Willamette Living January 2021

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PROFESSIONAL HELP: Tips from local leaders in their industry

Did 2020 Leave you Feeling Frumpy? By Oscar B. Hult Welcome to 2021, I think I can speak for all of us when I say we are happy to welcome the new year! An annual tradition for many is a New Year’s resolution. If your resolution is to make sure that you dress better in the coming year; my number one suggestion to you would be to make sure that your clothing fits correctly. A great start is to take clothing that you already have, and have it assessed by your local Tailor, they can advise you on whether or not the items you have in your closet can be altered to fit you better. Your Tailor should also be able to direct you to a local clothing store that offers a professional wardrobe assessment to determine which items you need, to replace any garments that the Tailor can’t alter. If you do not already have a relationship with a local Tailor, stop by The Natty Dresser, in our new location at: 124


Broadalbin St., SW In Historic Downtown Albany. We take in alterations for men’s and women’s clothing purchased here or not. We not only have an in-house Tailor, but we also have two in-house seamstresses and professional sales associates who can help you find the colors, styles and fit that work best for you and your needs. If you have not made a resolution for the new year, May I suggest that it include dressing better. Our motto speaks volumes; “Dress well, be confident, find success!” Oscar B. Hult Haberdasher The Natty Dresser

Oscar Oscar B. Hult is a co-owner of The Natty Dresser in Downtown Albany. 541-248-3561 Contact him at




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