Established 1989
April 2014
Available in Dunsmore, The Lee, Halton, Wendover, Weston Turville and Liffré
What’s all the fuss about? It’s not every day that a barmaid turns 100! Dolly has been working at the Red Lion for the last 76 years. Fuller’s Brewery invites everyone to join in the celebrations for her birthday on Saturday 19 April. For more details see the pink pullout pages. Endings and beginnings One Friday, over two thousand years ago, a few of Jesus’ friends and family watched and waited on a hillside as they saw Jesus’ life brought to a cruel end on a cross. Their hopes and dreams were shattered and they wondered how they would ever be able to move on from this moment. Despite the years they had spent with Jesus, listening to his teachings and learning from him, they had no understanding that this ending was to herald a new beginning. So often endings are difficult and painful, but the message of that first Easter Sunday was, that although things had changed dramatically for Jesus’ followers, there was hope. Jesus’ resurrection was the beginning of new things. For the disciples and many, many others over the centuries, it marked the beginning of seeing and experiencing life in a new way and nothing could ever be the same again.
God’s message of hope, whatever endings we may be facing at this time. As I write this, my time as the minister of Wendover Free Church is drawing to a close and I will be leaving Wendover at the end of April. It is the end of a chapter and we don’t know what the future holds for the church or for myself, but I hold onto the Easter hope that there will be a new beginning. May I take this opportunity to thank you as a community for your friendship and support over the last four years and I wish you all well for all that lies ahead. Rev Heather McIntyre, Minister, Wendover Free Church
The views expressed by contributors are their own and not necessarily the views of the editor. contributions for May 2014 before
Monday 14 April (including payments for adverts) book early to avoid disappointment
01296 624270 Florence Nightingale Hospice Shop 19 High Street, Wendover HP22 6DX Wendover News is delivered through the door to many local households. If you do not receive one at home and would like to volunteer to deliver for us to your road, please contact the office (see above). Wendover News would like to thank all our willing volunteers.
Soon we shall be celebrating Easter in Ed: see Matters Arising on the back page for Wendover and I pray that we all may know details of the Clock Tower refurbishment.
RAF Flypast dates: Tuesday 1 & 15 April 1.30pm To celebrate the completion of training at RAF Halton we can expect a flypast (weather permitting).
ANTIQUES AT . . . WENDOVER April Mystery Object on view in the shop £10 Gift Voucher for the Winner February’s was a Vintage Rounders Bat
Any purchaser in the shop can enter the I love Wendover draw Open 7 Days a week Free car park at rear of shop THE OLD POST OFFICE WENDOVER, BUCKS 01296 625335
April 2014
What’s On in April 2014
for May 2014 events, please contact us before Monday 15 April Wendover News, Florence Nightingale Hospice Shop, High Street, HP22 6DX 01296 624270
LEGACY FAIRS Antiques & Collectors Market
Thursday 17 April
Calendar entry FREE, one line; What’s On Box charity rate £15 : 20 words
9am-2pm (Trade 8am) Entrance by donation to Charity
Wendover Memorial Hall
PENTECOSTAL CHURCH MEETS AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS Please contact us for more information
Services: Sat 8.00pm Sun 10.30am Enquiries: 07917 694800 pentecostalchurchwendover Scottish reg. charity No. SC 006960
Wendover Evening WI
Library Room, Wendover Sat 12 April 10am to 12 noon “Every Ticket Wins A Prize” tombola Handmade gifts & Phoenix cards Huge selection of homemade cakes
We need volunteers to help with all aspects of our work
01296 432339 HALTON SINGERS in
Tue 01 09.30-12.00 Wendover Sewing Bee, St Anne’s Hall, contact Deb 07903 743293 for details Tue 01, 08 and 15 12.30 Lenten Austerity Lunches, Wendover Christian Centre, £3 Tue 01 and 08 19.30 “Horizons” Lent Meetings, Wendover Christian Centre, see page 4 Tue 01 20.00 “Propagation,” Kimble & Ellesborough Horticultural Soc, Stewart Hall, Little Kimble, see p 4 Thu 03 10.00 Moderate walk around Whiteleaf and Chequers with the Ramblers, contact Alan and Stella 01844 292466 Thu 03 19.00-20.00 Wendover Library Reading Group (1st Thursday each month), Library Room, contact 07979 855047 Fri 04 and SAT 05 Wendover Theatre Society Shows, Wendover Memorial Hall, Tickets from Clock Tower 01296 696759 SAT 05 10.00-16.00 Aylesbury Vale Embroiderers Guild all day workshop, Stoke Mandeville Methodist Church SAT 05 and SUN 06 10.00-17.00 Wedding Dress Sale to benefit Rennie Grove Hospice, Tring School for Perf Arts, see p 4 SUN 06 14.00-16.30 Spring Show, Kimble & Ellesborough Horticultural Society, Stewart Hall, Little Kimble Tue 08 (evening) Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide (2nd week each month), contact 07890 973751 Tue 08 19.45 “A Wistful Eye,” with speaker Denise Kelly, Wendover Evening WI, St Anne’s Hall, see page 4 Tue 08 20.00 Chiltern Humanists Annual General Meeting, Wendover Library Room, Wed 09 19.00 Grandparents’ Support Group Monthly Meeting , Holiday Inn, Aston Clinton 07949 640156 for details Thu 10 10.30 Wendover Twinning Association Monthly Coffee Morning (2nd Thursday each month), Red Lion, all welcome Thu 10 10.30-11.30 “Tea and Talk” - April’s Topic is “Gold and Diamond Mining,” Wendover Community Library Room Thu 10 13.00-15.00 “Dreams,” Carers Bucks, Wendover Community Library Room, see p 4 Thu 10 20.00 “Grow Your Own Roses,” Weston Turville Horticultural Society, WT Village Hall, see page 5 SAT 12 10.00-12.00 Evening WI Spring Fair, Wendover Library Room, see ad this page and page 5 SAT 12 10.30 Informal Book Club (no set reading), Wendover Christian Centre SAT 12 14.00 “A Tour of Buckinghamshire Chapels” Bucks FHS, Prebendal Farm Comm Ctre, HP19 7QW, see page 5 SAT 12 14.30-16.30 Aylesbury Vale Embroiderers Guild Monthly Meeting, Stoke Mandeville Methodist Church SAT 12 19.30 Wendover Music 2014 Concert—Academy of Ancient Music, St Mary’s Church, see ad this page & page 6 Mon 14 (morning) Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide (2nd week each month), contact 07890 973751 Mon 14 19.30 Ecumenical Stations of the Cross, St Anne’s Church Wed 16 21.00 Sung Compline (coffee served from 20.15), St Mary’s Church Thu 17 09.00-14.00 Legacy Antiques & Collectors’ Fair, Wendover Memorial Hall, see ad this page Thu 17 10.15-11.45 “Sages” senior age fellowship (3rd Thursday each month) Wendover Christian Centre Thu 17 10.30-12.00 Charity Coffee Morning, Abbeyfield House, Dobbins Lane, proceeds to Stop the Traffik & residents’ fund Thu 17 14.30 “Propagation,” Wendover Horticultural Society Meeting, Wendover Library Room Thu 17 20.00 “40 Years Catching Smugglers,” Aylesbury Centre of National Trust, Broughton Junior School Fri 18 10.30 Children’s Activities, Wendover Christian Centre Fri 18 12.00 Christians Together at the Foot of the Cross, St Anne’s Church, leading to... Fri 18 13.00 Churches Together Good Friday Service, St Mary’s Church SAT 19 Dolly’s Birthday celebrations, Red Lion see page 13 SUN 20 09.30 Easy/Moderate cycle ride from Wendover Clock Tower to Ashridge, details Gloria 01296 622005 SUN 20 18.30 Evening Worship at Bankside, see page 6 Thu 24 10.00-15.00 Rotary blood pressure screening, Wendover Library Room Thu 24 20.00 “Unearthing a Tudor Mystery” Wendover Twinning Association, Wendover Library Room Fri 25 and SAT 26 19.30 Halton Singers Spring Concert “Stuff and Nonsense”, Halton Village Hall, see ad this page Fri 25 20.00 “Local Workhouses and the Poor Law Union” Weston Turville Historical Society, WT Village Hall, see page 6 SAT 26 10.00-16.00 Popup Charity Shop for Brain Tumour Charity, St Anne’s Hall,, see p7 SAT 26 11.00-16.00 Hearing Dogs Spring Open Day, The Grange, Saunderton HP27 9NS, SAT 26 19.30 RAF Halton Area Concert Band, St Mary’s Church, tickets £10/£8 conc/£25 family, avail @stmarys shop SAT 26 Antiques Show to benefit Rennie Grove Hospice Care, Wendover Memorial Hall SUN 27 09.30 John Hampden School Fun Run, registration & sponsor forms at school office or SUN 27 10.00 Moderate walk on OAR around Whiteleaf with the Ramblers, details Tricia 01296 624967 or 07762 204292 SUN 27 11.00-15.00 Furniture Painting Course, £90, contact Trixy at Liveluxe for details 07786 990537, see page 7 Tue 29 20.00-22.00 Wendover Evening Sewing Bee, Whitewaters, contact Deb 07903743293 for details Wed 30 evening “Wendover Remembers” commemorations of World War I, Royal British Legion Hall, Chiltern Road
at Halton Village Hall Friday 25 April Saturday 26 April 7.30pm Come and enjoy songs, sketches ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ and sing-a-long SAT 03 to BH Mon 05 10.00-16.00 Static Cycle for Chilterns MS Centre—World’s End to Lands End, 01296 696133 for details Bar open all evening Tickets £5 from members and Clock Tower Book early!
SAT 03 Mon 05 Tue 06 SUN 18
evening Wendover Chairman’s Ball in aid Rennie Grove and Prostate Cancer Charities, Wendover Memorial Hall 15.00-17.00 BH Cream Teas, St Mary the Virgin, Weston Turville, more dates see 12.00 Christian Aid Ploughman’s Lunch, Wendover Christian Centre, tickets from @stmarys, Clock Tower & churches Guided walks at WT Reservoir, details from Richard on 01296 624511 or
WENDOVER MUSIC 2014 at St Mary’s Church, Wendover Saturday 12 April 7.30pm
Saturday 10 May 7.30pm
Academy of Ancient Music
Angela Hewitt
(period instrument orchestra)
Saturday 14 June 7.30pm Young Artists Concert Trio Isimsiz (violin, cello, piano)
Saturday 12 July 7.30pm
Henschel Quartet (string quartet)
Concert Tickets £ 15.00. Available from Wendover, Princes Risborough and Aylesbury Tourist Information Offices. Credit Card Hotline—01296 330559 (Booking fee will apply) Details from 01296 615753
April 2014
Regular Weekly Events
for May 2014 events, please contact us before Monday 15 April Wendover News, Florence Nightingale Hospice Shop, High Street, HP22 6DX 01296 624270
Calendar entry FREE, one line; What’s On Box charity rate £15 : 20 words
Puppy Training +
7 days a week
Morning and Evening, JAZZERCISE classes to suit you : 07900 987230
Mon, Tue, Thu Mondays Mondays Mondays Mondays Mondays
Morning and Evening. Adult, Teenager Yoga Classes. 01296 623543, The Rotary Club of Wendover & District. For meeting times see 10.00-11.00 Peep, learning together for families with children aged 1-2. Book on 01296 621143 13.30 Wendover Baby/Toddler Group under5s term time. Wendover Memorial Hall, details 01296 709791 14.15-15.30 Bumps and Babies (siblings welcome), Wendover Children’s Centre, 01296 621143 19.00 Free friendly run/jog club to suit you. Meet point RAF base Chestnut Avenue. Call Nikki 07868 873911
Tue & Wed Tuesdays Tuesdays Tuesdays Tuesdays Tuesdays Tuesdays Tuesdays
19.30 Wendover Bridge Club, Cricket Pavilion, Witchell. Details 01296 624089 10.00 Simply Walk, meet at Wendover Clock Tower for moderate walk 1-1.5 hours. Details 01494 475367 10.15-10.45 Bounce & Rhyme, 18mths-5years and 11.15-11.45, under 18months, Wendover Library 13.30-15.00 Stay and Play, Wendover Children’s Centre: 01296 621143 13.30-15.30 artsmart Drawing for Absolute Beginners, Wendy Lewis Studio, Wendover 01494 670372 19.30 Wendover Bridge Club, Cricket Pavilion, Witchell 20.00 Wheelers & Dealers, Square Dance Club, Wendover Memorial Hall 07731 776654 20.00 IMAGEZ Camera Club: Weston Turville Village Hall, or call 01296 612632
Wednesdays Wednesdays Wednesdays
10.30-12.30 Beginners and Improvers art group, The Loft Studio, The Courtyard 18.00-19.00 Zumba Gold & 19.30-20.30 Zumba, both St Anne's Hall 18.45 Hartbeats African Drumming, beginner to advanced, £6, pay-as-you-go, contact Justine 07773 047684
Thursdays 09.00-16.00 Wendover Weekly Market, Manor Waste Thursdays 10.00-11.30 Tots Time, under 5s, Wendover Children’s Centre, 01296 621143 Thursdays (bi-weekly) (evening) Healing Meditation Group, contact Louise 01296 696285, Thursdays 19.00 Ballroom & Latin Dance Class / 20.00 Dance. Wendover Memorial Hall. Details 01442 865734 Thursdays 19.45 Wendover Choral Society, St. Mary’s Church Wendover. Details 01296 620450 Thu & SAT 19.30-23.00 RAF Association Halton and Aylesbury Branch clubhouse open to public, Bldg 259 RAF Halton Thursdays 20.00 Pregnancy yoga classes; Halton Village Hall, 01296 624004, Fridays Hatha yoga—gentle 09.30, stronger 11.15, Halton Village Hall, 01296 624004, Fridays 10.00 Zumba Gold, St Anne’s Hall Fridays 10.00 Churches together in Wendover: Noah’s Ark Parent & Toddler Group, Wendover Christian Centre Fridays (bi-weekly) 10.00-12.00 Healing Meditation Group, £10, contact Louise 01296 696285, Fridays 10.15-10.45 Story sessions for accompanied Pre-schoolers, Wendover Library. Free Fridays 15.00-16.00 Pilates for Mums with Babies (babies come, too!), Wendover Children’s Centre: 01296 621143 Fridays 19.00-21.00 Amazing Donkey Youth Club, contact Paul Hammett 01296 621162 Fridays 19.30 “Friday night is music night” at St Mary’s Church, contact @stmarys 01296 623123 SATURDAYS (bi-weekly) 10.30-12.00 Play for children with dads or male carers, Wendover Children’s Centre: 01296 621143 SUNDAYS
20.00 Bingo at the Royal British Legion Club, Chiltern Road, All welcome
Halton Village Hall 12.30pm Puppies & 1.30pm Older puppies / Adults Book now! Julia Meads INCA Dog Training Team 07951 777330 01296 620079 Your local company at Wendover Serving all surrounding areas
24 hour service, Airport Specialist, Minibuses, 6 & 8 Seaters available Distance No Object
01296 620 620
ENGLISH TUITION with an 'Outstanding' English teacher. •Exam prep: Lang and Lit •Literacy confidence •Children, teenagers, adults •Flexible, friendly teacher Call: 07980 625448 Email:
April Loyalty Card Offers See also, Wendover Hardware on the Manor Waste and community notice boards in Budgens & Costa
For Dolly Day offers (Sat 19 April) please see page 13 Antiques @ Wendover: a draw to win a £10 Gift Voucher. The winner will be drawn after every 25 loyalty card sales ADH Window Cleaning: Patio & Decking pressure washing 20% discount; 25% off conservatory roof cleaning! New Customers £15 to charity on your first clean along with 10% discount CatBookerFitness four free bootcamps when u bring a friend in April, book online at Costa: 10% discount (cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer) Domino Equipping Solutions, 01296 623869: £18 per hour for support on IT including software, hardware and applications FabricHQ: Receive a free gift with all purchases over £15 plus Dolly Day offer see page 13 Hemmingford Pest Control: 15% discount on any accepted estimate or survey PLUS FREE inspection on second-hand furniture purchased within the last three months. Offer ends 1 May 2014 Lasting Powers of Attorney: 5% off to start a "Lasting Powers of Attorney" tel 07703 462198 Loft Studio Gallery: Dolly Day offer see page 13 Maria Bray Nutritional Therapist: 10% off for initial appointment, 581561
Easter Event! 20% off our unique Easter eggs with the 'I Love Wendover' card!’ Discover the Courtyard (behind the Antiques Centre) it's what Wendover's been waiting for !
07786 990 537
11.00am Worship with Holy Communion St ANNE’S ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, AYLESBURY ROAD
10.30am Sunday Mass St MARY’S CHURCH OF ENGLAND
Perry House Dental Surgery: 30% off bleaching, subject to conditions 8.00am Holy Communion, 9.00am Holy Communion Simon Carter: 10% off all accessories only 10.30am All Age Communion Scruples: Dolly Day offer see page 13 St MICHAEL’S C of E HALTON: 6.00pm Holy Communion The Bakers Shop meal deal: freshly made just for you ONLY £2.75 For more about church services, @stmary’s, 11 High Street, 1 sandwich + 1 selected canned drink Village Environment Services: 20% discount on accepted estimate for courses and meetings, HP22 5DU 01296 623123 CCTV drain survey or drain clearance, 07850 635844, offer ends Jan 2015 visit the Churches Together Office: 10am-12.30pm each weekday
April 2014
Changes to electoral boundaries Our electoral Boundaries are once again under review. Representations must be submitted by 8 April 2014. The draft recommendations include separating Halton from Wendover and combining it with Aston Clinton, whilst combining Wendover with part of Stoke Mandeville. The new ward would be called “Stoke Mandeville and Wendover”. The detailed recommendations can be found at: then clicking onto Aylesbury Vale District Council. Wendover and Halton Parish Councils are strongly opposed to these proposals.
Horizons Lent Meetings Tue 1 Apr, 7.30 for 7.45, W Christian Centre Churches Together in Wendover is running a series of evening Lent Meetings entitled ‘Horizons.’ Meetings take place each Tuesday in Lent and will start with coffee.
Propagation Tue 1 Apr, 8.00pm, Stewart Hall, Little Kimble Kimble & Ellesborough Horticultural Society meeting. John Marshall will give a hands-on demonstration of the arts of propagation in Spring and will also include a short slide show explaining his set up
Events and some propagation techniques done at other times of the year.
Wendover Theatre Society Shows Fri 4 and Sat 5 Apr, Wendover Mem Hall Wendover Theatre Society is staging performances of two short plays, Love or Nearest Offer and Wednesdays. To add to the fun there will also be some very entertaining monologues. If you do not want to miss out on a great evening of entertainment, see and get your tickets (£8/£6.50) soon from the Clock Tower, tel: 01296 696759 or phone the box office on 01296 696412.
Armenian Needlelace Sat 5 Apr 10-4, SM Methodist Church Pat Trott teaches how to do this ancient and traditional form of needlelace. . Visitors are welcome to join members at our workshops. Members £25; Non-members £30. For more information, please contact: Sue Robinson, Chairman 01296 425015 or Margaret Winstanley, Memb ersh ip Secretary/Treasu rer 01296 622551. Annual subscription £35 (2nd branch members £17.50).
Wedding Dress Sale Sat 5 & Sun 6 Apr, 10-5, Tring Park Your chance to buy the wedding dress of your dreams at a dream price and benefit Rennie Grove Hospice! Join us at Tring Park School for Performing Arts, HP23 5LX. for our one-off sale of designer wedding and bridesmaids dresses. FREE ENTRY with pre-registration (required) at
KEHS Spring Show Sun 6 Apr, 2.00-4.00pm, Stewart Hall, Little Kimble Classes include bulbs, flowers, floral art and domestic. Delicious home-made teas will be available.
Wendover Evening WI Tue 8 Apr, 7.45pm, St. Anne’s Hall This month’s speaker is Denise Kelly, her topic is “A Wistful Eye,” the Tragedy of a Titanic Shipwright. Visitors are most welcome. Any queries please contact: Margaret Currell 01296 582318 or visit
Dreams Thu 10 Apr, 1-3pm, Wen Library Room Carers Bucks meets every second Thursday of the month. This month is All
About Dreams – an exciting session that will look at what dreams are, how we dream and the meaning of dreams. Refreshments provided. There is no charge. If you are a family carer you are welcome to come. If you require more information please contact: Carers Bucks, Ardenham Court, Oxford Road, Aylesbury, HP19 8HT. Telephone 0300 777 2722.
Grow Your Own Roses Thu 10 Apr, 8.00pm, WT Village Hall Weston Turville Horticultural Society monthly meeting. Grow Your Own Roses, with speaker Dr John Cornwall. Non members welcome. Raffle & refreshments. For more information please contact Pat Rutherford – 01296 613965 or Lindsay Smith at
Evening WI Spring Fair Sat 12 Apr, 10-Noon, Wendover Library Room. Entrance is free. There will be refreshments, homemade cakes, crafts cards and tombola. Any queries please contact: Margaret Currell 01296 582318 or visit
Book Club Sat 12 Apr, 10.30am, Wendover Christian Centre Enjoy coffee, cake and an hour of interesting conversation at Book Club in Wendover Christian Centre. We discuss what we have been
reading, our favourite authors, hear recommendations and sometimes swap books. No set reading – Everyone is welcome.
A Tour of Buckinghamshire Chapels Sat 12 Apr, 2.00pm Prebendal Farm Comm Ctre Julian Hunt gives a talk which arose out of a visit to Buckinghamshire in 2011 by The Chapels Society. The talk will discuss chapels visited on this trip, and some north Buckinghamshire examples which the group were not able to visit. Non-members very welcome. A small donation is appreciated. Free help available - our Names Database and libraries are available for consultation at most of our Aylesbury meetings. Come along to see how the Society can help you.
April 2014
Angela Grace Dplt Psychic Medium Tarot Reader Reiki Master/Teacher Past Life Regression Therapist 07855 813420
Peter Bird Garden Design RHS Medal Winning Designer offering an individual and creative design, construction and planting service call Peter on 01296 622790
The Future of Hand-Made Textiles BRENDAN MCFALL Sat 12 Apr, 2.30-4.30pm, SM Methodist Church Speaker Jim Gaffney. We’ll look at the past and PAINTER & DECORATOR INTERIOR & EXTERIOR possible future solutions for hand-made textiles in this thought provoking talk illustrated with MOBILE LANDLINE some of the very best textiles from around the 07581 693653 01296 613669 world. w w w . t e x t i l e t r a d e r s . c o . u k w w w.a sia text ile jou rne y. wo rdp re s s.c om . DEBBIE TOLPUTT Entrance fee for meetings. For more information, please contact: Sue Robinson, taste Chairman 01296 Food for fun, family and friends 425015 or Margaret Winstanley, 01296 622551, I am happy to cook for as few as 8 people 01296 624140 07780 900936 Membership Secretary/Treasurer.
Thinking of selling ? We have buyers waiting . . “. . we had 5 viewings over the first weekend, 8 during the following week and finally sold for the full asking price. Thank you so much ! ” Mrs B, March 2014 “We put our (Wendover) apartment on the market with Bonners and Babingtons on a Friday and it was sold on the Sunday at the price we wanted. They are thorough and professional and we recommend them highly.” Mr R, March 2014
Contact us for a free, no obligation valuation
April 2014
Wendover Music
Busking on Manor Waste
Sat 12 Apr, 7.30pm, St Mary’s Church Academy of Ancient Music. The soundworlds of Vivaldi’s evergreen Four Seasons and Handel, played in the style and spirit in which the music was first performed by the country’s most celebrated period instrument orchestra.
Easter Sunday 20 April Samuel Horrox, a student at Aylesbury Grammar School, will be busking on Manor Waste on 20 April as part of his fundraising for the AGS trip to Malawi in 2015. Please come along and listen, and drop a coin or two in the hat if you can for this very worthy cause.
Holy Week Ecumenical Church Services Denominational services during Holy Week can be f ou n d on web s it es :,,, Churches Together in Wendover offers several ecumenical services during Holy Week including:
Evening Worship at Bankside Sun 20 Apr, 6.30pm, Bankside Celebrate Easter by joining Bankside residents and friends for Evening Worship led by Wendover Free Church on Easter Sunday in the lounge at Bankside. A short service of hymns, readings and prayers will be followed with refreshments.
Silver Ballot Registrations Due For Easter Day services see ad on page 3.
Save the Date - 19 April - Dolly Day The Red Lion is celebrating Dolly’s 100th birthday and we’re all invited! See page 13.
Midnight Walk. Nominations can be emailed to or you can put your nomination in the post to the Charity office (details via Simply explain why your man should get one of the 25 places. Those selected will be asked to raise a minimum of £500 in sponsorship. Ladies can register via or call 01296 429975.
Halton Singers Spring Show Fri 25 & Sat 26 Apr, 7.30pm, Halton Vlg Hl “Stuff and Nonsense” offers a new slant on the variety concept. Come and enjoy songs, sketches and sing along in a party atmosphere. Bar open 7-10pm, nibbles provided, all for the stuff and nonsense price of just £5 a ticket. Book early to avoid disappointment.
Local Workhouses & Poor Law Union
Fri 25 Apr, Midday Ladies are being encouraged to nominate their special man to walk alongside the hundreds of local women who are expected to take part in the Gemstone
Fri 25 Apr, 8.00pm, W Turville Village Hall Colin Oakes is a very entertaining speaker who has visited the Weston Turville Historical Society many times. All welcome. Members £2, non-members £3, includes refreshments. For more information see .
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Extensions • New Builds • Brickwork Conversions • Renovations • Driveways Garden Construction • Excavator Hire (with driver)
We will undertake your project big or small from planning to completion with full site management including all carpentry, decorating, plumbing and electrical to achieve a first-class finished project. No obligation quotations
April 2014
Events Popup Charity Shop Sat 26 Apr, 10.00-4.00, St Anne’s Hall A popup charity shop to benefit the Brain Tumour Charity. Secondhand goods for sale including Clothes, Toys, Games, Books and Homewares with refreshments served all day. Donations of any items also welcome, please contact .
wonder how you lived without!). Course £90 includes all you need plus light lunch.
Run a Mile—or 5k, or 10k ...for the John Hampden School on Sunday 27 April at 9.30am. Entry Fee:£15 for 5k/10k, £2 for children’s 1k. Registration forms at the John Hampden School office or by email on
RAF Halton Area Band Sat 26 Apr, 7.30pm, St Mary’s Church Come and enjoy a variety of favourite music from big band to solo items with a glass or two of wine (beer and soft drinks also available) to celebrate a spring evening. The concert proceeds will go to the St Mary’s refurbishment fund and Lindengate. Contact Carol Crockett on 01296 612528 for more information about the concert. Tickets are available after Sunday services and @stmarys shop at 11 High Street, Wendover. Adults £10, concessions £8, family ticket (2 adults and up to 4 children) £25
Wendover Remembers
VAT Returns • Payroll • RTI Management Accounts Sage Training
JUST AERIALS Digital TV & Satellite specialist New aerials supplied & fitted Sky, HD Freesat, DAB, Freeview Tel: 01296 330621 Mob: 07816 659644 Email:
Learn to Drive with Wed 30 April, Royal British Legion Hall ROUND THE BEND Wendover Rememb ers in vites local DRIVING SCHOOL organisations and interested individuals to come Special offer - £15 per hour for to a meeting to discuss how Wendover will mark the first three hours, then just £23 per hour! the centenary of WW1 and the part that the If you are interested call Brian on people of Wendover played in the war. The 01442 381549 or 07988 742385 meeting will be held at the British Legion Hall, Chiltern Road, Wendover on the evening of Do you have a problem with alcohol? Alcoholics Anonymous Wednesday 30 April 2014. Please register your meet every week in intention to attend by calling 01296 623056 or Wendover and surrounding areas. by visiting and Call 0845 769 7555 completing the registration form. for more information
Furniture Painting Courses
(calls charged at local rates)
Sat 27 Apr, 11.00-3.00, contact 07786 990537 Autentico chalk paint! Try this natural, environmentally-friendly chalk-based paint. Covering the basics of how to prepare & paint furniture & other items, plus exploring some more advanced techniques which, with a little practice, are easily achieved at home (and you'll
Wendover Open Gardens 2014 Rennie Grove Hospice Care will be fundraising PAINTING & DECORATING V. SIMMONS through open gardens in 2014, on Sunday 15 40 years’ experience June. Nine gardens will be open in and around For best prices, ring : Wendover! Would you like your garden to join Home: 01296 613387 the list? For more details, please contact Chris Mobile: 07712 620167 Peeler, 01296 624089.
M J Electrical Engineering Ltd All electrical work undertaken NICEIC Approved Contractor
Call Mike on: 01296 630703 07530 899434
Man & Van Wendover based Single Items House Clearance Fully Insured Eco LPG Mercedes
077942 68575 01296 696352
• Twenty-four hour nursing care
• Full programme of activities and outings
• Specific care for all physical disabilities
• Fresh home-made meals, with produce sourced
• Fully equipped bathrooms
• Spacious rooms with nurse call system, TV and
• Visiting hairdresser and chiropodist • Visitors welcome at any time
telephone point
• Beautiful gardens with disabled access
Tel: 01296 625188 Email:
April 2014
Rare wildlife could be wiped out by HS2 Researchers from the University of Leeds were asked by the Berks, Bucks & Oxon Wildlife Trust (BBOWT) to review the approach taken by HS2 Ltd, and investigate the impacts of mitigation proposals on colonies of the Bechstein’s bat, a protected species, in Bernwood Forest. They concluded that, without significant changes, the proposals would put the bats at risk of local extinction instead of protecting them. “Natural England will only grant licences for the building of HS2 if there is evidence that protected species will not be wiped out, but the scientific review suggests this is precisely what will happen unless major changes are made”, said Matt Jackson, head of conservation strategy and policy at BBOWT.
HS2 Environmental Statement Comments In a 67,000 word detailed response to the statement, the Chiltern Society says the current plan to route HS2 across the Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty contravenes the Countryside and Rights of Way Act and pays hardly any regard to the fact that the AONB is a nationally protected landscape. It also
HS2 expresses concern over the failure to conduct a full geological survey on the route in view of the potential threat to water supplies and water courses. The Chilterns/Colne Valley region supplies around a fifth of London's drinking water. The Society notes the failure of HS2 to properly assess alternative routes for the railway, especially as priorities for HS2 have changed since the idea was first introduced five years ago. John Gladwin, the Society's HS2 representative, said: It often reads like a marketing document rather than an independent examination. A summary of the Society's response, together with a full version, can be found on the Chiltern Society website .
HS2 - Demand a Fully Bored Tunnel The HS2 Hybrid Bill, which will authorise the construction of HS2, is going through Parliament. The important Second Reading will probably take place in late April. If HS2 is given the go-ahead, we must argue to make improvements to it, using the official process of Petitioning. Petitions will probably have to be submitted by mid to late May. A Petition is a document by which anyone “directly and specially
affected” by HS2 (everyone in Wendover!), can object to the Bill and propose improvements. Petitions will be placed before a Parliamentary Select Committee, to which individuals or their representative can present their case. Those reluctant to Petition alone can join with others to Petition as a group. We want as many people as possible to Petition. Parliament must be made aware of the impact of HS2 here and the strength of feeling against it, and that we have realistic proposals for better mitigation. The only acceptable mitigation for Wendover and the surrounding area is a fully bored tunnel through the AONB. This is the last opportunity we will have to improve the Hybrid Bill. The Wendover HS2 action group can help you with the Petitioning process. Draft Petitions need to be prepared without delay. Our initial target date is 30 April. For details: Wendover HS2 - email or ring 07922 532598 . Alternatively, contact Antony Chapman on 01296 623730 or Petition Templates are at
April 2014
Sunday 25 May 2014 L & C HOME IMPROVEMENTS Dolly Day 19 April
Stocks and Pillory
Don’t forget to visit the Wendover Celebrates stall in the Red Lion Car park on Dolly Day, Saturday 19 April to find out all about it.
To get you in the mood, Wendover Celebrates has commissioned a brand new Medieval Style set of stocks and pillory to prepare us for the BIG DAY. You’ll be able to see them in action: Sat 26 April Charity Market on the Manor Waste Sun 27 April World’s End Garden Centre.
Evening Concert Tickets for the evening concert go on sale on Tuesday 1 April, via the website or from Peach Lane Studios on Aylesbury Road. The concert was THE hot ticket of 2012 and the team promise everyone another amazing night of great music. We have a line up of fantastic local bands and there's even a rumour of a set by a finalist from a well known TV singing competition! Tickets sold out before the day last time so don't miss out this time round - get your tickets early and you will be rewarded with the EarlyBird prices. From 1st—19th April ONLY, you can buy tickets at the following prices: Adults (18+) £8 Youths (13-17) £4 Children (12 and under) Free (but they must have a ticket) Prices from April 20th until they sell out are: Adults (18+) £10 Youths (13-17) £5 Children (12 and under) Free (but they must have a ticket)
For all your DIY needs Excellent rates All jobs considered No job too small 07532 384103 or 01296 589558
ST ANNE’S HALL to hire All enquiries to Angela German
07423 266713
Main Event
If you’d like to book a space, please contact the organisers of these events as shown: WENDOVER MEMORIAL HALL Parade: Ideal for It’s a Knockout: buy through the website Weddings/Functions etc, scroll down to WiFi and late licences available the click through. Enquiries : 07804 671445 It’s not too late to volunteer as a helper on the day—remember the great time the volunteer Olympic Gamesmakers had in 2012? Now it could be your turn to be a Medievalmaker here in Wendover. You do not have to volunteer for a whole day—a couple of hours would help. Get in touch via The list of attractions is growing all the time: Archery Falconry Sword fighting Battle re-enactment Colonel Custard
Poor Reception Solved - Aerials repaired & supplied
TVs - Hung on your wall for you Also supplied & tuned
Extra TV Points - For aerial & Sky (in HD!)
SKY TV - also Foreign Language TV
Wendover Youth Centre Ideal for Exercise classes, Children’s parties (full kitchen facilities and secure garden) The Wharf Cafe hopes to open in the new year. Contact below if you would like to help.
Phone 07742 689930
Merryweather Mowers SALES, SERVICE & REPAIRS New & Used Mowers in Stock 54 Brook Street, Aston Clinton Aylesbury, Bucks. HP22 5ES
Tel: Ian Stiles (01296) 631918
Specialists in cleaning block paving patios decking, etc. 28 years local experience
01296 484370 0775 7978808
April 2014
Local News
Contact the Elderly needs you - please can you help? The Lee/Wendover group of this registered charity is in need of some more volunteer drivers for this spring and summer. If you can spare the occasional Sunday afternoon, once a month or even just four or five times a year, we’d be hugely grateful. To find out more about Contact the Elderly and how you can help please go to or telephone the local group coordinator, Anthea Hartley on 01494 837372 (after 1 April).
“The Vintage Film Group” ...also needs some help! The Vintage Film Group, like Contact the Elderly, is also aimed at the older members of our community who live by themselves and appreciate some interaction with other locals who enjoy watching vintage films together. If you can spare the occasional Thursday afternoon please contact Anthea Hartley on 01494 837372 (after 1 April). Both these organisations give our older folk the opportunity to enjoy an afternoon amongst local friends and to help keep loneliness at bay. Volunteering is hugely rewarding and great fun - guests and
members become our friends and have some wonderful stories to tell.
By-election Results The results from the 20 February byelection are as follows: Susan Hetherington 155 votes Victoria Milnes 135 votes Alan Myers 214 votes Alan Myers was elected as the new Parish Councillor for Wendover. There was a 7.5% turnout and three spoiled votes. There is still one vacancy on the Parish Council which will be filled by co -option in April 2014.
Wendover Youth Forum & WYC The young people in the Wendover Youth Forum have been hard at work on behalf of the Wendover Local Area Forum (LAF) and out and about asking residents for their views on their local priorities. This is to update the local priorities on behalf of the LAF. In addition to surveying residents in local parishes, on Saturday 15 February, the young people took a stall at Wendover market (facilitated by Wendover Parish Council). MP David Lidington stopped by to talk to the young people, and also the
residents providing their priorities. Tuesday 18 February, the Wendover Youth Forum spent the day inputting hundreds of survey responses received from throughout the Wendover local area. A report will be taken to the next Wendover LAF showing the top priorities for the area and asking for the LAF to consider the findings and agree new priorities (if the surveys show the priorities now differ). Everyone at Wendover Youth Forum would like to take this opportunity to thank everybody for taking the time to fill in the surveys. With a special thanks to @stmarys shop, the Community Library, the Clock Tower and Budgens for housing the big black boxes. The Trustees of Wendover Youth Centre would like to extend an open invitation to the WYC AGM at 8pm on Monday 31 March at the Youth Centre opposite the John Hampden School, Wharf Road.
Esmé’s Allstars It looks like nearly £2000 has been raised to kick start Esmé’s Allstars along with a further £100+ for at the curry night on 24 February. Tickets are already on sale for Tuesday 20 May at The
D Small Construction For all your building requirements from Patios and driveways to alterations and extensions
Building locally for 25 years Please call 01296 582215 ACS PLUMBING & HEATING SERVICES
24 Hours Emergency Call Out NO JOB TOO SMALL Domestic Hot/Cold Water Systems Central Heating Systems, Power Showers & Boilers Electrics & Repairs Pumps Sanitation Systems, Tiling, Outside Taps, Drains Unblocked
Fully qualified & Insured
Office: 01296 581200 Mobile: 07771 510 971
Local News
Raj so please contact Anthony DavisonHoult through Wendover News or direct via ADH Window Cleaning for tickets. Many tickets were sold through the first curry night’s fun & frivolity. Tickets will be the same £20 for a full banquet meal. The Davison-Hoults would like to thank everyone who helped them to get Esmé’s Allstars off to a flying start, and also Lynn and Mandy of Shear Madness, hairdressers par excellence in Walters Ash, who have decided to have Esmé’s Allstars as their fundraising cause starting in April.
Service Children Support Network Halton resident Diane Pringle has been appointed one of five new co-ordinators for Service Children Support Network. She is hopeful that her experiences as the wife, sister, and cousin of active duty (now veteran) members of the RAF, along with her experience with children in both home and school settings will help her in her role assisting children with the changes and stress that are often part of military life.
Film Competition Extended Due to requests from schools and other organsations, the deadline for the 2013/14 Service Children Support
Network film competition, run in conjunction with the British Film Institute and Amibitious Motion Pictures, has been extended to 1 July 2014. The competition is open to all children of HM Forces (Veterans and Reservists).
WAT Grand Draw Wendover Arm Trust is holding a Grand Draw to raise essential funds for the continuing restoration of the canal, which feeds water from Wendover to the summit level of the Grand Union at Bulbourne. Phase 1 of the project has been completed and is used by walkers, fishermen and boaters. The Trust funded the rebuilding of the road bridge at Little Tring to the sum of £210,000. This amount was raised entirely by the Trust, supported by fund raising events. The current cost to restore a metre of canal has been calculated at about £450.hence the ongoing need to raise further funds. The prizes this year include a first prize of a one week Boating Holiday, sponsored by Wyvern Shipping of Leighton Buzzard; a second prize of a Day Boat hire from Pitstone, sponsored by Grebe Canal Cruisers; a third prize of £100 cash; a fourth prize of a Balloon Flight with Virgin Balloons. There are many other valuable
April 2014
prizes to be won. Prizes are shown on together with the latest information regarding the restoration. Tickets are available in Wendover thanks to the generous offer by Mr Tony Defriez of Tim Russ Estate Agents at 4 Chiltern Court, Back Lane, Wendover, telephone 01296 621177. If you can sell tickets to your friends or at your workplace, then call Michael Wright on 01727-860137 or email Your enquiry would be most welcome. The tickets have been sponsored by Grass Roots of Tring, and are priced at £1 each. The Draw will take place on Sunday 7 September 2014 at Drayton Beauchamp, when it will also be possible to see our restoration volunteers in action and the progress that has been made. The Trust has recently completed the public access to the Whitehouses site from bridge number 4 – a point where the foot path crosses the canal. Whitehouses was the site where a steam powered pump raised water from the adjacent reservoir into the canal over 100 years ago. The canal and towpath is a linear nature park, enjoyed by many. For full details .
April 2014
School News
Wendover CE Junior School Update Much of our time during February has been spent on the Headteacher recruitment process. The opportunity to lead Wendover Junior School attracted a large and strong field of applicants. After an intense day of exercises for the four shortlisted applicants, we were confident that Gareth Mirams was the best person to take over leadership of the school. We are delighted to appoint him as our new headteacher with effect from 1 September 2014. Mr Mirams is currently headteacher at Quainton School and we will be discussing with them the best way to manage a smooth transition, including any specific arrangements for the summer term. We will share our plans with you as soon as they are agreed. I would like to make a special mention and say thank you to the Year 6 children who escorted potential applicants on a tour of the school and the School Council children who participated in the interview day itself. They all did the school proud and contributed to the successful outcome of the recruitment process. Back in the normal business of school, Governors have joined senior staff on a series of learning walks which are used to observe good teaching practices and help
share them across the school. The walks give Governors the opportunity to ask children about their learning, linked to a specific focus. The walks so far have looked at Maths and English, and more general year group sessions are planned over the remainder of the year. This time of year is one of the busiest for managing the school's finances. We have been working with Ms Durrant, the school business manager, examining year to date spending and the forecast position for year end. The school financial year is AprilMarch which complicates things a little as spending more closely follows the academic year rather than the financial year. We have also started looking at next year's financial plan and how best to allocate funds to support the school's development priorities.
Driving on School Campus The Wendover campus schools have joined together, with support from staff and parents, to form a rota and will be patrolling the campus entrance to enforce the rules which the signs clearly indicate – NO ACCESS AT PEAK TIMES. They will be patrolling the entrance on random days in the morning and afternoon. Parents/carers should treat the campus
11+ Coaching in Wendover with Experienced Tutor For more details phone:
07789 690139 01296 625548
P. KERNAN TREE SURGERY All aspects of tree work undertaken Hedges maintained Fully qualified Fully insured Local authority approved free estimates Firewood for sale
Tel: 01296 330501 Direct: 07763 073663 94 Tring Road, Wendover, HP22 6NX
entrance as the entrance to school by parking a distance away and walking the rest. Please support this initiative and encourage other parents/carers to get all our children coming into school campus on foot, scooter or bicycle. We would welcome more volunteers so please contact the office at either JHS, WJS or Little Acorns to be included.
John Colet Quiz Results The John Colet School held their annual Year 5 Primary Liaison quiz, on Thursday 6 March. The event was a huge success. Competitors faced questions from ten difference categories including Sport, History, Science and Maths. In a close run contest it was Aston Clinton Junior School who walked away with the quiz crown. Turnfurlong Junior school was awarded second place, with Bedgrove Junior school in third. The quiz is part of the Primary Liaison Scheme, whereby John Colet students give their time to help local primary school pupils by organising various activities, or visiting primary schools to help with literacy and reading. Other events have included a Maths Day for Year 6, a Drama workshop for pupils in Year 4 and a Year 5 Movie Making Club.
Wendover News is printed by Alan John Printing Services 01296 614707 Wendover News is published by Wendover News Ltd Registered office: Milton House, Gatehouse Road, AYLESBURY, HP19 8EA
Wendover News considers Dolly to be “in the pink” so this pullout Covering all Plumbing and Heating is pink in her honour. Many Wendover Businesses send their best Call today on: wishes to Dolly. Don’t miss the special Dolly Day offers in the 07920 110 209 advert on the right and some strange stories in the middle section.
Barmaid Dolly celebrates 100th Birthday at the Red Lion, Wendover
Pruning & Weeding Hedge & Tree Work, Lawn Care Grass Cutting, Small Landscapes Roy Seabrook
H: 01296 625531 M: 07906 398187
Dolly Day Offers on 19 April only To celebrate Dolly Day, several local businesses have special offers for you:
Dolly Saville will be turning 100 years old on Saturday 19 April with a party being held in her honour at the Red Lion, The Loft Studio and Gallery (Barn Courtyard): signed children's picture book when a customer purchases another piece of artwork Wendover. Dolly was born in Eton in the South of Buckinghamshire a few months before the outbreak of World War I. Dolly has been FabricHQ (Barn Courtyard): free project sheets and your chance working at The Red Lion for over 76 years. During this time she has to win a £15 FHQ gift voucher served behind the bar and has no problem adding up the orders or working out the change in her head. She has also turned her hand Florence Nightingale Hospice Shop: half price glassware— cheers to Dolly! to the bedrooms, teas and reception work. Scruples: 10% discount on any retail purchases. Anyone with an To celebrate this landmark occasion the Red Lion will be hosting a appointment will have access to drinks and Dolly Mixtures! party on Saturday 19 April with four generations of Dolly’s family attending, along with local residents and Fuller’s employees. The day will be full of stalls to raise money for Dolly’s nominated charities as well as the Fuller’s dray horses, Griffin and Pride, there Looking Looking to give local children trips around the village. There are lots of To To surprises in store for Dolly to mark this special day.
Jane Bravey, Operations Manager for the Red Lion says: “Dolly is a HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DOLLY! fantastic asset to Fuller’s and the Red Lion and we are incredibly From Your LOCAL proud to have such a dedicated member of staff and friend in Residential Lettings and Property Management Specialists Dolly. She likes to do a good job and keep busy so she continues 01296 620886 to work three shifts a week. If you have lunch or dinner at the Red 1 South Street, Wendover visit our website: Lion, she may well serve you so please say hello. She is a truly Bucks. HP22 6EF Email: amazing lady and, in our eyes, a national treasure.”
NK Building and Renovations would like to wish Dolly a very happy 100th Birthday We have had many a company do at the Red Lion and Dolly has always been there. She is amazing.
Our very best wishes From All at NK
April 2014
Wendover: in
The Red Rose Garage
19 March 1928 and set the record for the first passenger flight to Australia. It took so long because the aircraft was slow by modern standards and needed refuelling many times. In addition it also required a lot of repairs along the way and in Singapore the RAF rebuilt it from a virtual write-off.
When Captain Bill Lancaster opened the Red Rose garage in 1923 he was a man with an interesting past and an even more interesting future. Bill Lancaster had been a pilot with the Australian Airforce during WWI and served in France. He was invalided out just before the war ended and almost immediately joined the RAF for a few months. In 1921 he joined the RAF In Australia the two were able to earn again on a short service commission. By this money by writing articles and giving lectures. People were particularly time he was married with two children. interested in Mrs Miller’s side of the story. When stationed at Halton in 1923, his When the income slowed down they thoughts turned to making a living on moved to America to try to make a living leaving the RAF and he and a business there but they were unsuccessful. partner opened the Red Rose garage on the Consequently they became involved in a site where it now stands. This did not number of hair-brained schemes to raise provide Bill with enough adventure and he money, none of which worked. (At about decided to attempt to fly a light plane to this time Bill’s parents transferred the full Australia. Record breaking flights were big ownership of the garage to his partner.) On news at the time and made people famous. returning from one of these schemes in He bought a small two-seater biplane which Mexico, Bill found that Mrs Miller had he named Red Rose and flew from the field agreed to marry a Mr Haden Clarke. behind the garage. His chosen passenger Although Mrs Miller was now divorced, for the attempt was a Mrs Miller who was Bill’s wife would not divorce him. The next estranged from her Australian husband: an part of the story is the most difficult to arrangement which must have raised a few understand. eyebrows and certainly made the trip more Haden Clarke was found shot dead using newsworthy. Bill Lancaster’s pistol, and Bill admitted he The flight lasted from 14 October 1927 to had forged two suicide notes. It was judged
that Clarke had committed suicide whilst depressed because he had an incurable illness and also another lady claimed he was already married to her. Bill was acquitted of murder. Following the trial in October 1932, Bill and Mrs Miller moved back to England where they found making a living equally difficult. In desperation Bill decided to do another record flight, this time solo to South Africa. It was hopeless from the beginning as the current record held by Amy Mollison was in an aircraft 20mph faster than the one Bill used. By the time he disappeared over the Sahara desert on 12 April 1933, he was aleady well behind schedule. Searches failed to find him or the plane. In 1962 a French army patrol found the plane and Bill’s body beside it. All the aircraft documents were there along with the diary he kept for 8 days before he died of thirst. In his span of 35 years Captain Bill Lancaster had shown he was a man of great courage if not wisdom. Woven into his life are many things that remain a mystery. Just think of him when you look at Red Rose garage in Aylesbury Road, next to the BP petrol station. He named it after the Lancastrian emblem.
April 2014
Dolly’s lifetime
The Morris Ranges
Who was Mr Morris? Bill Morris was for many years the Hon President of the Aylesbury Rifle Club, whose range was under the Old Town Hall and Messrs Loaders, the Agricultural Merchants in Aylesbury, adjacent to the Cattle Market. Bill Morris was also for many years the Hon President of the Bucks County Rifle Association By profession he was a gifted engineer, having his extensive works and yard in Walton Road, Aylesbury, opposite what is now the High School entrance. This yard was a complete ironworks having full facilities. To simplify the movement of heavy castings and forgings the yard had a narrow gauge railway track. Every Easter Holiday the youngsters of Walton, Aylesbury were invited into the yard and enjoyed themselves having a ride around the yard pulled by a small steam locomotive driven by Bill Morris. The Walton Ironworks later became the Garage and Depôt of Queen’s Park Coaches (Mr Osbourne, proprietor). As previously mentioned, Bill Morris was a superb engineer and an excellent example was the development of the “Morris Tube”. This was an ingenious arrangement
which enabled the superseded single shot, Martini-Henry, Army Rifle to be converted into a smaller bore (.22) rim fire rifle. This process was later taken over by larger companies such as Parker-Hale of Birmingham.
The Morris Range near Wendover is the only civilian 100 yard range facility in the area and was originally a sand pit. During the second World War it was used by the local Home Guard platoons. The range was also used to test some of “Winston’s Specials” which had been developed by HM Government establishments, of which there were several in the Aylesbury area. One of the more successful of these “Specials” was the “Blacker Bombard” which was a variety of spigot mortar. The device was tested out by members of the Wendover Home Guard at the Morris Range. Some of the other projects tested were not quite as successful!
Peach Lane Studios expanding Peach Lane Studios is a family run photography business situated in the picturesque market town of Wendover. It is a year since they opened up their new studio whilst filming for the TV show “Alex Polizzi – The Fixer”. The family from Tring have worked tirelessly to create a fabulous
business providing Family, Newborn, Makeover and now Boudoir photography to Buckinghamshire and the surrounding counties. They have even attracted clients from the far corners of Wales and the South Coast of England who have fallen in love with their photographic style and friendly all female team. Not only have Peach Lane Studios employed an extra full-time photographer, but they have also recently launched their “Ooh La La Boudoir” photography. This has become very popular and the women who have had a boudoir shoot with them, can’t praise the experience highly enough. If that isn’t enough for the busy team to do, they have now announced the opening of a new shop on their premises “Peaches Emporium”. They are stocking Vintage style 50s dresses and other fabulous vintage style up-cycled gifts and furniture, most of it locally hand-crafted. “We are so excited for the future of our businesses. The Wendover community has been so welcoming and we absolutely love being here. It was the best move we could make, relocating to such a lovely place.” Peaches Emporium was launched on the Anniversary of the opening of Peach Lane Studios, Saturday 22 March 2014.
LOCAL Inside Out Property Maintenance NO JOB TOO SMALL And all those little plumbing jobs!
Call Mark Tel: 01296 613335 Mobile: 07798 855141 E: Part P registered electrician
April 2014
You Write . . .
SINGING TUITION Offered by Licentiate of Trinity College Stoke Mandeville
01296 613431 FRANK FENNELL PLUMBING & HEATING Bathrooms, Ensuites, Cloakrooms Showers, Water Softeners, C/Heating 07967 638527 01296 625447
LET’S COOK Fun children's cooking birthday parties for all ages! Pre-uni crash cooking courses….beats living on Pot Noodles! Also private catering. CRB checked. Nicky - 01296 624193 / 079500 19822
All electrical work undertaken:
Commercial & Industrial Installations and Testing, CRB checked Call Daniel 07719 570327 / 01296 581715
EVANS PROPERTY MAINTENANCE SERVICES plumbing, building, decorating
local and reliable phone: 01296 622668 mobile: 0780 4696183
ALL GARDENING SERVICES Hedge Cutting, Fencing, Lawnmowing, Raised Beds, Weeding, Patios, Garden Clearance Free Estimates, No Job Too Small 07769 600050 / 01494 571096 Pete
Surface Water Charges I just read the very small print on the back of my water bill and found that Thames Water have been charging for surface water although ours does not go into the sewers. It seems we have been entitled to a rebate since 2001, but they did not publicise it properly! In Wendover it is forbidden to drain rainwater into the sewers, but Thames Water still take no responsibility for fair charging unless the home-owner claims the rebate. How many other residents are blissfully unaware that they are being overcharged? Rachel Garver
Cycling on Footpaths Can anyone tell me when something will be done to put a stop to cyclists riding on the footpaths? It is bad enough with kids from the John Colet School speeding along the paths, but there are a lot of adults doing it as well. I have been passed on numerous occasions when walking my dog along the paths into the village and having to move out of their way. Recently, I had a near miss from two adult men who were riding up the High Street on the path. Surely this should not be happening. Is it legal or not to cycle on footpaths unless specifically nominated as a cycle path? Name and Address Supplied I was so pleased to see the letter in the March Wendover News about sharing pavements. I am
Cupboards Alcove Units Wardrobes Bookcases Kitchens Norbert Levingston
01296 612535
aged 88 and do not always walk in a straight line owing to knee and hip problems. Some pavements are quite narrow and, seeing a cyclist coming towards me I have to step to one side, often onto a grass verge, to avoid the cyclist. Very few say, “Thank you,” as they pass, but the worst thing is they often give no warning when coming from behind that they are about to pass quite close. I think it used to be an offence to cycle on paths; is this no longer true? Even on those paths where it is signed and permitted, pedestrians still need to use them, too. Mrs I Foster
Wendover Celebrates and Charity I was disappointed to read that Wendover Celebrates intends to make PACE a special beneficiary this year. I have the greatest admiration for the charity but feel that it should not have preference over specifically Wendover projects. The pool was paid for initially by holding summer Carnivals so why not consider Wendover Swimming CIO? Colin C Riley Reply: Local charity PACE has the resources to help Wendover Celebrates organise and promote the event. It is supplying volunteers, publicity and equipment for the event. We are aware of the plight of the swimming pool and should we be in a position to make donations after the event, we would certainly welcome an application.
Health & Beauty
Beauty at Belmore Having enjoyed previous spa treatments at The Belmore Centre, I decided to return there to try out the manicures. I chose the Deluxe Manicure and enjoyed 45 minutes of expert attention from Julia, a beauty therapist who has worked at The Belmore Centre for eight years. The Deluxe Manicure is thorough, starting with nail shaping and proceeding through treatment of hands with paraffin (my hands do look better and feel softer, as was suggested before the treatment started), hand massage and a traditional manicure (in this case, with OPI Nail Lacquer in Plugged-in Plum). The Deluxe Manicure is definitely a treat for tired hands. I’ve recently had some SpaFinder vouchers and will certainly use them at The Belmore Centre. Now for the big decision – Reflexology, Indian Head Massage, another Deluxe Manicure or something else? The Belmore Centre is due to open some express treatment rooms in Spring 2014. So if you’re in need of a quick beauty pick-me-up before a night out, give The Belmore Centre a try and see for yourself what they can do!
Anti-Ageing at Whitethorn Fields With all the anti-ageing treatments advertised at the moment, choosing one over another is a challenge. That’s where Whitethorn Fields website ( is
helpful. It describes the treatments on offer well, and makes the choice straightforward. After reviewing the descriptions, I chose the Microdermabrasion and HydroPeptide Facial treatments. The environment at Whitethorn Fields MediClinic is relaxing from start to finish, and Ruth, the very experienced practitioner who administered my treatment, was thorough in explaining the process as she completed her work. The facial begins with a purifying cleanse to remove any traces of makeup or lotion, then continues through microdermabrasion, mask application (coupled with a wonderful neck & shoulder massage and five minutes of quiet relaxation while the mask does its work), and finally concludes with removal of the mask, application of moisturiser, and tips on keeping your skin in good condition following the treatment.
April 2014
Dee Lucas Your Independent Cambridge Consultant t. 01296 623560 m. 07747 796200 e.
Inhouse beauty Mobile beauty therapist Wedding make-up artist and nail technician Call Adele I.T.E.C. on 07547100312
Nick Grove Physiotherapy & Acupuncture Call 01296 622363 07597 970866
Pauline Mobile Hairdresser 01296 620629
Whitethorn Fields MediClinic offers a variety of 07752 435117 treatments, not limited to anti-ageing, and free Fully qualified, 20+ yrs experience consultation prior to committing to a treatment. Restyles, Cuts, Perms, Colouring, Free friendly consultation With its quiet rural location and highly skilled staff, it is an excellent place to go for a session of Healing Meditation Group beauty therapy. Whitethorn Fields MediClinic Bringing in transforming Archangelic also offers minor plastic surgery consultations energies reconnecting you to your inner bringing calm and is a supplier of products in support of its Regular knowing, daytime & evening meetings in treatments. Wendover Reviews provided by Wendover News staff.
FFI Contact Louise 01296 696285
News from Wendover Health Centre 01296 623452 Our Opening Hours
Booking appointments and Reception is open from 7.30am to 6.30pm ordering medicines on line
to all us all and benefits people of all ages. Answer: Physical exercise.
every weekday except Tuesday when we close at 8pm; the dispensary opens at 8.30am. On Saturdays (except 19 April) we are open from 8.15-11am, for booked appointments, dispensary (which opens at 9am) and reception only. You can book Saturday appointments on-line, or through our reception team.
To get these benefits, adults should do at least 30 minutes of an activity that makes us feel moderately breathless five days in the week; children should do more. If you are not used to exercising build up the amount and intensity of what you do gradually. If you have concerns about any underlying health conditions that you have, please discuss with one of our nurses when you attend for your review, or a GP.
Did you know that you can book an appointment on line with your registered GP, a locum GP or a GP Registrar through our practice website, If you wish to register to use this service, please bring proof of identification and residence e.g. driving licence, council tax bill, utility bill or bank statement to Reception, who will then be able to issue you with the On Wednesday 9 April, we will close at 1pm necessary paperwork. Once you have for staff training; please call 01296-850011 registered, you can order also order repeat between 1pm and 6.30pm for any urgent medicines on line by using the Prescriptions matters. link on our website. We will be closed for Easter from 6:30pm Thursday 17 April to 7.30am Tuesday 22 April. Our telephone lines (01296 623452) are open from 8am-1pm and 2pm-6.30pm on weekdays, except public holidays. For urgent matters at all times when we are closed (including Saturday morning) please call 111.
Free Wonder Treatment What reduces our risk of a heart attack by a third and of diabetes (type 2) by 50%, and is as effective as drugs those already diagnosed with diabetes? It also reduces our chances of developing bowel cancer, breast cancer (in women), Alzheimer’s disease and depression. It is available free
For more information, click the Live Well tab on the NHS Choices website home page ( Bucks County Council has recently launched a new website called Leap ( which gives details of local sporting activities. Another great local initiative is Simply Walk; see to link up with volunteer-led walks in our stunning local countryside.
April 2014 Liz Brown General Hatha Yoga Pregnancy & Postnatal Yoga Therapeutic Yoga (1:1)
01296 624004 07941 425187
Tips for Sticking with a Fitness Programme pick a cardiovascular and strength-training
Those New Year's Resolutions seem a long time routine that you enjoy. ago now, so what are the secrets to staying fit Jazzercise can help with nearly all of these, so and healthy? No matter who you are, or what why not come and try it? you do, these simple tips will help you continue Keri Donnellan with your goals.
Stay Hydrated – If your body lacks water, then your workout will feel harder and you’ll fatigue Foot Health Practitioner faster. Drink plenty of water 1-2 hours before beginning your workout, then keep sipping (Wendover – based) throughout and after your exercise session. Home Visits - 01296 696032 Listen to Music – Try listening to music when you exercise. Research has shown that listening to Surgery at the motivational pop and rock music enables people Belmore Centre to exercise up to 15 percent longer than their 01296 612361 non-music listening counterparts. Registered Member of the British Association of Foot Health Professionals Plan Ahead – create a routine to your exercise pattern - same time each week, as that is easier Chris G. Cycles to stick to than random times. Level 3 British Cycling Coach & Think Positively – Believe in your ability to Qualified Bike Mechanic succeed. Adopt a can-do attitude, and you’ll be Coaching for Competition or Leisure☻ more successful. All Ages & Skill Levels 07967 978659 or 01296 622763 Work Until Fatigue – Our bodies need to be pushed in order to develop fitness. It's hard work, but will be worth it in the end. THAI ORCHID Buddy Up – If you find yourself skipping MASSAGE AND SPA workouts, then find a workout buddy. The Weekdays 9.00am-10pm accountability will get you to your session, even if Weekends 8am-4pm you’re tired or busy. Tel: 07587 172659 / 01296 330311 Do What You Love – Women who enjoy their www.thai-orchid-massage-andexercise activity are more likely to stick with it so
Yoga Helps “Spring Into Wellness”! The improved weather and lighter evenings might inspire you to ‘get fit for spring’. Taking up yoga while you’re feeling so-inspired may offer benefits that last a lifetime. Yoga offers a holistic approach to wellness; from relating well to ourselves and others, to improved physical fitness, clearer thinking and improved energy levels. You might be starting exercise for the first time, recovering from injury or illness or looking to complement your sporting endeavours and reduce the risk of injury; there’s something for everyone. The initial benefits of yoga might just help us to manage the symptoms of stress and illness, but with practice you might feel empowered to take steps to prevent it; by making healthier choices. * Note: yoga is complementary to and not a substitute for a medical diagnosis or the services of a physician. Yoga is not a religion; people of all and no religion practice yoga. Liz Brown, see ad this page
ELLESBOROUGH GOLF CLUB “For Golfers, Families and Friends” In the heart of the Chiltern Hills, with stunning views, lies one of the most beautiful 18 hole golf courses for miles around. Originally designed in 1906 on a chalk base, the course can be played all year round, on some of the best greens you will find in the country.
If you are interested in joining please contact the General Manager, Andy Hayes, who will be pleased to welcome you and to discuss any aspect of the Club including the joining process. His contact details are:
Telephone: 01296 622114 or visit our website at:
Easter Tennis Camps Halton Tennis Centre is running Tennis and Multi -Activity Camps during the 2 weeks of the Easter school holidays for children aged 2½ to 17. Week 1 – Monday 7 – Thursday 10 April Week 2 – Monday 14—Thursday 17 April Toddler Tennis (2½ – under 4 ) 11.15am-12 noon These courses include lunch: Mini Red Tennis (4-7 years) 9am – 12 noon Junior Tennis (7-17 years) 9am – 3pm Multi-Activity Sports (7-17 years) 9am – 3pm Matchplay days on Friday 11 April and Friday 18 April – 9am to approx 12 noon You can book and pay online by going to and click on Easter Camps or pick up an application form at Halton Tennis Centre, Chestnut End, Halton Village HP22 5PD. Any queries, contact Camilla Hayward on 07748 596607 or email .
Protecting Your Back in the Garden How often do we complain about our backs after being out in the garden? We spend all winter doing very little and then as soon as the sun shines out we go to spend several hours bending, twisting and lifting. The usual places we feel pain are in the lower back, shoulders and hamstrings. The spine is supported by a system of ligaments and muscles. These muscles, especially the deeper core muscles, are
responsible for postural alignment supporting your vertebrae like a corset front to back.
April 2014
19 Cakes, Workshops & Cupcake Parties Maintaining your flexibility is essential to a Contact Emma Corns on 01296 589360 or healthy back, it is not all about strength. Stretching daily will improve your movement. Pilates, Yoga & Tai Chi are all methods of exercise which can help to protect your back.
Chiropractor Specialising in the
TIPS: 1. Use your core more - engage the abdominals, McTimoney technique pull the shoulders down, bend the knees 2. Alternate the leg you squat down with: If you work one leg, hip & buttock more than the other side your weaker side becomes weaker and the London Road, Wendover strong side becomes stronger, this will cause an imbalance and shift the pelvis out of alignment. 01296 622286 3. Alternate hands: Challenge your weaker side, 07870 130702 pull up those stubborn weeds with the weaker hand, arm & shoulder. Squat with your weaker leg in front and pull with your right hand. PETER ELLIS 4. Co ordinate your breath: Breathe in to grab PAINTER & DECORATOR the weed, breathe out as you pull up your abs, Interior & Exterior pull your shoulders down and pull up the weed. Contact 5. Stretch after 15-20 minutes of activity: 01296 582900 (Local) Remember your muscles have had a workout. 07739 709583 Your legs are tired from the squats and your hips and back get tight. You should stretch your lower back, hamstrings, quadriceps, inner thighs, outer thighs, calves, ankles, feet, neck, shoulders, arms & hands. Counteract your flexion (bending forward) with some gentle extensions and rotations of the spine. Katrina Rance
A Alpha Clinic
April 2014
Turn Your Walk into a Workout! Nordic Walking is a superb way to get fit, lose weight and enjoy the countryside. Unlike walking with hiking poles, you plant the poles behind you rather than in front, acting as a lever to give you a longer and more physical stride, which is why it is one of the best cardiovascular and toning exercises there is. Not to mention all the benefits of exercising outdoors and the positive effects on your mental wellbeing. All abilities and ages can get involved. Whether it’s a short gentle walk, or hilly interval training, Nordic walking can be adapted to suit everyone. Here in our local area there is no shortage of different terrains and gradients, canals, woodland and steep hills to climb, it is impossible not to find a walk to suit you. We have also seen huge benefits in rehabilitation, as walking with Nordic Poles has minimal impact on the joints, corrects any posture issues, and has really helped people with knee and back problems. It is also a cardiovascular workout, promoting a stronger heart. So how do I get started? Firstly you need to learn how to do it, a qualified Nordic Walking Instructor can teach you all you need to know to master the technique. It
Fitness is vital you know how to Nordic Walk in order to maximise your workout and get all the benefits. The next step is getting out there and walking, you can join a group for that added motivation and social experience, organised groups with an instructor will ensure a safe, effective and enjoyable walk. There are many organised Nordic walks in your local area. To find out more about Nordic Walking take a look at JPR Fitness website, contact Jackie on 07788 568204 or email Jackie Robinson (see ad this page)
that you are not exercising is more important than your overall flexibility, strength and fitness than the hours working out. This is because the way you sit, stand, walk, sleep and breathe has a greater effect on your physical well being than any exercise programme. These movement patterns may cause muscle imbalance and joint impairment unless you correct alignment and rebalance your body.
The goal of Pilates-based exercise is to improve your quality of life with a fitter and more functional body that moves with fluidity and is able to perform daily activities with more ease.
The Pilates method shows you how to make a conscious choice in your movement patterns. By learning to control your core muscles you will learn to sit, stand and breathe better. Your core includes the muscles in your torso, at your back, sides and abdomen, from your tailbone and pelvis to your shoulders and neck. It holds you up and you use it whenever you stretch, twist or walk. It is your strength centre and the source of aches and pains if you don't treat it properly.
Improved health, well being, strength and flexibility are all within your reach. Start with a basic class to give you the knowledge to build on, and take what you learn into your daily life. Aqua Pilates is even more beneficial if you have problems with your joints as you are supported by the properties of the water as you move. What you do with your body in the time
The Pilates method of exercise creates a core strength through a mind/body approach. It works the body from inside out. It is movement for life. 'Pilates develops the body uniformly, correct wrong posture, restores vitality, invigorates the mind and elevates the spirit' - Joseph Pilates. Liz Ward
Functional fitness with Pilates
April 2014
John Wiggins Plastering Services
Bishop Alan Patron of Lindengate
Lindengate needs your help
At any time some quarter of the people in Britain suffer from some form of depression, so everybody knows someone involved even if they themselves haven't lived with it.
Lindengate is dedicated to providing gardening/ : 01296 489393 / 07905 833190 horticulture-based programmes to help those email: dealing with mental health issues on their road to recovery. We will do this by creating an Roof Repairs New roofs, environment that encourages a structured Lead Flashings, process of recovery where our activities support Repointing, them in becoming more self-confident and able Gutter Repairs to take those first steps towards recovery. Call Pete: 01296 624618 Whether growing food, herbs or other plants or 07775 732192 taking part in other outdoor activities, the relaxed and structured environment, where the Matthew Roots Gas Services medical diagnosis is left at the door, will make a Installation, Servicing & Repairs Of Gas Boilers, Gas Fires and Gas big impact on all who come to us.
In the tracks of everyone the black dog stalks where lies fear, guilt, blame and, often, a feeling of utter helplessness. It's a big problem that is all around us, but very difficult to talk about. Historically, it's very much the cinderella end of the NHS. Finding the right medication is important, but this can feel like putting everything on ice whilst hoping it will go away. When someone's depression is serious but not suicidal it always feels as though there is a lot of hanging about and uncertainty involved. Along with technically clinical responses, it's also helpful to engage in activities, as people can, that involve other people in a non-invasive way. These need to be manageable, personally and spiritually nourishing, and sustainable. Social and therapeutic horticulture offers a new and creative response to an age-old and pervasive problem. Linden Gate is a local start up charity that has secured options on local land for people in this area. The project is realistic, focussed and collaborative. I am delighted to be associated with it. Rt Revd Dr Alan Wilson
Whilst our immediate need is for financial backing, Lindengate’s long term success will depend on the donations we get of time and expertise from our volunteers. As a community project we are keen to involve as many local people as possible and will have many different opportunities to get involved in the set up and future running of the charity. Whether you are able to offer specific specialist skills or just enthusiasm, anyone will be able to help us out.
Water Heaters, Gas Cooker Installation, Gas Pipework General Plumbing & Heating
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If you would be interested in helping us out, Nick Taylor please drop us an email at Landscape Gardener with your contact Decking, Walls, Drives, Lawns, Ponds, information and look out on Facebook, twitter Patios, Paths and all General Landscaping and our website ( for information and dates of volunteer recruitment Wendover (01296) 696840 07507 829423 evenings/events.
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April 2014
Club Corner at the Top Gun school, among others.
John Hampden Probus Club Many will not know that PROBUS is a nationwide organisation set up over 25 years ago as a Club for retired and semi retired professional and business men, primarily to replace the fellowship lost when they retire, and to make new friends brought together in a relaxed environment over a regular lunch.
There have already been considerable improvements to the library including tidying up the back garden and completely redecorating the hall. Other improvements planned include improving the front gardens and new library furniture, particularly in the children’s area.
In the coming months we have many interesting topics, including how music can unlock memories and its aid in helping dementia patients, how dogs are being trained to use their sense of smell to detect illnesses in humans, the background and set up of Camelot national lottery and an For as little as £5 a year for singles and £12 OAP's account of his Climbing Mount for families, you can become a Friend and help to build a better and more successful Our club membership is open to those Kilimanjaro. living within as 10 mile radius of the John For further inquiries please contact Alan library. If you are interested, either in becoming a member or helping, please Hampden Statue in Market Sq. Aylesbury Myers 01296 622448. email . by invitation from existing members and for Membership application forms are also fellow members moving into the area from FOWL available in the library. other existing Probus clubs. The Friends of Wendover Community This year has been particularly successful. In the last 12 months members and their wives have: •Been entertained at a finger buffet lunch by a Magic Circle award winning close-up magician, •Been described the discovery of the double helix and how DNA has changed all our lives, •Listened to the experiences of a member who worked with the last five prime ministers, an electronics officer on board the three different V bombers in the 60s, the head of visitor experience at Waddesdon Manor and a retired test pilot reminiscing about his time teaching pilots
SHANE NEWSOME Painting & Decorating
All aspects of decorating undertaken 3rd generation decorator in Bucks Free estimates 01296 483876 (local) 07771 624517
Library (FOWL) was officially launched at the library on Saturday 6 February. We hope that over the next few months many more library members will join us. The purpose of FOWL is to promote the use of our library, to foster an appreciation of its cultural and educational value to the community and to encourage improvement of its resources and services. The Committee have been discussing future events and these will include a charity golf day on 18 September, film nights in the newly refurbished library hall and possible musical evenings and author nights. We need additional volunteers to assist with these events – can you help? THE PRACTICAL GARDENING COMPANY
Library Book Sale Many thanks to all those who braved the wet and windy weather to come along to the first Wendover Community Library Book Sale. We had a good range of babies’ and children’s new books for sale, all at half price, and had a busy and successful day on Saturday, 15 February. Thank you too to all the volunteers who came along to help, especially to Steve Worth who nobly dressed up as one of the Seven Dwarfs and took our Book Sale poster round the Farmers’ Market. We were delighted to see so many customers! All the funds raised will go towards
For your home improvements
Garden tidying Wall & Floor tiling: ceramic, porcelain & natural stone Regular garden maintenance Flooring: laminate, real wood & engineered real wood
Skirting Boards
GROWING FRUIT & VEG IN A Internal doors & architraves SMALL SPACE Bathroom & kitchen: alterations or full replacement, supply or Whatever your plot size install only maximise production with the expertise of our Reliable Lady Gardeners & Brian, Call direct: Rob 07796 955285 our expert fruit & veg grower Or 01296 290470
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Club Corner
April 2014
improving the facilities for everyone in MWC Halton Supports Sign Health Wendover Community Library. In January, Military Wives Choir Halton were delighted to be invited to help raise End BUST with a Boom! awareness for Sign Health, a charity which Wendover Rotary’s BUST project of has been working for over 20 years to collecting unwanted bras for women in the improve the health of deaf people. Children third world and raising money for Breast and adults were encouraged to join this Cancer Care has been running for nearly record breaking attempt by visiting the three years now and will be closing at the Sign2Sing website, where there were end of June 2014. Our final target is 15,000 tutorials to help them to learn the songs. bras! Over the past two years and 8 months we have collected 13,055 bras and we feel We performed As One on Wednesday 5 quietly confident that with just one more February assisted by Marie and Suzanne BIG PUSH from you all, we will achieve this from Total Communications who helped us with the signing. Everyone really enjoyed by the end of June. Only 1,945 more bras! doing something different and we plan to We are very grateful for such great support perform the song at future events. We all from our friends, friends of friends, wore stripy scarves like their mascot and on families, neighbours and work colleagues. the same evening we also wore our slippers So please help us to end BUST with a boom. to choir to support National Slipper Day in Have one last search for those items in the aid of Help for Heroes. brassiere department that can be sent in our direction, ask your long suffering If you would like to find out more about friends one more time to do the same, how you can support Sign Health, please go together we can produce a final uplifting to result. Celebrate Easter the Healthy Way!
for help from the gym trainers if they need it. As well as being a fun way to burn calories to earn those chocolate eggs come Easter Sunday, following a structured gym programme is a great way to ensure a balanced workout, make efficient use of your time in the gym and allow you to see progress being made. Hopefully members will learn some new exercises and add some more variety to their workout too.
Bras may be delivered to our Bra Banks in various locations in Wendover: the Florence Nightingale Hospice shop, the Raj Indian Restaurant, Costa Coffee and The Flower Gallery. See BUST page for more details.
March saw the club get back in action after the extended winter break. The 1st team were defeated in a hard battled 2-1 match in the quarter final. They have returned to winning form since. More information on past and future fixtures can be seen on
Halton Health & Fitness Club have created 4 gym workouts with the beginning letter of each exercise spelling out an Easter word! Each workout has a different goal and can be adapted for anyone to use. Members are encouraged to do each workout, asking
To enquire about gym membership please contact Camilla Hayward on 07748 596607 or
Guides Attending Jamboree 2015 Congratulations to Elaine Nicholls & Sophie Craddock of 1st Aston Clinton Rangers, who have been selected for the International Service Team to go to the World Scout Jamboree in Japan in July 2015. We are sure that they will be great ambassadors of the Guiding Movement when they visit Japan.
Wendover Football Club
Crowford & Brackley Gas Safe Reg No 45212
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All general plumbing work Installing and servicing central heating, boilers & fires Bathroom & shower installation
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LANDCARE GARDEN SERVICES Family business Established 1985
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April 2014
Club Corner Upcoming fixtures are usually listed two weeks in advance. April promises to be an interesting month for the 2nd team after March recorded mixed results. Training is at 8.30pm on Tuesday at the floodlit Meadowcroft pitch in Aylesbury. All abilities are welcome. Training usually consists of some light, fun drills followed by a game, finishing by 10pm. The 2 nd team continue to seek a new manager if anyone is interested. Enquiries: Michael Gregory on 07783 841905
Wendover Bowls Club The new outdoor season is fast approaching with the first outdoor game on 19 April against Kitcheners at Home. The last few indoor “Short Mat” league games are coming up and we have a good average result with both mat teams holding their own in mid table. We are always looking for new members so please consider the game, as it is for all ages. We have a CLUB afternoon on Tuesdays in the summer and many other chances to play throughout the summer. Contacts for more information are Brian Wheeler 01296 622605, Mo Warr 01296 486655, and Brian Harrison 01296 630669.
Mid Bucks Beekeepers Association The fine weather in March brought out early forage for the honeybees giving the colonies a fantastic start to the season. Our Training Apiary in Stoke Mandeville will be opening for the season on 13 April. With over 40 students on our New Beekeepers Course we anticipate the Apiary will be in demand this summer. The Association will have local honey for sale at the Charity Market on the Manor Waste on 26 April. For more information about these and other Association events please go to
Wendover Tennis and Squash Club We know that summer is upon us when our Wimbledon ticket ballot comes around. It is open to all members who are also British Tennis Members. This year the draw will be held on 1 May at 8pm, a little earlier than usual due to the fact that the LTA are coordinating the ballot nationally and we need to conform to their timing. The summer leagues and knockout competitions get underway this month, we have 7 teams competing again this summer. A full list of our fixtures is at tennis/tennis-fixtures .
A D Carpentry
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Our Club Squash and Racketball tournament Finals day was held on 29 March. It has been one of our best tournaments in recent years and well done to all the competitors.
Wendover Cricket Club Wendover Cricket Club is gearing up for the new season. The junior indoor sessions end on 6 April and switch outside from 12 April. Two U9 teams as well as U11 and U15 have been entered in the Aylesbury League. The U11’s will also play in the Bucks Cricket Board competitions, as will the U13 and U14s. The U17s are playing in the Mid Bucks League’s U17 League, with their matches starting after most exams are over on 17 June. The senior teams begin their season on Saturday 26 April. Their Mid Bucks League matches start on 3 May and continue until the end of August. There is also a full complement of Sunday games (friendlies) arranged through to the end of September. The Club welcomes officials and new members of any age or ability. For more details (and confirmation of training dates) contact Jonathan Seabrook (seniors) on 07718-804 084 or Richard Peck (juniors) on 01296-624209 or by email .
For a friendly, reliable local service
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More eating choice
Crumbs Returns! Crumbs Café is back on Wendover High Street! With its professional chefs now offering pizzas and burgers (with chips) as well as continuing to serve signature dishes such as delicious paninis, full English breakfast, sandwiches, baguettes and jacket potatoes. Crumbs will operate from its familiar premises on High Street, starting from 8am as a café and burger bar, and from 3pm onwards it will be serving delicious authentic stone baked pizzas until 11pm! You can call to order your pizza; in 15 minutes it will be on your table! Deliveries will start soon, but it is “pick up only” for the time being! Crumbs have special offers every month and will soon be expanding their menu, so visit the shop regularly. Grab your bottle of wine and enjoy the summer breeze, introducing no corkage fee! There will be special offers every month. Yet another perfect opening from the owners of Crumbs will follow this spring at 31 High Street, Wendover where Shu Shu was! Midpoint Meze & Bistro Bar will bring Mediterranean cuisine to your doorstep. You will find a variety of tapas, meze dishes, cold and hot mains, and delicious baklavas and Turkish desserts. Midpoint Meze & Bistro Bar will open its doors to the diners who wish to escape to the Mediterranean
April 2014
PSYCHIC READINGS Experienced accurate clairvoyant offers
atmosphere for the night, and are planning a friendly support and help on all life’s surprise opening activity which will warm you issues Telephone Nikki on: up for summer!! Watch this space!! 01296 624417 07810 787899
King & Queen under New Management
M. D. MARRIOTT Painting • Decorating Colour Design Interior and Exterior
Carole Patchett would like to pass on her thanks to customers old and new for their support since the King & Queen changed hands on 3 March 2014. She is especially grateful to Mike & Laura for the amazing amount of help & support they gave, but would like to thank all involved in helping the pub to get up and running again.
01296 630576 For a free estimate
Carole also sends Dolly (a former work colleague) a very happy birthday and congratulations on her 100 years!
Swan Valley Roofing Flat roofing specialists
New Menu at the Shoulder of Mutton
Free Estimates - all work guaranteed
Over 30 years’ experience
Tel: 01296 625433 The management of the Shoulder of Mutton Garden Care & Maintenance would like to announce the release of their new menu. The lunch menu Spring is in the air! (from £5) is served 12-4pm Monday to Saturday, Get ahead & prepare your garden now evening set menu (2 courses £12, 3 courses £14) Call Simon Shirley 625053 / 07836 665512 from 4 pm Monday to Thursday, and of course A friendly and reliable Service the main menu is still available all day.
TOM CHAMLET BUILDERS Extensions: Renovations: New Builds All building work undertaken Friendly, Professional Service References Provided Members of the Federation of Master Builders
07831 445691 01844 351519 COWLEAZE chinnor
A local company specialising in Wills, Trusts and LPAs. Visiting your home at a time convenient to you. Extremely reasonable fees quoted to you in advance. Contact: Sally Bakkes T:01494 713 947 E: This firm is Compliant with the IPW Code of Practice
ROZELLE SCHOOL of DANCING Ballet ~Tap ~Stage ~ Gymnastic Dance Classes for children from 3 years Tap Classes for adults Wendover Memorial Hall Wharf Road For more information
Telephone 01296 622001
April 2014
Local Face: Marian
Marian and Peter were brought up in Bromley, in Kent, scarcely a mile apart, travelling on the same bus to school; of such are romances born! Marian was the first Anglican Head Girl of her Catholic Convent school in Bromley. Peter went to Oxford in 1960 to read Chemistry and Marian to Cambridge a year later. Hence Peter went to Cambridge for his Post Graduate Certificate in Education in Marian's last year at Homerton. During that year in Cambridge their acquaintance with Lee Abbey in Devon flourished and the call to ordained ministry began to make itself heard. The wonderful deaconess chaplain at Lee Abbey encouraged Peter to respond and his Chaplain at Jesus College arranged for him to attend a Selection Conference, which in due course recommended training for the Anglican priesthood. By this time Marian and Peter were engaged; the Church recommended that a couple of years’ teaching should precede ordination training. So in 1964 Marian and Peter were married at St Luke's church in Bromley by the then Bishop of Tonbridge, with Marian's father, the church organist, both giving his daughter away and playing the organ! But first they had to set about finding teaching jobs and a home.
When a job for Marian came up in Harefield and for Peter in Yiewsley they approached the vicar of Harefield to see if he could suggest any accommodation. He found an ancient lodge cottage at one of the entrances to Harefield Grove for the newly-weds' first home. In return for this Peter would be required to run the Youth Club and the Sunday School, the House Groups and the Confirmation Classes and assist at the hospital chapel and the annual fete. So with preaching and praying it resembled doing a curacy before receiving training or ordination. With Marian being involved too it was a busy but fascinating time; with each of them having challenging and demanding fulltime first teaching posts. After two happy and fulfilling years in Harefield came the move to Wells. Amazingly the Building Society provided a mortgage to buy their first house and a friendly bank manager provided an overdraft. Times were different then! Stephen obligingly delayed until a week after their arrival in Wells.
As the Church's ordination grants only covered the ordinand himself Peter was delighted to inherit a job teaching games every afternoon at a local prep school from a
departing student and subsequently added a six week post as Head of PE at the local comprehensive school. Tom Baker was an outstanding Principal; one of the first fully to involve each student's family in the life of the College – just as well in Peter and Marian's case as they had to attend the cathedral Eucharist every Sunday placing the newly born Mary in her carry cot under the pulpit; praying hard and telling stories quietly to the 18 month old Stephen in the adjacent pew! Peter had always assumed that after ordination he would become a conventional parish priest. The sixties however had seen the advent of the French worker-priest movement (clergy having full-time secular employment but working as priests in parishes as well as in secular work). Tom Baker was interested in this type of ministry and suggested that Peter might simply combine what had begun to seem like a dual vocation to teaching and the priesthood, rather like the Harefield experience! So Peter and Marian set about finding a suitable school with an appropriate parish. Both emerged in East Grinstead and in due course Peter was appointed as Head of RE at the local grammar school to prepare for its combination with the
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April 2014
and Peter Louis
neighbouring secondary modern school as a comprehensive. The parish boundaries matching the school's catchment area, made a curacy at the local church of St Mary, opposite the school, entirely appropriate; the vicar was a governor. The newly appointed Head had assembled an amazingly talented staff and Peter and Marian's six years there were hugely enjoyable. Soon Peter found himself marrying staff and baptising their children, as well as some of those of the older girls!
1974 saw Peter appointed as Deputy Head of a Grammar School in Nottingham to steer its becoming Comprehensive, with another curacy at another St Mary's in Radcliffe-on-Trent. Ben had joined the family by then and Marian had taken the opportunity to resume her teaching before moving from East Grinstead. She continued supply teaching until Katy completed the family in 1977, finding enormous fulfilment in teaching children with Special Educational Needs and becoming a highly skilled and experienced Head of Special Needs. Headship arrived for Peter in due course at a Church Comprehensive in Coventry and he was licensed to the entire City as his pupils came from all over it. Before
and ending with a residential weekend at Ely retreat house. These saw many lifechanging experiences, as did the many parish trips to Assisi or Tantur in Bethlehem. St Francis saw a steady stream of people offering for ordained or Reader ministry and Peter being made a Canon. His role as a Spiritual Director grew and continues.
that all his teaching had by choice been in Maintained schools as opposed to Church Schools and the opportunity came to study for an M.Phil on the Church's role in Education at Manchester University. This coincided with a growing feeling that a senior administrative post in a busy school really made priesthood something of a token activity. There is a sense in which a person is never really a priest until he, or now she of course, is a parish priest. Priesthood finds its most real expression in a parish. In due course, Peter became Vicar of the Parish of Welwyn Garden City, St Francis of Assisi and the family moved into the vicarage. What became central to St Francis' life and brought traditionalists and people with little if any church background together was the thirty ten week Alpha courses held at the vicarage, two or three times a year, with meals provided by the congregation
So St Francis was a hard place to leave but a decision was made to retire halfway between when Anglican clergy can retire and when they have to. “Retire now Dad,” was the call, “while you've still got plenty of energy!” They couldn't have found a better place to retire to, even another St Mary's! Peter and Marian have been wonderfully welcomed into the parish and the village, not least by Mark to whom they are especially grateful, and they rejoice at their decision to retire here, where three of their five grandchildren live. Marian enjoys her governorship, her role as librarian for the Choral Society, her book groups and her Probus membership as does Peter his role at St Mary's, in the Deanery, Diocese and Churches Together. With their many friends in Wendover, they consider themselves greatly blessed.
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Matters Arising April 2014
View from the Chair
CIO to the Library
An election was held for a recent Councillor vacancy and on behalf of the Parish Council, my thanks go to all participants – the candidates, the election organisers, the counters and those members of the public who turned out to vote. Congratulations to Alan Myers and commiserations to the gallant losers. A process is now in place to co-opt a Councillor to fill a second vacancy and I’m encouraged by the fact that this is again likely to be a competitive one. Good luck to all participants.
During the Clock Tower refurbishment, which begins with scaffolding in week commencing 24 March, the Community Information Office will relocate to the Library. The Clerk’s office will be moved to other accommodation locally.
Next Parish Council Meeting Monday 7 April, 7.45pm Wendover Library Room We say farewell to Sue Kenyon who filled the temporary vacancy in the CIO in the Clock Tower. Sue stepped in to the role with great enthusiasm and was a welcoming presence to visitors and residents who needed help whether buying tickets or information about the local area. We wish Sue luck with her business in coaching and teaching local youngsters from her home in Wendover A short reminder about the Annual Parish Meeting. It should be a good evening where we review the past Parish year and you have an opportunity to see and speak to Councillors and local organisations to the accompaniment of Bill McGillivray our local guitar tutor. There will also be a demonstration from the Local Ambulance service on Public Access Defibrillators – volunteers?!!
Wendover Parish Council Page
Local Produce Market Manor Waste 9am to 1pm Saturday 19 April Defibrillators The two new defibs, soon to be installed, will be located at the top of the High Street on Budgens wall near the cash machine and (subject to the relevant planning permissions) at the bottom of the High Street in the old red telephone box near the Clock Tower. Demonstration at the Annual Parish Meeting.
£250 to Victim Support in memory of Dick Cooper OBE who was the Chairman of Aylesbury & District Branch for many years. £100 to the Open Spaces Society
Removal of Recycling Banks AVDC have decided that due to the success of the household recycling collection service they will be removing recycling banks across the district over the next few months. There are currently over 80 sites, most of which are seldom used and therefore are considered surplus to requirements. Excess recycling that doesn't fit in your household recycling bin can be disposed of at the local tip., College Road Aston Clinton, or Rabans Lane, Aylesbury.
Annual Parish Meeting Wednesday 16 April, 7.30 pm, Memorial Hall
Manor Waste Survey A reminder that surveys can be accessed through our website or paper copies from the Clock Tower/Library. Please let us know your views about the proposed refurbishment. The survey ends on 30 April.
Pot Hole Blog Transport for Bucks now has a ‘Pot Hole Blog’ where you can see up to date info on the work they have done and how to report a pot hole. Roadworks-Centre/Blog.aspx
AGENDA Chairman’s Report, Financial Statement. Parishioner’s View’s Demonstration on the use of
Defibrillators Bill McGillivray playing the guitar The opportunity to view presentations from grant recipients and other community projects.
£1500 to the Wendover Action Group for the Community Car
Wendover Parish Council, The Clock Tower, High Street, Wendover, HP22 6DU
01296 623056
Community Information Office
01296 696759
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