Art Things 30 Years

Page 97

陳餘生所畫的不是抽象畫。他的圖像抽取自日常所見事物, 製成都市中飄揚的經幡。陳餘生的造形魅力建立在繪畫魅力 的基礎上。他以平塗手法、多層累積得來的若隱若現,和信 手繪來造形的悠然呼吸,帶動了隱藏在日常造形裡的啟示, 打開心靈的門窗。 Gaylord Chan does not paint abstract art. Rather, his images are derived from the shape of things we encounter everyday. The charm of Chan’s work lies in the tactile painter’s touch. The artist applies flat planes of colour layered one over the other so that they create a rhythm of appearance and disappearance: a kind of slow, quiescent breathing that makes us aware of the life-force contained in even the humblest form. Through giving us this awareness, Chan’s paintings open up a new window in our hearts.

陳餘生 Gaylord Chan [b.1925] 邊緣 Edge 丙烯畫布 Acrylic on Canvas 122x122 cm 1988

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