253 Magazine April 2021

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The Personalized Service Of Windermere Chambers Bay

There Is No Planet B Climate change questions answered

Earth Day

Sustainable Living

APR 2021

WHAT'S IN There Is No Planet B

The time is now to act on climate change.

Your Climate Change Questions: Answered Get the basics right here.

Get Involved Locally

Find simple ways to care for the Earth in everyday life.

Tips For Sustainable Living

Discover a treasure trove of tips to green your life and home.

Earth Day 2021

Find out how to celebrate this important day and learn its history.

The Fear Of Selling

What's driving this wild market?

Local Real Estate Market Statistics

this issue?

The world needs you to act. Yes, you. The subject of climate change is not for the faint of heart. Yet each one of us has a crucial role to play in solving the climate crisis. We are all making an effort. But recycling and meatless Mondays are not enough. We all need to think bigger—act bigger—and fast. Climate change is affecting our planet now. Storms grow stronger. Heat waves last longer and pose more risk. Some areas of the world experience droughts while others cope with devastating floods. Here in our region, we've watched while our neighbors fought extreme wildfire seasons. We've breathed the smoke. We are beyond hoping that “someone else” will drive the changes needed. It is time for each of us to become that “someone else.” No, we don’t need to be experts or have the answers. And no, this is not at its core a political issue. The climate crisis knows no political party. What do we do? Talk to everyone, especially elected representatives, about the climate crisis. Demand a just transition to clean energy that protects the health, well-being and sustainability of communities that suffer the effects of climate change first and worst. Set the expectation for zero-carbon transportation and green communities. Need help? Join the local chapter of an environmental group like The Climate Reality Project, Sierra Club or 350.org. There is a group for every personality. The collective solution to the climate crisis is renewable energy. We must make a swift global shift away from fossil fuels and toward things like solar and wind. We have the power to stop the warming of our planet. The goals set for this are ambitious out of necessity. Yes, there are difficult and expensive decisions ahead. But today’s climate action budget pales in comparison to the price of inaction or even delay. Today is the day to mount the full-scale mobilization required to ensure a livable planet. Earth can soldier on without humans. She is resilient and will be fine. But we cannot survive without a bountiful, sustainable Earth. To change everything, it takes everyone. Can we count on you?

your climate change questions:


WHAT EXACTLY IS CLIMATE CHANGE? “Climate Change” and “Global Warming” are often used interchangeably, but they aren’t exactly the same thing. “Global Warming” refers to the long-term warming of our planet. The rise in global temperatures is causing our climate to change. “Climate Change” is a broad, general term for all the changes. Climate change is linked to global warming and includes everything from the increase of extreme weather events, heat waves, accelerated ice melt, flooding, pollen seasons, and more.

WHAT IS CAUSING THIS? Climate change largely comes from the increased levels of atmospheric greenhouse gases (GHGs) mainly carbon dioxide, which is produced by burning fossil fuels for electricity, industry, and transportation. GHGs trap heat that would otherwise leave Earth’s atmosphere. This is known as the “greenhouse effect.” The issue arises when GHG levels rise from human activities, trapping too much of the sun's heat energy and upsetting the natural systems that regulate our climate. Temperatures continue to rise causing more extreme weather and other impacts. Since the Industrial revolution we have been burning more fossil fuels, emitting hundreds of billions of tons of GHGs into the atmosphere where it stays trapped for centuries. More GHGs means more heat which Earth’s finely balanced systems can’t handle. This makes storms more violent, oceans warmer and more acidic, causes extreme weather, and much more.

IS THIS A NATURAL CYCLE? Put simply, no. The evidence of a strong correlation between human behavior and the higher temperatures we are seeing today is irrefutable. The concentration of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere has increased dramatically since the Industrial revolution, in fact there is more carbon dioxide in our atmosphere today than at any point in the past 800,000 years. The only other temperature swings our planet has experienced in the past million years are the ice ages. According to NASA scientists, when ice ages have ended in the past, it has taken “5,000 years for the planet to warm between 4 and 7 degrees Celsius.” Which shows that the speed of warming now is utterly unprecedented as the global average temperature increase of 1.1-1.6 degrees Fahrenheit through the twentieth century, roughly eight times faster than post-ice-age-recovery warming rate.

WHY IS CLIMATE CHANGE AN ISSUE? The effects of a world transformed by rising temperatures and changing weather patterns makes itself known from our health and well-being to our wallets. The damage and dangers of climate change vary by location. The climate crisis means more extreme weather, which means more damaged infrastructure, more lives and livelihoods lost to floods, wildfires, and hurricanes. A decrease in health from heart and lung disease linked to poor air quality, and increased rates of vector-borne diseases as pests like mosquitos and ticks expand as they are no longer limited in range by temperature. More heat waves, drought, and erratic rainfall will lead to more crop failure and worries about food and water security. More than the obvious humanitarian concerns, climate impacts can fuel further migration, instability, and security concerns all over the globe.

DO SCIENTISTS AGREE WHEN IT COMES TO CLIMATE CHANGE? Over 97% of scientists agree that climate change is happening, and is largely caused by human interference.

Get Involved Locally EnviroNews

Sign up for emails from the Tacoma EnviroNews listserv. Hosted by Citizens for a Healthy Bay, the EnviroNews listserv provides a means for environmental news to flow between government, citizens, community activists, and environmental organizations. The listserv focuses on environmental topics such as grant opportunities, workshops, restoration activities, volunteer programs, training, announcements, and news or events.

Jason Lee Middle School

This student-led solar project will be a 99.9kW solar array with a price tag of about $198,000. It will be the first solar installation in the Tacoma Public School District! How can you help? Make a donation as part of their April fundraiser. If they meet their goal their adviser will dye her hair purple!


The City of Tacoma EnviroHouse is a permanent model home showcasing green building and natural landscape ideas. The EnviroHouse champions the benefits of sustainable living and building practices to homeowners, builders, suppliers, landscapers, real estate agents and the general public. They offer tons of online virtual workshops and recordings to help you be environmentally conscious! Here's just a sample: Sustainable Fashion Bike Month with 2nd Cycle Tacoma Tool Library Heat Pump Systems Yard Waste Composting Recycling Electric Vehicles Efficient Home Heating Options Waterwise Natural Yard Care


Local Resources For Low-Waste Living

A Drop in the Ocean A Drop in the Ocean is a Tacoma, Washington-based zero waste and sustainable living boutique dedicated to giving back to the environment and the community. They specialize in bulk refills of everyday home and personal care products and sustainable alternatives to common disposable items!

Tacoma Central Co-op Concern for ecosystems is one of The Twelve Central Co-op Principles. Just one of the ways you'll see this on display is in the extensive bulk foods section. Cut down on packaging —buy in bulk!

Tacoma Soap Refillery Based in Tacoma, they deliver all around the South Sound and South King County. Their carefully chosen people- and planet-safe products are delivered to your door in refillable glass containers. When your containers are empty, they swap them out with new refills and take the empties to sanitize and reuse!

Tacoma Tool Library The Tacoma Tool Library provides low-cost access to shared tools and other durable goods and encourages reuse, repair, and reduced consumption. Reduce your carbon footprint by not purchasing tools and equipment you won't use enough to justify the manufacturing and expense.

Tips For Sustainable Living

Take action on the large scale and take action on the small scale! While we need big changes— like a major shift away from burning fossil fuels for energy and transportation—the simple changes we make in our everyday lives have an impact. They help us shift to a more sustainable mindset and cut our carbon footprints.

Planting A Sustainable Garden

Calling all gardeners! Check out the link for practices in sustainable gardening and ideas that can inspire us and give us hope for a better future!

Avoiding Fast Fashion

The fashion industry is built on an unsustainable business model. Clothing is cheaper than ever, brands release new styles every day and we can get everything delivered. Follow the link for 6 ways to reduce your impact!

Buy Nothing

The The Buy Nothing Project is a worldwide social movement that aims to focus on ways people can "reuse" and "reduce" their consumption by extending the life of existing items through gifting and sharing between group members. Check out the website to join your local group!

Plant Based Eating

What we eat has a direct impact on climate change and human health. This website encourages you to choose a plant-based dish for your next meal, and a great guide to help you do so!

Zero-Waste Bathroom

The bathroom is one of the easiest rooms in the house to cut back on waste with a few adjustments. Follow the link for suggestions in cleaning up your bathroom routine!

Plastic Pollution

Plastic pollution can create big problems for human and ecosystem health. Everyday actions, however, can lessen the problem. For tips on cutting your plastic pollution follow the link!

Reduce Trash

Create less waste and reduce and reuse more! Check out the link for 19 Ways to Stop Creating Unnecessary Trash!

Living Without Plastic

Plastic-free living requires careful and conscientious consumer choices. There are plenty of simple ways to remove plastic from your life. Follow the link for more ideas to help you along the journey.

Earth Day Bonus Tips

Earth Da y Bonus Ti ps

With Earth Day coming up, here are 51 bonus Earth Day Tips to help restore our Earth! From small things, like photographing plastic waste for scientists, to avoiding single use plastic items, and finding ways to cut your electricity consumption.


Earth Day

Virtual events, local events, & global events, oh my!

You can celebrate Earth Day in many different ways, from organizing a plastic cleanup in your neighborhood, to planting a tree, or even attending virtual celebrations and tuning into the Global Climate Summit!

Earth Day Live Celebration

Join the Earth Day Live celebration on EARTHDAY.ORG from April 20th to the 22nd for panel discussions, celebrations, activists, education pieces, and much more!

Tacoma Earth Month

There are many events happening during Earth Month! Including virtual workshops, ways give back through stewardship work, there is sure to be an event for you!

Earth Day South Sound

Caring about Earth includes so many actions, find out about events near you here! With everything from planting trees, to webinars!

The History of

Earth Day

The first Earth Day took place on April 22, 1970, and is recognized as the birth of the modern environmental movement. Since then more than 1 billion individuals have mobilized for action every Earth Day, and over 190 countries have engaged in the celebration. In the decades leading up to the first Earth Day, mainstream America remained largely oblivious to environmental concerns while worshiping industry that pumped smoke and sludge into the environment, and consumed vast amounts of leaded fuel through massive inefficient automobiles and more. The stage was set for change when Rachel Carson’s New York Times bestseller, Silent Spring was published in 1962. The book represented a watershed moment selling more than 500,000 copies as it raised public awareness and concern for the environment and linked pollution and public health. Earth Day 1970 would come to provide a voice to this emerging environmental consciousness and push environmental concerns to the front page.

In January of 1969, Senator Gaylord Nelson, a senator from Wisconsin, witnessed the ravages of a massive oil spill in Santa Barbara, California. Inspired by the student anti-war movement, Senator Nelson wanted to combine the energy of the student anti-war protests with the emerging public consciousness about air and water pollution. He announced the idea for a teach-in on college campuses to the national media, and persuaded Pete McCloskey, a conservation-minded Republican Congressman, to serve as his co-chair. Then they recruited Denis Hayes, a young activist, to organize campus teach-ins and settled on April 22, which fell between spring break and final exams, to maximize student participation. Hayes aimed to inspire all Americans and created a national staff of 85 to promote events across the US and the effort soon expanded to include a wide range of organizations. They changed the name to Earth Day, which immediately caught the attention of the national media. Earth Day inspired 20 million Americans to take to the streets, parks, and auditoriums to

demonstrate against the negative impacts of 150 years of industrial development. Thousands of colleges and universities organized protests against the deterioration of the environment and there were massive coast-to-coast rallies in cities, towns, and other communities. Earth Day 1970 achieved a rare political alignment, enlisting support from Republicans and Democrats, rich and poor, urban communities and farming communities, business and labor leaders. The first Earth Day led to the creation of the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the passage of other first of their kind environmental laws. As 1990 approached, a group of environmental leaders approached Denis Hayes to once again organize another major campaign for the planet. This time, Earth Day went global, including 141 countries, and over 200 million people, all lifting environmental issues to the world stage. Earth Day 1990 helped pave the way for the United Nations Earth Summit in 1992.

It also prompted President Bill Clinton to award Senator Nelson the Presidential Medal of Freedom for his role as an Earth Day founder. As the millennium approached, Hayes agreed to spearhead another campaign, this time focused on global warming and a push for clean energy. Earth Day 2000 had 5,000 environmental groups, and 184 countries reaching out to hundreds of millions of people to create both global and local conversations, and leveraging the power of the internet to organize activists around the world. Hundreds of thousands of people also gathered on the National Mall in Washington, DC for a First Amendment Rally. This sent a loud and clear message that citizens around the world wanted quick and decisive action on global warming, clean energy, and environmental health.

Earth Day 2010 came at a time of great challenge for the environmental community in a time of cynicism, climate change deniers, well-funded oil lobbyists, reticent politicians, a disinterested public, and a divided environmental community. In the face of all these challenges, Earth Day prevailed with EARTHDAY.ORG which helped reinvent Earth Day as a major movement for global action for the environment. Over the years, EARTHDAY.ORG has brought hundreds of millions of people into the environmental movement. Today, Earth Day is recognized as the largest secular observance in the world, marked by more than a billion people every year as a day of action. The social and cultural movements from the 1970’s are rising up again today with a fresh generation of young people who refuse to settle, and instead are taking to the streets by the millions to forge a new way forward. Digital and social media are making the conversations, protests, strikes, and more, readily available and accessible.

Earth Day's Connection To The Evergreen State Denis Hayes, the organizer of the first Earth Day, lives in Washington State! Since 1992, Hayes has been the president of the Bullitt Foundation, located in Seattle, WA. By applying the resources of the Bullitt Foundation, Hayes hopes to make the Pacific Northwest the best-educated, most environmentally aware, and most progressive corner of America.

The Bullitt Center is the greenest, most energy efficient commercial building in the world, placing Seattle at the forefront of the green building movement. Hayes and the Bullitt center wanted to design a building to show the possibilities of a high performance green building, and challenge the way people think about environmentally conscious building techniques.

Make Earth Day Every Day. -Denis Hayes




The Average Lackluster Agent

What's creating this wild scenario in our current real estate market?

Fear. Low inventory. The lack of a need to move now. Experts agree that the last ten-plus years of slow new construction in housing, a large segment of sellers not really needing to sell right now, and the number of sellers who need to buy to sell help to create this picture. The fear of selling and not having a home to go to is a big concern for a majority of sellers. Sellers do have the ability to build into their contract the option to sell their home and build in time to purchase another home if both realtors are savvy enough. Real estate brokers with little to no training and support may be cheaper, but they are really mucking up the real estate waters with poorly written contracts that do nothing for the buyer or the seller.

What are the risks to buyers and sellers?

As we know, buyers are taking the biggest hit in the current market by sometimes paying well over the list price. Where is the risk in that to the seller? Let's think about that. If you as a buyer spent $20,000 to $100,000 over the asking price for for a home and waived your inspection and your rights to due diligence, and then something was clearly wrong with the house, you might assume the seller knew and colluded with their agent to be sure the information was not at hand. Lawsuits would ensue. The expense to both parties could be exponential.

The lure of easy money is just that—a lure.

A well-trained and supported real state broker will tell you that a pre inspection provided to all those making offers is more than worth the $500 expense. Also, taking the highest amount is not always in your best interest. Cash, loan types, down payments and potential additional funds should the appraisal come in low all play a significant part in this new type of market. Your Realtor must know what is in your best interest, how to mange multiple offers, and how to contractually and preventively protect you from future legal action, all while getting you into your next home.

This is where who you work with really matters.

Sit down and talk to your broker. Cover your concerns and be sure and ask how they can manage all of those concerns, not just sell your house. These might be worries about buying, timing the move, the potential for incurring expenses prior to closing, and risks after selling. Eliminate the fear and find the knowledge you need to make a educated decision about buying and selling in this market. It is complicated but it does not have to be scary given the right process to meet your individual needs.


Real Estate is Local

The Power Of Windermere. The Personalized Service Of Windermere Chambers Bay.

The Power Of Windermere. The Personalized Service Of Windermere Chambers Bay.

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