May 2013 Wendover News

Page 1

Established 1989

May 2013

Available in Dunsmore, The Lee, Halton, Wendover, Weston Turville and Liffré

Plenty to do The Events pages of this issue show that, as always, there is plenty going on in this area in May. In addition, there are several issues we must address, including Wendover Pool, on page 8 and housing development, on page 16. County Council Election

Wendover Celebrates 2014

Buckinghamshire County Council is shrinking in size so it has fewer Councillors to elect this year hence the ward boundaries have changed. The Wendover Ward now includes Wendover, Halton and the rural part of Stoke Mandeville. The six candidates have submitted photos and very brief pledges which are on the centre pages.

Did you enjoy Wendover Celebrates in 2012? Would you like the next one to be even better? Why not go along to the meeting to plan Wendover Celebrates 2014? It is on Thursday 23 May 2013 at 8pm in Wendover Library. All skills are needed to ensure another super day including webmaster, site manager, fundraiser, volunteers coordinator etc.

Weston Turville is now part of the Aston Clinton and Bierton Ward and their candidates are Martin Abel, Labour; Bill Chapple, Conservative; Jonathan Gilpin, Liberal Democrat; Nigel Hayward, UKIP.

The views expressed by contributors are their own and not necessarily the views of the editor.

contributions for June before

Monday 13 May (including payments for ads) book early to avoid disappointment

 01296 624270  Florence Nightingale Hospice Shop,

19, High St, Wendover HP22 6DX Wendover News is delivered through the door to many local households. If you do not receive one at home and would like to volunteer to deliver for us to your road, please contact the office (see above). Wendover News would like to thank all our willing volunteers.

RAF Flypast date : Tuesdays 14 & 28 May at 1.30pm To celebrate the co☻mpletion of training at RAF Halton we can expect a flypast (weather permitting).

ANTIQUES AT . . . WENDOVER May Mystery Object

on view in the shop

£10 Gift Voucher for the Winner

Any purchaser in the shop can enter the I love Wendover draw

D Small Construction For all your building requirements from Patios and driveways to alterations and extensions

March’s mystery object was for removing the top from a boiled egg

Building locally for 25 years

Open 7 Days a week Free car park at rear of shop THE OLD POST OFFICE WENDOVER, BUCKS 01296 625335

Please call 01296 582215


Would you like some jolly music for your summer event? Accordion & Mandolin Music to brighten the dullest event!? Charity events, fundraisers, fetes, parties, Contact: Barbara or Bill 01296 709593 07903 111136

LEGACY FAIRS Antiques & Collectors Market

Thursday 16 May 9am-2pm (Trade 8.00am) Entrance by donation to Charity

Wendover Memorial Hall

WENDOVER MUSIC 2013 St Mary’s Church Saturday 18th May @ 7.30pm BRODSKY QUARTET (Strings) Saturday 8th June @ 7.30pm TASMIN LITTLE (violin) MARTIN ROSCOE (piano) Concert Tickets £14 (concns £13) Children (+5 years) £1, from Wendover, Princes Risborough & Aylesbury Tourist Information Offices. Credit Card Hotline—Aylesbury Visitor Information Centre – 01296 330559

Details from 01296 615753

LIVELUXE Interior Design: Small & large projects

Beautiful fabrics available to order for curtains, cushions, re-upholstery Call now for a free in-home consultation!; tel: 07786 990 537

Wendover Choral Society St Mary’s Church, Wendover. Saturday May 11th at 7.30 CHILCOTT CONDUCTS CHILCOTT Faure: Pavan Chilcott: Requiem Beethoven: Mass in C

Bob Chilcott: conductor with the Oxford Sinfonia Tickets £12, Concessions £10, Children under sixteen - FREE from Clock Tower. 01296 696759

What’s on in May 2013 for June 2013 events, please contact us before Monday 13 May Wendover News, Florence Nightingale Hospice Shop, High Street, HP22 6DX  01296 624270  Calendar entry FREE, one line; What’s On Box charity rate £12 : 20 words Mondays 13.30 Wendover Baby/Toddler Group 0-5yrs term time. Wendover Memorial Hall, details 709791 Mondays The Rotary Club of Wendover & District, for meeting times see Mondays 19.30 -21.30 Bucks French Club, Holiday Inn, Weston Turville, except Bank holidays, details 07738 512664 Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs & Fridays JAZZERCISE classes to suit you : 07900 987230 Mon, Tue, Thu Morning and Evening Adult, Teenager Yoga Classes. 01296 623543, Tue & Wed19.30 Wendover Bridge Club, Cricket Pavilion, Witchell : details 624089 Tuesdays 10.00 Simply Walk, meet at Wendover Clock Tower for easy walk approx 1 hour, details 01494 475367 Tuesdays 10.15-10.45 Bounce & Rhyme for 18mths-5years and 11.15-11.45 for under 18mnths. Wendover Library Tuesdays 13.30-15.30 artsmart Drawing for Absolute Beginners, Wendy Lewis Studio, Wendover 01494 670372 Tuesdays 20.00 Wheelers & Dealers, Square Dance Club, Wendover Memorial Hall : 07731 776654 Tuesdays 20.00 IMAGEZ Camera Club: Weston Turville Village Hall, or call 01296 612632 We’days 19.00 Slimming World, Wendover Youth Club, contact or 0773 888 2736 Wed’days 19.45 - 20.45 Salsa Dance Classes at Wendover Royal British Legion, Bookings: 07767 234532 Thursdays 6.15 onwards : New Kung Fu classes for kids and adults Call Mark on 07809 403208 St Anne’s Hall. Thursdays 19.00 Ballroom & Latin Dance Class / 20.00 : Dance, Wendover Memorial Hall, details 01442 865734 Thursdays 19.45 Wendover Choral Society, St. Mary’s Church Wendover. Details 01296 620450 Thursdays (2nd & 4th of each month) ‘Twins & More Group’ 0-5 years, Wendover Children’s Centre: 01296 621143 Fridays 10.00 Churches together in Wendover Noah’s Ark Parent & Toddler Group, Wendover Christian Centre Fridays 10.15-10.45 Story sessions for accompanied Preschoolers at Wendover Library. Free. 0845 2303232 Sundays 10.30 Weston Turville Union Chapel service. (Communion Service 1st Sunday of the Month). All welcome MAY Thu 02 19.00 Wendover Library Reading Group : For details call 07979 855047 Sat 04 10.00-16.00 Courtyard Charity Craft Fair, Behind Antiques at Wendover, Craft & food stalls, etc. Sat 04 10.00-13.0- BBOWT Plant & Produce Market, Memorial Centre, Great Missenden, See page 3 Sat 04 14.00-17.00 May Fayre. Plants/cakes/books/tombola/bell tower open. St Mary’s W.T. (indoors if wet) Tue 07 12.00 Wendover Community Ploughman’s Lunch at Wendover Christian Centre, see page 4 Tue 07 19.30 Wendover Parish Council Meeting held in Wendover Library Room. All welcome Tue 07 20.00 Kimble & Elles. Hortic. Soc: The Amazon Revisited: Dr. Michael Keith Lucas, Stewart Hall, Lt. Kimble Wed 08 19.00 Grandparents Association Support Group, Holiday Inn Weston Turville Call 01296 582614 Thu 09 13.00-15.00 Time out Meeting at the Shoulder of Mutton for carers. Carers Bucks, see article page 4 Thu 09 10.30-11.30 Thursday Club. Chris Behan on Famous film & TV locations in Bucks. Wendover Library Thu 09 20.00 Chiltern Writers Wendover, Mark Neil, Milton Keynes Poet Laureat , Wendover Library Room Thu 09 20.00 Weston Turville Hort. Soc: Luton Hoo Walled Garden : Oonagh Kennedy. WT Village Hall Thu 09 Waterside Theatre Genesis Revisited: Steve Hackett 2013 World Tour. 0844 8717607 Fri 10 19.15 for 19.45 Supper in aid of Bega Kwa Bega £16 per ticket from 01296 696776,W. Christian Centre Sat 11 10.00 Kimble & Ellesboro Horticultural Soc: PLANT SALE, Ellesborough Village Hall, Butlers Cross Sat 11 10.30-11.30 Book Club. Very informal with coffee and cake and discussion, see article on page 4 Sat 11 19.30 Wendover Choral Chilcott conducts Chilcott with Oxford Sinfonia, £12/£10 St Mary’s 696759 Sat 11 10.00-16.00 Artists & Makers Fair at the Glass House, Waddesdon. See article on page 5 Sun 12 Artists & Makers Fair: painters/printmakers/ceramicist/photographers: Glass House, page 5 Sun 12 18.30 Contemplative Fire Gathering at St Mary’s Church 6.15 for 6.30pm start. 2nd Sun of month Mon 13 Copy date for JUNE edition of Wendover News (adverts, articles, payments in BEFORE 13 MAY) Mon 13 10.00 Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide local support group, for details call 07890 973751 Tue 14 19.45 W. Evening WI, “Resolutions” Meeting, St Anne’s Hall, Wed 15 20.00 Chiltern Humanists Bob Churchill on Global Humanism. All welcome. Wendover Library Room Thu 16 9.00-15.00 (Trade 8.00am) Legacy Fairs, Antiques & Collectors Market, Wendover Memorial Hall Thu 16 14.30 Wendover Horticultural Society History & Management of Chiltern Woodlands. W. Library Room Thu 16 19.30 Home Death by Neil Dunn, Funny moving play, £5, Ballinger Memorial, HP16 9LQ Thu 16 20.00 Aylesbury Centre for Nat. Trust: Wrest Park from Restoration to Restoration, Broughton Jnr School Sat 18 09.00-13.00 Local Produce Market : Manor Waste outside Budgens Sat 18 19.30 Wendover Music Concert: Bodsky Quartet (strings) at St Mary’s Church, See advert on left Sun 19 10.00-14.00 Princes Risboro Farmers Market. High St. PR. Free Parking. (3rd Sun of Each Month) Thu 23 20.00 Wendover Celebrates Meeting planning for next year. Wendover Library Room Fri 24 19.30 Oxford Philomusica at Aylesbury Waterside Theatre, see details on advert below: Sat 25 10.00-17.00 Reiki Healing Day 30 min healing session available £15 – pre-booking essential: 01296 696285 Wed 29 10.00 - 12.00 The Wendover Society Coffee Morning, & RAF Halton display. St Anne's Hall, all welcome Fri 31 20.00 WT Historical Society: Geoff Spring: ‘Death from the Air: German Airship Attacks, WT Village Hall

Loyalty Card Offers See also and Wendover Hardware on the Manor Waste Budgens—Spitfire 8x500ml bottles ONLY £8 RRP £12.72 Whitewaters—cheese offer to 4 May; pasta offer to 8 May No2 Pound Street—10% off some cheese & wine retail purchases Perry Street Dental Surgery—10% off bleaching to 14 June ADH Window Cleaning—variety of offers on website until June Cat Booker—offers on website; The Bakers Shop—meal deal a little bird gallery—20% off bespoke mirrors Lasting Powers of Attorney—10% off to end of May Village Environment Services—20% discount on drains work Andrew Gardner—free draw for purchases with loyalty card Antiques @ Wendover—free draw for purchases with loyalty card Cromptons—10% discount on Luxaflex products

Events Free Internet Resources Thu 2 May 10.00-13.00 Wendover Library Drop in for online resources and e-downloads available to library users. Free. All welcome.

Barn Courtyard Charity Craft Fair

Courtyard Charity Craft Fair Saturday 4 May 10am - 4pm Behind Antiques at Wendover Children's Drawing Competition Face Painting, Craft & Food Stalls Lady Grey Tearoom for treats Charity collection Artists’ and Makers’ Fair In the Glass House at Waddesdon Plant Centre Queen Street, HP18 0JW

Sat 4 May 10am-4pm Come to the Charity Craft Fair in the Barn Courtyard behind Antiques at Wendover. There will be a children’s drawing 11 & 12 MAY 10.00am - 4.00pm competition, face painting, craft and food stalls, etc.

BBOWT Plant and Produce Market

Great variety of work on show and to buy from local artists Demonstrations by ceramicists, glassmakers, silversmiths, Printmakers, painters and more!

May 2013

BBOWT Plant and Produce Market Saturday 4 May 10 am to 1 pm Gt Missenden Memorial Centre

Coffee Morning 29 May 10am to 12pm St. Anne’s Hall Features RAF Halton Display

Sat 4 May 10am-1pm, Gt Missenden Memorial Hall and short talk at The Wildlife Trust's spring plant and produce market will be at Gt Missenden Memorial Hall on Saturday 4 May from 10 £3 entry to Action Medical Research 10:30 and 11:30 Helen and Douglas House and am to 1 pm. There will be a wide range of home-grown Bucks Young Carers herbacious perennials and bedding plants on sale supported All welcome Info: by stalls for second-hand books, white elephants and crafts. 01296 696747 Home-made produce supplied by members can be bought or enjoyed in our excellent refreshment area. We are again raising money to help BBOWT fight the HS2 project and protect the local environment so please come along and stock up! If you can help or have any queries, please call Richard or Julie Birch on 01296 624511, The editor of Wendover News needs help Richard Birch, Chairman, BBOWT Chilterns Group The ideal person would be:

Vacancy at

St Mary the Virgin May Fayre Sat 4 May 2-5pm, St Mary’s Church, WestonTurville The bell tower will be open so do come and support St Mary the Virgin Church May Fayre where there will be plants, cakes, books, tombola, teas and home-baked goodies. Any enquiries to 01296 424982 or 612303. Indoors if it is wet.

 IT and web/social media literate  Interested in local affairs and community issues  Self motivated and able to manage own work Approximately 20 hours per week Sales experience would be useful Please send a CV by email by Friday 10 May

The Wendover Celebrates committee is starting to plan another great event for Wendover in 2014 Now is your chance to become a part of the organising team and ensure that the legacy of 2012 continues

Business Opportunity Establish your own Veterinary Clinic, Dental Practice, Day Nursery, Health Clinic, etc. Brand new purpose built class D1 two storey detached building, full facilities, garden, large car park, idyllic location, acreage if required.

All skills are needed to ensure another super day including webmaster, site manager, fundraiser, volunteers coordinator etc

Please come to our meeting on Thursday 23 May 2013 at 8pm in Wendover Library

To Let The Lee (Near Wendover)

01494 837420


Latest details from

4 May 2013


Sunday afternoon teas at St Mary’s Carers Bucks

FENCING A small family business with over 25 years fencing experience. All types of fencing work undertaken

B. Gardner 01296 624607 07929 525736

From Sun 5 May, 2-5pm, St Mary’s Centre Tea and homemade cakes. Why not come and relax in the friendly atmosphere and take a look around the beautiful church?

W Community Ploughman’s Lunch Tue 7 May 12 noon W Christian Centre Come and enjoy a delicious Ploughman’s Lunch and help raise funds for Christian Aid projects supporting some of the most needy people in the world. Tickets available from @st mary’s and from Wendover Clock Tower. £4.50 in advance or £5.00 on the day.

Thursday Club 09 May 10.30-11.30 Wendover Library Rm Chris Behan will be talking about famous film and TV locations in Bucks, eg Midsomer Murders etc.. All welcome, admission free. Tea and Coffee provided.

W.Turville Horticultural Society Thursday 9 May at 8pm WT Village Hall. Oonagh Kennedy – an illustrated talk on the redevelopment of the Luton Hoo walled garden. New members & non members are always welcome.

Thursday 9 May 1.00-3.00pm Time Out: Meet at The Shoulder of Mutton, Wendover, for a chill out and chat session over tea and coffee. A Support Worker will be available to answer any questions you might have about your caring role. If you are a family carer and would like to come along to the group you will be sure of a friendly welcome. There is no charge. Carers Bucks, Ardenham Court, Oxford Road, Aylesbury, HP19 8HT. 0300 777 2722. Do you require transport to and from the venue? Do you require a sitting service? We can help. Carers Bucks dedicated to supporting family carers.

Bega Kwa Bega Annual Supper Friday 10 May, 7.15 W. Christian Centre. Come and enjoy a three course meal with drinks included £16 a head (unchanged from recent years). Tickets available from Clare Bysouth (chairman) 01296 696776. Back on the home front, many thanks to all those who supported our Saturday Night Ceilidh in the Memorial Hall to the sound of Amber Willow. A delightful evening was had by all. A good result; approximately £700 at the time of writing.

For more information please contact Jo More info on page 21 Spencer on 01296 612817.

Mike Spain

P. KERNAN TREE SURGERY All aspects of tree work undertaken Hedges maintained. Fully qualified—fully insured Local authority approved: free estimates Firewood for sale

Tel: 01296 330501 Direct: 07763 073663 94 Tring Road, Wendover, HP22 6NX

With over 30 years experience, we offer independent advice and a personal service. Your holidays are booked only with fully bonded tour operators. You can contact us by phone or email, alternatively please visit our office to discuss your travel ideas over a tea or coffee.

Events May 2013


the Faure Pavan and Beethoven's Mass in C. Sat 11 May 10am Ellesborough Village Hall Bob works as a composer and conductor and Come early to Butlers Cross: Everything will has an impressive 125 works published by be sold by about 11am on past form. A great Oxford University Press. He is the Principal selection of locally grown plants including Guest conductor of the BBC singers and has conducted distinguished choirs all over the annuals, cottage plants and vegetables. world. Tickets are £12/£10 01296 696759. Meetings are held at 8.00pm every 1st Tuesday of the month (except January and Artists and Makers Fair August) at Stewart Hall, Little Kimble. If you 11-12 May The Glass House Waddesdon would like more information about the This is one of the largest visual arts events in society, please ring Tessa Madden on 01296 the area and visitors will be able to see local 612648 artists in action giving live demonstrations of their art. Sally Evans, organiser of the Artists BARRY BAUGHAN and Makers Fair, said “After highly successful Experienced GARDENER Book Club events last year we are delighted to be Sat 11 May 10.30am W Christian Centre Reliable Service Coffee, cake and plenty of interesting returning to the Glass House. There is an Tel: 01296 613973 conversation are available at Wendover abundance of local artistic talent and I am Christian Centre at Book Club. We meet at delighted that we can showcase and 10.30am until about 11.30am to discuss what demonstrate some of the incredible work that DONNA’S IRONING SERVICE we have been reading, our favourite authors, they do.” OF WENDOVER hear recommendations and sometimes swap books. No set reading – just the opportunity Sally continued “We really hope that people to talk over the books we enjoy. All welcome. will visit the event and support our local artists and marvel at their skills. Visitors may even want to take home some locally-made, FREE evening collection Wendover Choral handcrafted pieces of art that cannot be and delivery Sat 11 May, 7.30pm St Mary’s Church Professionally ironed found on the high street.” The event is open For the first time in over a decade a guest 10am-4pm each day and entry is £3 per Over 15 years experience conductor will be conducting Wendover adult, with a significant proportion of the Fast friendly service Choral Society in the forthcoming concert. proceeds going to local charities Helen and Minimum charge of only £14 The choir is proud to host one of the world's Douglas House, Action Medical Research as  01296 620011 best known choral conductors, Bob Chilcott w e l l 07738 467662 as Young Carers Bucks. who will be conducting his own Requiem plus

Kimble & Ellesborough Plant Sale

See our May offers on our website or the ‘I love Wendover’ website      

Beauty Treatments Kebelo Hair Smoothing Mii Mineral Make-Up Ladies and Gents Thursday, Friday late nights Gift Vouchers

Scruples Of Wendover now has official Facebook and Twitter accounts Like us on Facebook Follow us @ scruplesHBB

Tel: 01296 622043 16 High Street, Wendover, HP22 6EA Book online at

Wendover’s Best Kept Hair & Beauty Secret

6 May 2013

Garden Care & Maintenance Spring is in the air! Get ahead & prepare your garden now.


Christian Aid Week

12-18 May 2013 ,BITE BACK AT HUNGER Call Simon Shirley Today 870 million people are desperate for 625053 / 07836 665512 food and one in eight people will go to bed A friendly and reliable service hungry. We can help communities find ways to not only survive but thrive, with enough food not just today but tomorrow. During Christian Aid Week (12th-18th) a red envelope We need volunteers to help with may drop through your door. Please give as generously as you can and return the all aspects of our work envelope to the Christian Aid collector who 01296 432339 will call later in the week. And thank you for your continuing support!

Friendly Local Service


Plant Sale Sat 18 May 9.15-11.15am, W Christian Ctre It’s time to stock up the garden with vegetables, shrubs, cuttings and bedding plants, including the superb, ever-popular geraniums! Come along to the Plant Sale at Wendover Christian Centre and you’ll find lots of interesting and unusual plants at reasonable prices. Cakes and produce will also be on sale and refreshments will be served. All money raised is for Wendover Free Church’s ‘Uganda’ projects.

Wendover Music


Home Death

Thu 16 May, 7:30pm Ballinger Mem Hall 70% people want to die at home, 30% do. Repairs & Rentals of Why? “Funny, moving and uplifting play” with Tvs ● Dvds ● Hi-Fi an introduction by the author Nell Dunn, and ●Vacuum Cleaners followed by a panel discussion. Director Liz We also offer an installation service Rothschild: “I wanted to present this play for any goods you have purchased from anywhere.We will install and because I find it both searing and funny, set up for you. mundane and extraordinary in the way it captures the dilemmas and challenges 64-66 Akeman Street surrounding dying at home”. Author Nell 01442 822450 Dunn: “I wrote it after my partner died.” With the panel bringing a wide range of experience and expertise, we have a unique opportunity to get some answers and share our own experiences as well as being able to find out from Nell herself what motivated this play. Tickets £5 from Iain Rennie Hospice Shop, Wendover or at

Sat 18 May 7.30 St Mary’s Church The Wheel of 4Tunes: popular string quartets chosen by chance by the players and audience. Since its formation in 1972 the Brodsky Quartet has performed over 2000 concerts on the major stages of the world and released more than 50 recordings.

MayFest at Chilterns MS Centre Sunday 19 May, 11-4, MS CentreHP22 5LX Whole family fun will be on tap at Chiltern MS Centre. Entertainment includes the Kercher School of Dance and a Bouncy Castle for the younger ones. Refreshments include a barbecue. This is your opportunity to see the new site at Oakwood Close if you haven’t visited already.


Events May 2013



Coombe Hill Run

Bucks Open Studios 8-23 June

Sun 2 June 11am start from Shoulder Our own special local physical challenge is the annual Coombe Hill Run, now organised by Aylesbury Athletic Club. Athletes come from all over to participate in the best known hill run in the south. Less competitive runners are also welcome and there is a fun run. Details:

The largest visual arts event held in Buckinghamshire, has announced that 575 artists and makers from the county including painters, glass workers, basket weavers, metal workers, wood turners, jewellery makers, book binders, print makers and silk makers will be opening their studios at 199 venues to the public for free and showcasing their talent.

Digital TV & Satellite specialist New aerials supplied & fitted Sky, HD Freesat, DAB, Freeview Tel: 01296 330621 Mob: 07816 659644

P B CARPENTRY Fully qualified cabinet maker / joiner Kitchen installation Flooring Fitted Wardrobes Cabinets Stud Walling Door hanging

NGS Gardens Open for Charity Sat & Sun 15 & 16 June Across the country garden owners who open their gardens on behalf of the National Garden Scheme are preparing to welcome visitors into them to raise money for charity.

The event has more than doubled in size since 2007 in terms of artists participating and it is hoped to exceed last year’s record of just over 38,000 visits made to studios and exhibitions.

All the gardens in Berks and Bucks are listed in the free country booklet available from libraries, Tourist Information offices, garden centres and bookshops. Over the last ten years the NGS has donated over ÂŁ33 million to nursing/caring charities, including Macmillan Cancer Support, Marie Curie Cancer Care, Help the Hospices, Crossroads Care and Alzheimers Society.

Bucks Open Studios is a great opportunity for a fascinating day out. You can talk directly to artists, watch demonstrations and even be inspired to take up a new hobby and find your own hidden talent. To find out more about Bucks Open Studios 2013 visit the website

BBOWT Wendover Open Gardens

Sunday 23 June 2013 Note the date! Bucks, Berks and Oxon Wildlife Trusts are organising open gardens. Sunday 16 June, 2.30pm Tea and cake will be available at two different For National Bike Week, Get Wendover Cycling will organise a Family Bike locations within the village. If you would like Ride starting on the Manor Waste at 2.30pm. to open your garden to support BBOWT, please contact Chris Peeler - 01296 624089 Chris Peeler 01296 624089.

Family Bike Ride

RELIABLE - No job too small

Call Paul 07723 573698

Man & Van Wendover based Single Items House Clearance Fully Insured Eco LPG Mercedes


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COMPUTER TROUBLE? EVER FELT LIKE THROWING YOUR COMPUTER OUT THE WINDOW? FED UP WITH IT GOING SLOW? CRASHING OR FREEZING? STRANGE MESSAGES POPPING UP? OR WOULD YOU JUST LIKE TO UPGRADE IT? Using a computer can be frustrating at times, so why not let me help. I am a qualified IT Technician and can help with all your computer needs at very competitive rates.

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Looking To Let

Looking To Rent

Your LOCAL Residential Lettings and Property Management Specialists 1 South Street, Wendover Bucks. HP22 6EF Email: Visit our website:

01296 620886 In-toto Kitchens 5 Britannia Street Aylesbury Bucks HP20 1QS Tel 01296 337299

Swimming Pool

8 May 2013


24 Hours Emergency Call Out NO JOB TOO SMALL Domestic Hot/Cold Water Systems Central Heating Systems, Power Showers & Boilers Electrics & Repairs Pumps Sanitation Systems, Tiling, Outside Taps, Drains Unblocked

Fully qualified & Insured

Office: 01296 581200 Mobile: 07771 510 971

As was reported in the March edition of Wendover News, the future of the Wendover Pool is at risk because a subsidy from Buckinghamshire County Council will end in September. The Pool is operated by John Colet School who have asked Wendover Swimming Association whether the people of Wendover would be willing to take over the Pool and keep it open as a community facility.

If the Pool is not taken over by the community it is likely to be closed HAWTHORN GARDENING permanently and the facility, which was Pruning & Weeding originally constructed by the people of Hedge & Tree Work, Lawn Care Grass Cutting, Small Landscapes Wendover and supported by the Wendover Carnival, will be lost. Roy Seabrook H: 01296 625531 M: 07906 398187

During April, W endover Swimming Association has been asking local people their views on what should happen to the Pool, using a survey and an open meeting in the Library Room. The survey results are showing that most people in the town would be disappointed if the Pool had to close and that many would support and contribute to fundraising efforts to keep the Pool open. This is encouraging, but the important thing is whether enough people would join the WSA and use the Pool to make it viable. So WSA really needs to know what you want from the Wendover Pool, including the times you like to go swimming, what sorts of facilities you

would like to see and whether you would use the Pool yourself. WSA is running an on-line survey to understand the demand for swimming in more detail.

Please help WSA by completing the survey which can be found at www.wendoverswimmingassociation. You can also contact us at membership@wendoverswimmingass if you have ideas about what could be done to keep the Pool open or if you can offer any time or specialist skills. WSA is discussing with the John Colet School whether it would be feasible to open the Pool for the summer. Last summer we ran our early morning and evening sessions and added special weekday afternoon sessions and we would like to extend those this year. Of course, if the Pool does re-open WSA will need a lot of volunteers to help run swimming sessions, including qualified lifeguards and first-aiders (WSA can provide training) and administrators. Please do come forward and join the WSA if you can help and keep an eye on the Wendover News web site or the WSA web site for the latest position.

DC Kaye & Co Solicitors 10a High Street, Wendover, Bucks (Located above the Post Office)


LEGS, BUMS & TUMS Thursday evenings at 6.30pm Wendover Junior School


Fitness Pilates Classes, Wendover & Halton For the Beginner to Improver Monday morning & Tuesday evening ******

Chair Exercise Class, Halton Ideal for the older adult or those with reduced mobility

Monday afternoon

****** New class starting soon Pilates for Osteoporosis & Osteopenia - Halton

For further information contact: KATRINA RANCE Qualified Level 3 Instructor / Pilates Level 4 Low Back Pain Management Register of Exercise Professionals MOBILE: 07773454287 EMAIL:


Conveyancing Services Wills, Probate, Trusts, Tax Planning Power of Attorney & Court of Protection Family – Divorce – Finances – Children Employment & Compromise Agreements Mergers and Acquisitions Accident Claims, No Win, No Fee Boundary & Land Disputes, Enfranchisements Consumer/Contract/Construction Disputes Home Visits, Docs Storage, No Annual Fee Plus a wide range of other services

For your FREE initial Half Hour Consultation Call 01296 620443 or Fax 01296 620612 Visit our website at Email enquiries at also at

Old Bank Chambers, 2 Wycombe Road, Prestwood, HP16 0PW

01494 862226

WAT Wendover Arm Trust – Grand Draw 2013.

Wendover News is printed by Alan John Printing Services 01296 614707 Wendover News is published by Wendover News Ltd Registered office: Milton House, Gatehouse Road, AYLESBURY, HP19 8EA


The Trust has launched the Grand Draw again this year to Specialists in raise essential funds to continue with the restoration of the cleaning block paving, patios, Wendover Arm Canal. Work still continues at Drayton decking, conservatories, etc. Beauchamp towards Little Tring on a monthly basis and 25 years local experience visitors are always welcome to view the progress.

Phone John Robertson There is a magnificent selection of prizes and we must thank our sponsors: Wyvern Shipping Co. Ltd have donated the first prize of a week’s 4/6 berth boating holiday; Grebe Cruises have donated a day boat hire. There is a flight with Virgin Balloon Flights, a £100 cash prize presented by our Vice-President, a Swarovski ladies necklace and many other prizes. Should you wish to donate a prize, the Promoter will be pleased to hear from you.

The Wendover Arm Trust now have a new web site where the latest information is available, together with the Grand Draw details and pictures of progress. Visit

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London Road, Wendover

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fully qualified & experienced Tickets are available in Wendover thanks to the generous 01296 625863 offer by Mr Tony Defriez of Tim Russ Estate Agents at 4, Chiltern Court, Back Lane, Wendover, Telephone 01296 07584 201706 621177. Tickets are £1 each. All profits are for the Trust’s restoration fund. The draw will be made on Sunday 8 September 2013 and winners notified by telephone. There is an urgency to sell as many tickets for the Draw as possible this year to raise the necessary funds to continue with the restoration. If you are able to sell books of tickets (5) these are readily available from (Promoter) or telephone 01727 860137.


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All types of floor and wall tiling Friendly reliable local service For free estimate call Tel: 01494 714464

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Wendover Youth Centre

has full facilities and secure garden Ideal for Children's parties/ exercise classes etc.

Phone 07742 689930



May 2013

£15,000 Wendover HS2 Legal Fund Target Legal cases: The HS2 Action Alliance (HS2AA) won the Compensation Judicial Review outright on behalf of the communities of Wendover and the other villages and towns along the HS2 route, and also got leave to appeal in the case of the environmental Judicial Review. A huge achievement.

Ian Phipps MCFHP MAFHP Legal fund: Many people in Wendover kindly

contributed to our initial legal fund but now we need more funds to enable HS2AA to go to (Wendover – based) the Court of Appeal on the environmental Home Visits - 01296 696032 Judicial Review. Every penny counts! We have a deadline of the end of May to raise Surgery at the Wendover HS2’s contribution of £15,000. Belmore Centre Cheques: Please support our campaign with 01296 612361 a donation – whatever you can manage – by Registered Member of the British a cheque, made payable to Association of Foot Health Professionals sending ‘Wendover HS2’ , to Antony Chapman, Treasurer, Wendover HS2, Boddington East, Graham Blake Hale Lane, Wendover HP22 6NQ. Soft furnishing Compensation case: HS2AA won their case  Loose covers (the 2011 consultation was unfair) and the  Curtains decision for a hardship-based scheme was  Re-Upholstery unlawful. The new consultation includes the  Carpets Property Bond option promoted by HS2AA.  Conservatory Blinds Environmental case: What if HS2AA’s  Shutters appeal is successful? HS2 Ltd would have to  Tracks & Poles go back to the alternatives, e.g. other routes, TEN YEAR GUARANTEE environmental assessments on each, and For personal, helpful service, then consulting on them. This process takes please call 01844 261769 time and offers further opportunities to 07802 213 381 confront Government with the facts.

Foot Health Practitioner

John Colet School Annual Primary Liaison Quiz John Colet School held their annual Year 5 Primary Liaison quiz, last month. This is the fourth year John Colet staff and students have played quizmaster, to pupils from seven local primary schools. The quiz is part of the Primary Liaison Scheme, whereby John Colet students give their time to help local primary school pupils by organising various activities, or visiting primary schools to help with literacy and reading. In a close run contest it was Wendover CE Junior School who walked away with the quiz crown. Local Business Supports Enterprise Day Year 11 students at The John Colet School, in Wendover, enjoyed a day of enterprise recently. 30 teams of 6 students were challenged with creating and marketing a new cosmetics product. Local industry experts then judged the products and announced Forest Fragrances as the winning team with their rose tinted soap and raspberry face masks! Wendover based business Joy Ltd, who distribute luxury hair brand Moroccan Oil, donated £1000 to the school to fund Enterprise education and support this scheme. Managing Director, Maureen Hockley, said: “One of our business goals is supporting our local community and we believe the best way to achieve this is to invest in our local school. We as a business may benefit in the years to come from a wealth of well-educated students”.

News from Wendover Health Centre 01296 623452 Opening Hours: Changes We will be closed on Saturday 4 May and Monday 6 May for the Mayday holiday, and on Saturday 25 May and Monday 27 May for the Spring holiday. On Wednesday 15 May we will close at 13:00 for staff training. When we are closed call 111 for urgent problems, or dial our usual number and your call will be diverted.

Additions to the Partnership We welcome Dr Alexandra Bates to the Wendover partnership from 1 April 2013; she joins Drs Philippa Moreton, Jonathan Marshall, Rory Reed and Charles Todd.

traveller) at least 8 weeks before you are due to leave. Allow 10 working days before then contacting the surgery to book an initial appointment for the travel clinic. Travel forms will no longer be returned by post and should be collected from Reception. You can obtain a travel assessment form from Reception or download one from our website There is a charge for vaccines that are not available routinely on the NHS such as Yellow Fever, Rabies and Japanese encephalitis. Please note that we are not in a position to offer a last-minute travel service.

Patient Contact Details Travel Services Our Travel Service has resumed for those who are planning a trip overseas and require vaccinations or malarial prevention medication. If you want to make use of the service please complete and hand in a travel assessment form (one for each

or on our website (under new patient information) to give us your current mobile number and e-mail address.

Safe Alcohol Drinking One important message about the harmful effects of alcohol consumption is that they extend far beyond simple drunkenness and affect many seemingly normal people in the community. Drinking at levels above the recommended limits of 2-3 units per day for men and 1-2 units per day for women can result in liver damage and have other serious effects. Most modern wines contain 9-11 units per bottle, so if two people share one bottle of wine it is likely that both will be drinking well in excess of recommended limits. The number of units in a bottle of wine is given on the label on the back of the bottle.

We are acquiring new software that will enable us to send out text messages to our patients’ mobile phones with reminders of appointments and other important information. We very much hope that you will want to take For more information about the Health Centre and our sister practices see advantage of this service by completing one of the forms available in Reception our website

50 Years Pat Gower, the landlady from The Pack Horse pub here in Wendover celebrates 50 years in business this month. Pat and her husband Bert started off life in Wendover managing the pub on 17 May 1963, a good while before they actually bought it. Bert stayed in employment for about a year to begin with while Pat ran the pub, but Bert worked there in the evenings too. They lived at the pub with their son and daughter who attended the local schools. When Bert died in 1992, Pat’s grandson Grant moved in to the pub to look out for his grandmother. Pat bought a house in the Maples which she sold in 2004 and then moved to her current bigger, house where she has more room to entertain her wide circle of visiting family and friends. She has 10 great grandchildren to add to her list of 6 grandchildren who were already mentioned in our May 2003 edition of Wendover News when Pat was featured as Local Face. In 2009 The Pack Horse Pub held a successful fundraiser in aid of Help for Heroes. They dressed the pub up as a wartime air raid shelter, with camouflage netting, etc. and all who came were dressed in keeping with the theme and they raised a magnificent £3000 for this worthwhile charity.

May 2013

NICE NAILS Bio Sculpture Gel SPECIALIST Beautiful, healthy, strong nails, no chips, instantly dry, lasts 2-4 weeks Call Alison 01442 828598 07973 636958 11

ROY COATES Building Services Repairs to

Guttering Leaking Roofs Flashings Brickwork Competitive Rates

 01296 625296 07885 095366 General building work:Local Builder 50 years in the Building Industry 1963-2013 Non VAT registered

a more personal experience.... quality uPVC & aluminium replacement windows, doors, bi-folding doors & much more Tel: 01296 710903 Mobile: 07966 283787

T.W.BATEMAN CARPENTRY & JOINERY Bespoke garden rooms and offices Sips extensions, Kitchens , doors , floors & more All aspects of building works and landscaping undertaken 22 years experience Tel 01296 292554 Mob 07858885514 Email: Facebook: TWBateman construction

Let us look after your DOG (or small pet) in our home in the Chilterns (HP16) when you’re away on holiday or at work.

To celebrate their Golden Anniversary at the Pack Horse they are planning a big party for family and friends as well as WE ARE NOT KENNELS and look after old faces and locals, past and present. On Sunday 19 May, no more than 3 dogs at a time. Call Jo or Andrew on there will be the Fullers Dray Horses at the pub and there will 01494 837 175 or be a charge for rides up and down, again for charity.


Bucks CC Election May 2013

Chris Adams

Vote for me on May 2nd and I will... * Protect the area that you and I are passionate about * Tirelessly work against HS2!, ONLY UKIP SAY NO TO HS2! * Lobby town and district councils to act in the interests of my constituents and not out of Party political loyalty or ideology * Fight wasteful vanity projects, spendthrift policies and the local government "gravy train" * Provide you with open, honest and accessible representation. The three old parties take your vote for granted while ignoring your wishes. How many times have you made a complaint or raised a concern only to be met with "buck-passing" or indifference from local councillors terrified to say something that would irritate their central party or local government political group? That is not democracy. That is arrogant complacency. Show the old failed parties who is boss and elect someone who will be a true public servant, listening to what people say that they want, and not telling them what they need. If you’re against HS2 you only have one choice. Please use it and vote UKIP, or HS2 “will happen”. An Environmental catastrophic disaster to the Chilterns! Vote UKIP on May 2nd.


Steve Bowles


Steve is a partner in a Chartered Architects practice in Wendover, a member of the Wendover Society, and is married with two children. He’s always been interested in politics and believes a vibrant community requires involvement from all sectors within it. Outside of politics Steve enjoys reading, gardening, music and watching most sports. Steve cares strongly about the communities where he lives and works and will endeavour to ensure that Wendover, Halton and Stoke Mandeville retain their unique character and remain attractive villages. Since the announcement of the route for HS2 Steve has vehemently fought against this project, he sits on the Wendover HS2 Strategic Committee, and is an observer on the Stoke Mandeville Action Group. Recently Steve was able to deliver first-hand the concerns of local residents when he had a private meeting with Patrick McLoughlin Secretary of State for Transport and he made him fully aware of the strength of feeling and the reasons why this project is not viable. Steve welcomes the opportunity to represent you and with your support in the County Council elections he will be able to ensure you are fully represented giving you a real say in decisions which affect you.

Sue Hetherington

Sue was born in Aylesbury but brought up in High Wycombe. She and husband Andrew initially lived around High Wycombe then moved to Wendover in 1995. Sue is a passionate supporter of the Green Party's stated aim of creating a sustainable society. The Greens believe that a system based on inequality and exploitation is threatening the future of the planet on which we all depend and encourages reckless and environmentally damaging consumerism. If elected, these principals would inform all of her work locally, whether in the areas of transport, the environment, community, children and young people or others.


Sue is retired from paid employment but works hard as a volunteer. She particularly enjoys volunteering with the Vale Conservation Volunteers. She has benefitted from the help of a bereavement charity and is in the process of taking over as the leader of a local group. Natural History is a lifelong passion and she supports numerous clubs and societies. Sue also has a deep interest in the law and is planning to progress her academic qualifications into practical studies with an ambition of participating in pro bono activities.


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FOOT HEALTH PROFESSIONAL Gill Crayford-Venn MCFHP MAFHP Registered Member of The British Association of Foot Health Professionals



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TEL: 01296 612921 Sewing Seams Easy Mending and alteration service for clothes and soft furnishings. Need a new zip, trousers or skirt needs shortening? Curtains need altering? Contact Mary Anne on 07761 222196

MOB: 07917 165881 Pauline Mobile Hairdresser 01296 620629 07752 435117 Fully qualified, 20+ yrs experience Restyles, Cuts, Perms, Colouring, Free friendly consultation

Thursday 2 May May 2013


Philip The major issues facing Buckinghamshire are future development, jobs, economic growth and infrastructure. A McGoldrick vote for me or Labour in these elections is pretty much a vote against the Conservatives. They have 44 councillors, they dominate all policy and decision making – and are not interested in change. But the population of Buckinghamshire is growing, and change will come. Aylesbury and High Wycombe are on their way to becoming large urbanised towns, but the new rail link between London and Birmingham will cut clean through the county, without any new train stations to benefit the local economy. There is a need in rural Buckinghamshire for good quality jobs without long commutes. But the only current plan is to bring in incinerators and super-dairies. Significant housing growth is planned first. Schools, retail, amenities and other infrastructure (bypasses, link roads) are planned for much later. In the meantime Wendover residents have to deal with traffic chaos, crowded hospitals and schools, and degraded environment. Future developments will Labour need to be timed and balanced. Will the next generation really be able to live, and work, and raise their own families in Wendover? Someone needs a long term plan. Labour representatives can be part of that. Chris Richards

A Wendover District Councillor for the past 13 years, I have chaired both Economy and Environment Committees and been a member of Development Control and the Chiltern Conservation Board for as long. This experience in key areas would serve me well as a County Councillor. I have both time and commitment to attend day and evening meetings and have an excellent record of doing so at District level. As a member of the local HS2 committee, I remain totally opposed to HS2 but if the Coalition government votes for it, I will continue the fight to protect the environment and for better compensation for local people and businesses. I am against development between Aylesbury, Stoke Mandeville and Wendover. I support economic development, job creation, looking after the vulnerable and ensuring efficient services.


Peter Vernon

I am in favour of unitary authorities. Money saved should be used to enhance services (and repair roads!) but if the Government persists in cutting grants, then it would enable us to maintain services with our own council funds. Communication is important to me - not just at election time. I hope to be your representative at Bucks County Council, playing an active role, responsible only to you and not simply a messenger from the Council. Peter Vernon (50) Liberal Democrat for Stoke Mandeville, Wendover and Halton, has lived in Stoke Mandeville all his life and went to school in Stoke Mandeville & Aylesbury, then went on to study mechanical engineering. Peter has been active in politics for a number of years; he has served two terms on AVDC representing Stoke Mandeville and Elm Farm. Aside from politics his interests include music and photography, and he has travelled extensively around the world. He says “It is hard to think of a County Council division more seriously affected by HS2. Well done BCC and the 51m group for opposing this £32 billion white elephant”.

Liberal Democrat

“It is vital to continue opposing this scheme”, says Peter, “but it is also important that if HS2 is built, Bucks County Council must negotiate for the best deal locally for mitigation and infrastructure improvements”. LEONARD PULHAM NURSING HOME

We aim to promote an atmosphere which encourages individuality, independence and the right to choose, whilst maintaining a safe, happy and caring environment.

01296 625188 E-mail: Website: PAINTING & DECORATING V. SIMMONS 40 years experience For best prices, ring : Home 01296 613387 Mobile: 07712 620167

Healing Meditation Group Bringing in transforming Archangelic energies reconnecting you to your inner knowing, bringing calm Regular day time & evening meetings in Wendover & Winslow FFI Contact Louise 01296 696285

THE PRACTICAL GARDENING COMPANY Reliable Lady Gardeners Garden tidying Regular garden maintenance

Tel: 07732 484545

14 May 2013

 Poor Reception Solved - Aerials repaired & supplied

 TVs - Hung on your wall for you Also supplied & tuned

 Extra TV Points - For aerial & Sky (in HD!)

 SKY TV - also Foreign Language TV

Fencing Gates & Patios TOWN & COUNTRY LANDSCAPING & FENCING 01296 623844 or 01296 631480

11+ Coaching in Wendover with Experienced Tutor For more details phone:

07789 690139 01296 625548


Local Books

Passport to Peach Lane

Water from Wendover: In 2001 the Wendover Arm Trust published a charming booklet written by Shelley Savage entitled Water from Wendover. A thoroughly revised edition has now been published by Tring & District Local History & Museum Society,

Peach Lane Studios not only do fabulous portrait and commercial photography but you can also get your passport photographs taken there. They are experts at children and baby passport photographs. We all know how horrible photo booths are, and trying to get a child or baby to sit still in them is nigh on impossible. Andrea and her team have taken thousands of passport photos of babies, children and adults. They're fully guaranteed so if the passport office rejects them they will do them again free of charge. It costs £10 for a set of 6 UK passport photographs (£15 for international). Just give them a call on 01296 622270 and they'll make you an appointment.

The Ridgeway National Trail contains stage -by-stage descriptions of this 87-mile route from Avebury in Wiltshire to Ivinghoe Beacon in Buckinghamshire. There is also information about the history of the Trail and the areas it passes through, as well as details of excursions to nearby towns and villages and practical information on useful contacts and accommodation. More detailed information Oven Rescue can be found on our website: http:// Joining Oven Rescue and meeting new characters and doing something that most book/694/title/the-ridgeway-national-trail . people dread is the key to my success proven by customer feedback, referrals and a high re-booking rate. I have always enjoyed Harpenden Competition the results and there is no finer example than Harpenden Building Society recently bringing an oven, hob, extractor or BBQ back organised an Easter colouring competition. to life and making it look as good as new! Judging took place on 17 April. The winners, Imogen Peck and Meggie Kehoe from John The opportunity to control my own destiny Hampden; Ashley Rosner and Amber Wilson was a chance I was not prepared to let go. from Wendover CofE Junior, received £10 Am I ready to adapt my lifestyle, control my WHS tokens presented in school assemblies. diary, benefit from my own hard work and A photo of the judges (including Robert motivate myself...I most certainly am! Duggan) with the winning entries are on Toby O’Callaghan Wendover News website and Facebook.

Forum Summer at The Chiltern Brewery May 2013

Singing Lessons From beginner to advanced, enjoy learning to sing with confidence and skill. Professional singer, teaching in Wendover.


Military Wives' Choir Halton

Pianist Required

Reliable, committed & enthusiastic May is such a beautiful month in the Chiltern Hills. It is also a pianist to rehearse on Wednesday great time to come and visit your local independent brewery! evenings 7.30-8.30pm and for Do spare some time to pop out to see us and our fabulous Diana Sharp 07932 129 216 occasional performances at events. Brewery Shop in Terrick. We sell our award winning bottled and draught ales and some wonderful chandlery, much of it PSYCHIC READINGS Candidates must be Grade 6 or made as many of you will know with our own beer. above, be able to Experienced accurate clairvoyant offers friendly support and help on all life’s issues

sight-read and accompany.

On Saturday 25 May to celebrate and support English Wine For more details and to arrange a Telephone Nikki on: week, which runs from 25 May to 2 June, we will be hosting trial session please contact: an exciting English wine tasting featuring many of the local 01296 624417 07810 787899 wine producers that we stocked in our shop, including Daws Hill from Radnage and Brightwell of Wallingford. There will be L & C HOME IMPROVEMENTS Learn to Drive with reds, whites, rosés and sparkling offerings to enjoy so come ROUND THE BEND For all your DIY needs DRIVING SCHOOL along and try out some of these amazing local wines. Special offer - £15 per Excellent rates Our newly designed 8 pint sharing pack is coming soon and hour for the first three hours, All jobs considered then just £23 per hour! our special limited edition seasonal Cobblestones Summer If you are interested call Brian on No job too small Ale will be available in May/June. Samples of our momentous 01442 381549 or 07988 742385 07532 384 103 or 01296 589 558 Ruby Ale, brewed in conjunction with CAMRA to mark 40 years of the Good Beer Guide, will be free to taste.


This is also the perfect time to be sitting in the beautiful historic cobbled courtyard of our brewery tap, the Farmers’ Bar in the The King’s Head in Market Square, Aylesbury. Here you can enjoy any one of the fabulous beers from The Chiltern Brewery or guest ales from the unique beer menu with sumptuous lunchtime food that has a strong focus on local products. Look out for live events over the summer too. uly -


Pudding Club Evening and Twitter @chiltern_brewer and @Kings_Head 01296 613647 / 718812.

Family business Established 1985

Landscaping and grass cutting, walling, patios, driveways, fencing, turfing, hedge-cutting, tree trimming 01296 623605 07715 522087

This is advert



Liz Brown General Yoga Pregnancy & Postnatal Yoga Yoga Therapy

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May 2013

Peter Bird Garden Design RHS Medal Winning Designer offering an individual and creative design, construction and planting service call Peter on 01296 622790


Merryweather Mowers

Painting . Decorating Colour Design Interior and Exterior

New & Used Mowers in Stock

01296 630576

SALES, SERVICE & REPAIRS 54 Brook Street, Aston Clinton Aylesbury, Bucks. HP22 5ES

For a free estimate

Tel: Ian Stiles (01296) 631918



Offered by Licentiate of Trinity College

John Wiggins Plastering Services

Stoke Mandeville


: 01296 489393 / 07905 833190

01296 613431


Handy Man Cliff Truluck Kitchen, Bedroom & Bathroom fitting Carpentry, plastering, plumbing & tiling All decorating from start to finish For friendly and reliable service, call Cliff on: 07970 065442 (daytime) 01296 381452 (evenings)


Hampden Fields Firstly the Hampden Fields Action Group would like to thank the many thousands of people in and around Wendover who wrote over 8,200 letters of objection to this proposal – it has made a big difference and will continue to play a pivotal role in the campaign. Whilst this development may appear a little way from Wendover it will undoubtedly affect the area. Traffic and visual impact issues are well documented but what is less widely known is that the Primary Care Trust has formally requested that no new doctors surgery should be built if the application were to go ahead. This will mean existing surgeries in Wendover and Aston Clinton would be required to ‘absorb’ over 8,000 new people. On 10 April the planning committee of Aylesbury Vale District Council unanimously voted to reject the Hampden Fields application on the grounds of the transport and traffic modeling, the impact on the surrounding villages and the visual impact of such a large scale development. Although this is good news this is merely the “end of the beginning”. We now move forward to the next level, at the planning appeals which will require us to raise £30,000 in a very short space of time. In this formal representation HFAG will be supported by a number of Parish Councils, including Wendover, who have been very supportive in opposing this development on behalf of local people. The group is currently in the process of raising this money which we are determined to do. If you feel you would like to donate please visit our website at or if you would like to discuss donating by cheque please contact Phil Yerby on 07769 621507.



Come rain or shine………

The Lawn Afternoon Tea

£15 Cheese Selection

available 3pm until 6pm Decadence in the afternoon

BBQ Weekends From May 4th, every Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holiday Monday come along for a superb BBQ noon ‘til 5pm

Mid-Week Lunch Freshly prepared, seasonal and local menu. We are practically giving it away! £12 for a 2 course and £16 for a 3 course meal

 Chosen daily by the team,  This is your cheese board made easy  Contains 4 perfectly ripe cheeses  Represents a saving of 25% Add £5 for crackers & chutney as well!

Rising Stars with Juliet Harbutt 28th June Rising stars will see great new British cheeses showcased by Juliet and of course washed down with wine. Tickets £35.

10% DISCOUNT CONTINUES On all cheese* and selected Wines until end of May 2013 …don’t forget your card! *excludes the £15 cheese selection and other offers

To make a booking, please contact Russell Arms on: 01296 624411 Or email:

WINE SHOP : BRITISH DELI : EVENTS 2 Pound Street, WENDOVER, HP22 6EJ 01296 585 022


May 2013 17

EVANS PROPERTY MAINTENANCE SERVICES plumbing, building, decorating

Barlow Road Playing Field

local and reliable

I had the crucial meeting with AVDC last night where the fate of the Barlow Road land was decided. Unfortunately it was a unanimous vote to accept the best offer on the land to make way for building. I tried hard to persuade them otherwise, by picking many holes and flaws in their report with the help of Cllr Chris Richards, but they completely ignored our points during their discussion. It was as if we hadn't put a case across and despite me asking them to put their community before financial gain, they still chose money over matter.

phone: 01296 622668 mobile: 0780 4696183



01296 624140 or 07780 900936

Chris G. Cycles

F R JEFFERY & SON However, they did say they intend working closely with the Coal Merchant Parish Council to find and transform an alternative site, Coaching for Competition or Leisureâ˜ť Logs, Compost although they have acknowledged they have failed to find an All Ages & Skill Levels Coal & smokeless fuel alternative site in the past, apparently one has been identified 07967 978 659 or 01296 622763 Delivered to your door, low prices but is privately owned land so will have to wait and see. If it’s Rex & Carol Jeffery where I think it is I'm sure the owner has been contacted by the Parish Council and rejected the opportunity to sell. Your local Fensa Registered company now in its 15th year Leona Wheals 13 March 2013 uPVC Windows Doors and Conservatories Composite Doors Level 3 British Cycling Coach & Qualified Bike Mechanic


Over 100 objectors handing in 4379 objections to AVDC before the decision on Hampden Fields (see article on previous page).

Misted Double Glazed Unit Replacement All repairs to uPVC Windows and Doors

TEL/FAX : 01296 423606

Soffits Fascias & Guttering Bi Folding Doors


18 May 2013

All electrical work undertaken: Domestic, Commercial & Industrial Installations and testing, CRB checked Call Daniel 07719 570327 / 01296 581715


Wendover Evening WI

Wendover Junior u14 5aside

Tue 14 May 7.45pm, St Anne’s Hall This will be the Annual Resolutions Meeting; when the members discuss and consider the options for the next National WI Publicity Swan Valley Campaign. Following the business, members Roofing from the Play Reading group will entertain with their newly acquired art of “Choral Flat roofing specialists Free Estimates - all work guaranteed Reading” Over 30 years experience


Visitors are most welcome. Margaret Currell - 01296 582318

Chiltern Humanists


Wendover Juniors U14 football team are very proud to be representing South England in the Gillette/Powerleague 5-a-side National Finals as reward for being runners-up in the South Regional Finals at Basingstoke on 13 April against tough competition. The team qualified for the Regionals after winning the Area Tournament, held at Stoke Mandeville in January, and are now eagerly looking forward to the Nationals to be held in Manchester on 18 May. Very well done to all the team (Sabeen Gurung, Owen Addison, James Patton, Morgan Vaughan, Harry Robinson and Tommy Smith) and many thanks to manager, Jock Addison, for his support and encouragement.

Wed 15 May 8.00pm, Library Room Bob was the Head of Membership and Promotion at the British Humanists 07967 638527 01296 625447 Association and then spent the best part of a Wendover year with the Uganda Humanist Association. He is now Communications Officer for the MidBucks Beekeepers Association International Humanist and Ethical Union. May and June are the months in which honeybee colonies are most likely to swarm, Matthew Rayner What are the issues addressed or faced by if you believe you have discovered a swarm Humanists in differing regions? How is please call 07850085767. If the swarm is Gardening. Fencing. Humanism expressed elsewhere in the accessible one of our members will collect Landscaping world? With particular emphasis on the work and re-home it. Further details on how to Regular maintenance or of IHEU, Bob will attempt to answer these recognise a swarm of honeybees can be and any other questions you may have. one off jobs undertaken found on our home page Non-members are always welcome. Bring Mobile: 07762 855150 your friends. Our first summer meeting will be held on 15 Tel: 01296 623369 For more information about Chiltern May at the Association Apiary, the theme of Humanists and a full programme of events, the meeting will be Queen Rearing. please visit

Bathrooms, Ensuites, Cloakrooms Showers, Water Softeners, C/Heating

MR Gardening

LYNDA JANE RAYBOULD & associate Beryl Hinton welcome all patients to

PERRY HOUSE DENTAL SURGERY for routine dental treatment. Acupuncture, Bleaching and Cosmetic treatments also available in a relaxing and friendly environment

Village Location Denplan Registered Please contact 01296 622631


May 2013 19 As I am sure many of you know St George Wendover Cricket Club was not only the Patron Saint of England but Wendover Cricket Club’s junior section has also the Scout Movement. started practices and matches come thick and fast in May and June. The senior teams This event is marked every year by the commence on 27 April, with league matches groups that make up the Vale of Aylesbury starting the following week. The Club is Scout District. Each group taking a turn to indebted to its sponsors: Radley (windows & organise the event. doors etc) of the senior teams; Oakdene Hollins for the junior section, Christopher This year the task fell to 1st Wendover. In Pallet and the Shoulder of Mutton for the previous years we have had fun days and Village Cup and Numbers generally. church parades, so we felt we should look for something a little different and we came up New members and players of any age and with the great idea to take them all to ability are always welcome. Contact Warwick Castle for the day, keeping with the Jonathan Seabrook on 07718-804 084 or for knight theme. How do you transport over 500 juniors, Richard Peck on 01296-624209.� people in one go? Hire a train! The Village Cup started on 20 April, details So after a year of planning, the tickets were can be found on . booked, the train was booked and 570 people signed up to go. Wendover Tennis and Squash Club With all rearranged matches from the winter By the time you read this we will have been, tennis leagues there has been no real gap so if you spied any of the bleary eyed young before the summer matches. We are fielding people making their way to Wendover Station 8 teams in the Aylesbury District and Bucks at 8am on Sunday 21 April, that was another Shield Leagues this summer. The Club will day in the life of a Beaver, Cub, Scout or be running an open afternoon on 11 May. Explorer Scout from 1st Wendover and the Email The Vale of Aylesbury District. members draw for Wimbledon tickets will take place on at the Clubhouse on Tuesday Andrew Inkley 21 May at 20:00, the Club has been lucky Scout Leader and been allocated a similar number of

St Georges Day 2013

SPANISH Learn from a qualified and experienced native speaker All levels taught Translation and Interpreting also offered

Tel: 07515 737360

AUSSIE PLASTERING Over 20 years experience No job too small

07981 196275 01296 482263

Plumb It All Professional Plumbing & Heating Engineer Full Central Heating Systems, Gas & Oil Boiler Servicing Bathroom Planning & Installations Small Jobs happily undertaken

Ring Richard on 01296 709961 07720 265645

Samantha McKinlay Hairdresser 07973 505076 Cutting, Colouring, Hair-up 18 years experience Call above number or email me

20 May 2013

PETER ELLIS PAINTER & DECORATOR Interior & Exterior Contact 01296 582900 (Local) Nick Taylor

Landscape Gardener

You Write

wider development issues? If you could Sincere thanks to everyone who supported provide some clarification that would be very our Art Exhibition in March. So far we have much appreciated. Alan Watson made £17098 ,which is pretty amazing in this Green Party Member & Wendover Resident day and age Dagny Lund, Chilterns MS Centre

Thanks from Chilterns MS Centre

Disturbing letter

The April edition of Wendover News carried a

Decking, Walls, Drives, Lawns, Community Orchard I read the Community Orchard article in letter which disturbed some readers. This Ponds, Patios, Paths and all Wendover News and am disturbed that topic is now out of the public domain by General Landscaping request. Wendover (01296) 696840 AVDC wish to retain ownership of the land in

order to maintain their options. Given the comments from WPC, I am not clear about Clocking off why this AVDC stance should be thwarting 66 next month and I thought it time to retire the aim of a Wendover Community Orchard. (but definitely not put my feet up!). For the  last 12 years I have been lucky enough to Cupboards Is a Community Orchard under AVDC work part time in the Wendover Community ownership not a good second best? And is and Tourist Centre situated in ‘The Clock Alcove Units this second best not preferable to no Tower’ with a dedicated team of staff, My Wardrobes Community Orchard at all? Am I links with ‘The Clock Tower’ though go back understanding the position correctly that 45 years, to when I was a young Police Bookcases AVDC are happy to have a Community Constable in Wendover. To back up the “new Kitchens Orchard if they retain control? Is it affordable fangled” handheld radio communication, we used a system of ‘making points’. This meant Norbert Levingston for WPC to take ownership anyway? standing outside designated telephone boxes Would AVDC ownership and maintenance around the village ten minutes before and not mean that the DC were ‘buying into’ the after the hour, in order that you could be aspiration of local residents for local contacted or your supervisor could meet you. amenities and local resources? This would No government targets in those days! The Sugarcraft Specialist telephone kiosk outside ‘The Clock Tower’ Cake Decorating Supplies appear to be consistent with Government was one such location. (Full story on support for such schemes. 01296 696860 Happy memories 1 Town Court, High St Wendover Bucks, HP22 6EA Is this really about an Orchard or is it about inside and outside The Clock Tower. Peter Stride


01296 612535

You write Batteries for hearing aids We have been patients of the excellent Wendover Health Centre for more than 30 years and appreciate the very good care we have received. Having been totally deaf for 35 years my wife relies on her NHS hearing aids, as do many others in Wendover. Just before they were abolished, the Buckinghamshire Primary Care Trust ceased the supply of hearing aid batteries to the Wendover Health Centre, leaving the deaf and elderly with no easy way to replace the used batteries in their NHS hearing aids. The new policy of failing to supply batteries for hearing aid users in Wendover is not one of care and I hope those with responsibility for the provision of care will restore this very important service to the deaf of Wendover. Alan Hartfield Wendover Health Centre replies: "We regret that we are no longer able to supply NHS hearing aid batteries and appreciate the inconvenience of having to travel to Stoke Mandeville Hospital or whoever supplied the hearing aid to collect them. This has resulted from a national decision to open up Hearing Aid services to competition. The matter is not in our direct control: we do not have a budget for the purchase of hearing aid batteries. However, we will raise the issue with the new Aylesbury Vale Clinical Commissioning Group to see if the situation can be improved.

May 2013 21

‘Bega kwa Bega’ charity originally concentrated on education in Uganda, pupil sponsorships and school buildings, but the range of operations has extended to embrace the children’s communities. Projects for clean water, a mobile clinic and health education were a natural (and urgent) development. In recent years a demonstration farm has been developed teaching best practice, now starting to repay the investment by the sale of produce. Ugandans are enormously grateful but want to reduce long term dependency. The mobile clinic serves many remote rural communities where no medical assistance is available. Last year we were forced to replace a twenty two year old pick-up truck which was well beyond economic repair. The need for a suitable replacement vehicle with refrigeration for vaccines and private space for examination remains a priority.

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22 May 2013

Tribute to Florence Busk

On Saturday 10 March, m y grandmother, Florence Rosa Busk, just short of a month after celebrating her 108th birthday, finally got her wish to leave this world for a well deserved rest. Born on 17 February 1905 in Poplar, East London, a stone’s throw from the 2012 Olympic Village, Florence, (or Florrie, as she became known) was the second child and eldest daughter of Rose and Joseph Davies. Due to her father’s illness and the family’s struggle, she became the main support to my great-grandmother, Rose, in helping her to raise nine siblings with the associated relentless chores. Florrie demonstrated great skill and resourcefulness, in order to survive, as did so many families in that part of London, and these were passed down to my gran, whose sheer determination later gave her the strength to battle through anything that was thrown at her . Because of the close community in which they lived, market traders would not see families like my grandmother’s go hungry and kept marrow bones and left over vegetables for them to make a meal at the end of the day.

chaotic home life and it was through visiting Mae’s aunt in Surrey that my grandmother, aged 20, met the tall, dark and handsome Albert, who would later become her husband, after several years of distance courtship. Leaving home to go to work was an opportunity for independence for my grandmother and she was able to move closer to my grandfather. They married in 1930, when she was 26, but kept it very secret so that she could keep her job. Unfortunately, as she was a very sociable and chatty woman, it was not long before the cat was out of the bag, which inevitably resulted in her having to leave! Florrie and Bert moved from Surrey after their first child, Peter, was born, to Staines, where my grandfather took a job as a the Grounds Manager at the Cemetery, a job he loved. They lived in the house on site until Peter and my mother, Pauline, who was born in 1944, had left home and my grandfather had retired.

My grandmother had an amazing reputation as a generous host, fantastic During her latter childhood, Florrie made cook, and a thrifty housekeeper. She two close friends, Mae and Louie, who it shared everything she had and was one seems offered an escape from her

of the founders of the “Make Do and Mend” campaign, in my opinion. I remember her insisting that I would need a sewing machine for my 18th birthday (that was in 1987). The reason, she explained, was that I would need to be able to darn my husband’s socks!!! She knitted and crocheted; making bed socks, blankets, gloves and a host of other items. She cared for everyone, including a torrent of visiting family members, who would all turn up at the weekend, expecting to be fed, watered, entertained with card games and sent home with produce from grandad’s vegetable patch. My mum has told me that gran would spend all her Saturdays cooking, ready for the arrivals. Some of gran’s family stayed with her and my grandad during World War II, as they were out of London. Another example of my grandmother’s thrifty ways is when my Uncle Peter had a surprise awaiting him on his return from National Service, to find that my grandparents had rented out his room while he was away. It was however a nice surprise as it was empty for his return and had earned its keep as my grandmother had saved up the rent money to give him.

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2013 23

Local Face : Simon Shirley Simon moved with his family to Wendover, from Marlow, in 1998. His 3 children have all attended the local schools. After A levels Simon aimed to get a job as a runner in a film company to work his way up and obtain a coveted Union ‘ticket’. Even in the 1980s you couldn’t work in the film industry without membership of the BECTU union. He was fortunate in having the opportunity to assist a feature film editor who then sponsored him for his union application. Simon briefly joined the BBC before finding himself at an independent TV company and then finally working as a freelance video editor. In 1992 he jointly established a TV post production business in West London which soon relocated to London’s West End. Simon studied for and was awarded the Institute of Directors ‘Diploma in Company Direction’ but then realised he was managing the business day to day

no longer having any creative or programme involvement and became increasingly disillusioned and decided life is too short to spend 5 days a week doing something you don’t enjoy. In 2002 Simon made the decision to sell up and leave the TV industry altogether. Completing a 2 year BTEC in Landscape & Garden Design at Aylesbury College’s Hampden Hall Site he then set up his small garden maintenance business which he has advertised in Wendover News since day one and his current advert is on page 6. He comments, “For 10 years now I’ve been fortunate to feel that I love my job again, working in all weathers, in and around Wendover. Several of my regular customers have been with me from the beginning and I am grateful to them for their support.”

Simon was proud to officiate recently at a Banquet given in honour of David and Samantha Cameron and hosted by the Earl and Countess of Carnarvon at their home, Highclere Castle (home to ITV’s Downton Abbey). His role included greeting guests alongside the butler, Colin, announcing dinner and introducing the 3 speakers, including the Prime Minister. On this occasion he was also asked to say grace and had the honour of proposing the loyal toast, to The Queen.

In 2010 Simon was inspired whilst attending a wedding where there was a Toastmaster. A year later he qualified as a professional Toastmaster and joined The National Association of Toastmasters. Simon smiles when he recalls that he was planting daffodil bulbs in the The role of the Toastmaster is more morning, then a few hours later and than simply acting as master of wearing his red jacket, calling the Prime ceremonies and providing a touch of Minister and guests to dinner with a style. He can be viewed as an event trumpet fanfare.

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Matters Arising

24 May 2013

View from the Chair Having been the Chair of Wendover Parish Council for two years, it sometimes feels that I’m always thanking people, but that is truly the case and it’s of great encouragement because team work, in my mind, is always about motivation, management and gratitude. As we come to the midterm of our Parish Council tenure, I feel it’s right to devote this piece to thanking people and organisations. Thanks are due to a great number of people – especially my co-councillors. Where we thought things were going to get easier they didn’t but through teamwork and a bit of adjustment I’m pleased to say that we remain a working council of thirteen elected councillors. Although I cannot yet report specific details, I can say that by the time you read this we should have appointed a new Clerk.

Next Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 7 May 7.30pm Wendover Library Room Special thanks go to the people of Wendover, especially the Snow Patrol, who I hope will shed their shovels, and morph into a Badger Patrol. Councillor Walsh, our chair of Amenities, is planning to sort the badger problem which is wrecking large portions of Witchell and Hampden Meadows. Electronic sonic methods are being tried out to put the badgers off, but the repair to damage will require vigilance.

Wendover Parish Council Page

Local Produce Market Manor Waste 9am to 1pm Saturday 18 May I was very honoured to stand on the dais in Wendover, together with the RAF Halton Station Commander, the Chair of Bucks CC, the Chair of AVDC and representatives from the Royal British Legion on the occasion of the RAF exercising their right to the Freedom of Aylesbury Vale. Not only did the weather magically brighten up at the right moment but Wendover turned out in all its glory. Thanks are due to so many people but a big thanks to Sue Gilbert from the Clock Tower who inherited an organisational task of immense proportions and also to Warrant Officer George Mifsud from the RAF. All sorts of people played their part but the folks who helped with the road closures (I think I must owe them a pint together with the snow patrol) and last but not least Debbie Tolputt who was asked to do the catering late in the day and the team of ladies assembled at the last minute who helped put together a wonderful range of food for the reception that the WPC hosted after the parade. Many of the RAF personnel present commented on the quality of the food even to point out, in some cases, that it was some of the best food that they had experienced on such similar ceremonial occasions. Yet again Wendover showed what they can do when everyone works together.

And finally a plug for Wendover Celebrates 2014. Last year was a wonderful occasion and nothing will ever match the summer of 2012 and nor should it. The committee has organised an open meeting on 23 May in the library at 8pm and I would encourage as many people as possible to participate. We will need volunteers to organise all sorts of things – large and small. At the very least come along and listen to what is being proposed. Robert Duggan, Chairman

Badgers and chafer grubs Badgers are digging up lawns, allotments, the church yard etc., looking for chafer grubs. Chafer grubs are the soil-dwelling larvae of chafer beetles and can be found in soil under the turf. They have stout white bodies, light brown heads and are about 18mm long and feed on the roots of grasses and other plants. Patches of lawn may become yellowish, and damage is most obvious between autumn and spring when the grubs are reaching maturity. Damaging infestations can be highly localised and sporadic. As we seem to have a plague of chafer grubs the badgers may be a blessing in disguise!

Annual Parish Meeting This was well attended. The restoration of the Clock Tower was fully discussed. The other major building project is the refurbishment of the Manor Waste. More details about both projects are available at Wendover Clock Tower.

Wendover Parish Council, The Clock Tower, High Street, Wendover, HP22 6DU

01296 623056

Community Information Office

01296 696759

SUNDAY CHURCH SERVICES for May 2013 WENDOVER FREE CHURCH, AYLESBURY ROAD 11.00am Morning Worship ST. ANNE’S ROMAN CATHOLIC, AYLESBURY ROAD 9.15am Sunday Mass; Confessions 11.00am Saturdays HOLY FAMILY CATHOLIC CHURCH, HALTON : 10.30 am ST. MARY’S CHURCH OF ENGLAND 8.00am Holy Communion 1st Sunday at St Mary’s, thereafter St Anne’s 9.00am Holy Communion & 10.30am Varied Family Services & Jnr. Church

St MICHAEL’S C of E HALTON: 6.00pm Service every Sunday For more about church services, courses and meetings, visit the Churches Together Office:

@stmary’s, 11 High Street, HP22 5DU 01296 623123 10 am - 12.30pm each weekday

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