Faculty Scholarship Booklet: 2023-24

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Faculty Scholarship Report

MAY 2023 - MAY 2024




Charles Andrews. The English Modernist Novel as Political Theology: Challenging the Nation. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2024.

Richard Cloutier, Alan C. Mikkelson. The Effect of Absolute Return Strategies on Risk-Factor Diversification and Portfolio Performance. Investment Management and Financial Innovations, Vol 20, Issue 3, 2023: Business Perspectives, July 2023.

D. Berton Emerson. American Literary Misfits: The Alternative Democracies of Mid-Nineteenth-Century Print Culture. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, April 2, 2024.

Amy Patterson, Tracy Kuperus, Megan Hershey. Africa’s Urban Youth: Challenging Marginalization, Claiming Citizenship. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023.


Benjamin Brody. At The Weaving of Creation: Fifty New Tunes. Chicago: GIA Publications, Inc., 2024.

Brent Edstrom. Jazz Piano Solos Series, Vol. 67: Boogie Woogie Christmas. Milwaukee, WI: Hal Leonard Corporation, 2023.

Brent Edstrom. Jazz Piano Solos Series, Vol. 66: Soft Jazz. Milwaukee, WI: Hal Leonard Corporation, 2024.

Brent Edstrom. Jazz Piano Solos Series, Vol. 66: Afro Cuban Jazz. Milwaukee, WI: Hal Leonard Corporation, 2024 (in production).

Marco Favaro, Justin Martin. Batman’s Villains and Villainesses: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Arkham’s Souls. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2023.



D. Berton Emerson. “Failed Periodicals, Forgotten Satires, and Alternative Forms of Dissent in Antebellum America” in The Part and the Whole in Early American Literature, Print Culture, and Art. Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell University Press, April 2024.

Haley Jacob. “Glory, Glorification” in Dictionary of Paul and His Letters. Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2023.

Jonathan A. Moo. “When Good Christians Destroy the Earth: The Virtue of Limits and the Limits of Virtue” in Ecoflourishing and Character: Multidisciplinary Christian Perspectives. London: Routledge, 2024.


Benjamin Brody. “Colbert, Go to The World, Innocents, Veni Domus Sancta, Come to Me, One Day (Hymn Tunes),” in A Whisper in the Heart: The Hymns of Sylvia Dunstan. Chicago: GIA Publications, Inc., 2023.

Robert D. Francis, Mary Gerhardstein. “Using Pathways of Public Service and Civic Engagement to Cultivate Vocational Discernment in the College Classroom,” in Emerging Stronger: Lessons from the Pandemic that Improve Pedagogical Skills. New York: Routledge, 2024.

Kevin Grieves. “Actors, Organizations, Structures, and Routines of Cross-Border Journalism,” in The Palgrave Handbook of Cross-Border Journalism. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave, 2023.

Justin Martin. “Cold-Hearted: Mr. Freeze and Moral Development,” in Batman’s Villains and Villainesses: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Arkham’s Souls Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2023.



Elizabeth L. Abbey, Quincy Rigg. “A Qualitative Study of the Meaning of Food and Religious Identity.” Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 2024, Advance Online Publication.

Nichole Bogarosh. “Women’s American Football: Breaking Barriers On and Off the Gridiron by Russ Crawford.” The Journal of Popular Culture, 2024, https://doi.org/10.1111/jpcu.13338

Gregg Brekke, Mark Killian. “A Neuromyth and L2 Vocabulary Acquisition: Education Student Beliefs.” Washington Association for the Education of Speakers of Other Languages, 2024, 49, (1).

Cyndi Caniglia, Kathryn Picanco, Kristen Arnold, Sharon Naccarato. “Educators’ Perceptions of Professional Growth Plans in the Context of Professional Learning Communities.” Journal of Interdisciplinary Teacher Leadership, 2023, 7, (1): 103-133.

Grant Casady, Jason Lowe, Michael Atamian.  “Do Translocated Greater Sage-Grouse in Central Washington Select Mesic Patches as Summer Habitat?” Northwestern Naturalist, 2023, 104, (2): 117-128.

Elizabeth Choma, Shannon Hayes, Beth Lewis, Alexander Rothman, Jean Wyman, Weihua Guan, Siobhan McMahon. “Technical Assistance Received by Older Adults to Use Commercially Available Physical Activity Monitors (Ready Steady 3.0 trial): Ad-Hoc Descriptive Longitudinal Study.” JMIR Mhealth Uhealth, 2023, 11.

Md Rejwanul Haque, Md Rafi Islam, Elizabeth Choma, Shannon Hayes, Siobhan McMahon, Edward Sazonov, Xiangrong Shen. “Smart Lacelock Sensor for the Balance Assessment of Community-Dwelling Older People.” Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2023, July: 4.

The Herbivory Variability Network (incl. Olivia Cope). “Plant Size, Latitude, and Phylogeny Explain Variability in Global Herbivory.” Science, 2023, 381: 679-683.

Vincent J. Roscigno, Elizabeth Lee, Allison Hurst, David Brady, Colby King, Kevin Delaney, Monica McDermott, Jose Munoz, Wendi Johnson, Robert D. Francis. “Mobility & Inequality in the Professoriate: How and Why First-Generation and Working-Class Backgrounds Matter.” Socius, 2023, 3.

Allison Hurst, Vincent J. Roscigno, Anthony Jack, Monica McDermott, Debbie Warnock, Jose Munoz, Wendi Johnson, Elizabeth Lee, Colby King, Robert D. Francis. “The Graduate School Pipeline and FirstGeneration/Working Class Inequalities.” Sociology of Education, 2023, 97, (2): 148-173.

Todd Friends, Zach Sun. “Emerging Trends for Global Contact Centers: Leaving Call Center Stereotypes Behind.” Journal of Business and Economic Perspectives, 2023, L, (2).

Deborah George, Sean Gallivan, Amy Both, Carrie Clark Hawkins, Sean Gallivan, Jamie Bayliss, Julie Crompton, Lynn English, Alexia Lairson, Trisha Renner. “An Exploration of Support for Clinical Education Partners.” Journal of Physical Therapy Education, 2024.

Melissa Wilmarth, Kyoung Tae Kim, Robin Henager. “Exploring Financial Behaviors of Military Households: Do Financial Knowledge and Financial Education Matter?” Financial Services Review, 2023, 31, (1): 35-54.

Robin Henager. “Curricular and Co-Curricular Delivery of Financial Wellness Content.” Journal of Financial Education, 2023, 49, (1): 109-122.

Keith L. Dougherty, Aaron A. Hitefield. “The Effects of the Great Compromise on the Constitutional Convention of 1787.” American Politics Research, 2024, 52, (2): 170-181.

Fred Johnson. “Selling San Narciso: Pierce Inverarity as Insider-Innovator in The Crying of Lot 49.” Orbit: A Journal of American Literature, 2023, 11, (1): 1-23.

Emmanuel Mwaungulu, Michelle Li-Kuehne, Meena Subedi.“Corporate Governance, Internal Control and Leverage: Are We There Yet?” EDPACS: The EDP Audit, Control, and Security Newsletter, 2023, 68, (6): 1-24.

Michelle Li-Kuehne, Emmanuel Mwaungulu, Meena Subedi. “Community Social Capital and Accounting Conservatism.” Journal of Forensic Accounting Research, 2024: 1-32.

Qian Mao, Charles O’Neill, Ke Bao. “A Feature-Based Network Traffic Classification Approach.” International Journal of Network Security, 2023, 25, (5): 821-828.

Justin Martin. “Harlem’s Superhero: Social Interaction, Heterogeneity of Thought, and the Superhero Mission in Marvel’s Luke Cage.” Popular Culture Review, 2023, 34, (2): 43-89.

Justin Martin. “Superhero Media as a Potential Context for Investigating Children’s Understanding of Morally Relevant Events.” Libri & Liberi: Journal of Research on Children’s Literature, 2023, 12, (1): 11-35.

Philip Measor. “A Scalable Microdevice Fabrication Method for Low Resource Environments Via 3D Printing.” Proceedings of the SPIE, 2024, 12832: 1283202.

Colter R. Ray, Alan C. Mikkelson. “The Multidimensional Evaluation of Enacted Support Scale (MEESS): Best Practices for Use Based on Issues of Factor Structure, Study Design, and Scale Instructions.” Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 2023, 40, (10): 3269-3295.

Samantha Miller. “Off-Campus Courses as Immersive Contemplative Education: A Study of Conditions for Fostering Formation in Gen Z Students.” Teleios, 2024, 4, (Winter): 67-76.

Peter Moe. “Pullin’ Notes Out.” Pedagogy: Critical Approaches to Teaching Literature, Language, Composition, and Culture, 2024, 24, (2): 314-19.

Stephanie Ryder, Jacob Pedigo, Deanna Dahlke Ojennus. “Elucidating the Role of a Calcium-Binding Loop in an x-Prolyl Aminodipeptidase from Lb. helveticus.” ACS Omega, 2023, 8: 35410–35416.

Jacob Blomdahl, Aaron Putzke, Philip Measor. “A 3D Printed Microfluidic Particle Sorting Device.” Proceedings of the SPIE, 2024, 12837: 128370B.

Wei-Chih Wang, Ming-Yao Li, Kuan-Chang Peng, YiFeng Hsu, Benjamin Estroff, Pao-Yun Yen, David Schipf, Wen-Jong Wu. “Mirrorless MEMS Imaging: A Nonlinear Vibrational Approach Utilizing Aerosol-Jetted PZT-Actuated Fiber MEMS Scanner for Microscale Illumination.” Microsystems & Nanoengineering, 2024, 10, (1): 13.

Bendi Benson Schrambach.  “Charismata and The Book of Margery Kempe.” Pneuma: The Journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies, 2024, 46, (1): 47-59.

Scott J. Peters, Matthew C. Makel, Lindsay E. Lee, Tamra Stambaugh, Matthew T. McBee, D. Betsy McCoach, Kiana R. Johnson. “What Makes for an Effective Gifted and Talented Screener?” Gifted Child Today, 2024, 47, (2): 98-107.

Matthew C. Makel, Scott J. Peters, Lindsay E. Lee, Tamra Stambaugh, Matthew T. McBee, D. Betsy McCoach, Kiana R. Johnson. “Effective Identification Through Multiple Criteria.” Gifted Child Today, 2024, 47, (2): 108-118.

Katelyn N. Koch, Aaron J. Teo, Kraig A. Wheeler. “Dual Space Divergence in Small Molecule Quasiracmeates: Benzoyl Leucine and Phenylalanine Assemblies.” Chemical Communications, 2024, 60: 2800-2803.

Renata Kaczmarek, Ewa Radzikowska-Cieciura, Karolina Krolewska-Golinska, Rafal Dolot, Kraig A. Wheeler, Ferman A. Chaves, Roman Dembinski. “Synthesis and Determination of Anticancer Activity of Dicobalt Hexacarbonyl 2-Deoxy5-alkynylfuropyrimidines.” Med. Chem. Lett., 2023, 14: 962-969.

Yujie Su, Jin Gao, Xinyue Dong, Kraig A. Wheeler, Zhenjia Wang. “Neutrophil Mediated Delivery of Nanocrystal Drugs via Photoinduced Inflammation Enhances Cancer Therapy.” ACS Nano, 2023, 17: 1554215555.

Cole Streeter, Kraig A. Wheeler, Ashley N. Lamm. “Crystal Structure and Hirshfeld Surface Analysis of Triazatriborinotris[1,3,2]benzodiazaborole Acetone Disolvate.” Acta Crystallographica: Crystallographic Communications, 2023, E79: 11041108.

Zachary Battaglia, Jordan Kersten, Elise Nicol, Paloma Whitworth, Kraig A. Wheeler, Charlie Hall, Jason Potticary, Victoria Hamilton, Simon Hall, Matthew Cremeens. “Crystal Structures, Hirshfeld Analysis, and Energy Framework Analysis of Two Differently 3›-Substituted 4-Methylchalcones: 3›-(N=CHC6H4p-CH3)-4-Methylchalcone and 3›-(NHCOCH3)-4Methylchalcone.” Acta Crystallographica, Section C: Structural Chemistry, 2023, C79: 217-226.

Megan Willison, Amy Fraley, Leslie Oglesby, Cynthia Wright, Zachary Winkelmann. “Spiritual Fitness, Spiritual Readiness, and Depressive Symptoms in ROTC Cadets.” Journal of Athletic Training, 2024, 59, (4): 419-427.


Charles Andrews. “Injurious Recipes: Some Ingredients for a ‘Dangerous’ Modernist Studies.” Modernism/Modernity Print Plus—In These Times. September 15, 2023.

Jonathan E. Dawson, Abby Bryant, Trevor Jordan, Simran Bhikot, Shawn Macon, Breana Walton, Amber Ajamu-Johnson, Paul D Langridge, Abdul N Malmi-Kakkada. “Contact Area and Tissue Growth Dynamics Shape Synthetic Juxtacrine Signaling Patterns.” Biorxiv. May 8, 2024: 31.

Jonathan E. Dawson, Abdul N. Malmi-Kakkada. “Noise in the Direction of Motion Determines the Spatial Distribution and Proliferation of Migrating Cell Collective.” Biorxiv. July 7, 2023: 12.

Robert D. Francis, Colby R. King, Marisela MartinezCola, Mary L. Scherer, Myron T. Strong. “Introduction to the Special Issue – A Class of Our Own: Teaching Sociology by, for, and about First-Generation and Working-Class People.” Teaching Sociology. July 1, 2023: 211-217.

Robin Henager. “Consider Budget Billing for Utility Expenses.” Phi Kappa Phi Forum. Winter Issue, 2023: 9.

Robin Henager. “Make Giving Part of Your Household Budget.” Phi Kappa Phi Forum. Spring Issue, 2024: 9.

Robin Henager. “Planning Vacation Finances Ahead.” Phi Kappa Phi Forum. Summer Issue, 2023: 18.

Robin Henager. “The Envelope Method for Budgeting Expenses.” Phi Kappa Phi Forum. Fall Issue, 2023: 7.

Michael Artime, Megan Hershey. “Are Celebrity Spokespeople Always Helpful for Refugee Causes?” Migration Information Source. September 14, 2023.

Lisa Hoxie, Kathryn Picanco. “Learning in Places: Reflections on Transformative Pedagogy.” Since Time Immemorial: Tribal Sovereignty in Washington Educator Preparation Program Newsletter. Fall ND, 2023: 5-8.

Jonathan A. Moo. “Ecology, Economics, and Our Common Home, Parts 1 and 2.” Eventide Journal for Faith and Investing. June 6 and 13, 2023: online.

Renee’ Schoening. “Supporting Educators in SEL Skill Embodiment is the First Step Toward School-Wide Integration.” Educational Technology Insights. November 6, 2023: 2.


Charles Andrews. “Jacob’s Room and Political Theology: Deep Pluralism versus Christian Nationalist ‘Redemption.’” Modernist Studies Association. Brooklyn, NY, October 26-29, 2023.

Charles Andrews. “Pickpocketing Modernism for 21st Century Teaching.” Modernist Studies Association. Brooklyn, NY, October 26-29. 2023.

Md Rejwanul Haque, Md Rafi Islam, Elizabeth Choma, Shannon Hayes, Siobhan McMahon, Edward Sazonov, Xiangrong Shen. Smart Lacelock Sensor for the Balance Assessment of Community-Dwelling Older People. 45th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Sydney, Australia, July 24, 2023.

Siobhan McMahon, Jean Wyman, Weihua Guan, Elizabeth Choma, Shannon Hayes, Qi Wang, Alexander Rothman, Beth Lewis. Effects of Interpersonal and Intrapersonal Promotion Strategies on Falls: A Physical Activity Trial. Gerontological Society of America. Tampa, FL, November 12, 2023.

Chelsea McClammer, Elizabeth Choma, Richard Schein, Corey Morrow. Telehealth for New Wheelchair Evaluations: A Retrospective Cohort Description of Patient Characteristics. American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference. Orlando, FL, March 23, 2024.

Elizabeth Choma, Diane Treat-Jacobson, Manda Keller-Ross, Julian Wolfson, Lauren Martin, Siobhan McMahon. A Pilot Feasibility Study Investigating Balance Delivery to Older Adults with Chronic Conditions in Rehab Settings. Gerontological Society of America. Tampa, FL, November 11, 2023.

Olivia Cope. Distinctive Roles of Timing-Based Trait Variation in Plant-Herbivore Interactions. Ecological Society of America. Portland, OR, August 8, 2023.

Landon Vyhmeister, Gavin Valdez, Eric Davis Pulsed Electrospray Ionization Kinetics. American Chemical Society Spring Meeting. New Orleans, March 17-21, 2024.

Saned Gharari, Brian Clowers, Eric Davis. Stepped Stand-Alone Fourier Transform Ion Mobility Spectrometry. American Chemical Society Spring Meeting. New Orleans, March 17-21, 2024.

Sophia E. Du Val, Amanda C. R. Clark. Zines are for Everyone: Zine-Making in Library Programming. Pacific Northwest Library Association Annual Conference. Moscow, ID, August 4, 2023.

Sophia E. Du Val, Amanda C. R. Clark. Zines are for Everyone: A Zine-Making Workshop for All Washington Library Association Annual Conference. Spokane, March 1, 2024.

Sophia E. Du Val, Amanda C. R. Clark. Collecting Community: Zines in Christian Libraries. Association of Christian Librarians Annual Conference. Virtual, Cedarville, OH, June 26-28, 2023.

D. Berton Emerson. “What We Ought to Be Doing in Nineteenth-Century American Literary Studies.” Modern Language Association Annual Convention. Philadelphia, January 2024.

D. Berton Emerson. “Without Closure: Forms of Incompletion and Stasis.” C19 Americanist Society Biennial Conference. Pasadena, CA, March 2024.

S. Alisha Epps. Alleviating Depression Through Endocannabinoid Modulation. Faculty Enrichment Luncheon at the Murdock College Science Research Conference. Vancouver, WA, November 10-11, 2023.

Grace Olsen, Mia McGinnity, S. Alisha Epps Potential Mechanisms of Exercise as a Natural Treatment for Epilepsy and Depression in a Rat Model. Murdock College Science Research Conference. Vancouver, WA, November 10-11, 2023.

Kevin Grieves, Erica Salkin. Journalistic Discourse on Disruptive News Ventures Launched by Media Insiders Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication. Washington DC, August 10, 2023.

Megan Griffin. Theoretical Frameworks that Inform the Practice of ABA: What They are and Why it Matters Annual Conference for the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) Division on Autism and Developmental Disabilities. Honolulu, HI, January 19, 2024.

Carrie Clark Hawkins, Elizabeth Ennis, S. Beth Quinn. Impact of Holistic Admissions Process on NPTE Outcomes. APTA Educational Leadership Conference. Philadelphia, October 14, 2023.

Jody Eckert, Tara Dickson, Jamie Greco, Patrick Pabian, Jacquelyn Ruen, Lisa Johnston, Kevin Helgeson, Mary Anne Riopel. Examining Barriers and Solutions to Promote Education Research. APTA Educational Leadership Conference. Philadelphia, October 14, 2023.

Karin Heller. Guerre d’indépendance et Guerre civile façonnent les Etats-Unis d’Amérique. Féminisme et Culture Américaine. University of Besançon, Besançon, France, January 10, 2024.

Karin Heller. L’ONU : Rivale Secrète de l’Eglise Catholique (Vesoul). L’ONU : Rivale Secrète de l’Eglise Catholique (Vesoul). University of Besançon, Vesoul, France, January 11, 2024.

Karin Heller. Les Etats-Unis Au Défi Du Wokisme Féminisme et Culture Américaine. University of Besançon, Besançon, France, January 12, 2024.

Karin Heller. Le statut des femmes dans la Nouvelle Angleterre : berceau du mouvement abolitionniste Féminisme et Culture Américaine. University of Besançon, Besançon, France, January 10, 2024.

Karin Heller. Religious Anthropology, Myth and Science-Fiction: “An Invitation to a Spiritual Quest.” Being Spiritual While Doing Research. Forum Wiedenest, Gummersbach, Germany, August 30, 2023.

Karin Heller. Le grand tournant des Années 1960: Faire son “Coming Out.” Féminisme et Culture Américaine. University of Besançon, Besançon, France, January 11, 2024.

Karin Heller. Les origines et le choc avec les cultures d’Occident: le Sentier des Larmes et le commerce triangulaire transatlantique. Féminisme et Culture Américaine. University of Besançon, Besançon, France, January 9, 2024.

Robin Henager. Assessing Financial Knowledge and Confidence: A Methods Analysis. The American Council on Consumer Interests (ACCI) Annual Conference. Las Vegas, May 16-18, 2023.

Jason S. Byers, Aaron A. Hitefield, Laine P. Shay. It’s a Challenge! The Electoral Consequences of District Offices. MPSA - Midwest Political Science Association. Chicago, April 2024.

Fred Johnson. “Of Course Chewbacca is the Drummer: Play, Patterns, and Expectant Reading, Even in a Multiverse.” Faith, Film, and Philosophy Seminar. Gonzaga University, Spokane, September 30, 2023.

Katherine Karr-Cornejo. Gabriela Mistral’s Botanical Imagery and Insight. Congreso de Literatura y Estudios Hispánicos. Virtual, October 2023.

Xiaosha Lin. Beyond Jasmine Flower. Colorado Music Educator Association Conference. Colorado Springs, CO, January 25, 2024.

Xiaosha Lin, Joseph To. Chinese Choral Music Washington American Choral Directors Association Summer Institute. University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, WA, July 17-19, 2024.

Xiaosha Lin. SINGING Outside the Box. Colorado Music Educator Association Conference. Colorado Springs, CO, January 25, 2024.

Philip Measor. A Scalable Microdevice Fabrication Method for Low Resource Environments via 3D Printing. Photonics West 2024. San Francisco, January 27, 2024.

Alan C. Mikkelson, Colin Hesse. Organizational Communication Patterns as Predictors of Organizational Citizenship Behaviors: The Mediating Role of Citizenship Motives. Western States Communication Association Conference. Reno, NV, February 23-26, 2024.

Cris J. Tietsort, Alan C. Mikkelson Craig Hinnenkamp Employee Perceptions of Supervisor Credibility: Predictive Effects for Employee Well-Being Outcomes. Western States Communication Association Conference, Reno, NV, February 23-26, 2024.

Kory Floyd, Mathilde Duflos, Caroline Giraudeau, Colin Hesse, Daniel H. Mannson, Alan C. Mikkelson, Mark T. Morman. Parasite Stress Weakly Predicts Affection Deprivation: Preliminary Evidence from 37 Countries. Western States Communication Association Conference, Reno, NV, February 23-26, 2024.

Faith Lutze, Anne Korp, Tessa Wilson, Eunsuhk Choi, Mary Miller. Understanding Coercion Within IPV Incidents Reporting a History of Non-fatal Strangulation to the Police. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. Chicago, March 19-23, 2024.

Samantha Miller. Chrysostom’s Apatheia of the Angels: The Form of Salvation. North American Patristics Society Annual Meeting. Chicago, May 23-25, 2024.

Jonathan Moo. God’s Calling to Care for Creation Biologos Creation Care Summit. Calvin University, Grand Rapids, MI, October 7, 2023.

Edna G. Ndichu, Shikha Upadhyaya. Ambivalence and Resistance Toward Global Brands’ Practices: Digital Consumer Activism in a Developing Market Context 2023 Macromarketing Conference. Seattle, June 19-22, 2023.

Darren Melville, Deanna Ojennus. Hen Egg-White Lysozyme (HEWL) Binding Interactions with Eosin B Spring National Meeting of the American Chemical Society. New Orleans, March 18, 2024.

Jacob Blomdahl, Aaron Putzke, Philip Measor A 3D Printed Microfluidic Sorting and Analysis Device. Spokane Intercollegiate Research Conference. Whitworth University, Spokane, April 20, 2024.

Jacob Blomdahl, Aaron Putzke, Philip Measor 3D-Printed Microfluidic Device for Sorting Microorganisms. Murdock College Science Research Conference. Vancouver, WA, November 10, 2023.

Jacob Blomdahl, Aaron Putzke, Philip Measor A 3D Printed Microfluidic Particle Sorting Device. Photonics West 2024. San Francisco, January 29, 2024.

Madison Korkeakoski, Marissa Bell, Aaron Putzke Investigating Fer Kinase Expression During Brain Development in Zebrafish. Murdock College Science Research Conference. Vancouver, WA, November 10-11, 2023.

Madison Korkeakoski, Marissa Bell, Aaron Putzke Investigating Fer Kinase Expression During Brain Development in Zebrafish. TAGC24 (Genetics Society of America), Washington, DC, March 6-10, 2024.

Aaron Putzke, Andrea McDowell. A Little Help Here? Finding Support and Community for Compliance Committees at Small Research Programs. Public Responsibility in Medicine and Research (PRIM&R). Washington, DC, December 3-6, 2023.

David Robbins, Paul Werhane, Jonathan Hook, Smokey Fermin. Differences in Activity, Health, Sleep, Stress, and Depression in Graduate and Undergraduate Health Science Students. American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting. Boston, February 16, 2024.

David Robbins, Paul Werhane, Jonathan Hook, Smokey Fermin. Comparing Self-Reported Vs. Objectively-Measured Activity, Sleep, Stress, Anxiety, and Depression in Undergraduate and Graduate Students. American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting. Boston, February 17, 2024.

Trisha A. Russell. Teaching Structural Features of Bonding and Conjugation Through the Crystal Structures of Azo Dyes in the Organic Chemistry Laboratory. American Chemical Society National Conference. New Orleans, March 16-20, 2024.

Kolbe McNaught, Jack Hostetler, Trisha Russell Crystallographic Analysis of Praziquanamine Resolution Using Substituted Benzoyl Tartaric Acids American Chemical Society National Conference. New Orleans, March 16-20, 2024.

Taylor Voelker, Drew Hovde, Carl Laroya, Ian McTamaney, Aby Mikiska, Laurelle Watkins, Trisha Russell Substituent Electronic Effects on the Tautomerization of Crystalline Azo Dyes. American Chemical Society National Conference. New Orleans, March 16-20, 2024.

Renee’ Schoening Whole School Systemic Change Inaugural Character Strong School Counseling Summit. Virtual, National Reach, WA, February 6, 2024.

Renee’ Schoening. School Wide SEL Strategies for Students with Anxiety & Trauma. 2024 WSCA Annual Conference. Seattle, March 8, 2024.

Renee’ Schoening. Aligning ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors with WA SEL Standards. 2024 WSCA Annual Conference. Seattle, March 7, 2024.

Renee’ Schoening. When Helping Hurts: Thriving in the Face of Secondary Trauma. 2024 WSCA Annual Conference. Seattle, March 8, 2024.

Tamra Stambaugh, Christine Deitz, Catherine A. Little, Shelagh Gallagher. The Essential What and Why of Curriculum for Gifted and Talented Students. National Association for Gifted Children Annual Conference. Orlando, FL, November 2023.

Tamra Stambaugh, Rebecca L. O’Brien. Beyond the Test: Curriculum and Instructional Strategies to Support Identification. National Association for Gifted Children Annual Conference. Orlando, FL, November 2023.

Joyce VanTassel-Baska, Tamra Stambaugh, Catherine A. Little. Curriculum Planning for the Gifted in the Regular Classroom. National Association for Gifted Children Annual Conference. Orlando, FL, November 2023.

Lindsay Lee, Tamra Stambaugh, Matthew C. Makel, Kiana R. Johnson. How Does Your Identification System Measure Up? A Framework for Optimizing Identification. National Association for Gifted Children Annual Conference. Orlando, FL, November 2023.

Tamra Stambaugh, Joni M. Lakin, Duhita Mahatyma. Rurality, Giftedness, and Innovation: Educator Perspectives on Developing STEM Talent in Rural Settings. American Education Research Association. Philadelphia, April 2024.

Tamra Stambaugh, Lindsay Lee, D. Betsy McCoach, Matthew C. Makel, Scott J. Peters, Matthew T. McBee, Kiana R. Johnson. Identification Criteria Decisions Impact Cognitive Ability Profiles and Demographic Representations. American Education Research Association. Philadelphia, April 2024.

Ann Robinson, Tamra Stambaugh, Catherine A. Little. Lessons Learned from Javits Projects: How Talented Teachers Develop Their Talents. National Association for Gifted Children Annual Conference. Orlando, FL, November 2023.

Zach Sun. Competing Institutional Logics in the Health Information Exchange Field of US Healthcare Industry The 57th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Honolulu, HI, January 3, 2024.

Kraig A. Wheeler, Katelyn N. Koch, Emily Needham, Diana Schepens, Aaron Teo. Unusual Crystal Forms to Motif Prediction from Quasiracemic Materials International Union of Crystallography. Melbourne, Australia, August 22-29, 2023.

Kraig A. Wheeler. Writing Competitive Research Grants. American Chemical Society National Conference. New Orleans, March 16-20, 2024.

Kraig A. Wheeler, Katelyn N. Koch, Aaron J. Teo.  Crystal Structure Cavity Spaces to Probe Quasiracemic Recognition Profiles. American Chemical Society National Conference. New Orleans, March 16-20, 2024.

Cynthia Wright, Smokey Fermin, Shane Wibel, Emma Baker. Utilization of a Free Athletic Training Clinic for University Employees and Students. Northwest Athletic Trainers Association Annual Meeting. Boise, ID, April 5, 2024.


Elizabeth Abbey. Well-Being: Perfectionists Need Not Apply. Whitworth Women’s Leadership Network. Spokane, October 27, 2023.

Anthony E. Clark. The Lan Su Chinese Garden: Portland’s Treasure of Sino-Western Exchange. Society of Architectural Historians MDR Meeting. Lan Su Chinese Gardens, Portland, OR, October 8, 2023.

Anthony E. Clark. China’s Catholics: A ‘Field Report.’ College of the Holy Cross Lecture. College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, MA, September 12, 2023.

Anthony E. Clark. Professor Robert Entenmann’s Life and Work on Eighteenth-Century China. Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference. Seattle, March 16, 2024.

Anthony E. Clark. Emerging Scholars of Christianity in China. Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference. Seattle, March 16, 2024.

Joelle Czirr. Discipline that Connects. City Covenant Church, Spokane, February 11, 2024.

Brent Edstrom. Crash Course in Improvisation. Hal Leonard Corporation. Webcast, Milwaukee, WI, February 15, 2024.

Ranelle Nissen, Katherine Ericsson, Caitlin Butterfield, Zoey Eastman, Syndey Patrow, Kylie Rodig. Caregiver Quality of Life – Needs of Sandwich Generation Caregivers. University of South Dakota Occupational Therapy Department 2024 Research Symposium. University of South Dakota, Sioux Falls, SD, April 24, 2024.

Richard Kenton Webb, Benny Fountain Drawing (a) Life. Debate, University of the Arts Plymouth. Plymouth, England, February 9, 2024.

Terrell James, Benny Fountain Public Interview with Artist Terrell James. Story, Solo Exhibition Opening Talk. Froelick Gallery, Portland, OR, September 9, 2023.

Robin Henager. Gender and Risk Tolerance. Ladies Business Community. Spokane, November 2023.

Robin Henager. Financial Education in Schools and Teacher Preparedness. Financial Education PublicPrivate Partnership, Olympia, WA, May 9, 2024.

Robin Henager. Faith and Finances. MomsNext. First Presbyterian Church, Spokane, October 2023.

Aaron Hitefield. From Spokane to Dubai: Field Notes from COP 28. Gonzaga University, Spokane, February 28, 2024.

Aaron Hitefield. Election ‘24 Crash Course: What to Know and What to Ask. Gonzaga University, Spokane, April 9, 2024.

Mark Killian. Resilient Church Reports. Resilient Church Initiative. Virtual, Spokane, November 2023January 2024.

Michelle Li-Kuehne, Emmanuel Mwaungulu, Meena Subedi. Deepfakes and Forensic Accounting. American Accounting Association 2024 Spark Meeting. Virtual, Regional, June 3-5, 2024.

Qian Mao. Network Traffic Classification Using Deep Learning Neural Networks. Colloquium at the University of Montana. Missoula, MT, October 30, 2023.

Jessica Heinlen, Kelsey Marcinko. Modeling Host–Parasitoid Insect Population Interactions. Pacific Inland Mathematics Undergraduate Conference. University of Idaho, Moscow, ID, April 13, 2024.

Kristi Shaka, Philip Measor. BioSense. Sparks Weekend. Catalyst, Spokane, November 18, 2023.

Jonathan Moo. Ecoflourishing and Virtue. Fresno State University. Virtual, Fresno, CA, November 29, 2023.

Jonathan Moo. Pastoring in New England and Caring for Creation. Ockenga Fellows Program, GordonConwell Theological Seminary. Virtual, South Hamilton, MA, April 18, 2024.

Trisha Russell. Implementing Crystallographic Education. 2023 Pacific Northwest Summer Crystallography Institute. Whitworth University, Spokane, July 12, 2023.

Trisha Russell. Molecular Crystals. 2023 Pacific Northwest Summer Crystallography Institute. Whitworth University, Spokane, July 12, 2023.

Trisha Russell. Basic Diffraction Theory. 2023 Pacific Northwest Summer Crystallography Institute. Whitworth University, Spokane, July 13, 2023.

Josh Park, David Schipf, Gregory Yesner. Additive Manufacturing of Piezoelectric Ceramics. Spokane Intercollegiate Research Conference (SIRC). Whitworth University, Spokane, April 20, 2024.

Josh Park, Brodin Fraser, David Schipf, Gregory Yesner. Additive Manufacturing of Piezoelectric Ceramics. Murdock College Science Research Conference. Vancouver, WA, November 10-11, 2023.

Renee’ Schoening Adult SEL: Toward a Model of Wellness & Wellbeing. Centennial Middle School, West Valley School District, Spokane Valley, August 29, 2023.

Renee’ Schoening, CaraLee Howe. Developing Resilience Through Agency and Gratitude. Logan Elementary School, Spokane Public Schools, Spokane, December 4, 2023.

Renee’ Schoening. Understanding and Managing Trauma in Elementary Schools. Snowdon Elementary, Cheney Public Schools, Cheney, WA, December 14, 2023.

Renee’ Schoening. Understanding Chronic Stress, Seondary Trauma, and Burnout. Logan Elementary School, Spokane Public Schools, Spokane, October 13, 2023.

Tamra Stambaugh. Differentiation in ELA. Teacher Workshop. Prince William County Public Schools, Manassas, VA, September 2023.

Tamra Stambaugh. Interdisciplinary Problem Solving Strategies. Washington Educators Association for Talented and Gifted Annual Conference. Renton, WA, October 2023.

Tamra Stambaugh. Lessons Learned in Curriculum Instruction and Design for Academically Advanced Learners. National Curriculum Networking Conference Keynote. College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA, March 2024.

Tamra Stambaugh. Frameworks and Definitions for Differentiation. Washington Educators Association for Talented and Gifted Annual Conference - Keynote. Renton, WA, October 2023.

Tamra Stambaugh. Engaging in Social Emotional Discussions Using Books and Media. National Curriculum Networking Conference. College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA, March 2024.

Tamra Stambaugh. Frameworks for Meeting the Affective Needs of Gifted Students. Teacher Workshop. Libby School, Spokane Public Schools, Spokane, February 2024.

Tamra Stambaugh. Simple Ways to Add Complex Thinking. Montana Association for Gifted. Bozeman, MT, April 2024.

Tamra Stambaugh. So You Want to Cluster Group? Management and Instructional Ideas. Washington Educators Association for Talented and Gifted Annual Conference. Renton, WA, October 2023.

Tamra Stambaugh. What Matters in Curriculum Design and Instruction for Academically Advanced Learners Montana Association for Gifted Keynote. Bozeman, MT, April 2024.

Tamra Stambaugh. Supporting Students from Rural and Low Income Backgrounds. Washington Educators Association for Talented and Gifted Annual Conference. Renton, WA, October 2023.

Tamra Stambaugh. Developing Expertise and Complex Thinking. Teacher Workshop. Libby School, Spokane Public Schools, Spokane, October 2023.

Maryam Almafrachi, Karen Stevens Investigation of the Manganese-Catalyzed Bromate-Malonic Acid Reaction Quenched with Various Salts. Distinguished Poster Award. Spokane Intercollegiate Research Conference (SIRC). Whitworth University, Spokane, April 20, 2024.

Jeremy Wynne. On Purgatory and Its Importance Today. The Great Debate. St. Augustine Center, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID, April 10, 2024.



Charles Andrews, Review of Virginia Woolf: Critical and Primary Sources, 1975-2014, Four Volumes, by Vara Neverow, Jeanne Dubino, Kathryn Simpson, and Gill Lowe (eds.). Virginia Woolf Miscellany, 100, Summer 2023: 63-5.

Anthony Clark, Review of This Suffering is My Joy: The Underground Church in Eighteenth-Century China, by David Mungello. Catholic Historical Review, 109, (2), June 2023.

Loriann Helgeson, Review of Clinical Education for Health Care Professionals, by Audrey Lynne Zapletal, OTD, OTR/L, CLA; Joanne M. Baird, PhD, OTR/L, CHSE, FAOTA; Tracy Van Oss, DHSc, MPH, OTR/L, FAOTA; Maureen M. Hoppe, EdD, MA, OTR/L, CPAM; Jean E. Prast, OTD, MSOT, OTRL, CHSE; Eileen Adel Herge, OTD, OTR/L, FAOTA. Journal of Occupational Therapy Education, 3, (7), 2023.

Haley Jacob, Review of Romans: A Theological and Pastoral Commentary, by Michael Gorman. Journal of Evangelical Theology, 67, (1), March 2024.

Samantha Miller, Review of Catholics and United Methodists Together: We Believe, We Pray, We Act and Catholics and United Methodists Together: Shared Prayers and Resources, by Council of Bishops, The United Methodist Church, and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Ecumenical Trends, 53, (2), 2024.

Paul Ojennus, Review of Theocritus: Space, Absence and Desire, by William G. Thalmann. CJ-Online, 2023, (09-01), September 2023.

Paul Ojennus, Review of Theocritus: Space, Absence and Desire, by William G Thalmann. Choice, 61, (5), January 2024: 548.

Paul Ojennus, Review of Immersion, Identification, and the Lliad, by Jonathan L. Ready. Choice, 61, (9), May 2024.

Paul Ojennus, Review of Eclogues and Georgics, by Virgil, tr. by James Bradley Wells. Choice, 61, (4), December 2023: 451.

Paul Ojennus, Review of In Blood and Ashes: Curse Tablets and Binding Spells in Ancient Greece, by Jessical L. Lamont. Choice, 61, (8), April 2024.

Jeremy Wynne, Review of Participation and Atonement: An Analytic and Constructive Account, by Oliver D. Crisp. Scottish Journal of Theology, 77, (2), March 6, 2024: 195-197.


Fred Johnson. “Drift Back and Sleep.” (Poem). Ekstasis, June 2023.

Fred Johnson. “Leaving the Bridge.” (Poem). Ekstasis, October 2023.

Fred Johnson, Molly Johnson. Literary Immigrations Module, Grade 12: Reading and Responding to American Immigrant Literature. High School Curriculum Module for Washington State’s Bridge to College Program. Fall 2023.




Brent Edstrom. Pianist. Spokane Jazz Orchestra with Joe Brasch. The Bing Crosby Theater, Spokane, October 7, 2023.

Brent Edstrom. Pianist. Spokane Jazz Orchestra with Wayne Horvitz. The Bing Crosby Theater, Spokane, May 11, 2024.

Brent Edstrom. Orchestrator. La Cumparsita, by Gerardo Matos Rodriguez. Martin Woldson Theater at the FOX, Spokane, February 14, 2024.

Brent Edstrom. Pianist. Spokane Jazz Orchestra with Sacha Boutros. The Bing Crosby Theater, Spokane, December 2, 2023.

Brent Edstrom. Pianist. Spokane Jazz Orchestra with the Jeff Hamilton Trio. The Bing Crosby Theater, Spokane, March 9, 2024.

Brent Edstrom. Arranger and Orchestrator.  Battle Hymn of the Republic, by Julia Ward Howe. Martin Woldson Theater at the FOX, Spokane, November 11, 2023.

Brent Edstrom. Orchestrator. Milonga del ángel, by Astor Piazzolla. Martin Woldson Theater at the FOX, Spokane, February 14, 2024.


Benny Fountain. Artist. Morandi Paints a Picture Brownstone Gallery, Modbury, England, September 30-October 28, 2023.

Xiaosha Lin. Guest Conductor. WSU, Your Hand and Mine Winter Choral Concert, collaborated concert with WSU choral ensemble. Brian Hall, WSU, Pullman, WA, March 7, 2024.

Xiaosha Lin. Artistic Director, Conductor. Whitworth Christmas Festival Concert. Martin Woldson Theater at the FOX, Spokane, December 9-10, 2023.

Xiaosha Lin. Conductor. I’ve Got a River of Life Flowing Out of Me. Whitworth Choir Spring Concert. The Bing Crosby Theater, Spokane, May 5, 2024.

Xiaosha Lin. Performer. Storytellers Workshop (Mirabai x Denver Women’s Choir). Denver, CO, April 19-20, 2024.

Xiaosha Lin. Conductor. Bright and Beautiful. Forest Treble Choir and Ponderosa TTBB Choir Spring Concert. St. Luke Lutheran Church, Spokane, May 11, 2024.


Matthew Bell. “Going Deep Two Ways.” Christian Scholars Review Blog www.christianscholars.com January 26, 2024.

Benjamin Brody. “Voices United: A Congregational Song Podcast (Season 6).” www.congregationalsong.org. May 2024.

Nancy A Bunker. “A College Year: 1913-1914.” Whitworth Archives www.whitwortharchives.wordpress.com August 2023-June 2024.

Kelsey Marcinko. “Beyond the Ph.D. Defense and Looking Back.” UW Department of Applied Mathematics Autumn 2023 Newsletter www.amath.washington.edu. September 27, 2023.

Philip Measor. “Excellent visit to SPIE.” www.linkedin.com. January 29, 2024.

Philip Measor. “Amazing Visit to Micron!” www.linkedin.com. October 31, 2023.

Samantha Miller. “A Change of Pace: Outdoor Assignments.” Wabash Center for Teaching and Learning Theology and Religion, Wild Pedagogy Blog Series https://www.wabashcenter.wabash.edu/author/ samantha-miller. May 15, 2024.

Samantha Miller. “Play - An Approach to Teaching.” Dialogue on Teaching. Podcast. https://www.wabashcenter.wabash.edu/resources/ podcasts. November 28, 2023.

Samantha Miller. “I Would, But….” Wabash Center for Teaching and Learning Theology and Religion, Wild Pedagogy Blog Series https://www.wabashcenter.wabash.edu January 10, 2024.

Samantha Miller. “Emboldened by the Wild.” Wabash Center for Teaching and Learning Theology and Religion, Wild Pedagogy Blog Series. https://www.wabashcenter.wabash.edu March 13, 2024.

Samantha Miller. “Wild Pedagogy.” Wabash Center for Teaching and Learning Theology and Religion, Wild Pedagogy Blog Series. www.wabashcenter.wabash.edu. November 20, 2023.

Jonathan Moo. “Creation Care and Investing.” Eventide Journal for Faith and Investing Video Series June 20, 2023.

David Schipf. Amanda Sullender. In teaching disabilityinclusive engineering, Whitworth University professors hope to open lab creating inclusive toys for Spokane children. The Spokesman-Review. https://www.spokesman.com/stories. May 13, 2024.

Toby Schwarz. “Daily Coaches Prayer” and “Inside Toby’s Mind.” https://www.coachtobyschwarz.com. 2024.



Matthew Bell, Chair, Commission on Preparation for Ministry, Spokane, January 2023-June 2023.

Nichole Bogarosh, Marketing Writer Volunteer, Spokane International Film Festival, Spokane, January-March 2024.

Nichole Bogarosh, KSPS Marketing Volunteer, KSPS, Spokane, August-December 2023.

Nichole Bogarosh, Board Member/Social Media Director, Northwest Alliance for Media Literacy, Spokane, 2023-24.

Olivia Cope, Board Member, Washington Native Plant Society Northeast Chapter, 2024.

Olivia Cope, Workshop Leader, Stevens County Conservation District Field Day, Deer Park, WA, May 2, 2024.

Joelle Czirr, Preacher, City Covenant, Spokane, Fall 2023.

Jonathan Dawson, Judge for Poster Presentations, Murdock College Science Research Conference, Vancouver, WA, November 10-11, 2023.

Sophia E. Du Val, Drop in and Zine Workshop Leader, Spark Central, Spokane, May-November 2023.

Sophia E. Du Val, Zine Workshop Leader, Grunewald Guild in Motion, Spokane, October 21, 2023.

Sophia E. Du Val, Volunteer Reference Librarian, Prison Library Support Network, Virtual, 2023-24.

Dawn Fitzgerald, Physical Therapist, Matt’s Place Foundation “Hope and Housing” Video Series, Spokane, December 5, 2023.

Dawn Fitzgerald, Coach, ParaSport Spokane, 2023-24.

Robert Francis, Board Member, Thrivent Member Network, National City, CA, 2023-24.

Robert Francis, Member, Mission Leadership Cabinet, Lutheran Community Services, Spokane, 2023-24.

Carrie Clark Hawkins, New Faculty Mentor, Bellarmine University, Louisville, KY, 2023-24.

Karin Heller, Second Reader of Thesis Submitted for MA of Theological Studies, Agricultural Christology: Jesus in John 10: A Call for Response in the PostAgricultural Church by Jessica Jager, Portland, OR, April 3, 2024.

Loriann Helgeson, Mentor, AOTA AESIS: New Educators Mentorship Program, Virtual 2023-24.

Robin Henager, Board Member, Big Table, Spokane, 2024.

Jonathan Hook, Federal Affairs Liaison, APTA WA Legislation Committee, 2023-24.

Haley Jacob, Keynote Speaker, The Image Church, Bothell, WA, April 5-6, 2024.

Haley Jacob, Discussion Leader, Putting the IsraelGaza War into Context, Immanuel Church, Spokane, November 2, 2023.

Mark Killian, Board Member, Proclaim Liberty, Spokane, 2023-24.

Bonnie Kirkpatrick, Transitions: EduCare, Spokane, August 17, 2023.

Xiaosha Lin, Host and Clinician, Stillwater Christian High School, Whitworth University, May 3, 2024.

Xiaosha Lin, Adjudicator, Spokane Falls Solo and Small Ensemble Contest, Spokane, February 3, 2024.

Xiaosha Lin, Conductor, Pioneer Treatment Center (Spokane Regional Stabilization Center). Ponderosa TTBB Choir, Spokane, May 14, 2024.

Xiaosha Lin, Conductor, Whitworth Choir, Whitworth Veteran’s Day Ceremony, November 10, 2023.

Xiaosha Lin, Host and Clinician, Moses Lake High School Whitworth University Visit, April 12, 2024.

Xiaosha Lin, Adjudicator, WMEA State Solo and Ensemble Contest, Ellensburg, WA, April 27, 2024.

Xiaosha Lin, Adjudicator, Music in the Parks Choral Festival, May 18, 2024.

Xiaosha Lin, Panel, Washington American Choral Directors Association Summer Institute, Tacoma, WA, July 19-21, 2023.

Xiaosha Lin, Event Organizer, Whitworth University High School Choral Invitational, February 28, 2024.

Xiaosha Lin, Host and Clinician, Great Falls High School Whitworth University Visit, April 4, 2024.

Xiaosha Lin, Adjudicator, North Central MEA Large Group Choral Festival, Wenatchee, WA, March 26-28, 2024.

Xiaosha Lin, Adjudicator, Clark College Choral Festival, Vancouver, WA, November 17, 2023.

Justin Martin, Guest Lecturer (Recorded Lecture), University of Europe for Applied Sciences (Comparative Cultural Studies 2: Seminar 120 IBM), Berlin Germany, April 5, 2024.

Justin Martin, Guest Lecturer (Recorded Lecture), Centenary University (English 1105: Superheroes and Society), Hackettstown, NJ, September 26, 2023.

Philip Measor, Guest Editor, MDPI Biosensors, Basel, Switzerland, 2023-24.

Samantha Miller, Teacher, St. Gertrude’s Monastery, Cottonwood, ID, September 15, October 18, December 6, 2023; February 21, March 13, May 1, 2024.

Edna G. Ndichu, Committee Member, Economic Development Committee, Partnering for Progress, Spokane, 2023-24.

Ernest Ofori, Member, Healthcare Committee, Spokane NAACP, 2023-24.

Deanna Ojennus, Invited Expert on the book “Rosalind Franklin: The Dark Lady of DNA,” by Brenda Maddox, Weekly Readers Book Club, Spokane, January 23, 2024.

Markus Ong, Question Writer, National Science Bowl, August 2023.

Markus Ong, Volunteer Staff, Puerto Rico High School Regional Science Bowl, Virtual, February 26, 2024.

Markus Ong, Volunteer Staff, Puerto Rico Middle School Regional Science Bowl, Virtual, February 28, 2024.

Markus Ong, Regional Coordinator, Inland Northwest High School Regional Science Bowl, Whitworth University, March 9, 2024.

Markus Ong, Question Reviewer, National Science Bowl, February 2023.

Markus Ong, Volunteer Staff, National Science Bowl, National Finals, Leesburg, VA, April 25-29, 2024.

Kevin Parker, Lecturer, MIT - Sloan School of Business, Cambridge, MA, April 2024.

Kevin Parker, Speaker, Harvard University - Institute of Politics, Cambridge, MA, November 2023.

Kevin Parker, Lecturer, Rodel Institute - (Aspen Institute), Rhode Island, ME, April 2024.

Kevin Parker, Speaker, Launch Pad, Ignite, Spokane, September 2023.

Kevin Parker, Mentor in Residence Position, University of Virginia - Batten School of Leadership, Charlottesville, VA, November 2023.

Toby Schwarz, Speaker, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, North Central High School, April 26, 2024.

Toby Schwarz, Speaker, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Mead High School, February 23, 2024.

Justin Ulbright, Strength and Conditioning Coach, ParaSport Spokane, 2023-24.

Justin Ulbright, Volunteer Baseball Coach, West Plains Little League, Cheney, WA, 2024.

Paul Werhane, Strength and Conditioning Coach, ParaSport Spokane, 2023-24.

Keith Wyma, Elder, Whitworth Presbyterian Church, Discernment Process on LGTQ, 2023-24.


Nichole Bogarosh, Board Member, Spark Central Board, 2024.

Elizabeth Choma, Volunteer, Field Work (Native Plant Restoration), Inland Lands Council, April 20, 2024.

Elizabeth Choma, Volunteer, Field Work (Native Plant Restoration, Trail Maintenance), Inland Northwest Land Conservancy, 2023-24.

Molly Codd-Gaskell, Lecturer Volunteer at Elementary School, Continuous Curriculum School, 2023-24.

Olivia Cope, Treasurer, Board, West Central Abbey, 2024.

Joelle Czirr, Head Cross Country Coach, Spokane Athletic Co-Op, Fall 2023.

Joelle Czirr, Head Soccer Coach, 90+, Fall 2023.

Katherine Ericsson, Megan Stailey. Volunteer Tester, Wilson Elementary School, May 16, 2024.

Katherine Karr-Cornejo, Vice Chair, Standing Commission on Formation and Ministry Development, The Episcopal Church, 2023-24.

Donna Mann, Board Member, Area Health Education Centers, 2023-24.

Donna Mann, Board Member/Volunteer, ParaSport Spokane, 2023-24.

Philip Measor, Audio Visual Engineer, Church Service, Trinity Baptist Church, 2023-24.

Philip Measor, Deacon, Church Leadership, Trinity Baptist Church, 2023-24.

Benjamin Necochea, Youth Group Leader/Volunteer, Real Life Legacy Jr. High Youth Group, Real Life Church, 2023-24.

Deanna Ojennus, Bell Ringer, Bell Choir, St. Luke Lutheran Church, 2023-24.

Deanna Ojennus, Choir Member, Church Choir, St. Luke Lutheran Church, 2023-24.

Markus Ong, Team Leader, Community Building Day, Mission Community Outreach Center, September 27, 2023.

David Schipf, Soccer Coach, SYSA Spring Soccer Under-7-year-olds, April-May 2024.

Toby Schwarz, Speaker, Church Service, Crossview Community Church, October 22, 2023.

Craig Tsuchida, Worship Team Member, Covenant United Methodist Church, 2023-24.


Elizabeth Abbey, Mentor, Cardiovascular Health & Well-being Dietetic Practice Group, 2023-24.

Nichole Bogarosh, Reviewer, National Communication Association Conference Critical Communication Division, 2024.

Ben Brody, Regional Chair, National Association of Schools of Music, 2023-24.

Nancy A Bunker, Member, Archives & Manuscripts, Orbis Cascade Alliance, 2023-24.

Nancy A Bunker, Chair, Local Arrangements Committee Northwest Archivists 2024 Conference, 2023-24.

Nancy A Bunker, Institutional Representative, Open Strategies & Digital Content, Orbis Cascade Alliance, 2023-24.

Elizabeth Choma, Manuscript Reviewer, Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 2023-24.

Elizabeth Choma, Item Writer, American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties SACE (Specialization Academy of Content Experts), 2023-24.

Anthony E. Clark, Consultant, British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), 2023-24.

Anthony E. Clark, Consultant, New York Times, 2023-24.

Eric Davis, Reviewer, Journal of Chemical Education, 2023-24.

Eric Davis, Reviewer, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2023-24.

Eric Davis, Reviewer, HardwareX, 2023-24.

Jonathan Dawson, Reviewer of a Peer-Reviewed Journal Research Article, Frontiers in Plant Science, October 20, 2023-February 5, 2024.

Sophia E. Du Val, Chair, Governance Committee, Grunewald Guild Board of Directors, 2023-24.

Sophia E. Du Val, Member, Pines Press Editorial Board, Whitworth University, 2023-24.

Sophia E. Du Val, Board Member, Grunewald Guild Board of Directors, 2023-24.

D. Berton Emerson, Reviewer, J19 Editorial Board, 2023-24.

S. Alisha Epps, Representative, Psychology Division, Council on Undergraduate Research, 2023-24.

Dawn Fitzgerald, Committee Member, Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy Vestibular SIG Factsheet Updates Committee, 2023-24.

Dawn Fitzgerald, Committee Member, Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy Vestibular Special Interest Group Nominating Committee, 2023-24.

Robert Francis, Member, Editorial Board, Teaching Sociology, 2023-24.

Richard George, Consultant, Multiple Real Estate Development/Investment Organizations, 2023-24.

Kevin Grieves, Adjudicator, Scripps Howard Awards, January 31-April 11, 2024.

Megan Griffin, Editorial Board Member, Inclusion, 2023-24.

Megan Griffin, Editorial Board Member, Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, 2023-24.

Megan Griffin, Editorial Board Member, Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals, 2023-24.

Megan Griffin, Advisory Board Member, Pines Press, Whitworth University, 2023-24.

Megan Griffin, Consulting Editor, Remedial and Special Education, 2023-24.

Carrie Clark Hawkins, Committee Chair, ACAPT Student Leadership Development Committee, 2023.

Loriann Helgeson, Mentor, AOTA AESIS: New Educator Mentor Program, 2023-24.

Robin Henager, Reviewer, American Council on Consumer Interests (ACCI), 2023-24.

Robin Henager, Board Member, Financial Planning Association (FPA), 2023-24.

Robin Henager, Contributing Writer, Phi Kappa Phi Forum, 2023-24.

Robin Henager, Editorial Board Member, Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, 2023-24.

Robin Henager, Program Committee Member, Financial Planning Association (FPA), 2023-24.

Michael T. Ingram, President, Northwest Forensics Conference, 2023-24.

Michael T. Ingram, Director of Debate Tabulation, Oregon State University Forensics Tournament, December 2023.

Michael T. Ingram, Judge, Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl National Bowl, March 2024.

Michael T. Ingram, Chair, Steering Committee, Northwest Regional Ethics Bowl, 2023-24.

Michael T. Ingram, Governing Board Member, International Public Debate Association, 2023-24.

Michael T. Ingram, Director of Debate Tabulation, Lewis & Clark College Forensics Tournament, October 2023.

Michael T. Ingram, Bowl Director, Northwest Regional Ethics Bowl, November 2023.

Michael T. Ingram, Judge, River Rumble High School Forensics Tournament, April 2024.

Michael T. Ingram, Tournament Director, Whitworth University Forensics Tournament, October 2023.

Michael T. Ingram, President, National Christian College Forensics Association, 2023-24.

Michael T. Ingram, Director of Debate Tabulation, Pacific University Forensics Tournament, January 2024.

Michael T. Ingram, Judge, International Public Debate Association National Tournament, April 2024.

Michael T. Ingram, Northwest Representative, Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl, 2023-24.

Michael T. Ingram, Director of Debate Tabulation, Lower Columbia College Forensics Tournament, February 2024.

Michael T. Ingram, Rules Committee Member, Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl, 2023-24.

Michael T. Ingram, Director of Debate Tabulation, Linfield University Forensics Tournament, November 2023.

Michael T. Ingram, Director of Debate Tabulation, National Christian College Forensics Tournament, March 2024.

Katherine Karr-Cornejo, Community Manager, Conversaciones del Cono Sur (Magazine of the Southern Cone Studies Session of LASA), 2023-24.

Katherine Karr-Cornejo, Member, Executive Advisory Board to the Southern Cone Studies Section of LASA, 2023-24.

Mark Killian, Chairperson, Membership Committee, Religious Research Association, 2023-24.

Bonnie Kirkpatrick, Mentorship and Consultation to first year OTD clinician and first year newly certified lymphedema specialist physical therapist, consultation on ostomy care program with new OMS nurse at Whitman Hospital and Medical Clinics, 2023-24

Michelle Li-Kuehne, Secretary and Member, Washington Society of CPAs Spokane Chapter, 2023-24.

Xiaosha Lin, Member, Washington American Choral Directors Association Diversity Initiative Committee, 2023-24.

Donna Mann, Chair, American College of Lifestyle Medicine, Certification Committee, Co-Chair, 2023-24.

Donna Mann, Invited Manuscript Reviewer, American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 2023-24.

Qian Mao, Poster Reviewer, Spokane Intercollegiate Research Conference (SIRC), April 20, 2024.

Qian Mao, Peer-Reviewer, International Journal of Network Security, September 22, 2023.

Philip Measor, Guest Editor, MDPI Biosensors, 2023-24.

Alan C. Mikkelson, Editorial Board, Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 2023-24.

Jonathan Moo, Member, Biologos Voices Speakers Bureau, 2024.

Jonathan Moo, President, Friends of Faraday, 2023-24.

Jonathan Moo, Invited Participant and Consultant, Ecumenical Consultation on the Feast of Creation and the Mystery of Creation, Assisi, Italy, March 14–17, 2024.

Jonathan Moo, Board Director, A Rocha USA, 2023-24.

Jonathan Moo, Consultant, A Rocha International Theology and Churches Working Group, 2023-24.

Benjamin Necochea, Volunteer, AAF - American Advertising Federation, Spokane - Preflight Student Portfolio Review, April 6, 2024.

Ernest Ofori, Reviewer, BMC Geriatrics, 2023-24.

Ernest Ofori, Member, American Council of Academic Physical Therapy (ACAPT), 2023-24.

Deanna Ojennus, Peer Reviewer, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, November 2023-January 2024.

Paul Ojennus, Peer-Reviewer, Archives of Emotions, December 2023.

Paul Ojennus, Member, Primo Release Testing Standing Group, Orbis Cascade Alliance, 2023-24.

Markus Ong, Paper Reviewer, Christian Engineering Society, March 2024.

Aaron Putzke, Clinical Trials Review - Community Member, Institutional Biosafety Committee - WCG, August and December 2023.

Aaron Putzke, Manuscript Reviewer, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, October 2023.

Aaron Putzke, Life Sciences Grant Proposal Reviewer, MJ Murdock Trust, November 2023.

Aaron Putzke, Manuscript Reviewer, Cancers, December 2023.

David Robbins, Reviewer, American Academy of Sports Physical Therapy, February 2024.

Trisha Russell, Reviewer, Journal of Natural Products, 2024.

Renee’ Schoening, Professional Member, OSPI School Based Behavioral Health & Suicide Prevention Subcommittee, 2024.

Renee’ Schoening, Member, SEL4US Higher Ed Workgroup, 2023-24.

Renee’ Schoening, Rural School Counselor Affinity Group Leader, American School Counselor Association, 2023-24.

Toby Schwarz, Guest Lecture, Coaching Philosophy, September 14, 2023.

Toby Schwarz, Guest Lecture, Athletic Training Seminar, November 28, 2023.

Toby Schwarz, Role Play, Athletic Training Capstone, March 11, 2024.

Tamra Stambaugh, Advisor to Director/Presenter, Lake Washington Gifted Education Advisory Group, 2023-24.

Tamra Stambaugh, Higher Education Representative/ Board Member, Washington Association of Educators of the Talented and Gifted, 2023-24.

Tamra Stambaugh, Treasurer/Officer, Board of Directors, National Association for Gifted Children, 2023-24.

Tamra Stambaugh, Advisory Board Member and Reviewer, Journal for Advanced Academics, 2023-24.

Tamra Stambaugh, Advisory Board Member and Reviewer, Gifted Child Quarterly, 2023-24.

Tamra Stambaugh, Program Chair, American Education Research Association SIG for Research on Giftedness, Creativity, and Talent, 2023-24.

Tamra Stambaugh, Reviewer, Gifted Child Today, 2023-24.

Justin Ulbright, Undergraduate Poster Reviewer, American College of Sports Medicine, Northwest Chapter, February 16, 2024.

Kraig Wheeler, Session Organizer and Convener, American Chemical Society National Meeting, March 16-20, 2024.

Kraig Wheeler, Chemistry Councilor, Council on Undergraduate Research, 2024.

Cynthia Wright, Treasurer, Washington State Athletic Trainer’s Association, 2023-24.

Cynthia Wright, Member, NATA Research & Education Foundation Scholarship Committee, 2023-24.

Keith Wyma, Rules Committee Member, National Board for Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl, 2024.

Jeremy Wynne, Reviewer, Journal of Reformed Theology, April 2024.



Nichole Bogarosh, “Whitworth’s Women Leadership Grant: Beyond the Pines Leadership Team Attendance of Western Communication Association Conference,” ($2,000, 2023-24)

Anthony Clark, “Provost’s Award for Scholarship,” (2023).

Richard Cloutier, “Boppell Endowment,” ($4,000, July 1, 2023).

Jonathan Dawson, “STEM Summer Research Program,” ($29,872, March 2024).

Robert Francis, “Weyerhaeuser Center Summer Research Fellowship,” ($2,000, May 2024).

Scott Griffith, “2023 Academic Challenge Award,” (June 2023).

Robin Henager, “Outstanding Faculty Award, Master of Science in Financial Planning,” (April 2024).

Donna Mann, “McDonald Opportunity Scholar,” ($1,700, March 28, 2024).

Kelsey Marcinko, “Vocation of the Christian Professor Workshop,” ($2,500, May 2024).

Alan C. Mikkelson, “Hugh Johnston Interdisciplinary Research Grant,” ($5,000, Summer 2023).

Sharon Naccarato, “Identified as one of the most influential professors,” (May 2024).

Edna G. Ndichu, “WSB 2023 Summer Research Grant,” ($2,000, 2023-24).

Trisha Russell, “STEM Summer Research Program,” ($13,668, March 2024).

Renee’ Schoening, “Provost Junior Faculty Award,” ($250, May 20, 2024).

Dominic Severino, “Academic Affairs Research Grant,” ($1,000, March 13, 2024).

Kwan-Lan Vicky Tsang, “Hugh Johnston Interdisciplinary Research Grant,” ($19,700, 2023-24).

Cynthia Wright, “Provost’s Award for Scholarship,” ($3,000, February 2024).

Jeremy Wynne, “Faculty Research and Development Summer Fellowship,” (April 2024).


Elizabeth Abbey, Cardiovascular Health & Well-being Dietetic Practice Group 2024 Achievement Award, Tucson, AZ, ($1,100, April 13, 2024).

Anthony E. Clark, Awarded Fellow of the Royal Asiatic Society, London, 2024.

Xiaosha Lin, The American Prize in Conducting, National Finalist, Danbury, CT, April 10, 2024.

Alan C. Mikkelson, Top Four Paper Award, Interpersonal Division WSCA, Reno, NV, 2024.

Alan C. Mikkelson, Top Paper Award, Interpersonal Division WSCA, Reno, NV, 2024.

Renee’ Schoening, CSCP Trailblazer Award, Seattle, March 8, 2024.

Tamra Stambaugh, Alumni Distinguished Excellence Award, Ohio Christian University, July 2023.


Robin Henager (Director), “Balance Your Buc$,” STCU ($6,500, 2023).

Bonnie Kirkpatrick (Director), Michale Kirkpatrick, Drew Hoffbauer, Krista Jones (Co-Director),  “Fast-Track Small Grants,” Lewis-Clark Valley Healthcare Foundation ($10,000, 2023).

Samantha Miller (Director), “Wild Spirituality for Wild Teaching Lives: Faculty Spiritual Development at Faith Based Institutions,” Wabash Center for Teaching and Learning Theology and Religion ($30,000, 2024).

Markus Ong (Director), Philip Measor (Co-Director), “Whitworth Engineering Design Projects,” Pacific Northwest National Laboratories ($5,500, 2023).

Kamesh Sankaran (Director), “NASA Washington Space Grant,” NASA ($12,500, 2023-24).

Tamra Stambaugh (Director), Matthew McBee, Scott Peters, Tamra Stambaugh (Co-Director), “Optimal Identification,” US Department of Education (2.8 million, 2020).

Kraig Wheeler (Director), Diana Schepens (Co-Director), “Targeted Structural Diversity and Assessments in Quasiracemates,” National Science Foundation ($434,041, 2023).


Mark Killian, Villanova Center for Church Management Research Fellow, Philadelphia, ($5,000, 2024).

Zach Sun, Villanova Church Management Research Fellows, Villanova, PA, ($5,000, March 9, 2024).

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