Sustainability Matters Oct 2023

Page 50

battery technology

Li-ion battery industry

M ozel

The drive for a more circular

agnis Energy Technologies

batteries to enhance energy density, while

battery raw material production takes place

(MET), an Australian verti-

next-gen technologies offering fast charging

in China, with the refinement dependent

cally integrated lithium-ion

capability are also sought.

on energy- and toxic chemical-intensive

battery technology company,

“The commercial viability of alternative

processes predominantly powered by fossil

identifies downstream indus-

high-energy-density technologies such as

fuels,” Nerkar said. “Using renewable energy

try competition driving innovation in the

high-voltage cathodes, lithium-sulfur, solid-

sources over conventional power sources

lithium-ion battery sector. This innovation

state electrolytes and lithium metal anode is

across the whole Li-ion battery supply chain

can also act as a catalyst for Australian

being explored,” Nerkar said. “At the same

can help mitigate these inefficiencies.”

domestic incentives and help address in-

time, solvent-free dry electrode manufac-

dustry inefficiencies.

turing and cell-to-pack battery assembly

Domestic incentives

Through its Tanzanian graphite mining

are being pursued as processing and cell

Government policy plays a crucial role in

project, US-based graphite anode active

engineering battery technologies respectively.

the development of the lithium-ion battery

material (AAM) plant and lithium-ion battery

sector. International policies including the

of the graphite industry, which is being

Graphite demand to improve inefficiencies

propelled by the demand for Li-ion batteries

The demand for EVs and lithium-ion batter-

Canada’s Critical Minerals Strategy and

for electric vehicles (EVs).

ies is increasing graphite demand, which is

India’s FAME II Strategy are bolstering the

Dr Jawahar Nerkar, MET Director of

poised to surpass the capacities of existing

international market. For companies under

Battery Technologies, notes competition is

graphite mines — with supply forecast to be

the US Inflation Reduction Act, financial

driving the sector.

in deficit by 2025, according to Macquarie’s

incentives are dependent on non-Chinese

Graphite Market Outlook.1

graphite being used in projects, driving

operation iM3NY, MET is at the forefront

“The electrification of the transportation

US Inflation Reduction Act, the US Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the EU Green Deal,

sector alone is expected to account for 80%

“Irrespective of a battery’s cathode chem-

of the global battery demand by 2030,” Nerkar

istry over the coming decade, graphite will

said. “EV manufacturers are competing to

remain the predominant AAM in Li-ion

“Like the US Inflation Reduction Act and

provide consumers with optimum-range vehi-

batteries; therefore, securing the supply of

the European Commission’s incentives, Aus-

cles powered by high-capacity, high-energy-

these critical components to meet demand

tralian federal agencies should investigate

density, safe, sustainable and cost-effective

and mitigate production delays is crucial,”

Li-ion batteries. To do this, EV manufacturers

said Nerkar, who believes enabling a circular

equivalent incentives for domestic battery

are forming strategic partnerships with innova-

lithium-ion battery economy will reduce the

tive Li-ion battery manufacturers, who in turn

burden on securing raw materials and improve

are employing advanced battery chemistries,

inefficiencies. “Scrap and waste formation, a

battery pack designs and processing technolo-

major Li-ion battery process inefficiency, will

gies in their batteries.”

benefit from the adoption of more sustainable

Nerkar observes that competition-driven innovation is pushing battery manufacturers

solutions, such as recycling and repurposing battery components.”

to use next-gen materials such as nickel-

Energy use and environmental impacts

rich cathode materials and higher loading

are significant issues in upstream lithium-

of silicon in graphite composite anode in

ion battery production. “The majority of

50 Sustainability Matters - Oct 2023

continued global opportunities for graphite mining and Li-ion battery development.

cell manufacturing,” said MET Chair Frank Poullas. “Supporting businesses across all sectors of the lithium battery value chain will attract investors with certainty around the viability of the commercial-scale manufacturing. Supportive international trade agreements that will benefit Australian manufacturers’ access to North American, European and Asian markets also warrant discussion.” 1.

Macquarie Graphite Market Research, 24 March 2023.

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