Pallet Manufacturers & Suppliers Melbourne | Westend Pallets

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Various Types of Pallets

If you have to purchase pallets, what type of pallet that you pick will be based on these elements- most specifically what they will be used for, and what you can manage to afford.

Pallet Defined

The first step is to understand what exactly is a pallet is. According to it is a is one that is a "small, low, portable platform on which goods are placed for storage or moving, as in a warehouse or vehicle." Pallet platforms can be used to can store and move goods as well as cargo. This is usually done with the use of forklifts as well as big trucks to move, in factories, warehouses farm stores and warehouses.

Stringer Pallets vs. Block Pallets

Pallets in a range of sizes and different materials typically can be classified into two general types: stringer pallets as well as block pallets. Stringer pallets are usually constructed from softwood, and often called "two-way" pallets, use the frame made comprised of 3 or 4 pieces of wood (called "stringers") that are closely aligned and connected to top deck boards, thereby creating the frame for the entire pallet. Although a forklift can raise this kind of pallet in any direction (although using the strings to lift it is advised, as it's more secure and safer) A pallet Jack is capable of lifting stringser pallets from just two direction.

Block pallets, on opposite hand, are generally stronger and safer than their stringer counterparts. The reason why they have greater quality, safety and durability is twofold. Blocks are usually made from wood as well as using both perpendicular and parallel sections of wood ("stringers") for their structures, which aids to make handling easier. Block pallets are described as "four-way" because both forklifts and pallet Jacks can be able to move them in either direction or to the on the side.

Materials Used

Like I said, various types of materials are employed to create the diverse kinds of pallets. Each type of material has unique benefits and drawbacks. Although this listing of different kinds of pallets is not complete however, it outlines the most popular and common varieties of pallets out available.


The wood is the most popular kind of material that is utilized to construct pallets. The wooden pallets can be a softwood stringer, or wood block pallets. Wood's advantages in the construction of pallets are several the advantages of wood are that it is robust, durable versatile, durable, plentiful, and simple to work with. But, wooden pallets are usually only suitable to travel with one purpose. When the freight is removed from the truck wooden pallets are often required to be removed or repaired in a manner that has resulted in a lot of garbage over time. Recycling wood pallets into paper is possible.


Pallets made of metal have increased in number and use in recent years. However they are much less popular as wooden pallets, and make up only a small proportion of the overall market. They are typically utilized to transport and store particularly heavy or large items due to their incredible quality and endurance. Metal pallets are generally very heavy (and thus much more difficult to construct) in addition to being more costly. There are various types of metal that are employed for this-primarily carbon steel, stainless steel and aluminum. In general, carbon steel offers superior durability for a lesser price than stainless steel and aluminum.


Plastic Pallets is an alternative type of pallet that is used to store as well as transporting goods. There are various kinds of pallets made from plastic, and they differ in regards to cost and endurance. The majority of plastic pallets are generally sturdy and durable. They last for a long time, however they are generally expensive and challenging to replace.

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