The Note | Fall 2021

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Volume 30 | Issue 2


FOR OUR CONSERVATION COMMUNITY Stay in the loop with the latest updates in county conservation and with what’s happening at WI Land+Water.


Pictured: Matt Krueger, Ben Wojahn, Kevin Parr, and Randy Romanski during the Conservation Observance Day event. Read more on page 7.

Upcoming Events: October 7 Southeast Area Association tour and meeting

October 19 Professional Improvement Committee meeting

October 8 Lake Michigan Area Association meeting

October 26 Great Lakes Committee webinar and meeting

October 12 West Central Area Association meeting and tour

October 28 Southern Area Association meeting

October 15 Board of Directors meeting

November 18 Executive Committee meeting

October 18 Legislative/Administrative Committee meeting

Inside this issue

December 9 Technical Committee meeting December 9-10 County Conservation meeting

To learn more about supporting locally led conservation efforts , visit us online:

New Climate Resilience Program announced Learn more about our efforts to meet one of our most difficult challenges yet: climate change.

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Sen. Tammy Baldwin visits Monroe County farm Jack Herricks and Bob Micheel showcased climate-smart agricultural practices.

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Saying goodbye to Sand Lake Camp For 15 years, staff and volunteers in Marinette County inspired hundreds middle schoolers.

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MESSAGE FROM MATT WI Land+Water’s mission is to protect, conserve, and enhance Wisconsin’s natural resources by advocating for and supporting county conservation efforts, for current and future generations. To fulfill our mission, it is critical that we are in tune with our county conservation members, and the invaluable experiences and perspectives they bring as the creators and implementers of local conservation policy. Though understanding and responding to the conservation priorities of 72 different counties is sometimes a challenge, it is vital to WI Land+Water’s success as an organization. Adapting to meet the changing priorities of our members is baked into the DNA of WI Land+Water. The 2012 merger of Wisconsin Land and Water Conservation Association and the Wisconsin Association of Land Conservation Employees (which formed the organization we know today as WI Land+Water) is arguably the most obvious example, which saw us form an entirely new organization to more effectively advance conservation at the state and local level. Another example is the creation of the Standards Oversight Council, formed in response to a 1994 membership resolution that called for a better process to develop standards. Though perhaps not as momentous as the previous examples, we continue to shape our services, events, and programs based on “feedback loops” from members, which are built into our organizational infrastructure. The representation of all eight areas on our board of directors ensures that our governance is informed by regional member priorities. We aspire for full representation of areas on our

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committees, as well. We regularly survey our members about their conservation training and professional needs, which we attempt to fulfill through our training program (in conjunction with the State Interagency Training Committee). Additionally, annual conference topics are selected with input from our members (both general, and those on Professional Improvement and Technical committees). In the interest of continuing to evolve as an organization in response to our members’ needs and the critical conservation issues they face, we introduce our Climate Resilience Program in this newsletter. Over the past several years, we have increasingly heard from members who are being affected by extreme weather events like torrential rainfall and floods, severe storms, or extended periods of drought. We are fortunate that Wisconsin was spared the most devastating climate-induced catastrophes of the summer of 2021 (the hottest one on record, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric

Administration) such as hurricanes, wildfire, and scorching temperatures. But we may not be so lucky in the future—and as the photos on these pages attest, we have not always been so lucky. On the next pages you will read about carbon farm planning, one of the first components of our Climate Resilience Program. WI Land+Water staffer Christina Anderson will be leading the development of this new, exciting, and necessary program, and you will hear more about it in the coming months, on these pages and through typical WI Land+Water communications channels. As is our custom, we look forward to our members actively engaging with us on this new program, and helping shape it to best meet their needs now, and into the future.


Matt Krueger Executive Director


A CLIMATE RESILIENT WISCONSIN Throughout the state, we are experiencing an increase of intense rain events that destroy homes, carve gullies through farm fields, throw culverts downstream, and spread invasive species. When there’s a problem on the land, conservationists are the first responders.

With the changing climate and new policies on the horizon, WI Land+Water is launching our Climate Resilience Program, working to support our communications, policy, and training programs to help counties respond to the climate crisis. You will hear more about this program in this issue, and in future communications.

How is climate change affecting your communities? Contact us and help shape this new program! Email Christina@


Senator Baldwin visits Herricks Dairy

Visit our website to see where this story was featured in the news

Building climate resilient landscapes

Jack Herricks’ land ethic and dedicated stewardship made his operation a perfect location for U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin to get a firsthand look at climate-smart conservation practices on the landscape. “Herricks Dairy Farm is an example of a farm family that has taken conservation to heart. They understand their role as stewards of this creation and have instituted a number of farming practices to prevent erosion and flooding. The Herricks’ show that tending to soil health and water quality locally can play an important role in mitigating the threats of climate change and extreme weather across our region. With targeted investments in agricultural conservation, we can prompt both resilience of the land and economic resilience among our farmers.” -Sen. Tammy Baldwin 4

Herricks’ family-run operation in Cashton expands over 1,000 acres and supports a 600-head dairy heard. For decades, the Herricks family has implemented conservation practices that preserve the landscape. Their practices include no-till planting, erosion control structures, grassed waterways, and wildlife improvement projects. Over the years, Herricks has increased his soil organic matter from 2% to between 4%-6%. Each percentage increase in soil organic matter can hold an inchequivalent of rainfall. Additionally, healthy soil can store more carbon, which means it can produce its own nutrients and reduces the need for additional crop inputs. County Conservationist Bob Micheel has worked closely with Herricks and others on the Monroe County Climate

Change Task Force to address the increasing intensity of weather events in the Driftless Area. “We can’t build our way out of it, and so we need to pursue ways to mitigate the impacts of these events,” said Micheel. As a policy maker, Sen. Baldwin found the tour extremely informative. “I study the policies and I know about cover crops, I know about contouring, but to come and see it. That’s where the light bulb goes off for a policy maker and then I can explain, especially to my colleagues who don’t represent rural states.”

SAVE THE DATE: An Introduction to Carbon Farm Planning Webinar Carbon is important in building healthy, resilient soils, and mitigating the effects of a changing climate. Our partners at Carbon Cycle Institute will share their experience helping farmers and conservationists read the landscape through a carbon lens. This webinar is an introduction to our three-week workshop to be held in January/February that will dive deeper into carbon’s role in healthy soils & climate change, re-thinking carbon in farming, and using COMET to assess carbon potential for various management practices. The workshop is comprised of a three self-guided modules and a weekly webinar to review and discuss materials.

November 16 10am-12pm This introduction is for anyone curious about carbon farming from a conservation perspective. Visit our website for more details.

In 1933, the Soil Conservation Service selected the Cook Creek Watershed for the first project designed to combat the effects of erosion. Almost a century later, the Driftless Area is still a hub for innovative conservation practices to mitigate the effects that extreme weather events have on the landscape. To learn more about Wisconsin’s conservation history, visit our website.

Coming Soon: WICCI Report on Climate Change in WI Across the globe, extreme weather has been battering communities due to climate change. The Wisconsin Initiative on Climate Change Impacts (WICCI) has been doing its part to address these

challenges here at home. In the coming months, WICCI will launch its new comprehensive assessment report on climate change in Wisconsin, focusing on science, impacts, and solutions. The report will be based online, incorporating vivid stories, stakeholder interviews, and links to white papers and other technical information developed by WICCI working groups.

Learn more about WICCI on their website:



Visit the Monroe County website to learn more about their Climate Change Task Force.

Wisconsin’s Green Fire is leading the effort by utilizing a team of specialists to conduct a multi-faceted assessment with emphasis on community climate resiliency, built and natural infrastructure, and rural economic development through conservation.


SOC celebrates 25 years of collaboration 2021 marks the 25th anniversary for the Wisconsin Standards Oversight Council (SOC), a collective partnership among conservation agencies to develop and maintain Wisconsin’s technical standards for soil and water conservation practices. Did you know that SOC was created because of county conservation staff?

The standards help maintain consistency, fairness and conservation program credibility.

In 1994 there was a resolution that called for an interagency process to develop technical standards. After a couple years of coordination, planning and development of the framework, a Memorandum of Agreement was executed to create this unique partnership.

Prior to development of the SOC, LCD staff were implementing standards and installing conservation practices, but did not have an avenue to provide input for changes to the technical standards. The SOC process includes steps to allow users to voice concerns and to help improve the standards.

SOC ensures uniform, sciencebased technical standards to support a wide variety of federal, state and local conservation programs.

The best way to stay informed is to join a SOC listserv, and then get involved!

“The Standards Oversight Council creates partnerships between stakeholders that may not have otherwise been established. Together, government agencies, such as the Department of Natural Resources, and its external partners, oftentimes within the regulated community, create technical standards that protect the state’s natural resources and provide open dialogue and transparency in their development. Through this process everyone gets a seat at the table.” - Shannon Haydin, Storm Water Runoff Section Chief with DNR Read the full release

COMING SOON FROM SOC: • Public comment period to review a new draft technical standard: DNR 1072 Horizontal Directional Drilling. • Publication of an updated DNR 1060 Storm Drain Inlet Protection for Construction Sites.


• Training on standard updates, including DNR 1060 and a grouping of 4 NRCS stream-related standards (CPS 395 Stream Habitat Improvement and Management, CPS 580 Streambank and Shoreline Protection, CPS 582 Open Channel, and CPS 584 Channel Bed Stabilization.)

Get Involved with SOC! We have separate email lists for agricultural and urban standards so you receive information more relevant to your work. Emails average once a month and will let you know when to: 1. Comment on draft standards; 2. Apply to participate as a team member; 3. Submit survey input in the biennial Technical Standards Assessment.

You can also get informed by browsing our website, where you can: 1. Review details for the current work teams in-progress; 2. Find annual reports, an overview brochure, and the current work plan; and 3. Sign up for the listservs.

Subscribe Now

Conservation Observance Day After more than a year delay due to Covid-19, we finally celebrated at Harmony Hills Farms with our Conservation Farm Family of the Year, Kevin and Carolyn Parr of Vernon County. Nestled amongst Wisconsin’s southwestern valleys, Harmony Hills Farms has been in operation as family farm for over six decades. The operation is comprised of 295 acres, with 140 acres of tillable land and the remaining acreage is vibrant woods. Kevin and Carolyn Parr currently manage the farm where Kevin was born. After renting the land for 15 years, they grew frustrated by the ruts and ditches forming on the landscape. Their sons want to continue the farm, so the Parrs knew they had to protect the soil. In the years since, the land has been converted from a highly eroding cropland to good rational pasture. Vernon County Conservationist Ben Wojahn said the Parrs were a standout choice. “What this community needs is good living templates, good existing farming examples” said Wojahn. “What we see on their farm is improved organic matter, improved soil health, greater infiltration rates—which is really

the only way we’re going to address these extreme weather and events and flooding,” Wojahn continued. During the all-day event, guests were able to see firsthand the benefits of these practices. Dr. Will Winter, holistic livestock management consultant for Thousand Hills Beef, spoke about animal health. Justin Halverson, Kevin and Carolyn’s son and owner of Bad Axe Log Homes & Supply, led a sawmill demonstration and discussed the conservation practices used when milling lumber. This is the second time a family from Vernon County has been named the Conservation Farm Family of the year. “I think that goes back to the people we have in Vernon County and organizations like NRCS,” said Kevin.

FEATURED ON WI PROUD Check out this great video about the event!

DATCP Secretary Randy Romanski commends the Parrs for their continued to dedication to conservation stewardship.

An assistant professor at UWMadison, Dr. Erin Silva’s research and extension program focuses on sustainable and organic soil practices.

State Representative Loren Oldenburg and Senator Brad Pfaff presented the Parrs with a legislative citation, honoring their outstanding leadership on protecting Wisconsin’s soil and water.

View the full gallery of event photos on Flickr.


Mark your 2022 calendars now! March 2-4, 2022

WI Land+Water 69th Annual Conference

Join us in March as we bring you timely technical and professional development training sessions, many of which will provide Professional Development Hours or Continuing Education Units. There will be many valuable networking opportunities, the Land & Water Conservation Board Election, as well

as the annual business meeting, raffle, and silent auction. We are planning for an in-person conference, and the health and safety of our staff and conference attendees is our top priority. We will monitor the COVID-19 situation and take all necessary precautions, including the possibility of a virtual event.

2022 State Land & Water Conservation Board Elections

2022 Conservation Awards Time to recognize a conservation champion who has gone above and beyond! Consider nominating a colleague from another county you have collaborated with. The nomination process is simple, so please take time to recognize someone who has NOMINATION INFORMATION


demonstrated leadership and commitment to help conserve Wisconsin’s natural resources. Award categories include: • Outstanding Conservation Employee (three categories) • Outstanding Supervisor • Conservation Steward • Special Recognition/Friend of Conservation • Brad Matson Outstanding Youth Educator Award • Conservation Farm Family of the Year

Details and nomination materials can be found on our website. Submit nominations by December 31, 2021.

The Wisconsin Land and Water Conservation Board (LWCB) Elections will be held at our 2022 annual conference March 2-4 in Wisconsin Dells. While the timing is somewhat confusing for WI Land+Water representatives to be elected to the LWCB, we encourage each area to consider nominating a candidate. Our Election Policy states that nominees may address the membership, and this traditionally occurs at our annual conference. Thus, if your area wishes to nominate someone to serve the next term beginning in January 2023, please submit their name and one-page biography or resume by January 14, 2022. The 2022 LWCB Election Policy and additional information, including a video on the LWCB’s background, can be found on our website.

LEARN the latest conservation


practices and programs.

NETWORK with your colleagues from across the state.

ENGAGE with other passionate conservation professionals.

WI Land+Water

69th Annual Conference

Chula Vista Resort, Wisconsin Dells March 2-4, 2022 9

Our New Website

Over the last year, we’ve worked to build a better experience for our online audience. In August, we officially launched the new WI Land+Water website.

Find us online:

LEARN MORE ABOUT OUR WORK & PROGRAMS STATE POLICY We advocate for locally led conservation and recommend policy that allows county-based conservation work to get done in Wisconsin.

The new and completely redesigned website offers visitors richer insight into the work of WI Land+Water and the counties we serve. Our staff worked with Cricket Design Works to develop a site that is faster, easier to navigate, and more user-friendly. Our goal with the new website is to provide online visitors with a an easier way to access information and resources on our site. We designed the new Members Hub to function as a one-stop shop for our county conservation members.

We also worked to create a searchable directory and event calendar to better connect our conservation community. We would also like to thank the many LCC members and LCWD staff for input and feedback throughout the process. In the coming months, we will to continue to develop additional resources and features. We invite you to check out our new look and explore the website!

CONSERVATION TRAINING We provide our conservation professionals the skills to better conserve our land and water.

STANDARDS DEVELOPMENT We facilitate collaborative groups that engage in the technical aspects of conservation practices across the state.

YOUTH EDUCATION We develop and maintain programs that educate and inspire Wisconsin’s youth to care for our beautiful state.


We want to hear it! Email


Visit the MEMBERS HUB to:

Access on-demand training videos Get information about the WI Land+Water committees Learn more about the eight area associations

Explore our events & calendars The Events tab on our website is the go-to location for finding dates and information about upcoming events. This tab features our three calendars: Conservation Training, Community, and Deadlines. You can search for events by using a specific date,

selecting a date range, or sorting by category. Our goal was to create an interactive calendar that would better connect our conservation staff and community the events and trainings they need to succeed.

Sign up and stay connected We manage a variety of mailing lists that connect our members with relevant conservation news, events, and trainings. Visit our website to join our lists.

Learn more about each calendar:

CONSERVATION CLIPS Conservation Training Calendar

Community Calendar

Deadlines Calendar

This curated list of online and in-person events and conferences. Topics range from the latest conservation practices to soft skills to citizen science.

This view will show you all upcoming WI Land+Water committee meetings and area association meetings.

Select this option to view a list of upcoming deadlines for WI Land+Water and our partners’ programs.



MEMBERS DIRECTORY Visit the Members Directory to find the contact information of land conservation department staff and land conservation committee members across the state. Search for someone by name or by county to find their email address, phone number, position.

Along with our website, we also unveiled an updated WI Land+Water logo. If you look closely at the As, you’ll notice the outline of a tree in the letter’s center of “Land” and the blue expanse of water in “Water.” We look forward to offering new logo merchandise in the future!

Getting in touch with another conservationist is now just a click away! VISIT OUR WEBSITE TO DOWNLOAD OUR NEW LOGOS TO USE FOR PUBLICATIONS


2021-2023 State Biennial Budget update In July, Governor Evers signed the 2021-23 state biennial budget, which increased county conservation department staff funding in the Dept. of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection (DATCP) budget. In 2022, county conservation departments will receive a one-time increase of $2,065,900 for a total of $11,030,000, and in 2023, a one-time increase of $2,315,900 for a total of $11,280,000. This increase will allow DATCP to fund 100% of first position requests and almost 70% of second position requests, but will not provide funding for the third position. Though these numbers fall short of our $13.0 million statutory base funding target, it is important to note that of the numerous bills advanced

by the Water Quality Task Force of the Legislature, increasing county conservation department staff funding was one of the few to be included in the budget. We are grateful to our members for their hard work and commitment to advocating for this vitally important funding. WI Land+Water will continue to work toward leveraging increased awareness and support of county conservation efforts into sufficient and sustained funding for the important work performed by our members.

Shoreline Stabilization Guide available now Wisconsin’s more than 15,000 lakes are surrounded by thousands of miles of shoreline. Protection and restoration of those shorelines is a conservation priority for many counties. Heather Palmquist, Iron County Conservationist, shared the success story of how the guide went from an idea to a publication that meets the needs of our members.

A couple of years ago, Travis Tulowitzky, Bayfield County LWCD Technician, searched for a publication to share with landowners on the different shoreland stabilization practices that we use on inland lakes and rivers. He hoped to find a document with pictures of these practices on the landscape and explanations of the techniques. What’s a biolog? What’s a geobag? How are they used, what does it look like? After some research and multiple phone calls to colleagues (who shared his enthusiasm for such a tool), Travis decided we needed to make our own publication that we could use to educate landowners on the practices that we use on shoreland properties to mitigate shoreland erosion. The Wisconsin Shoreline Stabilization Outreach Project (SSOP) developed Shoreline Stabilization: A Guide for Homeowners and Conservationists as an educational tool for property owners and conservationists alike. The SSOP is made up of conservationists, technicians, and outreach specialists from 11 LCDs across Wisconsin, with assistance from the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection (DATCP). A DNR surface water grant was received to help publish this booklet and was matched by contributions from several Area Land Conservation Associations. A full list of contributors to this document are located on the last page of the booklet.


The SSOP team hopes you find this a useful tool when working on our lakes and rivers!


SITCOM Members, left to right, Kevin Erb (UW-Madison Division of Extension) and Mike Stanek (NRCS), present during the Basic of Agriculture Training in 2019.

SITCOM is working for you


Mike Stanek, NRCS State Agronomist, reflects on his experience as a SITCOM member. See what he says below:

been involved in some role “withI’veState Interagency Training Committee (SITCOM) since my first career working for a county land conservation office. In many ways, as a new employee, SITCOM was the only clear way to identify the training opportunities that existed. Many trainings occur around the tri-state region, but I always felt like SITCOM put everything in one location, easy to find. The opportunity to complete an annual training survey was and still is very important to me, especially as my work duties continually evolve. If I need to find training on ‘carbon sequestration’ or ‘regenerative agriculture,’ I always believe SITCOM will list available training topics like these. As the NRCS State Agronomist, I have actually become the trainer for many of these topics. I work even more directly with SITCOM as a committee member. Our regular meetings keep all of our partner agencies up-to-date on important training needs, requests, or potential new ideas. Many

WI Land+Water is continuing to provide online webinars that can be attended without the need to travel to a training site. Our webinars are typically recorded and posted on our website allowing you to watch and re-watch them at your convenience.

of the topics that I train NRCS staff and partners on can be offered to a wide array of conservation-minded staff. I have recently trained on topics such as soil erosion, basic agriculture, pest management, and cranberry nutrient management. SITCOM plays a key role in advertising these training opportunities. Several times recently, Penny Pohle has taken class signups through WI Land+Water and joined those staff to our NRCS trainings. This partnership approach addresses a major obstacle when non-federal staff can’t access our USDA trainings in AgLearn. This has been a barrier identified when staff don’t have e-authorization to access the federal AgLearn environment. Our joint signup method is working smoothly, and may continue well into the future. I look forward to continuing our work with SITCOM. And I’m sure I will continually be challenged with developing and coordinating training for new and emerging conservation topics.

Have you checked out the prerecorded webinar series developed by WI Land+Water and our partners? There are currently 23 prerecorded webinars that are mostly ten minutes or less in length that you can watch now on our website. Presentations include advice for conservation staff and committee supervisors, Land and Water Resource Management (LWRM) plans, Soil and Water Resource Management Grants (SWRM), NR 151 Agricultural Performance Standards and Prohibitions, Poster and Speaking Contests, and much more. These short videos provide an opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of local conservation programs in Wisconsin.

Watch Now


Slinger High FFA at NCF-Envirothon Slinger High School represented Wisconsin at the NCF-Envirothon virtual competition July 25-July 28, 2021 hosted by the Nebraska Association of Resources Districts.

GET READY: 65th Annual Poster & Speaking Contest The 2022 poster theme is “Healthy Soil: Healthy Life”

Slinger High FFA took first place in their first WI Envirothon, which qualified them to represent Wisconsin on the international stage. They were one of 41 teams from around the globe testing their environmental knowledge for a chance to win scholarships and prizes. The Slinger Team showcased their speaking talents in the Overall Orals Final, placing 5th out of 41 teams. The 2021 Current Issue was “Water Resources Management: Local Control and Local Solutions.” Students were given the scenario for their presentations one week prior to the competi-

tion and gave their 20-minute presentations via Zoom to a panel of judges. They plan to put together a team for next year’s WI Envirothon, and we are excited to see students continue to learn about the future of conservation. To learn more about the 2022 competition and current issue, visit the Envirothon website. To see a write-up on the Slinger High FFA Team, check out the article written by West Bend Daily News.

2022 WI Envirothon The 2022 NCF-Envirothon will be hosted by Ohio Federation of Soil and Water Conservation Districts and held July 24-30, 2022 at Miami University Oxford, Ohio. The 2022 Current Issue will be Waste to Resources.

Stay tuned for more details and updated information from NACD. To access the most recent Poster & Speaking contest forms, visit our website.

Team Captain Ben McMeeken readies their virtual presentation with teammates (from left) Peyton Roemer, Hannah Hellesen, Julianna Duerst, and Madison Jensen.

The 2022 NCF-Envirothon will be hosted by Ohio Federation of Soil and Water Conservation Districts, and held July 2430, 2022 at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. The 2022 Current Issue is “Waste to Resources.” For more about the competition, visit the Envirothon website.


SAND LAKE CAMP: SAYING GOODBYE TO A BELOVED PROGRAM For 15 years, the Sand Lake Camp in Marinette County inspired hundreds of middle schoolers to learn more about the outdoors and developed a deeper care and understanding for our natural resources. In 2006 Greg Cleereman, Marinette County Conservationist, and Amanda Kostner, Marinette County Information and Educational Specialist, started Sand Lake Conservation Camp for middle school students at Camp Bird Youth Camp near Crivitz, WI. Greg and Amanda helped with the high school conservation camp, and they saw the need to reach younger students. And so Sand Lake Conservation Camp was born. Sand Lake Camp was open to students from all of Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. The first year of camp in 2006 started with 27 6th-10th graders. Anne Bartels, Marinette County Information and Educational Specialist, took over camp operations in

2007. The camp grew to 80 campers, with the average number of students attending around 75 each year. In 2011, the age range for the campers changed to 6th-8th grade focusing on middle school students.

Camp for high schoolers. Sand Lake Camp has educated hundreds of middle school students through the years about conservation, wildlife, careers in conservation and provided a unique and fun outdoor experience.

Over the years Anne expanded the program activities to include many guest speakers and groups at Sand Lake Conservation Camp. These included The Raptor Education Group, Bay Beach Wildlife Sanctuary, WDNR staff, Timber Wolf Information Network, Bay Area Mounted Search & Rescue, and a variety of other guests with an assortment of programming for students.

Sand Lake Camp has been run by Marinette County staff and other county staff and volunteers from across the state. In recent years it has become more challenging to recruit people who can volunteer the time needed to run this camp. Due to changing department priorities, liability concerns, and a shift in staff needs for other projects, Sand Lake Camp will no longer be hosted by Marinette County.

They also utilized their Teaching Outdoor Awareness Discovery programs (T.O.A.D.), like the ‘aquatic creepy critters’ stream survey. Other camp staff also led program activities like birdhouse building, spinner making, outdoor first aid, bird watching, fishing, canoeing. With the help of camper evaluations, Sand Lake Camp expanded, improved, and served as a feeder camp to the WI Land+Water Conservation

Sand Lake Conservation Camp has been a great program, and we are deeply saddened to say good-bye. We want to thank Anne Bartels, Marinette County, and all county staff and volunteers through the years that have stepped up to make Sand Lake Conservation Camp so successful. Thank you for your commitment to youth conservation education!

We would love a centrally-located county to host a similar version of this camp! The Youth Education Committee and Anne Bartels would be glad to chat with an interested county and can help provide background, resources and program ideas. To learn more about running a camp, please reach out to Anne Bartels at or Kim Warkentin at


TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES You will receive a confirmation email upon successfully registering. If you do not receive a confirmation or have any questions, please contact

PLASTICS POLLUTION Tuesday, October 26 (9:00 - 10:00 a.m.) | Online Register by Friday, October 22, at Leah Holloway, Program Manager for Milwaukee Riverkeeper - Together we’ll learn how plastics get into our environment, why they are so harmful, why they are so hard to get rid of, and steps we can all take, individually and collectively, to make a big difference. Don Jodrey, Director of Federal Government Relations for the Alliance for the Great Lakes, will present on the issue of plastic pollution in the Great Lakes. Don will discuss the scope of the problem in the Lakes from the Alliance’s perspective and how the Alliance encounters plastic pollution through their annual adopt-a-beach program, as well as their role in working to ban the use of plastic micro-beads in personal care products. The presentation will also focus briefly on various state and federal efforts to regulate plastics in freshwater environments and make recommendations on how to think about the effort to regulate plastics holistically so as to reduce the harmful effects of plastics on natural resources such as the Great Lakes.

CONSERVATION PARTNERSHIP TRAINING November 30- December 2 (9:00 a.m. – 12:15 a.m.) | Online Register by Wednesday Nov. 24 | Find registration links on the agenda. Join us to learn about WI Land+Water, DATCP, DNR, NRCS, Standards Oversight Council, Conservation Partnership Training Program, Pheasants Forever, and Trout Unlimited. Presenters will provide information about programs and topics integral to successful conservation programs. The agenda, registration information, and training resources are posted on our website.

Let’s tell your story! The work you do is important! Provide a short overview and a few photos of a project. Our team will reach out to help develop a story we can share with our partners across the state. SUMBIT NOW


16 131 W. Wilson St. #601 Madison, WI 53703 (608)441-2677 F: (608)441-2676

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