mammal skull id

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Mammal Skull Identification

Beaver •Teeth are flat and dented.

Muskrat •Similar to beaver but teeth are flat.

Woodchuck •Unlike beaver and muskrat teeth are jagged. Upward front teeth come over the bottom.

Big Brown Bat •Bigger and Longer teeth than horay bat.

Horay Bat •Cranium scrunch together and head slants downward.

Little Brown Mitosis •Smaller teeth than other bats and head slopes.

Coyote •Cranium short and has K-9 teeth.

Gray Fox •Cranium is bigger than the red fox and head slopes downward. •Smaller teeth

Red Fox

•Teeth are bigger than the gray fox. •cranium is shorter.

Eastern Woodrat •Upward front teeth are bigger than Norway rat

Norway Rat •Teeth are smaller than the eastern woodrat.

Meadow jumping mouse •Head is more curved than the white footed mouse.

House Mouse •Upward front tooth sticks more far out.

White footed mouse •Head slopes downward than the meadow jumping mouse.

Meadow Vole •Upward front teeth curl more than the other mouse’s. •Head slopes forward.

Mink •Long skull and has long pointed teeth.

River Otter •Also long skull but teeth are rounded.

Skunk •Flat nose and pointed teeth.

Badger •Cranium short, head slants downward. •Has sharp teeth.


•Soft ball shaped cranium. •Teeth are pointed. •Head curls.

Raccoon •Head curves •Has small teeth.

Opossum, Virginia •Head declines downward and head is shape different.

Long tail Weasel •Head slopes downward.

Least Weasel •Cranium is long and flat.

Short tail shrew •Skull is flat has no incline like the least shrew.

Least Shrew •Head declines downward.

Eastern Mole •Head slopes downward.

Star Nose Mole •Nose extends outward than the eastern mole •Cranium curves.

White tail deer •Flat teeth, cranium curves. •Head slopes downward.

Black Bear •Biggest skull, cranium slopes upward. •Teeth are very big and pointed.

Eastern Cottontail •Teeth are not as pointed as chipmunks or squirrels.

Eastern Chipmunk •Head curves. •Has pointed teeth.

Eastern Fox Squirrel •Head flat and upper bottom teeth are big. •Upper teeth are over upper bottom teeth.

Eastern Gray Squirrel •Upper bottom teeth come over the upper teeth. •Upper tooth is short than the bottom.

Red Squirrel •Head curves.

Southern Flying Squirrel •Head slopes downward.

Thirteen Lined Ground Squirrel •Head curves downward. •Smallest squirrel

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