White House History 45- The First Ladies

Page 76

vs. i:r. Pendel u■e4 to sb.01' the gu1ust.e around, too. Be ha4 by that thue a 1ttellcm-ueher"', !_�. J.llen, in wboae charge ho oould safely leave the trout daor. On i;,ae oooa•km at lea1t he wu moh il:lrpresaed with hi• Pl'eaident.

Gl'OUild CDrrtdo:r

"'l'he Preaidemt •u vu, gentltll!IU13' 1D hia manner. I re­ collect nat upou oae ooouion u I wu goi11g in.to the Gl'een. Roca with _. lad1u, ehollillg th• through, I unaxpeatodly an \1111 Prea1dmrt oCID1J:lg tram. the .Blue Parlor With acm& l.adiea, end 1n an inatant he said. to the ladies and. mya&l,:t, •I beg tiard0ii1 • � P:ree1c1eri.t .i th hi• ladiea i,aued. OD into th• Green lkXlll and I pa.aeed into the Blue Parlor •1th the lad1ea I wu ehowillg thraueh•" A litUe piotur• very fa:r ..,,.,. from ua, like tho t'iaUN• ot • contra dall.o•• And i!l"Obably ver.r allDall:iDg to the pnt•ent 411' doorkeepers end. eocNt service guarda who apend their waklng hOUJ'e kee_ping P:resid.entii fl'all. meeting the un1nvi 1.ed 1n thBir own cloor­ wqa.


Little 19 le:tt of the turntture that u■ed to •a"Coh the President cUspanas hoep1'taltty in the Yon: manner or the eighties. one piece is the tall hall clock he aeleoted to stand 1D the n.orth­ ••at o:o:m.er at t.he main corridor, now the d.inillg zoom. It 11 a 1'fl7 dark m.ahog&IJ;y', elaborately carved and oreeted Witb a crown J:teld b7 e:atmale,• With u onu111eJ1.W 41el, and adequa:t.e. nen today, 459 110rks. It atood 1n that weaiern corner ot tha hall 10Aa llfier �ur looked it for tbo lut timo,• until U wu :replece4 bl' a taleo-• olock brought ill With the Hoover a<laini­ Plat& 85 atntion. When thai clock l.eaves w1 th 1ta owns.re, to 1lhce 11 wu Al"thur ClDclt r.o. �9 a girt .tram. the Departnmt ot camieroe, the Arthur mahog11D7 may aoma baak to 1h old oorne:r- again. It• preaen.t place ia 1n tbe dofll• ataira corridor, w1 tbout dwbt to tlnt turther OOJ:nton ot reoepUDJl U.ng room ot the eeoond tloor oor�id.o:r. Since, they be.Te been acain gueata con,i.ne: iD l.lllo to JDO\Ult tb.e a te1l' •• 1n t:be Bed Roam, then in the �een. Poac, end: nnal.l.y emne to their l.ogical homo, the China Rom;: on the grounc1 floor, 1'21ere are displayed One pair ot tile .&rtlmr corridor n.aea 1a lett W ua. B1!!113ple chiua-eata or the Tarioue Pre•1dantiel tables. They are tho braes ul'IIS, li.oav11.7 abased and :toohd, now 0107 to ho ooan ee.oh sue ot tho Mata J>iA111& l'OCIOI tl.repla<>•• AnOther omement or ,Arthur•• Bed. Room eeema ta have �one to These de::,a they bold pota ot palm&, but lll J,,Jtt1mr• -s da;y they •ere the ..-aul\ tor eate-keepillg, eoo:a. atkl' he caued diepleying it Uth d.eaoribed as "br8all tlower v.na, tl"Cml !11.tfBDJI'•. pr14e to '110111■ Rn YorJt 1'1■1tora. OM oan eee hin. 401118 ao - 1t min h.O'e been a botanioal novelty 1n that daJ", th& wbtta ,aae Two paire or the tall jard1niena 1 characteriatio ot the repraaant1JIB e barrel cactu• in .tull bloan. :to doubt ebout 0139 .lrthu:r time ore left. one pair "" Jmoli ho boUght,- Tift'- mark ie th• hll. bloca - l.1f'►a1zad cactue blooms aro e.pplique4 still on them. !l'hsy were t'or the Red :aoca, on. which the 4eoo:re:tora lll'0Wld 'the a1dea.. .Bu.t it 1• now an m.aein& toucb 1n the old-tashiou­ aeem to have J.evilbe4 a pridetul interen. On low teakwood etenda, ed Northweat .Be�.. they are three feet three inches high, With haDCll.ea, end 0120 are very deoomt1ve apeoimona ot Bo7al. l'oroester c:bina. !ftl.e other st.a'\e per.lo!" J•r41D.1eree ot Ibis time - pillk e.nd Tb.ey eN deacribod a s ,..ery old, ond aa oosting .e1, 500, in gre,cn CenWneae, very tall, on teakwood baaea 1 an Chinoae. one an early gutde-book; which alao call.II tbs SIVl"M. The de1d.,gn on .legend aaya they were presented to .Arthur by tb.e Chinese Oll.G accorcUng t:o \he inventory that ti.rat deacribea them, 1• •a Oll.9 ]bperm-,, . but hile to &It' why or wbe:n. Plndal tells ua lrthur painting or Romen Oirl and CU.p14 in }t.l"bOD; reverse, lonio portico boUgbt thEIII- tor hie Green Room, end th9re the,' c&l"tainl.y atood, end tounta.tn, with vase end pedee:tal 1D toreoround. • 'l'be other wi'\.11 a C11uter ( ffl')' unoQlmlQD. 1n the 'lb.ite Houee d.ameatic hi■tol'7} he.a •&:mt.an g1r1 dr1Jlk:l:og at 11 tall tountain and two dovea; reverse, ds:iaged. one silit):Ltly. They I too. are now in tbe China Ramn on the tounte.1D bowl on .tluted pillar.• Theae huse orname.nts latt th& 2ad Ground .Floor. 1toom when .Rcn::,aevelt redeooraied i't and oema up to the west end. dt-


no. 010'1, aee Pl.ate 38, RooseYelt.

No. 45\1, see Plate 25. 9V.

China Roan, Ground J"loor

Plato 2& Arthur Jerd1ni«re1 Ho- Oll.9, Ola') lll>kl>o& llirrar Ho. OllB l!oovo1" Am-chatr No. 416-18 P.rea14ont .Arthur aee» to have re-dec:orated hie own Gnm, 111:>oza, p:rooabl;t a little ld01' thlUl th• T1ttaey aotiT1ty. Beturniehed it perhapa, ia a 111Dl'I accurate desori;ption. H• •u a great lo•i.r of meio 1 u bia wire had been; and eaj070d llaT1ng e. f'eli h1enda o<Jlle in to the best maic he coul.4 'find 1'or them. Adelina Patti aaDBi in the 1011 te Hou•e at ona at the gathorlmga, wh1oh were &aller an4 leas f'o?m.Dl than. the preunt-4ey ma1oalea in the Ba.st 8:>om era able to be. The Green '.Accm waa the baokground oho■en to:- 'theee •veninga.. 'l'he pre-.A.r'\:Juu' Green Boan rurntture wu on the un ot that he bad eal.4, aa being ttv01'll en4 moth-eaten• 1 l.ilce �et at 'the llaat I!ocm furui\ul'e and a U�U• or tl>a 1!&4 - furniture. Th• Pres14ent kept cat he telt 1111 could w,a, the loluulou mental lllir­ ror and. the �a r:um:tel urne, bu1 ha bought some new oomtorhabla tuni'W.N ror hll UDUIUBl l1aten&l'■• 0r1&1nallf lt ... CO'HNd. in pale green eilk broe-adB, dee:>l,y tutte4 an!S. hee.vUy :tr1uge-d. There

NO. l.28-30, 800 Plates XXJ end nv;t Jfo. 297, .see- Flate 60, HOOl'Or.

was 1D the very center ot th& all-over oarpet, a triple seat. in which three sittol"e might each taoe 1n a ditteront direction and yet tum their baoka on no one. It must haTe imaenaeJ.y complicated. the 90oial protocol ot the dl!IJ". It end 1ta coueequent _prob1sna have eon• �heir ■tatel)' way; but the tlJ'O a;m...ahaira end the t,ro e14a cba:Lre survived.. By Clenland • a time they wore reupholetere4 ta pale gn■n l)l,ush. fib.en t.he Booeevelt ere. 130 151 urived cd tunuehe4 the Greeu Room in tb.e white 8Jld gilt cane chairs ot that period, tbeae tour Arthur chairs were 1.28 taken upata:11-e to tlle lfe:at and eitting room. !!t"lh tie.r41AS 129 had 'th811 p.le.ced in the oval Llbral"J'; in her time they were ooye.n4 UL Cl aoft dull blue, like t,te 'blue carpet ot that _:rcom. 'lb.en Mr•• HooTer brought on her OIID curved eouahea t upholetered in blaak mut gold Chinese brooada 1 t o t'urniBh tho aame OVal. Draw­ ing room, tbeae tour somewhat teded ahaire were dyed black to matcb. Pemape, at mic!ni8ht, they talk: to the :e.dio there ot .Adeline Pattt of' A.rt?mr. .&rtl:mr eeema \o haY• aelecte4 a new table -ror hi• mueto l"OCID. Round o�ter tables iit cne 1 e parlor .ere .no longer quite at:ropolltm; an.d Prealden\- .a..rt:twr. C.at born Ve:rmonter but bred lfn Yorker, had a tla1:r tor being in advanoe or the te.ahion, like President Z"allhtugton, end J>reeic'lcnt !l)nroe bM'ore .bim.t wbo managed to be in ad..-ence- ot nent• too. 1hia Uable 1a oblong, wi1h OU"Yed leg11 and a center :t'1D1e.l on the atretoher, 1ta top elaborately marqu.etried., curved 1n rim. It etood against the Green Boom wa.l.l until 1go,a, when it acoompenied the rOUl' Orea Room. 4haira to the llfeat end ai tUn.g­ 257 room. Since, 1 t baa been in. both bedrooma ot the President' a suite, in '\ho aou.thnat cunzar or 'libe houas, mid it ia ll011 up 1n. th• houae.keeport a suite on the third rl.J>or. .lrthur eeemes to hafl bought the o?U.7 aet ot turn1ture ever aeleote4 in. deliberation tor the OVal Room on the priT&te t1oor. That roan h.as always been tur.D.tebed piecemeal., 0:1' with borrowed tur­ niture, in its oapeoity aa a 1ady'ta private dX'awiJl& room. Mrs* A.dmm, �he ftrd, put Uartha Waabington•s Philadelphia f"ur111ture in it; noa. M:rft. J'il.l..D:::lre 1 tO whom tbe tirst real COlrfl'let1on or that roan, u a t'-.11.f Ubra.ry, is aoaredUed, eeemo ta haTe turuiehed 1 t with whet she hed, even d.1.scovering a pretty carpet under her 1nhe:r1-ted end ahaoby matt�. lllt Al"tlmr llouab• u a set of turn1tu1"6. TO be DUl"o, he wea not tum1ah1ng a lad.tee' -parlor. :.ll"a. 'C"oflroy and her little <laUCbtcra and twalve year old Nellie Arthur had their drawiug rOODl eleewl:B;re. Thia OTel. l.ibrary was to become a oonteranoe room. ad. study tor thie e:-vico-ti,NaidellthJ. tenant: 1 e.ud uaed it also on.en tor en o:rtice. So the tu.r111tu.re bcnigb.t wae ao eleisant version or ott1oe turn.itun. Ii NO!aine 1:odoy, colloo\e4 ill the !aat l!nd ot the long aeoODd f'loor hall, where tb& leather ohalr• once in the Pna1d:o».tial otticaa ha.Te ueam.bled themaalTea.

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