Monomeith 2017

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Reverend George DuRinck




Westbourne Comes of Age

Edition 11





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CONTRIBUTORS Thank you to all our staff, students, members of the Westbourne community and the Development Office for their contributions to Monomeith. Design and Print: Impress Promotions & Marketing Cover photograph: Melvin Tang

ON THE COVER The sesquicentenary cake contributed to the sense of occasion during our Founders Day celebrations. A delicious and generous creation by Junior School parent, Katie Hourmouzis.

Monomeith | Edition 11 2017

Westbourne’s community magazine is named Monomeith in honour of the magnificent Victorian house on The Strand occupied by the School from 1956 until the move to Truganina. Built in 1887, Monomeith was initially the home of the Styles family. Today, this historic part of the School is integral to Westbourne’s vision: Shaping Learners Who Inspire the World.

Honouring the Past Pride in the Future With the year of our sesquicentenary drawing to a close, it is incredible to reflect on the multitude of community and special events we have had. As a history teacher, for me a real highlight has been the privilege of working on the publication of the school’s history – Community of Believers: Westbourne Grammar School 1867-2017. Not only is this beautiful volume everything we had hoped for, it is something that will take pride of place in the life of the school for many years to come. In July, our school was especially honoured when Community of Believers was officially launched by the Honourable Linda Dessau AC, Governor of Victoria. In speaking at the launch, Her Excellency perceptively observed that, ‘a school like Westbourne is built from the shared vision of the whole community across many generations.’ Never has this been more apparent than in the many ways in which our community has come together to celebrate this milestone in our history. One of the greatest pleasures this year has been meeting and getting to know some of our oldest alumni and in this issue, we interview Thelma Maroney (Stringer 1931). At ninety-five, Thelma is a remarkable woman with strong memories of her early school days and the expectations of the then Principal, Mabel Molland. Indeed, the lasting impact of her experience at the grammar school has never left Thelma. ‘That which you do, do well’, has certainly framed her life. This year, student engagement with the richness of the school’s stories has had a significant impact. As Westbourne consolidates its position as the leading learning community in Melbourne’s fast growing west, we will continue to honour our past while looking to the future with enormous pride and confidence.

Anne Bright Director of Development Monomeith | Edition 11 2017 | 1


A Personal Reflection In reflecting on the achievements of 2017, I would like to begin by thanking the many volunteers who have worked so hard throughout the year to support Westbourne at events such as the Williamstown Fete, the Gala Ball, Father’s Day Breakfast, Friends of Sport Fun Run and the Ivan Board Football Lunch. My thanks also go to fellow Board members for their ongoing support, commitment and expertise. As evidenced in our annual report, Westbourne is in a sound financial position, enrolments are at capacity and there is a robust waiting list. I also extend my thanks to Westbourne’s staff. Their professionalism and dedication to providing the best possible learning opportunities for our students is greatly appreciated. There is always so much going on at the school – not just in terms of the teaching and learning but the myriad of opportunities available in sport, music, drama, outdoor education and community service. Throughout the year, I have had the pleasure of attending a wide variety of events and must commend both students and staff on the quality of each one and the enthusiasm evident. To the Class of 2017, on behalf of the Board, I extend my thanks for all you have given to Westbourne during your years here, whether it has been one or thirteen. Your dedication to your studies, your fine example to our younger students, your leadership and your participation in the life of this great school is a credit to you and your families. Be proud of what you have achieved, because completing Year 12 and leaving school are major milestones in your lives.

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Throughout this sesquicentenary year (I still have trouble with the pronunciation of that word!), we have been proud to showcase the school and its students - from the official launch of the new history book, Community of Believers, by the Governor of Victoria, to the opening of the sculpture park, the Presentation Ball, performing arts festivals, exhibitions and sporting fixtures. Moreover, I am delighted to report that in late July, we saw the commencement of building works on Westbourne’s sesquicentennial signature investment - the new Sports and Aquatic Centre. Yes, it is real and yes, that huge hole in the ground will be turned into a POOL. The pipes are in and construction is underway. AND PEOPLE SAID WE WOULD NEVER BUILD IT! This year has also seen some extremely sad times that have impacted on everyone in the school family. In particular, the sudden death of thirteen-year-old Lara Cameron was especially devastating. However, we at Westbourne have shown that our community is strongest when we are in need of help or support through tragic times. Let us never lose that sense of humanity and love for this very special community that has grown over the last one hundred and fifty years. Finally, to the student body. You will experience many changes in your

school lives. How we as a community support you is crucial, as your contribution to the success of the school and all that it stands for is invaluable. I wish you all the very best of luck and good fortune for the years to come. May you look back on your days at Westbourne with enormous fondness and happiness because you will always be part of this amazing community.

Ilija Grgic School Board Chairperson

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Westbourne Comes of Age One hundred and fifty years ago, in July 1867, twenty-three boys became the first students to enrol at what was then a new hole school. grammar school in Williamstown. That was the whole ake the No girls in sight until 1885 when it was decided to make school coeducational. kept, most surprising secrets and we are very certain about our birth date. What I also know is that along with our proud history comes a youthful, future focused approach to all that we aspire to achieve. A milestone celebration does, of course, give pause for reflection as we grapple with the old and the new concurrently. History is really best considered as our story. So what is our story?

Celebrating our sesquicentenary has been such a lot of fun and the year has provided some very interesting moments - not least of which have been a couple of conversations with colleagues from outside our community who have told me in no uncertain terms that Westbourne is not one hundred and fifty years old at all, and what was I thinking? My response has been that we are one of Melbourne’s oldest, best

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We come from all corners of the world – thirty-five different nationalities to be precise. Each of us is the owner of diverse talents imprinted with our shared humanity. Our character is defined I believe by our diversity which allows us to understand that we share breath and that we are bound together by our quirky, funny human playfulness. That we know no one is more entitled than another, that we have to watch out for each other and that hard work is important. It matters. In my reading about our school I came across a vignette describing an 1872 speech night which was then known as the annual examination and prize

distribution day. Questions from the public on geography and mental udents. arithmetic were answered by students. There were musical performances and recitations. Images of drawing and mapping were on display. The good burghers of Williamstown were deeply impressed. More than a century on we have a school that takes great pride in the accomplishments of its students. And here is the heart of the matter, a tradition of shared values about learning. For me personally, this tradition is something that has always been at the very centre of my experience at this school. Having joined the staff in 1987, Westbourne and its community have become a big part of my life. My memories of those early years as a young teacher are incredibly vivid and of course make what has been achieved since even more significant. As many in our community know, there wasn’t much at Truganina then – other than the sub-station, open paddocks, single carriage way gravel roads where the bus would get bogged, and one’s tyres routinely punctured, and of course

our new campus. Yes, there was no mistaking it was in the middle of nowhere! On a searingly hot summer’s day Melbourne city shimmered in the distance across parched grasslands – mirage like and modern. I recall commenting: ‘Good grief this landscape looks as if it came out of the film Mad Max. To which a student replied: ‘Yeah miss that’s because it does … they filmed Mad Max not far from here.’’ So, in this, the school’s special milestone anniversary I want to pay special tribute to the small group of true-believers and the foresight they displayed in the mid-1970s when the decision was made to buy the land at Truganina and build on the success of Williamstown. Two of those builders, Diane John and Ray Horsburgh are still very involved with Westbourne today and continue as great contributors to its well-being. I salute you both. So here we find ourselves, at the

end our sesquicentenary year, in the knowledge that we can look back to our past with enormous pride. We have celebrated our very special birthday in grand style. At Truganina, the new sculpture park, opened earlier this year, is already an iconic place – a wonderful example of creativity at work – a tranquil haven that blends perfectly into its landscaped environment. Most lunchtimes students are sitting in, on and around these playful forms. We have published our new sesquicentenary history book, an exquisite production officially launched by the Governor of Victoria Her Excellency the Honourable Linda Dessau AC. We have commissioned a composition by Katy Abbott, words by 2016 School Co-Captain Kiara Gashi which has already been performed on two occasions, the annual concert and Westbourne Celebrates. We have opened the new piazza in the Verdon Centre, completed the first stage of the

renovations at Williamstown, and of course begun work on what will be a magnificent new Sports and Aquatic Centre – a place where every student will be able to learn to swim. For many in our community, this pool represents the realisation of a long-held dream. We know how important these things are – tradition, values, the school’s place in the community, its history, and above all its people each of whom is uniquely part of the Westbourne story. The opening of our school in 1867 was, I think, a remarkable act of faith in the future - a belief in the importance of a grammar school education for the young people of Melbourne’s west. What has been achieved since those early days is nothing short of heroic.

Meg Hansen Principal

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Westbourne Students to the world Over recent years, an increasing number of students from Westbourne Grammar have sought and won places on amazing overseas trips of influence. The Kobe 4 Continents Summit began in 2016 and is held in Fukiai, Japan. In its inaugural year eighty students from Japan joined with two representatives from Australia, Scotland, the Philippines, Taiwan and the United States. Following the success of Victoria Deng and Natasha Lee at last year’s summit, Isobelle Sourivong and Emily Jinu won places via nomination, application and interview to represent Australia in 2017. They journeyed to Japan in September and once again proved to be exemplary ambassadors for both the school and their fellow students. The summit itself involves three intense days of lectures, group discussions, debates and presentations. Major world issues are covered including food waste, shortage of water, water pollution, education and global media. In bringing together students from around the world to discuss and share ideas regarding a number of important issues facing youth today, part of the focus is on determining how the students can effect change with respect to the issues identified. Many Westbourne students involve themselves locally in events like the United Nations Evatt Competition. Opportunities exist from Year 9 onwards to be involved at in-house school events, at the University of Melbourne and at state conferences. Isabella Ross, Sam Doyle and Jack Grego are students who have enjoyed this involvement and then taken it to the next level. Through various combinations of written applications 6 | Monomeith | Edition 11 2017

and interview each of the three have won exciting places on international learning experiences. Isabella, recently named as a School Captain for 2018, won a place in January 2017 on the Young Diplomats Tour of Europe. Over four busy weeks in Europe, the group of sixteen explored the complex realities of diplomacy in the twenty-first century, meeting with politicians, diplomats, embassy staff, leading thinkers and representatives of grassroots organisations. As she later reported, ‘A fascinating and thoughtprovoking experience in every way.’ I am delighted to announce that Jack has followed Isabella by winning a place on the 2018 Young Diplomats Tour of Europe. Following a slightly different pathway, but an equally rigorous selection process, Sam has won a place on the United Nations Youth Australia American Political Tour which will run for four weeks in January 2018 with twenty delegates chosen from right across Australia. Sam’s political ‘dream trip’ will include visits to Sacramento, Philadelphia, New Orleans, Washington DC and New York City and he plans to make the most of his experience to learn more about the intricacies of American politics as the group meets with politicians, diplomats, thinktanks, non-government organisations and activists who are currently interacting in a tumultuous time in American history. Congratulations to all those who have put their hand up to represent

themselves and the school in these international forums. Their commitment, enthusiasm and willingness to engage in such worthwhile activities is to be commended.

Andrew McGregor Associate Principal

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Leadership and Learning A Journey of Fulfilment As I write this, the Year 12s are attending their ďŹ nal classes and we begin the farewells to another exceptional group of students as they leave to make their mark on the world. I also reect on my own journey as I step down from the position of Head of Senior School at the end of this year.

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I began my teaching career as a mature graduate, having previously worked for ten years as a clinical dietitian at both the Royal Melbourne and Alfred Hospitals. One of the aspects of dietetics I particularly enjoyed was the opportunity to work with universities as a guest lecturer to students undertaking tertiary studies in nursing, medical and dietetics. Whilst on maternity leave with my second child, I completed my bachelor of teaching and soon realised that education was my passion. I decided to make a career change. I accepted my first position at Westbourne Grammar in 2000 as a graduate, teaching Science, Chemistry and Biology. The following year, Westbourne introduced its current House system and I was appointed Deputy Head of Strathmore and then in 2003, Head of Pascoe. I left Westbourne in 2006 to be Head of Middle Years at Clonard College Geelong but missed the Westbourne community desperately. I jumped at the chance to return to Westbourne at the start of 2008 and shared leadership of the

Senior School with Jim Mitchell until he retired in 2012. The educational landscape has changed dramatically since 2000 and Westbourne has developed to accommodate this shift. Schools are no longer just a place for education but now focus on development of the whole child socially, emotionally and academically. We need to prepare students to be equipped for the challenges of the world outside secondary school. The introduction of the House system, the recent addition of Deputy Heads of House and the adoption of restorative practice have been the biggest drivers to the cultural shift that has occurred during my years at Westbourne. I am immensely proud of our community’s reputation and its unique cultural diversity. In a world where many young people are labelled materialist and self-absorbed, I know that Westbourne students remain grounded and aware of their responsibilities as local and global citizens.

and especially the median scores at Year 12, underline the relentless focus on learning. Our teachers are continually looking for new and creative ways to present curriculum and showcase our very talented students. I am very excited about the next step in my career as a Learning Coach. This new role, which I will share with Rob Utting, will allow me to explore my passion for teaching. We will be working to refine the skills of our teachers in the classroom and enhance learning for our students. As with all stages of my career to date I look forward to the new challenges this role will present and I know that I am leaving the leadership of the Senior School in very capable hands.

Louise Mahony Head of Senior School

Academically our reputation continues to evolve. Our impressive ATAR results, Monomeith | Edition 11 2017 | 9

Westbourne’s eSmart Journey A little over three years ago, with the backdrop of increasing concerns regarding cybersafety, cyberbullying and engagement by a growing number of young students on social media platforms, the Junior School embarked upon a journey to become an eSmart School. Aided by a generous grant awarded through the Alannah and Madeline Foundation, the school began moving towards its goal of embedding within our community, the smart, safe and responsible use of online technologies. The eSmart program/framework is a behaviour-change initiative that is now being implemented in a number of schools across Australia. When first made aware of eSmart back in 2014, we immediately saw the value of being at the forefront of this initiative, not only for what it could offer our students but also because it seemed to fit so well within the context of our KidsMatter program. Indeed, these initiatives have been invaluable in supporting student wellbeing both at school and online. Led over the past three years very passionately and strategically by Junior School teachers, Brenton Menzies and Michelle Monaghan, staff and students have worked hard to move the school through each of the eSmart framework’s six key domains:

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» Effective school organisation » School plans, policies and procedures » Respectful and caring school community » Effective teacher practices » An eSmart curriculum » Partnerships with parents and the local community As these domains are non-linear, schools can choose to move through them in any order, once their specific needs have been identified through the ‘Planning’ stage of the program. Last term, it was very satisfying to learn that Westbourne had officially been accredited as an eSmart School, as we have successfully progressed through the ‘Planning’ and ‘Implementation’ phases.

This year, under the guidance and leadership of Mr Menzies and Ms Monaghan, an eSmart Student Committee was formed, consisting of representatives from each class from Years 3 to 6 across both campuses. These students meet regularly to work on various programs before taking this new learning back to their respective classrooms to share with peers. Last term, we also celebrated our first eSmart week in September, where classes paid particular attention to cyber safety through targeted classroom activities. Students, parents and the wider school community have also benefited from regular updates in the school newsletter, as well as the provision of information sessions by Australia’s foremost expert in cyber safety, Susan McLean.

Moving forward, the eSmart Team will continue its invaluable work through the final ‘Sustaining’ stage of the program. As part of an ongoing process, we will continue to review our policies and procedures, as well as enabling students to become accredited users of technology through the implementation of a digital licence. Jane Ellem, our STEAM Curriculum Coach, is playing an integral role in this process. Whilst our students have made significant progress in the use and application of digital technologies, there are still challenges to face, as new and emerging technologies continue to change the landscape in which we are operating.

Paul Barklamb Head of Junior School Monomeith | Edition 11 2017 | 11


Official Launch of the New History The sun shone brightly at the Williamstown campus as the Governor, Her Excellency the Honourable Linda Dessau AC and Mr Anthony Howard QC arrived for the launch of the school’s new history, Community of Believers: Westbourne Grammar School 1867-2017 Greeted by a throng of very excited Prep to Year 3 students the Governor and Mr Howard made their way through the campus to the Diane John Centre for the official proceedings. Amongst the dignitaries in attendance were: Joanne Ryan MP, Federal Member for Lalor, councillors from Hobsons Bay and Wyndham, long standing supporters Ray and Pam Horsburgh and Diane and Graeme John, former Principal Geoff Ryan AM and his wife, Gwen Quirk, former Deputy Principal, Jim Mitchell, members of the families of past Principals, John Pascoe and Mabel Molland, esteemed older alumni Thelma Maroney and Mealor Higham, staff, parents and students. Commissioned to mark the sesquicentenary, the publication of the history means the story of Westbourne’s growth and development from the small beginnings of 1867 to the thriving school of today is now fully documented in a hardcover book that is profusely illustrated and easy to read. Updated and expanded from Joseph Johnson’s earlier 1986 work, The Westbourne and Williamstown Grammar Schools, this new account enlarges the story, bringing it up to the present and the principalship of Meg Hansen.

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In launching the book, the Governor’s many insights into the school and its long history concluded with the astute observation that: As each new challenge has arisen over the decades, parents, staff and community leaders have together made a ‘leap of faith’ – in the most ecumenical sense of that phrase. Faith in the task of building a great school would be worth the cost and effort, faith that every child is capable of realising her or his potential; and faith that there is no more important task any community can undertake than to equip its young people for fulfilling and useful lives. Without question, that faith has been rewarded. Perceptive words indeed.

Sue Johnston Director of Corporate Communications and Research


Full STEAM Ahead in the Junior School Imagine it is 2027. What skillsets will our current Year 3 learners need to either further their education or enter the workforce? That’s quite a challenge, isn’t it? As far as education goes, we are utilising STEAM as an approach to future proof our learners for this day. STEAM education, simply put, is the integration of science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics. The commonwealth government is restoring the focus on STEAM subjects in schools so that Australia’s young adults are equipped with the necessary skills for the economy of the future. At a more local level, the Victorian government sees that the significant changes to the structure of the state’s economy means there is a greater need for STEAM capabilities than ever before. Increasingly, employers are looking for workers who are creative problem solvers, innovative and critical thinkers, and able to use new technologies. Such challenges mean STEAM is viewed as a way to provide an exciting opportunity for inquiry learning through integration of curriculum and a design thinking approach that is engaging and relevant to students. 2017 saw the appointment of a STEAM Learning Coach (Years 3-6), extending on from the Reggio Pedagogista model that has been so successful for ELC-Year 2. This Learning Coach model provides staff with the support to further develop rich, authentic units of inquiry that build on the learning of our early years students within the Reggio Emilia pedagogy. As students develop skill sets they will continue to expand on these throughout their learning journey in a variety of engaging educational settings. In this context, students 14 | Monomeith | Edition 11 2017

have begun to and will continue to learn, explore and navigate a world of computational thinking, science skills, engineering, arts and maths through the use of robotics, coding, gamification of content, digital literacies and media. Through the Learning Coach model, as well as effective team collaboration, teachers have continued to develop their own efficacy in the area of STEAM and digital technologies and as evidenced through the following units of inquiry introduced and implemented this year; this has resulted in a pedagogical shift in practice.

The introduction of electives in Years 5 and 6 has also enabled staff and students to solidly explore areas of digital technologies including coding and the science curriculum. We aspire to create design thinkers who are skill focused to problem solve and critically think in a twenty-first century world. These skills are part of the inquiry learning framework that shows students that everything is interconnected and can be applied in a wide variety of situations – whether it be in the classroom, the community or on a global scale.

INNOVATIONS - YEAR 4 Students investigated Rube Goldberg’s Machines through the eyes of a scientist and developed their own machine to complete a simple task.

THE TOYMAKER – YEAR 5 Students participated in project management, sourcing data and delving into prior knowledge to create a toy for a set age group within a specific design brief.

SURVIVING THE EXTREMES – YEAR 6 Students used the design thinking process to create an innovation that could be used to survive an extreme event along with utilising media to develop a deeper understanding of their chosen extreme event.

Kylie Baxter Deputy Head of Junior School Jane Ellem STEAM Learning Coach


FAST FACTS FROM THE FOUNDATION FOR YOUNG ADULTS » There has been a 212% increase in the demand for digital literacy skills in job ads in the last three years and 158% for critical thinking. (FYA 2016) » Problem solving skills drives a $7,745 higher pay check, digital literacy $8,648 and presentation skills $8,853. (FYA 2016) » Jobs that are unlikely to be automated in the next twenty years include doctors, nurses and midwives; education, health and welfare managers;ICT managers; school teachers and engineers. (PwC 2015) » The average twelve-year-old will have seventeen different jobs in their lifetime, across five different industries. (FYA 2016) » Modelling by PwC shows that shifting just one per cent of the workforce into STEM roles would add $57.4 billion to GDP (net present value over twenty years). (PwC 2015) » 26% of students think that what they are learning in school is irrelevant for their life. (Learning Frontiers 2014)

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Developing Mathematical Mindsets KEY DATA Co-Director of Mathematics Mati Papasimeon Number of staff: 19

SUBJECTS Years 7-9: Mathematics Year 10: General Mathematics, Methods Mathematics Year 11: General Mathematics, Mathematical Methods, Specialist Maths Year 12: Further Mathematics, Mathematical Methods, Specialist Maths The University of Melbourne Extension Program - Mathematics

ENRICHMENT Support Maths Years 7 and 8 Patterns in Nature Extension withdrawal Program Years 7-10

Issues relating to the importance of mathematics have become popular media subjects recently. How can schools adequately prepare students for a world with a high demand for proficiency in STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics)? As mathematics teachers, how do we get our students to engage with and love mathematics? I share with you two initiatives involving the Maths Department which we believe will help meet these needs. Our staff are always looking to improve their teaching practice and continue learning. Last year they completed a Stanford online course: ‘How to Learn Math for Teachers’. This was run by Jo Boaler, a leader in the field of mathematics education, and author of the book Mathematical Mindsets. This year we are continuing our learning, completing another Stanford online course that is also heavily influenced by the work of her colleague, Carol Dweck, expert in the field of how mindset plays a part in success. These two authorities speak about many of the qualities we would like to impart to our students, including the importance of perseverance; having the grit to try day in, day out, over a long period of time.

We have also learnt about the importance of making mistakes. Research that Jo Boaler’s team have conducted suggests we should encourage students to make mistakes and to value them in the classroom. Neural connections and brain growth can only occur when students are challenged. We want to actively encourage students to embrace a challenge rather than shy away from it. We give our students tasks that are low floor but high ceiling. This means that any student is able to start the task. However the level of sophistication of their answer depends on how receptive they are to being challenged and the extent to which they will persevere and engage with the problem. Our involvement with ‘Mathscraft: Working like a Mathematician’ is another opportunity for our students to be challenged. It is an initiative sponsored by the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Mathematical and Statistical Frontiers (ACEMS), and aims to teach students how to think like mathematicians. During the recent September holidays, we gathered students from Westbourne and other schools, teachers and mathematicians to work together on problem solving tasks. We had schools from as far away as Ballarat attend the day. Not only did students have a wonderful opportunity to work collaboratively in small groups, they also had the chance to engage with mathematicians. All involved were very enthusiastic and did a lot of thinking about maths. We look forward to welcoming more schools and students to get involved with this great opportunity again later this year.

Mati Papasimeon Co-Director of Mathematics

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Our Alumni Share Their Expertise and Knowledge In June, the Alumni Association Executive was proud to host the Careers Discovery Night for students from Years 9-11 and their parents. The Executive invited members of our close school community or alumni to share their journeys and experiences in their respective professions. The evening’s program began with an address from the keynote speaker, radio personality Monty Dimond (1999) who detailed her journey into the media industry, after which students and their parents moved to smaller ‘career specific’ focus groups where three professionals spoke about their jobs and the path they took to lead them there.

The thirty-five speakers were divided into smaller presentation teams that represented the breadth of career choices chosen by past Westbourne students. Examples of the twelve presentations included: Business and Finance, Law, Medical Services, Creative Arts/Design and Triple Zero Emergency Services. The calibre of the alumni who spoke and the effort put into each presentation was truly outstanding. It was an incredibly proud occasion for the Association to witness such distinguished past students share their journeys with such vigour, passion and inspiration. Thank you to the students and parents who attended the evening. We trust you found the event worthwhile and hope it encouraged rich discussions about future career choices.

Catherine Challinger (Mitchell 2004) Alumni Association President Monomeith | Edition 11 2017 | 17

First Sod Turned for the New Sports and Aquatic Centre Friday 28 July 2017 was a momentous day for Westbourne when Principal, Meg Hansen and a group that included community stalwarts Diane John and Ray Horsburgh AM, Junior and Senior School Captains and some of our youngest students, stood on a heap of sand to turn the first sod for what will be a magnificent new swimming pool and sports centre. In addition to a large contingent of staff, students, parents, Board members, builders and architects the school was enormously honoured to welcome local dignitaries: Legislative Councillor for West Metropolitan region Dr Rachel Carling-Jenkins MP, the Mayor of the City of Wyndham Councillor Henry Barlow, City of Hobsons Bay Mayor Councillor Sandra Wilson, Professor Simon Bailey from the University of Melbourne and Mr Peter Mayall, Chair of the Committee for Wyndham Using a special commemorative silver shovel, Meg Hansen symbolically turned the first sod on what will be a splendid new educational facility and the realisation of a dream – that Westbourne would have its own pool. In fact, the school first thought of building a pool in 1983 when it was identified as a key fund raising project. By 1987, the cost was estimated at around two hundred thousand dollars – which must have seemed a very large sum at the time. But, as can happen in schools, 18 | Monomeith | Edition 11 2017

other learning needs became a priority and the pool project was temporarily shelved. In hindsight, perhaps this was not such a bad thing since a closer look at the history of the school suggests some interesting synergies that today strongly connect the past with the present and future. One of the school’s most influential early Principals was Charles Steedman. Renowned as a champion swimmer and author of Manual of Swimming, a bestselling book on swimming techniques, Steedman arrived at the school in 1870. In the years that followed, he would make his mark – not only as a fine educator; but as a person of enormous energy with outstanding administrative and entrepreneurial skills. Under his leadership, enrolments increased as did the number of subjects on offer and the quality of the teaching. Steedman’s aspirations for the school and its students were profound.

A true learning innovator of his time, Steedman introduced a school newspaper and, significantly, swimming lessons for all students. Of course, when the school was located at Williamstown, swimming and matters relating to water safety were always uppermost in the minds of parents and teachers. Once completed, the new Centre with its twenty-five-metre pool will be the centrepiece of all that Westbourne strives to achieve for its community in terms of fitness, and opportunities to participate in a well established program of physical education and team sports.

Sue Johnston Director of Corporate Communications and Research

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A NIGHT AMONG THE STARS On a Friday evening in late July, a large contingent of young musicians from Years 3 to 12 assembled at the Melbourne Recital Centre for this year’s annual concert.

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The evening opened with Senior Orchestra’s ferocious execution of Mussorgsky’s Night on Bald Mountain, a stimulating work delivered with precision. Following our Performer of the Year award, the Senior String Orchestra was featured with Piazzolla’s frequently covered work Libertango, the Symphonic Wind Band delivered the evocative Winds of Change, and the Jazz Vocal Ensemble alongside Legends Big Band thrilled all with their electrifying Generations in Jazz material. Senior Choir’s stirring rendition of Nearer My God to Thee began the

second half of the program, and this was followed by the Junior Choir, Strings and Band presenting a beautiful trio of works. VCE Music Performance student Niklas Malkin 12M stole the limelight with his technically astounding performance of the first movement of Mayuzumi’s Xylophone Concertino. The highlight of the evening was undoubtedly the finale; the world premiere of Stars That Split the Night. Commissioned for Westbourne’s sesquicentenary and written by Australian composer Katy Abbott for

massed choir and orchestra, Junior and Senior School performers combined to present this stirring work and articulated the beautifully emotive text composed by 2016 School Captain Kiara Gashi. For the students and staff involved, and the community who attended this event, the concert was an experience to treasure and rightly one to celebrate.

Andrew Leach Director of Music

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Peter Pan and Wendy ‘If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. If you can dream it, you can become it.’ William Ward This year, the cast and crew of the Junior School musical has dared to imagine, to aspire and to dream and has certainly achieved great things as they brought Peter Pan and Wendy to life in August 2017. Being involved in a musical such as this, provides significant learning opportunities and rewarding experiences that successfully address the skills and development of our students in five main areas: physical, artistic, cognitive, personal and social development. It is the lifelong attributes of teamwork, commitment, self-confidence and determination that build character, as the students bring their roles to life on the stage. The musical this year has proven to provide many opportunities for us to celebrate, to learn, to laugh, to experience, to explore, to create and importantly, to leave our mark on this year’s Performing Arts Festival.

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We remember with fondness and extend our gratitude to the extraordinary individuals who helped bring this musical to fruition. A very special thank you is extended to Katrina Fleming, the director and writer of Peter Pan and Wendy and the staff and students who worked tirelessly over Terms 2 and 3 to enable this to occur. We celebrate and acknowledge our diversity, our teamwork and our ability to have fun.

Gabrielle Mullins Director


Chicago Wow! - was the common response to this year’s hugely successful production of the hit musical, Chicago. Against a background of Prohibition America and set in Cook County jail, Chicago is the story of Velma Kelly (shared role by Isabelle Pascua 11S and Isabella Yoseski 10P) and Roxie Hart (Lauren Thorpe 11P) who are both on trial for murder. Defended by shyster lawyer, Billy Flynn (Wil Tattersall 10M), the tribulations of Velma and Roxie become a media circus of headlines as neither will be outdone in her relentless quest for fame and celebrity. This year’s musical was the fourth venture to the theatre at the Wyndham Cultural Centre and our third with the production team of director Aaron Joyner, choreographer Jess Enes and musical director Andrew Leach. This year, however saw several firsts. These were two sell out shows, Friday and Saturday nights and an invitation from the Music Theatre Guild of Victoria for a performance at their awards night in December and (not technically a first),

one of our school captains, Sachini Hewa Radalage 12P, acting as stage manager and taking complete control of the production once in the theatre. The invitation to perform at the Guild awards evening means Westbourne Grammar’s Chicago will be one of only five productions to be featured and a real feather in the cap for the school and the entire cast, crew, orchestra and production team. Aaron’s professionally directed and staged production looked absolutely wonderful due to clever lighting, sets and costumes. Our choreographer, Jess provided our very talented dancers with some intricate moves in the style of Bob Fosse and along the way discovered some brilliant new dancers! Our own Director of Music, Andrew Leach, once again provided audiences with beautiful singing, rich harmonies and a ‘gangster band’ that included staff, two alumni and thirteen current

students. The cast was the most committed as a group that I have seen and this showed on stage with their complete focus and attention to every detail of their individual performances. The school’s performing arts program exemplifies one of Westbourne’s core values – that of creativity. As educators, we know that active engagement in the arts is not just an enriching experience for everyone involved, but an opportunity for student engagement across year levels, while gaining an understanding of the discipline involved in learning a part. This year’s production was an absolute knockout show in every possible way and a huge tribute to the talent of our students and their unfailing ability to rise to a challenge.

Geoff Hayhow Director of People and Culture Producer of Chicago

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Twelve Angry Men Participation in the drama program is a great way for students to develop and refine their performance skills and to get that all-important stage experience. At the same time, this year’s production of Twelve Angry Men turned out to be a fantastic opportunity to introduce students and audiences to the concept of ‘the everyman’. Constructed so that those watching the drama of a play unfold can imagine themselves in the same position, everyman characters react realistically in situations that are often seen more prosaically by traditional heroes. Reginald Rose’s Twelve Angry Men is a jury room tale of one man’s refusal to succumb to prejudice in order to prevent what he believes is a miscarriage of justice. Both moving and engaging, the meaning and significance of the play is just as powerful and important today as it was when first performed in 1954.

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There is no doubt that Twelve Angry Men is a demanding play. However, following the success of last year’s production of Educating Rita, and given the interest of cast members in issues relating to social justice; Twelve Angry Men provided the perfect challenge for everyone to stretch their acting capabilities and to think more deeply about a wide range of issues. From Term 1 onwards, everyone involved worked incredibly hard rehearsing and organising the production. Their passion for the project and positive working relationships with one another were quite inspirational. I was especially encouraged this year by the number of international students who auditioned for the show and am confident that in future more of our international students will want to foster their love for the performing arts and become involved. Our cast of twelve jurors included students in Years 10-12 and although the name of the play is Twelve

Angry Men, there were female students playing male roles. This production of Twelve Angry Men represented a huge amount of dedication and commitment on the part of everyone involved – whether they were working behind the scenes or performing on stage. Once again, the Senior play was both a huge artistic success and an unforgettable event in the school’s busy performing arts calendar.

Paul Henry Basilio Director and Producer of Twelve Angry Men English Teacher and Head of Drama.


Brilliant Gala Ball at

Iconic Melbourne Venue

On a rather chilly August evening, several hundred beautifully dressed Westbourne parents, friends of the school, Board members and staff enjoyed an evening in the elegant art deco masterpiece, The Myer Mural Hall. The Mural Hall is National Trust classified and also on the Victorian Heritage Register. This beautiful room was designed and constructed in 1931 and is the only surviving example in Australia of its kind. It was designed for special fashion parades and events and has most of its original features including the famous murals by renowned artist Napier Waller (1893-1972). Under the baton of our Director of Music, Andrew Leach, the school’s Big Band played a fabulous jazz set during pre-dinner drinks. This talented band of Westbourne students played music so suited to the location – dance classics from the 1930s and 1940s. The evening was also a fundraiser with both silent and live auctions seeing competitive bidding for a variety of major items including Tuscan villa holidays and art works. The Organising Committee comprised school staff and very supportive current parents, Jacqui Garnsworthy and Shona Taylor – both of whom worked for over a year planning and creating this very special event for the community. We thank them for a most enjoyable and memorable evening.

Anne Bright Director of Development


An Extraordinary LifeThelma Maroney (Stringer 1931) ‘I rather fancied myself in a navy-blue uniform off to see the world.’

A student in the early 1930s when Mabel Molland was the Principal, Thelma Maroney’s recollections of her school days abound with evocative memories of a vanished era in Australian life, a time when most young people left school at fourteen and went to work. Invariably referred to in the local community as ‘Mollo’s’, under Mabel Molland’s leadership, Williamstown’s grammar school was well known for its happy atmosphere and solid educational standards. According to Thelma, ‘Miss Molland was also very concerned with manners and politeness’ and when her students went on to other 26 | Monomeith | Edition 11 2017

schools, these attributes were often the subject of favourable remarks. Listed in the Williamstown Chronicle in January 1930 for her exemplary attendance record, Thelma’s name also appeared in the list of prize winners. The following year again saw her name amongst those who had not missed a day of school as well as the ‘Dux of Lower Form 11’. However, as Thelma recently recalled: ‘I was taken away from the school after four years because of the Depression.’ Her family’s business, like so many others at the time, was very badly affected by the economic downturn of the 1930s an, as

she recently recalled, ‘that meant they could no longer afford to send me to Miss Molland’s.’ On leaving secondary school, Thelma got a job at the Pacific Woollen Mills which was where she was working when war broke out in September 1939. Just sixteen, she had to wait another two years before being eligible to apply to join the Women’s Australian Auxiliary Air Force. Receiving her call up papers in early 1942, she reported to the recruiting office which was, at that time, located in the Preston Motors building in Russell Street. Posted to be an office worker (official title was Clerk

General) she found herself billeted at 606 Toorak Road, a large private house commandeered for use by the armed services. Issued with airman’s overalls Thelma and her fellow recruits were given six weeks of training which included marching up and down Toorak Road, learning Air Force procedures, drilling and being taught to make her bed in a certain way. Following a promotion to the rank of corporal, she was subsequently posted to General Douglas McArthur’s headquarters in Brisbane. Here her duties involved carrying what were described as ‘secret publications’ across the city to the General’s headquarters which were situated at Lennon’s Hotel. It was, she remembered: ‘Quite a long walk. I never saw the contents of the leather satchel but presume the Japanese wouldn’t have been suspicious of a nineteen-year-old girl carrying anything important.’ Her memories of Douglas McArthur are of ‘an imposing figure surrounded by his guards with a corncob pipe upside down in his mouth.’

Having become engaged to a young airman, Thelma applied for a transfer back to Melbourne so she could be married. As married women were not permitted to remain in the Air Force, Thelma’s three years of service to her country came to an end. Pictured above with ninety-seven year old Mealor Higham (the oldest member of our alumni community), Thelma is now aged ninety-five, and living independently in a retirement village. She was welcomed back to her old school as one of the special guests at the official launch of the sesquicentenary history book, Community of Believers: Westbourne Grammar School 18672017.

Sue Johnston Director of Corporate Communications and Research

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Melbourne to Moscow David Stewart (1984) Having spent the early years of his life living on Christmas Island, David Stewart began his secondary education at Westbourne in Term 2 of 1979 and for the first time in his life wore a tie with his school uniform. Never having previously worn a tie he found this quite a challenge and at first his father had to assist in the tying of the tie. In Form 1b, his form teacher was Alan Bennetto who is still on the staff and remembers David as ‘a cheerful, well-mannered student. He was conscientious and thorough in his approach to everything he did and he was always willing to help out whenever the occasion arose.’ Recalling those early days of what was then a very new school at Truganina, David remembers lots of open spaces and ‘not much in the way of facilities compared with now. Sport was softball, netball, football, cricket and cross country running. I was in the cricket team.’ At that time the school offered Latin and French, both of which he found a bit of a ‘struggle’ as his fellow students had already been studying both for a term before he arrived. As part of the second year that went through to Year 12, David ultimately became school Vice-Captain, Captain of Molland House and a contributor to Literata. On leaving Westbourne he enrolled in a commerce degree at the University of Melbourne. Having graduated with a major in accounting, David joined the firm of Ernst and Whinney, completed some postgraduate qualifications and headed to London. After a three-month stint in the firm’s Moscow office at the end of 1992, he returned to Melbourne, then back to Moscow in 1993 for what would turn out be a stay of seventeen years.

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At first David spoke only a small amount of Russian and this was not an issue as in those early years ‘things were done in English.’ However, as time went by and the situation in Russia changed, he decided to learn the language. This involved sticking to his goal of two lessons a week. Despite some hilarious early errors as he began to speak the new language, he found that once mastered, a whole new world of literature, film and culture became accessible. Living in Moscow with his Russian wife and children, David also had a dacha in the countryside – a place for the family to spend their weekends away from the capital’s twenty-six million inhabitants. Living in Russia during the years of such rapid change was a fascinating and at times challenging experience which ended in 2010 with his return to Australia. A Board member at Westbourne since 2011, he is also a current parent (Christina Stewart 8M). But long before his adventures in Russia, David was a member of the Class of 1984 and a standout contributor to the ‘madcap mayhem’ of their last day at school. As recounted in that year’s edition of Literata: ‘Before school Jayson Burhop, David Stewart and Dinny Grambas attired respectively as Arab sheik, deepsea diver and gorilla gave a royal wave to amused onlookers from the backseat of a hired Rolls Royce. Lesson plans went out the window as teachers were assaulted by a crossfire of water pistols and balloons. Dressed in black tie at the (Year 12) ball the culprits could scarcely be recognised – they looked positively sophisticated.’

Sue Johnston Director of Corporate Communications and Research


Supporting Our School The Annual Appeal, which has now been in place for four years, continues to seek support from the school community for the Building Fund and the Scholarship Fund. The major focus for this his year’s Building w Sports and Fund appeal is our new Aquatic Centre which is currently under ncentive to construction. Whilst the incentive e financial donate prior to the end of the year has certainly passed, our Annual Giving Campaign remains open and donations are ongoing, since the d beginning of work on the Sports and Aquatic Centre has not reduced the need for our community’s generosity – something that goes a long way to help ease the financial commitments undertaken. The school is most grateful for the support received from former students and past parents, current families, staff, current and former members of the Board and some of our regular service providers. Recognising the everyday sacrifices all families make in giving their children a Westbourne education, makes us thankful for every donation irrespective of the amount. Finally, with the recent passing of our inaugural and greatly loved chaplain, the Reverend George DuRinck, his family has supported a call for specific donations to the Building Fund to help realise his dream of a stained-glass window to be installed in the JR Pascoe Chapel. Should you wish to discuss making a such a donation, or to talk about a significant contribution to the Building Fund, please contact the Development Office.

Anne Bright Director of Development

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The Ivan Board Coterie Lunch Old Westbourne Grammarians Football Club

Once again, the annual Ivan Board Coterie Lunch was held at Sumac in Docklands. The event fell on the birthdays of Barbara Board, Ivan’s widow and Adrian Board, his son, which made it an extra special day. The keynote address was given by Leon Fairfield. Leon commenced playing for the Westbourne Grammarians Football Club in 1994 as a nineteen-year-old. He played 228 games, was Captain 20012005 and a dual Premiership player in 2004 and 2007. Leon was awarded the Club’s highest honour – the Horsburgh Medal (Best and Fairest) in 2001. Leon spoke with great humour about what Ivan Board may have thought of an event such as the lunch, his reflections being very well received by all those in the room who had known and admired him. Speaking most movingly about what Ivan’s leadership and values meant to him, Leon remembered a man whose dedication to the Club has left a lasting legacy: There are two aspects of Ivan’s character that stand out to me upon reflection. 30 | Monomeith | Edition 11 2017

First was his relentless work ethic. He would open the Clubrooms on a Saturday morning and lock up on Saturday night. In between he would have worked the canteen, worked the bar, cleaned both change rooms, and found time to time-keep a couple of games. He was at the Club on Tuesdays and Thursdays and in between would be driving meetings with the school, the council and the committee along with a myriad of other stakeholders. God bless Barb for her unwavering patience. The other aspect that comes back to me was Ivan’s brutal honesty and unquestionable integrity. The effect of this through the footballing generations within the Club can’t be overestimated. I probably appreciate it more as I get older and reflect on having my own family but I look around the room at the people who have been involved with the Club through the decades and I see honest family men with strong values, respect for themselves and respect for women. Ivan’s influence and example in driving expectations for behaviour and

conduct within the Club came straight from the top and it lives on today through the current administration and players. Leon’s message about respect for women was also taken up by the sporting greats in attendance on the day – Mark McVeigh (Assistant Coach Greater Western Sydney), Brad Hodge (Australian Cricketer) and Archie Thompson (former Socceroos player). In particular, Archie Thompson talked about respect for women in sport and the role of high profile sports men and women in influencing a broader debate about this and other important social issues.

Anne Bright Director of Development


Trip to Japan Sister School, Homestays, Bullet Trains and Temples

As part of the intercultural learning program, students can participate in international study tours to Germany and Japan in alternate years. This year, twenty very excited Year 10 and 11 students, and three staff members spent two weeks in Japan during the September holidays. Arriving at Kobe, the location of our new sister school, Fukiai High, the first six days were spent immersed in the culture. The success of this very worthwhile learning experience is evident from the reflections of staff members. For Director of Year 9, Dennis Nowak: The chance to experience Japanese culture, countryside and food was something I had always wanted to do and getting to share this once in a lifetime trip with a group of outstanding young people was simply amazing. One experience which I continue to reflect upon was our time in Hiroshima. While we generally adopted a sombre mood during our visit to the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, the Peace Memorial Park outside of the building was stunning

and I interpreted it as a symbol of the indomitable nature of the human spirit. For IT Teacher, Kelly Winter, Japanese cuisine was a standout: During the trip, I had food made for me by the students, I went out to incredible restaurants and I consumed delicacies I had never tasted before. I enjoyed school canteen food. Homemade noodles in a rustic waterfall setting. Fine dining with Japanese teaching staff. A bento box packed school lunch. Shabu Shabu, which involved cooking vegetables and thinly sliced meat in boiling hot water. Light and mouthwatering Tempura. Street food like gyoza, and dumplings, as well as, chef prepared Okonomiyaki (Japanese Cabbage Pancakes). The most challenging part of this gastronomic feast was the traditional Japanese breakfasts. I’m certainly not used to eating fish, curry, or rice in the early morning.

for those students who have been studying Japanese since Prep, the trip has added a whole new dimension to their understanding of Japan and its culture: The students were amazed at how punctual, fast and clean the trains were and delighted to see Mt Fuji without snow from the Shinkansen (bullet train) window. Everyone enjoyed the variety of sights such as the red torii (gate) in the water in Miyajima, the White Castle in Himeji, walking through the thousand toriis (gates) in Kyoto, appreciating the size of the big budda by walking through its replica nostril in Nara, the Onsen (hot springs) experience in Atami, Japanese style breakfast and dinner at a Ryokan (Japanese Inn), Karaoke, a baseball match, the night view of Tokyo, crossing the busiest intersection and Disneyland. Overall a fantastic experience for everyone involved.

Kerstin Keller And as teacher Michiyo Naito reported,

Director of Languages Monomeith | Edition 11 2017 | 31


‘The hard is what makes it great!’ – Cross Country Success When Western Bulldogs Captain Rob Murphy announced to his teammates that the 2017 season would be his last he did so by borrowing a line from the Tom Hanks movie A League of Their Own. As anyone who has seen the movie knows, when Hanks said, ‘The hard is what makes it great’, he was describing how playing baseball involves lots of injuries, setbacks and emotional ups and downs. The fact that it is hard is what makes it great. That line, ‘The hard is what makes it great’ is a wonderful description of how Westbourne managed to achieve a clean sweep of the three major trophies at this year’s ACS Cross Country Carnival. This year marks the twentieth of the ACS competition and in that time winning any of the major carnivals has, for Westbourne, proved somewhat of a challenge. We have never won ACS Swimming, despite eleven successive seconds – and yes, we may have won three of the last five ACS Athletics carnivals including the three major trophies at this year’s carnival but it took fifteen years before the school 32 | Monomeith | Edition 11 2017

finally achieved winning athletics. Those statistics suggest winning a major ACS Carnival is difficult –but not impossible! Traditionally held near the end of August, training happens in the ten or so weeks leading up to the carnival, right in the middle of winter. Given the school’s hectic co-curricular schedule, the only feasible time to train is early morning, before school. This can be quite a challenge when the temperature is around zero, the wind is icy and it is raining. But why else is cross country hard? Put simply, cross country is hard

because it is. Depending on your age level and the distance of your race, it is twelve to twenty-five minutes of pain. It is also hard to win a cross country carnival, because it is the ultimate team event. So to win this year’s ACS Cross Country a talented, proud and dedicated group of Westbourne students, did all the hard yards. The numbers at training on those cold wet and windy winter mornings broke all previous records. In the year of our sesquicentenary, Westbourne’s Cross Country team created a very special piece of history, while learning the

SPORTS ROUND UP ACS WINTER SEASON RESULT HIGHLIGHTS. » In the Senior competition, Westbourne was represented in a Grand Final in each of the eleven different ACS Sports, from Australian Rules Football through to Volleyball. » In the twentieth year of ACS competition the Senior 1st Girls Table Tennis team won the premiership for the twentieth successive year. This year’s girls like many of the teams in the twenty years before went through the season undefeated. » Both the 1st and 2nd boy’s tennis teams also went through the year undefeated and finished the year as Premiers and Champions. The 1st boys won an amazing 131 of 132 sets throughout the season to completely dominate the competition. » The Senior Mixed badminton team were also undefeated for the year winning the premiership for the eighth time in the last ten years. » Other successful teams in the Senior Competition were the 1st Boys Football, 2nd and 3rd Boys Volleyball, and 2nd Girls Table Tennis. » At Year 9, the Boys Football and Girls Hockey team won the ACS premiership for the third successive year. The Hockey girls went through those three years undefeated with only one draw in the second last game of the year preventing three complete winning seasons. » 2nd Boys Volleyball at Year 9 were also premiers.

valuable lesson that good things happen on the back of a lot of hard work. The success was a long time coming, but that made it even more special. ‘The hard is what makes it great’.

Matt Healy Director of Sport

» At Year 8 the Soccer Boys went back to back with a hard fought 3 – 1 win in the Grand Final. Girls Table Tennis and Boys Volleyball A were also premiers. » The Year 7 Girls Table Tennis team was another undefeated team that went on to be Premiers and Champions. » Across all year levels Westbourne teams competed in more Grand Finals and won more Premierships than the other competing ACS schools. In addition, all teams should be very proud of other areas where Westbourne lead the way, such as sportsmanship, behaviour, uniform standards and competitiveness. Well done to all involved.

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Reverend George DuRinck 5 August 1946 - 3 August 2017 In writing of the recent passing of one of our school’s most beloved staff members, I know I speak for everyone when say how much the Reverend George DuRinck will be missed. Many in our community will of course remember George DuRink who retired in 2011 after twenty-three years dedicated service to Westbourne Grammar. A larger than life character, Rev, as he was known to generations of Westbourne students, was renowned for his unfailing sense of humour and genuine interest in people and their lives. As one former colleague said: ‘He always had time to stop and tell a joke and ask me how things were going.’ Educated at Monash University (arts degree) and the University of Melbourne (theology and teacher training) George had been the Minister at the Gladstone Park Uniting Church before his appointment, in 1988, as the school’s first chaplain. In addition to the responsibilities of what former Principal, John Pascoe described as an ‘exacting and most important role’, he soon became well-known to the student body as a teacher of English and Religious Education and coach of soccer and table tennis teams. Over the years, our first chaplain became part of the fabric of our school. He presided over weddings and funerals and my memory of him is of someone who was always there to provide that essential moral compass and spiritual guidance. Such things are, I believe, incredibly important for schools and it is only when they are not there that one becomes acutely aware of the enormous contribution made to our collective well-being by individuals such as George DuRinck. Writing in Literata at the end of his second year at Westbourne, Rev was pleased to note that, ‘students have 34 | Monomeith | Edition 11 2017

‘The Chapel was as he envisioned – lots of light and space and glass. George looked on it as a place to raise spirits, to heal, to stir the soul and to be peaceful.’ Extract from a Reflection by James Mitchell

settled in very well to the idea of regular worship … their attitude and respect for the chapel has been very pleasing.’ Two decades on, he looked back on what he described as ‘the changing patterns of the years’ and affirmed his belief that: ‘Building an attitude of compassion, care for others, thankful charity and interpersonal responsibility is as important as any academic field.’ Perhaps the best measure of just how much Rev meant to our school community has been the overwhelming response to the news of his passing. Postings on our Facebook page by so many of his former students speak for themselves: ‘My favourite part of going to school was listening to Rev’s pearls of wisdom. Rest in peace. You will never be forgotten’; ‘It’s too hard

to find words to describe the stories that will no longer be told, the wisdom left unshared and the joy and humour Rev brought into the lives of those who met him. Thank you for being so much more than a teacher to so many of us’; ‘Such a kind and generous heart, not only within the school, but to families of children that attended also. We will never ever forget his compassion and generosity to us.’ The Reverend DuRinck was a man of deep Christian faith who exemplified his beliefs in this community as lived and demonstrated in his Ministry every day. Farewell to a very special man who captured the hearts of so many.

Meg Hansen Principal


Archives Alive Archives alive! is a term often used to describe efforts to engage people with archival material in teaching and learning programs. This year, during the sesquicentennial celebrations, special objects from our archives have brought our history alive in classrooms and learning spaces across the school. Early in the year, Year 6 art students took part in an object-based learning exercise to illustrate the agency that objects have in communicating information about the subject of a portrait. The art room was cleaned and prepared and a number of special items were placed on tables around the room with no accompanying information. The students were encouraged to learn what they could from the object itself. A thick wool blazer, with a simplified school logo appliqued onto the pocket in a gloss grey thread, immediately caught the attention of a number of students who noticed a small white ribbon sewn onto the inside of the collar and printed with red block letters, the word ‘FESTER’. The students were all familiar with Sister Fester, and the blazer, which had belonged to her son Martin, was no longer just an old blazer, it was associated with Sister Fester and it began to expand her story and her connection with the school for the students.

In Term 2, Year 1 students from both campuses came together for a history morning at the Williamstown campus. In groups, students explored the built heritage of the campus, and then had a chance to handle and examine some moveable objects from the archives such as a straw summer hat from the 1960s and the 1978 Literata. The students also enjoyed hearing stories from a collection of oral histories from the archives, such as Thelma Stringer’s description of a ‘smelly’ sea sponge carried in a tin in her bag to clean the pencil from her slate each day. At Truganina, during the Commemoration, Remembrance and Community unit of enquiry, Year 3 students studied the history of the school and images from the archives of past school logos. They considered the colours and the shapes, the elements that had changed and those that had stayed the same, in versions of the school logo over time. Working in groups, students then incorporated what they had learnt of the school’s history into designing their own sesquicentenary logo to commemorate and remember the past, and celebrate the current Westbourne community. Objects from the archives have also been on display across the school, in the Truganina reception area, in the

Senior Library and in the new Learning Resource Centre at the Williamstown campus. All of this is made possible by donations to the Archives from the Westbourne community and this year some very significant donations have been received and are greatly appreciated. Keith Dempster, whose mother, Gwen Manderson, attended Westbourne in the early 1920s, donated a photograph of a student group from 1920. The photograph joins other photographs taken on the same day and together they give a wonderful sense of school photo day, 1920. Also, past student Allana Arapakis (Horsfall) donated a tiny school blazer and winter felt hat worn during her kindergarten year. Past students have described the navy felt hat worn by girls during the winter in oral histories, and it is wonderful to now have an example, the only one of its kind in the archives, to be able to bring those descriptions to life. If you would like to donate items to our Archives, please contact Linda North at:, or phone 9731 9456 (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday).

Linda North School Archivist

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Calendar of School Events 01





Prep – Year 2 Information Evening Truganina

Prep – Year 3 Information Evening Williamstown

2017 Leavers Function

VCE Information Evening

Years 3 – 6 Information Evening





10 Prep Barbecue






International Student Information Evening

Senior School New Parent Sundowner

Year 7 Parent Information Evening







Year 7 Social

Friends of Sport Fun Run

Year 4 (2019) Information Evening


Westbourne Food Truck Festival

Westbourne Reunion – All Years










Piano Concert



Performer of the Year






February–June 2018

11 Mothers Day Luncheon

16 2018 Geoffrey Ryan Cup



Year 9 Camp Information Evening

School Musical Anything Goes






Senior Piano Competition

Super Soiree and Bands Festival



Senior Play The Merchant of Venice HORSBURGH CENTRE

PO Box 37 Werribee Vic 3030 Australia Telephone 03 9731 9444

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