Wild Hearts Magazine x Wild Romance 03

Page 39

4. champion + pray for them you see this stunner above? that’s Kerri. Kerri is the most encouraging people I’ve ever met in my life. I say with confidence I wouldn’t be as free as I am today if it wasn’t for this woman. she calls out the gold in people to the point where people literally get free from things they have struggled with for years. and heck does this one pray. kerri covers everything and everyone in prayer and I know when I’ve had a rough day, I know I can pick up the phone and this prayer warrior will be quick to go before God with my situa�ons. she is amazing. call out the gold in your friends. you will see them become so much more free by celebra�ng their greatness.

5. communicate + choose connec�on this gorgeous lady above, this is Beth. one of the many things this one has taught me is to communicate how you feel, in order to deepen our connec�on as friends. if you need something from your friends don’t be afraid to let them know. if your friends have done something that has frustrated you let them know, if you’re friends are making dumb choices, let them know. Do what Beth does. be brave, love deeply, and communicate. Fix things that are not right. Make friendships even be�er. She’s amazing at this. she always follows her heart and she chooses to be brave in order to deepen connec�on even if it’s uncomfortable. don’t be afraid to speak up. real friends do this for each other. ‘the wounds of a friend can be trusted’ // Proverbs 27.6


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