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Quarterly World Report APRIL 2022

Fr an ce's Ch ir o Her oes celebr at ed at h ist or ic celebr at ion

WFC News Education news Research news World news and more! PREMIER CORPORATE PARTNER



Tim e t o call ou t su bst an dar d t r ain in g I was asked recently what I considered to be the biggest threat to the growth and advancement of the chiropractic profession. Working as I do, in Latin America, my response was instant: substandard programs of chiropractic education. For years the global chiropractic profession has fought to ensure that the quality of chiropractic education is the best that it can be. The establishment of Councils on Chiropractic Education, in the United States, Canada, Europe and Australasia, has ensured that competencies are set and evaluated in many institutions. CCE-Latin America is well advanced in developing its structure and framework to set international benchmarks that will help to level up the provision of chiropractic education in the region. Examination and testing agencies have also played a huge role in ensuring that there exists a minimum standard against which licensed chiropractors can be measured. Perhaps the best known of these is the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners, which for decades has invested heavily in the science of testing through psychometrics and evidence-informed testing protocols. Yet despite these admirable organizations, there remain many parts of the world where chiropractic remains unregulated and where standards of education for chiropractors remain undefined. Regrettably, these vulnerable areas provide the perfect breeding ground for exploitation of the public through the proliferation of unaccredited courses, where students undergo short weekend training resulting in questionable certification under a banner of chiropractic. These short courses do not just undersell the value of chiropractic and taint the reputation of the profession; they mislead the public and present a danger to those who place their trust in individuals who may have only received a few short hours of training at the hands of profiteers who fly in and out of countries at weekends, collect exorbitant fees and have little or no regard for the chaos they leave behind.

Dr Carlos Ayres, WFC President

Education remains the very foundation of the chiropractic profession. There is no doubt that the world needs more accredited programs, particularly in regions where communities are underserved and where the need is greatest. Being a chiropractor is a privilege and as health care professionals, we owe it to the public we serve to promote only the highest standards of education. Sadly, there are graduates of our own accredited schools who put profit over public protection and think nothing of issuing certificates bearing the title chiropractor following a weekend of teaching a few basic adjustments. All the time we tolerate those who are betraying our profession in this way, we fuel the market. It is time to call out substandard education and redouble our efforts to have chiropractic regulated in all nations. The public deserves no less. CA


New s f r om t h e Boar dr oom The WFC Board of Directors met on February 15, 2022. All 13 members were present, representing the 7 world regions of the WFC. In opening the meeting, the President, Dr Carlos Ayres, observed that restrictions were being lifted in many parts of the world and that international travel was again becoming possible. He paid tribute to WFC Immediate Past President, Dr Vivian Kil, who was stepping down from the Board at the end of her current term of office in May 2022. The Board acknowledged her service to the WFC, serving the WFC Europe region as well as being appointed first as Interim President before becoming the first woman president in the

history of the WFC. The Board reflected on the success of the 2021 World Spine Day and was advised that plans were already well advanced for the 2022 event. A comprehensive activity report was received from the Secretary-General, who reported on activities undertaken since the last meeting. The Board noted the outcomes of the elections held in the WFC Asia and WFC Europe regions and congratulated Drs Kei Takeyachi and Jakob Lothe as well as all those who had been reappointed for the 2022-2024 term of office. The Board approved a position statement on physical activity to coincide with the Public Health Committee's campaign for 2022.

The appointment of Dr Rebekah Wilks, as director of strategy and policy was welcomed, and it was noted that she would be attending the Board meeting ion London in May. Subject to approval at the Annual Meeting of Members, the Moroccan Chiropractic Association was accepted into provisional membership of the WFC. The Board approved the WFC joining the International Chiropractic Regulatory Society (ICRS). The next meeting of the Board will be held May 19-21, in London, UK. This will be the first in-person meeting of the Board since 2019 and will see the start of the new terms of office for all directors.



Carlos Ayres (President)

Christine Goertz DC, PhD (Chair)


Sidney Rubinstein DC, PhD (Vice Chair)


Latin American Region

Kendrah Da Silva (Vice President) African Region Kei Takeyachi (Secretary-Treasurer) Asian Region Efstathios Papadopoulos

Eastern Mediterranean Region


Gian Joerger

European Region

Claire Johnson DC, MS, PhD (Chair)

Vivian Kil

European Region

Ryan Coster

North American Region

Glenn Guilderson

North American Region


Dana Lawrence

North American Region

Richard Nicol (Chair)

John Maltby

North American Region

Holly Tucker

North American Region

Andrew Lawrence

Pacific Region

Corrian Poelsma

Pacific Region



SECRETARIAT Richard Brown DC, LL.M (Secretary General) Rebekah WIlks BS, DC (Director of Strategy and Policy) Khalid Salim (Finance & Administration Manager) Sarah Villarba (Administrative Assistant)



Seizin g oppor t u n it ies t o lead as t h e w or ld r eopen s The success of global public health initiatives, led by the World Health Organization and adopted by nations throughout the world, has led to the incremental relaxation of restrictions and a gradual return to normality. While we should be under no illusion that COVID-19 continues to represent a threat, particularly to vulnerable members of society, removal of quarantine rules in many countries and the opening up of international travel mean that we have moved into a new phase of emergence from the pandemic. Throughout this unprecedented time in our history, the WFC has continued to operate and pursue its mission of advancing awareness, utilization and integration of the chiropractic profession internationally. We have supported our Member national associations of chiropractors, hosted global online events and worked to promote the profession throughout our seven world regions. My recent trips to the Parker Seminar in Las Vegas, Logan University in St Louis and the celebration of the French Chiropractic Association in Paris have allowed the WFC to reconnect, network with colleagues and share the joy of in-person meetings once again. As we plan our attendance at international events throughout the coming year, including our own WFC ACC Global Education Conference in November, we look forward to communicating the opportunities for the chiropractic profession. Our strategic pillars of support, empowerment, promotion and advancement of the profession remain as relevant as ever. Our 20 Principles set out clearly what we stand for as a global organization and we continue to focus on championing high standards of education, conduct and practice in order to maintain and develop chiropractic throughout the world, particularly in underserved communities. There is much work to do. Low back pain remains

Richard Brown, WFC Secretary-General

the largest single cause of years lived with disability on the planet. Neck pain is number four. Other joint disorders make up number six. The need for chiropractors in addressing the global burden of musculoskeletal disease is enormous. Yet despite being spine and joint experts, in today's healthcare we must be more to our patients. The experiences of the past two years have emphasized the need for listening, compassion and empathy more than ever before. The WFC supports a rehabilitation-focused, biopsychosocial approach to care that takes account of the whole person, not simply the sum of their symptoms and co-morbidities. This was the focus of our recent series of mental health webinars, offered to chiropractors in each of our seven world regions. Led by Dr Peter Tuchin, these events set out the importance of why being aware of mental health issues was critical to the care of our patients as well as to each other. As the world emerges from the spectre of COVID-19, chiropractic has the opportunity to grow more, to serve more and to be better - to #BeEPIC. A mindset of continuous improvement and being alive to all opportunities that come our way must therefore be at the heart of all we do. Together, we can make a world of difference. RB


CONTACTING THE WFC Wr it e t o u s:

M or occan Ch ir opr act ic Associat ion accept ed in t o pr ovision al WFC m em ber sh ip

World Federation of Chiropractic

+1 416 484 9978

At its meeting in February, the Board of the WFC voted unanimously to accept the newly formed Moroccan Chiropractic Association (Association Marocaine de Chiropractic Medecine) into provisional membership of the WFC.

Em ail u s:

Following a period of inactivity, the association has

160 Eglinton Avenue East (Suite 601) Toronto, Ontario M4P 3B5, Canada Call u s:

General enquiries


Richard Brown


Khalid Salim


Sarah Villarba


NEWS ITEM S The WFC welcomes news items, digital images and feature stories to include in the QWR. Send all submissions QWR@wfc.org. Please note all submissions may be subject to editing.


The Moroccan Chiropractic Association joins the WFC Africa region

Full page color US$995 Half page color US$595 Quarter page color US$395 A discount of 10% is applied to orders for multiple issues of the Quarterly World Report.

recently been reconstituted under the leadership of Dr Stefan Salim MD, DC (Palmer West '96), who has been appointed vice-president. Dr Jelloul Belhouari (Cleveland University '91) DC has been elected president, while Dr Ouadi Hassine (Palmer College '99) will serve as secretary-treasurer.

The WFC Quarterly World Report is published on January 1, April 1, July 1 and October 1 of each year. Advertising copy, in high resolution pdf or jpeg format, is required fifteen days in advance of the publication date.

To apply for membership of the WFC, applicant associations must submit copies of Articles and Bylaws and membership details. They must agree to act in the best interests of the WFC and comply with WFC Bylaws and policies.

The World Federation of Chiropractic reserves the right to decline advertising. Inclusion of any advertising in the WFC Quarterly World Report does not in any way imply endorsement of any product or service.

Full membership can only be granted at an Annual Meeting of Members, which will take place this year on November 22. Secretary-General Richard Brown commented, "We are delighted to welcome the Moroccan Chiropractic Association and look forward to working with them to advance the profession in Morocco."



WFC Secr et ar y-Gen er al pays t r ibu t e t o AFC Ch ir o Her oes at Par is celebr at ion March 26 saw a glittering celebration of chiropractic as the Association Française de Chiropraxie (AFC) held its general assembly and hosted a tribute to key figures who have had a major impact on the profession in France. The event celebrated 20 years of legal recognition of the chiropractic profession in France and reflected on the impact of the work undertaken by those who had contributed to its achievements. Held on the rooftop of the Pullman Hotel against the stunning backdrop of an illuminated Eiffel Tower in the heart of Paris, the evening commenced with a joint presentation by the AFC President, Audrey Yargui, and Vice-President Elodie Rousset. WFC Secretary-General Richard Brown then delivered a speech in French during which he emphasized the shared EPIC values of the WFC and AFC. He also paid tribute to the early pioneers as well as the current leadership of the AFC who continued to advance the profession. Over 200 guests, among whom were the Presidents of the Netherlands Chiropractic Association, Gitte Tønner, and Danish Chiropractic Association, Michael Christensen, enjoyed interviews with a number of "Chiro Heroes". These included Jean-Claude Vernhes, Anne-Marie Yvroux, Jean-Robert Corboz, Jean-Dominique Leullier and Christian Laurent - a group of veteran chiropractors, each of whom had given over 50 years service to the chiropractic profession in France. A special award was given to AFC Past President Philippe Fleuriau in recognition of 32 years of service to the AFC, including 15 years as its president. In responding, he stressed the value of teamwork and wished the Board of the AFC and its membership every continued success.


Plan s w ell advan ced f or Global Edu cat ion Con f er en ce This year 's 11th WFC ACC Global Education Conference takes place on the beautiful and historic campus of Logan University in the U.S. state of Missouri. The event, which attracts attendees from across the WFC's seven world regions, is regarded as the premier global educational event for the chiropractic profession. This year 's theme is "Leveling Up: Creating Consistency in Chiropractic Education" and will

explore a wide range of issues facing health care education in general and chiropractic education in particular.

accreditation agencies, testing organizations, regulators, national associations and, of course, students.

Our conference this year will discuss how the global chiropractic profession can deliver consistency in education, regardless of where in the world it is delivered.

With keynote speakers, plenary presenters, panel discussions, workshops and presentations on the latest innovations in educational research, this is an unmissable event for anyone with an interest in chiropractic education and training.

Our speakers will feature leaders from the world of healthcare education as well as representatives from educational institutions,

For more information and to register, visit www.wfc.org/educonf2022.

11th WFC ACC GLOBAL EDUCATION CONFERENCE LOGAN UNIVERSITY, USA NOVEMBER 2-5, 2022 Leveling Up: Creating Consistency in Chiropractic Education

Save the Date for the 11th WFC ACC Global Education Conference, which takes place November 2-5, 2022 at Logan University. The call for abstracts is open. Visit wfc.org/educonf2022 for details.






St ar t pr epar in g n ow ! Wor ld Spin e Day 2022 t h em e an n ou n ced World Spine Day takes place every year on October 16 and is organized by the World Federation of Chiropractic. Following careful deliberation, 'Every Spine Counts' has been announced as the theme of the campaign for World Spine Day 2022. The theme emphasizes the prevalence of spinal pain and disability as part of the global burden of disease, and addresses the need for access to quality essential spinal health services worldwide. With an estimated 540 million people in the world suffering with low back pain at any one time, it remains the leading cause of years lived with disability. This World Spine Day, we are calling for action to focus on the global burden of spinal disorders while emphasizing that #Ever ySpin eCou n t s, highlighting the importance of good spinal health and recognizing the challenges of living with low back pain in all regions, cultures, backgrounds, and across the life course, prioritizing a condition that is more prevalent than cancer, stroke, heart disease, diabetes and Alzheimer 's Disease combined. This World Spine Day, we continue our advocacy for greater global commitment to tackling spinal pain and disability by governments, communities, and public health bodies. World Spine Day also recognizes the lack of access to quality spine care and rehabilitation in under-served communities, which results in chronicity and permanent deformity. For many populations, spinal pain and disability is not just a minor inconvenience - it can mean not being able to work and provide food and sustenance. #Ever ySpin eCou n t s will focus on highlighting ways in which all people can help their spines by staying mobile, avoiding physical inactivity, not overloading their spines, and adopting healthy habits such as weight loss and smoking cessation.

Believed to be the largest global public health event dedicated to promoting spinal health and well-being, World Spine Day is observed by health professions and public organizations concerned with spine care throughout the world. #Ever ySpin eCou n t s will focus attention on the diverse nature of spinal pain and disability at home, in the workplace, in schools and in our communities. World Spine Day organizing committee Chair, Richard Brown, said, "Public health initiatives like World Spine Day are critical in raising awareness, providing information and empowering the public to care for their spines. As spine health experts, chiropractors are perfectly placed to get involved with World Day and lead events and activities in their communities." We call on all spine health professionals worldwide to get involved in World Spine Day 2022's #Ever ySpin eCou n t s campaign. The World Spine Day organizing team are producing materials to support local initiatives around the world. To find out more, go to www.worldspineday.org.


Er gon om ic of f ice ch air at t r act s en dor sem en t of WFC Vari® and Ergotherapy Solutions are honored to receive a new endorsement for the Net One® chair from the World Federation of Chiropractic, which represents the profession in more than ninety countries. The chair, distributed in North America as the Vari Task Chair, and as the Net One in other global regions, utilizes a unique pivot mechanism and a contoured frame that follows the spinal curve. The creation of the chair was spearheaded by physical therapist Gary Arenson. Twenty-one years ago, he founded Ergotherapy Solutions out of his passion for ergonomic office seating and providing meaningful impact to people's work experience. Addressing the areas in which most office chairs are lacking, the company focuses on designs that ensure lumbar support in all work postures. The new endorsement by the World Federation of Chiropractic (WFC) represents a crowning achievement for Arenson. ?We have worked closely with the chiropractic community for many years, as we see our products being a necessary tool in a holistic treatment approach. To therefore receive recognition - from the very organization who represents the experts in spinal care - that our design achieves the required results is a tremendous honor. We are looking forward to working with the chiropractic community and helping people to maintain spinal health.? "Our mission at Vari is to create workspaces that elevate people," said Jason McCann, co-founder and CEO, Vari. "To carry out that mission we made it a priority to offer a line of products for our customers, so they can be happy and healthy at home and in the office." Based in Dallas, Vari is best known for taking sit-stand desks mainstream around the world. In 2020, the company rebranded to Vari from its former name, VariDesk, a move that reflects the evolution from one innovative product to more than 300 products today. Vari has a full line of products, including

ergonomic chairs, storage, seating and more ? all designed to help people work more happily, healthier and more productively. The Net One chair is currently available throughout the USA and South Africa, with planned future launches in Australia and the UK. All features are standard and include height adjustment, seat depth adjustment, 3D armrests, Synchronous mechanism with tension adjust and extensive recline and pivot lumbar support. The highback version offers an adjustable headrest. For more information, please visit the resources below. ergotherapy.co.za vari.com Abou t Var i A workspace innovation company, Vari helps growing organizations unlock the potential of their space and their people. From a collection of office furniture to workspaces offering space-as-a-service, the company makes it easy for high-growth businesses to scale and flex their office space. Organizations all over the world ? including over 98% of the Fortune 500 ? use Vari products, which are tested and certified to the highest industry standards.


Vari Task Chair The only office chair endorsed by the World Federation of Chiropractic


WFC celebr at es In t er n at ion al Wom en's Day International Women's Day (IWD) takes place on March 8 each year. It is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call for action accelerating women's equality. IWD has been celebrated for over a century, with the first IWD gathering in 1911 supported by over a million people. Today, IWD belongs collectively to groups

everywhere. IWD is not country, group or organization specific. This year, the theme of IWD was #BreakTheBias. Whether deliberate or unconscious, bias makes it difficult for women to move ahead. Knowing that bias exists is not good enough. Action is needed to level the playing field. The WFC's Equity, Diversity and Inclusion policy references bias on the grounds of gender. In

celebrating IWD, we recognize the enormous contribution of women leaders to the advancement of chiropractic and call on the global chiropractic profession to show solidarity and support to #BreakTheBias. IWD has produced a powerful video illustrating the theme of #BreakTheBias which can be accessed at https://youtu.be/GfWknmru4Ro




The 17th WFC Biennial Congress, hosted by the Australian Chiropractors Association, takes place October 11-14, 2023 at the Gold Coast Conference and Exhibition Centre. As the world's largest chiropractic scientific meeting and premier global event for the chiropractic profession, it will be an unmissable experience. Save the date and start planning now.



Nor w egian leader elect ed t o WFC Boar d of Dir ect or s A Past President of the Norwegian Chiropractors Association (NKF) has been elected to the WFC Board of Directors. Jakob Lothe has been elected to serve as a director on the Board representing the WFC Europe region. He has served the European chiropractic profession for over a quarter of a century and brings extensive experience of professional governance, interprofessional collaboration and political expertise. Working with his colleagues within the NKF, Dr Lothe has a proven track record of transforming vision into reality through innovative projects and political processes that have delivered meaningful advancement for the chiropractic profession in Norway. He is a 1988 graduate of AECC University College and has for the past 32 years practiced in Norway?s capital city of Oslo. Dr Lothe served as NKF president from 2010-2018, prior to which he had held office within the Board. In his capacity as NKF President, Dr Lothe also served on the General Council of the European Chiropractors?Union and was the host president at the 2016 ECU Convention, held in Oslo.

Jakob Lothe will represent the WFC Europe on the WFC Board of Directors

representative and National Action Alliance Task Force coordinator in the Global Alliance for Musculoskeletal Health. In this role, he actively promotes the need for a greater focus on the impact of disability due to musculoskeletal disorders and is widely respected globally for his work in the field.

Dr Lothe holds a central role as the Norwegian

BecomeanINDIVIDUALSUPPORTER of theWFC. From just $180 per year you can become an Individual Supporter and contribute to the development of chiropractic around the world. Click HERE to donate.


WFC h ost s global ser ies of m en t al h ealt h w ebin ar s There are few people, if any, who can say that they have not been profoundly affected by the events of the past two years. The impact of a global pandemic and unprecedented restrictions on freedoms of movement and activities have been felt in every aspect of our daily lives. Mental health issues have come to the forefront as populations have struggled with pressures on their domestic, occupational and social lives. The premature and unexpected loss of friends and loved ones has given rise to grief, loss, depression and anxiety. Those already suffering with mental issues have in many cases experienced a worsening of their conditions. As well as their patients, chiropractors have themselves been faced with mental health challenges. The pressures of lockdown, forced closures of clinics and the stringent modifications required on re-opening, have all created stress and pressure that many have found difficult to manage. Against this backdrop, throughout March, the WFC organized a series of free mental health webinars, presented by chiropractor and mental health crisis support worker, Dr Peter Tuchin. Dr Tuchin is also a member of the WFC's Disability and Rehabilitation Committee. The three 90-minute webinars were presented

Assoc. Prof Peter Tuchin

to accommodate time zones in all seven of the WFC's regions and covered a broad range of issues associated with mental health challenges relevant to chiropractic patients and practice, as well as to recognition and self-help in chiropractors as health care professionals. During the webinars, Dr Tuchin spoke movingly of his own lived experience of mental health crisis and suicide. He stressed the value of the biopsychosocial model, which is emphasized by the WFC, and the importance of working interprofessionally and collaboratively with other health professionals in the mental health field. During the webinar, the impact and global scale of depression and suicide were explained and support resources were provided to attendees. Safety netting for those at risk was described, along with common symptoms of mental health issues encountered in chiropractic practice. Slides from the webinars are available on the WFC's website at www.wfc.org/mhwebinar2022_slides



WFC Pu blic Healt h Com m it t ee calls f or ph ysical act ivit y advocat es The WFC is calling for chiropractors to join its Chiropractic and Physical Activity Advocates List. The chiropractic profession has a long history of supporting physical activity. Whether one?s approach to chiropractic care is correcting faulty biomechanics, facilitating nerve function, promoting overall health, or a combination of all of these, chiropractors have focused on the neuromusculoskeletal health of their patients from the beginning of the profession. The World Health Organization has developed a global action plan on physical activity 2018?2030 to promote more active people for a healthier world. This important plan aims to reduce the global prevalence of physical inactivity by 15% by 2030. Reasons behind this include the fact that the annual global cost of physical inactivity to be $54bn in direct health care and $14bn due to lost productivity. Physical inactivity increases unnecessary mortality and human suffering. Promoting healthy physical activity can help to counteract these effects.

to show their support for physical activity as a component of health. Join us in recognizing the newly approved WFC Position Statement ?Chiropractors support and promote physical activity ? by adding your name to the Chiropractic and Physical Activity Advocates List. Completing this form should take just a few minutes. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/WFC-PH2022 For more information, please visit the WFC public health page, which can be found on the WFC website wfc.org/chiropractic&ph .

Chiropractors can play an important role in supporting global efforts to promote physical activity. By helping people remain engaged with regular physical activity, chiropractors support rehabilitation efforts and help to prevent some of the leading noncommunicable diseases including diabetes, heart disease, stroke, breast cancer, and colon cancer. Improving patients? mental and physical wellbeing are also important elements. Because chiropractors focus on health and improving function, they provide an important and positive impact on increasing the physical activity of patients and the public. The WFC Public Health Committee?s 2022 public health campaign supports the World Health Organization?s physical activity plan. Chiropractors from around the world are invited

WFC Public Health Committee Chair, Dr Claire Johnson


ADVERTISEMENT ?Fou r St eps t o Su ccess in Teach in g Pat ien t s t h e Foot -Spin e Con n ect ion By Kevin M . Won g, DC As Doctors of Chiropractic, we excel in understanding, diagnosing, and treating neuromusculoskeletal disorders. In many instances, the true cause or major contributor to the problem is often located in an adjacent or distal region. Thus, the foot-spine connection ends up being a significant concept in our form of Chiropractic health care. The basic concept is that the feet are the foundation of the body. The three arches that make up the plantar vault of each foot bear the body?s weight, absorb ground shock, and support us during weight bearing activities like walking and standing. The emphasis turns to how we explain this foot-spine connection to the different types of patients we encounter, using a reliable, repeatable protocol that is easy to remember:

?4 st eps t o Su ccess in Teach in g Pat ien t s Abou t t h e Foot -Spin e Con n ect ion" 1. Every patient should have their foot function assessed Evaluating every patient?s foot function through casting kits or digital scanning is paramount. After determining their degree of dysfunction, talk to them about the foot-spine connection and how their foot function affects their whole-body health. 2. Ut ilize t h e 3-Ar ch Advan t age: Plan t ar Vau lt pict u r e Next, hand them a diagram illustrating the presence of the three arches that make up the plantar vault. The patient holds this picture in their hands while I show them on their feet the location of the arches and how they begin to drop or flatten out after ages 6-7.



Explain how morphological changes of their feet like bunions, callouses, corns, hammer toes and hallux valgus can be symptoms of body instability. 3. Sh ow t h e Cr ook ed M an Diagr am : Replace the three-arch diagram in their hands with the Crooked Man diagram, showing how foot instability impacts the entire body. Point out how the left foot is pronating more than the right foot and the resultant effect this has on the tibia all the way up the leg, pelvis, spine, shoulders, and the neck. Use your hands to move and accentuate the internal rotation of the tibia/femur/patella. I continue by palpating and pointing out the posterior stress on the hip, the tilting and rotation of both sides of the pelvis, and the resultant slight curvature of the lumbar and thoracic spines. I reveal the shoulder asymmetry and finish with the neck and occiput regions. 4. M u scle Test in g w it h a Pr opr iocept ive Test Kit : Do a muscle test on the patient in standing and squatting positions. Perform the test first with the patient on their bare feet, then with their feet on top of a pair of ?sample orthotics?. Point out the difference in stability and symmetry both with and without the test orthotics. Utilizing these four steps outlined above allows you to fully explore and explain the foot-spine connection in ways that patients can understand. Afterward, you can extend the conversation by advising them on the 3-arch custom orthotic stabilization they require.

Abou t t h e au t h or Dr. Kevin M. Wong is a graduate of the University of California, Davis, and a 1996 Summa Cum Laude graduate of Palmer College of Chiropractic West. He has been a practicing Chiropractor and Continuing Education Instructor for over 24 years and is the owner of Orinda Chiropractic & Laser Center in Orinda, CA. His practice has an evolving influence on the course material he teaches Chiropractors, Chiropractic Assistants, and students. As a Foot Levelers Speakers Bureau member since 2004, Dr. Wong is a frequently requested speaker on the topics of extremity/spinal adjusting, foot biomechanics, orthotics, and ergonomics, and teaches over 120 hours per year in the U.S. and internationally.



Sn ow , sw eat an d t ear s: WFC Boar d M em ber scoops f ou r golds in Cr oss Cou n t r y Sk i Wor ld M ast er s WFC Board Member Gian Joerger has triumphed on the slopes of Canmore in Alberta, Canada at the Cross Country Ski World Masters championships.

from conventional downhill alpine skiing. While both can be extremely physically demanding, cross country skiing uses many muscle groups simultaneously and narrower, lightweight skis. Cross country is the oldest form of skiing. Gian, who represented Switzerland in the championships, has been a WFC Board member since 2019, representing the WFC Europe Region. A past president of Chirosuisse, the Association of Swiss Chiropractors (2009-2015), Dr Joerger is a graduate of Northwestern Health Sciences University. He also holds an International Executive MBA. He is in private practice in the Swiss town of Chur, where he works alongside his wife, Dr Rosemary Oman, who is also a chiropractor. All of us at the WFC congratulate Gian on these magnificent achievements and look forward to seeing him retain his titles at the World Masters in Austria in 2023.

Gian, 58, came into the championships in Canmore looking to defend his titles. He collected gold medals in both individual (10km classic and 30km classic) and relay events, including the gruelling 4x5km cross country event. His final race, the 45km classic, gave him an opportunity for a fourth gold and he did not disappoint, picking up another top podium position. Gian has a gruelling schedule of exercise leading up to high level championships. His intense focus on diet and meticulous preparation mean that every element of his personal health and wellbeing is taken into account. Cross country skiing differs in a number of ways

Gian Joerger represents the WFC Europe region on the Board


WFC sh ar es vision , m ission an d 20 Pr in ciples w it h Alber t a ch ir opr act or s As part of its mandatory framework of continuing professional development, the Chiropractic Association of Alberta (CAA) recently hosted a learning event at which WFC Secretary-General Richard Brown presented a lecture on the work of the World Federation of Chiropractic. Over 100 registrants dialed in to the online event to hear about the WFC's work and its mission of advancing awareness, utilization and integration of the chiropractic profession globally. Addressing those on the online call, CAA Chief Executive Officer, Cecilia Bloxom, referred to the strong alignment between the positions taken by the association in Alberta and statements released by the WFC, particularly in the areas of public health, evidence-based practice and claims

The CAA represents approximately 1200 chiropractors in Alberta

of effectiveness. Chiropractic is regulated on a Provincial basis in Canada. Historically operating as a conjoined organization, in 2021 a restructuring took place in Alberta leading to separate regulatory and professional bodies.

WFC r en ew s en dor sem en t agr eem en t w it h Hu m an Tou ch The WFC has renewed its endorsement agreement with United States based wellness seating company Human Touch. Human Touch is a world-leading provider of massage chairs and zero gravity recliners. Its patented massage systems replicate the techniques used by massage professionals. Human Touch massage chairs are used by elite athletes as well as thousands of chiropractors who integrate therapeutic massage into their care plans. Human Touch's Zero Gravity massage chairs place the body in a neutral position, reducing stress on the spine and joints. Richard Brown with Suzie Willcox, sales executive, Human Touch


CUKC becom es plat in u m edu cat ion al par t n er of WFC Cleveland University - Kansas City (CUKC) has been announced as a ?Platinum Corporate Partner,? for the World Federation of Chiropractic (WFC) for 2022. CUKC joins a select list of peer institutions, as well as other groups and organizations that support the mission of the WFC. CUKC, now celebrating its centenary in 2022, has long shared the WFC values and mission, advocating for expansion of an international chiropractic community. CUKC President, Dr. Carl S. Cleveland III, is pleased to support the efforts of the WFC: ?For now over three decades, the World Federation of Chiropractic has advanced the awareness and utilization of chiropractic across the globe,? Cleveland said. ?CUKC?s College of Chiropractic shares the goal of promoting and advancing the profession worldwide, and the University is proud to support the good work of the WFC with this platinum sponsorship.?

Secretary-General Richard Brown commented, "We're delighted to welcome Cleveland University - Kansas City to the WFC community. As we pursue our mission of advancing awareness, utilization and integration of chiropractic internationally, having such valued partners as CUKC gives us a tremendous advantage." Founded in 1922 by the Cleveland family, CUKC is a recognized leader in chiropractic and health sciences education. CUKC is an independent, nonprofit, regionally accredited institution of higher education with a mission focused on health promotion through education, scholarship and service.

WFC Secetary-General Richard Brown with Dr Carlo Cleveland III, President of CUKC

The University offers the Doctor of Chiropractic degree, the Master of Science in Health Education & Promotion, the Master of Science in Exercise Physiology, the Bachelor of Science in Human Biology, the Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science, the Associate of Arts in Biological Sciences, the A.A.S. in Radiologic Technology, and the A.A.S. in Occupational Therapy Assistant. Dr. Carl S. Cleveland III is a fourth-generation chiropractor and the grandson of the University?s founders.



WFC r et u r n s t o in -per son even t s at Par k er Las Vegas Over 3000 ch ir opr act or s gat h er f or sem in ar Board Member Dr John Maltby and Secretary-General Richard Brown represented the WFC as they attended the Parker Seminar in Las Vegas. They joined chiropractors from around the world who descended on the Paris Hotel to enjoy three days of keynote speakers, workshops and lectures on the widest range of topics relevant to the chiropractic profession. With presenters including Olympian Michael Phelps and the former U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams, the packed halls were buzzing with excitement. With one of the largest chiropractic Expos on the planet, Parker Las Vegas also presented an outstanding opportunity for the WFC to network with its corporate partners and leaders of WFC Member national associations.


WFC r et u r n s t o in -per son even t s at Par k er Las Vegas(con t in u ed) Attending the Parker Seminar also gave the WFC an opportunity to thank in person Dr William Morgan and members of his team for the outstanding support provided in the organization and execution of the WFC's 16th Biennial Congress. Richard Brown commented, "The annual Parker Las Vegas Seminar is truly an unmissable event and the atmosphere is always electric. We're grateful for the opportunity to attend and as our first post-pandemic event we were thrilled to meet up with friends and partners we had not seen since 2020." The unique multi-day seminar was designed specifically for healthcare practitioners to learn from notable, successful worldwide leaders. Parker Seminars Las Vegas featured more than 45 engaging, well-known industry leaders, like keynote speakers Michael Phelps and David Perlmutter, and fostered many great networking opportunities. Attendees interacted with live vendor booths in the large Expo Hall, earned valuable CE hours, and much more. Parker Seminars even hosted a Chateau party in the club by the arches of the Paris Las Vegas Hotel and Casino?s

iconic Eiffel Tower. Next year 's Parker Las Vegas event takes place February 23-25, 2023 at the Paris Las Vegas Hotel and Casino.



Par k er Un iver sit y n am es n eu r o r eh ab specialist as 2022 Ch ir opr act or of t h e Year

Gr ass-r oot s ef f or t an d $200,000 Su n der lan d Fou n dat ion key t o CUKC

Dr. Leonard Wright, of Synapse Human Performance Centers and the Parker University Sports & Performance Clinic, has been recognized as Parker University's Doctor of Chiropractic of the Year on the main stage at the recent Parker Seminars Las Vegas event.

A grass-roots effort begun by Cleveland University-Kansas City (CUKC) received a significant boost through a $200,000 gift from the Sunderland Foundation, a Kansas City-based philanthropic organization. CUKC?s plan to fund a major re-roofing project on the University?s main building will now use the Sunderland Foundation gift, rather than previously budgeted funds, according to Jessica Ramirez, vice president of institutional advancement.

Parker Seminars Las Vegas was unforgettable for everyone who attended, and Dr. Wright was overjoyed to be recognized at this event. ?Getting to see my classmates and friends that I have not seen in years was like a giant reunion, and it made sharing my recognition so much more memorable,? he says. Dr. Wright was unaware that he would receive the award until it was announced in front of the whole seminar crowd before Olympian Michael

She commented, ?Through our efforts, CUKC was able to show a 30% commitment toward the total cost of the roof project. Once we?d accomplished that, we could apply for a capital grant.? Cleveland University - Kansas City President Carl S. Cleveland III, said, ?We see it as an ongoing investment in the University?s growing student body of future chiropractors and healthcare professionals. The support of the Sunderland Foundation was a key component

Dr Leonard Wright (second right) received his award from PArker University President, Dr William E. Morgan/

Phelps took the main stage. He commented: ?This honor means that I am pursuing my passions the right way. "To be recognized in this manner, at this stage of my career, tells me that I am capable of anything.? As a thank you for contributing, those investing $100 or more were invited to a roof panel-signing event


AECC Un iver sit y College lau n ch es n ew on lin e M Sc M u scu losk elet al Paediat r ic Healt h degr ee AECC University College has recently launched its new online MSc Musculoskeletal Paediatric Health degree which has been designed to develop the knowledge and skills of clinical professionals in the safe and competent care of children of all ages. The course covers topics in pediatric musculoskeletal practice with specific units on pediatric development, pediatric musculoskeletal examination, pediatric musculoskeletal interventions, and pediatric musculoskeletal management. Michelle Holmes, Postgraduate Framework Lead for the School of Chiropractic, and Aurélie Marchand, Course Lead for the MSc Musculoskeletal Paediatric Health course, elaborated on this new course, who it will benefit, and why. Wh y h as AECC Un iver sit y College lau n ch ed t h is n ew cou r se an d w h o w ill ben ef it f r om u n der t ak in g it ? ?As a university we have always provided further education in pediatric musculoskeletal health and we previously ran a program supporting this study; however, we decided to revisit the course to meet the needs of ever-evolving healthcare provision. ?As a result, we've taken the best

bits of the old course and we've added elements to our new course that we felt would meet the needs of healthcare professionals. The new course is all distance learning, with the opportunity to come onsite to use the pediatric clinic to help complement students' development and experience. ?The aim is to make sure that graduates are able to provide high-quality care for pediatric patients within their practice. They will be individuals who are known within their communities as the ?go-to?for pediatric musculoskeletal referrals. ?Any musculoskeletal practitioner with an interest in developing and advancing their practice further with pediatric patients could apply for this course. All applications are reviewed on a one-to-one basis.? How do t h e old cou r se an d t h e n ew cou r se var y? Wh at ar e t h e m ain dif f er en ces? ?The previous course was based on a model of reflective practice and personal development, and the new one is based on core capabilities and competencies of practitioners in pediatric musculoskeletal health. ?The new course is about providing our students with core

Aurélie Marchand

Michelle Holmes

knowledge and exposure to different types of conditions that they may encounter so that they can guide their practice in a safe way.? More information can be found about the range of postgraduate courses offered at AECC University College by visiting www.aecc.ac.uk/postgraduate



Fou r t h ch ir opr act ic pr ogr am lau n ch es in Br azil

UCEFF 2022 - Program coordinators and chiropractors alongside UCEFF's new class of chiropractors For more than 20 years, from February 2000 up to 2020, Brazil had two chiropractic educational programs: one in Novo Hamburgo, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul at Universidade Feevale, and the other at São Paulo at the Universidade Anhembi Morumbi. During the first semester of 2021, a third chiropractic program emerged in Chapecó, in the state of Santa Catarina: UCEFF started its program enrolling students from eleven different Brazilian states and now a new class is just starting. On February 18, 2022 Rio de Janeiro saw its first class of students beginning their journey

in the profession. UNIGAMA launched the fourth chiropractic program in Brazil. The inaugural class was taught by professor Paulo Gomes de Oliveira Neto, and was attended by eleven chiropractors who work in Rio de Janeiro. They all greeted and welcomed the class, which will study a total of 4195 hours in the upcoming years. As the Council on Chiropractic Education ? Latin America (CCE-LA) works toward the development of standards for chiropractic education in Latin America with consideration of standards recognized by international accrediting agencies and guidelines of the

World Health Organization, accreditation of higher degree programs in Brazil remains a responsibility of the Ministry of Education. All Brazilian programs are currently under authorized institutions. The Brazilian Chiropractic Association is supporting all programs in their development, foundation and structure, assisting in different aspects so that all programs lead to the graduation of competent practitioners of chiropractic. There are current negotiations for the opening of still more programs in Brazil.


St r en gt h t o st r en gt h : Par ker in vest s in st at e-of -t h e-ar t f it n ess f acilit y Parker University is dedicated to its mission to develop stronger clinicians and coaches. Their drive to elevate the chiropractic, rehabilitative, and allied health fields is reflected in their curricular offerings, campus amenities, and affiliations. Students, faculty, and staff can level up their performance in the state-of-the-art ParkerFit facility, a 23,000-square-foot gym loaded with Olympic lifting, powerlifting, functional fitness, Strongman, and traditional strength training equipment. Group fitness classes and personal training are available. The chiropractic program also integrates ParkerFit?s Human Performance Lab equipment enabling students to assess and analyze their own body composition. Labs are hosted in the ParkerFit facility to allow students to critique each other ?s weightlifting form, troubleshoot pain presentations, and perform gait analysis. At Parker, students can dual-enroll in the doctorate program and the master ?s program.

With the introduction of the Strength and Human Performance undergraduate and master ?s programs in 2020, Parker fuels its student body with even more power. These programs allow students to develop strength and conditioning knowledge and skills that have application in a myriad of opportunities, from integrating strength training into a rehabilitative setting or serving as a strength and conditioning coach for a sports team. With an advisory panel stacked with industry leaders such as Dan John and Kelly Starrett, the curriculum is in development to maximize the student experience with the most cutting-edge and evidence-based information, so graduates are equipped to serve their communities immediately after graduation. There are internship opportunities at world-class athletic training facilities working with high-level and professional athletes, youth athletic development, and other special populations.

Parker University's 23,000 sq foot gym is a state-of-the-art facility for students to exercise and learn key elements of strength and conditioning


Logan Un iver sit y t o h ost St . Lou is 2022 Wor ld Par a Pow er lif t in g Par apan Am er ican Open Ch am pion sh ips Even t is f ir st in t er n at ion al com pet it ion f or Par a Pow er lif t in g h ost ed in t h e U.S. The fastest growing Paralympic sport is coming to St. Louis! As the High Performance Management Organization of USA Para Powerlifting, Logan University is proud to host the St. Louis 2022 World Para Powerlifting Parapan American Open Championships on its campus in Chesterfield on July 8-11, 2022. This will be the first time an international competition for the sport of Para powerlifting is hosted in the United States. Athletes from around the world will compete in 10 weight categories. The event is free and open to the public. The competition is open to athletes from all over the world and will include 20 individual medal events and one mixed team event. Pan American athletes (North America, South America and Central America) must participate in the St. Louis 2022 World Para Powerlifting Parapan American Open Championships to qualify for the 2024 Paralympic Games in Paris. ?To be the first to host such an event in the U.S. is an honor for USA Para Powerlifting, Logan University and the greater St. Louis community,? said Kelley Humphries-Mascoll, Executive Director of Paralympic Operations at Logan University. ?People with physical disabilities deserve high quality, organized, competitive athletic opportunities from youth sports to elite Paralympic competition, and we look forward to highlighting this growing sport and celebrating Para athletes.? Now practiced in nearly 100 countries from all continents, Para Powerlifting represents the ultimate test of upper body strength in which athletes compete in the bench press discipline. Competitors must lower the bar to their chest, hold it motionless on the chest and then press it upwards to arms-length with locked elbows. Athletes are

given three attempts, and the athlete who lifts the heaviest weight is declared the winner. The sport is open to male and female athletes with one or more of eight eligible physical impairments. Logan University is seeking volunteers for this historic event. Volunteer opportunities include working directly with athletes on the competition stage, assisting teams during the championships, and helping event officials ensure each athlete has a safe and fair championships. your volunteer interest. Sponsorship opportunities are available, all of which hold opportunities for name recognition to be viewed globally. To learn more about becoming a sponsor of the St. Louis 2022 World Para Powerlifting Parapan American Open Championships, please contact Logan University at AOC2022@Logan.edu.



Logan Un iver sit y br in gs n ew m em ber s t o Boar d of Tr u st ees Logan University is proud to welcome three new members to its Board of Trustees: Kathy Boulet, DC (?89), DAAPM, FIACA, CCAC; Christine Goertz, DC, PhD; and Tara McConkey, CFA. The Board of Trustees is an elected body of professionals representing a broad range of experience and backgrounds. The group collectively guides Logan University leadership on its mission to be a diverse and engaging community committed to excellence in health sciences, education and service. ?Kathy, Christine and Tara bring years of

Kathy Boulet

experience and expertise in chiropractic care, research, integrative health, financial planning and executive leadership to our Board of Trustees. I am pleased to welcome them as trusted advisors as Logan University continues to look toward the future,? said Clay McDonald, DC (?82), MBA, JD, president of Logan University. ?On behalf of the board, I?d also like to thank outgoing trustees Nicole Bennett, DC (?03) and Gregg E. Hollabaugh, who each graciously served the Board of Trustees for their maximum terms totaling nine years.?

Tara McConkey

Christine Goertz

Nor t h east n am ed SACA Ch apt er of t h e Year Northeast College of Health Science's Student American Chiropractic Association (SACA) Chapter has been named 2022 SACA Chapter of the Year. The announcement was made during the ACA's Engage

conference in February. ?It is truly surreal to have been chosen as SACA?s Chapter of the Year. The pandemic has brought many unforeseen challenges; however, the spirit of Northeast persevered

and this award recognizes that,? said Tori Uglialoro (D.C. ?22), Northeast SACA chapter president . Each year the award is presented to the SACA chapter that best demonstrates extraordinary

teamwork, collaboration and the commitment to further the mission, vision and values of the ACA. Northeast SACA was noted as a ?positive, visible force on both the national and campus levels.?


Nor t h east collabor at es w it h st u den t s t o r en ew cor e val u es A collaborative team of students, faculty and staff worked closely together to update Northeast College of Health Sciences?official institutional values. These core tenets will continue to guide the College in its leadership in integrative healthcare education and were ratified by the Northeast College Board of Trustees in Fall 2021. The College?s updated core values include sections dedicated to Belonging, Inclusion, Respect, Collaboration and Learning, and will stand as the guiding principles for Northeast College and its community. Maria Lugo Perez (D.C. ?22) participated in the recent revision process as a sixth-trimester doctor of chiropractic student and said she is glad that respect, diversity, collaboration and inclusion are an important part of the values. ?I am grateful that I was able to help, alongside my colleagues, in transforming the values and core principles of our college. I appreciate that the student opinion was taken into consideration throughout this process, and I am happy that I was able to share my ideas, beliefs, and point of view,? said Lugo Perez. ?It was a pleasure to work with Northeast students and hear their thoughts about what their College values should reflect. They all worked so hard and gave meaningful insight and feedback,? said Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Anne Killen. Other student team members instrumental in renewing the values included Clarence Hu (D.C. ?22), Joshua Kohrs (D.C. ?22, BPS ?21), and Abigail Werner (D.C. ?23, BPS ?21).

heritage, we also move to shape the evolving future of healthcare with the addition of new people, programs and opportunities. This was the time to reflect on our values and make updates to honor our developing community and advancing goals." The revised Northeast values emphasize the College's commitment to fostering innovative learning environments for all to achieve their fullest potential and highlight the importance of creating an environment that acknowledges each person's unique experience. Read the complete Northeast College of Health Sciences values, vision and mission.

"The College's values were revised considering Northeast?s vision and mission and honoring its proud legacy of chiropractic excellence", said Northeast College President Dr. Michael Mestan. ?Our mission, vision and values have always been consistent in moving our College forward as a leader in healthcare education. As we embrace our

Northeast College of Health Sciences is located in Seneca Falls, New York



Welsh In st it u t e celebr at es classes of 2020 an d 2021 After pandemic-related lockdowns and restrictions, chiropractic students from the classes of both 2020 and 2021 have finally celebrated their graduation from the University of South Wales (USW). The Faculty of Life Sciences, which incorporate both the Nursing School and the Welsh Institute of Chiropractic (WIOC), held its graduation on March 16 at the new International Conference Centre, at Celtic Manor near Newport, Wales.

The WIOC graduation took place in the new International Conference Centre.

Chiropractic students at USW undertake a five-year (1+4) Masters program, which is validated by the UK General Chiropractic Council and accredited by the European Council on Chiropractic Education (ECCE). The achievements of over 180 chiropractic graduates were celebrated, with 95 from the class of 2020 and 87 in the class of 2021. The chiropractic program, which was launched in 1997, is set to see its largest ever intake in 2022, pushing the total number of students studying chiropractic at WIOC to over 500 for the first time in its history. Professor David Byfield, Head of Clinical Services, has been there since the inception of the chiropractic program at WIOC, and was delighted to see the two graduating cohorts cross the stage to receive their degrees. "After all of the challenges associated with COVID-19, it was a proud moment to see the classes of 2020 and 2021 graduate together at a live ceremony.

L>R: Karl New (Academic Subject Manager), Professor David Byfield (Head of Clinical Services) and Dr Paul McCambridge (Course Leader)

They have had to cope with a great deal, and it was wonderful to have them joined on this special occasion by friends and family who have supported them throughout," said Professor Byfield. Work is ongoing to move WIOC onto the main campus at USW with construction expected to be completed by the Fall of 2023.


CM CC f ir st ch ir opr act ic in st it u t ion t o gain du al accr edit at ion CMCC has become the first Doctor of Chiropractic program accredited by two different Council on Chiropractic Education organizations, CCE-US and CCE-Canada, allowing CMCC students to become eligible to apply for licensure anywhere in North America. CMCC pursued US accreditation as a strategic decision to provide greater opportunities for graduates to practice outside of Canada, to meet a growing demand for mobility and to guide institutional reflection and improvement.

The initial application to CCE-US, submitted in 2019, was accepted and this initiated the development of a comprehensive self-study report submitted in 2021. A site team from CCE conducted its visit in September 2021 and forwarded its findings to the Council for consideration at its January 2022 meeting. The Council deliberated over the self-study report, the site visit team report and CMCC?s response, and answers to questions posed to CMCC?s representatives at the meeting. At the conclusion of this process, and in accordance with CCE Standards relating to initial accreditation, CMCC was awarded programmatic accreditation by the CCE through 2025 and will have its next accreditation hearing in January 2026. CMCC President Dr David Wickes said, ?These are outstanding accomplishments. We have a great institution and degree program. We have now received back-to-back reviews by the CCEC and CCE, both of which concluded that our program meets all the accreditation standards. "I?m thankful to have such a strong team at CMCC driving us to excellence in education, clinical care and research. I?m proud of the Executive Leadership Team members, and others across our campus, who have not only excelled in keeping our program running smoothly and keeping our students and employees safe during a pandemic, but for also absorbing the extra load of two accreditation reviews. "Our very strong program completion rates and outstanding CCEB competency exam scores are reflective of the quality of the curriculum, the strength of our faculty, and the excellence of our students. Accreditation, at its heart, is a process of critical appraisal, self-reflection and peer review that ultimately leads to improvements.?

Dr David Wickes, President, CMCC



NZCC appoin t s n ew dir ect or of Ch ir opr act ic Cen t r e New Zealand College of Chiropractic has announced Dr Kirk Stevens as the director of its Chiropractic Centre. Kirk started his chiropractic education in the inaugural class at NZCC. As well as running a successful practice serving the Mount Eden community for the past 20 years, he has been involved at NZCC as a mentor and technique instructor, and has provided an excellent knowledge and experience pathway for this Dr Kirk Stevens

next opportunity. "Through the interview process, Kirk stood out as the ideal person to take on this role and the responsibility that goes with it,? says Kelly Holt, College President. ?Kirk gave an inspiring presentation of his vision for the Chiropractic Centre, centered on the 3 pillars ? care, culture and consistency ? to deliver the best chiropractic experience possible for our practice members."

IFEC Par is an d Tou lou se celebr at e st u den t s' ach ievem en t s Students from the Institut Franco-Europeen de Chiropraxie (IFEC) classes of 2020 and 2021 have graduated following a relaxation of COVID-19 restrictions. In the presence of friends, family, faculty and pedagogical supervisors, over 220 students received their degrees. IFEC was founded in 1983 and delivers a five-year, full-time chiropractic education on two campuses: Paris (Ivry-sur-Seine) and Toulouse. President of IFEC, Dr Olivier Lanlo, congratulated the graduates. He said, "We wish the best to these young chiropractors and wish them every success in their professional careers." Chiropractic degrees from IFEC are licensed by the French Ministry of Health, which protects the title chiropractor.

IFEC provides education in Paris and Toulouse.


New dir ect or at Sw iss Academ y

Palm er Flor ida u n der t akes m ajor r edevelopm en t

The Swiss Academy of Chiropractic (SAC) has announced a new director who will take office in April. Dr Fanny Theytaz, who holds a Master 's degree in Medical Biology and a PhD in Life Science, brings valuable experience in education, evaluation and quality management from previous positions at Swiss Cancer Screening, Swiss transplant and the University of Lausanne. She will take over responsibility for continuous

The Florida campus of Palmer College of Chiropractic has experienced a tremendous enrollment growth, from some 450 or 500 students in 2006, to the nearly 900 the campus anticipates hosting this Fall. As impressive as it

Palmer's visionary fourth building represents a $12m investment

is, with growth of this scale comes the need for space to accommodate it.

Dr Fanny Theytaz, new Director of the Swiss Academy of Chiropractic

education and training of chiropractors in Switzerland Dr Theytaz succeeds Fritz Grossenbacher, MD, who has been instrumental in expanding the chiropractic assistant training program over the past 3 years and has developed the academic program at the annual chiropractors' continuing education congress. The Academy has recently developed an online learning platform for the delivery of online continuing education courses and ChiroSuisse warmly thanks Dr Grossenbacher for his commitment to the SAC.

In 2003 and 2005, two brand-new academic buildings went up on the permanent campus site on Port Orange?s City Center Parkway, with the Standard Process Student Center opening in 2012 as enrollment approached 750. ?We got to the point where we had remodeled just about everything we could,? recalls Dr. Martin. ?We were becoming a quart in a pint pot, as my wife would say.? In 2020, emboldened by the support of alumni and a vision for the future, the Board directed the undertaking of a comprehensive campus development. At 33,000 square feet and enabling the campus to accommodate up to 1,200 students, the $12 million fourth academic building will go a long way toward addressing the needs of recent years?growth.


World Federationof Chiropractic Association of Chiropractic Colleges

11TH GLOBAL EDUCATION CONFERENCE November 2-5, 2022 Logan University, USA



Su bm ission deadlin e f or abst r act s: Ju n e 1, 2022 Authors from all nations are invited to submit abstracts describing their chiropractic educational research and innovations. Submitted material should be pertinent to teaching, learning, assessment, evaluation, faculty development, governance, or any area of education.

Con t en t m u st r elat e t o edu cat ion . A m axim u m of t w o abst r act s m ay be su bm it t ed f or a given pr esen t er f or an y com bin at ion of t h e f ollow in g:

Plat f or m Pr esen t at ion s: Platform abstracts of 250 words or less should include: objective, methods, results, and conclusion. Experimental studies involving human subjects (eg, comparative trials, pilot studies, cohort studies, and surveys) must have IRB/ethics board approval or exemption as determined by the author ?s institution. Post er Pr esen t at ion s: Poster abstracts of 250 words or less should include: objective, methods, results, and conclusion. Experimental studies involving human subjects (eg. comparative trials, pilot studies, cohort studies, and surveys) must have IRB/ethics board approval or exemption as determined by the author ?s institution. Wor k sh op Pr esen t at ion s: Workshop leaders will provide an interactive workshop to develop skills of attendees. Workshops should include active learning - not be solely lectures, not a series of presentations, nor be a substitute for the scientific platform sessions. The workshop proposal of 250 words or less should include a brief description, a list of skill-based learning objectives, and outline of the presentation that can be completed in 45 minutes. If the proposal is selected for consideration, a more detailed outline will be requested. In n ovat ion s Pr esen t at ion s: Innovation presentations present a true educational innovation that is being implemented. A description of the specific innovation should be able to be shared in 6 minutes

47 or less and will be part of a panel discussion. Innovation sessions are not lectures or a substitute for platform presentations. Innovations abstracts of 250 words or less should include: rationale or need for the innovation, short description of the innovation, and potential impact on chiropractic education. Educational domains may include undergraduate, postgraduate, residencies, and any other specialty training relevant to chiropractic education. Topics may include:


Accr edit at ion Adm ission s Basic Scien ce Teach in g Clin ical Cou r se Teach in g Com pet en cy-based Tr ain in g Con t in u ou s Qu alit y Im pr ovem en t Cu lt u r al Com pet en cy/ Diver sit y Et h ics in Edu cat ion Facu lt y Developm en t Hist or y of Ch ir opr act ic Edu cat ion In t er pr of ession al Edu cat ion


Libr ar y scien ces Pr of ession alism an d Et h ics Pr ogr am Evalu at ion Pu blic Healt h Edu cat ion St an dar dized Test in g, Psych om et r ics St u den t Assessm en t an d Evalu at ion Teach in g f or Lear n er s w it h Dif f icu lt ies Teach in g in t h e Classr oom an d Clin ic Tech n ology in Edu cat ion Wor k f or ce developm en t Ot h er edu cat ion -r elat ed t opics

SUBM ISSION INSTRUCTIONS 1. Deadlin e: a. Submit your abstract by Ju n e 1, 2022 to https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2022WFC_education 2.Abst r act s: a. Abstracts must be in English and are limited to 250 w or ds m axim u m word count does not include title, author names, or affiliations. b. The abstract should be structured as mentioned in the above descriptions. c. Abstract should not include references, tables, graphs, figures, pictures, or video. d. All works related to education will be considered. e. An abstract may be submitted if it has been presented at another meeting or if it has been published or will be published by the time of the conference. f. Presenters may submit no more than two (2) abstracts of any combination of the following: platform, poster, workshops, or innovation presentations.


3. Au t h or r espon sibilit ies: a. The primary author will be the contact person responsible for submission of all required materials and all correspondence. The primary author is responsible for accuracy of the abstract submission. b. Abstracts will be published as submitted by the corresponding author. It is the responsibility of the primary author to ensure that all requirements are met and that the work is free from factual or other errors (spelling, grammar, etc.) c. The presenter may be any author (primary or coauthor) of the work. Only primary or coauthors are allowed to present at the conference (non-authors are not allowed to present). d. By submitting an abstract, the authors consent that the abstract will be published in the Journal of Chiropractic Education if the submission is accepted for presentation. e. For accepted abstracts, authors will be asked to submit their IRB/REB/Ethics approval or exemption letter (if needed) and an author permissions form. 4. Peer Review Pr ocess: a. All submissions will be evaluated for completeness, strength of contribution, and relevance to the conference by the peer review committee. b. Primary authors will be notified of the committee?s decision by Au gu st 1, 2022. 5. At t en dan ce: a. Presenting authors must complete paid (non-refundable) registration by Au gu st 15, 2022 to be included in the program and proceedings. It is the presenting author ?s responsibility to secure funding to register and attend the conference. Questions about submissions should be directed to Dr Bart Green at 2022wfc.education@gmail.com

For con f er en ce det ails please visit w w w.w f c.or g/ edu con f 2022


NWHSU st u den t Rau l aw ar ded civic f ellow sh ip NWHSU student Rahul Bhakta was selected as a Campus Compact 2022 Newman Civic Fellow. Bhakta is a second year Chiropractic student and president of NWHSU?s chapter of the Student American Black Chiropractic Association (SABCA).

and help them develop strategies for social change. President of NWHSU, Dr Deborah Bushway, wrote in her nomination statement: "Rahul is making an impact in the lives of individuals on and off campus, and working to ensure that our campus is representative of our community, and inclusive of every student who enrolls with us. The Newman Civic Fellowship will support his continued growth as a student, as a leader, and as a healthcare practitioner, and increase his already exceptional capacity for tackling the critical social issues of access to higher education, and equitable healthcare.? As part of his personal statement, Bhakta wrote: ?After the first year [I was in SABCA], I was voted in as President and have since been making strides to decrease the gap in patient information on healthcare primarily within Chiropractic.

Rahul Bhakta The Newman Civic Fellowship recognizes and supports community-committed students who are change makers and public problem-solvers at Campus Compact member institutions. Fellows are nominated by their president or chancellor on the basis of their potential for public leadership. Through the fellowship, Campus Compact provides students with training and resources that nurture their assets and passions

"We have also been making strides to increase education among the youth to make sure they know about the profession, along with being able to picture themselves within the profession by showing student doctors of color through different tabling events. We are always looking for help and growth through other non-profits that want to get involved with similar ideas we have set!?




The 17th WFC Biennial Congress, hosted by the Australian Chiropractors Association, takes place October 11-14, 2023 at the Gold Coast Conference and Exhibition Centre. As the world's largest chiropractic scientific meeting and premier global event for the chiropractic profession, it will be an unmissable experience. Save the date and start planning now.



A m odel of car e adapt ed t o r em ot e com m u n it ies Back pain is not fun but when you live in an urban center, there are numerous treatment options. But what about people living in remote communities, where accessing healthcare is challenging? An initiative led by Dr. André Bussières, professor in the department of chiropractic at Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR) and his colleague Dr. Steven Passmore from the University of Manitoba, will validate a model of spinal

care in the Indigenous community of Pimicikamak (Cross Lake First Nation), Manitoba, Canada. Their proposal is part of the Global Spine Care Initiative (GSCI), which aims to work with underserved communities around the world. The Canadian project is funded by research grants from the Canadian Chiropractic Association (CCA) and the Canadian Chiropractic Research Foundation. The implementation of the GSCI

model of care in the community of Pimicikamak is part of a larger four phase project, involving an international team of researchers and partners from France, England, the United States, Botswana, and India. The completed first phase of the project led to the creation of a model of spinal care and healthcare services to better serve patients in remote communities. The sixteen published scientific articles laid the theoretical foundations for

L>R Dr. Jennifer Ward, Dr. André Bussières, Dr. Steven Passmore, Chief David Monias, Councillor Shirley Robinson, and Vice Chief Ivan Monias.


A m odel of car e adapt ed t o r em ot e com m u n it ies (con t in u ed) ?The CCA is pleased to be supporting such an important project, which marries patient-centered care to the very real need to consider patient context and traditions during treatment,? says Alison Dantas, Chief Executive Officer, CCA. ?It is an excellent opportunity to provide care to underserved areas, and to bring chiropractic treatment into an Indigenous framework.?

En route to Pimicikamak (Cross Lake First Nation), Manitoba, Canada

the model that will be explored in the Pimicikamak community. ?The model of care has two main components. First, triaging people with back or neck pain, using the GSCI classification of problems that may be encountered,? explains Dr. Bussières.

In March 2022, Drs. Bussières, Passmore, and Ward visited Pimicikamak and met with Chief David Monias. A research agreement was reached, with Monias providing a letter of support to proceed with the project. ?In Cross Lake we were honored to meet with the Chief and Council, the nurse-in-charge and physicians at the nursing station, and the director of health to share ideas and determine

?Second, to provide the primary care recommended by the clinical practice guides, including self-management strategies and advice regarding, for instance, ergonomics at work and the prescription of exercises. If the patient requires primary care treatment, it would be possible for chiropractors, physiotherapists, massage therapists or kinesiologists to offer care.? Dr. Jennifer Ward, DC, will also be joining the research team to learn from the community and deliver World Spine Care's Model of Care to the people of Pimicikamak. ?It is with great pride that I, as an Indigenous Canadian chiropractor, have had the opportunity to deliver spinal care to Cree communities in northern Manitoba for the past 18 years... These types of collaborative research efforts done in a 'for us/with us' approach will assist policy makers in rectifying our healthcare system.?

Dr. André Bussières, Dr. Jennifer Ward, Dr. Steven Passmore

our mutual path forward,? said Passmore. ?We are listening to the spine care needs of the Pimicikamak people in northern Manitoba, Canada.? The project is planned to launch late spring or early summer 2022.


Su bscr ibe t o f r ee Spin eIQ blog an d st ay u pdat ed The Spine Institute for Quality (www.SpineIQ.org) is a not-for-profit organization founded by Dr Christine Goertz to improve patient access to high quality spine care delivery, with a focus on chiropractic.

Ch ir osu isse seek s su ppor t f or n eeds an alysis ChiroSuisse has identified the need to learn more about the demand for chiropractic care and for some time has been seeking to undertake a study examining the primary care model. On behalf of the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH), the Swiss Health Observatory (Obsan) has already investigated what forecasts can be made for the future supply of and demand for physicians. This study is important because it shows how many doctors need to be trained and further trained in the various specialties in order to be able to meet the needs of the Swiss population in the future.

One important Spine IQ initiative is a free weekly BackBlog. We all know how difficult it is for the busy clinician to find time to stay informed about the latest research related to caring for patients with spine-related disorders. At the same time, we also know that using evidence-based treatments can lead to better patient outcomes. The Spine IQ BackBlog summarizes the research on important topics in a digestible blog format to help clinicians to stay up-to-date - no science training necessary! Recently discussed topics include new clinical practice guidelines for low back pain, how to incorporate patient-reported outcome measurement in the spine care clinic, and strategies to increase self-management in patients experiencing low back pain. To learn more, visit the Spine IQ website at https://spineiq.org/blog/ or go to https://spineiq.org/clinician-home/ to sign up to have the BackBlog emailed to you each week.

However, there are no comparable studies or analyses for chiropractic to date. ChiroSuisse is therefore currently unable to quantify the future development of the demand for and staffing of chiropractors. Following a number of political interventions, the Federal Council still refuses to fund such a study. ChiroSuisse believes that the study is essential and should now be made possible through private funding. Pro Chiro Schweiz has been approached to support the study. ChiroSuisse is seeking private contributions to help fund this study. Any financial contribution is very welcome. Donations should be directed to: IBAN CH22 0079 0016 5935 9235 1. Reference Care Evaluation Study.



Dan ish r esear ch er s t r iu m ph at CARLoqu iu m Researchers from the Chiropractic Knowledge Hub and from the Department of Clinical Biomechanics at the University of Southern Denmark contributed posters for the virtual conference CARLoquium 2022, which was held in March. They distinguished themselves by being among the winners when the prizes for the incoming posters were awarded. Rikke Krüger Jensen received 2nd prize in the category Best Unpublished Poster, Mette Gregersen and Kristina Boe Dissing received 1st prize and 3rd prize respectively in the category Best Early Career Poster, Simon Dyrløv Madsen received 2nd prize in the category Best Protocol Poster and Henrik Hein Lauridsen received 1st prize for Best Published Poster. Five Danish prize winners at one conference is very impressive. It underlines the strong research environment within musculoskeletal pain that exists at the Chiropractic Knowledge Hub and at the Department of Clinical Biomechanics at the University of Southern Denmark. Professor Jan Hartvigsen, who is one of the mentors and initiators of CARL, is pleased that his fellow researchers did so well: "I am happy and proud that Danish researchers were awarded so many prizes at CARLoquium. This is particularly impressive because our CARL Fellows Casper Nim, Steen Harsted, Cecilie Øverås and James Young were involved in arranging the conference and therefore were unable to participate in the competition for prizes." CARLoquium is organized by the Chiropractic Academy for Research Leadership, which is a worldwide network of the most talented young researchers in the field of chiropractic. The

network is sponsored by chiropractic organizations from Europe, North America and Australia. CARL Fellows collaborate virtually on research and leadership, and they meet physically once a year. The next meeting is in August in Odense in Denmark, says Jan Hartvigsen. Is back pain af f ect ed by w eek ly m on it or in g of t h e pain ? The purpose of this study was to investigate the potential effect of pain monitoring on low back pain (LBP). Specifically, the researchers wanted to investigate whether pain intensity, activity limitation, and pain control differed between patients with weekly pain monitoring over 12 months and patients with follow-up after 2 weeks, 3 months, and 12 months. 2848 patients from ChiCo participated in the study, divided into 2 groups. Both groups answered questionnaires after 2 weeks, and 3 and 12 months. In addition, one group received weekly questions via SMS about pain frequency and intensity, while the other group only answered the questionnaires. It turned out that the pain intensity was slightly lower in the SMS group, while there was no relevant difference between the groups in terms of activity limitation and the ability to control the pain. The study showed that patients did not get worse pain from weekly monitoring of their pain; in fact, weekly supervision may even have had a positive effect.


Dan ish r esear ch er s t r iu m ph at CARLoqu iu m (con t in u ed) Ref er en ce: Alice Kongsted, Tue Secher Jensen, Klaus Doktor and Lise Hestbæk.Effects of weekly pain monitoring on back pain outcomes: a non?randomized controlled study. Chiropractic & Manual Therapies 2021 (click here)

Wh o ben ef it s m ost f r om t h e st r u ct u r ed t r eat m en t of m ot or sk ills in ch ildr en of k in der gar t en age? Kindergarten age seems to be crucial for children's development of their motor skills and it is the best time to improve these skills.

This study examines the effect of an intensive structured treatment to improve the motor skills of 471 kindergarten children aged 3-6 years. The children were divided into a treatment group and a control group, and their motor skills were measured at baseline and 6, 18, and 30 months after treatment. The study revealed a tendency for the treatment to provide the greatest improvement in the motor skills among the children who had the worst skills at the

beginning of the treatment. Intensive structured treatment of kindergarten children's motor skills seems to be effective in the short term, while more research is needed to see if the same applies over time. Ref er en ce: Lise Hestbæk, Werner Vach, Sarah Thurøe Andersen and Henrik Hein Lauridsen. The Effect of a Structured Intervention to Improve Motor Skills in Preschool Children: Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial Nested in a Cohort Study of Danish Preschool Children, the MiPS Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2021 (click here)


Ch ir opr act or s Edu cat ion Resear ch For u m : Su m m ar y Repor t 2021 The Chiropractic Educators Research Forum (CERF) provides supporting infrastructure for faculty, staff, and administration to learn to be better at what they do. CERF engages members to participate in discussions, projects, and other activities to advance chiropractic education research and scholarship. Chiropractic educators who develop their skills and engage in research and scholarship will ultimately improve the quality of the chiropractic programs. Thus, improving the quality of chiropractic education improves the quality of the graduates and the profession, resulting in improved chiropractic care for patients and the public. The CERF 2021 annual report was published in both English and Spanish and offers the following summary of its accomplishments. · 2 virtual CERF Conferences provided members with opportunities to participate in the latest research and scholarship, with 31 research presentations and 250 registrants. This included the conference on Learning Assessment in June 2021 and the conference on Diversity in Chiropractic Education in December 2021. · 45 CERF members participated on the Peer Review Committee. These peer review opportunities allowed members to engage in the scholarship of peer review for conferences and journals. · 5 Best Paper Awards were announced, which recognized these excellent scholarly publications. · CERF Abstract Mentoring Program assisted 19 author teams in improving their submitted abstracts and presentations. · 13 new tutorials on assessment and diversity were developed and posted to the 5-Minute Mentor page. · 12 Monthly Newsletters included upcoming

education events, conferences, collaborations, and other research and scholarly opportunities for chiropractic educators. · CERF Brag Board included announcements and recognition of excellent scholarly work done by 108 CERF members. · 6 Blog Posts described how CERF contributes to cost savings and capacity building; diversity, equity, and inclusion; a report from the Journal of Chiropractic Education Editor in Chief; and an invitation to CERF members to engage in academic scholarship. · CERF Share Board was further developed. A drive was implemented on diversity, equity, and inclusion providing 11 resources for educators, which allowed CERF members to share educational materials they have created so others may benefit. · 7 new CERF Board Members were added to include more world regions and greater diversity, thereby fortifying CERF?s global and inclusive approach, which is in alignment with the World Federation of Chiropractic. CERF is an online forum where chiropractic educators share their insights and learn new information about research and scholarship. Its mission is to build scholarship and research capacity for chiropractic educators throughout the world. CERF supports education research and holds virtual conferences on focused topics to help build research capacity in selected areas. More information can be found at https://cerfweb.org


Can adian Ch ir opr act ic Resear ch t ops C$1m w it h n ew gr an t aw ar ds The Canadian Chiropractic Research Foundation (CCRF) is pleased to announce five new grant awards for Early Career Researchers (ECR). In addition to supporting talented young professionals, these investments bring total CCRF?s project funding for chiropractic research to over $1,000,000 CAD. ?This is a tremendous milestone for CCRF, musculoskeletal (MSK) research and really, our entire profession,? says Dr. Chad Kulak, CCRF chair.

?MSK pain and disability intersects with Canada?s most critical healthcare priorities including decreased opioid use, improved healthcare accessibility, better return-to-work protocols and reduced ER/diagnostic wait times. CCRF fills a critical gap by providing dedicated nation-wide funding for both experienced and emerging researchers.? Dr. Richard McIlmoyle, CCRF Research Committee chair adds ?By dedicating our latest grant cycle to


Can adian Ch ir opr act ic Resear ch t ops C$1m w it h n ew gr an t aw ar ds (ct d) ECRs we?re supporting the future of research by providing a reliable source of funding for the incredible people dedicated to this crucial work.? Thanks to our visionary donors, CCRF is pleased to issue requests for proposals (RFPs) twice a year. The next grant cycle will be announced on April 4, 2022. ?Our mission is to invest in research to improve health outcomes for Canadians,? states Dr. Kulak. ?Please join us as we celebrate the advancement of this mission by congratulating these successful project teams.? Tit le: Using ICF linking rules to catalogue characteristics of older adults with low back pain related disability Aw ar d: $12,000 Lead: Aleisha Adeboyejo, University of Ontario Institute of Technology/Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College Im pact : This is the first study to link epidemiological and qualitative research of older adults with low back pain to the WHO?s ICF framework, which measures health and disability. This will assist chiropractors in the evaluation and management of their patients, improve comparison of global data across health disciplines and communication between health care workers, researchers, and other stakeholders. Tit le: Systemic inflammatory biomarkers and brain functional connectivity: Identifying a neuroinflammatory signature in patients with idiopathic chronic neck pain Aw ar d: $25,000 Lead: Dr. Felipe Duarte, Canadian Memorial

Chiropractic College Im pact : This study expands Dr. Duarte?s previously approved Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) project by adding a control group and blood inflammatory biomarker analysis which will evaluate the relationship between peripheral inflammatory biomarkers, brain functional connectivity, and clinical outcomes across all groups. Tit le: Measurement of spinal mobilization biomechanical parameters in the preschool pediatric population Aw ar d: $13,000 Lead: Dr. Isabelle Pagé & Dr. Chantal Doucet, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières Im pact : This ground-breaking study will measure the biomechanics of Spinal manipulation (SM) and mobilization (MOB) in children under 5 years of age using a pressure sensing glove system known as Tekscan . The goal is to improve safety, explore the underlying mechanisms of MSK disorders and provide important clinical data to improve training of chiropractic students. TM

Tit le: Developing the first evidence-based operationalization of pain-related suffering: A foundational step to targeting the reduction of suffering among people living with pain. Award: $25,000 Lead: Dr. Peter Stilwell, School of Physical & Occupational Therapy ? The Royal Institution for the Advancement of Learning/McGill University Im pact : Building on previous work, Dr. Stilwell seeks to fill an important gap by determining the first evidence-based definition of pain-related suffering. His multi-disciplinary team will combine qualitative, quantitative and knowledge transfer methodologies to help clinicians better


Can adian Ch ir opr act ic Resear ch t ops C$1m w it h n ew gr an t aw ar ds (ct d) understand how patients are affected by this experience. Tit le: Practitioners?Beliefs, Experiences, and Perceptions of Cultural Health Disparities in the Delivery of Chiropractic and Physiotherapy Services in Canada: A Qualitative Study Aw ar d: $10,500 Lead: Dr. Nora Bakaa & Luciana Macedo, McMaster University Im pact : Equitable delivery of rehabilitation services and improved access to care will improve health outcomes for all Canadians. This project will examine the unique challenges faced by Canadian chiropractors and physiotherapists with respect to

care delivery. Using data from a large-scale cross-sectional survey that assessed diversity and cultural competency important and current social disparities within the Canadian health care system will be identified. Funding for CCRF research is made possible thanks to the generous support of the Canadian Chiropractic Association, provincial chiropractic associations, private and public sector partners as well as individual donors from across the country. Learn more about CCRF, its Million Dollar March Celebration, Partnerships, upcoming RFPs and the exciting research in which they are investing by clicking here.



Ch ir opr act or con t r ibu t es t o vest ibu lar r eh ab gu idelin es Dr. J. Donald Dishman, Parker University?s Dean of Graduate Programs and Special Projects, was recently invited to be a team member for the prestigious American Physical Therapy Association's Clinical Practice Guidelines (APTA CPG) for vestibular rehabilitation. After three years of work, the manuscript is complete, which is a global meta-analysis of the literature. The goal of the project was for the team to rate the evidence and make best-practices recommendations. Dr. Dishman, holds a Master of Science degree in neurophysiology from the renowned Institute for Sensory Research at Syracus University. He commented: ?Vestibular dysfunction is a significant worldwide health problem and a global burden. The APTA CPG were designed to be an evidence-based, clinical guideline to move toward a consensus in the treatment of those individuals who suffer from vestibular dysfunction". The experienced authorship team is comprised of the world's best-known experts in the field. Parker University?s Dr. Dishman is believed to be the first Doctor of Chiropractic ever to be invited to be a panelist or author on guidelines of this nature. ?My goal was to participate in what many feel is the leading clinical practice guidelines for the conservative management of this disorder. "My participation as a chiropractic neurologist, researcher, and educator, I feel, will open up the opportunity for more interdisciplinary care for this population of patients,? Dr. Dishman says. The study is now in press in the Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy. To read the study, go to pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34864777.

Dr Donald Dishman


WFC Resear ch Com m it t ee m em ber scoops ACA Resear ch er of t h e Year Aw ar d. The American Chiropractic Association has awarded Stacie Salsbury, PhD, RN, of Davenport, Iowa, the 2022 George B. McClelland Researcher of the Year Award. She is recognized for her contribution to the development and enhancement of chiropractic, through her vital research at the Palmer College of Chiropractic in the Quad Cities, Iowa. Dr. Salsbury is an expert in qualitative research methods, a discipline that fosters a deeper insight into lived experiences and the language that defines those experiences. Before joining the research team at the Palmer Center for Chiropractic Research (PCCR), she began her career as a registered nurse and earned her PhD in nursing, specializing in gerontology. As a chiropractic researcher, she has advanced chiropractic care in multidisciplinary settings through her diligent, evidence-based research. Dr. Salsbury was the co-principal investigator on the NCMIC-funded study, Active Aging for Spine Health, which validated a model of spinal care for older chiropractic patients. Dr. Salsbury explained that she and the research team were ?especially interested in how chiropractors might help midlife

and older adults self-manage their chronic spine condition? with a focus on how digital technologies, such as smartphones, could be utilized to cultivate patient self-management. While the study?s data is still being analyzed, a clear and vital takeaway, according to Dr. Salsbury, is that to use technology effectively as a self-management tool, it must be ?easy to navigate, for both patient and doctor,? while also, ?not getting in the way of the real-world relationship.? The PCCR is leading a National Institutes of Health/National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health funded project studying the impact of chiropractic care in the U. S. Veterans Administration health care system (VA). The Chiropractic Care for Veterans: A Pragmatic Randomized Trial Addressing Dose Effects for Chronic Low Back Pain, or VERDICT, is being conducted with collaborators at four VA health care centers and four research-intensive universities, in participation with the NIHDoD-VA Pain Management Collaboratory. Dr. Salsbury leads the qualitative research in the trial designed to ?answer the how and why questions about the project.? By better

understanding veterans? thoughts about the impact of chiropractic care, management of chronic low back pain can be improved. Dr. Salsbury stated that with over 9 million veterans enrolled in the VA health care program and approximately 25% of the veterans experiencing back pain at any time, there?s potentially a major role for chiropractic care in the VA. VERDICT will help us understand more about that role.? When asked where she sees opportunities for future chiropractic research, Dr. Salsbury stated, "Because we don?t know much about why people start chiropractic care, by bringing patients into the conversation and giving their experiences the examination they deserve, researchers will find that patients are our best teachers.?

Dr Stacie Salsbury



Japan ese r esear ch con f er en ce f ocu ses on in t er pr of ession al collabor at ion November 2021 saw the 12th Japanese Society of Chiropractic Science (JSCS) Annual Conference, held at Shibaura Institute of Technology. The JSCS is a research arm of the Japanese Association of Chiropractors (JAC), which hosts an annual research conference as well as publishing its own journal. The conference theme was ?The role of the chiropractor in interprofessional collaborative care? and the event featured a variety of

Dr Masahiro Goto served at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games

Professor Katayose, chief physiotherapist of TOCOG (the Tokyo Organizing Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games) described his experience of challenges in implementing the global standard of healthcare services into the Tokyo 2020 polyclinic.

Delegates enjoyed a mix of live and online presentations

healthcare experts. Keynote speakers were Professor Masaki Katayose of Sapporo Medical University, Professor Hitoshi Yamashita of Morinomiya University of Medical Sciences, Dr Masahiro Goto of Goto Chiropractic Office, Dr Tomohiko Wakatsuki of Wakatsuki Chiropractic Mr Tomokazu Tai of Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare and Mr Koichi Kuratsu of Osaka Ryojyutsu Association. The keynote presentations were followed by a research workshop by the third and fourth year students of Tokyo College of Chiropractic.

With limited understanding of the global standards of healthcare services, it was some time before two chiropractors, Dr Tom Greenway and Dr Masahiro Goto, were finally accepted into the polyclinic as supporting members of the physiotherapy provision (their experiences were covered in the October 2021 issue of the QWR). In another presentation, Professor Yamashita, one of the leading experts of scientific research in acupuncture and moxibustion, explained the challenges in conducting randomized controlled trials in acupuncture. The conference was well attended by members of the JAC, who had the option of attending in-person or via an online link.


Lar ge syst em at ic r eview dem on st r at es u t ilit y of psych ological in t er ven t ion s f or cLBP For people with chronic, non-specific low back pain, psychological interventions are most effective when delivered in conjunction with structured exercise, a newly published systematic review has concluded. Psychological interventions are known to have an important role in an individual's experience of low back pain and its impact on their functioning and quality of life. Fear avoidance beliefs, depression, anxiety, catastrophic thinking and familial and social stress can all increase the risk of physical disability. This systematic review, which included 97 studies

and over 13,000 participants, was published in the British Medical Journal and is free to access. The study found that the most sustainable effects for physical function and fear avoidance were achieved with pain education programs delivered with manual therapy. For pain intensity the optimum outcomes involved behavioral therapy delivered with manual therapy care. Ref er en ce: Ho EK, Chen L, Simic M, Ashton-James CE, Comachio J, Wang DXM, Hayden JA, Ferreira ML, Ferreira PH. Psychological interventions for chronic, non-specific low back pain: systematic review with network meta-analysis. BMJ. 2022 Mar 30;376:e067718.


Lan dm ar k ju dgm en t sees Net h er lan ds cou r t acqu it ch ir opr act or in dissect ion case A chiropractor accused of causing grievous bodily harm in a case where a patient suffered a vertebral artery dissection has been acquitted in a Dutch court. The case related to a number of allegations arising out of treatment provided to a patient in 2016. During the hearing, which took place on February 7, 2022, the criminal court heard evidence from experts called by both the defense and the prosecution legal teams. In a written judgment on February 22, 2022, the court acquitted the chiropractor on the grounds that it had not seen evidence that conclusively proved that the actions of the chiropractor (manipulation of the cervical spine) were responsible for the injuries sustained by the patient or that he was at fault. The background to the case was that, in January 2016, a patient consulted a chiropractor in Haarlem, the Netherlands, following a recommendation by their GP to seek manual therapy in the form of chiropractic or physiotherapy. They presented with neck pain and headaches and, following an assessment, underwent spinal manipulation of the cervical spine. The patient then re-attended four days later and underwent identical treatment. During the course of the appointment, they became unwell, lost consciousness, was resuscitated and was transported to hospital by ambulance. At the hospital, it was found that the patient had suffered a brainstem infarction due to oxygen deficiency as a consequence of a vertebral artery dissection, a separation of the layers in the artery wall due to haemorrhage. The patient developed neurological deficits, including paralysis of the limbs, inability to

Criminal defense lawyer Mr Janbert Kalk represented the chiropractor during the trial swallow, speech disturbance and visual disturbance. Over time, partial recovery occurred, but the patient remained disabled and largely dependent on care. A number of experts instructed by the parties gave evidence to the court. On the issue of causation, experts explained that there were a number of causes of arterial dissection and that patients may present to health professionals with a dissection already in progress but only later manifest


Lan dm ar k ju dgm en t sees Net h er lan ds cou r t acqu it ch ir opr act or in dissect ion case (con t in u ed) symptoms. The court was further advised that no scientific evidence currently existed to demonstrate a causal relationship between cervical spine manipulation and cervical artery dissection. The court also heard evidence from a neurologist instructed by the liability insurer, who stated that the dissection had been caused by the chiropractor 's manipulation of the patient's neck. However, in the absence of the neurologist being able to clearly demonstrate the basis for his opinion, the court rejected his evidence. On the basis of the medical information available in the case, the court determined that causation could therefore not be established. In publishing its judgment on February 21, 2022, the court ruled that the chiropractor adhered to the standards laid down by the Netherlands Chiropractic Association. It found that the chiropractor had undertaken sufficient measures to investigate contraindications to the application of cervical spine manipulation. In the absence of contraindications, the court stated that there was no reason for the chiropractor to have avoided applying treatment in the form of neck manipulation. On the issue of informed consent, the court concluded that on the basis of a lack of scientific evidence regarding causation, the chiropractor was under no obligation to warn the patient that dissection might be a consequence of cervical spine manipulation.

Noord-Holland DIstrict Court

chiropractors (and with them also the physios and manual therapists) have a much better start in their defense, in the very, very, very, rare case of an emergency.? Throughout the case, Mr Kalk had argued strongly that the defendant chiropractor had acted reasonably in performing treatment that was not prohibited by law, and which involved forces insufficient to give rise to a dissection. He stressed the point that causation could not be established, emphasizing that the view of the neurologist was based purely on a temporal association and that he had not properly considered the available scientific evidence.

The court determined that culpability and considerable carelessness of the chiropractor had not been established.

President of the Netherlands Chiropractic Association, Dr Gitte Tønner, commented, "For our colleague in particular, but also for us as a profession - and for all professions that apply spinal manipulation to the cervical spine - this is a welcome relief. Finally, we are dealing with a judge who has looked closely at the science, been assisted by well-read experts and made a firm ruling."

Speaking after the case, criminal lawyer, Mr Janbert Kalk, who represented the chiropractor, said, "With this court ruling, I hope that many

The full ruling of the North Holland Court (reference ECLI:NL:RBNHO:2022:1401) can be read here.


ACA elect s leader sh ip t eam f or 2022-23 The American Chiropractic Association (ACA) has elected its leadership team for the 2022-2023 term. Michele Maiers, DC, MPH, PhD, of Minneapolis, Minnesota, was re-elected association president and Leo Bronston, DC, MAppSc, of Onalaska, Wisconsin, was elected vice president on February 3 by members of the Board of Governors (BOG) during ACA?s annual meeting.

for ACA?s Medicare modernization bill (H.R. 2654). Dr. Maiers is the Executive Director of Research and Innovation at Northwestern Health Sciences University in Bloomington, Minnesota. Dr. Bronston, a board member since 2019, previously served as ACA?s Wisconsin delegate and has been an active volunteer on ACA committees and advisory boards in the areas of coding and reimbursement, integrative practice, and strategic planning. He also represents ACA on the AMA?s Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) Advisory Panel.

Michele Maiers DC, PhD

As president, Dr. Maiers, a board member since 2016, has promoted greater collaboration between ACA and groups inside and outside the chiropractic profession. Under her helm, ACA has strengthened ties with state chiropractic associations, the payer community and members of Congress - increasing support

?The challenges of the past year have highlighted the value of connection. Through ACA, we are connected and committed as chiropractors to supporting one another and working to increase access to patient-centered, evidence-based chiropractic care,? said Dr. Maiers. ?I?m honored to work with Dr. Maiers and the rest of the board to support efforts that demonstrate the high value that chiropractors bring to the healthcare system and increase access to those who need our essential services,? added Dr. Bronston. Drs. Maiers and Bronston are

joined on the BOG by Eric Benson, DC, FIAMA, FICC, of Grand Island, Nebraska who was elected February 1 by members of the ACA House of Delegates. Dr. Benson has been an ACA member for 36 years and served as the association's Nebraska delegate. Continuing their terms on the board are Robert C. Jones, DC, APC, of Albuquerque, New Mexico; Steven C. Roberts, JD, LLM, of St. Louis, Missouri; and Michael Martin, DC, of Plano, Texas. In addition, Roberts was reappointed as chair of the ACA Finance Committee and secretary of the American Chiropractic Foundation. Dr. Martin was appointed to the ACA Nominating Committee. Ending her board term is Kathy Boulet, DAAPM, DC, Dipl. Ac., of Lewiston, Maine, who served as ACA vice president over the past year .



Ch ir opr act ic in Ch in a: Aida ch am pion s EPIC appr oach t o car e Th e People's Repu blic of Ch in a is a cou n t r y of som e 1.4 billion people. Despit e it bein g t h e m ost popu lou s n at ion on t h e plan et , t h er e ar e r elat ively f ew ch ir opr act or s pr act icin g. Th e QWR cau gh t u p w it h r ecen t ly gr adu at ed, US-t r ain ed doct or of ch ir opr act ic, Aida Ru . Dr Aida Ru did not follow a traditional route into chiropractic. After graduating from Hangzhou Dianzi Keji University, majoring in Logistics Management, a career in healthcare did not seem like a natural choice. However, on observing gaps in the provision of healthcare, particularly in non-acute chronic condition, she became increasingly interested in pursuing chiropractic as a career.

Aida Ru DC works in an interprofessional setting in Zhejiang Province, China

"I grew up surrounded by TCM, alternative care, and preventative care as ways to maintain general well being. This experience led me to believe that healthcare went far beyond pathology or emergency life-saving medical care.

After quite a few years of searching, I finally found chiropractic, which helped me resolve many of my health issues that other medical doctors could not resolve".

"That's not to say that MDs don't have a critical role in the medical care field; it just means that there are many alternative options when it comes to helping with non-acute healthcare issues and maintain a high quality of day-to-day living. Now more than ever before, people are suffering from chronic pain of all types, stress-induced muscle aches, headaches and migraines, or complaints in spite of normal imaging/lab test results. "I observed that these types of health issues are often not taken as seriously as they should be. "My own lived experience pushed me to find alternative care that would help with my problems and bridge the gap between objective test outcomes and the issues I felt in my body.

Dr Ru describes her initial experience of chiropractic: "I actually got my first chiropractic treatment from Dr. Randy Frigaard in Riverside, California. I still clearly remember the feeling after my first neck adjustment: it felt amazing! My neck pain, shoulder pain and thoracic pain almost disappeared immediately, and I felt the blood finally circulating freely through my muscles and joints. It was a relief! "Dr Frigaard introduced me to chiropractic care and gave me lots of advice about various types of chiropractic techniques and how to become a chiropractor. Dr Ru estimates there to be approximately 125


Ch ir opr act ic in Ch in a: Aida ch am pion s EPIC appr oach t o car e (con t in u ed) chiropractors practicing in mainland China, but she suspects that the figures are outdated and that there are probably more at this time. "As there is no national association in China, it is difficult to obtain a precise figure," she says. Inspired by her experience, Dr Ru decided to apply to Palmer West, San Jose, California, to pursue her studies. Her hunger for knowledge led her to explore a wide range of techniques and approaches to care. "I learned a lot through my four years at Palmer West, and also studied many other disciplines and techniques outside of school - Sacro-Occipital Technique (SOT), Applied Kinesiology, Carrick functional neurology, NeuroEmotional Technique, Autonomic Response Technique, and functional nutrition.

Charles Blum.

was observing in health care.

"I took my SOT basic series and cranial series starting in 2017 with Dr. Blum. I really didn't understand what chiropractic or SOT was then. He really encouraged me and helped me to understand what chiropractic was, and how to practice as a chiropractor. He's always been there for me and other students as well, so we feel safe to practice, and always helps us with puzzling cases."

Dr Ru currently practices in Zhejiang Province in a multidiscipinary clinic working alongside acupuncturists, orthopedists, physical therapists, and chiropractors.

Dr Ru also has praise for her preceptorship clinician, Dr Martin Rosen: "He guided me from pure book knowledge to clinical application. He is extremely knowledgeable and he can explain things in detail about what we are doing structurally and how that affects the body neurologically.

"Through my studies I was able to dive deeper into chiropractic care, and learned the different ways chiropractic can be a preventative and corrective care. It changed my whole view on health care and how I can help others to live their life without pain from day to day".

Despite a very positive experience in the U.S., Dr Ru yearned to return to her native China in order to share her knowledge and skills. Troubled by uneducated and unqualified individuals calling themselves chiropractors, she undertook to address the reputational harm being caused to the profession by fraudulent claims.

Dr Ru was particularly inspired by SOT and undertook training with leading instructor Dr

She also committed herself to patient education, sharing pain science and filling the void she

She explains that she takes a patient-centered approach to care, tailoring her approaches to individual needs and circumstances. While she finds her work rewarding, there are also challenges. "Most of the Chinese population does not know about chiropractic, so resolving misconceptions is a challenge. Many think that chiropractic is the same as TCM bonesetting or that it's physical therapy. "We need to communicate that chiropractic is a distinct profession. What's also difficult is that medical doctors in China and the Chinese government don't recognize chiropractic as a legitimate form of health care." Despite this, Dr Ru is committed to advancing chiropractic in China through a focus on restoring functioning and enabling patients to enjoy a renewed quality of life. The WFC wishes Dr Ru every success in her work in China.



ACA an n ou n ces an n u al aw ar ds at 2022 En gage The American Chiropractic Association (ACA) presented its 2022 Annual Awards on February 4, during its annual meeting. The awards recognize chiropractors and other individuals for their exceptional service, achievement and/or leadership within the chiropractic profession. Su san Wen ber g, DC, M S, of Tucson, Arizona, received ACA?s highest honor, the Chiropractor of the Year Award. Dr. Wenberg, who retired in 2021 after serving the profession for more than 30 years, has been a strong supporter of chiropractic participation in interdisciplinary care.

She is admired by colleagues for what they describe as the ?quiet and humble? way she has consistently demonstrated leadership and service to the profession. Dr. Wenberg began her career in private practice in Tucson, where she continued her post-graduate education through the chiropractic sports, rehabilitation, and neurology programs. She lectured for the Los Angeles College of Chiropractic postgraduate rehabilitation program. She later worked at VA healthcare systems in

Susan Wenberg, ACA Chiropractor of the Year

Nevada and Arizona. Dr. Wenberg has also held positions previously on the Council on Chiropractic Education and the Arizona State Chiropractic Board. Keit h Over lan d, DC, of Norwalk, Connecticut, received ACA?s Humanitarian of the Year Award, acknowledging his many years of leadership and advocacy on behalf of the chiropractic profession and the patients it serves. Dr. Overland, a longtime ACA member and past president, currently serves as chair of the ACA Legislative Committee and is a member of the ACA Political Action Committee. He is well known for his tireless advocacy to increase patient access to essential chiropractic services. Dr. Overland also served as ACA?s


ACA an n ou n ces an n u al aw ar ds at 2022 En gage (con t in u ed) Connecticut delegate for many years and is a former president of the Connecticut Chiropractic Association.

experience and offers context that cannot be obtained from quantitative data analysis. David Dziu r a, DC, FACO, DACBOH, of Branford, Conn., received the Delegate of the Year Award, and Lew is Squ ir es, DC, FICC, FPAC, of Scottville, Mich, received the Alternate Delegate of the Year Award. Both awards recognize members of the ACA House of Delegates who have demonstrated exceptional service, achievement and/or leadership. Br en dan M cCan n , DC, of Cape Elizabeth, Maine, received the Flynn-Lynch Award, which recognizes an outstanding member with no more than five years of experience serving in the House of Delegates. .

Keith Overland, ACA Humanitarian of the Year

Nak iesh a Pear son , DC, of Lombard, Illinois., received the Academician of the Year Award, which recognizes individuals for their efforts to advance the profession through academic or educational excellence. Dr. Pearson serves as an associate professor and department chair in National University of Health Sciences?Clinical Sciences Department. She is also vice chair of the ACA Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee. St acie Salsbu r y, Ph D, RN, of Davenport, Iowa, received the George B. McClelland Researcher of the Year Award, recognizing an individual for developing, refining and/or expanding the body of knowledge in chiropractic. Dr. Salsbury is an associate professor at the Palmer Center for Chiropractic Research. She is an expert in qualitative methods, a specialty that enables a deeper understanding of lived

Nakiesha Pearson, ACA Academician of the Year



IACD r epor t s ch ir opr act ic pr ogr ess in In dia Chairman of the Board of the Indian Association of Chiropractic Doctors (IACD), Dr Jimmy Nanda, reports that many high profile sports stars, Bollywood actors and government officials are attending chiropractors in the Mumbai area of India. According to Dr Nanda, IACD chiropractors are at the forefront of treating sufferers of post-COVID syndrome (sometimes referred to as 'long haulers'), who are presenting with neurological

and musculoskeletal issues. Dr Nanda futher reports that he has participated in a number of high level meetings to expand access to chiropractic across the country. The IACD has disclosed that two chiropractic universities are scheduled to open in 2022 and that chiropractic and allied health mission trips will be commencing in Delhi, Mumbai and the Golden Temple. The IACD invites interested parties to visit its website (indiachiropractic.org).

Mr Shigeru Ishiba (R), member of the House of Representatives and Chairperson of the Japan Chiropractic Register (JCR), submitted the list of JCR registered chiropractors to Dr Hidenori Yamamoto MD, director of Medical Professions Division of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW). This is the 12th session of the JCR submission with the 2021 Register containing the names of some 583 registrants. The JCR reported the MHLW chiropractors?involvement at Tokyo 2020, preventive measures taken by the chiropractic profession during Covid-19 and the current status of the global chiropractic profession.


M alaysian Ch ir opr act ic Spor t s Cou n cil dem on st r at es st r on g gr ow t h The formation of Malaysia?s National Chiropractic Sports Council (NCSC), the Sports Chiropractic Council Malaysia (SCCM) was announced by the Association of Chiropractic Malaysia (ACM) at the beginning of 2020 and was officially recognized by the International Federation of Sports Chiropractic (FICS) in 2021. Dr Hayden Pooke, SCCM Chairman and Sports Chiropractor has reported a sharp jump in the SCCM membership during 2021 from 13 to 47 members and he hopes that this trend will continue as the Malaysian Sporting Sector begins to open up and travel restrictions are reduced. Before the Covid-19 national lockdown, SCCM was involved in it first ever event, the Zurich PGAM Junior Invitational Tournament in 2020, at the invitation of the Professional Golf Association of Malaysia. The SCCM is also looking to get

involved in the Squash Racquets Association of Malaysia?s Senior National Squash Championship, which will be held at the beginning of June 2022. Despite ongoing challenges from COVID-19, the SCCM is currently collaborating with several Malaysian sports associations and plans to provide Sports Chiropractic care for athletes at as many events as possible in 2022. SCCM is also poised to conduct, with FICS, their first International Certificate in Sports Chiropractic (ICSC) ?hands-on? seminar in the third quarter of 2022 in Malaysia. The SCCM was also proud to announce that one of their Student members, Hong Lian Kong (International Medical University), was awarded one of the FICS Student Scholarships for 2022, a first for any Malaysian chiropractic student. Apart from producing world

class sports chiropractors by completing the prestigious FICS ICSC program and giving its members the opportunity to represent FICS sports chiropractic delegations at international sports events treating world class athletes, SCCM also pledges to do everything it takes to bring sports chiropractic treatment to the local Malaysian sporting scene, servicing and educating athletes at all levels of competition .

Hayden Pooke, SCCM Chairperson



Wom en associat ion leader s h on or ed at Par k er Sem in ar

Pictured are (L>R) Drs Jacalyn Buettner, Rose Lepien, MIchele Maiers, Debbie Wright, Catherine Quinn and Clare Morgan

Women leaders from the UK, Canada and the U.S. were honored recently at the Parker Seminar in Las Vegas. At a glittering award ceremony, Dr Catherine Quinn (President, British Chiropractic Association), Debbie Wright (Chair, Canadian Chiropractic Association) and Michele Maiers, (President, American Chiropractic Association) received the prestigious "Women in Leadership 2022" awards.

Presented jointly by Parker University and the World Congress of Women Chiropractors, Drs Quinn, Wright and Maiers were praised for their leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic. Speaking after the ceremony, Dr Quinn said, ?Parker Las Vegas provided a great opportunity to meet with many other international leaders in the chiropractic profession, reinforcing relationships with

our friends and supporters, including the WFC, Canadian and American Chiropractic Associations, and the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress. It was a great honour to be awarded in a ceremony alongside my international peers, Dr Debbie Wright and Dr Michele Maiers, who have been strong, influential, and compassionate people to work alongside over the past few years.?


CDAHK r epor t s en gagem en t on m u lt iple f r on t s Throughout 2021, the Chiropractic Doctors Association of Hong Kong (CDAHK) has committed itself to raising awareness of spinal pain and disability in Hong Kong within the general public and healthcare community, to develop human capital, and to collaborate with interprofessional strategies. As part of World Spine Day 2021, working with communities, professionals and key stakeholders associated with spine care, the CDAHK and its members received three WFC World Spine Day Competition Awards, including Second Prize in the National Association category, while the New York Medical Group and Children Chiropractic Foundation were awarded First Prize and Highly Commended respectively in the Private Clinic category. This brings the total number of awards won in World Spine Day competitions since 2013 to 18, a remarkable achievement in the absence of any educational institution in Hong Kong. CDAHK is grateful to the WFC for its continuous recognition of its World Spine Day activity and looks forward to participating in 2022. To increase evidence-based awareness of chiropractic in the healthcare community, chiropractic case studies are considered important. Diagnosis-focused reports illustrate

how a chiropractor evaluated or assessed a rare or confusing presentation, while treatment-focused case reports document improvements in a patient?s condition as objectively as possible within the medical community. CDAHK reports that fourteen case reports were published in 2021, with 35% of these studies reached the top 5% of Altmetric Score. These reports have contributed to increasing the chiropractic research database, improving interprofessional referrals, and assisting other clinicians with similar cases. CDAHK believes that development and growth of people is a key element of leadership. Each year, the association selects and recommends outstanding students to pursue a chiropractic degree in the UK, USA, Australia, and New Zealand. It has established numerous scholarship programs with chiropractic colleges around the world. This year, Life University, McTimoney College of Chiropractic and Keiser University have all provided scholarship funding to our endorsed students in investing in future talent. Upon completion, eligible students will be able to work at many clinics throughout Asia to provide pain management services. In view of the lack of specialized chiropractic education in mainland China and Hong Kong, this academic


CDAHK r epor t s en gagem en t on m u lt iple f r on t s (con t in u ed) collaboration provides a platform to nurture chiropractic talents. To stimulate intra-professional collaboration, CDAHK chiropractors also became key players in initiatives involving the insurance industry and non-governmental organizations. One example of this collaboration was Dr Eric Chu became an early participant in the China Taiping Ecological Alliance of Medical Care and Recreation, composed of 17 domestic and foreign medical/health, pension, and investment industrial leaders. The Alliance strives to become a pioneer in the new financial and insurance system in the Greater Bay Area of Hong Kong. In addition, Dr Eric Chu was awarded and featured by the United Nations International Children?s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) as part of an joint breastfeeding initiative led by WHO and the United Nations. CDAHK Chairman Dr Eric Chu

Chiropractic care is a safe and natural way to promote health and chiropractors fits well into a range of initiatives. By working collaboratively with other health professions Hong Kong has seen an increase in children who are breast fed rise from 74.0% to 90%, a figure much higher than in many developed countries.

Gabar on e Wor ld Spin e Car e clin ic celebr at es f ir st an n iver sar y The newest of the World Spine Care (WSC) clinics, located in Botswana?s capital city of Gabarone, turns one in March 2022. The clinic is situated in a low-income neighborhood in

Gaborone, within an existing community clinic that has both outpatient and maternity units. Known as the BH3 Clinic (Broadhurst 3), the chiropractic facility serves as a primary care clinic consistent

with the existing Botswana WSC models in Shoshong and Mahalapye. The clinic was established in partnership with the Greater Gaborone District Health Management team as well as Giving Back


Gabar on e Wor ld Spin e Car e clin ic celebr at es f ir st an n iver sar y (con t in u ed) Health Abroad, a Canadian charity. The clinic is run by Dr Mufudzi Chihambakwe, who serves as the clinic coordinator for the WSC program in Botswana. The WSC model of care has proven to be an effective model for integration of chiropractic care into public health care systems in underserved communities. Many of the insights gained in the service of these communities are of great relevance when considering factors that make chiropractic care accessible to more people. The WSC model emphasizes people-centered and culturally appropriate care with provision for translators that allow patients to communicate in their mother tongue, Setswana. The clinic has also seen good community engagement through the yoga project as well as an exercise class with local community members. Ultimately, the patients that come to the clinic to receive care are the real fruit of all these efforts. One such person who has benefited from the care provided at BH3 shared his testimony:

St or y f r om a BH3 pat ien t I have been living with degenerative joint disease of the spine as long ago as 2006. Over the years I have been prone to numerous instances of a stiff neck or stiff upper back, ranging in severity but mostly tolerable. In most instances I would seek relief from physiotherapy. In 2016, after off-road heavy duty truck driving, I started experiencing severe stiff neck and back. The condition progressively worsened until I couldn?t turn my head without triggering severe muscle spasms from my neck to my head. At this point I lost a lot of feeling on the fingertips of my left hand, as pins and needles sensation also set in. I also had a constant pain on my right shoulder and shoulder joint area, similar in symptoms to tendonitis. Driving and mild everyday activities became difficult and often unmanageable. My visits to the physiotherapist increased in frequency as the condition worsened. Around May 2021 I once again started doing moderate to heavy physical tasks, that I had been advised to avoid. After driving a vehicle with a defective power steering, I started experiencing pain in the middle of my chest, similar to a sprain. At first I thought because it was winter, I might have been exposed to extreme cold or might have sprained my chest unawares. However, with each passing day the pain got worse, until it changed its manifestation to the familiar stiff neck and upper back, accompanied by the most severe and excruciating spasms from the neck to the head. Aware of my previous health struggles, a friend referred me to the World Spine Care clinic. At first, I was skeptical because government provided services are hardly ever satisfactory in my part of the world. However, after the first visit I was satisfied with the professionalism of the chiropractic care I had received. Because of the severity of my condition, the initial sessions were twice weekly for about 5 weeks followed by once weekly sessions, and currently once monthly sessions. The fact that I can receive this kind of care without any payment is in itself worthy of praise. I cannot give a proper testimonial of my experience with World Spine Care without giving the above insight into my past struggles with the condition, the part I played in exacerbating the condition and the new lease of life that World Spine Care has given me. Thank you World Spine Care.



Top m ot or spor t ch ir opr act or r ecr u it ed f or Abu Dh abi deser t ch allen ge A leading motorsport chiropractor based in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has been taken on to provide care to competitors in one of the world's toughest off-road challenges. Dr Paul Cheung, a 1990 graduate of AECC University College, is no stranger to elite sport in general and motorsport in particular. Formerly involved in Premier League football in the U.K., Paul spent a number of seasons as the team chiropractor to the Red Bull Formula 1 racing team, during which time its lead driver, Sebastian Vettel, won four consecutive drivers' championships. Ahead of the five-day Abu Dhabi Desert Challenge / World Rally Raid Championships, Paul was recruited by the Emirates Motor Sport Organisation (EMSO) have integrated my chiropractic services within their Medical Team, lead by Dr Sean Petherbridge, Chief Medical Officer and President of FIA Medical Commissions. The Honorary President of EMSO is His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates and Ruler of Dubai. The Board also includes the new FIA President, Mohammed Ben Sulayem, a former multiple World Championship Rally winner, and oversees the development and progression of global motor sport, F1, Formula E, Women?s Series, World Rallying and World Endurance Championships and many others.

The Desert Challenge is a gruelling event featuring a range of different vehicles.

Held in the Empty Quarter of the Al Gharbia Desert, the rally includes FIM Cross-Country Rallies World Championships and the FIA World Cup for Cross Country Rallies. Competitors drive cars, trucks, motorcycles and quad-bikes under specific FIA/FIM rules. In each class of vehicle, there are subclasses (T1-5 Technical regulations), junior, women's and

Paul Cheung shows off his Bivouac Clinic in the heat of the Abu Dhabi desert.


Top m ot or spor t ch ir opr act or r ecr u it ed f or Abu Dh abi deser t ch allen ge (con t in u ed) function. Having worked over the years in three different football clubs with the backroom staff, and at the London Olympics, two World Games, and F1, you learn to work with others and rely also on their skillsets to help the patients." Despite the glamour of motorsport, injuries can be life changing. Paul recalls one specific incident.

Search and Rescue helicopters transport the most seriously injured for emergency care.

"Rallying , or any form of motor sport, is hugely risky. Powerful cars, and bikes, rough terrain and speed is all very exciting though when something goes wrong , it can go badly wrong. Last time,

veterans' categories. Each day, there is a different route given to the competitors, and with the help of GPS, they navigate some 200-290km over demanding dunes to the finish line. On the fifth and final day (Stage 5), the riders finish at the F1 Yas Marina Circuit. The Challenge's Desert Bivouac Camp included a Bivouac Clinic (pictured, right), with further tents being used as garages and temporary workshops, as well as accommodation. The Medical Team itself included three helicopter search and rescue (SAR) teams of trauma surgeons and paramedics, and four ambulance crews stationed on different parts of the circuits. With SAR being busy during the day, Paul's clinic came to life at the end of the day dealing with a wide range of driver-related musculoskeletal issues! With temperatures reaching 42 degrees Centigrade and high winds, conditions were tough. Paul explained how he became involved: "Chief Medical Officer, Dr Sean Petherbridge, knows my skillset really well. Basically, I do what I do only in a different location, as anyone would. You need your treatment table (portable), and whatever other bits of clinical equipment you need to

The Emirates Motor Sport Organization hosts the Abu Dhabi Desert Challenge

there was a case of a rider suffering a C-spine fracture and he was airlifted to the hospital for emergency surgery. He recovered well with no paralysis, and I think he is riding again! There was another rider who suffered a fractured hip and wrist; again, thanks to the speed of the helicopter


Top m ot or spor t ch ir opr act or r ecr u it ed f or Abu Dh abi deser t ch allen ge (con t in u ed) SAR (search & rescue) team, he was taken to hospital too." Most of the injuries seen by Paul related to sudden deceleration. Cervical and lumbar spine trauma, along with other joint injuries were common, as vehicles plowed into sand ditches or crash landed after becoming airborne. Paul recalls, "One of the tougher whiplash cases affecting a co-driver needed my attention last November. Thankfully an MRI scan ruled out any fractures though I needed to get him back into a reasonable state for him to be co-driver the next day. "In the end, we decided he was too acute to race the other stages and advised him against it. I spent the rest of the time nurturing his pain until the last day when I had everything packed away, he turns up for a final session when everyone had cleared the bivouac. Treating someone in the middle of nowhere in a deserted camp was odd. I was the only chiropractor for miles and miles around!" Paul explains that as well as the competitors, he also treated all of the SAR pilots and paramedics. This has served to break down barriers and create a trusting, collaborative environment. "It goes to show the level of understanding of the profession today. There is more acceptance, slightly less scepticism. When they observe a clinical assessment / examination, they are blown away how a quickly a diagnosis is made for an MSK condition and how effectively a person can be treated. Equally, when observing their management of an acute patient who has a crash, getting a line in, stabilizing them, onto a stretcher and into the helicopter...I am also impressed how slick we can be as a team. We know each other 's roles and respect one another 's abilities. I think also they have to know you as a person."

The Medical Team headquarters comprised a mix of tents and other portable structures.

Finally, Paul has some advice for anyone interested in getting involved in motorsport. He says, "I think having sports-based experience helps a lot, not only from a skillset perspective but also from interacting with others in a team of medical providers, if they have them. If not, I recommend starting by understanding the race series and getting in touch with a race team (being local helps a lot). There is little point saying you want to work in F1 when the race team is based in Italy, and you live in Canada. "Unless someone knows you well, you might get invited to work with say, a promising young driver and maybe get into a team that way. Getting into any sports team requires some door-knocking and selling your abilities. If they value the human performance aspect and how it can improve the possibility of getting better results, you might get in. Building up a CV of sports events will help enormously and I have to say that FICS can help here a lot. The courses are great, it can get you the experience at many games in different locations."


ICRS Repor t : In t h e Pu blic In t er est Don n a Coh en , ICRS Execu t ive Dir ect or ?You didn?t use exact words.? Any parent has heard this complaint before. So have teachers and health care professionals. This is not lost on those in chiropractic regulation. How much definition should be in the overarching laws (statutes, acts) or the applicable regulations? Are Codes of Conduct embedded in law and therefore enforceable, or provided as reference by the professional associations? This varies substantially around the world. Instructors in chiropractic educational programs have an additional challenge. More and more graduates are mobile: how exacting should instruction be? Can they teach to every requirement? Now we add yet another task. For countries in the process of adopting or implementing regulatory legislation, how do they construct Goldilocks Laws: not too hard, not too soft, just right? And which concepts need to be tailored to the individual culture of a nation? The same questions must also be addressed by those with existing legislation; the law is not static. Perhaps the starting point is studying what is universally in the public interest. Are certain principles intrinsically valued in every country? What constitutes ?being a professional?? How do we determine what is good for the people? Enter regulation: sometimes a convoluted, complex, and wordy beast that moves at glacial speed ? and over time, generally gets it right. Each meeting, and each case, continues the evolutionary process of defining what is in the public interest. That process can only happen by following a process of effective governance. Eleven principles of effective governance were

recently developed by the Committee of Experts in Public Administration (CEPA) and endorsed by the United Nations Economic and Social Council. They are grouped into three primary categories: Ef f ect iven ess (competence, sound policy making, and collaboration) Accou n t abilit y (integrity, transparency, and independent oversight) In clu siven ess (leaving no one behind, non-discrimination, participation, subsidiarity, and intergenerational equity) Embracing the process of good governance in the public interest is hard. It requires exercising the seemingly conflicting attributes of flexibility matched by stoic, unwavering commitment to core values. Regulators have contributed to remarkable changes over the past several decades. Legally, the requisite skills to be a chiropractor have changed: diagnostic imaging has supplanted X-ray, research demonstrates the efficacy of certain clinical applications, social values of inclusion gradually replace exclusion. Greater sensitivities to culture, gender, race, and economic strata have become part of the public conversation. Today?s examinations include ethics, not just the sciences and technique. Cicero said, ?The good of the people is the greatest law.? Surely this is the light we turn toward. We invite you to join with the ICRS in the ongoing exploration of what is right, and good, and fair, as the world of chiropractic regulation continues to unfold. Our next 90-minute Zoom Forum is scheduled for 22/23 April and is open to anyone interested in regulation. Details at www.chiroregulation.org.


F4CP r eleases n ew ch ir opr act ic car e an d w om en?s h ealt h r esou r ces by Sherry McAllister, DC, President, Foundation for Chiropractic Progress The Foundation for Chiropractic Progress (F4CP) has released its new resource, ?Chiropractic Care & Women?s Health: Personalized Care for Your Unique Needs.?

website and is now available to F4CP Members for download. To dow n load t h e Wom en?s Healt h Tip Sh eet , click h er e. In addition to the new paper, F4CP has also created infographics based on women?s health and chiropractic care. The infographics feature topics such as low back pain during pregnancy and the efficacy of chiropractic care for PMS. To download the shareable infographics, click here. F4CP has also launched a special panel presentation called, The S.P.I.R.I.T. of Women in Chiropractic. Even through the struggles that today's society presents, women of all statuses in the profession are linking arms to showcase their S.P.I.R.I.T. (Support, Purpose, Integrity, Resilience, Inspiration, Tenacity). Each of these words are embodied by the panelists of this webinar including; Kristi Hudson, Dr. Lauryn Brunclik, Dr. Michaela Edwards and Dr. Margie Smith. These women in the profession will inspire you to exude these very qualities within your own community to make a lasting impact for women in the chiropractic profession. To listen to the webinar click h er e.

This new document is centered around some of the unique neuromusculoskeletal problems that women face throughout their lives and how chiropractic care can help them experience safe, drug-free pain management. Topics covered include, pregnancy, pelvic floor function, breast health, sciatica and painful menstrual cycles. The new resource can be found on the F4CP

If you ar e n ot alr eady an F4CP m em ber , join h er e w w w.f 4cp.or g/ pack age t o access t h e m at er ial m en t ion ed above .



An ot h er w in f or Or egon as SM T added t o ben ch m ar k plan Dr Ver n Saboe r epor t s an ot h er w in f or ch ir opr act ic in t h e st at e of Or egon . Oregon is the first state to add a mandatory twenty spinal manipulation visits to the state?s mandatory ?Essential Health Benefits (EHB) Benchmark Plan". In 2010 the US Congress passed the ?Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act? (PPACA) also referred to as, ?The Affordable Care Act,? or ?Obamacare? that required every state select a current non-grandfathered health plan in the individual and small group markets to cover essential health benefits that include items and services in ten benefit categories. Critically important was the coalition of non-medical doctor provider groups that included the American Chiropractic Association, inserting provider non-discrimination language known as the Harkin Amendment into Obamacare, while the bill was being heard in the US Senate and became Section 2706a. For Oregon, the trouble of properly implementing Obamacare and the non-discrimination provisions relative to Doctors of Chiropractic began in 2012 with the state selecting the ?PacificSource Preferred CoDeduct Small Group Plan.?This plan that pre-dated the passage of Obamacare and the non-discrimination language of Section 2706a listed ?Chiropractic? under, ?1. Ambulatory patient services,? as if chiropractic were singular service spinal manipulation, rather than a profession with a broad scope of practice here in Oregon. What inappropriately occurred was health plans denying spinal manipulation performed by a chiropractor because ?chiropractic? was listed as a non-covered service and to the insurers, chiropractic was synonymous with only spinal manipulation. In 2017 with the help of Oregon Governor Kate Brown, a chiropractic patient and supporter of the profession, the Oregon Chiropractic Association was able to help enact a new Oregon Administrative Rule, OAR 836-053-0012(8) that states, ?(8) In the administration of essential health benefits and the EHB base benchmark health

Dr Vern Saboe (C) with Oregon Governor Kate Brown (L) and Attorney-General Ellen Rosenblum (R)

benefit plan an insurer may not exclude services provided by a doctor of chiropractic medicine if the services are otherwise covered under the plan and the doctor of chiropractic medicine is acting within the scope of the provider?s license.? This was critical to the profession since 80% of the mandatory items and services in the ten benefit categories of the state of Oregon?s benchmark plan are within the scope of an Oregon Doctor of Chiropractic to perform. It is important to point out here the Oregon Board of Chiropractic Examiners define Doctor of Chiropractic as, ?primary care physicians.? However, even with this new administrative rule, some insurers policies morphed into refusing to pay for spinal manipulation provided by any healthcare provider. In early 2020 the Oregon Chiropractic Association once again asked Oregon Governor Kate Brown for assistance which she provided prompting the Oregon Insurance Division to go into administrative rule making regarding the state?s essential health benefits/benchmark plan. Our rules advisory committee met over several weeks with the result of Oregon being the only state to add twenty spinal manipulation visits to the state?s benchmark plan.




SILVER CORPORATE PARTNERS Canadian Chiropractic Protective Assn ChiroFusion LLC



Activator Methods International Cleveland University Kansas City

International Medical University, Chiropractic Program

Chiropractic Economics

Northeast College of Health Sciences

Dynamic Chiropractic Magazine

New Zealand Chiropractic Board

Ergotherapy Solutions

The Royal College of Chiropractors

Human Touch

University of Bridgeport - College of Chiropractic

International Board of Chiropractic Examiners Koala Mattress NCMIC Palmer College of Chiropractic Parker University

Chiropractic Diplomatic Corps

University of Western States

BRONZE CORPORATE PARTNERS Alberta College & Association of Chiropractors Asociación de Quiroprácticos de Puerto Rico

DIAM OND CORPORATE PARTNERS Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College National Board of Chiropractic Examiners The American Chiropractor

GOLD CORPORATE PARTNERS Biofreeze/Performance Health Inc. Northwestern Health Sciences University Serola Biomechanics, Inc.

Breakthrough Coaching College of Chiropractic Sciences Elite Chiropractic Tables Federation of Canadian Chiropractic Four Star Industries Pte Ltd Japanese Association of Chiropractors KCS Association Kiropraktorernes Videnscenter Madrid College of Chiropractic-RCU National University of Health Sciences Nutri-West ? USA Precision Biometrics, Inc. / MyoVision



BRONZE CORPORATE PARTNERS Research Review Service Inc.

Sommeil Terre Pte Ltd Southern California University of Health Sciences Thumper Massager




ANDERSON Kris, DC (USA) ANMOLSINGH Dinesh, DC (Trinidad & Tobago) ANOSOV Oleg, DC (USA)


AYMON Michel, DC (Switzerland) BISIACCHI Debra, DC (USA)


BORGES Sira, DC, MD (Brazil)

CHUN PU CHU Eric, DC, MHA, PhD (Hong Kong)

CAREY Paul, DC (Canada)


BRACKENBURY Wade, DC (Vietnam)

CARTER Catherine, DC (Canada)


CHAPMAN-SMITH David, Mr (Canada)

BOO Gordon Kou Tuan, DC (Malaysia)

CRAIG Stuart and Leonie, DC (New Zealand)

KUWAOKA Toshifumi, Mr (Japan)

CULBERT Gregory M., DC (USA)



DONATO Phillip, DC (Australia)

WHITMAN Larry, DC (Australia) EL SANGAK Hussein, DC, MD (USA)


EL SANGAK Omar, DC, MD (Egypt)

ADRA Tarek, DC (USA)

ERRINGTON Timothy, DC (Singapore)


FAYE Leonard, DC (USA)



BRONZE INDIVIDUAL SUPPORTERS (US$180) FONG Anthony Wai Yuen, DC (Indonesia GELLEY Geoffrey, DC (Canada) GREEN Bart, DC (USA) GREENWOOD Dean, DC (Canada) HEESE Glen, DC (USA) JOHANESSEN Espen, DC (Norway) JOHNSON Claire, DC (USA) KIL Vivian, DC (Netherlands) KOPANSKY-GILES Deborah, DC (Canada) LEPIEN Rose, DC (USA) LING Kok Keng, DC (Singapore) LOTHE Lise, DC (Norway) McNABB Brent, DC (USA) MOSS Jean, DC, MBA (Canada) NAPULI Jason, DC, MBA (USA)

PAPADOPOULOS Stathis, DC (Cyprus) RAVEN Tim, DC (Norway) SOSNA Janet Ruth, DC (Singapore) STAERKER Paul, DC (Australia) STEWART Gregory, DC (Canada) TAKEYACHI Kei, DC (Japan) TAO Cliff, DC, DACBR (USA) TAYLOR Michael K, DC (USA) TRUUVAART Gerly, DC (Estonia) TUCK Nathaniel, DC (USA) VALLONE Sharon, DC, DICCP (USA) VAUGHAN Bruce, DC (Hong Kong SAR) WILES Michael, DC (USA) WILLIAMS John, DC (Italy) WOLFSON Wayne, DC (USA)


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