Whitetail News Vol 16.3

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way agricultural varieties do, but remain tender and palatable throughout their lives. The forage plants in PowerPlant grow extremely quickly, and in order to maximize production, the Institute includes small amounts of structural plants in the blend to allow the forage vines to climb. These include sunflowers and an extremely high-quality wildlife sorghum, chosen not only for their ability to act as a lattice for the vining forage plants but also for the benefit their seeds provide other wildlife. As a result, PowerPlant grows to a thick mass of high-protein forage, in which deer will often bed as well as feed, and in which turkeys often nest and raise their poults So far, we’ve talked about using PowerPlant in conjunction with Imperial perennials. But, are there times when a planter might elect to go with PowerPlant alone? The answer is an unqualified, “Yes!” PowerPlant can be an option if you have conditions that are less than optimum for planting Imperial Whitetail Clover or Alfa-Rack Plus. PowerPlant can also withstand hot, dry summer conditions if it gets some rain during the first few weeks after planting. The key in such situations is to plant early enough to take advantage of the last rains of spring and early summer, but not so early that you run any risk that the newly planted PowerPlant will be subjected to a late frost. And what if you’ve missed your spring planting dates for your favorite Imperial perennial? In such cases, PowerPlant can be a great option for providing your deer with critical protein during the spring and summer until you can plant your perennials in the fall. Again, remember that PowerPlant is an annual blend. It is designed to spend all it has during the 200-day antlergrowing period, and it will provide cover and forage until the first frosts of fall. However, your PowerPlant plot does not have to remain dormant for the rest of the year. Disking your PowerPlant in a few weeks before your fall planting dates, and then planting No Plow or Winter-Greens can be

a great option for those seeking to keep the plot going year-round. In such cases, it is fairly common for the beans and peas in PowerPlant to sprout after having been disked under, providing No Plow or Winter-Greens with an additional cover crop during its early stages. PowerPlant is also easy to plant. Start in early spring by performing a soil test. For optimum results, PowerPlant should be planted in a seedbed where soil pH is at least 6.0 and with as little weed and grass competition as possible. Be sure to use a proper soil test kit – one that sends soil off to a lab, and not the do-it-yourself kits, which aren’t consistently accurate. Then in early spring, add any lime recommended by your soil-test report to the surface of the plot. As soon as possible in early spring, disk the lime thoroughly in to the top few inches of soil, and smooth the seedbed with a heavy, fence-type drag. Try to do this before spring green-up if possible. In areas subject to heavy weed and grass invasion, a great option can be to wait several weeks after spring green-up for weeds and grasses to return, and then spray the prepared seedbed with a glyphosate herbicide such as RoundUp. In many areas there are literally millions of dormant weed and grass seeds in the ground, and when you till the soil, you will almost certainly bring many to the surface where they will germinate and grow. By tilling in lime and smoothing the seedbed early before green-up, you can allow these weeds and grasses to return and then control them with RoundUp before planting PowerPlant. This is not a mandatory step, but remember that you will be fertilizing your PowerPlant with nitrogen fertilizer, which can also stimulate weed and grass growth. So if you are concerned that weeds and grass might compete with your PowerPlant during its early stages, spraying with RoundUp before planting can be a great idea. A 50-pound bag of PowerPlant will plant 1 1/2 to 2 acres. In areas of high deer densities, plant 50 pounds per 1

1/2 acres. In spite of its prolific growth, PowerPlant, too, can be overgrazed if subjected to extreme grazing. In such cases, plant larger areas. Since its introduction, PowerPlant has continued to prove itself a winner. Independent academic studies have confirmed that of the available spring / summer annuals on the market for deer, PowerPlant outperforms them all. If you are looking for a blend to provide maximum protein, unsurpassed graze tolerance even during the hot summer months when natural forages dry up, PowerPlant is the answer. No other annual food plot planting, branded or generic, can compare. W

n PowerPlant FACTS >>> • Legume-based spring/summer annual food plot planting • Designed as a companion to Imperial perennials, for planting alone, or in conjunction with No Plow or Winter-Greens for year-round plot usage • Provides growth-enhancing diversity • Blend of three legumes, including LabLab and special soybeans developed for prolific growth • Combined with fast-growing, tall, palatable forages which help protect legumes from over-grazing • Rapid establishment • Easy to plant • More tonnage per acre than other spring/summer annuals • Provides exceptional bedding cover for deer and brood habitat for turkeys

Getting big bucks with big racks takes an exceptionally nutritious forage, and that can be hard to grow in hilly areas with lighter soils. Alfa-Rack Plus solves this problem. The extensive root structure of Alfa-Rack Plus allows you to grow this high-protein forage in areas that might otherwise be inhospitable to the foods deer like best. Alfa-Rack Plus includes our special blend of alfalfas, chicory, and Imperial Whitetail Clover. When the buck you are after is King of the Hill, make sure the hill is planted in AlfaRack Plus.

F R E E Trial Offer! - Call 1-800-688-3030 Offer 1- only $ 8.95 ( s h i p p i n g a n d h a n d l i n g ) FREE all new video or DVD / FREE N0-Plow TM / FREE Imperial Clover TM FREE Extreme TM / FREE Alfa-Rack TM PLUS / FREE Chicor y PLUS TM (each sample plants 100 sq. f t . )

Offer 2- only $ 19.95 ( s h i p p i n g a n d h a n d l i n g ) Same as Offer 1 PLUS F R E E 3 0 - 0 6 TM M i n e r a l ( 5 l b s . ) F R E E C u t t i n g E d g e TM Supplement (5 lbs.)

The Whitetail Institute 239 Whitetail Trail Hope Hull, AL 36043 w w w. w h i t e t a i l i n s t i t u t e . c o m

Research = Results. www.whitetailinstitute.com

Vol. 16, No. 3 /



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