West Word Issue 4-January Newsmagazine

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WEST WORd Issue 4-January

Wichita High School West

Yokahoma & You Why you should give the Oriental Japanese restaurant a chance for your next meal.

West Word




Gabrielle Hazen-Junior Zavier Barrow-Junior


Xira Alexander-Junior Ralph Dayacap-Junior Adelina Finch-Junior Madison Harper-Junior Rachael Papps-Junior Brisa Perez-Junior Kylee Hinkle-Sophomore Itzel Salas-Sophomore Evan Yazzie-Senior

Stories Editorials

(Pg.8) Restrictions on Children Playing Outdoors (Pg.9) Yellow Journalism Meets Oversensitivity (Pg.6-7) Trump: Good vs. Bad


(Pg. 4-5) Haylee Strum: Volunteering (Pg. 10-11) Teenage Pregnancy (Pg. 12-13) Single Awareness


Alexis Chicalas-Senior Ralph Dayacap-Junior Skyler Meyer-Sophomore Eric Ramirez-Sophomore

(Pg. 14-15) Yokohama Review


(Pg.16) March Madness


Spencer O’Daniel-5th Year

Social Twitter

@PioneerWestWord 2

The Word is an open forum for student expression. The Word is not subject to prior review by administration. Content of the paper is determined by staff. Editorial articles express the opinion of the editors and do not reflect the view of the faculty or administration of West High. The inclusion of an advertisement does not signify its endorsement for business by the West Word Staff.

What’s Inside!

Unplanned Pregnancy? Desisions to make?


BIRTHLINE 339 N. Seneca



or 1-800-848-5683

Order your Cookie Gram Today


Go to the booth on Wednesdays or see Mrs. Beck in I-6 for more information.

Cookie grams will be delivered on Valentine’s Day during Academy Time.

Buy your yearbook this month!

Get your sweetheart something sweet, thoughtful,and special.

See O’Daniel or Gina in the main office to guarantee your copy before the last day of the semester!

Pioneer Booster Club

2nd Annual Car Show April 7, 2017 Advertisements


Giving Thanks Giving Back Page by Xira Alexander The holidays are a time where most people feel a sense of renewed gratitude. It’s a time of giving thanks and giving gifts. West High student Haylee Strum takes this concept to another level each holiday season by volunteering with her free time. Strum spends her time giving back to the community by volunteering at Franklin Elementary, Special Olympics and Wesley Hospital. “My family all has been super involved, one day I just went along with them and I liked it,” she said. Strum volunteers at the same school that her mom works at, Franklin Elementry, where she assists the teachers and students. “Sometimes I work with the kids in the classrooms and help them, and I also help the teachers do the work and create lesson plans,” Strum said. Strum plans to be a teacher some day under the influence of her mother, thus heightening her desire to volunteer at a school. She is also involved in the Special Olympics; an event for people with disabilities. Her own family experience has led to her passion for assisting this cause. “I helped with food and I also helped the kids race and cheered them on. My uncle actually has a disability and I think that everyone should be treated the same so I help there.” Haylee donates her time to Wesley Hospital as well. “At Wesley I helped patients out of their rooms to their cars when they left,” Strum said.


To Strum, small things like helping someone to their car can make the people feel like someone else cares. She also does an art show for Operation Holiday, and participates in the Big Brother Big Sister program. “During the Big Brother Big Sister program, I met a super cool little kid cool kid and I felt like I made an impact.” Strum enjoys helping kids and this kid in particular seemed to be moved by her presence. “This little boy cried when I had to leave, he was super sweet and I was really glad to be able to help because he came from a low income family.” Being sincerely dedicated in charity work, Strum makes a difference on a regular basis and feels like she actually influences people’s lives for the better. “I think volunteering gives you like a different stand point to see how other people’s lives are, and it just makes you feel better when you help someone else.” The benefits of volunteering can be enormous to you, your family, and the people in your city. Strum was able to learn real life skills while simultaneously reaching out to her community. “It was something I could do with my family when I was younger, and I loved helping people,” she stated. Volunteering creates a sense of self-confidence and accomplishment. While her efforts might be small, she feels like she’s making a real impact. “It may not help that much, but it helps a little, and sometimes a little can make a difference,” Strum said.


Top Left- Showing off Lluli’s writing skills Haylee Strum (11’) helps out at Franklin Elementary School in Wichita. Top Right- Proud of Lluli’s hard work while practicing writing, Strum congratulates her with an enthusiastic high five during a routine writing session. Bottom Left- Exercising her brain, Lolita reads a book as Strum listens and helps when needed. Bottom Right- Giving that extra push, Strum helps out at the computer while practicing math. “Helping them with math because math is something I excel in, I can easily explain it to them,” Strum said. Pictures by Phelisha Machado

Volunteering Through the Year

March 2016

Strum volunteered at Exploration Place where she had an educational booth with science experiments for children to learn about.

June 2016

She helps out at the Special Olympics serving food, cheering them on, and helping them with knowing that the race is over.

July 2016

Strum also volunteers at the Big Brother Big Sister Program where she met a little boy on which she made a huge impact on for his future.

September 2016

Strum participated in a program at Eberly Farms where she helped give homeless people clothes, free haircuts and needed food.


Page by Kylee Hinkle and Itzel Salas Photos by Skyler Meyer

Character issues can’t be overlooked with Trump Thoughts on


“How are we to put our trust into a man with no experience,” said Rebecca Strickland.

“He has already divided Amercia between racist and non-racist with his comments,” said Kiarra Walker.


On January 20th, Trump was sworn in as our 45th President of the United States. While some might say that Trump could use his money and business skills to pull America out of the debt, we simply cannot ignore his other actions that could cause America to be doomed. Setting good examples and loving every one of every race is what makes a good leader. Sadly, that’s what our President-elect, Donald Trump lacks. There’s no argument Trump is racist, rude and inexperienced when it comes to politics, let alone being the leader of the United States. Everyone is fully aware of Trump’s plan to build a wall blocking Mexico from the United States but he hasn’t fully thought that one through yet. He expects Mexico to pay for the $25 billion wall, He also expects Mexico’s people to build the fifty-foot wall. His ignorant and racist comments began way before he even considered running for Office. He proceeded to say during the election, that he wants all African Americans

sent back to Africa. Trump’s powerful influence caused society to question their own views on race. While his running mate had experience in politics, Trump had zero. Along with the lack of a political background. Trump had neither military experience nor anything along those lines to even be prepared to run our country. Most importantly, Trump won the election under very controversial circumstances. The tally of votes clearly stated that his running Hillary Clinton should have won. She won by 2.9 million votes putting her at a 48.2% compared to Trump’s 46.1%. Trump only won due to his 306 electoral votes compared to Clinton’s 232. Trump might be ignorant, racist, rude and inexperienced in politics, but he was elected as our new president and we can’t change that now. Hold our new president accountable for what he does in office. Maybe we can influence him to possibly be more open-minded?

Political Editorial

New Presential mindset worth your consideration The January inauguration of Donald Trump is something you should care about. His dream is to make America great again by creating 25 million new jobs over the next decade. 23.7 million Americans from the ages of 25-54 are not currently in the work force. This is crucial for high school students today. As the future of the country, many of us will have the opportunity to work these factory or industrial style jobs. From a military perspective, Trump’s vision is to defeat ISIS by rebuilding our military. He plans on working with our Arab allies to battle ISIS. The safety of our country is important now more than ever with the increased threat of ISIS, Cyber terrorism and the United States continued involvement in the Middle east. Trump’s business history could also lead us out of the massive financial debt that we have in our country.

His plan is to ask Congress to cut taxes on corporations and individuals. Trump’s plan consists of reducing income by $5.8 trillion over the next decade. He also has set a plan in place to drastically reduce the cost of child care so that the average cost of will be deducted from that individual’s taxes. Why does this matter to high school students? Financial debt is an issue that has plagued our country since the 1990’s and will worsen with the Millenial generation. The abortion policy was signed January 23, 2017 with two other executive orders. Trump is Pro-life and he has made that very clear. This executive order blocks foreign aid that provides abortion. Obama left some big shoes to fill, but if you just give Trump a chance to fill in those shoes and become the President that you elected, you might be surprised on what he can do for this country. Now more than ever, we must be more open-minded as a country to try something-or someone new to fix this miss.

Thoughts on


“Trump wants to make America great again”, WWsaid Triston Batemon.

“I’m expecting to see him taking action to reduce the debt,” said Caelan Schuman.


Off Limits Story by Rachael Papps Photo by Skyler Meyer

The line between safe and overbearing. It’s important to keep our children protected, but when do we cross the line between safe and overbearing?

There are a lot of terrible people out there, and it is acceptable if you don’t let your child go to the park by themselves, or if you don’t want other children doing the same thing.

Over the past year, there has been several cases where parents have had child services called on them for letting their kids play in their yard.

It’s important for children to play outside. Playing outside allows them to learn to play independently, and promotes their fine and gross motor skills.

When children are no longer allowed to play in their backyard without the police being called on their parents, we have definitely crossed the line.

Warning Signs

We often hear complaints about how kids these days are too involved in their electronics and need to go outside, but parents are hesitant to let them in fear of having them taken away. According to Minnpost, 40 percent of the kids in the British study would like to play outside more often, but their parents dont allow it. It used to be kids would run up and down their neighborhood playing with their friends and having fun outside. Now, kids are barely allowed to play in their backyard. It used to be your kids could be out until darkness set, instead parents worry about miniscule issues they simply have no control over.


-If the child is not wearing appropriate clothing for the weather. -If they are locked out of their home. -If they have been outside for 2+ hours. -If the child is in immediate danger.

Also, if they are are playing with other kids it helps them develop social skills needed later in life. Kids not being able to go outside can make them very dependent on you as a parent; these children often need more attention and help in school. It’s important to let them outside so that they be by themselves and so that they can become independent.

MinnPost also stated that 50 percent of parents were concerned about traffic, and forty percent didn’t want their kids to be kidnapped. While this is a rational fear, it shouldn’t be so overwelmng that you don’t ever let your kids out to play. What kind of childhood is it when all they can remember is being stuck inside? Some of the best memories are made by being outside. It’s the time spent with friends and siblings outside having a water ballon fights, or a snowball fights. It’s the time spent in the backyard building a fort out of sticks and jumping in puddles after it rains. Being outside is where you can laugh, yell and be as loud as you want. It’s where you can run without being told not to. It’s being able to do all the things that you aren’t allowed to do inside. Children being able to go outside is so important. They need to go outside during this time before they are older and their days will be spent sitting in chairs shoulders hunched over a stack of papers.



Story by Evan Yazzie

Social Media Lies “Multiple dogs found dead outside of local home have many people going crazy, what they say next will make you mad.” Fake news companies use lines like these for people to click on their websites to generate advertisement revenue. Most of the information provided is from a completely opionated statistics that are not true. They publish stories only if it will make their audience share the posts, even if it was a completely fake story with no sense of truth. It is more common to find a catchy headline title of a story than it is to find that same story actually true. This is just modern day Yellow Journalism. Yellow Journalism was more than just a boring history class section that we all seemed to overlook during our U.S. History classes. It was a scam artist’s paradise. They printed out fake news with headlines meant to catch an onlooker’s eye. These consumers would buy the paper to see what the article was about only to find it was all lies. It works the same as clickbait titles and fake news headlines that are all over social media today. These fake news corporations include AmericanNews, RealNewsRightNow, and TheUSPatriot. These sites fooled multiple followers who believe their fake information. Some articles haven’t even been fact checked from any sources. These articles are believed because people get so angry that they click share before they even read it.


These newscasts seem to study how people behave on certain topics of interest. If a mass group of people seem to have a sensitive side to animals, the fake news corporation will publish a story that shows hurt or dead animals, with a creative backstory to it. These headlines are made to target an onlooker to show anger and disgust quickly to whereas they don’t click on the post but only share it so other friends see it as well.

Snopes.com is another site that partnered up with Facebook to combat the fake news problem. The founder of the site is David Mikkelson. Mikkelson has owned the site since 1995. His site used to debunk myths but more recently has been debunking fake news more rapidly. In an interview with a CNN reporter, Mikkelson said, “All of these phenomena have been around for ages, it’s only the technology that has changed.”

“It seems there is a financial incentive for people to make stuff up.” Eugene Keily Since they got angered so quickly, they forgot to check to see if the story was true. The audience helps spread the lies and earn these fake news advertisement money. Eugene Keily, director at FactCheck.org, partnered up with Facebook to stop the spread of fake news outlets. FactCheck aims to debunk any fake news corporations and tells the reader to be wary of certain sites as well. Eugene believes the reason why these companies push out fake news on social media is money. “It seems like there is a financial incentive for people to make stuff up,” says Eugene Keily. “What we are seeing now is disheartening.”

7 out of 10 Facebook users only read the headline of science articles before commenting. 6 out of of 10 people share the news without ever reading the article. This causes the fake information to be absorbed by those who did not look into their research.

Sites like Snopes and FactCheck are an easy and quick way of knowing whether an article you read is fake or real. Some articles can be debunked in a matter of minutes to seconds. It just depends on how well these articles were hidden. If you find articles from a Facebook post that is fake and don’t want to see it again, all it takes is a few seconds. Report the page, then click on “I think it shouldn’t be on Facebook, and then click its a false news story.” It helps Facebook keep the fake news being produced down to a minimum. Be careful with the information that has been provided. The internet is filled with multiple people trying to decieve. Be the one to find out what is real or just fantasy.

10 Notorious fake news websites:

anonhq.com bigamericannews.com buzzfedusa.com dailyheadlines.com infowars.com freedomdaily.com now8news.com occupyliberals.com occupydemocratcs.com realnewsrightnow.com

Interesting News Statistics:

53% of people shared fake news

70% of science articles are shared

without being read.

60% share the news without reading the article.

Yellow Journalism Through History: -1895: Cartoonist draws a character named Yellow Kid who starts a bidding war for the character by bringing in money for the newspapers. This gave birth to the term Yellow Journalism.


The newspaper of Yellow Kid cartoon starts to publish articles that show anti-spain propaganda and rumors of attacks. This gained the newspaper money and helped get the topic rolling.


Newspapers see the money accumulating and copy the idea of propaganda headlines and use catchy hooks as their titles to get people to read their papers.


Real newspapers start selling subscriptions so that readers still get real news and don’t pay money for the fake news coming out.

NOW: News

is now free so Internet scammers use advertisement websites to pull people in to view their fake stories.


Left: Over New Years Eve, Tackett and Renteria enjoy spending time together at Tackett’s family celebration. Right: This past Halloween, Eli took pleasure in receiving candy while being dressed as a lion. Bottom: Due to health issues, Eli was unable to go home right away. So, to deal with not being able to get professional newborn pictures, Renteria’s family set up a mini photo shoot.

Page by Gabrielle Hazen & Madison Harper

Eli’s Influence

Any first-time mother will tell you the struggles and strife she had to go through to raise her child. In 2017, more mothers than ever are setting their feet financially, earning an education and putting themselves in a better position before their first child is even thought about. For junior Jade Tackett, that opportunity simply never presented itself. Tackett and her boyfriend, Jesus Renteria, began dating midway through their seventh grade year, on January 22, 2013. “It wasn’t too serious because we were only in middle school,” thought Renteria. Although happy with one another, the beginning part of their relationship was extremely rough. There were constant problems and issues that encouraged negativity between the love birds. “We were good, but we were always fighting about unimportant things,”


Tackett claimed. Towards the start of their freshman year, Tackett was noticing irregular signs with her body and started to question what she was feeling. Although she was not experiencing the typical symptoms such as morning sickness, there was still early thoughts about pregnancy. “When I first realized what was happening, I was super devastated. Tony and I started to consider all of our options, even the ugly one,” said Tackett. Their families were not at all pleased with the choices their kids had made. Tackett’s family was disappointed in her, but promised to support her through it all, and eventually became quite excited. However, Renteria’s family was not nearly as accepting of the news “Tony’s family didn’t even think the baby was his at first. They said they weren’t going to help,” said Tackett.

Even with the stress of their families, the soon to be parents came to terms with the cards they were dealt, and life began falling to place. They both had decided that the first steps needed to adjust to their new life was transforming into better versions of their previous selves. Tackett confessed to not being as devoted to her school work and grades as she would have liked. She also admitted that her mental state was not in the best conditions, either. “I didn’t plan on being here that long, to really go on, so I didn’t see the point in it,” Tackett said. Tackett and Renteria decided to made a pledge together to be comitted to school and parenting. Tackett collected as many articles and books as she could. This included the best baby foods to the truth about vaccinating your infant. The couple also wanted to create a stronger bond with the baby before

Life Feature

Left: Taking an opportunity to show off her dazzingly son and self, Tackett posed for an adorable and loving selfie. Right: To commemorate their son’s first birthday, the parents took the one-year old on a journey through the Sedgewick County Zoo. Bottom: During the month of November 2015, the family decided a perfect gift for a family friend was a photo of their beloved son.

it’s arrivial. They decided to do so by refering to the fetus as “squishy”. As for Tackett’s depression she started doing actvities that she used to enjoy. She hung out with more people and opened herself to the postive side of life. “I decided I couldn’t take care of someone if I couldn’t even take care of myself,” said Tackett. So I forced myself to stop feeling sorry for myself.” Finally after months of preparation and hard work, the big day arrived. On April 3rd 2015, Eli Haiden Renteria was introduced into the world. Two years later, their family unit is stronger than ever. Both having made enormous progress in their journey of reformation. Tackett’s efforts to better her education has improved drastically. With Tackett taking multiple higher level classes, she now has more confidence in her future. Renteria has made strides to step up as a father as well.

Renteria has enchanced his performance in school and has started searching for colleges. Besides being a student, Renteria provides for his family by working as much as he can. “Without a doubt Eli inspired me to do better,” confessed Renteria. The partnership between Tackett and Renteria has also made drastic changes. Tackett believes that since Eli’s arrival their love for one another has bloomed into something beautiful. As for parenting, Tackett is extremely proud of how well they have handled having a child while being young and inexperienced. “I think it’s really important to understand your kids, so I did a lot of research on the human brain and how fast it developed. It made me really understand why Eli acts the way he does,” said Tackett. The family has taken on cute and unique ways of installing Tackett’s

knowledge. One way was that they have put up small colored hearts around the house. The cutouts remind the couple to be patient and controlled. “If I start to feel overwhelmed I look at a heart and I have Eli sing or count, which makes him happy and calms me down,” Tackett said. Ultimately, without the birth of their child both companions and their lives would most likely have taken a different turn. “I think I would still be really depressed and me and Tony wouldn’t still be together. I don’t know I didn’t have a lot of motivation back then,” disclosed Tackett. Even thought the path has been bumpy and stressful at times, the couple has dealt with the curve thrown their way. “It’s really weird for me because I’m a part of this world that I never thought I‘d be a part of, but I’m thankful I’m here,” exclaimed Tackett.


Single on

Valentine’s Day Valentine’s Day is suposed to be the day we celebrate love, but why only on this one day? And what about the people who don’t have a companion? Valentine’s Day can quickly become Single Awarness Day. Most single people on Valentine’s Day are trying to keep their heads low and evade the romantic atmosphere. This holiday is a marketing machine based on societal expectations. You may be sad because you’re single, but it may help you to know that there are plenty of people out there that are experiencing it too. Embrace your singleness. Think about all the benefits there are to being single, even the small things like not having to share your favorite chair. You don’t have to make any compromises, you don’t have to share anything (especially food), and you don’t have to worry about anyone’s expectations. Think of all the money you are saving by not spending all of your paycheck on Valentine’s gifts for your significant other. Don’t only embrace your relationship status, but embrace yourself as you are. Some times the person you neglect the most, is yourself. Take this opportunity, on this holiday of love, to love you. Love yourself despite your relationship status. Don’t compare yourself to others. Avoid getting caught up in the crowd, remember that it is just another day and that you don’t have to give Valentine’s Day meaning unless you want to. If you wanted to, you could just completely ignore the fact that it’s Valentine’s Day. Another thing to try to avoid is romanticising past relationships and past Valentine’s that you spent with a partner. Though learning from past relationships can be constructive, February isn’t the best time to try and gain insight.


Make other plans to keep yourself busy, even if they aren’t Valentine’s Day related. Go to a concert, see a play, go to a sporting event, excercise or go to the gym, or just sleep in and have movie marathon at home. Keeping yourself busy is key, so if you want to celebrate Valentine’s Day do so, just don’t make it about being lonely, make it about love. Whether you take the day to love yourself or to love the ones around you. You could also take this opportunity to change your relationship status and meet new people. If you’re up to it, check out what’s happening in the single’s scene. Meet someone new and take your mind off of how lonely you were before. Use Valentine’s Day to activley search for campanionship, you are not alone. Try not to host a pity party for yourself. It will only make things more depressing and gloomy than they already are. Instead, build yourself up by doing things that you enjoy and by being kind to yourself. Another way to celebrate Valentine’s Day is by making it an Anti-Valentine’s Day. Throw a party with all your single friends and instead of decorating with pink and hearts, decorate with black! You spend most days with your freinds and family, but on this one day you are obligated to show love to a significant other? Why not spend time with the ones that are always there for you year round instead of on just one day? Society makes you think that you have to spend your entire paycheck on Valentine’s Day, when really all you need is just a couple bucks and some cool people.




Single Solo Treat Yourself

Go Out!


Go to the spa or go shoppping. Buy yourself that teddy bear you want, or anything that a boyfriend or girlfriend might buy you.

Go to the movies, bowling, camping or skating to keep yourself busy and get your mind off things. Take yourself out on a date!

Throw an all singles party or attend one, organize a secret admirers gifting sesh, or throw an Anti-Valentine’s Day Party just for the fun of it.

Movie Marathon

Show the Love

Who do you love?

Hours worth of entertainment. Grab a bunch of your favorite movies, your favorite snack foods, a comfy blanket and enjoy yourself.

Volunteer at an animal shelter, a children’s home, or a senior citizen’s center to show the love to those who really need it.

Take the time to appriciate the people that you do care about. Spend time with family, friends, and loved ones to show them you care.


A Dish from Delano Nothing breaks the silence of a small city more than a new restaurant opening with a menu Wichita isn’t so familiar with. Yokohoma is more than welcome in our city for their authentic and cultural dishes and their Japanese style ramen. Yokohama is the first restaurant in Wichita to serve credible and legitimate ramen from the core and heart of Japan itself. Owner of the diner is Jack Yasunari Falcuda, along with his great ambition to open a restaurant , made his way by studying and working hard to make his dream come true. “I wanted to open up my own restaurant a long time before opening Beard Papa’s in Towne East Mall but I didn’t have enough experience. I studied business and food and I was able to open Yokohama last April,” said Yasunari. The restaurant has been a booming success ever since it opened up. Yokohama employee Tobi Dai has been working in Yokohoma since it opened and explains the hectic beginning that occurred the moment the doors opened to the public. “At first it was very busy, it was pretty crazy, its been a process of figuring out how to get better and we’ve


Page by Brisa Perez and Adelina Finch Photos by Eric Ramirez

come a long way since we’ve opened,” said Dai. Challenges are a common conflict for new coming businesses. From those busy nights, to the tight spaces, the Yokohama staff have overcome their challenges and have managed to conduct nicely in a tight and crowded area. “Before we were yelling at each other like ‘why did you do that or why did you take so long to make that’ but because we’re in such a tight space and we see each other every day we’re like a family, and now when it gets busy everyone just focuses on their job and everything flows really nicely,” said Dai. Customers have had excellent experiences at Yokohama and have been pleased with the credible Japanese cultured menu. Yokohama customer Sabrina Gooch keeps coming back to try new cuisine options. “I’ve been here a couple times and tried a couple dishes. I came here with my family once and we all tried different ramen bowls and we each tried all of them. They are all really good and each had different flavors,” said Gooch. A simple way to put it. If you’re in the mood for ramen go down to Yokohama and experience yourself a small taste of a different country. Delano’s Yokohama is just the start to others restaurants that Yasunari might open. As well as the Japanese ramen, Yasunari plans on bringing more authenthic cuisine to the 316. “My vision for this restaurant is to let the people of Wichita know what authentic ramen is, I plan on introducing more authentic Japanese dishes to Wichita,” said Yasunari.

Food Feature

Components of Yokohama Ramen

Black mushrooms Japanese ramen Naruto fish cake

Savory pork based broth combined with special Yokohama shoyu base Green onions

Chashu pork Bamboo shoots Yokohama Interesting Fact

Seasoned soft boiled

With traditional ramen, you’re not supposed to drink the soup. It’s only used to carry the noodles through the dish.

Left-This poster symbolizes that everyone is welcome at Yokohama even though you may not be Japanese in descent. Top Right-The business seats only 30 individuals, but fills up quick during a lunch or dinner rush. On the first day of opening, the line extended well beyond the door of the noodle joint. Bottom Right-The Yokohama kitchen is very small, and generally holds only 3-4 employees while being crammed full of plates, utensils, woks and other Japanese tools and supplies.


Title Contenders

Cinderella teams, buzzer beaters, Presidential brackets and unlikely heroes sums up the expectations for the 2017 March Madness. Last year surely didn’t disappoint, with Villanova winning the championship game with a game-winning buzzer beater over Duke. Phoenix will play host to the Men’s Final Four tournament this year. Selection Sunday falls on the 12th of March and will determine dreams coming true while some aspirations will be shattered. Here are three teams that can make a difference during the tournament.

-Kethan Savage

2010/2011 was a tough year for the Butler Bulldogs fighting their way to the national championship game and losing to Duke by only 3 points. The next year, they faced the same disappointment to UConn who came out of nowhere and shocked the basketball world. Heartbroken and discouraged, the Bulldogs have picked themselves up and are looking to go for another championship run this season. The Bulldogs have a potential to shock the nation with their packed senior squad.

A powerhouse in the Big 12, the Kansas Jayhawks are looking for their 13th consecutive conference title in the Bill Self-era. Challenged with a tough schedule this year, the Jayhawks always seem to find that one senior that will lead them through all of it. This year point guard Frank Mason III has stepped up to the plate. Mason has been showing he’s one of the best point guards in the nation and is running for the Naismith Player of the Year. With senior leadership and an outstanding freshman lottery pick in Josh Jackson, the Jayhawks are out to prove they are the best team not only in their conference, but the entire country.

-Frank Mason

-Lonzo Ball

A team with a rich history and player with great leadership in their freshman sensation Lonzo Ball, the UCLA Bruins are a team to watch out for. Coming into the season ranked number 16, the Bruins have battled their way to catch eyes of the public. The Bruins are currently ranked 4th in the nation and not looking to stop their domination until they get what they want. A 12th championship banner hanging in their arena.

TourneyPredictions by Ralph Dayacap

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