Robert Gurney
Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources
robert gurney@ccsd21 org Tel. 847-520-2724
● Short-Term Approval Through ISBE – Middle School Family and Consumer Science Position (Career Community Connections or CCC)
Are you looking for a chance in your classroom environment or a way to turn a passion for cooking into your daily lessons?
We are looking for a middle school educator that approaches teaching with a hands-on approach Someone who wants to support students’ learning, life-long skills with an emphasis on classroom instruction, laboratory experience, and a collaborative working environment
Career Community Connections (CCC) is an exploratory class at each of our middle schools We have an opening at Cooper for the 2024-2025 school year due to a retirement
ISBE offers a short-term approval for three years if you pass a content test in the area or have nine credits in this content
Read more about the position here, and the job description here.
● Special Permission Required
As we look forward to the opening of school in August, there will be days that staff will request to use as personal days If you are looking to use a personal day on the following days in August, September or October, please fill out the personal day request form and send it with the supporting documentation to Bob Gurney in Human Resources
August: 26, 27, 28, 29 or 30
September: 3
October: 2, 4, 11 or 15
Special permission is required for the use of a personal leave day for the first five and last five calendar days It is also needed if the personal day is on a day preceding or following a non-attendance day, school holiday, vacation or recess period, or for observance of a recognized religious holiday of the staff member’s faith
You can find the Personal Day Request Form here
● Recognizing Distinction, Celebrating Excellence and our 2024 Retirees: We had the opportunity to recognize three groups of individuals at our May board meeting, including this year’s Recognizing Distinction and Celebrating Excellence honorees We also celebrated our Class of 2024 Retirees Please help us by congratulating these people the next time you see them! They all have a lot to be proud of!
Beatrice Reyes Childress
Assistant Superintendent for Equity & Learning
beatrice childress@ccsd21 org
Tel 847-520-2743
● CCSD21 Summer Professional Learning Catalog now available! The district’s strategic plan identifies several goals and strategies related to instruction, student learning and achievement. The courses within this catalog are designed with continuous growth in mind. Our collective dedication to achieving these goals begins with each of our individual efforts. Visit the catalog here.
● Summer Reading
It’s that time of year again where our local libraries have wonderful reading opportunities for our students. All D21 students can participate in any of the local library summer reading programs. Please share the links below with your parents to help promote and engage students in continuing to read this summer.
Library Summer Reading
Arlington Heights Memorial Library
Prospect Heights Public Library
Indian Trails Library
Promotional Videos
Arlington Heights Memorial Library
Indian Trails Library
Mount Prospect Public Library
● Language Services
Did You Know As a district we are proud to celebrate the diversity of our learning community! These are some traditions and holidays celebrated and acknowledged in our community during the month of June: Father’s Day, Flag Day, Juneteenth, Caribbean American Heritage, LGBTQ+ Pride, and Immigrant Heritage. If you’d like to learn more, click on the links! If there is a celebration that we missed, don’t hesitate to reach out and share it with our Language Services Department.
Mike Frantini Chief Technology Officermike frantini@ccsd21 org Tel 847-520-2732
● Our June Information Services Newsletter is now available! Click here to read it This month’s topics include our summer projects, an update on BrainPop, alternatives to Jamboard, “Tech-Ready Teachers” training information, and more!
● AI Guidance for Teachers: We’re also sharing artificial intelligence guidance, as it has exploded over the past few years! The technology is in its infancy, and will continue to become more sophisticated and integrated into our daily lives. Please click here to know what to watch out for, and discover CCSD21 websites that have built-in AI features!