Art Things 30 Years

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嘉禮堂(2011 年始) Jia Li Hall (since 2011) 中國禮教是離開現代最遠,讓現代人最聽不懂,卻跟中華文 明核心又最貼近的世間秩序。前現代的中國社會,無論是官 民關係還是鄉土情誼,識字還是文盲,自覺的禮教秩序每個 人都懂。禮是讓中國人行走天下的教養。 嘉禮堂於 2011 年嘉禮堂最早由我和舍弟頌義創辦,承鳴社同 人參與,得饒宗頤、單周堯和彭林等諸位教授支持,於 2012 年嘉禮堂與清華大學和香港大學聯合創辦首屆「禮學國際學 術研討會」於清華大學,賢哲咸集,羅致論文五十多篇。第 二屆「禮學國際學術研討會」在中國美術學院舉辦。 2013 年,嘉禮堂聯同「清華大學禮學研究中心」和香港城市 大學創意媒體學院合作拍攝《儀禮》 「士冠禮」儀式和名物復原。 《嘉禮堂儀禮復原數碼平台:士冠禮篇》並啓發了對中國「現 代身體」的研究, 2014 年在中國美術學院的當代藝術與社會 思想研究所啓動。

首屆禮學國際學術研討會在 2012 年 6 月於北京清華大學舉行

Panel discussion at the ‘First International Symposium of Ritual Studies’, Tsing Hua University, Beijing, June 2012.

In modern Chinese society, the traditional system of knowledge known as li, usually translated as ‘Confucian rites’, is to most people one of the most remote and unintelligible traditions of China’s cultural past. Yet it lies at the heart of China’s civilisational order. In premodern Chinese society, not only were relations at all social levels, from the highest court official to the humblest villager, were informed by the understanding of the ethics and proprieties of li, the social order and legal code, as well as attitude to the material world, were informed by the order of li. In fact, the system of li can be said to have fostered the social and personal cultivation that allowed the Chinese person to negotiate the world. Jia Li Hall was conceived and initiated by myself and my brother Zhang Songyi in 2011. With the support of friends of Ming-She Poetry Society, experts Prof. Jao Tsung-I, Prof. Sin Chow-Yiu and Prof. Peng Lin, the project was guided towards philological research of the classics. In 2012 Jia Li Hall collaborated with the Tsinghua University Research Center of Chinese Rites and Hong Kong University to organize the first International Symposium on Ritual Studies. The second International Symposium on Ritual Studies was held at and in conjunction with the China Academy of Art in Hangzhou. In 2013, Jia Li Hall also entered into collaboration with Tsing Hua University Research Center of Chinese Rites and the City University of Hong Kong’s School of Creative Media to create a digital film demonstrating the traditional ‘capping ceremony’ from the ancient Book of Rites. This undertaking has inspired a research initiative into the Chinese ‘modern body’, a project which has been launched at the China Academy of Art’s Institute of Contemporary Art and Social Thought.

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