Cramahe Horticultural Society Year Book

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Flower of the Year – Orange Nasturtium



President Sharron MacDonald 905 355 2691

Past President Jim Detenbeck 905 355 5266

Vice President Catherine Kaye 416 320 4401

Secretary Trish O’Brien 905 355 2338

Treasurer Clair Breton 905 355 5133


Advertising & Publicity

Shannon Shea 905 355 3560

Ecology Garden Len Salvati 905 355 5133

Community Garden Len Salvati 905 355 5133

Librarian Valerie Detenbeck 905 355 5366

Membership Clair Breton 905 355 5133

Newsletter Shannon Shea 905 355 3560

Telephoning Valerie Detenbeck 905 355 5266

Show Awards Chair April Mackey 289 691 6473

Speakers’ Chairperson

Pat Campbell 905 376 6926

Sharron MacDonald 905 355 2691

Sunshine Valerie & Jim Detenbeck 905 355 5266


Social Convenor

May Flower Show

June Flower Show

Sept. Flower/Vegetable/ Decorative Show

Oct. Photography Show

Year Book

Plant Sale

Hanging Baskets

Ingrid Anderson 416 526 3033

Clair Breton and 905 355 5133

Len Salvati

Karen Prins 905 355 1309

JoAnne Titus 905 344 7484

Valerie Detenbeck 905 355 5266

Sharron MacDonald 905 355 2691

Sharron MacDonald 905 355 2691

Winter Greenery Trish O`Brien 905 355 2338

Financial Reviewers/Auditors JoAnne Titus and Barrie Wood

OHA, the Ontario Horticultural Association, is led by a member elected executive and 19 District Directors. President: Sharlene DesJardins

Cramahe Horticultural Society is a part of OHA District 4. Our District is led by: District Director: Dennis Miluck,

Assistant Directors: Sharron MacDonald, Kathy Armstrong, Kathy Allam, Ralf Busse Secretary: Bev Silk Treasurer: Leslie Hollick

Email: • Websites:;

Follow us on Facebook: Cramahe Horticultural Society

The OHA is the umbrella organization for 19 Districts and 270 societies that more than 30,000 gardeners belong to. It provides support, programs, a newsletter, insurance, networking opportunities, a conference, awards, youth activities and a judging school for its societies and members. Its website is

Our District 4 is made up of 17 horticultural societies in:

Bobcaygeon Cramahe Lakefield Norland

Brighton Ennismore Lindsay Norwood

Campbellford Fenelon Falls Minden Peterborough

Coboconk Grafton Omemee Port Hope Cobourg

Email: • Websites:;

Follow us on Facebook: Cramahe Horticultural Society


Well, here we are at the end of another great year for the Apple Country Garden Club. We have had a year filled with exciting speakers, workshops, potluck dinners and mystery tours. We saw our membership take a bit of a dip this year, but I think some people are still hesitant to be in crowds because of Covid. Hopefully our upcoming year will see more members in the club. We had some very interesting speakers this year and we learned about how to prepare for a Flower Show, Lavender, Air Plants, Slips, Tips and Tricks with Perennials, Connon Nursery gave a great design demonstration for our yards, Wildscaping – Landscaping with Lawn Alternatives, and finally, Quinn’s Blooms did a Fall Centerpiece workshop with us. We had a very successful Plant Sale in May and lot`s of plants and shrubs went to their new homes. A big Thank you to everyone who participated in the plant sale, from the plant diggers to the people who sold all the plants … well done!! We planted up the baskets for the main street and the park. We did a Spring clean-up of the Gazebo Garden, the garden at the Art Gallery, the garden at the townhall in Castleton and the Ecology Garden. These gardens are maintained by a dedicated group of people throughout the Spring and Summer and a big thank you goes out to everyone involved with helping to keep our communities looking so good. 2023 was again declared the Year of the Garden and the colour purple was chosen, so we planted purple flowers and the club picked Cosmos as their Flower of the Year. In July, 8 members went on tour to Anna’s Perrenials in Lindsay. Wow, she has so many different gardens and they are all very interesting. After we left Anna’s, we went into Bobcaygeon and had our bag lunches by the river. A very nice day! In August, we had our Annual Potluck dinner at the Ecology Garden. It is always interesting to see what gourmet delights are going to be on the table. Gardeners can rock cooking as well. It was a nice time to get back together, and it then leads us back to our meetings in September.

I would like to thank the team that prepared the planters with the Winter greenery for the street and park, and for the planters in Castleton. They were all ready for the Santa Claus Parade. Well done!! This year we are taking on a new project at the Keeler Centre. We are putting in a new garden under the electronic sign out near the road.

As always, all this work would not have been possible without the support of the Executive, who listen to my sometimes-wacky ideas, and they always have my back. Also, big thanks to the members who support our visions and come out to help get things done. None of this would happen without your help. It makes our community look great and keeps our club running at the best of its ability!

I am looking forward to 2024 and for another exciting year for the Apple Country Garden Club.




Meetings are held at 7:00 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday at the Keeler Centre. Note change of time Jan-March. A show-off table will be available each month.

JANUARY Tuesday 23 What Plants Eat


FEBRUARY Tuesday 27

At 1:30 pm

MARCH Tuesday 26

Members Meeting

Garden Start Up & Season Extension – Seed Exchange At 1:30 pm JON FAULKNOR

Members bring in seeds to exchange.

APRIL Saturday 6 OHA District 4 AGM, Omemee/Lindsay

Monday 22 Earth Day

Tuesday 23

At 7:00 pm

Members Meeting

MAY Friday 3 Ecology Garden Clean-up

Tuesday 28 The Magic of Mushrooms & Other Fungi


Mini Spring Flower Show (judged by members)

Conveners: Clair Breton and Len Salvati

Saturday 25 PLANT SALE

Victoria Square, Colborne. Gently used garden items welcome.


Wednesday 12

Saturday 15

Tuesday 25

At 7:00 pm

OHA District 4 – Lunch & Awards, and Skills Update

Four Club Garden Tour – Cramahe Hosting

SUMMER FLOWER SHOW – Convener: Karen Prins

Judge will remain after show to discuss the results of the show.

JULY Tuesday 23 Tour – TBA

AUGUST Tuesday 27

SEPTEMBER Tuesday 24

At 7:00 pm

Picnic Potluck at the Ecology Garden

Convener: Sharron MacDonald

Photography – Tips For Photographing Plants For Shows and Enjoyment

Donna Edwards – Photographer

Vegetable and Decorative Flower Show

Convener: Jo-Anne Titus

Nominations for Officers for 2024

OCTOBER Tuesday 22 All About House Plants

At 7:00 pm

Saturday 19

NOVEMBER Tuesday 26

Jennifer Guertin

PHOTOGRAPHY SHOW, Convener: Valerie Detenbeck

Nominations for Officers for 2024

OHA District 4 Fall Seminar, Minden


Dinner at 6:00 pm – Doors open at 5:00 pm

Election and Installation of Officers for 2024


Many members have dedicated themselves to improving our society.

The members listed below were presented with OHA Service Awards after serving over ten years towards the success of our Society:

1976 – Amy Gresham

1977 – Helen Rose

1978 – Cora Reid

1980 – Gordon Smith

1981 – Linda Mitchell

1982 – Elizabeth Rutherford

1983 – Harry Mayne

1984 – Shirley and Bob Griffith

1985 – Marjorie Vaughan

1986 – Ida Mills

1987 – Cicely Scroggs

1988 – Beatrice Turney

1989 – Gloria Taube

1990 – Peg Tozek, Harold & Ada Winter

1991 – Harold and Gladys Black

1992 – Helen Dance

1993 – Mary Bloomer

1994 – Kay Island

1995 – Ivy and George Maskell

1996 – Irene Osborne

1997 – Joyce Murray

1998 – Vi Morrison

1999 – Jean and Jacques Filteau

2003 – Agnes Lee

2004 – Gayle Barrett

2006 – Mary Jackson

2007 – Sandra Compton

2008 – Jill and John Sellers

2012 – Lenna Broatch


Sandra Compton, Irene Osborne, Jo-Anne Titus, June Johnson, Shirley Ross, Sharron MacDonald


CHS purchases a magazine subscription, the Ontario Gardener, for the Cramahe Libraries in remembrance of past members. It is CHS policy to enter the names of deceased member into the OHA Book of Remembrance along with a donation. Funds raised from these donations are returned to Societies by OHA in the form of a number of awards towards the planting of trees.


Nasturtium (/nəˈstɜːrʃəm/) is a genus of a small number of plant species in the family Brassicaceae (cabbage family) commonly known as watercress or yellowcress. The best known species are the edible Nasturtium officinale and Nasturtium microphyllum. Nasturtium was previously synonymised with Rorippa, but molecular evidence supports its maintenance as a distinct genus more closely related to Cardamine than to Rorippa sensu stricto.

These plants are related to garden cress and mustard, noteworthy for a peppery, tangy (pungent) flavor. The name Nasturtium comes from the Latin nasus tortus, meaning “twisted nose”, in reference to the effect on the nasal passages of eating the plants. Nasturtium foliage is used as food by the caterpillars of certain Lepidoptera, including Orthonama obstipata (The Gem).


2000 – Begonia

– Geranium

– Lily

– Daisy

– Clematis

– Cactus 2006 – Marigold

2007 – Rose

2008 – Flowering Shrub

2009 – Native plants and Trees

2010 – Annual Aster

2011 – Bergamot

2012 – Salvia

2013 – Allium

2014 – Iris

2015 – Peony

2016 – Lupin

2017 – Gladiolus

2018 – Dahlia

2019 – Phlox

2020 – Bellflower (Campanula)

2021 – Shasta Daisy

2022 – Red Begonia

2023 – Cosmos

2024 – Orange Nasturtium

Orange Nasturtium



1. Entries may be exhibited by members only.

2. All exhibits must be created by the member and grown in the exhibitor’s garden, unless otherwise stated. Materials from roadsides, fields, streams, woods, and general countryside may be used where appropriate.

3. Exhibits must be received in good time for judging – late entries will not be accepted. (see Show Schedule). Each exhibitor must label their entries. If possible, entry tags should be filled in prior to arrival at the show location. Entries must not be removed until the end of the show.

4. Exhibitors must furnish their own containers and remove them after the show. CHS will not be responsible for loss of or damage to containers.

5. The decision of the judge(s) shall be final. At the judge’s discretion, any class which contains different varieties in the same category may be divided. Also, in any class with seven or more entries, an Honorable Mention may be awarded..


1. Exhibitors may place one entry only in each class.

2. When the number of blooms, sprays, etc. is stated, this must be adhered to, otherwise the entry will be disqualified. A bud showing colour is counted as a bloom. (Watch pansies particularly.) Buds are allowed on sprays. Each entry is to be shown with own foliage, attached if possible. Carefully remove any finished blooms and damaged or diseased leaves.

3. Please make sure there are no bugs of any kind on entries. If insects are discovered, the entry will be removed from the show.

4. Potted plants must be owned by the exhibitor for at least three months prior to showing.


1. No artificial flowers may be used, unless otherwise stated, and no strings or wires are permitted except in corsages.

2. Accessories may be used in any arrangement unless otherwise stated.

NOVICE EXHIBITORS - An exhibitor shall be considered a novice if he/she has never won a prize at a CHS Flower Show or at any other flower show, fair, etc. A novice may enter any class.

Please be sure to check the box under your name on your Entry Tags and your Summary of Exhibits if you are a novice. This status is valid for one year only.

DEFINITIONS: (see OHA Publication 34/2003 for complete list)

ACCESSORY: An inorganic object(s) used in a subordinate manner to enhance the design of plant material.

ANNUAL: A plant that normally completes its growth cycle from seed to seed.

ARANGEMENT: A combination of fresh/dried plant materials with/without accessories.

BLOOM: An individual flower, one to a stem. Specimen blooms should be disbudded for exhibition purposes as buds count as a bloom.

BOWL: A container that is broader at its widest part than it is high.

COLLECTION: A specified number of different cut flowers, potted plants, branches, fruits, vegetables or nuts, exhibited for cultural perfection.

CONTAINER: Any receptacle for plant material. In design classes, it is an essential component to complete the design.

CULTIVAR: Forms of plants originated or maintained only in cultivation, eg, Petunia (Sugar Daddy), Geranium (Cardinal), and Rose (Peace).

DESIGN: A combination of fresh and/or dried plant materials and accessories arranged to produce an artistic unit. A design incorporating an accessory should look incomplete if the accessory is removed.

EXOTIC: A plant that cannot be grown outdoors year round in Canada.

FOLIAGE: When the term “Own Foliage” is used, it means the kind produced by the species or cultivar of plant being exhibited. “Any Foliage” is to be interpreted as any natural foliage.

HERB: Group of plants with aromatic or savory properties, used for medicine, food, flavor, fragrance, and or dyes.

MASS DESIGN: A design with a large quantity of plant material arranged in a closed silhouette with few or no voids.

MINIATURE DESIGN: A design in a small container measuring no more than 5 inches in any direction, including container.

MINIATURE PLANT: A plant which is by nature or cultivation a miniature, and not an immature size of a normal plant.

MODERN DESIGN: A design of 3 to 5 groups of plant material, juxtaposed to give a sculptural effect. It is a creative design, characterized by bold forms, sharp contrasts. It may be a solid mass or a mass with space. Containers are bold, strong and simple in structure.

ORIENTAL STYLE: A design characterized by minimum use of plant material and careful placement of branches and flowers. Emphasis is on the lines of the flora arrangement.

PERENNIAL: A herbaceous plant that lives for more than 2 years, e.g. Peony, Phlox.

PLANTER: A number of different kinds of flowers artistically grouped growing in a single open container.

POTTED PLANT: A plant that has been growing long enough to have become established in the container in which it is shown.

SHRUB: A woody perennial that has several main stems - grows lower than a tree.

SPECIMEN: A single exhibit, i.e. plant, stem, spike, or stalk.

SPIKE: A thick, upright stem carrying several flowers, usually with short pedicels; eg, Gladiolus and Snapdragons..

SPRAY: The terminal flowering growth of an herbaceous or woody plant carried on one stem. Buds and leaves are allowed.

STALK OR STEM: A main plant structure which supports flowers, leaves, or fruit. A stalk may support several stems, e.g. Marigolds.

SUCCULENT: Any plant, including Cacti, which stores water in its fleshy stem or leaves.

VASE: A container whose height is greater than its width at its widest part.

UNDER WATER DESIGN: A design with part(s) placed under water to create interest (no definite percentage required). The entire design may not be under water.

WATERVIEWING: Design, usually a line design in a shallow container with half to two thirds of a container surface showing water.


HYBRID TEA (Large flowered): Repeat bloomers on long stems; Peace, Tropicana. Blossoms are beautifully shaped with a high profile, making them excellent for showing. They need winter protection in our area (Zone 5).

FLORIBUNDA (Cluster-flowered): Shorter and bushier than Hybrid Teas, Floribundas have large distinctive clusters of blossoms, e.g. Fashion, Apricot Nectar. These make great mass plantings, in beds or in borders.

GRANDIFLORA: A tall upright rosebush which produces full-blossomed flowers, e.g. Queen Elizabeth, Chrysler Imperial. These display a good combination of Hybrid Tea (bush height) and Floribunda (single and clustered blooms) characteristics.

POLYANTHA: Bushy, low-growing, well-foliated, prolific bloomers all season long with sprays of small double blossoms, e.g. The Fairy, Yesterday.

CLIMBERS: Repeat flowering, Climbers’ canes grow so long they can be trained up and over a support, e.g. Blaze, Coral Dawn. Most produce double blooms. Frequent deadheading will produce more blooms.

RUGOSA/RUGOSA HYBRIDS: Very winter hardy, disease resistant, easy to grow, bushy, with leather foliage and prickly canes, their flowers come single or double and bloom throughout the season. Their colourful hips last through the winter.

SHRUB ROSES: A diverse group of roses which are bushy and produce sprays or clusters of blossoms. Most of our Canadian-bred roses come under this category, e.g. the Explorer series and the Morden series.

ENGLISH: Bred mainly by David Austin, who describes them as “combining the delicate charm and fragrance of an Old Rose, with the wide colour range and summer-long flowering of a Modern Rose, e.g. Pretty Jessica, Constance Spry. These require winter protection in our area (Zone 5).

“Iron Your Roses”

To keep aphids away from your roses, try this simple step of spraying them with iron chelates every three weeks. Also, apply to fruit trees and shrubs if the leaves turn yellow, and repeat every three weeks.



WHAT YOU’LL NEED TO GET READY FOR THE SHOW: A sharp knife, a good set of gardening scissors, pruning shears, ratchet shears, a hammer, Stick-um adhesive putty, floral foam (check to see if it’s for wet or dry arrangements), and a good imagination!

CONDITIONING: It is essential to pick your flowers in time to let them harden before making your arrangements or preparing your exhibits. Flowers need to be cut properly and at the proper time. The best time is early morning; next is evening after sundown and dew is formed. Before putting in warm water, cut the stems again at a long angle with a very sharp knife. This opens the stems to take up the most amount of water. Flowers with woody stems should not be cut again, so crush the bottom 3” of the stem with a hammer to open it. Some flowers bleed when cut, so it

is necessary to seal the stem by burning the stems of poppies with a lighted match or sealing the stem with floral putty or placing stems in a shallow bowl of wood alcohol for half an hour. Flowers should be stripped of foliage on the lower third of the stem. In the case of roses, the thorns should be removed. Place the flowers in water with the lower third completely immersed.

GROOMING: remove evidence of disease, bugs, dust, stains, pollen, and any foreign material. If you can, bring a few extra blooms to the show in a separate container to replace any that may be damaged, but be sure not to include more blooms than the class calls for. A bud showing colour is considered to be a bloom. Check pansies for extra buds. For interest’s sake, specimen exhibits should be named if possible. “Ontario Judging & Exhibiting Standards for Horticulture and Floral Design” Publication 34/2003 is the judges’ guide, a great help to exhibitors.


Judges look for specific principles when evaluating a design. These include:

Balance – which provides visual stability from any angle;

Rhythm – is the visual path which suggests motion in the design accomplished by the repetition of an element at intervals – these may be in line, form, colour, spacing or the repetition of curves or planes.

Proportion – is the relative amount of one area to another, i.e. the amount of plant material to the container, the amount of round forms to linear forms, the amount of rough texture to smooth;

Scale – the size relationship of all components;

Contrast – achieved by juxtaposing elements in such a way as to emphasize difference;

Dominance – the force of one element in the design which implies subordination of others.


Flower When to Cut How to Treat

Aster Half to fully open Scrape ends of stem and stand in water full depth of stems for 2 hours. Add 1 tsp. sugar/qt. water

Chrysanthemum Fully open Break stems off plants, scrape & crush end of stems. Sear over flame

Dahlia Fully open Sear ends of stem in a flame then place in water with 1 handful of salt to 1 qt. of water

Daylily Half to fully open Flowers last 1 day only

Delphinium Lower part fully open Scrape ends of stem. Add l tsp.alcohol /2qt. water

Ferns Break off rather than cut stems & completely submerge in cool water for 12 hours

Gladiolus As 2nd flower opens Scrape ends of stem and place in strong vinegar water

Iris As 1st bud opens Scrape ends of stem

Peony Bud in colour to Scrape ends of stem part open

Rose As 2nd petal opens Scrape, crush or split ends of stems, dip in powdered alum and place in water. If rose tends to wilt, place ends of stem in boiling water for 5 minutes. Protect leaves, place full length of stem in warm water for 1 hour. Gentle blowing into the bloom will help it open. To keep early blooms for the show, refrigerate up to 3 days, place in water and put a plastic bag over bloom


The Ecology Garden is located in Rotary Centennial Park and is a wonderful place to relax and enjoy nature at its best. You will find many different kinds of native and domestic plants and you can sit on a bench and listen to creek as it winds its way past the gardens. There are also raised beds that are planted with vegetables that can be picked and taken home to enjoy. With a number of “rooms” in the garden, you can find something of interest everywhere you look. If you are interested in looking after a room, you can call the Ecology Garden Director, Len Salvati at 905-355-5133 and he will be happy to talk to you.

Please join us in the Cramahe Ecology Garden, our growing concern!!


Below are samples of the Entry Tag and the Exhibit Summary that are required for each show. Please try to have your tags filled out ahead of time. Be sure to check them for accuracy.



1st place 7 points

2nd “ 6 points

3rd “ 5 points

Awarded to non-winners 1 point


2nd “ 3 points

3rd “ 2 points



Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Please bring your entries in to the Keeler Centre between 5:30 and 6:30 p.m. There will be categories for daffodils, narcissus, tulips, crocus, etc. and sprays of spring bloomers.

NB: This show will be judged by CHS members using marbles.

Remember to attach an ENTRY TAG

Magic of Mushrooms and Fungi

Speaker: JoAnne Howes

Convener: Clair Breton and Len Salvati


Insecticidal Soap: 1 to 2 Tbsp. liquid soap (not detergent) with 1 quart water – spray on insects.

Apple Maggot Bait: Combine 1 cup vinegar, 1 cup sugar, 1 gallon water, 1 banana peel into an open plastic bottle – hang in an apple tree.

Ant Bait: Combine 1 tsp. boric acid, 6 Tbsp sugar, 2 cups boiling water – Saturate cotton balls with solution and place in a lidded plastic container with holes punched in the sides and bottom.

Slug Egg Stopper: Combine 10 parts water, 1 part ammonia. Spray over plant before foliage opens.

Dormant Oil Spray: Combine ½ pint mineral oil, 1 gallon warm water, 2 oz. liquid soap – spray on leaves in early spring, spray on fruit trees and roses on a winter day when the temperature is above freezing.

Earwig Bait: Combine equal parts molasses and canola oil – place in the garden in a tuna tin and empty daily.

Japanese Beetle Bait: Combine 2 cups water, 1 mashed banana, ½ cup sugar, ½ cup wine, ¼ tsp baking yeast – hang the fermented mixture in a tree.

Moss killer: Apply iron sulphate in spring or early fall.

Mosquito Repellants: Bounce Fabric Softener Sheets; Vick’s Vapor Rub; Avon Skin-So-Soft bath oil mixed about half and half with alcohol; pure Vanilla; or try eating a B1 vitamin tablet (Thiamine Hydrochloride 100 mg.) each day. Above all, avoid bananas at that time of year. Mosquitoes love banana oil as the body processes it.

Super Herbicide: Combine pot of boiling vinegar, 2 Tbsp. salt, 1 tsp. liquid soap – Pour when boiling on weeds in pavers or flagstones.


Tuesday, June 25, 2024

All exhibits must be in the Keeler Centre between 4:30 and 5:30pm, ready for judging.

Convenor: Karen Prins

Results are determined by a judge at this show. Judge will remain after judging to discuss the results.



Roses - Hybrid Tea





1. One Bloom

2. One Spray

3. One Spray

4. One spray

Canadian Bred Roses 5. One spray (i.e. Explorer, Morden, Fleming, etc.)

Other Roses

Delphinium - one spike

Iris –

6. Shrub (including rugosa and Canadian bred) –one spray

7. Miniature (not mini flora) – one spray

8. English bred (i.e. David Austin) – one bloom or spray

9. Other (i.e. carpet, patio, ground cover) – one bloom or spray

10. Rose floating in a bowl

11. Blue

12. Any other colour

13. Tall bearded, blue/purple – one stalk

14. Tall bearded, pink – one stalk

15. Tall bearded, multicolour – one stalk

16. Tall bearded, any other solid colour – one stalk

17. Medium bearded, blue/purple – one stalk

18. Medium bearded, pink – one stalk

19. Medium bearded, multicolour – one stalk

20. Medium bearded, any other solid colour – one stalk

21. Beardless – (i.e. Siberian, Japanese) - three stalks alike

22. Bulbous, English, Spanish, Dutch – three stalks

23. Any other – multibloom – one stalk

Other Flowers

24. Bleeding Heart (dicentra) – one stem

25. Campanula – one stalk

26. Clematis – three blooms the same colour

27. Columbine – one stalk

28. Daylily – (hemerocalis, ie.Stella d’Oro) – one scape (may have additional buds)

29. Digitalis, Foxglove – one stem

30. Gaillardia – three stems

31. Hosta without bloom – three different cultivars

32. Lily (lilium), any variety – one stem

33. Pansy – three stems

34. Pelargonium – three blooms

35. Peony – Single – one bloom

36. Peony – Semi-double – pink, one bloom

37. Peony – Semi-double – white, one bloom

38. Peony – Semi-double – red, one bloom

39. Peony – Double – pink, one bloom

40 Peony – Double – white, one bloom

41. Peony – Double – red, one bloom

42. Peony – any other, one bloom

43. Loosestrife – 3 stems

44. Any annual – one stem or bloom

45. Any other biennial – one stem

46. Any other biennial – three stems

47. Any other perennial – one stem

48. Any other perennial – three stems

POTTED PLANTS – should be owned by exhibitor for at least 3 months (see rules)

African Violets (one pot - all, except trailing, must have single crown)

49. Single, any colour

50. Double or semi-double, any colour

Flowering Potted Plants (no larger than 24 inches in any direction - grown primarily for flowers)

51. Succulent (includes cacti)

52. Pelargonium

53. Gloxinia

54. Ivy Geranium

55. Orchid

56. Any other

Foliage Potted Plants (no larger than 24 inches in any direction - grown primarily for interesting foliage)

57. Begonia

58. Collection of cacti and or succulents

59. Succulent without flower

60. Any other


61. “June Wedding” – church pew decoration – can use ribbon, greenery, flowers

62. “Dance” – a design in a shoe

63. “Soft Colours of Summer” – a Vertical design

64. “Suits me to a Tea” – a design in a tea cup

65. “Hot, Hot, Hot” – a Mass design

66. “One of a Kind” – design with only one kind of flower

Please see Yearbook for definitions of design.


Please bring entries to the Keeler Centre between 4:30 – 5:30pm, ready for judging.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Tips For Photographing Plants For Shows and Enjoyment Speaker: DONNA EDWARDS

Convenor: JoAnne Titus

Nomination for officers for 2024


1. Beans – any variety - 5

2. Beets – roots on tops trimmed to 1” - 3

3. Carrots – any variety - roots on, tops trimmed to 1” above crown – 3

4. Cucumber – any variety – 3

5. Kale/Chard – 3 leaves

6. Sweet Pepper – any variety – 1

7. Hot Pepper – any variety – 3

8. Potatoes – White – brushed clean, – 3

9. Potatoes – any colour – 3

10. Squash – Summer – 1

11. Squash – Winter – 1

12. Tomatoes – large (2 1/2”) with calyx, named if possible – 1


GLADIOLUS – any size florets

20. Gladiolus – large – 1 spike

21. Gladiolus – small – 1 spike

22. Collection – a variety of colours – maximum 9 spikes

23. Collection – same variety – 3 spikes

24. Aster – annual or perennial – 1 ste

25. Cosmos – any variety – 3 stems

26. Echinacea – any variety – 3 stems

27. Hydrangea – any variety – 1 stem

28. Pelargonium (annual geranium) – 1 flower head with foliage

DAHLIAS – in a vase with stem and own foliage

38. Decorative – any size – 1 stem

39. Cactus/Semi-Cactus – any size – 1 stem

13. Tomatoes – medium (up to 2 1/2”) with calyx –named if possible -3

14. Tomatoes – any Heritage – with calyx – named if possible – 3

15. Tomatoes – Cherry – any variety with calyx, named if possible – 6

16. Herb Collection – picked – minimum 5

17. Any Other Heritage Vegetable – named - 1

18. Any Other Vegetable – named - 1

19. Vegetable Basket – collection of at least 5 different vegetables – 1-3 of each kind, named

29. Phlox – annual or perennial – 1 stem – named if possible

30. Fall Blooming Rose – any variety – 1 stem or spray

31. Sedum – any variety – 1 stem

32. Snapdragons – any variety – 3 stems

33. Sunflower – any variety - 1 stem

34. Zinnia – any variety – 3 stems

35. Any Other Annual – 3 stems

36. Any Other Perennial – 3 stems

37. Collection – Annual and/or Perennials, minimum of 7, named

40. Ball - any size – 3 stems



41. “Found in the Fence Row” - an arrangement (combination of fresh/dried plant materials, with/without accessories)

42. “Fall Splendor” - a Mass design (design with a large quantity of plant material arranged in close silhouette with few or no voids)

43. “Herbal Blend” - flowering and green herbs in a kitchen container


And Other Garden Related Media

Please bring your photographs to the Keeler Centre between 5:30 and 6:30pm, ready for judging. Garden Related Media – paintings, needlework, etc. may be brought at 7:00pm for the Show-Off Table.

Tuesday October 22, 2024

All About House Plants Speaker: JENNIFER GUERTIN

PHOTOGRAPHY SHOW – Convenor: Valerie Detenbeck

Nominations for officers for 2024



1. On the Lake – any season

2. A Lilly by any other name (any Lillys)

3. A Spring Bouquet (assortment of flowers)

4. Pots/Planters (planters/pots pack a punch or put on a show)

5. Down the Lane - a perspective


1. Members may submit only one entry per class.

6. Same tree, different seasons – 2, 3, or 4 views/pictures

7. The Maple Leaf Forever – leaves in Autumn

8. Wildflowers – single, bouquet or field

2. Photos should be 4” x 6”, mounted on stiff board, measuring 5” x 7” overall.

3. At the judge’s discretion, classes may also be subdivided, i.e. distance and close-up.

4. The judge will choose the photo from among the entries which, in his/her opinion, is Best in Show, whether or not that photo has won in its class.


• Make sure the flower appears large and fills your camera screen; if possible use Macro.

• Try to get the background as plain as possible so as not to distract from the flower.

• For best colours, take the photo with morning or late afternoon light.



Arthur and Marjorie Rutherford Trophy Valerie Dentenbeck Awarded annually to the exhibitor with the most points in shows over the season.

Hoselton Studio Trophy Pat Campbell Awarded annually to the novice with the most points.

Joan and Harold Harnden Silver Rose Bowl

Valerie Dentenbeck Awarded annually to the exhibitor with the most points in the Decorative Section.

Amy Gresham Memorial Trophy Pat Johnston Awarded annually to the exhibitor with the most points for the ‘Flower of the Year’ – COSMOS .

25th Anniversary Trophy

Valerie Dentenbeck Awarded annually to the exhibitor with the most points in the Potted Plant Section (trophy donated by Joan Fawcett).

Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Rose Bowl

Valerie Dentenbeck Awarded annually to the exhibitor with the most points for Roses.

Photography Trophy Cori Hall Awarded annually to the exhibitor with the most points in the Photography Section (trophy donated by Lenna Broatch).

Members Memorial Trophy Shirley Ross Awarded annually to the exhibitor with the most marbles in the Mini Spring Flower Show.




Mark Cullen defined the terms used to describe plants in the following way:

Genus: The family or large group from which a plant is derived.

Species: A group of plants capable of interbreeding and producing fertile offspring.

Variety: This is the last name on a plant label often denoting hybridization. For example: Paeonia lactiflora Doreen. Paeonia is the genus, lactiflora is the species and Doreen is the variety or cultivar.

Other Useful Terms:

Open Pollinated: This term is usually associated with vegetables. These are cultivars that have been pollinated naturally by insects, wind or self-pollination. The seeds of these vegetables will produce plants that are true to the parent plants.

Hybrid: Two closely related species are mated mostly synthetically in order to produce an improvement over the originals. In the case of flowering plants this would involve either colour or a longer flowering period or, in the case of vegetables, better flavour and improved productivity. The downside is that the seeds of such plants will not necessarily be identical to the parent.

Organic: Seeds and plants that carry this label have been produced under strict guidelines and regulations. The land on which these plants were grown has been free of toxic chemicals for at least three years and they have been grown strictly without the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. The use of sewage sludge, irradiation and genetic engineering are also prohibited.

Heirloom: These plants have a history of at least 50 years of open pollination. Such vegetables often have a better flavour than newer hybrids. It is important to note that, in the past 40 years of so, we have lost more than 2,000 fruit and vegetable cultivars. The Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation in the U.S. estimates that 96 per cent of the commercial vegetable cultivars that were available in 1903 are now extinct.


Towards the end of February select branches of spring flowering shrubs to bring indoors. Choose your specimens carefully so that the overall appearance of the shrub is not compromised and cut next to an outward facing bud. A mild day when the temperature is above freezing makes this a pleasant task and helps the branches to make a successful move into the warmth. Put the branches into warm water and add a flower preservative to help prolong the vase life. Keep the container in a cool, partially shaded place until the buds start to show colour. Then move the flowering branches into your chosen location.

Forsythia and Pussy Willow respond well to this treatment. Other shrubs than can be forced are Bridle Wreath Spirea, Flowering Quince, Honeysuckle, Serviceberry and Redtwig Dogwood. It is best to cut Lilac, Mock Orange and Rhododendron later in March.

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