October 2012 Wendover News

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Established 1989

Available in Dunsmore, The Lee, Halton, Wendover, Weston Turville and Liffré

Autumn sets in

October 2012

The views expressed by contributors are their own and not necessarily the views of the editor.

Don’t miss the start of Wendover Village Quiz on Thursday 11 October (and subsequent contributions for November before Monday 15 October Thursdays) at 7.30pm prompt in the Bowls (including payments for ads) Club. British Summer Time ends on the last book early to avoid disappointment Sunday of October, the 28th. ℡ 01296 624270 Wendover Clock Tower Essential reading this month, the Matters Arising article on page 24 about Wendover Clock Tower, the renovation work and the public fund to enable the whole community to donate towards the £55 000 needed for this project.

Barlow Road Playground

equally interested: "I am concerned that AVDC could be selling any piece of land without it going on the open market, let alone what was previously a children’s playground. AVDC have disposed of several land assets recently and I am concerned that we could be selling off the family silver at a time when land values are low."

Wendover born and bred Leona Wheals is heading up a campaign to save and restore the Barlow Road Playground. She is receiving support from Wendover Parish Councillors and Aylesbury Vale District Councillors as shown on page 16 (includes petition details). W eston T ur ville AVDC Councillor Phil Yerby is

editor@wendover-news.co.uk Florence Nightingale Hospice Shop,

19, High St, Wendover HP22 6DX Wendover News is delivered through the door to many local households. If you do not receive one at home and would like to volunteer to deliver for us to your road, please contact the office (see above). Wendover News would like to thank all our willing volunteers.


RAF Flypast date : Tuesdays 2 & 30 October at 1.30pm To celebrate the completion of training at RAF Halton we can expect a flypast (weather permitting).

ANTIQUES AT . . . WENDOVER October Mystery Object

£10 Gift Voucher for the Winner

July’s mystery object was an American Gentleman's Table Cigar Lighter Open 7 Days a week Free car park at rear of shop THE OLD POST OFFICE WENDOVER, BUCKS 01296 625335 www.antiquesatwendover.co.uk

2 www.wendover-news.co.uk

What’s on in October 2012 for November 2012 events, please contact us before Monday 15 October

ST ANNE’S HALL to hire All enquiries to Angela German 07423 266713 stanneshallwendover@ hotmail.co.uk


taste Food for fun and business Think Christmas Think Easy Think Early

Wendover News, Florence Nightingale Hospice Shop, High Street, HP22 6DX ℡ 01296 624270 editor@wendover-news.co.uk Calendar entry FREE, one line; What’s On Box charity rate £12 : 20 words Mondays 13.30 Wendover Baby/Toddler Group 0-5yrs term time. Wendover Memorial Hall, details 709791 Mondays The Rotary Club of Wendover & District, see www.rotary-ribi.org/clubs/homepage.asp?ClubID=2041 Mondays 19.30 -21.30 Bucks French Club, Holiday Inn, Weston Turville, except Bank holidays, details 07738 512664 Mondays New Kung Fu classes for kids and adults Call Mark on 07809 403208 St Anne’s Hall. See advert on page3 Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs & Fridays JAZZERCISE classes to suit you : www.jazzercise-uk.com 07900 987230 Tue & Wed19.30 Wendover Bridge Club, Cricket Pavilion, Witchell : details 624089 Tue & Thu Morning and Evening Adult, Teen & Children's Yoga Classes. 01296 623543, sarahyoga@sky.com Tuesdays 8.30am onwards Not Just Coffee mornings, Wendover Christian Centre, all welcome Tuesdays 10.00 Simply Walk, meet at Wendover Clock Tower for easy walk approx 1 hour, details 01494 475367 Tuesdays 13.30-15.30 artsmart Drawing for Absolute Beginners, Wendy Lewis Studio, Wendover 01494 670372 Tuesdays 20.00 Wheelers & Dealers, Square Dance Club, Wendover Memorial Hall : 07731 776654 Tuesdays 20.00 IMAGEZ Camera Club: Weston Turville Village Hall, www.imagez.org.uk or call 01296 612632 Wed’days 19.45 - 20.45 Salsa Dance Classes at Wendover Royal British Legion, Bookings: 07767 234532 Thursdays 19.00 Ballroom & Latin Dance Class / 20.00 : Dance, Wendover Memorial Hall, details 01442 865734 Thursdays 19.45 Wendover Choral Society, St. Mary’s Church Wendover. Details 01296 620450 Fridays 10.00 Churches together in Wendover Noah’s Ark Parent & Toddler Group, Wendover Christian Centre

Call or email for ideas

OCTOBER Mon 01 19.30 Wendover Parish Council Meeting held in Wendover Library Room. All welcome Tue 02 12.00-13.30 Justice & Peace Lunch: Home made soup. Suggested donation £3.00. W. Christian Centre Tel 01296 624140 or Tue 02 20.00 Kimble & Ellesborough Horticultural Soc. Meeting , Trees & Shrubs for the Small Garden. Stewart Hall 07780900936 Wed 03 9.30-11.00 Lee Common School Open Morning - call 01494 837267 www.leecommon.org Wed 03 10.00 Wendover U3A, Bucks Coaching Inns : Julian Hunt, St Mary’s Church, Wendover WENDOVER MEMORIAL HALL Thu 04 10.00-15.00 ebay Agency Day at Florence Nightingale Hospice Shop—see page 3 for details. Ideal for Thu 04 19.00 Wendover Library Reading Group : For details call 07979 855047 Weddings/Functions etc Fri 05 20.00 Theatre in the Villages Fairy Tales in Cabaret w. Cat Weatherill, St Anne’s Hall, see editorial pg 3 Sat 06 10.00-13.00 BBOWT Plant & Produce Market, Memorial Centre, Link Road, Gt. Miss, HP16 9AE late licences available Sat 06/Sun 07 10.30-16.30 Artists & Makers Fairs at Waddesdon Manor Plant Centre: see advert on page 3 Enquiries : 07804 671445 Sat 06 19.30 Wendover Beatles. See advert page 3 and editorial page 4 Wed 10 19.00 Grandparents Association Support Group, Holiday Inn W. Turville Call 01296 582614 AngieWMH@aol.com Thu 11 09.00-11.00 Chesham Prep School Open Day for Ages 3-13, Contact Registrar 01494 782619 Thu 11 19.30 Village Quiz starts Wendover Bowls Club—all welcome to come and support BBOWT PLANT & Thu 11 19.45 Wendover Evening WI, Helen & Douglas House : Ellen Jardine St Anne’s Hall, 01296 582318 Thu 11 20.00 Chiltern Writers: Blacksmith Poet on factors that have influenced Poetry : Wendover Library Room PRODUCE MARKET Fri 12 19:30 Wendover Society Harvest Supper, Memorial Hall, guest speaker Julian Hunt, call 01296 620450 Sat 6 Oct, 10am to 1pm GM Memorial Centre HP16 9AE Sat 13 9.30-Noon Chesham Prep Open Day, Ages 3-13, Contact Registrar for more details 01494 782619 Sat 13 10.00-16.00 Artists & Makers Fairs at Thame Town hall - see advert on page 3 • Excellent value plants & bulbs • Tasty homemade produce COPY DATE FOR next edition of WENDOVER NEWS MONDAY 15 OCTOBER • Books, crafts, gifts, refreshments Mon 15 9.00-18.00 No 1 High Street invitation: mulled wine and mince pies to launch the Xmas Range. Ad 3 • Free entry, free parking (1hr) Thu 18 9.00-15.00 (Trade 8.00am) Legacy Fairs, Antiques & Collectors Market, Wendover Memorial Hall Thu 18 14.30 Wendover Hort Soc. Meeting: Going East: Constable Country : Jean Hall, Library Rm. CONCERT Thu 18 20.00 Aylesbury Centre of National Trust: Grandma Flew Spitfires : Richard Poad, Broughton Jnr School St Mary the Virgin W/Turville Sat 20 09.00-13.00 Local Produce Market : Manor Waste, Wendover Saturday 20th October, 7.30 Sat 20 19.30 Royal British Legion : Shirley Marie – Vocalist, Agnew Hall, Chiltern Road, Wendover 622219 Sat 20 19.30 Concert: Dixieland Swing Kings trad jazz 60’s style. £10 at door or clock tower or 424982 The Dixieland Swing Kings Tue 23 9.15, 10.15 & 11.15 Book a tour for Open Morning of John Hampden School 622629 Trad Jazz 1960’s style Fri 26 20.00 WT Historical Society Murders in C19 Bucks: Leonard Woodley : Visitors £2, W. Turville Village Hall Tickets £10 at door or Clocktower Fri 26-Sun28 Learn the Lord’s Prayer in Aramaic : £40 for the course — for all details see page 5 Enquiries 424982 Fri 26 20.00 Theatre in the Villages, The Incredible Dr. Guttmann, S Mandeville Meth Church Hall. Editorial p6


Halton Singers in

Peter Bird Garden Design

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PENTECOSTAL CHURCH London Rd (A413) Wendover Dean (Corner of Bowood Lane)

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Wendover News is printed by Alan John Printing Services

Events Rotary Craft Fair Sat 29 September, St Anne’s Hall 11am-4pm A wonderful opportunity to start Christmas shopping for gifts and cards.

01296 614707 JESUS IN HIS OWN WORDS The Lord’s Prayer in Aramaic Fri 26—Sun 28 October, £40 Wendover Christian Centre Led by Rev Jenny Williams tel 01296 622707 email mheald@uk2.net

Primary School Open Mornings If your child was born between 1 September 2008 and 31 August 2009 you must apply for a school place between 12 Nov 2012 and 15 Jan 2013. Lee Common School open morning is on Wednesday 3 October 9.30-11am, www.leecommon.org / 01494 837267. John Hampden School open morning is on Tuesday 23 October with tours around the school at 9.15, 10.15 and 11.15am. Please telephone the school on 01296 622629 if you would like to book on a tour.


LEGACY FAIRS Antiques & Collectors Market

Thursday 18 October 9am-3pm (Trade 8.00am) Entrance by donation to Charity

Wendover Memorial Hall WENDOVER TODDLERS at 40

Saturday 20 October The Wendover Beatles and guests SATURDAY 6 OCTOBER 7:30PM - MIDNIGHT WENDOVER MEMORIAL HALL, HP22 6HF Licensed bar Tickets £10 per head

1.00 - 3.30 pm Wendover Memorial Hall Past and Present Members invited £2 per family

01296 696933 JOHN HAMPDEN SCHOOL OPEN MORNING Tuesday 23 October Tours around the school at 9.15, 10.15 & 11.15

Please call to book a tour Thu 4 October Florence Nightingale H Shop, 10am—3pm King & Queen/Christopher Pallet For Heart Foundation & RP 01296 622629 Rob Lehmann, the ebay manager at Florence Nightingale Hospice Charity will be in the Wendover Shop for an agency day. Please bring in any items you would like to sell on ebay ARTISTS and MAKERS FAIRS to the shop opposite the Manor Waste in Wendover conveniently close to Wendover Library Car Park. He will do Sat/Sun 6 & 7 October all the photography, listing, packaging and posting for you for Waddesdon Manor Plant Centre HP18 0JW 10.30 — 16.30 a small fee which goes straight to the charity. £3 entry: for Iain Rennie, Helen and Douglas Hse & Young Carers Bucks

Cat Weatherill: Theatre in the Villages

Sat 13 October & Sat 24 November Friday 5 October, St Anne’s Hall 8pm Thame Town Hall, OX9 3DP 10.00 — 16.00 Describing Cat as a storyteller is akin to describing Everest £1 entry: supporting Helen and Douglas House as a hill. She brings a distinctive contemporary voice to an Sat 10 November ancient art. Enjoy a glass of wine and canapés and listen to Wendover Memorial Hall, HP22 6HF 10.00 – 16.00 her tantalising Italian folk tales – sensazionale!! In aid of £1 entry: supporting Chiltern MS Centre locally based charity Uganda Orphans Bega kwa Bega. www.sallyevansevents.co.uk 01296 696747—sllyevan@aol.com Tickets £12:Clock Tower (696759) or Mike Spain (622678).

Christmas is coming to Number One .......... Please join us on

Monday 15th October between 9am and 6pm for a glass of mulled wine and a mince pie to celebrate the launch of our Christmas range of gifts and decorations Hope to see you then......

Vicky, Becky, Helen, Sue & Debbie Christmas opening hours Monday to Saturday 9am to 5pm

and 10.30am to 4pm from Sunday 4th November 1 HIGH STREET WENDOVER BUCKS HP22 6DU TEL No. 01296 623150 FAX No. 01296 625138

4 www.wendover-news.co.uk October 2012


M J Electrical All electrical work undertaken

01296 632369 07790 737628 NICEIC registered

FENCING A small family business with over 25 years fencing experience. All types of fencing work undertaken

B. Gardner 01296 624607 07929 525736 www.gardnersfencing.co.uk

BBOWT Plant & Produce Market

Beatlemania in Wendover

Sat 6 Oct 10am-1pm, GM Memorial Centre With Autumn fast approaching, this is a wonderful opportunity for both restocking and injecting some colour into your garden with a wide range of perennials and winter bedding plants on sale. Indoor plants, including hyacinths and spring bulbs in pots, books, white elephant, Wildlife Trust gifts and craft and produce stalls will also be at the sale, along with delicious home made refreshments. The aim of the Trust is to look after and protect wildlife interests in the locality for this and future generations and with this in mind all profits raised will go to the Wildlife Trust's fighting fund against HS2. Your support would be greatly appreciated.

Sat 6 October, 7.30, W Memorial Hall To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the release of their first single Love Me Do, Graham Evans is organising a Beatles Evening at the Wendover Memorial Hall. The Wendover Beatles first performed at the 25th anniversary of the release and are re-forming for this special night. Also on the night various other musicians will perform Beatles numbers. Profits will be donated to the Heart Foundation & Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP). There will be a licensed Bar and tickets of £10 are available from The King & Queen and Christopher Pallet Estate agents.

Art in action in Bucks Sat-Sun 6-7 Oct, Waddesdon Plant Centre The Artists and Makers Fair is one of the largest visual arts events in the area and visitors will be able to see local artists in action giving live demonstrations. The event is open 10:30am-4.30pm, at £3 per adult, with a significant proportion going to local charities Helen and Douglas House, Ian Rennie Grove Hospice and Bucks Young Carers. Staff from each of the charities will be at the event to explain the work that they do. For more details visit the website http://www.sallyevansevents.co.uk/ home

Brew & Browse Thu 11 Oct, 9-12, Florence N H Shop Come into the shop, enjoy some coffee and cake, make a donation, browse the shelves.

Chesham Prep Open Mornings Wed 11/Sat 13 Oct, See What’s On listings Parents are welcome to visit.

The President’s Prize (W Society) Friday 12 Oct, W Memorial Hall The Wendover Society will present Tony Mogford MBE with the President’s Prize at its harvest supper recognising exceptional community service to Wendover by an individual or an organisation. Wendover News was the 2010 winner.

P. KERNAN TREE SURGERY All aspects of tree work undertaken Hedges maintained. Fully qualified—fully insured Local authority approved: free estimates Firewood for sale

Tel: 01296 330501 Direct: 07763 073663 94 Tring Road, Wendover, HP22 6NX

www.wendover-news.co.uk October 2012

Events The Society is honouring Tony Mogford for his outstanding service to the community including his role as a Foundation Trustee of the Lionel Abel-Smith Trust and more than 35 years as Chairman. He spent 25 years of service in Local Government and has a remarkable record supporting many other voluntary organisations including 50 years of involvement with the Memorial Hall, local schools, sports clubs and agricultural bodies. Tony Mogford has also played an important part in The Wendover Society, as a founder member in 1965 and as Vice-Chairman for 17 years. Tony Mogford first came to Bank Farm, Wendover in 1952. He is a talented farmer and beekeeper and well known for developing the skills of a long line of faithful sheepdogs. Most of all however Tony is respected and admired as a true gentleman who treats people with courtesy and consideration. Mike Beard More detail on www.wendover-news.co.uk

Wendover Toddlers at 40! Saturday 20 October On Saturday 20 October in Wendover Memorial Hall from 1-3:30pm Wendover Toddlers is celebrating its 40th birthday. The toddler group which is run by a committee of volunteers will be celebrating with plenty of

entertainment for children of all ages including Singalong Helen, lots of art activities, tattoos, face painting, lucky dip, raffle, cakes, cream teas and much, much, more. We would like to invite local families to come along to our party, especially former attendees! Entry £2 per family. For more information please call Michelle on 01296 696933 or send an email to mwhite@ags.bucks.sch.uk

Jesus in his language W/end 26-28 October, W Christian Centre You are invited to explore “The Lord’s Prayer” in Aramaic with Rev. Jenny Williams Friday evening - 7.30 - 9.30pm Everyone welcome. Taster and Beginning Praying with our whole body, breath and heartbeat Saturday 9.30am for 10.00 - 4.30pm This day will explore the prayer one line at a time, with times for personal reflection and sharing. Bring and share lunch Sunday 2.00 - 5.00pm A time of exploration together followed by the whole of the prayer. Time for reflection at the end followed by tea and cakes. Inclusive cost for the whole weekend: £40 Single sessions £5 (Fri), £30 (Sat) & £10 (Sun). Jenny is an ordained minister in the Church of Scotland. To reserve a place or find out more contact Margaret Heald Tel. 01296 622707 or email mheald@uk2.net


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Cupboards Alcove Units Wardrobes Bookcases Kitchens Norbert Levingston

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6 www.wendover-news.co.uk October 2012


Man & Van

starting at 7:00 pm (doors open at 6:00pm). Wine will be on sale on arrival and in the Thu 25 & Fri 26 October, HP22 5UJ interval and a mega celebratory hamper will Stoke Mandeville Methodist Church Hall Single Items be raffled during the evening. This is a local story of global significance House Clearance especially commissioned for this year of Fully Insured London 2012. Suitable for adults and All profits from ticket sales will be split Eco LPG Mercedes children 13+. Known simply as “Poppa”, between “Help for Heroes” and “The Chilterns Guttmann was a charismatic, witty, yet MS Centre”. David incredibly driven individual, whose work and 077942 68575 revolutionary ideas gave new hope to so This is a celebration with our own community 01296 696352 many and touched the lives of people all over and friends, a bit like The Last Night of The david@cooleprojects.com the world. However, his personal story is Proms, only cheaper than going to The Royal equally powerful. This captivating new play is Albert Hall! Tickets are £17.50 each and HAWTHORN GARDENING a story full of passion, determination, humour, once they are gone, they are gone, so haste Pruning & Weeding adversity but most of all learning to start over ye as fast as you can to purchase tickets at Hedge & Tree Work, Lawn Care Grass Cutting, Small Landscapes again. Tickets £10 (£8) from Peter Vernon one of the following: The High Street Church Shop, “@St Mary’s” or The Clock Tower, or 01296 613458. Roy Seabrook contact the Rotary Club by following the H: 01296 625531 website link to “Let The Chilterns Sing” at Other performances: M: 07906 398187 Don’t forget to Wed 24 October, 8pm, Dorney Village Hall www.wendoverrotary.org. SL6 0DS. Al Russell 01628 784515 or save your Jubilee / Olympic flags for P B CARPENTRY energetic flag waving on the night and if you Fully qualified enquiries@dorneyvillagehall.com cabinet maker / joiner Saturday 27 October, 7.30pm, Akeley plan to walk, you may need a torch to light Village Hall MK18 5HB. 01280 860012 or your way from the Wendover High Street Kitchen installation along the Heron Path to the Church. 07843 311837 Flooring Fitted Wardrobes Courtyard Christmas Fair Let The Chilterns Sing, Cabinets Sat & Sun 24 & 25 November Saturday 17 November 7pm, St Mary’s Stud Walling Wendover’s Rotary Club says “Hooray for Once again, the Barn Courtyard Door hanging Heroes” and wants you to ‘sing your hearts behind Antiques at Wendover on Tiling out’, to the accompaniment of The Central the High Street will host lots of wonderful local craft stalls at their annual Christmas RELIABLE - No job too small Band of The Royal Air Force on Saturday 17 November in St Mary’s Church Wendover Fair. There will be plentiful gifts and festive Call Paul 07723 573698 goodies.

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call Pete on 0800 311 8385 or mobile 07881 555482 email pete@wendover-computers.co.uk New website www.wendover-computers.co.uk

October 2012 www.wendover-news.co.uk 7

No2 Pound Street Autumn is officially upon us and as the cold Wednesday 3rd October ~ descends things are really heating up inside New Season Products Launch No. 2. Why not join us as we start the run up to the festive season with competitions, Come and see our new arrivals and enjoy a 10% discount on Early Bird Hamper and evening shopping events, exhibitions, and Turkey orders food fairs galore! Keep an eye out for the No2 team on the road and get some Wednesday 31st October ~ inspiration for Christmas with delicious tasters and fantastic promotions. If you can't Pumpkin Carving Competition Judging make the Food Festivals, don’t despair, as Bring along your spookiest creations in the we will also be taking up our regular spot at run up to Halloween for your chance to win the Princes Risborough market, as well as some very special chocolate . . . once again joining the winter wonderland at Waddesden Christmas Food Fair! Wednesday 15th November ~ Discount Hamper and Turkey Order No. 2 Pound Street has also received a great Evening honour this year in taking over from well known British institution as the Spectator Last chance to order your Copas turkey for Magazine's hamper provider of choice, and this year and an opportunity to receive a 10% discount on hampers we are focusing on making your Christmas shopping easier and more enjoyable than Wednesday 5th December ~ ever, with hampers and gifts of every form. Wendover’s Late Night Christmas From stocking fillers to grand gestures; Shopping novelty nibbles to your entire Christmas Day Dinner in a box, we want to end an incredibly Why not shop in style? Join the town and us memorable year for Wendover, and indeed for a festive evening with themed food and Britain, with another reason to celebrate – a drink whilst you browse Great British Feast! We are already getting excited about warming winter wines and munching on mince pies, and we hope you will join us at our seasonal events:

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Let us wish you a Merry Christmas with a free glass of mulled wine and a mince pie!

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Email: athy28@hotmail.com

8 www.wendover-news.co.uk October 2012



24 Hours Emergency Call Out

Wendover HS2

Judicial review is in December and remains the best hope of killing HS2. Whoever loses will appeal so more funding will be needed in 2013. The Northern announcement due soon will renew media interest and create a fresh storm of protest. There is a new business case, again. We are lobbying the new Secretary of State. The hybrid bill is only 12 months off, last consultation Spring.

A third Secretary of State for Transport in a year! Patrick McLoughlin, MP, former Chief Whip. What does it mean? Three possibilities: firstly, he rams it through using Paul Deighton (the ex-banker who built the Olympics) as the hit man, the pace is already quickening; secondly, complete the current Fully qualified & Insured surveying then mothball HS2 till the airport Office: 01296 581200 Mobile: 07771 510 971 consultation reports in late 2015; third, scrap To help to save Wendover, donate £20 or HS2 - we wish! acsplumbingservices@hotmail.com more a month by standing order to Compensation consultation has been Wendover HS2, Lloyds TSB, Sort Code 30delayed as the new Secretary of State needs 90-38, Number 30265860 or ask for a form. to review. We will hold a meeting when it It’s spent on the campaign. ELECTRICAL SERVICES starts - you’d like compensation? ELECSA Approved Contractor For information on property access and From a Single Socket to HS2 is offering £1,000 for property access. standing orders contact Antony Chapman on Complete Rewire Competitive Rates 623730 or email: You need not agree and you can negotiate. 0 1 2 9 6 0800 3345823 07944 251828 Please let us know if you have a request and chap@halevalley.wanadoo.co.uk. CCS be careful as the agreement is appalling. Are Christian’s intrusive investigations like boreholes The Lionel Abel-Smith Trust Cleaning The Trust has recently made a grant of needed? WHS2 has legal notes available. Service £5,000 as a contribution towards the costs of Domestic and Office cleaning Carpets Internal windows From the Community Forum on 10 a Judicial Review against the proposed High 01296 420248 September; the viaduct might be 60m (200ft) Speed Rail Link between London and www.christianscleaning.co.uk wide, 5.7m (19ft) off the A413, maybe 19m Birmingham, known as HS2, which, if it were Pest Control high (65ft) overall; the line is now 2m higher to go ahead, would have a huge detrimental at Nash Lee. A detailed noise map is due for effect on our village. This money was Wasps, Moles, Christmas; traffic impact in spring 2013; originally reserved in February of this year Rodents, Insects construction disruption agreed between and brings the total amount given by the council and HS2 after 2015 – Wendover is Trust to fight this proposal to £11,000. Call Francis Glenys Newman, Clerk to the Trustees only a “stakeholder”. 07925 008425 NO JOB TOO SMALL Domestic Hot/Cold Water Systems Central Heating Systems, Power Showers & Boilers Electrics & Repairs Pumps Sanitation Systems, Tiling, Outside Taps, Drains Unblocked


Based in Wendover

In-toto Kitchens 5 Britannia Street Aylesbury Bucks HP20 1QS Tel 01296 337299 aylesbury@intoto.co.uk

October 2012

www.wendover-news.co.uk 9

Halton in the sun garden at Tree Tops was amazing. His This took place on that wonderfully warm and manager, Ray Tapken has already said that sunny Sunday 9 September. The whole day they would like to come back next year. was spectacular with over 2000 people coming to the fete and classic car event. The We expect to have raised in excess of £5 000 weather was on our side and many people from the fete and a further £2 000 from the have told us how much they enjoyed the day. evening event. Many thanks to all who DLT (Dave Lee Travis) officially opened the helped to make the day a huge success. Grace Tipson event and had a ride on the steam train afterwards which hopefully he enjoyed. The Chilterns MS Centre RAF Apprentice Pipe Band were magnificent, The most enormous thank you has to go to some of whom had travelled a long distance Grace and Peter who masterminded the to be with us. Our local opera singer, Diana whole event and put all the work into making Sharp, sang a few numbers accompanied by it such a success, generously allowing their one of her students. Then we enjoyed music garden to be used. The Chilterns MS Centre from the Buckinghamshire Acoustic Club — a will be receiving an amazing £5 000 and the lovely relaxing atmosphere. Having 50 remainder of the income will go towards the classic cars also introduced a new dimension Halton Village Charities fund and the church. Sue Barber, MS Centre to the day and allowed vintage bus rides to Halton House. Owners went away with a RAF Halton special rally plate to commemorate the day. As well as Halton House, RAF Halton also opened some of its other treasures including The evening concert with Laurie Holloway, the Trenchard Museum which traces the Dave Olney and Harold Fisher along with history of the Halton Apprentices who learnt some of their 2012 students was a huge their much sought after skills from 1922 to success. Laurie has played with many 1993. Visits to the Trenchard Museum can famous people and written music for Dame be booked on Tuesdays 10 till 4pm on 01296 Cleo Laine, Judy Garland and Anthony 656841 or email: francishanford@lineone.net Newley to name but a few. He has been Parties and individual visits welcome. In musical director for the likes of Engelbert recent years RAF Halton has also excavated Humperdinck and Liza Minnelli and of the trenches which were dug during World course, has long been associated with War 1 training and are now considered to Parkinson. To have him playing in the be the best in Europe.

Halton Village Fete

Handy Man Cliff Truluck Kitchen, Bedroom & Bathroom fitting Carpentry, plastering, plumbing & tiling All decorating from start to finish For friendly and reliable service, call Cliff on: 07970 065442 (daytime) 01296 381452 (evenings)

JUST AERIALS Digital TV & Satellite specialist New aerials supplied & fitted Sky, HD Freesat, DAB, Freeview Tel: 01296 330621 Mob: 07816 659644 Email: rob@justaerials.co.uk

PAINTING & DECORATING V. SIMMONS 40 years experience For best prices, ring : Home 01296 613387 Mobile: 07712 620167 Learn to Drive with ROUND THE BEND DRIVING SCHOOL Special offer - £15 per hour for the first three hours, then just £23 per hour! If you are interested call Brian on

01442 381549 or 07988 742385

STORAGE Local farm has car, general & workshop storage all in a very secure purpose built building

01494 837549 bernardtompkins@hotmail.co.uk

10 www.wendover-news.co.October 2012


AUSSIE PLASTERING Over 20 years experience No job too small

07981 196275 01296 482263 aussieplastering@hotmail.co.uk

We need volunteers to help with all aspects of our work

01296 432339

Local Seamstress Sally Stow 01296 625212 07900922964

Iain Rennie Grove House Hospice Care (IRGH) has seen an unprecedented rise of 25% in referrals to its hospice at home service already in 2012 - more than double the numbers expected.

over to a dedicated night team rather than a nurse on call. Prior to this, ‘out-of-hours’ meant after 5pm, which limited our capacity to take on new patients towards the end of the typical working day.

Director of Nursing and interim Chief Executive Sue Varvel explains: “The number of adults for whom we were providing hospice at home care rose by 17% during the last financial year - and so far in 2012 the increase is even higher. Part of the reason for this is that people are living longer with more complex conditions; another reason is that the profile of hospice at home is growing and patients are more aware that they have a choice about where they receive care.”

Director of Fundraising Gillian Barnett explains: “In the last financial year we saw a 2% increase in our fundraising income, which brought in £3.07million towards our nursing service. This growth is a remarkable achievement, given the depressed state of the UK economy.” The remainder of IRGH’s annual running costs comes from retail and trading, plus an annual grant from the local Primary Care Trusts (PCTs). IRGH recently received a small injection of additional funding from both the Herts PCT and the Bucks PCT for its hospice at home services. However, this income accounts for less than 15% of the charity’s overall £6.5 million annual running costs, hence the charity is so reliant on the generosity of the general public to keep meeting the growth in demand for its service.

We know that most people with a life-limiting illness would prefer to remain at home. Our service is designed to make this choice possible, providing specialist and practical care on a scheduled and 24/7 responsive basis as well as support for all the family. In November 2011 we implemented a new approach to the out-of-hours element of our 24/7 service. Having piloted a three-shift pattern in 2010-11, we found that being able to take on more scheduled visits during the evening shift reduced the waiting list that we had been managing. Nurses are now able to plan visits to new patients as part of their shift, up until 9pm at night, when they hand

Adam and the team at The Shoulder of Mutton would like to thank the people of Wendover for joining in the Garden Party on Saturday 1 September. It was a lovely end to the school holidays when whole generations of families came together to join in the fun. Over £500 was raised, the equivalent of more than 20 hours of Iain Rennie nursing time.

October 2012

www.wendover-news.co.uk 11


Liz Brown General Yoga Pregnancy & Postnatal Yoga Yoga Therapy

The Florence Nightingale Hospice Charity (FNHC) would like to say a very big thank you to all the superheroes who popped in to the Wendover shop for free face-painting and participation in the first-ever Wendover Window Superhero Treasure Hunt. 20 children were treated to Superhero face painting, courtesy of ACE Face-Painting, from Darth Maul to Batman, with 15 local businesses lending their support to this local Hospice. For more information about Aylesbury Superhero 5k fun run, jog, walk or crawl, taking place in Watermead on Sunday 14 October, see www.aylesburysuperhero.co.uk or contact the Superhero Team on 01296 429975.

01296 624004 07941 425187 lizbrown@siggers.co.uk www.lizbrownyoga.co.uk


• Poor Reception Solved - Aerials repaired & supplied

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The Charity raised over £5 000 through this event last year, the equivalent of funding over 40 visits by the Florrie’s Children’s Team to the homes of children with a life-limiting illness. The Charity would also like to thank the volunteers on stalls at the Rotary Club Fair, St Anne's Hall, on 29 September, selling Christmas cards and new goods. The Charity relies heavily on support from its volunteers – currently over 400 of them - who kindly dedicate their time to support this worthy local cause. To find out more about volunteering for the Charity please contact Sue Jenkins on 01296 332600 or email suejenkins@fnhospice.org.uk.

John Wiggins Plastering Services ℡: 01296 489393 / 07905 833190

email: adam_wiggins@tiscali.co.uk www.johnwiggins.co.uk

Mother’s Help required for a stay at home mum Mon - Thurs 4.30 to 7.30 pm to help with tea and bathtime for 3 very young children Contact: 07881 200330


The Florence Nightingale Hospice Shop in Wendover will be undergoing a refit in the middle of October and apologise in tomchamlet@gmail.com advance for any inconvenience in case of possible early www.tomchamletbuilders.com closure times.



12 www.wendover-news.co.uk October 2012

Accompany your wedding/drinks reception, lunch, dinner or club night with David, who plays saxophone & clarinet with full band, high quality backing tracks - jazz standards, Latin, film /s how tunes & pop. Adult & child saxophone/clarinet tuition available. Beginners welcome. Audio samples/playlist etc. on www.solosaxclarinet.com Tel. 01296 615118

All electrical work undertaken: Domestic, Commercial & Industrial Installations and testing, CRB checked Call Daniel 07719 570327 / 01296 581715 www.djcelectrical.co.uk d.chamlet@djcelectricalcontractors.co.uk

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Wendover Games Nigel Gilding I secured a role as a National Olympic Assistant for the J am aic an T eam based at the Olympic Village. I applied for the role some 3 years ago to see where it might lead. Last year I was offered the role, and training commenced in January 2012 attending a number of training courses including driver training to enable me to drive the sponsors’ BMW cars during the games. In May I was advised the team I would be supporting was Jamaica which is the most high profile team at the games so you can imagine my excitement. My duties commenced on Sunday 22 July with the arrival of the Chef de Mission. I met all the team including the big guns Usain Bolt, Johan Blake (in photo), Asafa Powell, ShellyAnne Fraser-Pryce, Veronica CampbellBrown together with the Jamaican Prime Minster and Princess Anne.

During my three weeks with the team there were a number of highs, lows and long days. I made a number of new friends and I have a number of souvenirs together with Jamaican Puma sportswear - you might see me running around Wendover in my new kit!!

Marilyn Storer I was a Games Maker at Wembley Stadium which hosted both Men’s and Women’s football matches including the finals. I felt a little conspicuous when I ventured out in my uniform for the first time but I need not have worried; the effect was fascinating. It started on the station platform when people I had never met before came up to me and asked where I was volunteering and what I was doing. This continued throughout the journey where I was joined by more and more Games Makers.

I was in the Press Operations Team and my duties covered manning the Venue Media Help Desk. In essence this meant helping journalists and photographers; either providing information or guiding them to the places that they needed to get to. My I really enjoyed the role and it was an specialist subject became how to get to the experience of a life time; I guess something I Toilet! This was an interesting exercise in will never get the opportunity to do again. communication between people who had only

I was also fortunate enough to go to the Stadium on four occasions including the We also offer an installation service Men's 100 metre final, the closing ceremony, for any goods you have purchased from anywhere.We will install and and I witnessed Team GB success at boxing. set up for you.

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Call, click or come in . . .

October 2012 www.wendover-news.co.uk 13



a smattering of English and me who had practically no knowledge of their language. I found that I could manage a few words in French, Spanish and even Japanese but I failed in one instance where I had to resort to leading a man to the door of the Gents! I had not been to a professional football match before so was very surprised by the noise, which was especially noticeable when I had to show a photographer to the Field of Play – the door even had noise hazard warnings on it. Because journalists need to file their stories after the match, the Media Centre was open for 3 hours after close of play which resulted in quite late finishes. On the day of the Women’s final I arrived home at 02.05 am.

team. Event Services volunteers were known as the "Face of the Games", as our role was helping people enjoy their visit to the Games, including showing spectators to their seats, managing queues, giving directions and answering queries. I also had a spell filling up people's water bottles, so every day was different! I had been a volunteer for 2 years at the Florence Nightingale Hospice Shop, working alternate Saturdays on the till, and I know that this customer-facing experience helped the success of my application, together with the walks I occasionally lead with my local rambling group, Single File.

It was such a wonderful experience. I have great memories but also various mementos including a specially produced souvenir relay I enjoyed my time at the Arena so much that baton. We were told this was a limited I volunteered for extra shifts at Wembley edition baton – only 70,000 had been issued! Stadium too, and it was great to see the inside of the new Stadium and see a women's football match. As with all the other Hilary Neve I applied to be a Games Maker in 2010 and Games Makers, I am so proud to have been had nearly given up hope of being successful a part of such a successful Olympics in this when, a year later, I was interviewed. After country, one which won't happen again in my that everything moved quickly and I was lifetime. The Athletes Victory Parade in delighted to be offered a role at Wembley London on 10 September was the last Arena as a member of the Event Services chance to wear my uniform!

Bathroom Suites, Cloakrooms Showers, Kitchen Utilities, C/Heating franco_fennell@o2.co.uk 07967 638527 ℡01296 625447 Wendover

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01296 613431 Kate Holt ∙ Book Keeping Bureau VAT Returns ∙Payroll ∙Sage Training Cashflows ∙ Business plans ∙ Accounts Help when it really matters 07841 427832 ∙ kate.holt@virgin.net

14 www.wendover-news.co.uk October 2012

John Colet

Sandra Ferguson £36

Well done to all students who sat external attained the higher English Language grade then our 5A*-C including English and Maths exams this summer. would have been high fifties. We are working A level GCSE with national organisations to see if a legal challenge is possible as the changes were Pass rate 98% n/a unfair, midprocess, and no-one knew what A* - C 60% 73% had happened until the actual results were published in August . A* - G n/a 98% Will Gurton was our top achiever at A-level Well done to our top performers Liora Michlin with 2 A* grades in Sociology and Sports with 10 A* grades and 2 As and James Davis with 5 A* grades and 7 As. Studies and a B in Religious Studies.


In common with many UK schools, John Experienced GARDENER Colet students sat the GCSE English Language exam this summer set by the AQA Reliable Service exam board whose marks were most Tel: 01296 613973 severely adjusted. About 20% of our Mobile: 07598 595872 students would have achieved a higher (fully insured) English Language grade if we had submitted their controlled assessment marks in January rather than June: same work, different grade, ASTON CLINTON only because the marks were submitted at a SUPPER CLUB later date. OFQUAL has suggested that teachers overmarked work.

I have written in the past about our curriculum and that it is sometimes hard to compare our results with other schools. At John Colet, our curriculum is based on traditional GCSE subjects and so if a student achieves, for example, 12 GCSE grades, they have studied 12 separate GCSE subjects. We do not offer any subjects which are counted as being equivalent to 2 or 4 GCSEs. Our curriculum is harder and traditional. So what are we focussing in on this year?


At John Colet, our controlled assessment moderator was extremely complimentary about the quality of work and marking and made no changes to the marks. Like many schools nationally and locally, our 5A*-C including English and Maths dropped and is about 50% which is nowhere near what we were expecting. If the 20% of students had

We continue to make sure that every student achieves the best that they can. Our science department has had a £220,000 refurbishment this summer so our students now have 21st century science teaching facilities which will further improve achievement. Assessment for Learning is


Skin Care at Scruples Now is the perfect time to treat yourself to a therapeutic Carole Franck facial Let us assess your needs for a clearer complexion at our skin clinic with one of our trained therapists and take advantage of our October and November special offer of a FREE blow dry after your treatment with a selected team member Call 01296 622043 to book today and mention the free wash and blow dry offer

16 HIGH STREET, WENDOVER, BUCKS HP22 6EA online booking available


Pilates, Beginner-Improver @ 10.15, Halton - £5.50 per session Chair Based Exercise for the Older Adult @ 2.30pm, Halton - £5.00 per session Zumba Gold for the Older Adult @ 6.30pm, Wendover - £5.00 per session

TUESDAYS Pilates, Beginner-Improver @ 6.30pm, Wendover - £5.00 per session For further information contact: KATRINA RANCE Qualified Level 3 Instructor Fitness Pilates Bodypump/Chair Based Exercise & Zumba Gold

Register of Exercise Professionals MOBILE: 07773454287

EMAIL: katrinarance@live.co.uk


October 2012

School being improved through a revised homework and feedback policy. Many of our students are active in school led activities in the community or local community groups and clubs. This year, we are introducing an accreditation for this work. To be active citizens, young people need to have an awareness of the world they live in. This year, all year groups will be looking at current affairs at least once a week in registration time when we will be introducing literacy, numeracy and problem solving activities. There has been discussion nationally about school sport following the Olympics and Paralympics and we must congratulate former student Pam Relph who won gold at the Paralympics in the mixed coxed rowing fours. Sport is a strength of the school. All students in Years 7 to 11 have 4 hours of timetabled sport per fortnight. Many take part in the numerous clubs at lunchtime and after school. They are also active in community sports clubs including those for young people with disabilities. We are also pleased that community groups are able to use our excellent sports facilities. We are very much looking forward to a successful year. Christine McLintock, Head Teacher John Colet School, Wharf Road, HP22 6HF

www.wendover-news.co.uk 15

Graham Blake Soft furnishing

Golden Girl from Weston Turville Weston Turville girl and former John Colet School pupil, Pamela Relph won a Gold Medal in the Rowing Mixed 4 LTA+ on Sunday 2 September.

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Loose covers Curtains Re-Upholstery Carpets Conservatory Blinds Shutters Tracks & Poles TEN YEAR GUARANTEE

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Her nearest post box was painted gold in September and the promised stamp was issued on Thursday 6 September. On Saturday 8 September the crew were invited to the Royal Albert Hall where they were welcomed by Roger Wright, Director of BBC Proms. During the Last Night traditional rendition of Rule Britannia the crew of the LTA Mixed 4 were invited onto the stage to celebrate their achievement of winning Gold at Eton Dorney. That was really a special and unforgettable moment. It was a befitting finale along with the procession through London on Monday 10 September.

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We aim to promote an atmosphere which encourages individuality, independence and the right to choose, whilst maintaining a safe, happy and caring environment.

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16 October 2012 www.wendover-news.co.uk

Julie Patterson Reiki Master, Teacher and Practitioner A therapy for the stresses and strains of modern living. • Promotes deep relaxation • Removes energy blocks • Enhances health & wellbeing • Reduces aches and pains • Preventative healthcare • Energises and balances • Reduces stress • Increases Energy Reiki treatments & courses for Reiki I & II are available.

07879 635377 Julie-patterson1@sky.com www.juliepattersonreiki.co.uk


Our Playground Leona Wheals has lived in Wendover all her believed that the playground was closed life. She remembers the fun she had as a approximately 12 years ago due to persistent child playing on the swings and slides dotted vandalism of the play equipment. around the village in various places. One of the most hidden was off footpaths from Barlow Road and Tring Road. She was very surprised when, as an adult, she discovered that the play equipment had been removed from this “Barlow Road” playground. It’s only a small area but she has photos of this park and knows for sure it had a climbing frame, swings for children and babies, slide, somersault bar, roundabout and see-saw .

Now that she is a mother herself, she is very upset to find that AVDC plans to sell this Ian Phipps MCFHP MAFHP piece of land for housing. All this during the Foot Health Practitioner “legacy” period after our brilliant Olympian and Paralympian Year when we are (Wendover – based) supposed to have stopped selling off playing Home Visits - 01296 696032 fields in order to encourage our youngsters to go out and be more active! Surgery at the Belmore Centre This piece of land is ideal for the children 01296 612361 who live on the hillside rising from Tring Registered Member of the British Association of Foot Health Professionals Road. It’s a long way and across dangerous roads for tiny feet to find another playground. The nearest is on RAF land with signs warning non-RAF people not to use the facilities.


The derelict playing field off Barlow Road AVDC Councillor Steve Bowles says: ‘‘ I have recently been made aware that AVDC may have plans to sell the Barlow Road play area. To ensure I am in full possession of the facts before commenting further I have contacted the relevant officer at AVDC to ascertain the full details of this matter. One concern I would have other than the loss of the play area is that the next nearest play area would mean crossing a main road. I will comment further when I have the full facts.”

Leona Wheals says: if you haven’t yet Wendover Parish Council says: the playing signed my written petition, please log on to contact Suzan 01296 630475 field has always belonged to and has www.ipetitions.com/petition/saveremained the responsibility of AVDC. It is barlow-road-land-rebuild-the-park/ www.suzanjoywells.co.uk Reduce stress and anxiety

Learn To Make a Patchwork Quilt Contemporary sewing made plain and simple For complete beginners upwards Learn basic skills from nine patch squares to appliqué Classes near Wendover beginning Sept 2012, 6 classes over 3 months Sewing machine not essential, can be made by hand or machine.

With over 30 years experience, we offer independent advice and a personal service. Your holidays are booked only with fully bonded tour operators. You can visit our office, call or email us to discuss your arrangements.

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A delightful bed and breakfast in a quiet residential area and within walking distance of Aylesbury town centre and the main London train line. A perfect partnership of a friendly and warm welcome along with the highest quality of accommodation and service. Kingsize Bed with en suite: Single occupancy £49.00, Double occupancy £40.00pppn

Twin Beds available on request. For more information please call 01296 709961



October 2012

www.wendover-news.co.uk 17

Leopold de Rothschild saddened to learn about the childhood he had a fondness for music and Leopold de Rothschild CBE became an accomplished pianist and May 1927 - 19 April 2012), violinist. He sang with The Bach Choir of London for many years and of Wendover Choral later served as its President. After two years in the Royal Navy he worked for a number Leo was a perfect gentleman who of city banks before becoming loved music and always had a twinkle partner of his family's bank N in his eye when he heard music well M Rothschild & Sons in 1956. perform ed, particularly if the performer happened to be a singer. In the past St George’s Church RAF Halton has been It was only three years ago when the a regular venue for Wendover late Lionel Abel-Smith, Lord of the Choral Society. The church is Manor of Wendover, who had been built on the original parkland President of the Wendover Choral Society for many decades decided to step of old Halton House. In 1918 Alfred down. The Society was very sorry to see Mr. Rothschild, a great party lover, bequeathed Abel-Smith go knowing that finding a the Halton estate to his nephew Lionel Nathan de Rothschild, Leopold’s father. replacement would be a difficult task. Shortly afterwards Lionel sold the complete Recognising the strong local connection in estate to the RAF at the knockdown price of Buckinghamshire with the Rothschild Family, £115,000. The new house, with its distinctive I and Sir Thomas Allen, Patron of the Choir Rothschild architecture, was built by and the Choir committee, agreed on Leopold’s great uncle and now serves as the approaching Leopold de Rothschild, the Officers’ Mess and as such has returned to British financier, musician, and philanthropist the glittering life so much enjoyed by Alfred. - renowned for his support of music - to see if he would be willing to become President. We It is a nice touch that in 2010 the Leopold de were all delighted that his answer was “yes”. Rothschild Charitable Trust provided funds for the Wendover Choral Society to sing at Mr Rothschild was the youngest child of Halton House as part of the entertainment for Lionel Nathan de Rothschild who served as the RAF Officer’s Summer Ball. Peter Bassano Conservative MP for Aylesbury. From I was very passing of FRCM (12 President Society.

THE PRACTICAL GARDENING COMPANY Reliable Lady Gardeners Garden tidying Regular garden maintenance

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Samantha McKinlay Hairdresser 07973 505076 Cutting, Colouring, Hair-up 18 years experience Call above number or email me


News from Wendover Health Centre 01296 623452 Influenza vaccination We are offering eligible patients seasonal flu vaccine during October and November 2012. Once again individual invitation letters will not be sent out, rather we ask that you attend sessions according to the first letter of your surname as follows: Saturday

for surnames beginning

13 Oct


20 Oct


27 Oct


3 Nov


The Health Centre will be open from 8.30am - 12noon on the above Saturday clinic dates. You do not need to make an appointment, simply arrive on the day. The health centre car park can be very busy so if you are able to walk to the surgery that would be greatly appreciated. If you are unwell or cannot attend on the allocated day

please choose an alternative Saturday or contact Reception. We will also be holding a flu vaccination clinic on Tuesday 16 October from 5.30pm 7.30pm. If you want to attend this clinic you must book an appointment. Please check our website for future Tuesday evening clinics. www.westongrove.com

treatment – e.g. HIV, some patients undergoing chemotherapy

In addition, if you are the main carer for an elderly or disabled person whose welfare may be at risk if you fall ill, you are eligible for flu vaccine. If you are unsure of your eligibility for flu vaccine please check with Reception. If you are eligible we strongly recommend that Eligible patients are: you undergo vaccination. Please advise • All those aged 65 or over on 31 March 2013 the nurse who deals with you if you are attending with a child under 5 as special • All pregnant women • Patients of all ages with the following long provisions apply for flu vaccination in this age group. term conditions: ο Chronic Respiratory disease (e.g. COPD,

ο ο ο ο ο ο ο

bronchiectasis, cystic fibrosis) and children who have previously been admitted to hospital for lower respiratory tract infection Asthma - patients who regularly use inhaled or systemic steroids Chronic Heart Disease Chronic Kidney Failure Chronic Liver Disease - Cirrhosis, biliary artesia, chronic hepatitis Chronic Neurological Disease - stroke, TIA Diabetes - Type 1, Type 2 requiring insulin or oral hypoglycaemic drugs, Suppressed immunity due to disease or

We regret that we are not in a position to offer vaccination for patients who are not eligible for free vaccination on the NHS. If you are not eligible but wish to be vaccinated we suggest you contact a local pharmacy. (Lloyds in Wendover plan to offer this service from October.) Changes to our usual opening hours We will close at 1pm on Wednesday 17 October for staff training.

18 www.wendover-news.co.uk October 2012


Wendover Youth Centre

has full facilities and secure garden Ideal for Children's parties/ exercise classes etc.

Phone 07742 689930 wendoveryouthcentre@gmail.com

11+ Coaching in Wendover with Experienced Tutor For more details phone:

07789 690139 01296 625548

Wendover (Men’s) Football Club

Mid Bucks Beekeepers Association

Wendover (Men’s) Football Club has training every Tuesday from 18:00 at the John Colet School playing fields. These are in the campus off Wharf Road, HP22 6HF. If you are interested in joining the club, please come down. Fixture details can also be found on www.footballmitoo.co.uk . The clubhouse is open for refreshments during and after our home matches from 2pm onwards. More information is available on Facebook: Wendover Men’s FC. The Russell Arms is proud to sponsor Wendover (Men’s) Football Club.

By all accounts we have had a very poor year for honey production, several of our members have reported little or no honey harvested. This is a reflection of the national situation with the harvest at less than 50% of the recent norm. Nevertheless we will be looking to the quality of our honey and associated products at our annual Honey Show on 17 October at the Bowls Club. We will shortly be sending out details of our New Beekeepers Course to all those who have registered. There are still a few places left for the course which commences in February. For details of the course and other Association activities go to www.mbbka.org.uk.

Wendover Tennis and Squash Club Kimble & Elles Horticultural Soc. October sees the start of the Aylesbury and District Tennis League; we have entered 6 teams this year and look to build on the success of recent years. During October the annual maintenance of the squash courts will be carried out. There should be minimal disruption during the works. This Autumn term we have tried to increase the choice of days and courses in our coaching programme for Tennis, Squash and Racketball. The complete programme can be found at www.wendovertennisandsquash.co.uk.

Tuesday 2 October 8 00 pm Stewart Hall Graham Talbot, a lecturer in Horticulture, will give a talk on selecting trees and shrubs for the small garden. He is always very informative and delivers a first class talk. If you would like more information about the society, please contact Tessa Madden, M e m b e r s h i p Sec r et ar y, 0 129 6 612648. For more details please see our website www.buc k s inf o.net/ kehs for more info.

Firewood logs for sale Seasoned and dry Produced from sustainably managed local woodland Supplying Wendover and its environs Contact Phil for further information, prices and ordering email. coxgrovewood@hotmail.com tel. 07764 219984

LYNDA JANE RAYBOULD & associate Beryl Hinton welcome all patients to

PERRY HOUSE DENTAL SURGERY for routine dental treatment. Acupuncture, Bleaching and Cosmetic treatments also available in a relaxing and friendly environment

Village Location Denplan Registered Please contact 01296 622631

October 2012


www.wendover-news.co.uk 19

Fergie’s Fitness

Exercise to Music us and treat yourself (and your partner) to a Shape up & Tone fun session of dancing. You won’t regret it Tuesdays Memorial Hall 6.30-7.45: £3.00 Tues: 7.00pm Weston Turville and ....... Come and join a new dance concept in Wed: 8.00pm Bedgrove Pavillion Wendover. Traditionally learning any type of Fri: 1.15pm Bedgrove Pavillion dancing requires people to attend lessons, IT REALLY IS AS EASY AS ABC. Exercise to Music (50+) often spread over a long period of time. For For further details phone Alan 07731 776654 For more information , please call many people today’s lifestyle is not really 01296 338140 compatible with this approach but they would Calling all Clubs and Societies ZUMBA GOLD at Methodist Church still love to dance once in a while! At Wendover News we are currently updating Hall Community Centre Aylesbury our records, so that the correct addresses Mondays: 1.30pm Zumba Gold In an effort to provide a dance experience and key people are notified on a regular 2.30pm Pilates without the need for a long term commitment basis with reminders and requests for we are introducing ‘Dance ABC’. contributions, so please expect a Swan Valley communication from us in the near future. Roofing ‘Dance ABC’ is a series of three dance sessions (A, B and C). Each session is If you get regular reminders from us and are Flat roofing specialists stand-alone and each session is slightly happy with the way things are, please let us Free Estimates - all work guaranteed Over 30 years experience different. Newcomers are welcome at any know when you receive our email prompt . If time and dancers can attend as often or as you are expecting to make imminent Tel: 01296 625433 seldom as they please – you will be able to changes, please let us know what they are CHEMISTRY TUITION join in and dance every time. and if you never hear from us but want to be A Level, GCSE or IB on our monthly reminder list, please get in ‘Dance ABC’ sessions will be held every touch with us on editor@wendoverWith experienced teacher Tuesday at the Wendover Memorial Hall from news.co.uk based in Wendover 6.30 – 7.45 p.m. (Doors open at 6.15 p.m.) and cost just £3.00 per person per session. Irish Music 01296 625547 There are no membership fees, no joining Any musicians or singers fees, no hidden extras - simply pay when you interested in joining a new PSYCHIC READINGS dance. venture playing informal Irish

‘Dance ABC’ Wendover

Experienced accurate clairvoyant offers friendly support and help on all life’s issues

Music sessions in the pub, please ‘Dance ABC’ is perfect for people of all ages e m a i l M a g g y C o l l i n s o n who are looking for an occasional pastime mcollins05@aol.com or call that is healthy, fun and friendly. Why not join 01296 331588

PROBLEMS WITH YOUR FEET Finding it difficult to cut your toenails? Ingrowing or thick toenails causing problem? Painful Corns & Calluses!

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Tel: 01296 624402

Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays throughout October free verbal jewellery valuations.

Good prices paid for scrap gold Open Monday - Saturday 10 - 5 Closed Wed and Sundays Large customer car park at rear of shop through archway

LANDCARE GARDEN SERVICES Family business Established 1985

Landscaping and grass cutting, walling, patios, driveways, fencing, turfing, hedge-cutting, tree trimming 01296 623605 07715 522087

20 www.wendover-news.co.uk October 2012

You Write Our Christian Aid tea on Sunday, 26 August, which was held in the Prescotts' beautiful garden, was a joyous and successful occasion. The weather was kind to us and we raised over £600. Many thanks to all who took part. Muriel Reip

gentleman named Ken Meades of North Carolina. He is hoping to get in touch with Michael 'Spike' France with whom he served in the Royal Signals in Cyprus between 1948-50. If anyone is able to shed any light please contact me via Wendover News. Denise Skidmore

It is wonderful that Wendover was able to join in this nationwide celebration. Our efforts have been rewarded with a certificate from the "All The Bells" organisers which is on display at the church for all to see. Jennifer Crummack Ringing Master St. Mary's Church

Charity Shops in Wendover.

Volunteer Treasurer needed


Volunteer Treasurer needed to join Trustee Body of local Nursing Home, preferably a qualified Accountant. Are you interested? Please contact Marianne Faux, Home Manager on marianne@leonardpulham.co.uk or 01296 625188.

What is it with being an allotment holder that turns people into pyromaniacs? I don't feel the need EVER to have a bonfire, there are plenty of ways to get rid of your garden waste these days,

Christian Aid

A warm, but qualified, welcome to the new Ian Rennie shop. There are two observations I would like to make on this subject. Firstly, it is regrettable that both our charity shops should be Hospice Shops as it narrows the choice for people who like to target their donations. Secondly, and far more seriously, may we hope that there will be no more charity shops in Wendover? A proliferation of charity shops is a clear indicator of a struggling shopping centre. (We only need to look at Aylesbury High Street to see a grim illustration of this.) I would suggest that a third charity shop would be even worse for Wendover than the much reviled Costa proposal. Val Brown

All the Bells

On behalf of all the bell ringers at St. Mary's Church I would like to thank everyone who made such a great effort to join us at our impromptu "All The Bells" event at St. Mary's Church on 27 July - at the early time of 8.12am! Every church bell, hand bell and even some toy bells were rung continuously for 3 minutes by children and adults together to mark the opening of the fabulous London 2012 Olympic & Paralympic Games. This national event Michael “Spike” French We recently received a letter addressed had bells ringing in every county in the to our home on Aylesbury Rd from a UK - as well as on television and radio!

I have seen people wheeling barrows full of garden waste TO the Aylesbury Road allotments, possibly from their own gardens to burn there! May I suggest that you do it in reverse, take your rubbish home with you and burn it. But maybe you don't want your homes and your washing smelling of smoke. We have had a few lovely days at the beginning of Septem ber, toda y included. As I type, smoke is billowing over my garden. It's quarter to two in the afternoon. If you must burn things could you please do it in the evenings when washing is in and windows are closed. J. Layfield

October 2012 www.wendover-news.co.uk 21

You Write Dog Fouling Responding to the letter about dog fouling, I totally agree with the writer. I was recently shocked and dismayed when I took my young grandchildren for a picnic up Coombe Hill. I love dogs, but having to watch where you are treading rather than being able to enjoy the beautiful views somewhat spoilt the day. It is not the responsibility of the dogs to clean up after themselves. Please, please dog owners, let us all enjoy a stress free family day out. Name and address supplied

Get Cycling Now that the Olympics are over, how about continuing the spirit with an increase in cycling in Wendover? Motorists could consider cycling instead of driving into the centre of Wendover. There are safe cycle routes that take you into Wendover. With properly fitted side panniers, considerable amounts of shopping can be carried. If you cycle into Wendover and thus use your car less, you would save money, be healthier and reduce air pollution and traffic congestion! If necessary, cycle training is available in Wendover and a cycle mechanic to check out your bike.


facilities (such as cycle paths, cycle racks, street lighting, and speed limits). For more information contact me or visit our website (www.getwendovercycling.org). Chris Peeler Tel 01296 624089

Wendover Community Library We are delighted to announce that Susan Morton has been appointed as Manager of the Community Library. Susan currently works at the Library in High Wycombe, she is an experienced Librarian, and in the past she has been the Manager of another Buckinghamshire County Library. She will begin work in Wendover towards the end of October, and soon after that the new 'Community Library' will be officially opened. Readers will remember that the Community Library will be run by the Wendover Community in partnership with the Buckinghamshire County Library Service. Susan will work with the professional staff, and a team of volunteer staff.

I can add that volunteer staff are now being appointed and the training programme for volunteers has made a good start. We must thank all those who have put there names forward in support of the Community Library.' As always, any member of the Community Get Wendover Cycling promotes cycling in Library Committee would be happy to give Wendover and surrounding villages and more information on our Library's transition to lobbies local authorities to improve cycling a Community Library.' Philip Mitchell, philmitchell43@ntlworld.com

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22 www.wendover-news.co.uk October 2012

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You Write

Congratulations to the organisers and From the moment we joined the towpath at volunteers for a most enjoyable day. Chris and Liz Pallet Wharf Road we were in a different world, one 01296 582215 of peace and tranquillity, flora and fauna. We New Bins know the beginning and end but not the rest A new system of waste collection started last of the Wendover Arm which meanders close month. Though there have been irritating to familiar road routes but gives a totally start-up problems, hopefully most of these Painting . Decorating different perspective. It took us 3½ hours to have been resolved and you are not Colour Design walk the 6.75 miles because there is so much spending too much time with items in your Interior and Exterior to see. How could we resist the hand wondering in which bin to deposit! 01296 630576 refreshments in the delightful garden at For a free estimate I have had some queries regarding coCanal Cottage, Halton? mingled (what a ridiculous word!) collections. DONNA’S IRONING SERVICE The highlight was the construction work with For instance who will be sorting the waste OF WENDOVER volunteers painstakingly working towards and is the paper value reduced accordingly? restoring the arm to navigation. The volunteers have modern diggers and Yes, the bins will have to be sorted and the transport vehicles but much of the hard work paper value will go down. However, the cost FREE evening collection is by hand by these remarkable "mature" men of separate collections is more expensive. and delivery - volunteering at its zenith. We remarked Changing from separate to co-mingled will Professionally ironed what incredible engineering was involved in save AVDC (and you) approx £300 per year. Over 15 years experience the initial construction where navvies would This means that the new system wins by the Fast friendly service have toiled in great numbers by hand. Some proverbial mile. The waste is being bought Minimum charge of only £12 of their bridges built for horses and carts over and sorted by one of the major mills in the ℡ 01296 620011 200 years ago now carry heavy lorries in country. They obviously believe it worthwhile 07738 467662 We learned that the and that the paper quality is not an issue for donnasironingservice@ntlworld.com large numbers. Tringford Pumping Station has electric them. pumps which were replaced in 1927 still EVANS PROPERTY Most changes take time to get used to, but lifting water 60ft. MAINTENANCE SERVICES this one is of benefit both environmentally plumbing, building, decorating Halton personnel guided us with care and a and financially. Any problems, please get in local and reliable cheery greeting. Finishing at the excellent touch. phone: 01296 622668 Chris Richards Grand Junction Arms at Bulbourne we mobile: 0780 4696183 District Councillor barry.evans550@ntlworld.com enjoyed one of their hog roast baps.

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October 2012

www.wendover-news.co.uk 23

Local Face: Esther Dearnley Content removed at the request of the subject

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24 www.wendover-news.co.uk October 2012

Wendover Parish Council Page

Matters Arising The History of the Clock Tower into the piers which supported the roof. The launch of a public fund was In 1842, by order of the Lord of the These were then lined with cast iron to Manor, Abel Smith, the old Towne take the weight. The fire engine was House which had fallen into disrepair only kept at the Clock Tower for seven years, but the bell of was demolished and the the clock was used Market House built. The to summon the fire original Market House brigade for many was twenty one feet years. square with a stumpy brick tower capped with a For the next 100 turret and weather vane. years the Clock A year later, a three faced Tower had no clock and chiming bell specific purpose were added at a cost of The Market House pre 1870 except as a time £90, raised entirely by keeper for the people of Wendover. Mr public subscription. Earnest Sharp who owned the clock In 1870 Philip Smith, who had shop in the High Street wound the clock succeeded his father as Lord of the from 1896 to 1926. The two great Manor, extended the Market House weights which drive the clock and the tower giving us the present day Clock hourly chiming mechanism have a Tower. The design, by W illiam vertical travel of 25 feet, weekly winding Wilkinson of Oxford, added 10 feet to reduces this by half. the height of the tower, included a drinking fountain, a horse trough and a In 1962 the building was officially Lockup ‘as a terror to evildoers’ and presented to the Parish Council by stocks (which were later moved to the Philip Smith’s great nephew, Lionel Abel Manor Waste). The existing clock made Smith, and is now a Grade 2 Listed by Field and Sons of Aylesbury was Building. installed at this time. The three faces were illuminated with open gas burners After 142 years the bell tower has at regular intervals around the outside of developed a slight lean. As a consequence we are in the process of the dial! organising the renovation of the clock Later in 1870 the Fire Brigade moved mechanism and the rebuilding of the into the Clock Tower. The building was upper part of the tower. Although there not wide enough to accommodate the is no hurry we hope to have the work width of the hand pumped, horse drawn completed next year. fire engine so horizontal slots were cut

mentioned last month and we hope the community is willing to take part and organise events to help swell the fund coffee mornings, a quiz, a beetle drive, etc. anything which is interesting and good fun. The project to raise awareness about the Clock Tower and its history will include two leaflets and a worksheet for children. Information is available on the new website – www.wendoverclocktower.org.uk As we have an article on the history of the Clock Tower this month the Chairman has kindly donated his space to raising the profile of this important project

Chiltern Railways At September’s Parish Council meeting the Councillors wished to acknowledge publicly the superb service provided by Chiltern Railways during the Olympic and Paralympic Games. Extra trains were put into service and late trains were held to ensure customers could get to their destinations, even the late returners leaving Marylebone around 2 . 0 0 am f o l l o wi n g t he O p e n i n g Ceremony! Well done the staff at Chiltern Railways, your efforts have been very much appreciated.

Local Produce Market Manor Waste 9am to 1pm Saturday 20 October

Wendover Parish Council, The Clock Tower, High Street, Wendover, HP22 6DU www.wendover-pc.gov.uk


01296 623056

Community Information Office


01296 696759

SUNDAY CHURCH SERVICES for OCTOBER 2012 WENDOVER FREE CHURCH, AYLESBURY ROAD 11.00am Morning Worship ST. ANNE’S ROMAN CATHOLIC, AYLESBURY ROAD 9.15am Sunday Mass; Confessions11.00am Saturdays HOLY FAMILY CATHOLIC CHURCH, HALTON : 10.30 am ST. MARY’S CHURCH OF ENGLAND 8.00am Holy Communion 1st Sunday at St Mary’s, thereafter St Anne’s 9.00am Holy Communion & 10.30am Varied Family Services & Jnr. Church

St MICHAEL’S C of E HALTON: 6.00pm Service every Sunday For more about church services, courses and meetings, visit the Churches Together Office:

@stmary’s, 11 High Street, HP22 5DU 01296 623123 10 am - 12.30pm each weekday

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