The Winchendon School Class Notes Summer 2021

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CLASS NOTES Summer 2021

John Vernon “Bevan” Olyphant ‘59 A football and tennis standout at Hatch Prep, Bevan received an athletic scholarship at the University of Arizona. Following his graduation in 1963, he enlisted in the U.S. Army. He served as an officer in Vietnam as a member of both the elite 101st Airborne and the Special Forces. After his military service, Bevan went to work in the international division of Del Monte Foods. He later joined Gallo Wines, where he served as V.P. of Production until his retirement in 1990. Eager for new adventures, Bevan moved to the South Pacific, where he worked as a pearl farmer. He eventually returned to Arizona to try his hand in the cattle business. Bevan also returned to the University of Arizona, this time as a professor in the Honors College. While there, he was twice honored as Outstanding Professor of the Year. Bevan now resides in Tucson with his wife, Sally. He spends much of his time on his cattle ranch outside of rural Sonoita. He enjoys the life of a rancher and is very content living in Arizona. Bevan has three sons, Andrew, Timothy (the actor), Matthew and five grandchildren. Bevan also shared some personal thoughts for our students. He stressed the importance of studying our Constitution and of learning basic leadership principles. He emphasized the value of gaining hands-on work


Bevan as honorary guest conductor for the Southern Arizona Symphony Orchestra in 2012

experience during holidays and summer vacations. He recommended that students consider military service or some other form of public service to our country. “It is a great way to learn about yourself and how to work with others. It also expresses appreciation of our great country.” Bevan’s advice for graduating seniors… “Your success is up to you! You will get out of it what you put into it. Whether it be family or business, the priorities remain the same.”


1950s Frank Opie ‘54 lives in Cotuit, MA.

Harry Hillman ‘57 and his wife Jennifer


Hillman ‘57 lives in Horsehead, NY with his wife, Jennifer. Tom Coyne ‘57 would love to be

in touch! “My email is tomcinsopo@ I’m weathering the virus and enjoying semi-retirement from behavioral health. I settled down in South Portland, ME and was crushed last year that the NBA got cancelled. Life is good.” In July, Marily Kerney and Dan Auth P’22 caught up with Bill Lathbury ’58 in Maine. A longtime summer resident, Bill is enjoying another Maine Coast summer with boating, golf, family, travel and more. He fondly recalled his year at Hatch and Lloyd Harvey Hatch. Please email Bill to reconnect at:

1960s Bill Jenks ‘60 is the Chairman of

Hollenbeck Pharmaceuticals Inc. and CFO of Jefferson Pharmaceuticals. After graduating from the University of Pittsburgh and The Wharton School, Bill gained extensive investment and corporate finance experience with JP Morgan Bank. He was a Director of BioNebraska. He and his wife Shirley live in Falls Village, CT.


Robin, née Robert, Dripps ‘60 is the T.

David FitzGibbon Professor of Architecture at UVA and teaches within the studio design sequence, lectures on architectural theory, and directs a seminar on the relationship between design intent and detail manifestation. The ACSA honored her teaching with its Distinguished Professorship Award in 1992. Educated at Princeton (BA in architecture) and the University of Pennsylvania (M. Arch), she has been writing and lecturing on the structure of myth as a fundamental basis for architectural form. The design work of Professor Dripps, with Lucia Phinney, deals with the unobserved edge shared between architecture and

landscape architecture, or between construction and ecology. This work has been published and exhibited in America, Europe, and Asia. Robin is also the designer and driver of a car that established two world land speed records. Source: https://www.arch.

Tim Tinley ‘61 wrote in from

Pawcatuck, CT and shared a few updates with us. Previously, he worked as an architect and city planner, formally in the USAF. When he was in the Air Force, he worked with intelligence and worked on the development of the SR 71. He is now retired and writing science-fiction novels. He just finished two books in the series, called the Gilgamesh Project. The series is currently waiting for publication. He has written over 12 novels to date.

We want to hear from you! Update your contact information by filling out the form online at or by email at


APRIL 8TH TOUCHDOWNS, TACKLES AND TALES ZOOM - THE FIRST HALF Helmet, pads, mouthguard? None were needed for the April 8th Touchdown, Tackles & Tales Zoom, but these guys can definitely tell a tale or two about Hatch and Winchendon football plus a few other campus exploits. Careful with those kickoffs - there’s an ocean nearby! Hatch football practice was on Seaview Terrace’s lawn. Bob Hall ‘59 played quarterback, and Allen Merrell ‘59 could be found at left end. If you are on MA campus, stop in the Ford Hall lobby where you can admire the Hatch football letter sweater of Sim Leonard ‘59. The fall of 1961 saw the start of Winchendon football with Briggs Carroll ‘62 and Tony Plansky ‘62 as quarterbacks running a single wing offense. There were shout outs to Tony for

being “cool as a cucumber” and to Bill Rabb ‘63 for having “no quit in him” (and for his sartorial leaning for alligator shoes!). Hatch and Winchendon opponents included St. George’s, Cushing, Moses Brown, St. Sebastian’s, Charles River Day School and UMass Stockbridge (recalled as “heavy drinkers but fun to play”). While Mrs. Hatch made her way around town in a Cadillac limo, Hatch boys got to town in a hired bus, by cab, or on foot.

Joe Dockery ‘61 would get the bus keys to “fix” something. After it was “fixed”, Joe might drive to church and the movies. Who else was along for those rides? Cabs were also found to be quite helpful with certain “beverage” deliveries. Hatch hoops were played at Rogers High on Ruggles Avenue. Fairlawn’s red carriage house served as the Hatch field house. Mr. Marr made sure that everyone tried out for football, but then legend has it that he would cut half of them.

A lot of fun memories of sports, of faculty, and of life at Hatch and Winchendon! Tellers of these tales included David McPeak ‘59, Allen Merrell ‘59, Rufus Allyn ‘59, Bob Hall ‘59, Arthur Maroney ‘60, Alex Gundry ‘60, Joe Dockery ‘61, Ben Ritter ‘61, Tom Hill ‘61, Tom Kavanaugh ‘61, Tony Plansky ‘62, Paul Ferber ‘62, Scott Bartlett ‘63, Bob Conaway ‘63, Kim Bolten ‘63, Chris Frame ‘63, Jack Hurley ‘63, and Charlie Hall ‘63.



Ben Ritter ‘61 has been a

member of the Custom Mobility family for many years. Earlier in his life, he was an active member of the U.S. Marine Corps. He received a Personal Commendation from the Commandant of the Marine Corps

for Outstanding Performance of Duty for guarding the American Embassy in Cairo during the 1967 Six-Day Arab Israeli War. Ben helped rescue over 400 American citizens. Due to an unsuccessful back

surgery in 1988, he lost the use of his legs. As a manual wheelchair user, he became a disability advocate, joined the Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA) and was present for the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) on July 26, 1990. In 1997, he moved to Tampa, FL, where he became the Regional Government Relations Director for the Florida Gulf Coast PVA. Ben has since received a number of awards for his contributions to the Tampa Bay Community, including the Florida Governor’s Medal of Merit and an induction into the Florida Veterans Hall of Fame on November 27, 2017. He still serves as the Chairman of the Tampa Mayor’s Alliance for Persons with Disabilities and as Outreach Consultant for the SelfReliance Center for Independent Living. Along with his wife Adler, he is enjoying his time in Tampa.

APRIL 22ND TOUCHDOWNS, TACKLES AND TALES ZOOM - THE SECOND HALF On April 22nd, our second Touchdowns, Tackles and Tales Zoom resulted in a rollicking round of recollections, from amusing to reflective. Seen and heard on the Zoom were Ash Lunken ‘65, Jon Rotenberg ‘65, Jack Jesser ‘66, Will Thayer ‘66, Bruce Dearnley ‘68, Harwood Hull ‘68, Bob Hodde ‘68, Mike Pierson ‘68, George Skakel ‘68, Ken Wilson ‘70, Jack Saunders ‘70, and Coaches Bob Doran and Terry Marr. As Headmaster Marr instructed the boys, “...and, you will have fun!” From the tales told, fun was definitely had at Winchendon. While we aren’t sure that any of these alumni are still game to run up the Ash Street hill, they definitely had a good time recounting some great Winchendon memories... • Church was mandatory...and the Congregational Church had the best looking girls making it the one to choose! • Depending on the season, at the movies you either needed to wear all your clothes (not heated) or bring an umbrella (melting snow). • Keep your wits about you and look


up - water balloons were tossed out dorm windows (and maybe inside the dorm too!).

• And, then there was that time when a deer jumped through a dining hall window…

• In case you were wondering, golf and lacrosse can be played in the snow. “You can sleep in study hall, or you can study.” But, don’t write a letter to your girlfriend because Mr. Valls would read it aloud.

Time and again throughout the evening, Winchendon teachers and coaches were remembered for their impact, their kindness, and their intellect in making these boys “Winchendon boys”.


TRIBUTE GIVING Tribute and memorial gifts to The Winchendon School are a lasting recognition to the special role someone played in your life and/or with the School. These gifts honor and remember an individual’s dedication to their teaching and students, a program, field of study, personal interest, or excellence in education. Your tribute or memorial gift may support any person and program and may be given by an individual or a group.

of his Winchendon Math teacher, KARL SCHWOERKE. Just before COVID restricted inperson celebrations, Cory had a chance to visit with Karl on campus and honor his dedication to the academic and athletic excellence that Cory experienced while a student at Winchendon.

This past fall,

Peter Knothe ’70 shared with

JAMES BUCAR (faculty member

1965-1975), was one of the most influential teachers/mentors he ever had, and Peter wanted to honor him during his lifetime. With the help of many classmates, a classroom will be dedicated to Mr. Bucar on Saturday, October 9th at 3:00 pm. Classmate Brian Diaz ’70 commented: I do hope the enthusiasm continues to grow and that more alumni honor Mr. Bucar to thank him for helping to make us who we are today. These few words that I write can’t fully express the gratitude and admiration that I have for him, and for Winchendon. This honor given to Mr. Bucar will be recognized by new and returning students who walk through the doors of Winchendon who will realize that their teachers and staff are dedicated to the Winchendon philosophy and are there for them as they were for us.”


Garfield ’83 recently dedicated a classroom in honor


Tribute gifts are donations made in honor or in memory of someone who is not the donor. Tribute gifts can be broken down into two types of gifts. Gifts made in memory of someone – The first and most familiar type is a tribute gift that honors the memory of someone that has passed away. Many people now request this type of donation be made in lieu of flowers, for a more lasting legacy. These types of donations are also known as memorial tribute gifts.

Classroom Dedication Events and Updates

Winchendon that his English teacher,

What exactly is tribute and honorary giving?

For years, Rob Crichton ’67 has made special gifts in memory of two of his Winchendon teachers, EDWARD DANILOWICZ and ROBERT KLARSCH, and recently, the School honored those gifts by naming a classroom at Winchendon. This dedication, more than 50 years after Rob graduated, is an important legacy from Rob recognizing the importance of his teachers at Winchendon. Rob’s last few gifts to the School have been in honor of Jim Bucar and in memory of Headmaster Bob Marr.

Gifts made in honor of someone – Another type of tribute gift is for special occasions or milestones and are often made in lieu of an actual gift. These gifts can be made for occasions such as an anniversary, a birthday, Father’s or Mother’s Day or graduation. The idea here is that many of us have too much stuff already. Why not ask friends to donate to a favorite charity, such as Winchendon, instead of buying another holiday or birthday gift? Outright gifts of cash of any amount may be made at any time to honor milestone achievements such as graduations or retirements or in memory of a special individual. Make your gift using our online giving page or send a check to: The Winchendon School 172 Ash Street Winchendon, MA 01475. Estate plans provide for bequests in your will that provide funding after your lifetime – and those bequests can be in honor or in memory of a teacher, coach, or loved one. Contact the Alumni office for more information at 978-297-7919 or


Robert Reilly ‘67 (Stage name: Robert O’Reilly) is a

film, stage, and television actor. For over ten years, he has appeared in the Star Trek franchises primarily in his recurring role on Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine as Chancellor Gowron, the leader of the Klingon Empire. O’Reilly has also appeared in over a hundred films and television episodes, and has acted both on Broadway and at Carnegie Hall. His links with the Colony Theatre Company resulted in him being awarded a Drama-Logue

Award in 1981 for directing the play Getting Out. He recently wrote in - “Being an actor for most of my life, my career was truly launched from The Winchendon School by Mr. Boyden and Mr. Ericson. For 30+ years, I have recited “The Jabberwocky” which Mr. Ericson made our class memorize. Thank you for this, as it has been a favorite at Star-Trek Conventions Worldwide, especially

in England, Scotland, Australia and New Zealand! This is Gowron, the character I played on Star Trek, Next Generation and Star Trek, Deep Space 9. Over those years I also played a number of other roles.”

May 13, 2021 - Decade of the 70s Zoom On May 13th it was time for the 70s alumni to Zoom together and see who remembers who, what, when, how and where. And, you know what, their memories are pretty darn good! Seen and heard on the call were Brian Diaz ‘70, Steve Flink ‘70, Bruce Jones ‘70, Ken Wilson ‘70, John Crichton ‘71, Richard Tambone ‘71, Gee Artsen ‘73, Rich Pier ‘73, Peter Crossan ‘75, Michael Paskas ‘76, Sue Neumayer Coffman ‘79, Sarah Turner Williams ‘79 and the Marr brothers, Bob and Terry. We learned that: • They too are still tired from that challenging return to the top of the hill from town. Terry Marr plunked down $25 for a pickup truck which operated as a rink bus of sorts. These days that strategy certainly wouldn’t pass the liability test! • This group is still sporty - it’s tennis 3 times a week for Brian Diaz; Rich Pier runs a tennis club; Bruce Jones is often out with his fly rod; Steve Flink gives tennis fans the inside look at the game with his articles and books; and John Crichton says that with a good 9-iron shot from his house you can tag Ed Merrill’s ‘71 house (he suggests a 5-iron if your game is suspect). It’s unclear if this group is still enjoying one of the “perks” of being a 70’s Winchendon student - golf cart joy riding!


• Finally, girls did arrive at Winchendon! Gwen and Enid Posich have the honor of being the first ones. Michael Paskas recalled that it was still predominantly boys in his era. • And, a few history lessons… » John Newberry’s commencement address still resonates with Sue Coffman. » Class of 1973 was “sent off in style”. Headmaster Marr opened up the pro shop, provided libations - evidently graduation morning was a little tough! » The Toy Town Tavern bar, which was originally in Cottage, found its new home at Ingleside, home to the Marrs.

a lot according to the bills), and more. How many of us would want to see our old report cards? » A special ”scientific” item spent years in the trophy case thanks to John Crichton and Chick Forker ‘71. It was a rather deteriorated ball they had found in the woods. Does anyone remember exactly what was that “scientific name” they gave it?? » In 1967, there was a bit of a standoff between Headmaster Marr and the Town on property taxes and the golf course. Winner - Bob Marr!

» When cleaning his mother’s desk, Ken Wilson found his Winchendon history - every daily slip, tuition bill (he rode the bus


1970s If you are like many of us, you are ready to travel! And, Brian Diaz ’70 is helping people do just that - he’s travel agent based in New Orleans. You can find Bruce Jones ’70 in Cumberland Center, ME and at L.L. Bean where he is a business development manager.

Terry McNamara ’70 lives in Lebanon, NJ.

The brothers Tambone, Bob ‘70 and Richard ‘71, both keep busy in real estate ventures and development. Bob lives in Wenham, MA, and Richard can be found farther south in Palm Beach Gardens, FL.

Ken Wilson ’70 lives in Salem, OH,

but most summers he heads to New Hampshire to enjoy some time along the shores of Lake Sunapee. This summer, Ken and his wife, Marsha met with Ben Adriance ‘68 and his wife Alex. They had a fun time catching up and reminiscing together!

John Crichton ‘71 lives and works

in San Francisco, CA. His business, Brick Row Book Shop, specializes in historic manuscripts.

Jim Heutel ‘71 and Cane Callon ‘73 are both on Winchendon’s Board of Trustees.

Gee Aertsen ’73 is living in Bradford, VT.

Rich Pier ’73 is keeping it sporty in Chicago, IL where he is the pro at the Naperville Tennis Club.


Steve Flink ’70 Since attending his first Wimbledon Championships at the age of 12, Steve has been passionate about tennis. Even as a teenager at Winchendon, he knew he wanted to become a professional tennis reporter. He eagerly began immersing himself in statistics and player facts, quickly developing an impressive knowledge of the game. After graduation, Steve moved to the U.K., where he attended the U.S. International University. He returned to the U.S. the following year and enrolled at Stetson University. While still a student in 1974, Steve was offered a position at World Tennis Magazine. This led the start of his long and successful career as professional tennis columnist and editor. In addition to his work at World Tennis Magazine, Steve has covered the Wimbledon Championships and the French Open for CBS Radio. He worked as a statistician for CBS, NBC and ABC and was a color commentator for ESPN and MSG. He was also a senior correspondent for Tennis Week. He remains active, working as a columnist for the online magazine Tennis Channel. He has authored two published works on the history of tennis. In 2017, Steve was elected to the International Tennis Hall Having successfully sold a printing business, Val Vallely ‘73 is taking life a little slower and having some fun as a “certified outdoor tech” at REI.

Peter Crossan ’75 tuned into the

70s’ Decade Zoom from Beverly, MA. He has been working at St. John’s Episcopal Church in Beverly,

of Fame (Newport, RI) in the Contributor category. He currently lives in Katonah, NY with his wife, Francis. They have two children, Jonathan and Amanda. Steve’s fondest memories of Winchendon include his participation in athletics, especially Thirds basketball. He enjoyed the camaraderie and friendship of his teammates. Steve also appreciated the small classes and personal attention he received from his teachers. He recalled these as helping to boost his confidence in the classroom. Steve’s advice to the graduating seniors… “Try to find something that you are passionate about and pursue it. Caring deeply about what you do in life is far more important than money or prestige.” including serving as a sexton.

Michael Paskas ’76 is the manager

of the Paskas Funeral Service in Union, NJ.



was founded in 1952 by Michael’s parents, Michael and Patricia Paskas, when Michael’s father was attending McAllisters School of Mortuary Science. While raising their young son, his wife, Patricia, also completed her education at McAllisters, and both Michael and Patricia became licensed funeral directors. After their retirement in 1999, the leadership was then passed on to their son Michael, who today, as a member of the New Jersey Funeral Directors Association, continues to show their distinction as one of the most respected funeral services in New Jersey.

Carlos Del Campo Urzua ’76 is living and working in Oaxaca, Mexico.


Charlie (Lee) Forker ‘77 – Charlie Forker is an independent auto consultant at the Tempe, AZ location of Auto Haus. He has been involved in over 100,000 transactions and takes pride in helping “put the dream in the driveway.” In his spare time, Charlie enjoys his family, golf, and spending volunteer time helping the homeless get back on their feet. Will Balliett ’78 joined the 70’s

Zoom from Sherborn, MA where he is an energy consultant.


John Wandel

’78 had hoped to join the Zoom from Corpus Christi, TX . John works for Strata Operating and Legion Land & Exploration Corporation, oil and gas exploration and production services.

Susan Neumayer Coffman ’79

is now retired, and this year she moved from Indianapolis, Indiana to St. Augustine, FL. The weather is warmer, and she is looking forward to no more freezing temperatures! So far, so good!! In her time at The Winchendon School, Sue lived in Homewood. There, she carved her initials into the fireplace mantel. With time, it has been painted over…. but we look forward to perhaps seeing those initials once again!!

Sarah Turner Williams ’79 lives in

Concord, MA. She has been a nurse since 1985 in long-term care and assisted living.

Stockton Hopkins Jr. ‘77 is an

independent landscaper and lives in Devon, PA.

Dave Meehan ‘79 and his wife Robin live in Kennebunk, Maine.

1980s Jonathan Weiner ‘81

wrote in ”I was a PG at Winchendon as I had already graduated from Marblehead High School. While I did enjoy my experience at the Winch and met many wonderful people from all across the US and from around the world, I really didn’t consider myself to be a class of ‘81 graduate, because I had already graduated and was only there for that one year, but my roommate and I were close. After graduation my roommate stayed on for one more year at Winchendon and then joined me at Curry College! I still remember my dorm parents in East Wing quite well, Michael O’Brien and Mark Hanson. There were 21 students eight were PGs, and we all got along fairly well. My academic teachers were great, and I am grateful for their help!”

Marr Family Athletic Hall of Fame In January 2021, a group of alumni from the ‘60’s and ‘70’s came together, and reminded us of the athletic legacy and foundation that Headmaster Robert Marr, his brother Charles Markham, and his sons Bob and Terry created first for Hatch Prep and then for The Winchendon School in its formative years. The fields, courts, and rink were the “classrooms” where students learned character, honor, and teamwork - and where the School earned its spot competing with many of the top prep schools

in New England. The Marr Family Athletic Hall of Fame recognizes and honors those men and women who distinguished themselves as outstanding contributors to athletics while at Hatch or Winchendon and who have continued to exemplify the core values of the Marr family and of The Winchendon School (Collaboration, Courage, Adaptability, Resilience, Resourcefulness, Responsibility, Empathy, and Ethicality) in their personal and professional lives.

This fall, the ten founding members will be inducted into the Marr Family Athletic Hall of Fame. Certain criteria must be met for a person or team to be nominated, and nominations are reviewed annually by a Steering Committee., Each fall, three new members will be inducted at an on-campus or virtual ceremony when they will have an opportunity to meet with current student-athletes as well as alumni and coaches. Nominations can be submitted up to September 15 of that recognition year.




John Benvenuto ‘81 let us know “At the present time I have been working for AIG in Wilton, CT as an Assistant Office Services/ Real Estate Assistant. Before the pandemic I was traveling a lot - Las Vegas, England, Italy, and twice to Mexico!”

1990s Greg Selkoe ‘92 - In February, Greg

Prairie, MN. Doug is a manufacturer’s representative for PurLite LLC and Owner of Sill Enterprise, Inc. Dba Sill Tribal Trading, a Contemporary and Historic American Indian Art Dealership.

returned to The Winchendon School via ZOOM to speak with students, faculty, parents, and friends of the School about his experiences as an entrepreneur, his desire to change the face of e-gaming to be inclusive, and feeling as though you don’t quite fit in. This event was moderated by Chris Williams, former faculty member and friend of the School.

Chris “Slammer” Lorant ‘83 lives

Mackeddy Fils ‘93 is the President

Doug Sill ‘83 wrote in from Eden

in Framingham, MA and would love to hear from friends - you can email him at .

Kirk Simonetti ‘85 lives in Brooklyn,

NY and works in NYC as the Assistant Vice President of Cooperative Rabobank, USA. Kirk is a certified anti-money laundering specialist. Prior to Rabobank, Kirk worked as an assistant VP for Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation. He graduated from Drew University in 1989.

Roberta “Roby” Belden ‘88 - After

Winchendon, Roby graduated from Georgetown University and then the IE Business School. She is now in Mexico with a startup mastering talent development and human resources. She has eight years of experience in international recruitment consulting within diverse industries such as tech, engineering, manufacturing and consumer goods. She has solid expertise in stakeholder management and advisory as well as experience in managing teams and leading them to the top. Roby is passionate about helping others find that life changing opportunity!


of Lead with Thunder Company. His goal is for his customers to achieve security, stability, and financial i nde p e nde nce. He is devoted to servicing families and professionals in creating dynamic plans that allow them to resolve their housing needs and financial complexities. After Winchendon, Mackeddy attended Gibbs College and now works and lives in Chelsea, MA.

living quite happily now in Frederick and having the Catoctin Mountains in our backyard gives us plenty to do outdoors. We have begun visiting many of the famous battlefields of the Civil War as Frederick lies very much in the center of the action. It is my great hope that this summer my family can swing by Winchendon during our trip to Saratoga Springs, NY. I have not been back since graduation and am curious how much has changed and what has remained the same. My best to all the faculty and students during this challenging time and to my friends and classmates.


Twins Roger LeBlanc ‘00 and Chris LeBlanc ‘00 were surprised by a friend of theirs for their 40th birthday! Framed Winchendon jerseys!!! Chris is a FireFighter/EMT at Beverly Fire Department and Roger is a business developer in Ipswich, MA.

Andrew Usas ‘03 is living on the

Damon Knauss ‘99, wife Mary Beth and sons Niles and Wade

Damon Knauss ‘99 shared

“My family recently moved from Fort Leavenworth, KS to Frederick, MD. I am currently serving as the Executive Officer for the 114th Signal Battalion located at Raven Rock Mountain Complex. My wife bore our second son, Wade, in Kansas City on February 14, 2020 just before the COVID-19 lockdowns. My family is

Upper West Side of Manhattan with his wife Caroline, son Patrick (4), and daughter Poppy (2). He works in finance at The Bank of New York Mellon. Working virtually, last summer he and his family spent a lot of time in upstate NY with a plethora of outdoor activities to keep everyone busy. They took advantage of the close proximity to the Adirondack Park. He and his wife climbed 13 of the 46 high peaks, and they are excited to hike more this upcoming summer! Before the pandemic hit, Andrew was still playing hockey every week and shared: “It’s one of the activities I look SUMMER 2021

forward to the most as things begin to return to normal. I was happy to see the Winch hockey teams were able to salvage some of the season and return to the ice this year.”

2010s On May 30, 2021, faculty member,

Allegra Harvey Leavenworth ‘13 had a baby girl, Nova May Leavenworth. Allegra, her husband Gary, and Nova live on campus in Woodbury.

Rebecca Betts ‘14 shared with Sarah Maloney ‘11 and Paolo Valentim ‘11 were married on

December 27, 2018. Sarah is a nurse in a pediatric office in Lexington, MA, and Paolo is a physical education teacher and soccer, basketball, and lacrosse coach at Applewild School in Fitchburg, MA. The couple currently lives in Ashby, MA.

us: “In May 2021, I earned a Doctor of Pharmacy degree from Albany College of Pharmacy and will be working at CVS. I will be Dr. Betts living in Vermont!! Much gratitude to my parents, Adam, the Draugsvolds, the Harrises, and Mr. Delorme for pushing me all those years.”

Trung Pham ‘15 owns his own

business in Vietnam where they recently handed out clothes and shoes to children. He said “Learning to help others is what he learned at Winch!” Please be in touch! You can reach Trung at trungphamt1001@

Douglas Usseglio ‘16

After graduating from UMass Amherst in 2016, Brian Connelly ‘12 has been working as Vice President of a company he founded in 2017 called YLLC Marketing. The company has evolved into a role of property management & private investment. The bulk of his time is spent as a realtor at Redfin, where he has sold more than $50M in real estate since 2017. WINCHENDON CLASS NOTES | 11

Boarding Coordinator at a private school called GNS in the beautiful ‘Garden City’ of Victoria, British Columbia on Vancouver Island. Working for a private/independent school reminds me so much of Winch. Over the past year I’ve grown to appreciate (even more) the work that all staff and faculty at Winch did to make my experience there so great. Whenever people here meet me for the first time and find out that I am Russian, the first thing they always comment on is my great English - to which I proudly respond that I’ve been taught by the best teachers at a small school on top of a hill in Winchendon (Special thanks goes to my ESL 2 teacher - Mrs. Harris, you’re a legend!). Please stay in touch one and all, my contact information is”

The Doug Usseglio Memorial Hockey Fund announced the organization’s first scholarships and grants in 2021. According to the organization, “To this day we hear stories of how friends of his (Doug’s) live a better life for having known him.” Contact information for the Fund is as follows, Michelle Usseglio at 6 Hollace Street, Waltham, MA 02453. Email address is: Dougieufund@

Alice Urvanova ‘16 wrote in

an update - “I recently got a job as the Family

Arianne Charette ‘17

“I graduated in May from Bishop’s University with a BSc in Health Sciences and a minor in Sport studies. I was a co-captain of the varsity women’s hockey team last year, but unfortunately I was forced to stop playing due to an injury. So, I decided to start coaching. I also work as a Peer Academic Mentor at Bishop’s. I am currently doing an internship at a hospital where I will be pursuing my studies in May with a Masters in Physiology.” A four-year day student from Gardner, Sophie Frushell ‘17 left a lasting legacy at the Winchendon School working with the Director of Service Learning to put expand the service learning program and leadership opportunities for students. Before graduating from Boston College this SUMMER 2021

past Spring, Sophie was instrumental in returning to TWS to help develop WACA (Winchendon Alumni of Color Association). And while we’re proud of her for all she’s done for the School, we’re especially delighted to announce Sophie was named a Fulbright Scholar, the first in the School’s history.

Bair Lambert ‘17 wrote in: “I

graduated from Middlebury College in May, and in the fall I’ll be teaching Spanish and Drama at Applewild School in Fitchburg, MA!”

Jackie Kassis ‘17 is currently a

senior at the Wentworth Institute of Technology and will be graduating in August 2021. She is involved in two co-operative positions and has been accepted into the graduate MS project management program but still has found time to play on the WIT softball team. Upon looking back at her Winchendon years, she fondly remembers her teachers and friends. She appreciates the time and energy the staff, administration, coaches, and the kitchen help gave to her! Looking toward her future, she can’t imagine being able to do as well without the support she got from The Winch!

Cam Cullen ‘18 is a sales intern with the High Point Rockers Baseball in Florida. On June 20, 2021, Hunter and Marisa

(Cabral) Morris ‘18 had

a baby boy, Jax Humbert Morris.

Sophie Jamison ‘18

was named Hasbro’s first TikTok officer in a national contest. Sophie was selected from over 1,000 nominations. The world is noticing! Sophie was just named to Adweek’s Women Trailblazers list of 35 inspirational women.


The TWS graduate and Boston College sophomore,

Mike Hardman ‘17, signed with the Chicago Blackhawks on March 30, 2021. And then, on Tuesday, May 4, 2021, Mike scored his first NHL career goal! Mike shared his gratitude and appreciation for all of his family members, friends, coaches, and fans from over the years of his incredible hockey career. At Winchendon, after a less than stellar first year under coaches Jarrett Sampson and Brian Troy, Hardman dug deep, grew three inches, and gained 15 pounds to come back to “The Winch” for his senior year and bring up his numbers to 54 points (24-30-54) in 28 matches. Over at Boston College, Mike played forward for the Eagles in 49 games, scoring 20 goals, and 18 assists. Winchendon’s Varsity Hockey Head Coach Troy reflected on Mike’s experiences to date and how Mike grew as a studentathlete: On having a player join the NHL: “He is my first player to turn pro in the US. We have Eemili Jeskanen playing professionally in Finland right now; this is a really exciting time in Winchendon School hockey.” Mike went undrafted, how did he end up in the NHL? “Mikey has had a number of conversations with pro teams after his time at Bruins’ development camp and during his year in the BCHL before

heading to Boston College.” When did you know he was special? “I knew Mike had something extra in the fall of his last year here. I went to a game of his during the state tournament, and he played so well that Jarrett Sampson and I knew he was going to do amazing things. We had no clue it was going to be this amazing, but we knew he had the drive to get there.“ As his coach, how do you feel? “I couldn’t be more proud of this kid! He has proven time and time again to not count him out of anything. He has earned every opportunity he has received and ran with it. I have to credit his parents Janine and Mike for raising such an incredible kid. “ Any last thoughts? “Mike and I catch up almost on a weekly basis just because he wants to know what is going on at Winchendon and how everyone is doing. He truly is a Wapiti, and it wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest if he came back to coach here when his playing days are done.”


FORMER FACULTY Bernard Nogues: Spanish

Teacher- Hatch School 1959 to 1960. Bernard arrived in the US, as a visiting student from France to Putnam, VT through the Experiment of International Living program via the University of VT. After this program was complete, he ended up at the Hatch School where he taught Spanish and was a tennis coach. He then returned to France for a year, but after moving back to the US he ended up settling in Hawaii at

the Hawaiian Prep Academy from 1965 to 2012. Bernard worked in Admissions, Development, College Counseling and finally Recruiting. From his Hawaiian base, he was able to travel all over South Asia and the Pacific. Bernard’s favorite place to visit was Papua New Guinea! Scotty Anderson ‘63, who also lives in Hawaii, keeps in touch with Bernard.

Everett Knowles is another former faculty also is located in Hawaii. Perhaps this is a Hatch/Winchendon trend!


Bob Doran attended Bowdoin College and then coached football with Charlie Markham at Winchendon. After leaving Winchendon, he went into the Marine Corps. Bob now lives in Davidson, NC. Bob also joined the April 22nd Zoom.


The John J. Newberry Award, given in honor of the long-time President of our Board of Trustees, John J. Newberry ‘33 (parent of John ‘60, Andy ‘66) recognizes an adult member(s) of our community who show exceptional loyalty and devotion to the School. This year, faculty members Joanna and Ottar Draugswold are the joint recipients of the John J. Newberry Award.

For the last twelve years, almost all of our School’s juniors and seniors have been fortunate to have one, if not both, Joanna and Ottar Draugsvold in either a class, in the studio, in conditioning, WINCHENDON CLASS NOTES | 13

in a fly fishing ColLAB or in some other context. They are the very perfect personification of the concept of the master teacher - passionate, always evolving and getting better, deeply committed to their students and the younger faculty. Next year, the trout of this region’s streams had better be careful, because Ottar will be stepping out of the classroom to focus on fishing and his many other passions. Fortunately, Winchendon will still have Joanna working with both students and teachers, although she will also have more time to paint, read, and write. Thank you, Joanna and Ottar for your wonderful service to The Winchendon School!

Each year at Commencement, the Fay Rotenberg chair is presented to a parent who has made a significant contribution to the life of the School. This year, the Rotenberg chair went to a special member of our community,

Elliot Harvey...a wonderful and

dedicated parent, now grandparent, and incredibly dedicated and passionate teacher...who is always learning and always trying new things. Father first to Winchendon alumni Adrienne, Anna and Allegra but also the father to so many other Winchendon students. One of our alumni from the ‘90’s recently recalled how Elliot had been the faculty member who had figured out that the alum was struggling with failed teen love. Imagine - Elliot Harvey relationship counselor! Elliot has given more than three decades of his life to serving Winchendon students, and honoring him with the 2021 Rotenberg Chair is Winchendon’s small way of saying thank you.


Kerney and Calvin- Future Wapiti??




Rene Pierre Louis Henri Matisse ‘55, June 27, 2019 World-renowned artist Pierre Henri Matisse celebrates his 90th birthday by teaching fourth-graders at Innovation Montessori Ocoee school, in Ocoee, Thursday, Feb. 1, 2018. Matisse is the grandson of Henri Matisse, the early 20th-century visionary that was a pioneer in contemporary modern art. Growing up, Pierre was taught by his legendary grandfather and was surrounded by family friends that included Pablo Picasso, John Effel, the brothers Auguste and Louis Lumière, Maurice De Vlaminck, and Aristide Maillol among others. On Thursday, Orange County mayor Teresa Jacobs declared it "Pierre Henri Matisse" day. (Joe Burbank/Orlando Sentinel).

Blair Beach ‘57, May 3, 2019 Alexander Goren ‘57, February 23, 2021 Adrian H. Krieg ’57, October 29, 2020 Robert E. Verbyla ’59, October 15, 2019 Villie Webb ‘60, March. 24, 2019 Jeffrey A. Norton ’60, March 10, 2020 Jorge Bastista ‘60, September 4, 2020 Joseph Crowley Keys ‘60, November 2, 2020 Charles Dickson “Beav” Trombold, Jr. ‘62, January 1, 2021 Abner S. Goldstone ’63, August 2020 William S. Endres ‘64, January 24, 2021 John Adams “JJ” Johnson ’66, December 20, 2020 Steven Myers ‘66, February 13, 2021 William F. Kahl ‘71, May 20, 2019 Perry O. Dye ‘71, July 8, 2021 Charles “Chuck” Taylor III ‘82, January 4, 2021 Ray Willig ‘83, May 8, 2021 Maciej B. Baczek ‘11, August 16, 2021



Some would say that for the class of 2020-21 it was a challenging year. CHALLENGE ACCEPTED. They didn’t just survive the year. THEY KNOCKED IT OUT OF THE PARK!

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The Winchendon School 172 Ash St. Winchendon, MA 01475

Parents of Alumni: If this Class Notes update is addressed to a Winchendon alum who no longer maintains a permanent address at your home, please email us ( with their new contact information. Thank you! WinchendonSchoolAlumni/


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