resident

 Beverly Williams, Resident

Board Election

 Dean Deverick, Chair

 Roni Reynolds, Board

 Lisa Davis, Resident

 Kathy McVicker, Resident

 Donna Sanford, Resident

Building Representative Zone Committee (BRZC)

Roni Reynolds / Donna Sanford, Co-Chairs

Zone 1: Marilyn Tyler

Zone 2: Barb Penn

Zone 3: Mary Grace Wake

Zone 4: Mary Carol Ooten

Zone 5: Lisa Davis

Zone 6: Ken DeHate

Zone 7: Jean McCoy

Community Life

 Jane Doyle, Chair

 Dennis Knight, Board

 Cathi Allen, Resident

 Kristin Brotherton, Resident

 Mona Knight, Resident

 Jeanne Lee, Resident

 Monica McKenzie, Resident

 Kelli Schuttinga, Resident

 Beverly Williams, Resident

 Bobbie Mays, Board

 Cathi Allen, Resident

 Reuel Hunt, Resident

 Donna Sanford, Resident

 Kelli Schuttinga, Resident

 John Young, Non-resident Owner


 Jane Doyle, Chair

 Bobbie Mays, Board

 Daniel Robinette, Resident

 Beth Vaden, Resident

 Jim Wright, Resident

 Men’s League Pres.

 Women’s League Pres.

Public Relations/Marketing

 Dennis Knight, Chair

 Mike Lopez, Board

 Debra Adams, Resident

 Nancy Delhay, Resident

 Jeanne Lee, Resident

 Carolyn Wicker, Resident

 Kathy Young, Resident


 Mike Lopez, Chair

 Jane Doyle, Board

 Cleo Dioletis, Resident

 Sue Freehling, Resident

 Charles McDonald, Resident

 Susan Schmidt, Resident

 Joan Stringfield, Resident


Regular Office Hours 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Please see current walk-in procedure on page 12.

General Manager: Rebecca Zazueta, email: rzazueta@wgamail.com

Community Life Manager: Cari Ervin, email: cervin@wgamail.com

Business Manager: Tammy Tafoya, email: ttafoya@wgamail.com

Community Administrator: Patricia Frawley, email: pfrawley@wgamail.com

Director of Community Response: Chris Scovil, email: cscovil@wgamail.com

Office Manager: Liz Nickel, email: lnickel@wgamail.com

Receptionists: Tina Patnode, email: tpatnode@wgamail.com

Susan Hunt (part-time), email: shunt@wgamail.com

Office Project Coordinator: Melissa Masek, email: mmasek@wgamail.com

Accounting Manager: Debra Ford, email: dford@wgamail.com

Administrative Assistant: Karen Arellano, email: karellano@wgamail.com

Community Response

303-364-4924 communityresponse@wgamail.com

Captain of Operations: Eddie Strock, email: estrock@wgamail.com

Captain of EMS: Cash Kraemer, email: ckraemer@wgamail.com

Covenant Enforcement Officer: Joe Garcia, email: jgarcia@wgamail.com

Administrative Assistant: Katie Monasmith, email: kmonasmith@wgamail.com



Activities Director: Ellie Wilkins, email: ewilkins@wgamail.com

Assistant Activities Director: Renee Jennings, email: rjennings@wgamail.com

Golf Shop & Course


Golf Pro: Doug Mallon, email: dmallon@wgamail.com

Facilities Maintenance

Manager: Bill Walsh, email: bwalsh@wgamail.com

Grounds Maintenance

Supervisor: Dana Cusack, email: dana@wgamail.com

Board Members board@wgamail.com

President: Michele Compton

Vice Pres.: Dennis Knight

Treasurer: Mike Lopez

Secretary: Jane Doyle

Asst. Treasurer: Bobbie Mays

Asst. Secretary: Dean Deverick

Director-at-Large: Roni Reynolds

Building Representative Zone Committee (BRZC)

Email: brzc@wgamail.com

Association Offices Closed

President’s Day

Memorial Day

Independence Day

Labor Day

Monday, February 15, 2021

Monday, May 31, 2021

Monday, July 5, 2021

Monday, September 6, 2021

Thanksgiving Thursday, November 25, 2021

Christmas Eve/Day

New Year’s Day

Friday, November 26, 2021

Friday, December 24, 2021

Monday, December 27, 2021

Monday, January 3, 2022

Windsor Life Page 2 Visit our website at www.windsorgardensdenver.org

Community Meetings

Meetings listed in chronological order. Public Relations Committee, Thursday, January 7, 9:30 a.m.

Join Zoom meeting online: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81125884511?pwd=dFR2UnQyQWk3ck dpSnVPYjhFb25oQT09



In Remembrance

To share the passing of someone with the community, please submit the deceased’s name, date of death, building number and any life memories you’d like to share to WindsorLife@wgamail.com or to the association office.

Meeting ID: 811 2588 4511

Password: 672940

Finance Committee, Friday, January 8, at 10:30 a.m. Join Zoom meeting online: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87169139514?pwd=UmlKZ2wwOWE4c EZHQmU4N0xhREdudz09


Meeting ID: 871 6913 9514

Password: 287428

Board Adhoc Committee, Monday, January 11, at 10 a.m. Join Zoom meeting online: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83577450847?pwd=VFRLWFpzcHJ5N 2FMR1gxbTJkYk5XQT09


Meeting ID: 835 7745 0847

Password: 493340

MEETINGS continued on page 4

Windsor Life: The News of Windsor Gardens

Editor: Lori Colvin WindsorLife@wgamail.com

Advertising: Karen Arellano, 303-364-7485, karellano@wgamail.com

Submissions due the 10th of the month prior to the month of publication. Windsor Life is published by the Windsor Gardens Association Board of Directors for the benefit of Windsor Gardens residents and is dedicated to: fostering communication and collaboration among the residents, board of directors and staff; promoting Windsor Gardens numerous and diverse activities; and informing residents of community resources and issues. The Windsor Gardens Association, its board of directors and employees and the Windsor Life staff are not responsible or liable for any of the services or products advertised in the Windsor Life publication, nor do we endorse any advertisement, product or service. The Association recommends that you thoroughly research any product or service and check references prior to hiring any individual or company.

Windsor Gardens Association

595 South Clinton Street Denver, CO 80247 303-364-7485 www.windsorgardensdenver.org

The Windsor Gardens Association's Declaration (with amendments), bylaws and policies are available on the association's website at www.windsorgardensdenver.org.

Helen Johnson, resident of Building 84, said earlier this year, “Since I am so close, I pray that I will reach 100.” And she did indeed reach 100 years on October 12, 2020, with a large Zoom celebration with family and friends, beautiful bouquets and cakes, as well as a birthday profile in the November 2020 Windsor Life. The evening of December 13, 2020, Helen passed away while in hospice care. Helen’s mother was given the choice of October 12 or 13 for Helen’s birthday since she had been born at the stroke of midnight. Her mother chose the 12th, and Helen then passed away on the 13th. Helen was a prayer warrior and a precious member of the Windsor Gardens Church where her presence will be missed when they can again gather in CenterPoint. Building 84 is grateful for her time with them; they will miss her and her wonderful smile.

Rita Irene Madden passed away on December 6, 2020. In the past year and a half, Rita lived at the Gardens with Mary Madden (daughter) in Building 18. Rita often enjoyed attending mass at CenterPoint, with the community here. Rita had a long career as a registered nurse and was known for her compassion and empathy through her soft voice and touch which she shared with her patients. She was particularly

IN REMEMBRANCE continued on page 5

Your Turn: Write a Letter

Letters submitted to Windsor Life are published at the discretion of the Windsor Gardens Board of Directors and the editors. Letters are subject to editing, including the length and grammar and are limited to 300 words in most cases. Letters containing obvious factual inaccuracies, unattributed facts and quotes or libelous statements will not be printed. All letters must include the writer’s name, address and phone number for verification purposes. Letters submitted by mail or dropped off at the association office also need a signature. The writer’s name will be included with those letters that are published.

E-mail to: WindsorLife@wgamail.com Mail to: Windsor Life, 595 S. Clinton St., Denver, CO 80247

Handling Pets during an Emergency

Recently I was thinking about my pets and what would happen to them in an emergency. My cats were feral born and are afraid of people. I have people that would take them, but no emergency personnel responding to my place would know that. And then I thought back to incidents that have happened to people I know. In one case, the person died suddenly and emergency personnel called animal control, and they took all the animals to the pound. The person's family had to pay a lot of money to get the animals back and all of the animals were very traumatized. In another case, the person was taken to the hospital and wouldn't be returning home, so last minute arrangements had to be made for the animals to keep them out of the pound.

The time to think about our pets isn't after an emergency happens. It's beforehand. And once the decisions are made, there's still the issue of how to get that information to the emergency personnel who come.

LETTERS continued on page 5

January 2021 Page 3 Like or follow us at www.facebook.com/WindsorGardensAssociation
US +1 312 626 6799 US +1 646 558 8656 US +1 301 715 8592 US
+1 346 248 7799 US +1 669 900 9128 US +1 253 215 8782
346 248 7799 US +1 669 900 9128 US +1 253 215 8782 US +1 312 626 6799 US +1 646 558 8656 US +1 301 715 8592 US
By phone: +1
346 248 7799 US +1 669 900 9128 US +1 253 215 8782 US +1 312 626 6799 US +1 646 558 8656 US
301 715
By phone: +1
8592 US

MEETINGS continued from page 3

Restaurant Committee, Tuesday, January 12, at 3 p.m. Join Zoom meeting online: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86283618573?pwd=d0ZpdmdqNFFwU DRQVUV3cnlMYmJmQT09 OR

Long Range Planning Committee, Friday, January 15, at 2 p.m. Join Zoom meeting online: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81737501258?pwd=dXUyU2xyaTF2cF R6OUNYNVVEL2NiUT09



Golf Committee, Tuesday, January 12, at 1 p.m. Join Zoom meeting online: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88094966717?pwd=dUxSSWhZczhHc S9UeEFrRHRlUm5Idz09 OR

Meeting ID: 817 3750 1258

Password: 790686

Activities Committee, Tuesday, January 19, at 11 a.m. Join Zoom meeting online: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82577083198?pwd=ZGhINHltQUFvcU4 0ZU8vNERBWUFhQT09



Policy Committee, Wednesday, January 13, at 10:30 a.m. Join Zoom meeting online: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83921150208?pwd=MkpXcjYzVTkxZlJL N2YwT2EwWHhPZz09


Password: 938492

Community Life Committee, Friday, January 15, at 9:30 a.m. Join Zoom meeting online:

https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86357285338?pwd=b2hodDVMT3B1M XFlRzd2SElJVW9PQT09

Meeting ID: 825 7708 3198

Password: 185292

Architectural Review, Tuesday, January 19, at 9:30 a.m. Join Zoom meeting online: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84610637245?pwd=SUNLNmR2N3h5c G9IUllwYlZyWVlQUT09


Password: 346680

New Residents Orientation, Tuesday, January 19, 2 p.m. to 3 p.m., and Thursday, January 21, 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. Join Zoom meetings online: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88514949426?pwd=NkZ0SXYxQlBycjh qdDE4dFdqWTNYdz09

Meeting ID: 863 5728 5338

Password: 701587

Foundation Committee, Friday, January 15, at 10:30 a.m. Join Zoom meeting online:

https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81344671240?pwd=anVnSk5BSkFQZ Gd6NFBjWnUxSHpmUT09


Meeting ID: 813 4467 1240

Password: 790479

Meeting ID: 885 1494 9426

Password: 965605

BRZC, Thursday, January 21, at 9:30 a.m.

Join Zoom meeting online: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87467655306?pwd=eE5TekZoMkVrcm 1oOTZMaWZieEh4Zz09 OR

Meeting ID: 874 6765 5306 Password: 783341

MEETINGS continued on page 5

If it is your first time joining a Zoom meeting, check out this short video online at YouTube to help you get started: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9isp3qPeQ0E#action=share

Windsor Life Page 4
phone: +1 346 248 7799 US +1 669 900 9128 US +1 253 215 8782 US +1 312 626 6799 US +1 646 558 8656 US +1 301 715 8592 US
8361 8573
Password: 479145
phone: +1 346 248 7799 US +1 669 900 9128 US +1 253 215 8782 US +1 312 626 6799 US +1 646 558 8656 US +1 301 715 8592 US Meeting ID:
9496 6717
Password: 746502
By phone: +1 346 248 7799 US +1 669 900 9128 US +1 253 215 8782 US +1 312 626 6799 US +1 646 558 8656 US +1 301 715 8592 US
Meeting ID: 839 2115 0208
phone: +1 346 248 7799 US +1 669 900 9128 US +1 253 215 8782 US +1 312 626 6799 US +1 646 558 8656 US +1 301 715 8592 US
phone: +1 346 248 7799 US +1 669 900 9128 US +1 253 215 8782 US +1 312 626 6799 US +1 646 558 8656 US +1 301 715 8592 US
phone: +1 346 248 7799 US +1 669 900 9128 US +1 253 215 8782 US +1 312 626 6799 US +1 646 558 8656 US +1 301 715 8592 US
phone: +1 346 248 7799 US +1 669 900 9128 US +1 253 215 8782 US +1 312 626 6799 US +1 646 558 8656 US +1 301 715 8592 US
phone: +1 346 248 7799 US +1 669 900 9128 US +1 253 215 8782 US +1 312 626 6799 US +1 646 558 8656 US +1 301 715 8592 US
Meeting ID: 846 1063 7245
+1 346 248 7799 US +1 669 900 9128 US +1 253 215 8782 US +1 312 626 6799 US +1 646 558 8656 US +1 301
By phone:
715 8592 US
346 248 7799 US +1 669 900 9128 US
253 215 8782 US
By phone: +1
+1 312 626 6799 US +1
558 8656 US
+1 301 715 8592 US

PRESIDENT'S PEN continued from page 1

 I would like to bring new ideas.

 I would like to make the wording of policies more user-friendly.

 I want to serve my community.

 Provide a balance of opinion and continued success of Windsor Gardens.

 Help make Windsor Gardens an affordable and pleasant place.

 Keep the greater community informed about the awesome residents here.

 Help support a successful restaurant at Windsor Gardens.

 To continue to make this a good and safe place to work.

 Working with and for each other.

 Having the resources available to maintain a strong community.

IN REMEMBRANCE continued from page 3

 No agenda – just would like to be better informed and more involved. Do you see what I mean? I am truly looking forward to working with these residents to make 2021 at Windsor Gardens the best ever! drawn to care for the sick, little ones. Rita’s children will remember their mother through her legacy of a long and fruitful life. She left them with many gifts, teaching them patience, kindness and forgiveness. Mary, Catherine, Timothy, Guy, John and Dan Madden will miss her dearly.

Henry (Hank) Otto, longtime resident of Building 54, passed away on October 26, 2020, from natural causes. A graduate of the Colorado School of Mines, Hank spent his life working in the metallurgist field. After retirement, he spent his time fishing, enjoying museums, history, traveling and reading. He was instrumental in putting up the holiday decorations for Building 54 for many years.

Elizabeth (Libby) Ann Taylor-Soules, resident of Building 38, passed away peacefully at her home in Windsor Gardens on December 13, 2020. She was born in Sayre, Pennsylvania, on November 13, 1940, and graduated from Sayre High School in 1958. She attended

the Presbyterian School of Nursing in Philadelphia and received her RN degree in 1961. She stayed at Presbyterian Hospital as a labor/ delivery nurse and this was her field all through her career. She did have a period of wanderlust and went with a friend to work at Queens Hospital in Honolulu for a year in 1963. She then came to Colorado to ski for a full ski season. She was a waitress at the Vail Village Inn. She finally returned to Denver to finish out her nursing career. In 1976 she went to the Metropolitan State College to work for a BS degree in nursing. In 1978 she received her MS Nursing degree from the University of Colorado. She sat on the Colorado State Board of Nurses for two terms during her career. She married Paul Soules in 1994, and they moved to Big Springs, Nebraska, for 17 years before returning to Denver in 2012. Elizabeth is survived by her sister Barbara Taylor Winter, nieces and nephews. She is predeceased by her husband, Paul, her parents and brothers.

LETTERS continued from page 3

The best way, I think, is to write it down and place it in the pink envelopes we all have for Community Response and first responders. The one I did for me reads that there are three cats in the unit, who to call and notify of the situation, and to just lock the door, the cats will be taken care of by the person I named.

I think it would be a great idea if the board or policy committee would make a short standardized form that anyone with pets could quickly fill out and add to the pink envelopes. Then our pets will be taken care of in the manner we wish. I'm willing to help draft the form.

Snow at Windsor Gardens

When Carol and I were considering a move to WG some years ago, we visited with a resident of the WG town homes. I asked him, “What do you like about WG?” He said, “When it snows, I stand at my living room window, warm and dry, and watch the yard crew shovel and

de-ice our sidewalks.” Now that we live here, I too, appreciate this benefit and the work of Dana’s always faithful crew. I also appreciate all the other work of the yard crew, the leadership of both the board and administrative staff, the work of maintenance workers, especially Joe, all of Bill Walsh’s crew, the efforts of Bill in bringing high class entertainment to WG, Community Response, emergency responders from our neighborhood firehouse, the paint crew, chorus, teachers and other activity leaders, Doug and his staff at the golf course, the many volunteer leaders, from building reps to holiday decorators, who “staff” our buildings, and the many other paid and unpaid persons who keep WG running. When someone complains of HOA fees rising, I remember all these gifts, utter a quiet “thank you,” and put the fees in perspective. And when it snows, and, at 4:30 a.m., I hear the quiet putter of little carts coming “from the East,” I say, “thank you Dana’s crew,” hunker down in my warm bed, and go back to sleep.

MEETINGS continued from page 4

Insurance Committee, Thursday, January 21, at 1 p.m.

Join Zoom meeting online: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84876909203?pwd=VGgrZkMyUStOUT dmc0FaRmdpWk5DZz09

Board Meeting, Friday, January 22, at 9:30 a.m.

Join Zoom meeting online: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83178945657?pwd=Uy95WHkzVVNuL zY2QUd5UFdoVkFlUT09

January 2021 Page 5
OR By phone: +1 346 248 7799 US +1 669 900 9128 US +1 253 215 8782 US +1 312 626 6799 US +1 646 558 8656 US +1 301 715 8592 US Meeting ID: 848 7690 9203 Password: 188542
OR By phone: +1 346 248 7799 US +1 669 900 9128 US +1 253 215 8782 US +1 312 626 6799 US +1 646 558 8656 US +1 301 715 8592 US Meeting ID: 831 7894 5657 Password: 870922

2021 Board Officers

President Michele Compton

Vice President Dennis Knight

Treasurer Mike Lopez

Secretary Jane Doyle

Asst. Treasurer Bobbie Mays

Asst. Secretary Dean Deverick

Director-at-Large Roni Reynolds

2021 Board of Directors

Board in Motion

The Windsor Gardens Board of Directors approved the following motions.

By electronic vote on December 8 2020:

 Motion to have staff look into the possibility of offering a holiday meal for residents to purchase with pick-up at CenterPoint on December 23, 2020.

At their December 18, 2020, board meeting:

 Finance Committee motion to authorize Benjamin Bender to sell securities with a gain to use the loss from last fiscal year before the end of the month and calendar year.

 Finance Committee motion to invest $1million of the cash balance into the association’s portfolio in accordance with the established investment policy allocations.

 Finance Committee motion to transfer $348,764.08 to the capital reserve account.

 Finance Committee motion to transfer $136,419.19 to the capital reserve account. (This transfer represents the December insurance loan payment from the operating account.)

 Finance Committee motion to transfer $204,200.42 to the tax reserve account.

 Golf Committee motion to set the green fees at $8 for residents, $11 for a resident’s guest and $13 for non-residents beginning April 1, 2021

 Long Range Planning Committee motion to approve and submit the proposed charter for the long range planning committee to the board of directors for approval.

 Motion to approve the two corporate resolutions for the board of directors referencing the local US Bank account and the investment accounts.

 Motion to accept the committee assignments for 2021 as presented.

 Motion to proceed with an association bank change to CIT Bank for the next fiscal year beginning April 1, 2021.

By electronic vote on December 18 2020:

 Motion to approve a rental policy hardship.

At executive session on December 18, 2020:

 Motion to approve the restaurant lease as presented.

Windsor Life Page 6
Michele Compton Dennis Knight Dean Deverick Jane Doyle Mike Lopez Bobbie Mays Roni Reynolds

Thank you, 2020 Committee Members!

The board of directors and administration would like to thank all the Windsor Gardens residents who volunteered on the 2020 board committees. We appreciate your service on behalf of the Windsor Gardens community.

 Debra Adams: Employee Relations/Safety, Finance

 Cathi Allen: Community Life, Foundation

 BJ Barnes: Architectural Review

 Mark Bonsell: Public Relations/Marketing

 Carol Brooks: Insurance

 Kristin Brotherton: Activities

 Carl Bruckman: Architectural Review, Underground Garage

 Joel Bulik: Architectural Review

 Ginny Cox: Employee Relations/Safety

 Lisa Davis: BRZC

 Phyllis Davis: Employee Relations/Safety

 Ken DeHate: Board Election, BRZC

 Nancy Delhay: Public Relations/Marketing

 Barbara Dey: Underground Garage

 Lanny Dick: Restaurant

 Cleo Dioletis: Architectural Review

 Barb Ellis: Activities, Insurance

 Sue Freehling: Grievance, Restaurant

 Tom Friesen: Community Life, Foundation

 Bob Hamblin: Activities

 Jim Hill: Community Life, Foundation

 Sally Holloway: Architectural Review

 Dean Holm: Long Range Planning

 Dixie Holm: Grievance

 Sharon Holsapple: Auditing, Long Range Planning

 Reuel Hunt: Foundation, Underground Garage

 William Laub: Underground Garage

 Jeanne Lee: Auditing, Public Relations/Marketing

 Jean McCoy: BRZC

 Charles McDonald: Restaurant

 Monica McKenzie: Community Life

 Mary Carol Ooten: BRZC

 Barb Penn: BRZC

 Anne Price: Community Life, Grievance, Policy/Governing Docs/ Rentals

 Laura Quintano: Community Life, Foundation

 Gary Roll: Grievance

 Donna Sanford: Board Election, BRZC, Foundation, Policy/ Governing Docs/Rentals

 Susan Schmidt: Restaurant

 Alan Schneider: Public Relations/Marketing

 Daryle Schneider: Activities

 Kelli Schuttinga: BRZC

 Jan Sheppard: Employee Relations/Safety, Policy/Governing Docs/Rentals, Underground Garage

 Joan Stringfield: Golf, Restaurant

 Marilyn Tyler: Auditing, BRZC, Finance

 Beth Vaden: Golf

 Jim Wright: Golf, Grievance

 John Young: Foundation, Long Range Planning

 Kathy Young: Public Relations/Marketing

January 2021 Page 7

2021/2022 Association Budget and Annual Meeting Information

January will be the start of our budget preparation for the new fiscal year that starts on April 1, 2021. You may recall that the budget has been presented to the membership for the past two years at a large community meeting. At these meetings owners were given the opportunity to veto the budget during a ballot vote. This year, the association remains subject to the Colorado statute that requires a budget presentation and an opportunity to veto the budget; however, due to COVID-19 we will not be able to do this large-scale meeting in person.

This year we plan to complete the budgeting process by February 12. After the budget has been approved by the finance committee and board of directors, a mailing will be prepared and sent to all owners with a copy of the approved budget and a mail-in ballot. This annual meeting package is scheduled to be mailed by February 19. A virtual annual meeting will be held via Zoom on February 25 at 6 p.m. to present the budget materials mailed to each owner and to answer questions submitted by owners. Due to the size of the virtual meeting, it will not be interactive or allow for owners to provide comments or ask live questions. As a result, we will include a cut-out in the February Windsor Life for owners to submit their questions in advance of the meeting. Owners are encouraged to observe the finance committee meeting(s) to be held via Zoom in February if they would like budget information in advance of the annual meeting mailing. Meeting minutes will also be posted on the association’s website for review following the meetings.

More Mail-in Ballot Information

Owners are strongly encouraged to read the budget materials and to listen to the virtual meeting before casting their vote on the mailin ballot. Ballots will not be accepted until Friday, February 26, and will be due by 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 4. Ballots will be counted by volunteers on Friday, March 5, and results will be announced by the end of the business day via Pilera.

In prior years we have written the ballot to match the provision of Colorado law regarding the veto process. The wording is confusing, and as a result, we have updated the ballot to simplify the voting process. Here is an example of what the wording will look like:

Please check one (1) box below to cast your vote. Read the options carefully:

 Ratify the 2021/2022 Budget (You are in favor of Approved Budget.)

 Veto the 2021/2022 Budget (You are not in favor of the Approved Budget.)

Important Notes regarding the Budget Approval Process

 According to Colorado Law, the budget will be deemed approved unless a majority of owners, which is the equivalent to 1,372 units, vetoes the budget.

 It is also important to note that the budgeting process does not involve those who are non-owner residents unless they are holding a proxy on behalf of the owner.

HOA Assessment Breakdown

When you receive your monthly breakdown of your HOA assessment in March, you will see the following line items: Operations, Gas/ Electric, Water and Sewer, Property Taxes, Community Center, Property and Equipment, Capital Reserves and Insurance. Below is an explanation regarding each of the components included in the association assessment.


The operations portion of your monthly HOA assessment accounts for the day-to-day operations of the community. It includes administration costs, day-to-day maintenance costs, payroll costs, grounds maintenance costs, janitorial costs and community response costs. For an A unit (1200 square feet), this portion of the budget makes up approximately 33% of your total monthly HOA fee, which is equal to $205 per month or $6.83 per day. For that $6.83 per day you are receiving the services of a grounds crew, trash pickup, EMT services, all of the computer services that are involved in sending out notifications via Pilera and the work order system, phone service to the office staff and the community response staff, a website, a monthly newspaper, legal services, broker management of your capital reserve investments, administrative staff, vehicle maintenance staff, licensed plumbers, a licensed electrician, painters, annual window washing, daily repairs to roofs, walls, garages, elevators and intercom systems. Also included in that $6.83 per day, you can add snow removal, tree trimming and care, and the janitorial staff that clean all the common areas.

Gas / Electric

The gas / electric portion of the budget includes the gas used to heat your individual units and water as well as all common area electricity. This portion of the fee makes up approximately 6% of the total monthly assessment. While the rates for these costs tend to increase annually, the association continues to work on ways to reduce energy costs.

Some of these cost reduction measures include the installation of more efficient boilers and the current hallway lighting as well as the outdoor lighting being replaced with LED lighting. Additionally, the association purchases gas on the open market rather than directly from Xcel Energy. Over time this has saved the association a significant amount.

Water & Sewer

The water and sewer portion of the budget includes the water used in each of the units as well as the water used to irrigate the property. Additionally, a large portion of this budget is allocated to sewer and storm water services. This portion of the fee makes up approximately 5% of the total monthly assessment.

Property Tax

The property tax portion of the HOA assessment is a direct reflection of the amount the City and County of Denver charges each of the units in Windsor Gardens. In January each owner should receive a property tax statement for their unit. The amount on that statement will be paid by the association on behalf of owners in February and June of 2021. You will see that amount reflected on your 2021/2022 HOA monthly assessment total. This amount is divided by 12 and charged to the unit owner on a monthly basis starting with the April 2021 HOA assessment.

Community Center

The next component of your monthly assessment is for the community center. The community center portion of the coupon is the amount charged to owners to cover the golf course, community center and restaurant expenses. This portion of the fee represents approximately 4% of your total fee. This fee is offset by income generated in each of

HOA ASSESSMENT BREAKDOWN continued on page 9

Windsor Life Page 8

What to Expect from Your Building Representative

Building representatives have been an integral part of life at Windsor Gardens from the beginning. They were then, as they are now, a crucial link in communication between the board or directors, the association’s management and the many buildings that comprise our large community. They are important to the quality of life we enjoy here. They are elected by the residents of the building in which they live, but their job is not widely understood or appreciated. This article is written from the perspective of residents about the role of their building reps: what they should expect from them, and what they should not expect. This article also applies to the alternate building reps who assist and often are called to fill in for the building reps.

Building reps are not building superintendents (or police or judges), but they are important to the daily functioning of our unique community. The building rep helps the association communicate to residents by maintaining the building’s bulletin board. The building rep turns in work orders and follows up with staff regarding maintenance issues in the building’s common areas, specifically halls, laundry rooms, storage rooms, lobbies, stairways, garages, parking lots, lanais, sidewalks, grounds and building exteriors. Residents place work orders only for issues such as heating within their own apartments.

The building reps welcome and give building orientations to all new residents to provide them information specific to living in the building, such as laundry room procedures, trash days, mail delivery and other items. The building rep prepares and distributes rosters of the building’s residents, sees that lobby furniture and décor is in

good repair, and schedules at least one building meeting per year to conduct business pursuant to the building’s guidelines.

Building reps attend regular Building Representative Committee (BRC) meetings where they have an opportunity to learn about issues and often enjoy question and answer sessions with staff and board members. Some building reps serve also as a zone representative representing the ten or so buildings that make up their zone. Building reps communicate unresolved concerns to their zone reps who convey them to the association by way of monthly Building Rep Zone Committee (BRZC) meetings, which building reps and residents are also invited to attend.

What should you not expect of your building representative?

Building reps are not errand runners. They aren’t chauffeurs, and they aren’t real estate agents or rental agents. They aren’t meant to carry a toolbox, and they aren’t acoustical engineers. Above all they aren’t referees, social workers or psychologists.

Residents should not be knocking on a building rep’s door or calling in the middle of the night concerning noisy grandchildren in someone else’s apartment or asking them to settle disputes over parking –those are issues for residents to call Community Response about, not their building rep.

It’s a tough job, and building reps often feel caught in the middle between the residents and the association. They count on and do receive the backing of the board, the BRC, BRZC and the association’s management and staff. The circle is complete when they receive that same backing of participation, confidence and support from their own residents.

Association Bank Change Anticipated April 1

We are planning to transition the association’s operating account from Union Bank to CIT beginning April 1, 2021. This means that we will have a new lockbox remittance address for owners who pay by bill-pay through their own banks or by check with a payment coupon. In addition, ACH payments will be processed by a new bank. We are finalizing our testing and due diligence and will provide additional information to all residents in the next Windsor Life.February and March payments should be made as usual.



BREAKDOWN continued from page 8

these departments. The community center fee has not increased in 5 years and has only increased $7 over the past 21 years. Windsor Gardens is an amenities-based community and as such whether you use the amenities or not, their maintenance must continue to be a part of the overall budget for the community.

Property & Equipment

Next, we have property and equipment. This line item covers the cost of association assets. Examples would be tractors, lawn mowers, snowplows, vehicles, fitness center equipment, pool furniture, office furniture, etc. All equipment is well maintained (part of the operations budget), and most of the association equipment is used well past its expected useful life. This portion of the fee represents approximately 2% of the total assessment fee. Over the past 16 years, the property and equipment line item has increased $1.72.

Capital Reserve

The capital reserve portion of the monthly assessment makes up approximately 19% of the total fee. This part of the assessment covers major repairs and replacements of existing components and infrastructure within the association. The association currently has $13 million in capital reserves but anticipates expenses over the next 5 years to be near $20 million. The association must continue to build this reserve to meet the needs of our nearly 60-year-old community.

The board has a duty to protect the property and to preserve and enhance all the components and infrastructure owned and maintained by the association. The board bases the annual reserve contribution on the information included in the professional reserve study that is prepared by an outside firm. This firm has engineering expertise and professionals who have examined this property, its many components and made determinations as to what is needed to maintain it over the next 20+ years. We are currently in the process of completing a reserve study update which will help us with planning future reserve expenses and determining appropriate assessment allocations.


The final line item on your HOA assessment is insurance. The insurance for the association includes commercial property insurance, commercial general liability insurance, umbrella coverage, equipment breakdown, fidelity insurance, auto and equipment insurance and community association management professional liability coverage.

[Note: The content of this article was originally authored by Tami Bonner, retired General Manager. The details have been updated and include current information.]

January 2021 Page 9

COVID-19 Community Notices and Updates

Vaccine Distribution

The association has been in touch with the City of Denver and DDPHE to discuss the possibility of coordinating a COVID-19 vaccine clinic at Windsor Gardens. Unfortunately, because the vaccinations have very specific temperature requirements for refrigeration, it is unlikely that a vaccine clinic will be offered at Windsor Gardens. We will continue to monitor information regarding vaccines and the planning for Phase 1B vaccine distribution to Coloradans 70+. If additional information

is received, we will update to the community in future Windsor Life publications.

DDPHE Director Bob McDonald, Councilwoman Amanda Sawyer, as well as other elected officials from Southeast Denver, will hold an online town hall and information session on COVID vaccines on Thursday, January 14, at 6 p.m. via Facebook Live and Zoom. Residents can find more information at www.Facebook.com/DenverCouncil5.

Do Not Gather with Others Outside your Household and Do Not Visit Neighbors inside of Units

During the month of December, we experienced the highest number of COVID-19 cases in any single month so far. Fortunately, most of the cases have been spread out and any potential outbreaks have been contained. It remains very important for all residents to take extra precautions and follow the recommendations listed below:

• Residents should not visit neighbors inside of units. If the visit is necessary, please maintain a minimum of 6 feet distance from one another and always wear a mask.

• Residents should not gather with neighbors or visitors who are from outside of your household.

• Residents should not linger in hallways or exercise in hallways.

• Residents need to limit elevator and laundry room use to one person or only members of the same household at one time. If you are sick or positive for COVID-19 and need to use the elevator or laundry room, please contact the administrative office, or community response after hours, so that we can ensure that these areas can be cleaned and sanitized after use.

• All interactions with individuals outside of your household, regardless of whether you are indoors or outside, should be a minimum of 6 feet distance from one another and with a mask. Confirmed exposure is defined as 15 minutes or more with or without a mask. The 15 minutes is cumulative, which means that confirmed exposure can occur through brief interactions if the time equals 15 minutes or more in total.

Windsor Life Page 10

COVID-19 Community Notices and Updates continued

Confirmed Resident COVID-19 Cases

As of January 1, 2020, there have been 19 positive COVID-19 cases since the last published update that was included in the December Windsor Life. At this time, the outbreak in Building 28 has been resolved. The criteria for an outbreak have been updated to 3 or more people with confirmed cases of COVID-19 with onset within 14 days. The association continues to monitor for patterns or outbreaks within buildings, especially on the same floor. DDPHE has asked the association to follow directions previously received for outbreaks, which includes professional cleaning and disinfection of building common areas, increasing daily cleaning of common areas to twice a day, 7 days a week for 14 days, and removing common area seating inside of the building for at least 14 days. Beginning in January, these additional steps will only be taken when there are 3 or more cases in a building with onset within 14 days.

Notification Protocol for Confirmed Cases

We will continue to notify buildings with confirmed cases via a Pilera message and we will also provide notification to anyone who may have had exposure to the positive case. We will also post a sign on the main building entry door to advise visitors of the confirmed case in the building.

The community will be updated at least once a month in the Windsor Life as to the status of confirmed cases in the community, and more frequently if active outbreaks continue.

Pilera is the main tool we use to communicate with residents during the month and in between Windsor Life issues.

Please ensure that you are setup to receive these communications via email, telephone or by text. If you need assistance setting up your Pilera notifications, please contact Patricia Frawley at pfrawley@ wgamail.com or 720-862-1505 and she will assist you.

Notifying the Association When You have a Positive COVID-19 Test Result

The association relies on residents to notify our office when you receive a positive COVID-19 test result. The administrative office manages the COVID-19 statistics for our community and reports the information to the health department. Only in extreme cases, such as a case that resulted in death, would the health department contact the association. We ask for your assistance in helping to keep our information as accurate as possible. This will allow us to provide important updates to the health department and allow us to monitor for outbreaks and patterns within buildings and within the community. During regular business hours Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., please call our main number 303-364-7485 to report a positive test. After hours or on the weekend, contact Community Response at 303-364-4924.

Cleaning and Disinfecting Protocol

The cleaning and daily disinfecting services provided by General Cleaning Services meets the CDC guidelines that have been established for COVID-19 response; therefore, no additional cleaning and disinfecting services occur when there is two or less confirmed cases in a building. When three or more cases are confirmed in a building, a professional contractor will be hired to perform deep cleaning and disinfecting in the building. General Cleaning Services will then increase their cleaning schedule for that building to 2 times per day, 7 days per week for 14 days. For buildings with no COVID-19 cases, General Cleaning Services continues to clean and disinfect all high touch surfaces in each building one time per day, Monday through Friday.

*Posi�ve cases reported, but it is believed that the virus was contracted while away from home. Posi�ve case was reported to the building as informa�onal only.

Status of Residents with Confirmed COVID-19

End date for selfmonitoring Paint

1* 0 0

Possible 1/6/21

# of employees able to work & self-monitoring for symptoms

COVID-19 Community Notices and Updates continued on page 12

January 2021 Page 11
Bldg Address # of Cases # of Deaths 1st Confirmed Case Most Recent Case Loca�on of Cases Special DDPHE Orders 41 680 S Alton Way 5 1 3/31/20 4/8/20 3rd Flr Released 5/18/20 1 605 S Clinton St 2 0 4/14/20 4/23/20 2nd Flr Released 6/11/20 43 690 S Alton Way 2 0 4/27/20 4/27/20 1st Flr Released 6/11/20 6 650 S Clinton St 1 0 5/14/20 3rd Flr Released 6/16/20 53 9150 E Center Ave 1 0 5/22/20 2nd Flr Released 6/16/20 27 750 S. Alton Way 1 0 7/14/20 3rd Flr n/a 10 720 S. Clinton St 1 0 7/18/20 3rd Flr n/a 59 9320 E. Center Ave 1 0 7/20/20 2nd Flr n/a 60 9335 E. Center Ave 1 0 7/30/20 4th Flr n/a 46 635 S. Alton Way 1 0 10/8/20 2nd Flr n/a 25 755 S. Clinton 1 0 10/18/20 1st Flr n/a 66 300 S. Clinton 1 0 10/25/20 3rd Flr Monitoring Expired 27 750 S. Alton Way 2 0 10/25/20 11/2/20 1st Flr Monitoring Expired 84 580 S Clinton St 3 0 10/29/20 11/2/20 4th Flr Monitoring Expired 65 9380 E Center Ave 1 0 11/11/20 1st Flr n/a 60* 9335 E Center Ave 1 0 11/9/20 4th Flr n/a 18 795 S Alton Way 1 0 11/17/20 4th Flr n/a 17* 715 S Clinton St 1 0 11/16/20 2nd Flr n/a 19 725 S Clinton St 1 0 11/19/20 2nd Flr n/a 48 605 S Alton Way 3 0 11/11/20 11/17/20 1st Flr Monitoring Expired 4 610 S Clinton St 1 0 11/18/20 4th Flr n/a 26 745 S Alton Way 1 0 11/18/20 3rd Flr n/a 29 740 S Alton Way 1 0 11/26/20 1st Flr n/a 78 495 S Dayton St 1 0 11/27/20 2nd Flr n/a 12 750 S Clinton St 1 0 11/23/20 3rd Floor N/A 45 660 S Alton Way 2 0 12/3/20 3rd Floor N/A 10 720 S Clinton St 1 0 11/29/20 4th Floor N/A 68 350 S Clinton St 1 0 11/30/20 4th Floor N/A 53 9150 E Center Ave 2 0 12/2/20 12/6/20 4th Floor N/A 23 745 S Clinton St 2 0 12/9/20 12/26/20 2nd Floor N/A 11 665 S Clinton St 1 0 12/9/20 2nd Floor N/A 15 705 S Clinton St 1 0 12/11/20 2nd Floor N/A 28 715 S Alton Way 3 0 12/16/20 12/19/20 1st Floor Monitoring Expired 30 725 S Alton Way 1 0 12/14/20 2nd Floor N/A 64 9385 E Center Ave 2 0 12/29/20 4th Floor N/A 58 9315 E Center Ave 1 0 12/31/20 1st Floor N/A 20 755 S Alton Way 1 0 12/29/20 3rd Floor N/A
Residents in Hospital:
Residents in Rehab /
Residents in Home Isolation:
Residents Recovered
Total: 54
Deaths: 1
Recovering Away from Unit: 0
Dept # of Posi�ve COVID-19 Cases # of Confirmed or
Exposures # of em-
Quaran�ne end date Most Recent Case /
Employee COVID-19 Cases and Exposures
ployees quaran�ned due to exposure, pending test, or in isola�on with COVID
12/29/20 n/a n/a
*COVID-19 was contracted while away from work. There was no exposure to others.

COVID-19 Community Notices and Updates continued

COVID-19 Risk Level Changed to Orange, High Risk, as of January 4, 2021


Due to Denver’s recent change from Level Red, Severe Risk, restrictions to Level Orange, High Risk,restrictions, the capacities have been increased for the Windsor Gardens fitness center, indoor pool, fitness classes, water aerobics and woodshop.

The new resident capacities are as follows:

Fitness Center 8

Indoor Pool 4

Fitness Classes 16

Water Aerobics 6

Woodshop 2

Reservations are required and can be made at www. windsorgardensreservations.com.

Resident who are positive for COVID-19 or have been advised of a possible or confirmed exposure are asked to not use the fitness center, woodshop, indoor pool or participate in exercise classes for fourteen days following the notice of the positive case or exposure.


Group play will remain limited to 4 per group. Beginning January 8, singles and twosomes will be paired with other golfers. Tee time intervals will remain at 15 minutes to allow for social distancing.


The association will slowly begin to schedule non-emergent water shut-offs in the order of urgency beginning January 18. We will contact residents who are on the waiting list to begin our scheduling. Water shut-offs will be limited to 5 per day.

Maintenance will continue to only enter units in the event of a true emergency. Heat calls or lack of hot water will be responded to as quickly as possible. Work orders will be completed in the order of urgency and need. Please advise staff if you have COVID-19 symptoms or a possible exposure when calling for assistance.

We request your support in reducing water leak emergencies. Please take the following steps:

1. Sink Backups: In December we saw an increase in sink backups. Please help stop kitchen sink backups by not using garbage disposals. Throw away all food remnants in the trash instead of using the garbage disposal. Please remember to properly bag and tie your food remnants before disposing them into the trash chute or dumpster.

2. Toilet / Drain Leaks: To help prevent toilet/drain leaks, only flush pee, poo and toilet paper. Do not flush any other kind of paper

product. Dispose of other paper products, i.e., paper towels, disinfectant wipes or any other kind of wipes (including the wipes that say they are flushable) in the trash can. Please remember to properly bag and tie your trash before disposing it into the trash chute or dumpster.


The administrative office will continue to be staffed with in-person employees, Monday through Friday, during regular business hours, and we will also have a few employees working on Saturdays. All administrative employees will continue to have both in-person office hours as well as telework hours from home through January.

Beginning Tuesday, January 19, the administrative office will return to walk-in visitor hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. We are only able to accommodate 3 to 4 residents in the lobby area at a time. All other visitors will be asked to wait outside or in their cars until we have space available in the lobby.

Drive-up services will be available on Thursday, January 7, and Thursday, January 14, from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. only. This service will be discontinued following these dates. For drive-up services, parking spaces in front of the fitness center will be reserved for residents to park and call the front desk to request assistance. Masks must be worn while inside of your vehicle and interacting with staff.

Examples of services that can be provided during walk-in visits or by drive-up: buying a key, copy or fax, making a payment and getting a receipt, picking up/dropping off paperwork, fill a laundry card, picking up a mask.

If you need to fill out a form, please plan to pick up the form and take it with you to fill out instead of staying to complete it. Many forms are already available for pick up in the fitness center lobby. Completed forms can either be returned in the white drop box under the flagpole by the auditorium, mailed, emailed or brought back to our office during walk-in or drive-up hours.

If you have a confirmed COVID-19 case or have been advised of a possible or confirmed exposure, please do not visit the office inperson for fourteen days following the notice of the positive case or exposure.


In the event of a medical emergency, residents should continue to call 911 FIRST before calling community response. If you have COVID-19 symptoms, please advise Community Response officers when calling for non-emergency services or medical emergencies.

Mandatory Mask Requirements

Masks are Required OUTDOORS when it is not possible to socially distance from others, excluding immediate family, caretakers or members of the same household.

Masks are Required INDOORS:

When you leave your unit. Masks must be worn in building common areas, which include, but are not limited to hallways, elevators, interior stairwells, laundry rooms, and lobbies.

When visiting the administrative office and when interacting with staff, including when staff enters your unit.

When visiting other indoor common areas such as the auditorium, locker rooms, fitness center and when attending community activities.

Some activities may have specific rules regarding masks. Please ask a staff member if you need guidance on when to wear a mask.

Masks are NOT Required:

At home inside of your unit, in the car, or when it inhibits a person’s health.*

*Masks are not required if a mask inhibits a person’s health. Residents and visitors who do not wear masks are required to exercise proper physical distancing and should not go into areas where other residents and visitors are in close proximity.

Windsor Life Page 12

Black Lives Matter Sign and Parade at WG

Official Association Statement regarding Black Lives Matter Sign and Parade

Windsor Gardens supports the wonderfully diverse cultures and beliefs that are present within our community of nearly 3,500 residents. We encourage community members and staff to strengthen connections by celebrating diversity and inclusivity while practicing kindness towards one another.

Letters were recently issued to residents asking them to remove various signs displayed in their unit windows pursuant to a Windsor Gardens Association Declaration provision, which states “no sign, poster, billboard, advertising device or display of any kind shall be erected or maintained anywhere on a Unit, the grounds or Common Elements, or the exterior of a building, except such sign or signs as may be approved in writing by the Board of Directors.” The association also has a policy regarding signs which allows for three exceptions to this Declaration provision as approved by the Board of Directors. The three exceptions are open house signs, political signs during elections, and “car for sale” signs inside of vehicles.

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One of the signs that was not compliant with the association’s Declaration or the three exceptions found within the sign policy was a Black Lives Matter sign. After receiving a complaint about the sign, association staff followed the established enforcement practices and sent a letter to the resident. The association had no prior knowledge of the sign and the sole intention was to enforce the association’s covenants, not to silence a social justice message.

Based upon information the association has received regarding other non-conforming signs and flags in the community, the association will review our covenant enforcement process and policies to ensure that we are managing violations in a fair and uniform manner. During this time, the resident will be allowed to keep her sign.

The association was aware of the Black Lives Matter car parade that came through the public streets of Windsor Gardens on Saturday, January 2nd. Although the parade was not organized by the association, we asked for the community to be respectful and peaceful during the event.

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January 2021 Page 13
email: matt@gr8tv4all.com

Looking into the Glass Ball for 2021

From Bill Walsh, Facilities Manager

This is the time of year when I typically contact our main suppliers to see if they have any predictions as to pricing for the goods and services that they provide to Windsor Gardens. Historically, oil prices have driven price increases for just about every item we purchase for the upkeep of our property. Delivery surcharges were added to items delivered back when gas was $5 per gallon, and with some vendors this still exists even though gas is only half the price it used to be. Right now, the oil reserves are very high and crude oil is at about $45 per barrel. My sources believe it will stay under $50 for 2021. I am hearing rumors that the post-pandemic pricing wars will rage heavily this year with some building supplies going up as much as 30% –that’s right, not 3% like in the past few years, but 30%. If that is true, we will have to make some big adjustments in our belt. In the shadow of the pandemic, we will undoubtedly continue to have a major disruption in the supply chain. We have been seeing this phenomenon for the past several months; items that used to take 2 to 3 days to arrive are now taking 6 weeks or more, and shipping prices are running very high. Our supply chain will possibly be damaged for the unforeseeable future.

Maintenance Matters

As I write this, the first COVID vaccinations are being administered. Is this a signal that the threat of the virus will soon be over? Only time will tell. For now the virus continues to change many of our old habits. And we are not out of the woods yet with these vaccinations not being completed until sometime next summer. We will continue making adjustments to our activities here at Windsor Gardens. Many of these adjustments have a negative impact on our budget accounts.

Some good news, according to experts in the field, is that the pandemic has forced technology ahead about three and a half years. We now have telemedicine available and online learning. We have been forced to become more efficient in the way we do business with Zoom meetings instead of airplane rides and hotels. Working from home has become a new standard. It does make doing business with our vendors more challenging, but we are hopeful that our budgetary needs will realize those efficiencies.

I’m glad to be done with the 2020 mess, and I’m cautiously optimistic for the coming year. My one prediction: 2021 will provide plenty of new challenges.

Until next month, hope is the word.

Maintenance Report

Interior work in Building 63 including wallpaper removal, wall repair, texture and painting is complete.

The community center bathrooms were updated including wallpaper removal, wall repair, texature and new paint.

The water damage to the large skylight above the ramp in CenterPoint, where the photos of past board presidents are located, was repaired. Several door frames were also painted in CenterPoint.

The restaurant touchup paint is complete.

The interior remodel project was started in Building 78, but the crew was moved out of building temporarily as a COVID precaution. Redecorating projects will continue in Buildings 78, 80 and 84 in January, but with smaller crews (a couple of painters in each building) to reduce the number of staff inside of buildings.

Hallway Re-decorating Project

Carpet installation in Buildings 49 and 59 is complete. Stair carpet installation in Buildings 23 and 21 is complete. Building 44 (purple) carpet installation is complete. Work in Building 63 (purple), 2nd through 4th floor is complete; working on first floor installation. Building 58 (blue) carpet ordered.

Compliance for doors that have not been painted was previously postponed until fall / winter, but is now further delayed as we are not painting unit doors due to COVID-19 precautions.

Buildings 78 and 80 selected the blue color scheme. Carpet is on order. Building 84 selected the purple color scheme. Building 56 will be next. Building 56 carpet will be replaced on all 4 floors, but lighting on first floor will stay the same as it was replaced in 2016 after a major water loss and would be costly to redesign and install.

Roof Replacement Project, Building 13

Project is underway and partially complete. After the roof is installed we will proceed with gutter replacement.

UGG Phase 2A

Phase 2A is 97% complete. No additional tendon repairs have been found since the project restarted. Waterproofing on the parking surface of Phase 2A is complete and the crew has moved onto phase 3A.


Restaurant repairs and maintenance projects are complete. The next step will be for Birdies to select vendors for beverages, soaps, sanitizers and dispensers for hand towels and soap. Artwork installation, television locations, and inventory decisions are also pending on the to-do list.

Windsor Life Page 14

WG Laundry Machine Serviceperson to Retire after 30+ Years

After 33 years working in laundry machine service and repair, Windsor Gardens serviceperson Steve Lovell is retiring. While he is responsible for 2500 laundry machines throughout metro Denver, he said that “Windsor is my baby!”

A younger man when he started working in the WG laundry rooms 30 years ago, his motto was, “You don’t make grandma wait!” When he’d get a call from Windsor Gardens, he’d affectionately say he was on his way to Grandma’s house.

Steve has shepherded Windsor Gardens residents through two laundry room machine conversions: from coin-slide machines to computerized toploading machines to front-loading machines. Of both those times, he said, “I almost lived there at Windsor … explaining, and then explaining again.”

Prior to working in laundry machine services, Steve served in the military: 5 years in active duty, followed by 15 years in the reserve. Shortly after 9/11 he got called up and went to Japan. He retired from the military in 2006.

Steve tied his upcoming retirement to his turning 62 1/2 years old. His company had hoped he’d stay until he was 65, but Steve had a plan. “I told them I’d be retiring at 62 and 1/2, and I meant it. Friday, January 22, is my last day. On Saturday, January 23, I turn 62 1/2.”

What will retirement look like for Steve? He will be golfing at Windsor Gardens, fishing, and taking walks with his pup, Hank, a 5-year-old Pekingese. There will be more time to enjoy his grandkids, ranging in age from 2 to 26 years old. He will spend more time gardening (and weeding, which he said his wife will be happy about). He and his wife Pam have a 500-square-foot vegetable garden and a greenhouse that was built when they were “done with the hailstorms.” And then in a couple of years, he and Pam will head to Arizona for the 50-degree weather in the winter and 90-degree weather in the summer.

“I’m looking forward to it,” said Steve of his upcoming retirement. “But I will miss the people.” He said he has grown very fond of the people at Windsor Gardens. “I will miss my ladies at Windsor Gardens! My building reps and my ladies in the office.”

“Steve always walks into the office with a smile on his face. He can defuse a tense situation and have a conversation with anyone like they are his good friend,” said WG Office Manager Liz Nickel. “He is generous, kind and level-headed. I think Steve could have done a million other things with his career, but he did this – and did it with excellence. I’m going to miss him a lot when he retires, but I hope he enjoys every minute of it. He truly earned it!"

Thank you, Steve, for all you have done for us at Windsor Gardens for so many years. We will miss you too!

January 2021 Page 15
Steve Lovell and Hank

Grounds Crew and the Season of Lights

This year’s season of lights went very smoothly for the grounds department. We had all the flowers pulled, evergreens trimmed and most of the leaves cleaned up before the buildings put out their decorations for the holidays – and we didn’t even cut one electric cord!

Annual Spruce Tree Decorating: How many of you know who decorates the tall spruce tree at the swimming pool for the holidays every year? The answer is the grounds department and in particular Nohe Gomez, our beloved greens keeper for the golf course. Nohe has been decorating the tree and the front lawn near the perennial garden for the last 20 years now. He always has a helper, and for the last two years Jacob Pacheco has been his elf. The expertise Nohe has in not only operating the lift to heights of 60 feet but to attach the lights so evenly is in my opinion pretty amazing. Every year has its difficulties. Snowstorms have slowed him down a few years and sometimes equipment breaks down, but one of the biggest problems comes from a family of squirrels that for some reason has a taste for light bulbs.

Count the Spruce Tree Lights Contest: Tina Patnode in the administration office asked how many lights are on this tree. And we thought we should have a contest to see who can guess the number of lightbulbs. Send your guesses by Sunday, January 17, to the administration office either by email to tpatnode@wgamail.com or by delivering a note to the white HOA mailbox in care of Tina, and the person with the closest guess (without going over) will receive a prize! We will reveal the correct answer and winner of the contest on the WG Facebook page in February.

Watch Out for Icy Conditions

After a snowstorm, we make every effort to remove the snow before everyone begins to adventure out for the day. As part of our snow removal operations, we also apply sand or ice melting chemicals when needed.

Ice Buildup from Daily Thaw

Our snow removal program has the reputation as one of the finest in the city, but we want to remind our residents that the conditions of our sidewalks, stairs and parking lots constantly change during snow events and in the days that follow. Colorado is known for warmer temperatures during the day followed by freezing temperatures at night. Ice buildup caused from the daily thaw on sidewalks, stairs and parking lots is a concern that we deal with throughout the winter season. It is likely that ice will develop on walking surfaces despite the association’s snow removal efforts. Although we put sand on the ice it is still very important to use caution while walking on any of these surfaces. It is also possible that our snow crews may not make it to your parking lot, stairs, or sidewalk before you leave or come home. In these instances, please use extra caution.

Slips and Falls Prevention

The number and severity of slip and fall claims we have experienced in recent years have led to increased association insurance premiums. As a resident you can proactively stay safe during snowstorms and help the association prevent slip and falls by following these simple steps:

• Be flexible and willing to change your schedule and routine. Watch the weather forecast and be aware of upcoming weather. When possible, schedule your outings and appointments around bad weather days. Remember, a serious slip and fall can be life changing. No one ever plans to fall, and most often the fall could have been avoided. Don’t go out if you don’t have to.

• If you have a dog to walk, always evaluate the conditions before heading outside. Wear good shoes, have a cell phone with you, walk slow and take a flashlight in the dark. Consider the best path to take – it might not be the same path you take every day. Ask a neighbor if you need help.

• If you use the exterior staircase on a day-to-day basis to come and go, you may want to consider changing your routine on a snow day and use the interior staircase or elevator instead.

• Take a moment to evaluate and map out your route. Be mindful of where you are walking and evaluate if it is safe. Do not walk on a surface that looks like it might be slick.

• When you go outside after a snowstorm, use the sidewalks that have been cleared. Avoid walking through the grass area. While it may be the shorter path, it is not the safest.

• Keep in mind that north facing walks or walks in shaded areas tend to freeze up during the melting cycle after snowstorms – especially at night and in the early mornings. If there is an alternative path that is in the sun and it is dry, take the safer route – even if it is a few extra steps.

• Call community response to request assistance.

Report Icy Conditions

Our snow removal crew regularly inspects for icy conditions, but you are also encouraged to report problem areas. During regular business hours, please contact the office at 303-364-7485. After regular business hours, please call community response at 303-3644924.

Occasionally during this upcoming snow removal season, you may receive Pilera messages about our snow removal operations or severe weather conditions if we have important information to share with you. If you have questions about snow removal, please feel free to contact us.

Be safe this season.

Windsor Life Page 16
January 2021 Page 17

The Cop Shop is operated by volunteers who work with the Denver Police Department to assist with citizen complaints, accident reports and various other activities that would normally require a trip to the district station.

The Leetsdale Cop Shop has no fixed dates to be at WG for the next few months. The weather is too unpredictable for us to host a table outside. Should indoor space become available for us to resume our schedule before spring we will get the word out. In the meantime, feel free to contact us, look for our column in Windsor Life and put the last Saturday in April on your calendar for the next prescription drug take back day. Stay safe and be kind to all you meet.

Dear Cop Shop

A Tale to Start a New Year

In the not-so-small, western town of Denver, Colorado, there is a very nice place to live called Windsor Gardens. Now this very nice place is filled with seniors who have seen many changes through their years – not the least of which is…THE INTERNET, an invisible tie to friends, shopping, chatting and games. On the other side of the world are scammers and hackers who also embrace the internet. When they think of seniors, their eyes gleam with the idea that within this group of people there are some who don’t know much about the internet and are the perfect way to make not just a quick buck but big buckets full of quick bucks. But they are in for a surprise. Windsor Gardens residents can say, “Oh, no. Not us. You’re not taking our

money, our identity. We have a secret weapon. We have (drum roll please) THE COP SHOP. We know not to answer the phone if we don’t recognize the number. We’ll hang up if you threaten us or ask for personal information. We know not to click on links on our computer without checking the source. We won’t fall for your false offers of quick remedies, free things and bogus contests. Our secret weapon is there for us whenever we have questions, so we will not be your victim. So there, take that all you scammers and hackers and keep clear of Windsor Gardens.”

If you need it, the non-emergency police number is 720-913-2000, option 0. Leetsdale Cop Shop is available to you at 303-329-0500 (call or text) or e-mail us at leetsdalecopshop@hotmail.com.

Windsor Life Page 18
Community Operated Policing Storefront COP Shop @ WG Community Response Assists, Checks & Other Activities, November 2020 Calls Received 1001 Assists to Residents 0 Attempted Burglaries / Thefts 2 Alleged Burglaries / Thefts 1 Police Assist 5 Escorts 8 Apartment Vacation Checks 0 Alarms 4 Noise Complaints 18 Suspicious Person 4 Garage Door Violations 0 Warning Tickets 7 Emergency Medical Assists 40 Health & Welfare Check 19 Burglaries 1 Family Disturbance 2 KASIE AND MICKEY ARE WINDSOR GARDENS OWNERS AND RESIDENTS SERVING OUR COMMUNITY BY OFFERING: • NO COST NO OBLIGATION COMPARATIVE MARKET ANALYSIS OF YOUR PROPERTY • NO COST NO OBLIGATION COMPLIMENTARY NOTARY SERVICES AT YOUR HOME* • DISCOUNT CLEANING SERVICES FROM DIRTY GIRL CLEANING SERVICES** YOUR HOME SELLING AND CLOSING PROFESSIONALS KASIE FOGLEMAN, REALTOR MICKEY SANDERS 970-744-0985 720-999-8489 SELLING, BUYING, CLEANING, CLOSING —WE DO IT ALL!! *REAL ESTATE OR CLOSING SERVICES NOT NECESSARY FOR NOTARY SERVICES **DISCOUNT FROM DIRTY GIRL APPLIED IN CONJUNCTION WITH PURCHASE OR SALE Not intended to solicit those home buyers or home sellers that are under a current agency agreement. KELLER WILLIAMS AVENUES REALTY,LLC Save the Date: Prescription Drug Take Back Day hosted by Leetsdale Cop Shop at WG on the last Saturday in April.

Coming Together for a Cause: Southeast Denver Gives Blood Drive

From Councilwoman Amanda Sawyer

With 2020 in our rear-view mirror, we welcome 2021 with a mixture of relief and expectation. Yes, it brings fresh possibilities and opportunities, but challenges persist in our community. Even as we look to the New Year with hope, our businesses are still hurting, and our healthcare organizations are still stretched as they care for our ill friends and family. Many of us have felt extreme helplessness during these difficult times and are looking for ways to support our neighbors.

To that end, our office is proud to launch the Southeast Denver Gives Blood Drive in partnership with Vitalant, and neighboring Denver Council Districts and Colorado House and Senate Districts. Our goal is to collect 75 blood donations between January 15 and February 15 – and we need your help to reach that goal!

Vitalant Blood Centers

Vitalant, one of the nation’s oldest and largest nonprofit community blood service providers, supplies comprehensive transfusion medicine services to nearly 1,000 hospitals and health care partners for patients in need across 40 states. Their Lowry location at 717 Yosemite St., just north of the Great Lawn, is the largest of the nine Vitalant centers in Colorado. Throughout our state, Vitalant needs to collect more than 3,000 blood donations each week to meet the demands of their hospital partners.

According to America’s Blood Centers, current statistics show that many community blood centers have a one-day supply or less. Centers with a three-day supply have enough to meet normal demands. (Learn more about current national and regional blood supply at americasblood.org.)

You can give blood at any Vitalant location and still participate in the Southeast Denver Gives Blood Drive. To schedule your donation appointment, and make sure your donation counts towards our goal of 75 donations, please use this URL, which was created especially for our blood drive:

https://learn.vitalant.org/LP=148?drive_ code=DEN10315&division=MOUNTAIN%26%region=DEN Because it is a long URL, please feel free to email District 5 Council Aide Jennifer Gross at Jennifer.gross@denvergov.org for a live link. You can also get the live link on our social media sites, where there are posts about the #SEDenverGivesBlood Drive:

 instagram.com/denvercouncil5

 twitter.com/denvercouncil5

 facebook.com/DenverCouncil5

To double-check that your donation counts towards our goal, you can also mention the Southeast Denver Gives Blood Drive when you check-in at the donation site.

Learn More and Determine Eligibility to Donate

To learn more about different types of blood donations, determine if you’re eligible, and get more information, visit vitalant.org and click “Donate”. Young people can also help! With parental consent, anyone 16 or older can donate. There is no age limit, either! We are truly grateful for your participation and willingness to support a local Lowry business as well as the health and safety of our community.

COVID-19 Prevention Efforts for Donors

Donors will be kept safe through these COVID-19 prevention efforts:

 Masks are required by all who enter the donation facility.

 Temperature taken at check-in.

 Only heathy donors able to participate.

 Social distanced donation seating.

 Sanitized surfaces and sterile collection equipment.

 Antiseptic scrub – cleansing donors’ arms for 30 seconds.

 Staff wears gloves and washes hands after each client interaction.

 Blankets are used once and then washed.

Other Ways to Help

If you aren’t eligible to donate blood, you can still help! Please consider participating in these ways:

 Donate funds at vitalant.org/Donate/Donate-Funds.

 Encourage friends and family to donate blood.

 Share the #SEDenverGivesBlood District 5 social media posts. Check the Denver Council 5 social media sites mentioned above for posts.

The COVID-19 crisis has turned our entire world on its head. It has exposed a number of challenges that our neighbors and businesses face, and left City leaders scrambling to find ways to cover our anticipated budget gap for 2021. As we wait for vaccine dissemination to reach herd immunity levels – leading to some normalcy in our lives, our office will continue working hard to support our local businesses and our community. We are so honored to partner with Vitalant to bring better health and more stability to our community through blood donations. Thank you to those who are willing and able to partner with us and donate their blood between January 15 and February 15 at Vitalant!

January 2021 Page 19

Community Life

As I look ahead to 2021, it brings a familiar feeling of hope and excitement, but with added uncertainty of what this year will bring. Though 2021 won’t be free of challenges, my hope is that it will feel a little more normal as the waters are less “unchartered” than they were when the pandemic began. Over the past several months, we’ve gotten acquainted with Zoom and other means of connecting virtually while successfully adapting to altered procedures for golf, classes and amenities.

I have been amazed at the adaptations and comradery that took place through 2020, and my goal for 2021 is to persevere in thinking outside of the box, moving forward with a theme of innovation, so we can keep one another engaged! Whether it’s through additional technology, virtual gatherings and classes or take-home activities, we hope to keep our vibrant community connected during this time.


A few of your neighbors shared their fond memories of 2020:

“Seeing my friends every week on Zoom.”

“No worries about weather when going to aerobics class since it’s on Zoom.”

“Emerald Greens reopened in the spring and was kept in immaculate condition thanks to Doug and the grounds crew.”

“The beautiful decorations magically appearing on each floor all year round; and the cheerful xmas decorations outside! Thank you, kind people for lifting our spirits!”

“When my 6-year-old granddaughter was talking to a friend virtually, and the friend asked her ‘what have you been doing?’, she replied, ‘Saving my grandma’s life!’ “

“The tall golden Christmas tree at the bottom of Center Avenue has been like a beacon of hope to me. I could see it from my bedroom window across the snowy golf course, and it still sparks joy within me every year!”


The holiday light displays at Windsor Gardens were spectacular again this year and have been enjoyed by viewers from near and far. We have until January 17 to enjoy the holiday decorations. Every effort must be made to remove all decorations from the property promptly after January 17. Thank you for your participation in this beloved Windsor Gardens tradition.


Congratulations to our 2020 Holiday Lights Contest winners.

2-story Buildings

1st Place: Building 8 at 710 S. Clinton St.

2nd Place: Building 15 at 705 S. Clinton St.

3rd Place: Building 5 at 625 S. Clinton St.

4-story Buildings

1st Place: Building 4 at 610 S. Clinton St.

2nd Place: Building 57 at 9300 E. Center Ave.

3rd Place: Building 56 at 9155 E. Center Ave.

Community Favorite Building 4 at 610 S. Clinton St.

Photos of the contest-winning displays and others are on pages 2425.


We are pleased to announce the completion and execution of a restaurant lease agreement with Brian and Nancy Svenby, who hope to introduce their new restaurant, Birdies, to Windsor Gardens very soon. As long as their pursuits of necessary licensures and hiring go according to plan, they will open Birdies for food service in compliance with the City’s dining permissions in March.

“We just wanted to thank you for inviting us to be a part of your community,” said Brian and Nancy. “We hope to get to know many of you and have a great relationship.

“Our goal is to offer a fresh, new dining experience, and we can't wait to get started. This is gonna be fun!”


The Windsor Gardens Association will be celebrating its 60th anniversary in 2022, and we hope to fill the year with festive events! As we approach this milestone anniversary in the wake of a difficult time, we hope to bring the community together for a special celebration of our vibrant community and the association’s longevity.

Keep an eye out in the coming months for more information as we organize an anniversary planning committee and gather ideas for how the community would like to mark the occasion.

Windsor Life Page 20


WG Artist Club Profile

Artist Statement: Nature is my main interest, having a personal connection with the subject is also important. I like to portray people, animals, flowers and trees. As an artist I favor skill, beauty and a sense of humor. I love the transparent and the uncontrollable qualities of watercolor. I also do other media, such as acrylic, mixed media and collage and do sidewalk pastel portraits.

Bio: Elizabeth graduated from the New York Phoenix School of Design (now the Manhattan center of the Pratt Institute) with a major in Fashion Illustration. She worked many years in the graphic arts field, including eight years at Princeton University Press. She has studied watercolor painting with Vincent Ceglia at Mercer County Community College, NY Arts Students League, also with Marge Chavooshian, Russ Johnson and Gail Bracegirdle, and collage with Mary Alice Braukman. She served as graphic designer and treasurer for an interfaith, interracial social action group, Not in Our Town, for eighteen years and is a member of the National Association for Women Artists NAWA, based in NYC.

Elizabeth has exhibited at Artworks and Ellarslie, both in Trenton, New Jersey, and showed many times at the Mercer County Community College and the Unitarian Church of Princeton in New Jersey, at the Sylvia Wald and Po Kim Gallery in NYC, and the New American Gallery, an online showcase for contemporary artists.

She recently moved to Denver, Colorado, and has won numerous awards in the local area and has exhibited at Miller and Rossi Gallery and Speakeasy in Denver. She is a member of the Colorado Watercolor Society. You can view more of her work at her website: elizabethpeckpaintings.com.

Zulema Cordova Celebrates 100th Birthday

On December 21, 1920, in the foothills of the Sangre de Cristo mountain town of Trinidad, Colorado, Zulema Cordova was born at home. She continued to live in Trinidad until the age of three and then moved to Aguilar, Colorado. Zulema was an only child and never married. When asked about her high school graduating class, she was immediately able to locate the information to get an exact count. Graduating in 1939 in a class of 34, she says that one other person in her class is still living.

In 1940 Zulema moved to Denver. For 31 years she did typesetting and ran printing machines. Her next 15 years of employment were

with the City and County of Denver where she printed materials for the mayor’s office and other agencies. Her travels have taken her to Europe, Costa Rica, Hawaii, Mexico and Canada. At home her hobbies and interests include sewing, embroidery and knitting. She enjoyed making her own clothing and frequently hemmed pants for neighbors.

Taking walks and saying rosaries are some of the relaxing activities she has enjoyed during the 23 years she has lived at Windsor Gardens.

We congratulate Zulema on reaching this milestone and hope she had a very happy birthday.

Welcome to Our New Neighbors

Broken Tree Branch

Phoebe and the usual suspects are out golfing on Hole #4 at Emerald Greens, and Lilly’s ball comes to rest under a broken tree branch that fell during last night's storm. Nohe has the day off or the branch would have been removed. What is the ruling?

A. No relief – must play it as it lies.

B. 2-stroke penalty and may take relief.

C. Ground under repair that is not marked.

D. Ground under repair because the branch is planned for removal.

Answer on page 35.

January 2021 Page 21
Bldg Name From 4 Donna Jackson Denver, CO 6 Debbie Gegare Green Bay, WI 12 Peter Nims Canon City, CO 14 Linda Jeh Thorton, CO 26 Karen Lewis Rockledge, FL 40 Howard Helfant Denver, CO 41 Jose Lugo Aurora, CO 41 Margarita Elizalde Lugo Aurora, CO 43 Marilyn Pansa Centennial, CO 47 Cora Gandy Aurora, CO 57 Mattie Lee Denver, CO 60 Virginia Hansen Denver, CO 61 Beverly Clark Englewood, CO 61 Joyce Ellis Westminster, CO 80 Dorothy Chirichillo Fresno, CA 84 Janice Seymour Aurora, CO
"Cottonwood Marsh" Phoebe’s Rules

Holiday Card Project

A holiday card project organized by WG resident Mona Knight to provide cards to the healthcare workers and staff members at the Veterans Community Living CenterFitzsimmons, St. Joseph Hospital, Rose Medical Center, and UCHealth was an amazing success.

“These wonderful volunteers were able to write notes of hope and appreciation on over 1,000 cards, which we delivered to these facilities for their employees," said Mona.

Judy Tisdale also sewed and donated about 300 homemade cloth covered tissue packets. Donna Fisher coordinated contacts at each facility and helped deliver the cards.

When Donna and Mona delivered cards and Kleenex packets to the VA community care center, the administrator told them that the veterans there often get cards and appreciation, but not the staff. She said that the staff would be so happy to know that others in the community are thinking about them and appreciate them for the wonderful work they do.

And Ben Wankel, Vice President of Human Resources for UCHealth, sent the following thank you to the project volunteers.

I wanted to say thank you to you and those responsible for the donation of the Kleenex holders and the cards of kind thoughts. The timing was perfect, and our staff members will be receiving them soon. During the first wave of COVID-19, there were a lot of kind thoughts coming our way, but now that we are into our third wave, I think the public has grown weary, and our staff haven't seen the same outpouring of appreciation since. While they don't ask for it, it sure feels good when it comes.

To give you some perspective about what this means to our staff, I will share this with you. When the first wave hit, everything shut down. Only those working directly with COVID patients were left

Virtual Celebration of Lights

at the hospital. What was once a hive of activity overnight became a pretty lonely island. Isolating and scary for those left behind. The first time I really felt a shift in that was when a group of kids sent us some art work. We put it up on the walls of the hospital coming from the employee parking garage. There were tears and lots of pictures taken. It provided our staff with renewed energy knowing that they weren't alone, they were a part of a community who cared.

Your kindness and thoughtfulness are so appreciated. I promise you that ten years from now I am going to sneeze and have a nurse pull a Kleenex out of one of your packages. They will be coveted. Please thank everyone involved in your donations, and please be safe.

Ben Wankel, Vice Pres., Human Resources, UChealth

Project Volunteers

Project volunteers included: Alice Barron, Michelle Bishop, Ginny Cox, Sharon Coleman, Linda Cooper, Sharon Decker and team, Sara Emmons, JoAnne Eshelman, Donna Fisher, Ellen Goossens, Greg Goossens, Helen Gaudreau, Augusta Hardy, Sharon Harper, Rita Henderson, Emily Hunninghake, Pam Ianni and sister, Mona Knight, Donna Kosarek, Donna Latino, Ellen Karlson, Patti MacIntire and her class, Shirley Naughton, Chris Roberts, Sally Sanchez, Donna Sanford, Kelli Schuttinga, Cynthia Stone, Judy Tisdale and Maureen Williams.

“If I missed anyone, thanks to you too,” said Mona. “You are the best, and I wish each of you a blessed and Happy New Year.”

Did you listen to the broadcast or watch the Denver Dolls perform on Facebook for our virtual Celebration of Lights on December 16? Our Facebook Live audience had fun exchanging holiday greetings and other comments throughout the show, virtually. The recording is saved on our WG Facebook page with over 500 views. If you didn’t get the chance to listen or watch the live event, just visit www.facebook. com/windsorgardensassociation. You can find the Live videos under the “More” tab. Our thanks to the Denver Dolls and to the folks who helped make this event happen, Ellie Wilkins, Cari Ervin and Bill Walsh. The Denver Dolls

Windsor Life Page 22
Mona Knight and Donna Fisher deliver cards and tissue packets to UCHealth.
January 2021 Page 23

Holiday Light Displays Contest Winners of 2020


Windsor Life Page 24
Photos by John S. Miller 2nd Place: Building 15 at 705 S. Clinton St. 4-STORY BUILDINGS 1st Place: Building 8 at 710 S. Clinton St. 3rd Place: Building 5 at 625 S. Clinton St. 1st Place, 4-story Buildings, and Community Favorite: Building 4 at 610 S. Clinton St. 2nd Place: Building 57 at 9300 E. Center Ave. 3rd Place: Building 56 at 9155 E. Center Ave.

Holiday Light Displays of 2020

Video Compilation of Holiday Light Displays on YouTube

Go to YouTube.com and search for “Windsor Gardens-Holiday Lights 2020” to enjoy a video compilation of this season’s holiday light displays from around the WG community!

January 2021 Page 25
Photos by John S. Miller "I spy" item: Elves riding reindeer. Building 4 "I spy" item: Something with one eye. Building 27 "I spy" item: A mailbox. Building 37 "I spy" item: Rudolph's red nose. Building 50 "I spy" item: Reindeer with a bell. Building 53 "I spy" item: Santa dog. Building 59 "I spy" item: 5 Ps. Building 62

Due to Denver’s recent change from Level Red, Severe Risk, restrictions to Level Orange, High Risk,restrictions, the capacities have been increased for the Windsor Gardens fitness center, indoor pool, fitness classes, water aerobics and woodshop.

The new resident capacities are: Fitness Center 8, Indoor Pool 4, Fitness Classes 16, Water Aerobics 6, and Woodshop 2 Reservations are required and can be made at www.windsorgardensreservations.com.

Take-Home Activities


FREE gift bag of materials for creating colorful masterpieces that help relax and uplift. Coloring book contains 31 stress-relieving designs along with colored pencils and pencil sharpener. This is a fun way to pass the time on these cold, wintry days! Call the activities office at 720-862-1533 or 720-862-1534 to reserve. 20 gift bags will be available starting on Thursday, January 14.

RTD Shopper Special Buses

Grocery Trips: The RTD “Shopper Special” bus takes two Thursday trips to King Soopers and Safeway.

Pickups at WG at 9:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. The bus stops at main entrance on Clinton St., continues around to E. Center Ave., S. Alton Way, S. Clinton St., and then exits on E. Center Ave.

Bus returns for pickups at King Soopers at 11:15 a.m. and 12:15 p.m.

Bus returns for pickups at Safeway at 11:20 a.m. and 12:20 p.m.

Bus fare is $1.50. Cash, RTD bus passes, tokens and free ride coupons accepted.

Shopping Trips: RTD “Shopper Special” bus on Fridays to Target, Walmart, and Sears at the Town Center at Aurora.

Pickups at WG at 9:40 a.m. The bus stops at the main entrance on Clinton St., continues around to E. Center Ave., S. Alton Way, and S. Clinton St., and then exits on E. Center Ave.

Bus returns for pickups at Target at 11:30 a.m. and Walmart at 11:45 a.m.

Bus fare is $1.50. Cash, RTD bus passes, tokens and free ride coupons accepted.

Hearing Aids and Hearing Aid Repair

Bayer's Mobile Ear Clinic will be back at WG on Mondays, 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., in CENTERPOINT EAST, beginning January 18. The clinic provides hearing tests, hearing aid repairs, batteries and wax management. Masks and reservations are required, please call 720937-9919.

Donation Drive


We will be collecting new and gently-used socks, gloves, hats and scarves in men, women, and children’s sizes for the Denver Rescue Mission on Thursday, January 21, and Friday, January 22. Donations can be dropped off in the bin outside the entrance of CenterPoint between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m.

Wellness Clinic with Visiting Nurses Assoc.

We are happy to announce the return of the VNA Foot Clinic in January. 2nd and 4th Tuesday visits, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., in CENTERPOINT EAST. Go to the front entry doors to CenterPoint for check-in no more than 5 minutes prior to your appointment. Reservations and masks required, call 303-698-6496. Whether you are a new or returning patient, the cost for foot care service is $40. Foot care service includes a foot assessment, sensation screening check, toe nails trimmed, calluses/corns filed, meds reviewed and blood pressure check. Fingernails cut for $15. Blood pressure check only is $5. Kaiser patients can call 303-698-6496 to see if your plan qualifies your for free foot care before your first visit. If you are a Kaiser member and come without pre-approval, you may be subject to private pay. Please bring your Kaiser ID.

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Zoom and Online Classes

Our Zoom and online classes continue. Links and log-in information are available at the Windsor Gardens website and will be posted on the WG Facebook page. Classes’ webpage address: https://www.windsorgardensdenver.org/Calendar/15778~7320/Activities-Groups-Clubs.

** NEW! ** KNITTING & CROCHET with Jackie (Zoom class)

Mondays, 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.

Have you ever dreamed of knitting a sweater? Have you ever thought of telling someone “Look what I made?!” Well if you have, here is your chance! Join instructor Jackie Holifield for her knitting/crocheting class via Zoom to get help with projects, get any questions answered and develop new techniques. Beginners to advanced welcome.

Zoom Link:



Meeting ID: 675 872 8937

Passcode: T2R32F

CHORUS with Linda (Zoom class)

30-minute sectionals every Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.

10 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Sopranos

10:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. Altos

11 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Tenors

11:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. Basses

With vocal instructor Linda Combellick we will be working on music for a spring concert.

Linda is devoted to introducing people to the joys of music and to enhancing the skills of those who are already involved in music and theater. Holding multiple degrees in theater performance, music, and education, she has taught many singers and thespians over the years.

Zoom link:



Meeting ID: 832 471 0122 Passcode: Music

Because everyone has a different internet speed and setup, there can be varying delays between what Linda is doing on her side and what you are doing on yours. Therefore, during the learning portion, all you will hear is Linda doing her part with you and leading you through any run-through of previously learned portions.

DRAMA with LuAnn (Zoom class)

Tuesdays, 4 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Tired of talking to yourself? Need a creative outlet? Then Drama Class is right for you. Stay safe in your home while connecting with other actors online. We will work on characters, emotions and subtext through monologues and script readings. The class meets online weekly. Zoom in and enjoy some fun with acting. Class will be hosted by LuAnn Buckstein, an actor who has worked at many Colorado theaters and has been teaching drama at Windsor Gardens for the last four years.

Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84567485139?pwd=ZTgzbCtVM0xLa TNIK001SFFPaW1Wdz09

Meeting ID: 845 6748 5139 Passcode: 708095

DRAWING with Jeanne (Zoom class)

Mondays, 12 p.m. to 2 p.m.

Join instructor Jeanne Hougen for her drawing class via Zoom every Monday at 12 p.m. If you have always longed to draw but have not taken a class yet, don’t miss your opportunity. Beginners welcome! Jeanne loves nothing better than teaching others to paint and to draw. She is a professional artist who loves what she does and is always excited to pass this on to others. She has been painting professionally and teaching for over 10 years.

Zoom Link:

https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81048183907?pwd=SmpIRUNjZUxYc 1hXYmI3NkU4RnNTQT09

Meeting ID: 810 4818 3907 Passcode: 622771

GLASS ART with Joan (Video tutorials)

Weekly videos: Every Monday by 2 p.m. a new tutorial will be added. Video tutorials with teacher Joan Paschall are available now online. Watch Joan from the comfort of your own home at a time that is convenient for you. She will be returning to the basics to offer reminders to our avid glass artists, while providing any new enthusiasts with a way to begin at home! Joan will cover safety, tools and supplies, glass cutting, pattern making and much more!

To access the link to the glass art classes, please visit the classes webpage on the WG website: https://www.windsorgardensdenver.org/Calendar/15778~7320/ Activities-Groups-Clubs

During an artistic career spanning over 30 years, Joan has taught for a national arts and crafts store, demonstrated products for manufacturers and sailed the world as an arts instructor for several cruise lines. She has worked for a professional stained glass studio where she was teaching and designing commissions, won several awards and exhibits her work regularly. Her mission is to help inspire us all to be a little more creative.

Virtual WG Fitness Classes:


Low Impact Aerobics with Kathy Zimmer

Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9 a.m.

Chair Exercise with Kathy Zimmer

Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10 a.m.

Be ready to go at the start time! If you join after the class is in progress, Kathy will have to wait for a break in the songs to let you in.

To join these Zoom class sessions go online to: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/6740748933?pwd=NVc2dC9NOHdo SjFLTFBpNEhRTUJydz09

Meeting ID: 674 074 8933 Password: WG chair Same site address, meeting ID and password for both classes, both days.

January 2021 Page 27
Us Live Online!

Indoor Fitness Classes at WG

Yoga, Tai Chi, Line Dance, Pilates, Weights and Zumba classes meet in the AUDITORIUM and require reservations. All class participants are required to check-in by the auditorium kitchen door and sign a one-time waiver before participating. Masks are required to be worn at all times in exercise classes.

Water aerobics is held in the INDOOR POOL and also requires reservations. All participants must check-in with the monitor and sign a one-time waiver before participating. The association’s pool noodles, dumbbells, floats and other shared pool equipment will not be available for use. Masks must be worn when checking in, entering the locker room, or moving within any indoor space. Residents may take off their mask while swimming in the pool or using the therapy pool but are required to put on a mask as soon as they are out of the water.

Reservation System

Follow the steps below to make your class reservation.

1. Go online to: www.windsorgardensreservations.com

2. Click the “booking online” tab.

3. Click “click here to make reservations”.

4. You will be directed to a new page that will request you to either create an account or sign in. Note: This system is unrelated to the main Windsor Gardens website, and you will need to create a new

account if you are visiting the reservation site for the first time.

5. Once you have signed in, you can make reservations by going to the “reservations and booking” tab. You will be able to see what classes are available to book and how many slots are left. Choose the class you want to attend, and click “sign up now”. It will prompt you to make a single reservation for yourself or for someone else.

To see the reservations you have made:

Navigate back to the “my info” tab and then click on the “my schedule tab”. You will be able to see what classes/amenities you have signed up for, and if you look to the far right of each reservation, you will see an option to cancel your own reservations. If have any questions or would prefer to make a reservation over the phone, you may contact Ellie Wilkins at ewilkins@wgamail.com or 720-862-1533 or Renee Jennings at rjennings@wgamail.com or 720862-1534.

Two Reservations Per Week Per Activity

To best accommodate our community, each resident is limited to two reservations a week per activity. A week is defined as Sunday through Saturday.

Indoor Pool Open Swim Schedule

Access Route: Access to and from the indoor pool area and locker rooms is through the main entrance of the Community Center. The side hallway door will no longer be available for entry at this time, and will only be accessible as an emergency exit. The pool monitor has been relocated, and all swim reservations and water aerobics participants should enter and exit through the main doors of the Community Center

Four people allowed per open swim session. Reservations are required and may be made online at www.windsorgardensreservations.com or by contacting Ellie Wilkins at ewilkins@wgamail.com or 720-862-1533 or Renee Jennings at rjennings@wgamail.com or 720-862-1534.

Access will be through the main entrance of the community center, and all participants are required to sign a one-time waiver before participating. Walk-ups during an open swim session will be allowed on a first-come, first-served basis in the case of no-shows or available

Open Swim Sessions: One-hour reservation time slots available beginning at 7:30 a.m. and ending at 4:15 p.m. daily, with interval breaks for cleaning, disinfecting, and water aerobics class (when applicable).The indoor pool is open every day except Thursdays when the pool is closed for routine maintenance.

WG Library Book Return

Look for the maroon plastic tub outside of the CenterPoint entrance on Mondays, January 11, 18 and 25, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. to return Windsor Gardens library books.

Please note this is only for book returns. NO exchanges, donations or new book pickup at this time.

DPL Bookmobile at WG

Bookmobile Schedule: The DPL bookmobile service will be at WG on Fridays, January 15 and 29, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Call 720-8651112 with any questions.

openings. A no-show is defined as: failing to check-in within 15 minutes of the start of the reservation time.

The association’s pool noodles, dumbbells, floats and other shared pool equipment will not be available for use.

Masks must be worn when checking in, entering the locker room, or moving within any indoor space. Residents may take off their mask while swimming in the pool or using the therapy pool but are required to put on a mask as soon as they are out of the water.

Water Aerobic Classes: 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday and Monday evening from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Classes are limited to 6 residents per session. Residents will be permitted two reservations per week for this class. The pool may also be closed by WG staff at any time due to any unfavorable or unsafe conditions.

Windsor Life Page 28 A C T I V I T I E S

Active Minds® Live: Connect Online or Call-In


Thursday, January 21, 2 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Made famous by Arthur Fiedler and the Boston Pops and now embraced by all of the world's great orchestras, this style of music can be a delightful change from heavier classical pieces. Characterized by familiar, hummable tunes, these works tend to be lighter and more "popular." Join Active Minds as we sample works by beloved music-makers such as Leroy Anderson, Tchaikovsky and Rossini, plus tunes you may know, written by composers you may not – Emil von Reznicek, Franz von Suppé, Jules Massenet, Pietro Mascagni and Émile Waldteufel.

Two easy ways to join the program:

1. To connect via the Internet, go to: www.zoom.com.

Click “Join a meeting”

Enter this Meeting ID: 878 1009 8448

Click “Join”

Click OK if it asks to launch Zoom or something similar

Enter meeting password: 202888

Follow the prompts to join the meeting

2. To connect through your phone, dial any one of these numbers:







If a number is busy, just try the next one.

When prompted enter the Meeting ID: 878 1009 8448 then the # sign.

Press # again when it asks for participant number.

Enter the password: 202888# and then you will be connected to the meeting.

Active Minds suggests that people start connecting to the meeting around 15 minutes before the start of the program, so that anybody who needs assistance can get it before the program starts.

Clubs & Groups


To protect the health and safety of our community and staff, new and temporary precautions and regulations for room reservations are in effect. You can get a copy of these regulations in the Fitness Center Lobby or on the WG website under the "Activities, Groups & Clubs" page. Activity and social group gatherings should be kept to a minimum. Alternatives to in-person meetings should be considered before proceeding with group reservations. Room capacities are subject to change per updated orders from the health department.

If a group or building decides that a meeting or gathering is necessary, the outdoor gazebo, auditorium and CenterPoint East will be available for reservations, but approval is required from the activities department. Resident memorials with non-resident attendees will be permitted as long as all other precautions and regulations can be strictly followed. Please contact Ellie or Renee with questions or to request a reservation.

OPTIMIST CLUB: Josh Kumin of Second Wind spoke at our November meeting regarding their services for youth with mental health issues, especially focused on preventing youth suicide. Some of our members participated in the Shoemaker School WISHLIST program, donating Christmas gifts for specific children in need.

Our January Zoom meeting will be on Wednesday, January 20, at 9 a.m. For questions regarding the Optimists contact Carol Brooks, President (303-363-4113) or Don Smith, Publicity Chr. (303-9052973).

Faith Groups & Events @ WG



While the Windsor Gardens

Church is saddened by the retirement of its Pastor Dick Klaver, they will continue to have weekly worship services with local pastors each Sunday via Zoom. Please see the services information below. The church’s executive board encourages you to join in praying for God’s guidance as they search for His choice for the next pastor.

Sunday Worship Virtual Services. WG Church is offering worship services via Zoom, which allows multiple ways to gain access, including your computer, tablet, smartphone, etc. However, you can also listen in with no more than a regular phone.

Inspirational music is provided by Daniel Palm at 10 a.m. with the call to worship at 10:30 a.m.

Those on the church's e-mail list will receive invitations with a direct link to the service. Or you can go online to Zoom.us, click on “Join a Meeting” and enter the following when prompted.

Meeting ID is 745 223 1154

Passcode is 3q64v9

Or join the service by phone by calling one of the following numbers:

+1 346 248 7799 US


Meeting ID is 745 223 1154

Passcode is 992790

Please note that the passcodes for joining online and joining by phone are different from each other.

Church Facebook Page. Windsor Gardens Church also has a group page on Facebook. To find it, go into Groups from your Facebook home page, under Groups search for Windsor Gardens Church. The weekly worship service will be uploaded there.

January 2021 Page 29
+1 669 900 9128
+1 253 215 8782
+1 312 626 6799 US +1 646 558 8656 US +1 301 715 8592 US

Windsor Writers

Theme: I Know This Much is True

We’re All Part Smart by Marilynn Reeves

Whenever I feel like a total loser, whenever I feel like I know nothing at all – like when I’m watching Jeopardy! and only get about ten percent of the questions right – I remember one of Jim’s favorite sayings: “We’re all part smart.”

The average person probably has about a million bits of information rattling around in their head. Things they learned in school. Things their parents taught them. Things they learned by reading, watching, and observing. And each of us has a slightly different conglomeration of knowledge from the person sitting next to us.

I’m not talking about an Einstein or a Steven Hawking, whose knowledge of the Universe exceeded the average person’s by about tenfold. But even they didn’t know everything. In fact, like the rest of us, they said the more things they discovered, the more they realized there was infinitely more to learn.

In my case, my ageing brain has forgotten half the things I used to know. I used to be a good speller. Not anymore. Nowadays I rely on spellcheck to correct my spelling and in some cases have to

resort to the thesaurus to find a word I want to use that simply won’t come to mind.

The majority of people are able to learn and retain far more facts and figures – often through rote memorization – than I am able to do. And many of the people I know have had far more life experiences than I have had. Better education. More opportunities to travel. Gotten involved with social and political movements. And most are far better at socializing than I am.

My one forte is that I am perceptive. I have the ability to see the forest and not be blinded by the trees. I can see where certain trends are likely to lead and can often see below the surface as to what makes a person tick. While I have a few bits and pieces of knowledge still floating around in my head, being able to understand people and situations and predict a likely outcome of unfolding events are the primary gifts I’ve been given.

I may not know many things, but like my dear friend Jim used to say, “I know this much is true: We’re all part smart.”

Theme: What Makes Me Smile

My Life is Full of Smiles by Liz Gibbons

When the squirrels play hide and seek among the trees, The geese honk overhead,

The wary rabbit that lives outside our building stops his eating and stands on his hind legs as if in greeting when I pass by, The flower beds at Windsor overflow with their beauty from spring until late fall,

A radiant rainbow arches across the sky, Or gently falling snow transforms the landscape with its ethereal beauty,

These are some of the gems of nature that make me smile.

When my sons call to check on me,

A newsy email arrives from my childhood neighborhood friend whom I met when we were four, and we still stay in touch 83 years later,

A letter arrives from my wonderful high school friend, who because we resembled each other one of our teachers called us “the twins,”

My favorite sister-in-law calls to chat,

Or my brother and I have an upbeat phone call, These are some of the people who make me smile. Watching the inspiring movies My Octopus Teacher and The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind,

Re-watching some of the uplifting movies offered by Spiritual Cinema Circle,

Re-reading books such as The Christmas Box and A Year by the Sea,

This is some of the entertainment that makes me smile.

When my auto registration renewal notice indicates my car doesn’t need an emission test, When my mail has no bills to be paid, When something I need to buy is on sale, When the dentist says my teeth need no work, These are life’s little gifts that make me smile.

Smile! Even If There Is No Candid Camera by Jeanne Lee

Someone complained, “We can’t see people smile if they are wearing a mask.” Oh, but you can see it in their eyes if the smile is genuine! As I pondered upon what makes me smile, I created a “Tonight Show Top Ten” for your consideration.

1. A baby’s unbridled giggles.

2. Young children and puppies.

3. Remembering Christmas celebrations with the whole family at Granddad and Grammy’s house.

4. A young grandson wanting to help serve dessert and dropping the chocolate cream pie topped with whipping cream upside down.

Smile! Even If There Is No Candid Camera continued on page 31

Windsor Life Page 30

Only imagine. Open the eyes of your soul and see forever.

Only imagine.

We are all kites in the wind. Ride the highest breeze. Only imagine.

Climb a ladder to the sky. Count the countless stars.

Only imagine.

We are here to aid others. Help them be happy.

Windsor Writers Imagination Makes Me Smile by Hap Hansen

Theme: What Makes Me Smile continued

Only imagine. When autumn turns to winter. Watching the leaves fall. Only imagine. Making love by the fireside. Happiness is real!

Only imagine. Good dreams can be real. Sadness disappears.

Smile! Even If There Is No Candid Camera continued from page 30

5. Sitting on the picnic table on the back patio or on the garage rooftop watching the movies at the drive-in behind the house. (After Mom determined if it was appropriate!)

6. The look on a neighbor’s face when they receive a meal or baked items.

7. A completed quilt that may have gone through a few (or several) design options before it was finally completed.

8. Being reunited with a friend whom I hadn’t seen in over 50 years and beginning a beautiful relationship.

9. Watching a colorful Colorado sunset.

10. Couples at WG holding hands as they walk the circle.

Of course, that is not all that makes me smile, but just putting the list together gave me many reasons to smile today. Each night I limit myself to write down just one item that caused me to smile or has blessed me and remember to be thankful for all that I have and pray that I never take all that I have for granted.

Theme: Honey-Do List

My Birthday Honey-Do List by Jean Stene

Before my 92nd birthday Sue called me and said she would be down to celebrate my birthday. She asked me to make a list of things that she could do for me as she would be here for two weeks. That started my “Honey Do List.”

This is how it started:

1. Sharpen my knives (the last time I tried to sharpen a knife was in 1950 and I ended up with three stitches in my thumb.)

2. Put my two pieces of black coral that a friend gave me when I visited there in the 1980’s in shadow boxes with some shells.

3. Put together a soft picture book of “The Night Before Christmas” for a great-granddaughter for a gift.

4. Make a shadow box for a key collection.

5. Frame a hummingbird picture that Karen had given me that had stayed in a folder for a few years and hang it above my bed with two other hummingbirds. That seemed to be a good beginning.

Because of the weather she didn’t arrive until a day after my birthday, but I told her I would be 92 for a whole year.

The first thing we did was celebrate my birthday with Lynn. Due to COVID-19 it was only the three of us.

My home became a workshop with my sewing machine out in the living room and three shadow boxes with all the things needed for all the projects. This was such a beautiful time to spend together. We reminisced. We went through all the pictures we took on our fiveweek visit to Australia and how lucky it was we went when we did. It would have been so much harder for me later. We were going to look at a lot of family pictures too, but with all our projects our time ran out.

Susan, with a little help from me, got almost all of my Honey-Do List done. The hummingbird pictures are hung above my bed. The Christmas book is sewn and ready to wrap. Two of the three shadow boxes are done and the third one is laid out and partially finished. Oh, yes and I have really sharp knives!

To read more of the Windsor Writers' work, you can visit the their website at www.wg-wg.com.

January 2021 Page 31
S o M any I nstances L et’s E njoy

Classified Ad Rate: $5 per 50 characters, including punctuation and spacing. Call 303-364-7485 for more information. Deadline for submission is the 10th of month prior to the month of publication.


GARAGE FOR RENT - Garage lot 13, $60/month. Susie 303-644-3002.

GARAGE FOR RENT UNDERGROUND lot #26 $50/month 303-365-2694.


LAUNDROMAT, P/T, Near Windsor Gardens, 720-936-2525.


BUYERS WANTED in Windsor Gardens! Did you know there is currently a large inventory of condos for sale in WG? This means opportunity for you on price and selection. With a variety of floor plans, locations, and interior design there is something for everyone’s budget. Some units are below $175K right now. Fantastic in a Denver zip code! Please contact me, Sarah Senst, Broker’s Guild, 303-257-5021, sasenst@ gmail.com for more information.

FSBO 655 S ALTON WAY, 4th floor, 2bd/2ba, 1550 sq. ft. total remodel, large kitchen, new tile bathrooms with walk-in shower 303-888-1746.


2BD/2BA 1200 SF ALL NEW!! Completely remodeled kitchen, baths, flooring, paint. Gorgeous barn doors, updated lighting, great storage, all on the first floor with a screened lanai. Steps from your detached single car garage. Pets negotiable. $1695/ mo. All utilities paid. Call Cynthia 970-430-7589.

RENOVATED 2BD/1BA. Fresh paint, floor, carpet, sink, d/w, walk-in shower, AC. Call 303-731-6689.

705 S ALTON WAY 4B, 1200 sq. ft. $1600/mo. Call Roza 323-578-0506.

WG 1200 SF CONDO UG/PARKING w/storage unit. Across from Security, gym, golf course, pools. Tenant pays electric. No smoking. $1450/mo. 720-281-7145.

COMING REAL SOON-945 sf updated condo for rent! Call for details. Updated/ Remodeled corner condo with 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 1 car detached garage, 2nd floor in a 4-story – same floor as laundry room and storage, overlooking courtyard and view into Highline canal area. Call Amy Grossman, Broker Associate, 303-941-9436 or email amy@grossmananddreamhomes.com.

RENOVATED 2 BEDROOM, 1 FULL BATH, 945 sq. ft., ground floor, corner end unit w/ enclosed porch & 1 car garage. $1,480/mo. Includes: HOA, heat, water, sewer, trash, ground maintenance, snow removal, security. No smokers or pets please. Call 303908-5598.


WILL BUY YOUR UNIT FAST. No fees, Get a second opinion. WG resident. Schoenecker & Co. 303-898-3963.

WINDSOR GARDENS RENTALS The demand for rental units in Windsor Gardens is greater than ever! If you are an owner needing professional property management services at reasonable pricing or if you are a potential tenant in search of a rental unit call 303-808-0808 today to discuss opportunities and availability! Jane Doyle, Managing Broker, CharterWest Consulting, Inc.; Equal Housing Opportunity Brokerage. Windsor Gardens resident.

REAL ESTATE TRANSITION SPECIALISTS and Windsor Gardens Experts, Amy & Scott Grossman-Buy, Sell, Private Tours, $Cash for Properties. Know all your options. See ad on back page of this paper. 303-941-9436. www.tourwindsorgardens.com.


I BUY MOBILITY SCOOTERS, Knives and Military items wanted. Alan 303-232-1212. HELP! DO YOU KNOW anyone selling a truck or SUV? Original owner preferred. I will pay book value, cash, and I wear a mask. Rick 720-333-2120.


DRIVING DIVA….Will limo you to appointments, shopping, DIA, References. Diane Parker 303-947-3175 WG Res.

SERVICES continued

NAILS & SKIN CARE BY CATHY I have 35 yrs experience in manicures,pedicures,Waxing, Eyelash/Eyebrow dyes. I am mobile & will come to you. Please call for Appt. 303-5493854.

ALTERATIONS/MENDING Guaranteed. 40 years experience. Reasonable rates, Good turnaround time. By appointment, Clean clothes only. Cindy 720-859-7272.

MOBILE DOG GROOMER – Dirty Dawgs Done Dirt Cheap. Specializing in Service & Special needs dogs. Offering exceptional door to door service. 10% off first visit. Michael Sachs 720-215-7279.

FEMALE DRIVER, CAREGIVER, COMPANION, light housekeeping. Martha 720-9355526.

CLEANING! HAVE A CLEAN HOUSE! Breathe Free. No Chemicals. Joann 303434-1688.

PROFESSIONAL HOUSE CLEANING SERVICES – – Eco friendly, dependable, and trustworthy. Also offering Clorox 360 disinfection spraying. Kills COVID, HIV, MRSA, cold & flu viruses & more. Shay 303-562-6368.

NAILS BY CAROL SUE. I am a Windsor Gardens resident with 34 yrs experience. I am now offering mobile services within Windsor Gardens. Special training with diabetic feet. Manicures & Pedicures. Please call for apt. 720-363-6210.

25 YEARS CAREGIVER. Very reliable, also housecleaning, Good references. Loretta Wright 720-681-7147.

CAREGIVER! REASONABLE RATES –Cooking, Errands, Pet help, Personal care, housecleaning, 20 yrs. Exp., Licensed, Great References Maria 720-232-4371.

NOTARY SERVICES & TRANSPORTATION SERVICES. WG resident can provide notary services and provide transportation to DIA, appointments, shopping. Call Kathy @ 720-480-6486.

MOBILE NOTARY & ADMINISTRATIVE services (coping, faxing, etc.) provided for your convenience. Please call Shirley at 720-441-4198 to schedule a time convenient for you.

IN-HOME HAIRCUTS state license with 28 years’ experience specializing in hair cutting. With practicing sanitation and sterilization. Other services available upon request. Jennifer Cope 720-940-8092.

SQUEAKY CLEAN WITH JENNA LEIGH – Fast, thorough and reliable. Call for free consultation 303-668-3298.

GARAGE LOCKER BUILT in your garage $795. Mike 303-364-2303, Don 720-2368942.

IN-HOME HAIRCUTS Men and women. Windsor Gardens resident with 30 years barbering experience. I will come to your home to provide haircuts. Contact Carolyn 937-559-3781 and leave a message.

LOVING EXPERIENCED CAREGIVER – Transportation to shopping, appointments, errands, housekeeping etc. Cindy 303-910-7405.

LOSE THE WEIGHT & Keep it off– Smile it is finally here, learn how to manage your eating habits and much more. Let’s do this together! Home office and Zoom appointments available. Call Dr. Melody Williams 303-691-3726. WG resident.

HOUSEKEEPING AND CAREGIVER. Call Aster 720-789-4767 or 720-275-3273. Voicemail is ok.

FIND YOUR ROOTS – Experienced genealogist will research your family history for you and provide a family tree, stories, and available documentation. You tell me the basics of what you know, and I will do the research. Cost is flat fee of $25 to research up to 5 generations. Further generations can be researched for additional fee. Learn about your ancestors. Contact Mona Knight at homebody88@comcast.net or call 402490-8596. References available.

CNA WITH 30 YRS EXPERIENCE, Compassionate & Caring 303-828-7788.

Lessons in your home. All things electronic set up and training. Over 20 years exp. Please call 303-845-2465 Gerri Woody.


Windsor Life Page 32
PC • MAC • iPad

The Windsor Gardens Association, including its board of directors and employees and the Windsor Life staff, are not responsible or liable for any of the services or products advertised in the Windsor Life publication, nor do we endorse any advertisement, product or service. The Association recommends that you thoroughly research any product or service and check references prior to hiring any individual or company.


Air Conditioner Sales & Service

Tom Grace

2443 S. University #211

303-755-2111 or tmmytomato@aol.com


A to Z Appliance Repair

In Home Service – Fully Guaranteed

Our Goal is your Satisfaction

Call Dave 303-371-4229


Kirch, Rounds & Bowman PC

Estate Planning/Admin, Real Estate

Over 40 yrs combined legal experience

www.dwkpc.net 303-671-7726

Kokus, George A., Esq, Law Office

Injured in an automobile accident?

Call or email for a free consultation

303-639-6103 email gkokus@aol.com


Automotive Search, Inc.

Find your New or Used Car or we will BUY yours. Oldest Auto Broker in Colo

Dave Nichols 720-641-2208 Hampden Ave


Gary’s Full Service Auto Repair

Done Fair, Done Honest, Done Right.

23 Years. 100% AAA Customer Approval

30 S. Havana #304R 303-364-8344


Affordable Computer Repairs, Etc.

Computers, laptops, i-Phones, i-Pads

Tablets, VCRs, Roku, Errands, Etc.

Monica 303-875-5837

Computer & Electronic Help by Stephen College student, grandpa lives in WG

Enjoys helping seniors, plus tutoring

Low fee 303-330-2272

In-Home Technology Assistance

Need help and the Grandkids are gone?

Computers, Cameras, Phones, TVs, Etc. 720-244-4166 Scott or Mike


Matthew Master Electrician

WG References – WG Discounts

Licensed & Insured



GDO Dynamics

Garage Door Openers & Parts

Scot Sturgis

5017 S. Gibralter Way 303-693-6894


Anything Anytime Anywhere

To Dump 30% Senior Discount

Estate Clean Out and Clean Up Taddy 303-525-5421

Small World Hauling

Moving, Hauling, Packing Commercial, Residential 720-630-7440 www.smallworldmovers.us

Express Hauling Services

Appliances, Furniture. Total clean out Seniors/Veterans Discounts applied Vern 720-275-3709


Kang, Ruth, DDS PC 496 S. Dayton St. Denver, CO 80247 303-360-5660


Beth’s In-Home Care & Cleaning

Help with all aspects of daily living Lovingly helping Seniors over 25 years Beth 303-862-7136

Alliance Home Care Services

Personal Care and Homemaking

Experienced caregivers for all needs Call us: 303-923-3771

Diamond Care, LLC

Personal Care Provider since 2004 Homemaker, Transportation Amy 720-317-7251

Elderlink Home Care, Inc.

Quality Companion Care Since 1988 Help Is Just A Phone Call Away 303-734-0641

Elite Home Care Services

Loving care from the heart

12 years’ experience WG refs. Gloria w) 720-939-3848, c) 702-843-7815

Flexible and Reliable PC Days or Overnight

25 Years’ Experience

Jenny 720-620-0055

In-Home Care Giving

Experienced Caregiver’s WG Refs

Daily living assistance

720-789-4767 720-394-6827

Joy Home Care & Cleaning, C N A

Experienced Nurse Aid

Daily living assistance

720-518-1409 or 720-982-2337

HOME CARE continued

My Natural Calling Senior Services

38 yrs serving the Senior Community Consultation & Various Services avail 720-403-6697 www.cynthiahardiman.com

Private Duty Caregiver

Very Affordable, Professional, Refs, Can assist or relieve your caregiver Judy 720-261-8062 or 720-200-0222


Princess House Cleaning

Quality House cleaning

Reasonable rates-Refs. available

Princess Robe 720-469-9080


ACH Home Improvements

Kitchen, Bath, Shower pans, Flooring

Tile, Dry wall, Paint, Work Guaranteed Free bids 720-692-3187

Affordable Home Repairs, LLC

Denver- Based Handyman, Electrical Plumbing, Painting, Window washing Jason 719-271-1941

American Construction & Remodeling

A Full-service remodeling contractor

Lis. & Ins. When quality counts Call Vernie 720-692-3187

All Pro Construction Grow your equity with Quality Const.

Lanai doors, Kitchens, Baths, Free est. Call Al 720-569-4195

Best Home Improvements

Free Estimates, remodels, electrical Plumbing, carpentry, painting, hauling Call Steve 720-987-0292

Emerald Home Repair

Basic Home Repairs, Plumbing

Electrical, etc. Windsor References

Larry Dotterer 720-384-5806

Expert Drywall Repair & Painting

Serving the Denver area for 30+ years

WG Resident, Free estimates Gary 303-526-6859 relgar3600@gmail.com

JLV Contracting Kitchen & Bath Remodel

Licensed, Insurance & References

SeniorDiscounts-GuaranteedWorkmanship Jim @ 303-517-0439

Tom May Complete Remodel & Repairs

27 yrs at Windsor Gardens 303-229-0981 or 303-696-6259

January 2021 Page 33 S E R V I C E D I R E C T O R Y
Call 303-364-7485 to list your business or service.


State Farm-Adam Bird Agent, CLU CHFC

Insurance and Financial Services

Windsor Commons Shopping Center



Grande Vista, Inc.

Enclosed Lanais, Windows & Doors

1550 Larimer St., #454, Denver 80202

Carlos Perez 303-777-4500

Wholesale Home Improvements

Enclosed Lanais, Windows and Doors

Kitchen and Bath Remodel

Larry 303-887-9960


Rod Canner Ministries

WG Resident Preacher will pray for you

Prayer request: rcycdenver@gmail.com

Online sermons: http://rodcanner.com



Fleur-de-lis-Kitty Care

Cat Care and Claw Trimming


Donna 720-532-1019

Silver Whiskers Pet Care

Dog Walking/Cat Care

Reliable, Insured, Windsor Resident Steva Gay 720-416-5926


Vertec Plumbing

Great Rates. Free Instant Quote

Plumbing and Drain Cleaning www.vertecservices.com 720-298-0880

Victor E. Plumbing & Tile

Book a Service call at Victoreplumbing.squarespace.com

Call 405-426-5612

Wright, Wayne

Master Plumber Service and Repair

Kitchen+Bath, Balanced Shower Valves

REAL ESTATE continued

Grossman, Amy and Scott

See our Ad-Back Page of Windsor Life



Guzman, Carol , CNE, SRES

Your Castle Real Estate, Inc

“Exceptional Service-Superior Results” 303-929-3157 cj.guzman@comcast.net

Home Real Estate, Shirley Shideler

Windsor Gardens is My Home Too! 9355 E. Center Ave. #3-A, Denver, CO

303-503-0745 shideler3@gmail.com

Ingebritson, Carolyn, SRES, Realtor

Your Castle Real Estate

Tours Offered! 55+ Advisor

303-594-7696 carolyn@theperfectpairhom.cc

Metro Brokers-Pete Withers

Living and working in Windsor Gardens

Get top dollar for your condo

303-881-7651 Call anytime

Life Caddie

Technology implementation/education

Home organizing /decluttering/packing

Call Amy at 720-419-9331

Retirement Home Movers

2 Men $100 per Hr. 3 Men $140 per Hr.

Open 7 Days a Week 8am-8pm

John 720-975-3966

Small World Movers

12 Yrs Experience-Licensed & Insured

Friendly, Dependable, Polite, Efficient 303-931-6135 www.smallworldmovers@us


Fine Quality Coating LLC

Call today for free estimate

We can start right away!

Travis 720-237-6588

Handy Manny Painting

Also repair walls, prep, paint

Clean-up & organize with perfection

303-521-0063 – website: dancemanny.com

Kevin’s Painting

Moving in? Moving out?

Many WG References. Best rates

Kevin 720-789-9828 leave message


Schoenecker & Co.


Barlow, Chad Colorado Home Finder Realty



Berkshire Hathaway Home Services

Genie O’Fallon genie@myrealtorgenie.com


Braun, Dan Home Smart of Cherry Creek

Helping buy & sell in WG since 1993


Bulik, Joel Colorado Home Finder Realty


970-305-7347 – WG Resident

Coldwell Banker, Cheryl Lohuis Realtor & WG Owner. Your time 2 Buy! Have owned 3 homes here & Love it!

303-522-6161 AColoradohome4u.com

Knowledgeable and Experienced Sell Fast for Top Dollar. WG Resident Mike 303-898-3963

Senst, Sarah Broker Associate Broker’s Guild Buyers Wanted inventory surplus

303-257-5021 sasenst@gmail.com


Alfa Blinds, Blinds by Tomorrow

At Alfa Blinds we Make, Install Repair & Clean Blinds by Tomorrow

303-366-9266, 60 S. Havana St, #612

Master Blinds Services LLC

Sale, Repair, Clean 12445 E 39th Ave #306 303-518-4307


Grande Vista, Inc.

Windows, Doors & Enclosed Lanais

1550 Larimer St., #454, Denver 80202 Carlos Perez 303-777-4500

1. What four states' names start with “New”?

2. Meadowlark Lemon played basketball for what team?

3. How old is past President Jimmy Carter?

4. January 18 is National Winnie the Pooh Day. Who wrote “Winniethe-Pooh”?

5. What do the initials of Disney’s EPCOT Center stand for?

Answers on page 32.

Windsor Life Page 34
S E R V I C E D I R E C T O R Y Answers for Trivia 1. New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico and New York 2. Harlem Globetrotters 3. 96 4. A. A. Milne 5. Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow
Trivia by Carol Brooks


Have you struggled with wanting to SELL your home and not sure where to start? Are you looking to BUY a new home and unfamiliar with low maintenance / retirement options?

Many of our clients in the Denver area and at Windsor Gardens are frustrated with challenges such as:

Handling the sale of a property as part of an estate Moving into assisted living, the loss of a loved one, or other life-changing events

Wanting to buy a new home and not sure where to go Sellers who want / need "quick cash sale" options

For a free, private consultation to talk about your options:

CALL NOW! 303-941-9436

Or visit our website for detailed Windsor Gardens information, including properties for sale/ sold, floorplans, a community map, and more: www.tourwindsorgardens.com

January 2021 Page 35
Grossman, SRES Real Estate Transition Specialists® Madison & Company Pro perties, LTD 5975 S Quebec Street, Suite 400 Greenwood Village, CO 80111 Office Phone: 303-941-9436 Email: lnfo@Gro ssmanDreamHomes.com •.rnro"•�- l� m@ = BBB SRES ' . 02017 Madison md Company Prq::,6"1>e5. llC tvWson md CC<tl)()'>y Properr,es i5o reg;sierod rooem:::,t 1,c6"1SOO k) tvWson md Compony Prcpenes, uc Locoty O"Nned md qHoed M eq.d oppco,ri1y cornpc:ny. Ali'>lormor,on deemed rekde b.J1 OOI BW'O'lleed r you loveo !::<ok6"0Bereloi�pw"h(J()l}lherogtn::y,ltvsi500ll'lleocledososoklOIK:n•SotJceMl
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