March 2012 Wendover News

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Established 1989

March 2012

Available in Dunsmore, The Lee, Halton, Wendover, Weston Turville and Liffré

Saints, Mothers and Clocks

The views expressed by contributors are their own and not necessarily the views of the editor.

Spring is coming and we’ll be busy with Saints David and Patrick as well as Mothering Sunday and clocks forward! Wendover Celebrates less than 100 days to go: Have you bought your tickets for the second of the W endover Celebrates fundraising Quiz Nights on 23 March at the Memorial Hall? Tables are available via the web-site at w w w. w e n d o v e r c e l e b r a t e s . o r g . uk . Tickets are also going fast for It's a Knockout so be sure to book your team online now to avoid disappointment. Wendover Celebrates is also searching for young bands, groups or singers to audition in their Battle of the Bands competition, to win the chance to be the opening act of the evening entertainment at Wendover Celebrates on 4 June. The competition will be held at The Memorial Hall on 31 March, starting at 7.30pm. If you are interested in taking part, e-mail entertainment@

contributions for April before

Monday 19 March for details of how to submit a demo. Closing date is 9 March. Tickets for the competition will be available on the door for the small fee of £3. Tickets for the full evening entertainment on 4 June are also on sale via the web-site now, with a fantastic line-up of live music, fire performers, the lighting of our Jubilee Beacon and an explosive fireworks finale being planned. Early bird discounts are currently in operation, with Adult tickets at £10, Youth (13-17) tickets at £5, and Children (12 or under) going free. There are still places available on the Carnival Parade and also availability of stalls for local traders, businesses and charities. All enquires by e-mail to

(including payments for ads) book early to avoid disappointment

℡ 01296 624270 Florence Nightingale Hospice Shop,

19, High St, Wendover HP22 6DX Wendover News is delivered through the door to many local households. If you do not receive one at home and would like to deliver to your road, please contact the office (see above). Wendover News would like to thank all our willing volunteers.

RAF Flypast date : Tuesday 6 March To celebrate the completion of training at RAF Halton we can expect a flypast, weather permitting at 1.30 pm

WENDOVER MUSIC: dates for your diary St Mary’s Church, Wendover, Saturdays at 7.30pm

25% off weekend to celebrate 25 years Saturday 31 March 10-5.30 Sunday 1 April 11-5

March Mystery Object


£10 Gift Voucher for the Winner

January's mystery object was a Stilton Scoop. Open 7 Days a week Free car park at rear of shop THE OLD POST OFFICE WENDOVER, BUCKS 01296 625335

14 April: Emma Johnson (clarinet) and John Lenehan (piano);Debussy, Schumann, Weber, Copland & Milhau

12 May:Alan Barnes Octet* Leading Jazz ensemble Duke Ellington classics, Wendover Suite

9 June Heath Quartet Prize winning strings Haydn, Tippett, Tchaikovsky

7 July Benjamin Grosvenor (piano) Bach, Chopin, Scriabin, Rachmaninov, Ravel

Season tickets £42 (concessions £39) Children (+5 years) £4 Concert tickets £14 (concessions £13) Children (+5 years) £1 *Jazz concert £10.00 Available from: Wendover, Princes Risborough and Aylesbury Tourist Information Offices, credit card hotline 01296 330559, booking fee will apply. More details from 01296 615753


Yoga Retreat Day 11 March and

29 April Weekly class Wed 8pm Contact Sue 630475 Roof Repairs New roofs, Lead Flashings, Repointing, Gutter Repairs

Call Pete: 01296 624618 07775 732192

Merryweather Mowers SALES, SERVICE & REPAIRS New & Used Mowers in Stock 54 Brook Street, Aston Clinton Aylesbury, Bucks. HP22 5ES

Tel: Ian Stiles (01296) 631918

Pauline Mobile Hairdresser 01296 620629 07752 435117 Fully qualified, 20+ yrs experience Restyles, Cuts, Perms, Colouring, Free friendly consultation

Legacy Fairs Antique & Collectors Market

Thursday 15 March 9am-3pm (Trade 8am) Entrance by donation to Charity Wendover Memorial Hall

SALSA DANCE CLASSES Next 6 week beginner course Starting Wed 28 March 2012 at Wendover Royal British Legion

7.45 - 8.30 p.m. Cost £35 To book call 07767234532

What’s on in March 2012 for April 2012 events, please contact us before Monday 19 March Wendover News, Florence Nightingale Hospice Shop, High Street, HP22 6DX ℡ 01296 624270 Calendar entry FREE, one line; What’s On Box charity rate £12 : 20 words Mondays 13.30 Wendover Baby/Toddler Group 0-5yrs term time. Wendover Memorial Hall, details 709791 Mondays The Rotary Club of Wendover & District, see Mondays 19.30 -21.30 Bucks French Club, Holiday Inn, Weston Turville, except Bank holidays, details 07738 512664 Mondays New Kung Fu classes for kids and adults Call Mark on 07809 403208 St Anne’s Hall. See advert on page3 Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs & Fridays JAZZERCISE classes to suit you : 07900 987230 Tue & Wed19.30 Wendover Bridge Club, Cricket Pavilion, Witchell : details 624089 Tue & Thu Morning and Evening Adult, Teen & Children's Yoga Classes. 01296 623543, Tuesdays 10.00 Simply Walk, meet at Wendover Clock Tower for easy walk approx 1 hour, details 01494 475367 Tuesdays 13.30-15.30 artsmart Drawing for Absolute Beginners, Wendy Lewis Studio, Wendover 01494 670372 Tuesdays 20.00 Wheelers & Dealers, Square Dance Club, Wendover Memorial Hall : 07731 776654 Tuesdays 20.00 IMAGEZ Camera Club: Weston Turville Village Hall, or call 01296 612632 Wed’days 19.45 - 20.45 Salsa Dance Classes at Wendover Royal British Legion, Bookings: 07767 234532 Thursdays 19.00 Ballroom & Latin Dance Class / 20.00 : Dance, Wendover Memorial Hall, details 01442 865734 Thursdays 19.45 Wendover Choral Society, St. Mary’s Church Wendover. New Term 8 Sept Details 01296 620450 Fridays 10.00 Churches Together in Wendover : Noah’s Ark Parent & Toddler Group, Wendover Christian Centre

MARCH Thu 01 19.00 Wendover Library Reading Group : For details call 07979 855047 Fri 02 14.00 Women’s World Day of Prayer from Malaysia. St Anne’s Church, Aylesbury Rd, Wendover Fri 02 20.00 St Leonards History Group, Experiences of a Bucks Coroner, St Leonards Parish Hall: 01494 762954 Mon 05 19.30 Wendover Parish Council Meeting, Wendover Library Room. All welcome; details 01296 623056 Tue 06 12.00 Justice & Peace Lunch: Home made soup. Suggested donation £3.00, Wendover Christian Centre Tue 06 20.00 Kimble Horticultural Society Blooming Marvellous Plants: Alexia Balance, Stuart Hall, Lt. Kimble Wed 07 10.00 Wendover U3A, How do we age & Why? : Tom Maisey, St Mary’s Church, Wendover (members only) Thu 08 19.45 Wendover Evening WI, Travellers Tales : Geoff Lodge, St Anne’s Hall, details 01296 582318 Thu 08 20.00 Chiltern Writers Meeting - How To Promote Your Work by Martin Latham. Wendover Library Room Thu 08 20.00 Weston Turville Horticultural Society Gardeners’ Question Time. W.T. Village Hall. See editorial p18 Sat 10 10.00-18.00 MS Art Exhibition-a display by 75 Artists, homemade refreshments, MS Centre in Halton Sun 11 11.00-16.00 MS Art Exhibition - Local artists work on display, MS Centre, Scarlett Ave, Halton Sun 11 18.15 for 18.30: Contemplative Fire at St Mary’s Church, Wendover. All Welcome Mon 12 18.15 onwards Kung Fu Lessons starting at St Annes Hall today. See advert on page 3 Mon 12 18.30-21.00 Could you be a Sport Maker? Come to Stoke Mandeville Stadium. See editorial pg 4 Thu 15 09.00-15.00 Legacy Antique & Collectors Market, Wendover Memorial Hall Thu 15 14.30 Wendover Horticultural Society: The Dolomites, Talk and Slides by Mr. Lea, Wendover Library Room Thu 15 20.00 Ayles Centre for National Trust, The Serengeti Experience 1: N. Glover Wright, Broughton Jnr. School Fri 16 20.00 Worlds End Players: “Crackerjoke Writer” by Paul Richards, Halton Village Hall 625582 or 624581 Sat 17 09.00-13.00 Local Produce Market : Manor Waste, Wendover Sat 17 10.00-12.00 Wendover Evening WI Coffee Morning, crafts, tombola, raffle etc. Wendover Library room Sat 17 20.00 Worlds End Players “Crackerjoke Writer” by Paul Richards, Halton Village Hall 625582/ 624581 COPY DATE FOR next edition of WENDOVER NEWS MONDAY 19 MARCH Thu 22 14.30 Weston Turville U3A. Medical Dogs : Mandi Simons : Weston Turville Village Hall Thu 22 19.30 Wendover Swimming Association AGM, Witchell Cricket club pavilion. All members very welcome Fri 23 19.30 Wendover Celebrates Quiz, £10 per head, see editorial on page 4. Wendover Memorial Hall Sat 24 09.00-12.30 Jazzercise Dances for Sports Relief, Grange School Sports Hall, Aylesbury HP21 7NH Sat 24 09.00-13.00 Spring Charity Market on the Manor Waste - come & support all your local charities Thu 29 10.00-14.30 BBOWT Conservation Work Party, W.T, Reservoir, please call Diccon Proctor 07799 686080 Fri 30 20.00 WT Historical Society, The Reed and the Rote, by Zachary Taylor. Weston Turville Village Hall. Sat 31 12.30-16.00 Cat Show, Entrance £2 adults, £1 Senior Citizens/children. Wendover Memorial Hall Sat 31 19.30 Tring Choral Soc: Rossini’s Messe Solenelle, SS Peter & Paul Church, £11, 01442 300949 Sat 31 Closing date for Lionel Abel Smith Trust applications, see page 3

GKL FORGE GARAGE All makes Servicing & Car Sales Good Garage Scheme Member 100% Customer Satisfaction Forge Garage - Terrick Crossroads - Terrick - Nr Aylesbury - HP17 OTG

Call 01296 613722 Email:

St Marys Wendover Celebrates 2012 A Festival of Flowers, Music and Refreshments! Saturday 5th May – Monday 7th May Put it in your diary now! Flower and Art Displays – AMC Big Band – Songs of Praise - Pimms For more information or to see how you can get involved, please pop into @St Marys on Wendover High Street, email or call 01296 623123

March 2012 3

Events Battle of the Bands

Wendover Music

Closing date 9 March We are searching for young bands, groups or singers to audition in our Battle of the Bands competition, to win the chance to play on a professional stage to 5000 people and be the opening act at the event of the year Wendover Celebrates. The competition will be held in Wendover Memorial Hall on Saturday, 31 March from 7.30pm. There will be a well stocked bar and . . . tickets will be available on the door for the small fee of £3. Contact us for details of how to submit a demo tape for the event before 9 March on

Wendover Music tickets are now on sale at Wendover, Princes Risborough and Aylesbury Tourist Information Centres. Aylesbury Visitor Information Centre offers a credit card hotline, 01296 330559 (a booking fee will apply) for those who prefer to book by telephone. Early booking is advisable as this looks to be a wonderful season! The concerts are all on Saturdays, beginning at 7.30pm, in the comfortable, tranquil setting of St Mary’s Church. Full details are on the front page advertisement. Season Tickets £42 (concs £39)/Child (+5 years) £4; Concert Tickets £14 (concs £13)/Child (+5 years) £1 * Jazz Concert £10. Further information: 01296 615753,

Lionel Abel-Smith Trust Closing Date for applications is 31 March The Lionel Abel-Smith Trust, formerly known as Wendover Community Trust, invites applications at the 34th Annual Meeting on Friday 4 May. Please write to or email The Clerk, Mrs Glenys Newman, giving as much information as possible, including your contact telephone number or email:


14A Vicarage Close, Wendover, Bucks HP22 6DS



THE FRIENDS OF ST ANNE’S HALL are pleased to announce that the Hall is now available for hire Booking enquiries to our booking secretary Louise Mazzullo

e-mail: stanneshallwendover

phone : 07423 266 713 registered charity: 1143300

Wendover History Walk Dates,2012 23 Apr, 14 May, 18 Jun, 2 Jul & 10 Sep Mondays @ 1.30pm from St Mary's Church Tickets (£7) are on sale in Wendover Clock Tower from Thursday 1 March for the fourth year of the Wendover History Walk: http:// 01296 696759. All tickets must be purchased in advance. The programme starts in St Mary’s Church, Wendover. Wendover Inhabitants from the past are encountered on a circular walk (mainly on the level, lasting about an hour). The group returns to the church, with the final character, where a delicious afternoon tea will be served.

WI Coffee Morning Sat 17 March 10am-12 Wend Library Room Homemade cakes, preserves, crafts, greetings cards Tombola - every ticket wins a prize

Free admission

Cat Show Saturday 31 March 2012 Wendover Memorial Hall Open to the public 12.30 - 4pm Entrance: £2, or £1 for Senior Citizens/Children

4 March 2012


M A Atherton Complete decorating services

56 Hale Rd Wendover Mob: 07787 135911 Tel: 01296 622076 Email:

FENCING A small family business with over 25 years fencing experience. All types of fencing work undertaken

B. Gardner 01296 624607 07929 525736

Graham Blake Soft furnishing • • • • • • •

Loose covers Curtains Re-Upholstery Carpets Conservatory Blinds Quilted Bedspreads Tracks & Poles

Sporting Hero?

Mothering Sunday Crafts

Monday 12 March 6.30pm, SM Stadium Bucks resident, and our greatest Olympian, Sir Steve Redgrave, is urging anyone 16 or over to become a Sport Maker and help make sport happen where they live, work or study. Register for one of the free Sport Maker events on 12 March (6.30 to 9.30pm) at Stoke Mandeville Stadium, where you’ll have the chance to win London 2012 prizes. For details call Stephen Green on 01296 585626 or

Sat 17 March, St Anne’s Hall, 10am-12 Come to our craft morning to get ready for Mothering Sunday with a variety of activities for children to enjoy making special gifts for mums and carers. Tea and coffee is available too. Look forward to seeing you!

Crackerjoke Writer Fri 16 /Sat 17 Mar, 8pm, Halton Village Hall March sees the return of the award winning World’s End Players with a production of a play that will be touring Drama Festivals in the East of England. This local drama company will be performing the one act comedy, “Crackerjoke Writer” by Paul Richards (not suitable for young children). Tickets £8 ticket including ploughman’s and refreshments. Book your table early by ringing 01296 625582 or 624581.

WI Coffee Morning

Sat 17 March, 10am-12, W Library Room Free admission to our coffee morning: TEN YEAR GUARANTEE homemade cakes, preserves, crafts, For personal, helpful service, tombola, every ticket wins a prize, greetings please call 01844 261769 cards for every occasion, tea and coffee. 07802 213 381 Everyone very welcome.

Great Ormond Street Charity Dinner Friday 23 March, Spice Cottage, HP22 6NU Abdul Mukith has owned the Spice Cottage in Tring Road, for 5 years. Abdul’s son was treated at Great Ormond Street, so he is organising a fundraising dinner on Friday, March 23 which will be attended by David Lidington MP. Tickets will cost £14.95 and can be bought from the restaurant, tel 01296 696913/625202, See also article on page 10.

Wendover Celebrates Quiz Fri 23 March, 7.30pm, W Memorial Hall This is the second quiz supporting Wendover Celebrates, the Parade and Carnival on Monday 4 June. Tickets £10 per head in tables of 7, 8 or 9 via Wendover Clock Tower or

WPC Spring Charity Market Sat 24 March 9.00-13.00 Manor Waste Wendover Celebrates will be happening in June so the Charity Market will be in Spring again this year. Come along and support or join local causes.




from £150 for a single person from £275 for a couple To discuss your own personal requirements, please telephone

local retired solicitor Patricia Riley-Page who will be pleased to arrange a home visit within ten miles of Wendover Proof of identity will be necessary before preparation of any documents. The business is covered by Professional Indemnity insurance & Public Liability insurance.

Looking To Let

Looking To Rent

Your LOCAL Residential Lettings and Property Management Specialists 1 South Street, Wendover Bucks. HP22 6EF Email: Visit our website:

01296 620886

Wendover News is printed by Alan John Printing Services

01296 614707

Events Jazzercise Dances For Sport Relief! 9.00am- 12.30 Sat 24 Mar Grange School Sports Hall Jazzercise is planning a massive event to raise money for Sport Relief. It will be a triple session workout (three 45 minute sessions) and the theme will be ‘The Olympics’. Registration for the event is £5 per person, with all the money going to Sport Relief. If you want to just come and browse the stalls, the entrance is free. More details on website or contact Keri Donnellan on or telephone 07900 987230.



All electrical work undertaken: Domestic, Commercial & Industrial Installations and testing, CRB checked Call Daniel 07719 570327 / 01296 581715

Cupboards Alcove Units Wardrobes Bookcases Kitchens Norbert Levingston

A.J. KING Your local decorator 30 years experience Quality decorating at competitive prices

01296 612535

Free quotations

Tel: 01296 696511

BBOWT Conservation Work Party Thursday 29 March, 10-2.30, WT Reservoir If you would like to help, please contact Diccon Proctor, Volunteer Warden, 07799-686080,


Rossini’s Messe Solonelle Saturday 31 Mar, 7.30pm, SS Peter & Paul, Tring Tring Choral Society will be performing Rossini's 'Messe For a friendly, reliable local service Solennelle', conducted by Colin Stevens. Tickets: £11 (£10), Competitive Car Hire Available £5 for U18's, from members, or the Box Office (Iain Rennie Hospice Shop, Tring), or phone 01442 300949. LONDON ROAD

◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊

Servicing & Repairs Diagnostic Tuning Air Conditioning Services Discounted Tyres Forecourt Shop Competitive Car Hire


Courtyard Charity Fair Saturday 5 May, The Courtyard Calling local craft makers for 'The Courtyard Charity Fair' on Sat 5 May. Anyone interested in a stall please call Melanie on 07854 787733 or pop in to 'a little bird told me gallery'.

Tel: 01296 622107 Fax 01296 623085 Email:


St Marys Wendover Celebrates 2012

No job too small Over 20 years experience

A Festival of Flowers, Music and Refreshments! Saturday 5 May – Monday 7 May

07981 196275 01296 482263

We need volunteers to help with all aspects of our work

01296 432339


Tel: 01296 624402

Invest in something special for Mother’s Day Reasonably priced antique & pre-loved and modern gold and silver gem set jewellery with many other gift ideas from furniture to paintings to mirrors, etc BUY LOCALLY

Something special to treasure for ever Open Monday - Saturday 10 - 5 Closed Wed and Sundays Large customer car park at rear of shop through archway




10 High Street

01296 623378

Using a computer can be frustrating at times, so why not let me help. I am a qualified IT Technician and can help with all your computer needs at very competitive rates.

call Pete on 0800 311 8385 or mobile 07881 555482 email

Wendover HP22 6EA

Also come in and get 0% commission for award winning travel money @ Wendover Post Office

6 March 2012


Chiropractor Specialising in the McTimoney technique

A Alpha Clinic London Road, Wendover

℡ 01296 622286 07870 130702

Hawthorn Garden Maintenance for all your gardening needs • Hedge & Tree Work • Pruning Weeding • Lawn care • Grass cutting • Patios • Small Landscapes

Call Roy on

01296 625531 07906 398187 P B CARPENTRY Fully qualified cabinet maker / joiner Kitchen installation Flooring Fitted Wardrobes Cabinets Stud Walling Door hanging Tiling RELIABLE - No job too small

Call Paul 07723 573698

Proposed changes to Health service in Buckinghamshire You may already be aware of the public consultation document which is being issued by NHS organisations in Buckinghamshire, outlining options for the future provision of health services within the county. The public consultation period runs from January 16th – April 16th 2012, during which time a number of public events are being organised. A copy of the consultation document and details of these events can be obtained by telephoning 01494 552256 or by email to:

Mimi’s Mission update To everyone who has worked so hard and supported Mimi's Mission since we commenced fundraising in September 2011, I'm keen to update you all about our progress. As many of you are aware it was hoped that Mimi would be able to have Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy (SDR) later this year at Frenchay Hospital in Bristol. For multiple reasons, and not without significant disappointment for friends and family, we have recently been informed that Frenchay are not in a position to operate on Mimi.

The consultation document can also be found St. Louis Childrens Hospital in Missouri, has been able to find an opening for Mimi in on the website at: March 2012! We will be flying in the first week of March. The immense fundraising The Committee would warmly welcome any efforts of kind friends and community means views you may have on the proposed that a total of £34,000 has been raised to changes. You can do this by writing to us at date and more than covers the short-term Public Health Overview and Scrutiny, cost of the operation, equipment and wonderful Buckinghamshire County Council, Room G9, phys iotherap y. W hat a County Offices, Walton Street, Aylesbury, achievement - thank you to everyone who Bucks, HP20 1UA or by email to has been so generous. by 20 March 2012. If you are responding directly to the Better For more about Mimi's Mission, please Healthcare in Bucks consultation, it would be contact the Treasurer of Mimi's Mission, Matt very helpful if you could send us a copy of Ryan FCCA Managing Director, Numbers, 32 your response. All responses will be treated High Street, Wendover, Bucks, HP22 6EA. in confidence and will help to inform the Lloyds Bank account in the name of Mimi’s formal response from the Committee to the Mission has, sort code 30 90 38. Account NHS. Lin Hazell, County Councillor Number 38230968, Nici Simpson (mother)

News from Wendover Health Centre 01296 623452 Dr Anna Milward Dr Anna Milward will be going on holiday then maternity leave for six months from mid-March. Dr Andrew Jackson will cover her work from midMay onwards.

Appointments with doctors and nurses Thank you for your support while we work to improve the appointments system at Wendover. In order to make the best use of appointments please consider the following:

• Many patients find that they can get

carries news about topical health concerns. Our own website (www. carries a wealth of health information and links to other useful websites.

• Healthy adults and children can

us as soon as possible on 01296623452. The receptionist may offer you an appointment with a nurse, or a call back by one of the doctors or nurses on duty. Many problems can be dealt with over the phone, but if necessary arrangements will be made for you to be seen on the same day. If your problem is urgent please do not ask for a call back from your own doctor (unless they happen to be on duty that day).

usually fight off conditions such as coughs, colds, flu, and diarrhoea and vomiting without the need for prescribed medicines such as antibiotics. Give supportive treatment such as paracetamol for flu and extra fluids for stomach upsets: specific If your problem is not urgent you will be advice can be found on the websites offered a routine appointment with the mentioned above. doctor or nurse of your choice. We aim to offer appointments within a week, but To speak to a nurse you can call regrettably sometimes the wait is NHS Direct (0845 4647); they will ask longer, especially if you want to see a you about your symptoms, provide specific doctor or nurse. health advice, and indicate if you should seek an appointment at the Telephone calls for non-urgent matters surgery. are usually best reserved for follow up

the information they need from • reliable on line sources. We recommend the NHS Choices and Patient UK websites: you can find them by typing the name into a search engine such as Google. Both of these sites carry useful information after an earlier consultation; your doctor on common conditions, NHS Choices If you decide that you do need urgent will often indicate when a follow up also has a symptom checker and attention from the surgery, please call telephone consultation is suitable.

March 2012 7

8 March 2012

HS2 The campaign against HS2 is stepping up a gear, following the announcement by Bucks County Council and the other members of the ‘51m’ group of county and district councils that they will be seeking a judicial review of the Government’s decision to proceed. Anti-HS2 community groups along the line of the route have come together to seek separate judicial reviews of environmental aspects of HS2 and the Government’s decision to offer only a limited compensation scheme. This twin-track approach, with the councils and action groups making separate challenges, is to ensure that all the key decisions the Government has taken are considered by the courts. The Wendover HS2 Action Group is in favour of this approach and legal advice gives us some confidence that it can succeed. We believe this offers the best chance of getting the Government to reassess HS2 and the chosen route as part of a proper enquiry into the country’s strategic transport needs. Wendover HS2 is now seeking funds to contribute to the action groups’ legal challenges, and to enable us to continue fighting strongly for a better deal for Wendover and the surrounding

villages if HS2 does go ahead. This is a critical point in the campaign and we need to raise a substantial sum of money. By law, if we are to challenge the Government’s decisions about HS2, we have to do so immediately.

T r ans por t Secr etar y, Hous e of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA or urging her to reconsider her decision to reject a bored tunnel right through the Chilterns, which she did on cost grounds.

Please help if you can, by sending a cheque for whatever you can afford, made out to ‘Wendover HS2 Legal’, to Antony Chapman, Treasurer, Wendover HS2, Boddington East, Hale Lane, Wendover, Bucks HP22 6NQ. This is our last and best chance to halt HS2 in its tracks!

Finally, we need your help to improve the Government’s proposed compensation scheme. We believe the question about compensation in the HS2 consultation was not fair, and that the Government has rejected the best of the options for compensation.

Please write to the Transport Secretary and to David Lidington MP urging them to provide the high-quality compensation scheme we were promised and that helps everyone affected by HS2, and not just those In parallel with the legal challenge, we suffering exceptional hardship. must continue to press the Government for a proper bored tunnel right BBOWT response to HS2 through the Chilterns in the event HS2 The altered route of HS2 still impacts on does go ahead. The latest plan – with dozens of wildlife sites in the line in a tunnel as it passes central Buckinghamshire. Read the latest Wendover – is a huge improvement, but updates on the Berks, Bucks & Oxon it still leaves residents of London Road Wildlife Trust's website and the surrounding hills exposed to an and download a even higher viaduct, and the beautiful document listing the wildlife sites Chilterns countryside blighted forever. affected: content.asp?did=26682 Please write today to Justine Greening, Wendover HS2 would like to thank the Lionel Abel-Smith Trust for its pledge of £5,000, making a total of £11,000 donated by the Trust to fight against HS2.

March 2012 9

Lift bridge We would like to express our frustration in regard to the new lift works at Wendover station. Our complaints are twofold:


Liz Brown

Amanda Brundrett

General Yoga Pregnancy & Postnatal Yoga Yoga Therapy

BSc Hons(Psychol), DHP LAPHP

Caring & confidential help with stress, confidence, fears, smoking, weight etc. 1. Consultation over the design - our queries to the relevant bodies Free initial consultation Tel: 07544 533121 a. What consultation process was followed in completing the

design? b. Have planning been consulted and all procedures observed? c. What were the criteria for the design? i.

Why have the lift towers been located immediately adjacent to residential properties?


01296 624004 07941 425187 Learn to Drive with ROUND THE BEND DRIVING SCHOOL Special offer - £15 per hour for the first three hours, then just £23 per hour! If you are interested call Brian on

(Wendover – based) 01442 381549 or 07988 742385 ii. Why wasn’t this structure built next to the existing bridges avoiding the requirement to remove trees and reduce Home Visits - 01296 696032 ground level? iii

Why have the towers been built so high; was an evaluation of current lift technology done?

2. There has been no consideration for the residents other than a standard Network Rail letter notifying that works were due to start, night works may occur and the project completed in March, received after they started clearing the site. MPB structures site manager did start to email notice at the end of January at the 2nd request. The disturbance during the night works has been extremely upsetting with floodlights, vehicle noise, generators, excavators etc disturbing our families’ sleep.

Having tried to get 3 young kids and a pushchair across the platforms we support the need for the lifts. Everyone should be able to access the railway. Our complaint is to the bodies responsible for managing the design and consultation process. Can we be assured that the same procedure won’t be adopted when that ‘other proposed railway project’ gets going in 5 years time!! Sean and Helen Meier (and Neighbours), Forest Close Full letter and photo on

NICE NAILS Bio Sculpture Gel • • • • •

Beautiful, Healthy, Strong Nails Strengthens and promotes the growth of Natural Nails Long wearing, Chip-proof, Instantly Dry 100 Colours, Clear and French


01442 828598 / 07973 636958

Surgery at the Belmore Centre

01296 612361 Registered Member of the British Association of Foot Health Professionals

For all your building needs from brickwork and patios to alterations and extensions

01296 582215

Handy Man Cliff Truluck Kitchen, Bedroom & Bathroom fitting Carpentry, plastering, plumbing & tiling All decorating from start to finish For friendly and reliable service, call Cliff on: 07970 065442 (daytime) 01296 381452 (evenings)

10 March 2012


Grass Cutting Service Regular or one off cuts

Helping businesses for lunch

For free quote call

The Spice Cottage already delivers to people at home but there could be a special market for outdoor catering – Abdul Mukith is the chef as well as the owner – but he wants to hear the ideas of his customers in Wendover and businesses in the surrounding area.

Ian Whittome on 01296 682361 07749 848135

Since opening its doors in August 2010 No2 has gone from strength to strength, winning the coveted title of Best New Retailer at the British Cheese Awards 2011 as well as a host of other awards commending the deli range and the team behind the scenes.

The latest feather in the cap for the shop is the development of the online sales. You will be able to sit in comfort at home, work or on the train home and search the range of award winning British deli produce and scrumptious wines. Initially this will be an extended shopping list and you will be able to collect your ready prepared shopping from No2 at your preferred time of delivery in the In the meantime, The Spice Cottage – very Wendover area. popular with RAF Halton – will continue to support the local community. The restaurant You could simply order a couple of cheeses ACS PLUMBING & raises money for the hospice at home charity and a bottle of wine for supper, organise a HEATING SERVICES Iain Rennie and The Grove, and for national hamper for a romantic picnic (or the rugby..!), charities such as Cancer Research and Great join the monthly cheese & wine club or cater 24 Hours Ormond Street Hospital Children’s Charity. for a party with deli platters and a mobile fizz Emergency Call Out Don’t miss this latter event on Friday 23 tap. The sky is the limit….. NO JOB TOO SMALL Domestic Hot/Cold Water Systems March (see page 4 for details). To buy online visit “I was thinking of a Tiffin type arrangement,” said Abdul. “I recognise that people want something light at lunchtime and that many people want, or need, to stay in their offices. Providing a light Indian Tiffin of rice, dal, curry, vegetables, chapatis or spicy meats would break the tedium of sandwiches and crisps.”

Central Heating Systems, Power Showers & Boilers Electrics & Repairs Pumps Sanitation Systems, Tiling, Outside Taps, Drains Unblocked

But to launch this service in style we would like to tantalise you with a competition to win a wine & cheese box worth £75, e-mail: March 2012 sees No2 Pound Street ~ Wine & s h o p @ 2 p o u n d s t r e e t . c o m Fully qualified & Insured quoting Office: 01296 581200 Food launch its online sales. This eagerly WENDOVER NEWS COMPETITION by 31 Mobile: 07771 510 971 awaited addition aims to keep your shopping March 2012 (T&C. Prize available for Easter, experience fun yet hassle free. only eligible for addresses in England).

A dream come true…buy wine and cheese online from No2

Red Carpet HAIRDRESSING are pleased to introduce

Helen Our Nail Technician Available Fridays & Saturdays specialising in Gelish the long lasting manicure 20% off with this voucher* *excluding any other offer*

01296 625511 8 Aylesbury Road, Wendover, HP22 6JQ

March 2012

Forum Time Marches On at The Chiltern Brewery and The Farmers’ Bar at the King’s Head 11


Draught beers are, of course, served in pubs across the local area including The King’s Head in Aylesbury, but are also available in the fabulous Brewery Shop in Terrick. Here you can see all the lovely bottled beers and chandlery products, including many food items made with the beer. The draught beers are available in 2 and 4 pint cartons, the popular new and very smart 8 pint box and up to a 72 pint firkin. More details at The shop is open until 7pm every Friday with beer tasting on the first Friday of each month from 5pm.

John Wiggins Plastering Services ℡: 01296 612074/07905 833190


You’re in for a real treat this year if you like♠ your special limited edition ales and the first Chris G. Cycles in The Chiltern Brewery’s series for 2012 Level 3 British Cycling Coach & kicks the year off in style. The simple title Qualified Bike Mechanic ‘Porter’ belies a beautiful dark draught beer Coaching for Competition or Leisure of this type brewed with six malt and wheat All Ages & Skill Levels varieties for a truly satisfying taste. The beer 07967 978 659 or 01296 622763 is so called because of its popularity with street and river porters in 18th Century London and is launched following the great EVANS PROPERTY success of the recent celebration of Porter Finally just a reminder that the Brewery tours MAINTENANCE SERVICES and Stout beers at the Kings Head in Market at 3pm on Fridays and Saturdays are ‘new plumbing, building, decorating local and reliable Square, Aylesbury. and improved’ and offer a lovely insight into phone: 01296 622668 the brewing process and the history of The mobile: 0780 4696183 Never ones to rest on their laurels, especially Chiltern Brewery, with beer tasting and in an Olympic year, the brewing delicious nibbles. Booking essential please, phenomenon that is George and Tom on the website or 01296 613647. Lady Primary School Tutor Jenkinson will be releasing their second 1 to 1 tuition limited edition ale in March. Draught ‘Pearl’ is Twitter @chiltern-_brewer and @kings_head 22 years experience a beautifully balanced brew bursting with spring freshness. That’s not all however. To 07813 923017 mark the wonderful occasion of 60 years Ivan Cammack Optometrist Have you been to the newly Great Kimble since the accession of Her Majesty refurbished Ivan Cammack Queen Elizabeth ll to the throne there opticians? It's lovely and bright Smith & Lucas Landscaping will be a special diamond Jubilee showing off all those new • Patios & Walls bottle ale launched at the beginning of frames to really good effect at • Driveways April: a truly prestigious beer for this 23 High Street, Wendover • Ponds & Water features landmark Royal occasion. This will be HP22 6DU. Jackie, Ivan and all • Fencing, etc followed by a draught Jubilee ale at the team are there to help you. ANDY SMITH the end of April. Wow! 07841 976262

KATRINA RANCE FITNESS CLASSES ********** FITNESS PILATES Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Halton, Wendover & Belmore Centre, Stoke Mandeville

CHAIR BASED CLASS FOR THE OLDER/ LESS MOBILE ADULT Monday @ 2.30pm & Wednesday @ 11.30am, Halton & Belmore Centre, Stoke Mandeville

ZUMBA CHAIR CLASS FOR THE ACTIVE OLDER ADULT Wednesday Afternoons @ 2.30pm, Wendover

ZUMBA GOLD Starting on Monday @ 6.30pm , April 16th, Wendover

For times & prices contact:


Level 3 Instructor, Qualified Chair Based Exercise Instructor Register of Exercise Professionals

Mobile: 07773454287 Email:

12 March 2012

WANTED TO RENT SINGLE GARAGE or small lock-up unit Call Brian 01296 624964 or 07763 103242

Man & Van Wendover based Single Items House Clearance Fully Insured Eco LPG Mercedes

David 077942 68575 01296 696352

Business Forum 'Contact Us' page on the website. Wendover has a wonderful history of carnival days; please help us to bring this day of fun and celebration back to our village bigger and better than ever. Thank

Local Businesses: Wendover Celebrates needs your support Wendover Celebrates is a group of likeminded Wendover residents who have come together to ensure that the people of Wendover have their chance to celebrate the Jubilee and the Olympics on 4 June. We are a charity and have applied for registration with the Charities Commission. Our aim is to put on an event for the whole community to enjoy. Local groups, charities and businesses will be able to showcase their work in a variety of ways and use the day as a fund-raising opportunity.


A Cheerful Bird has landed A new venture, called ' C H E E R F U L B I R D PRODUCTIONS' is now involved in putting on musical entertainments in Wendover to raise money for local charities. Last year it was responsible for two highly successful events, 'A Summer Serenade' in July and 'Trumpets and Other Things' in December. The aim of the events is not just to raise money but to offer some slightly unusual entertainments with a very broad appeal and to use, where possible, artists with a local connection.

Much work has already gone into this, but we need your help. We want to put on a memorable day for everyone, and this costs money. We have started from scratch and gained grants from Wendover Parish Council and the Lionel Abel-Smith Trust among others. We would like you to consider making a donation to Wendover Celebrates to show your support for the event and for the The next event will be on 15 April, a Sunday wider Wendover community. afternoon, at St Mary's Church and will be If you own or run a business, there are 'Drop Another Hat' - a homage to Flanders sponsorship opportunities for you to consider. and Swann. The entertainment will last an For business sponsorship please visit our hour and will be provided by Mike Bernstein website at and Colin Stevens who have received and click on the ‘Sponsors’ button on the excellent reviews for their show all over the front page for more detail and how to donate. UK. Afterwards, tea and cakes will be on If you think you can help us in other ways we offer for donations to the St Mary's Fund. would love to hear from you, again via the Details of this event will be in the April issue.

You’ve been putting it off, haven’t you…? It’s back! Stuart Fantham & Company are pleased to announce the return of our popular

Wendover Wills Week

Starts 12th March 2012 Runs for 7 days, including Saturday and Sunday Appointments available 7 am to 7 pm Free initial appointment - absolutely no obligation Competitive fees Free Will storage – no annual fees A donation to a charity of your choice

Yes, you did read this correctly! We will be open for a full SEVEN DAYS to help you to review your current Will or write a new one – and if you make a new Will with us during our Wendover Wills Week, we will make a donation to a charity of your choice. What could be easier! To book your appointment, Call, Click or Come in….. 12 High Street, WENDOVER HP22 6EA Telephone : 01296 620300 E-mail :

March 2012

Pool Damage Wendover News has received many responses to the statement published by Inspector Emma Garside on page 15 of the February edition of Wendover News. Here are some of the responses. As the offenders retain their anonymity, Wendover News has chosen to extend the compliment to this correspondent: BK writes: Policemen using discretion for minor offences such as cycling on the pavement or dropping litter is fine, but what we have here is a case of serious criminal damage. It is not a minor offence. Apology and remorse are cheap commodities if the alternative is a spell in a young offenders institute or a heavy fine. If this crime was caused by an alcohol fuelled prank why are these 17 years olds not being charged with under age drinking? 13


the vandalism at the swimming pool on The PRESSURE WASHING John Colet School site has prompted a Specialists in certain amount of surprise at the decision not cleaning block paving, patios, to proceed with criminal prosecutions. The decking, conservatories, etc. community is, unsurprisingly, aggrieved that 25 years local experience such damage can be caused and no recompense is forthcoming. Phone John Robertson for free no obligation quote The press release stated, “I appreciate that 01296 484370 people may feel that these individuals should face court proceedings, but having taken 0775 797 8808 their ages, full admissions of guilt and remorse into account, along with the fact that Garden Care & Maintenance they had no previous criminal records, the decision was taken to caution the individuals Spring is in the air responsible rather than to proceed with Get ahead & prepare your garden now criminal charges.” Call Simon Shirley What I do not see anywhere in this decision is an attempt to communicate this remorse to those directly affected. Protecting the identity of the youngsters and their families is seen to be more important than allowing some form of restorative justice to take place.

625053 / 07836 665512 A friendly reliable service

I think it is about time that forces reviewed the discretionary power given to police officers if this is the end result. Maybe if I show great remorse and apologise profusely I will be let off any future parking or minor speeding offence! More chance that hell will freeze over.

Where are the apologies – written, verbal or otherwise? If their remorse was honest then the youngsters involved would be suggesting ways of letting the community know of their shame and embarrassment – and fortune at not being held Derek Hayward, Headteacher of Wendover financially culpable for their Junior School writes: Recent coverage of inebriated behaviour.

CROMPTONS INTERIORS Your Local Interior Design Shop Brighten up your home with a new floor covering and new curtains or blinds Come and see our large selection of Carpets-Flooring-Fabrics Made to Measure Curtains Wallpapers-Blinds Furniture All measured, fitted & guaranteed

Go on-line or call in to the shop to see our latest designs and seasonal offers 2 Kings Head Parade High Street Wendover Bucks HP22 6DX 01296 623575


March 2012

Neighbourhood Policing General You may have seen the recent press coverage of the national crime figures and they do make extremely good reading for those of us who live and work in the Thames Valley area. They show that in the 12 months to September, crime was down in the Thames Valley by 11% compared with 4% nationally, the second biggest drop in the country. This got me thinking how we compare locally in the Wendover, Aston Clinton and surrounding areas, an area with an approximate population of 18,000 people.

and increased our crime prevention efforts. Do not leave valuables in your vehicle. Thieves are searching through glove boxes/under seats etc to find your belongings. The above figures only compare the last 2 years so I looked back a bit further. In 2000 there were 501 thefts from vehicle in 2011 there were 70. In 2000 there were 57 thefts of vehicle in 2011 there were 12. In 2000 there were 61 burglary dwellings in 2011 there were 36. I hope these figures put into perspective what the statistics mean locally and rest assured that the police in Aylesbury Vale and especially your local neighbourhood team are committed to getting these figures even lower in the future, because one victim of crime is one victim too many. Sergeant Bryn Scott.

I have looked at the figures and from April 2011 to the end of November 2011 compared with the same period the previous year. All crime was down by 20.6%, Theft from vehicle was down by 15.2%, theft of vehicle was down by 16.7% & burglary dwelling was down by 5%. Burglary non dwelling (business premises & sheds) was down by 40%, Last month there were a total of 49 criminal damage was down by 31% and reported crimes. we had no robbery of personal property. There has been a rise this month in However, since these figures were burglary and theft from motor vehicle produced we have seen an increase in offences. We continue to urge residents theft from vehicle offences which is and business owners to be vigilant and worrying. We have focused our patrols if you see anyone looking around your in the areas where these are occurring area acting suspiciously then please contact us. It would be most helpful to

record any vehicle details and a detailed person description. January has seen reports centred mainly in the area of Wendover. These have ranged from snowballs being thrown to criminal damage caused to b u i ld i n gs . E n q u ir i es a r e be i n g conducted into these crimes especially in the areas of Tring Road and locations near to the canal. Your local policing team have adjusted their areas of patrol accordingly to combat these recent issues. The team also recently held a ‘Have Your Say’ meeting at the Princes Mary Gate estate which was attended by residents. They had the opportunity to report their concerns about noise issues in the centre of the estate. Patrols will continue and Aylesbury officers will be briefed should they have to attend when the local team are not on duty. Laser enforcement was conducted on London Road in Aston Clinton in the mornings and afternoons with 2 drivers being issued fixed penalty tickets who did not qualify for the driver awareness scheme. There were several other vehicles driving in excess of the 30 mph limit on this road, some of whom were stopped and advised about the manner of their driving.

DC Kaye & Co Solicitors 10a High Street, Wendover, Bucks (Located above the Post Office)


D. J. Parr uPVC Installations Office: 01296 613429 mobile: 07815 794551 Email:

• • • • • • • • • •

Conveyancing Services Wills, Probate, Trusts, Tax Planning Power of Attorney & Court of Protection Family – Divorce – Finances – Children Employment & Compromise Agreements Mergers and Acquisitions Accident Claims, No Win, No Fee Boundary & Land Disputes, Enfranchisements Consumer/Contract/Construction Disputes Home Visits, Docs Storage, No Annual Fee Plus a wide range of other services

Replacement Windows, Doors & Conservatories Replacement Fascias, Soffits & Guttering Misted / Broken Glass Replaced Window & Door Locks, Hinges & Handles Gutters Repaired

For your FREE initial Half Hour Consultation

Local skilled craftsman - references supplied - No obligation quotation

Old Bank Chambers, 2 Wycombe Road, Prestwood, HP16 0PW

Call 01296 620443 or Fax 01296 620612 Visit our website at Email enquiries at also at

01494 862226

March 2012

W Parish Council Police report PCSO Mandy Aplin informed the meeting that there had recently been an increase in burglaries in the area and following complaints about the large amount of broken glass on roads and pavements in the vicinity of the Clock Tower after the New Year’s Eve celebrations, pubs have been asked to consider using plastic ‘glasses’ on the night in future. Furthermore, the police will not allow the road to be closed for what has become an annual, but unofficial, firework display. That being the case, the recent clock tower display may have been the last.

Finance Several requests for funding including: Churchyard Care – The Council agreed to make a further grant of £2,500 towards St Mary’s churchyard care whilst seeking further advice regarding a new formal agreement. Youth Club – In response to a request from Dr Riley for continuing Parish Council support for the youth club, the Council agreed to donate £5,250 towards club facilities. Wendover Celebrates – Having agreed to contribute £2,500 towards the event at the December meeting, a request for a further £5,000 resulted in concerns being expressed by some Councillors HS2 – In discussing the request from the Wendover HS2 Action Group for £15,000 towards the cost of pursuing a judicial review, the question of legality was raised

Strategic Planning - Vale of Aylesbury Plan 15

MATHS TUTOR / STATISTICS TUTOR Private tuition for Year 7 up to GCSE

F ollo win g th e r ec e nt Com m unit y by experienced qualified teacher 01296 630699 Consultation, Wendover Parish Council has now submitted its conclusions and comments CCS to AVDC:

•Scope for further housing and employment

Christian’s Cleaning Service

sites is strictly limited due to environmental Domestic and Office cleaning Carpets Internal windows and planning constraints. 01296 420248 •A figure of less than thirty new houses (including in-fill and windfall sites) is all that might be expected over the next twenty WENDOVER MEMORIAL HALL years. Ideal for •Opposition to any proposals to reduce Weddings/Functions etc existing recreational spaces within the built late licences available area. Enquiries : 07804 671445 •An extension to the library car park to meet present needs and ensure the viability of the town is an urgent wish. •Road access to the schools campus is inadequate and so is on site parking. A new Professional Plumbing & access from Tring Road with additional Heating Engineer parking is considered an ‘infrastructure Full Central Heating Systems, improvement imperative.’ Gas & Oil Boiler Servicing Bathroom Planning •Wendover’s role as a significant tourist & Installations destination to be furthered through the Small Jobs happily undertaken provision of adequate car parking and enhancement of the rights of way network. Ring Richard on •Concerns remain regarding the potential 01296 709961 impact of HS2 in spite of recent mitigation 07720 265645 proposals. Richard Gridley 8/2/12

Plumb It All

16 March 2012


FRANK FENNELL PLUMBING & HEATING Bathroom Suites, Cloakrooms Showers, Kitchen Utilities, C/Heating

The next fundraising event was the Jam Jar Tombola which saw the children queuing half way round the school they were so keen! Boddington (Green) House raised a total of £260.11 from this event which is being donated to the Pepper Foundation (Cancer Care for Children). Congratulations Green House.

Christmas Story Competition

07967 638527 ℡01296 625447 Wendover

Wendover Youth Centre Available for Hire Perfect for children's parties/ exercise classes Use of secure fenced garden

There are two more House Fund Raisers to follow.

Phone: 07742 689930

John Colet Samba Band

Chiltern Cats Protection We have many gorgeous cats in need of loving homes

Congratulations to all the winners from local primary schools who entered the Rotary Christmas Story competition. It was Reg charity 203644 supported by Harpenden Building Society 0845 260 2396 and organised by the excellent team of Primary Liaison students at John Colet Nick Grove School. The stories were judged by a Rotary Team and a John Colet Team and prizes Physiotherapy awarded to all. A book was printed of & Acupuncture winning stories and is available from Call: 01296 622363 Wendover & District Rotary

Fund Raising W C E J S Peter Bird Garden Design The children’s enthusiasm for supporting RHS Medal Winning Designer offering an individual and creative design, construction and planting service call Peter on 01296 622790

their nominated charity is tremendous: Animal Mufti Day was a huge success raising a total of £292.73 for the Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire Wildlife Trust. Well done Bacombe (Red) House! LEONARD PULHAM NURSING HOME

We aim to promote an atmosphere which encourages individuality, independence and the right to choose, whilst maintaining a safe, happy and caring environment.

A few weeks ago the John Colet Samba Band attended one of our Wendover Junior assemblies and all the children were thrilled by the band’s vibrant, rhythmic performance. Subsequently each Year 6 class has enjoyed a session with the Samba Band, led by their conductor, Miss Sadler. This has been an excellent opportunity for all the Year 6 pupils to experience the fun of playing different percussion instruments in a band under the direction of a conductor. I would like to extend my grateful thanks to Ms Whitehouse, who organised this event and to Miss Sadler, the conductor of the band, who directed the children with such ease and expertise. Hopefully some of the Year 6 pupils will now be inspired to join the Samba Band when they attend John Colet School next academic year.

PROBLEMS WITH YOUR FEET Finding it difficult to cut your toenails? Ingrowing or thick toenails causing problem? Painful Corns & Calluses!

FOOT HEALTH PROFESSIONAL Gill Crayford-Venn MCFHP MAFHP Registered Member of The British Association of Foot Health Professionals

01296 625188 E-mail: Website:

HOME VISITS TEL: 01296 612921

MOB: 07917 165881

P. KERNAN TREE SURGERY All aspects of tree work undertaken Hedges maintained. Fully qualified—fully insured Local authority approved: free estimates Firewood for sale

Tel: 01296 330501 Direct: 07763 073663 94 Tring Road, Wendover, HP22 6NX

March 2012

Mind & Body Do you need to relax and de-stress? Why not consider regular Reiki sessions? Reiki is a gentle hands on/or off non invasive complementary therapy that can help with deep relaxation working alongside orthodox medical healthcare. Experience increased energy levels, a deep sense of peace and well-being encouraging positive personal choices i.e. improving diet, devoting time for rest or leisure. 17


Nick Taylor

Painting . Decorating Colour Design Interior and Exterior

Landscape Gardener

01296 630576 For a free estimate

Abigail Krzeminski Planning & Architectural

Want to give it a try? Louise Page is a Reiki Therapist and Services Reiki Teacher with over 14 years experience. She had experience as a paid Reiki therapist in Cancer services at Wendover 622229 University College London Hospital for 3 years, and is email: offering Reiki Taster sessions for only £15 for 30 Minutes! Or you can experience a full 1 Hour session at the Reiki Treatments & Training reduced rate of £30 (usually £40). To find out more please contact Louise on 01296 696285 / Are you Stressed? Mob. 07742 184 819 Relax your mind, body & emotions

Decking, Walls, Drives, Lawns, Ponds, Patios, Paths and all General Landscaping Wendover (01296) 696840


Murray’s Cleaning Services 01442 250679 / 07952 544666

with Reiki

If you have the self motivation to cycle, power walk, run, or FFI Louise Page 01296 696285 visit local woods and it’s time to shift those unwanted pounds, the internet provides many links to local activities or trips whether you feel like a day out, weekend in Wales with family or friends or want to try outdoor swimming. If the dark concerns you, there are running and cycling groups and good advice on routes, how to be safe. The Aylesbury Reshape your health & fitness @ home - outdoors - gym Cycling Campaign is a really useful reference http:// Or you can Fitness Professional for 15 years, REPS registered check out Exercising outdoors can burn up to 30% more calories and will entail Fitness assessments, some work on uneven terrain, so your body has to work exercise and weight loss harder and utilise more muscles. Maybe it is time to get the nutrition programs. layers on and explore the outdoors. Cat Booker. Call: 07595 358565 For fitness assessments, exercise/ weightloss/ nutrition or programs: 07595 358565 or

Personal Training


18 March 2012


ENGLISH TUTOR Experienced, qualified teacher GCSE & A level, key stages 2-3 Fast-track English skills for adults

IELTS Lesley Ellis 01296 623434

11+ Coaching in Wendover with Experienced Teacher

Get Wendover Cycling AGM

Mid Bucks Beekeepers Association

Tuesday 6 March at 7.30pm Get Wendover Cycling will hold its AGM on Tuesday 6 March at 7.30pm at 64A Lionel Avenue, Wendover. All are welcome. Please come and give us your ideas on how to encourage cycling in Wendover. Further information from Chris Peeler 01296 624089

The Bucks County Beekeepers Association will be holding its 16th Annual Seminar in the Memorial Hall on 3 March 10:00-16:00. There are 4 District Associations with over 500 registered Beekeepers in Buckinghamshire and the seminar is the opportunity for all Associations to meet up. The Mid Bucks final winter meeting will be held on 21 March at the Bowls Club taking the form of a Beekeepers question time. For further information see

20k Challenge Hike

For more details phone:

On one of the coldest days of the year Wendover Scouts, Guides and Explorers held a challenge hike around the Chilterns. The route took them from Wendover up Coombe Hill and then through a tricky bit to Little Hampden crossing the valley up to Lee Common and then on to King’s Ash and the home stretch to Wendover.

07786 078453 01296 625548 Weston Turville Horticultural Soc Thursday 8 March WT Village Hall 8pm Our March meeting will take the format of a “Gardeners’ Question time” with three local experts to answer any queries. Having difficulty getting things to grow in a shady border? Bedevilled with black spot on your roses? Would you welcome advice on these or other topics? Come along and pick up some useful tips, a chat & refreshments. We will be very pleased to see you and new members are always welcome. Call 613965.

All the teams walked unassisted and a few got lost and had to be put back on course but all made it home with the quickest team walking the route in just over 4 hours. A good test of map reading skills and a good test of local knowledge on the leaders side was needed for putting them back on the right path! A big thank you to all the parents and leaders who made the day possible.

LANDCARE GARDEN SERVICES Family business Established 1985

Landscaping and grass cutting, walling, patios, driveways, fencing, turfing, hedge-cutting, tree trimming 01296 623605 07715 522087

LYNDA JANE RAYBOULD & associate Beryl Hinton welcome all patients to

PERRY HOUSE DENTAL SURGERY for routine dental treatment. Acupuncture, Bleaching and Cosmetic treatments also available in a relaxing and friendly environment

Village Location Denplan Registered Please contact 01296 622631

March 2012

Corner Wendover Tennis & Squash Club

Accessorise, Accessorise!

The Club AGM will be held on 19 March at the Clubhouse on Dobbins Lane, all members are welcome to attend. The Squash Tournament Finals Day will be held on Sat 17 March: congratulations to the members who have made it to the finals. Over the winter the Junior Squash and Tennis coaching programmes have been further improved, offering more opportunities for our Junior members to play. To find out more about these programmes check out

Thu 8 March 1.00 – 3.00pm Library Room Join other carers for a jewellery making session. Bring your old beads for restringing and any other beading accessories. Enjoy refreshments and a chance to chat and ask questions about your caring role. There is no charge. Just come along on the day. If you require more information please contact: Carers Bucks, Ardenham Court, Oxford Road, Aylesbury, HP19 8HT. Telephone 0300 777 2722. Do you require transport to and from the venue? Do you require a sitting service? 19

Friendly Local Service



Repairs & Rentals of Tvs ● Dvds ● Hi-Fi ●Vacuum Cleaners We also offer an installation service for any goods you have purchased from anywhere.We will install and set up for you.

64-66 Akeman Street

01442 822450

Wendover Swimming Association We have been running new swimming sessions on Saturday and Sunday mornings and asking members for their views on the new times. In response to what our members have told us we will be making some small changes to the times of the Saturday morning session and we intend to move the Sunday session from the morning to the afternoon. These changes will start in March and the exact times will be advertised at the Pool in advance and on our web site : ( The Annual General Meeting will be held on 22 March at 7.30pm at the Witchell Cricket Club pavilion. All members very welcome.

Young Carers Bucks We support children/young people of 6-19 who care for a family member with long term illness / physical disability / mental ill health or drug/alcohol dependency. How can you help? Many young carers live in rural areas making it difficult to access our support. We need volunteer drivers to help transport the children to and from venues, mainly in Aylesbury. If you are 23 or over with a clean, full driving licence and a couple of hours to spare in the evenings and/or school holidays and are willing to complete a CRB check please contact Karen or Nima on 01296 392711 or email



01296 482041 24 Hour Emergency Service

Private Chapel of Rest, Marsh Road, Little Kimble Golden Leaves Pre Paid Funeral Plans Available Ensure complete peace of mind for you and your family Request your free detailed brochure NOW

Benham & Williams

Accountants and Business Advisors Offering a friendly, independent and professional service for all your business, accountancy and taxation matters. For a no obligation initial meeting to discuss your requirements contact Paul Benham on 01296 678581

Midshires House, Smeaton Close, Aylesbury, HP19 8HL ● Accountancy ● Business start-up ● Business consultancy ● Company secretarial ● ● Personal taxation ● Estate planning ● Business taxation ●


FREE evening collection and delivery Professionally ironed Over 15 years experience Fast friendly service Minimum charge of only £12

℡ 01296 620011 07738 467662

20 March 2012

PAINTING & DECORATING V. SIMMONS 40 years experience For best prices, ring : Home 01296 613387 Mobile: 07712 620167 SINGING TUITION Offered by Licentiate of Trinity College Stoke Mandeville

01296 613431

JUST AERIALS Digital TV & Satellite specialist New aerials supplied & fitted Sky, HD Freesat, DAB, Freeview Tel: 01296 330621 Mob: 07816 659644 Email:

Fencing Gates & Patios TOWN & COUNTRY LANDSCAPING & FENCING 01296 623844 or 01296 612370


Coal Merchant Logs, Compost Coal & smokeless fuel Delivered to your door, low prices

Rex & Carol Jeffery 01296 661258

You Write and public alike. It was heartening to see so We would like to congratulate the cartoonist many people milling around the town late into for all his contributions to Wendover News: the evening. always topical and very funny. Carol & John Furphy Particular thanks must go to Dolly Saville for agreeing to switch on the lights and for saying a few words; she proved a popular Traditional Tea Rooms choice. A tremendous amount of time and I was considering opening a traditional Tea energy (nervous as well as physical) went Rooms in the ex Barclays Bank premises in into organising the event and I wish to thank Wendover as I feel that its offerings would be the organising sub-committee Philippa good for locals & visitors alike. However with Kearney (The Flower Gallery), Sue Barry the outcome of the recent Costa Coffee (Cromptons) and Yvonne Bone (Scruples). application & refusal I think that it would stand no chance of gaining planning consent The Wendover Chamber of Trade and from Wendover Parish Council! Commerce remains active in the town. The JK last open meeting was held in The Red Lion


Christmas late night opening As Chairman of the Wendover Chamber of Trade and Commerce I wish to thank all those individuals, businesses and the Wendover Parish Council who were involved in supporting the late night opening and skating rink in December. The event was run for the people of Wendover and to promote the High Street which, as a valuable asset to the town, is under constant threat from out of town competition and the general economic climate – it seems that never before has the phrase ‘use it or lose it’ been more apt.

where those attending had an extremely enjoyable and interesting presentation from the Peter Jones Enterprise Academy. Our next meeting will be held at Rumsey’s on 14 March 2012 starting at 6pm. Everybody who has an interest in the business of Wendover is always welcome. Refreshments will be served. Non-members are politely asked for a £5 contribution on the door!

If you are aware of any issues which you believe the Chamber may be able to assist with or if you have ideas for promoting the town to keep it a vibrant place in which to live and work, please do not hesitate to contact The reports and feedback I have received u s via our email address : this year were extremely positive from traders Tony Parks

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March 2012 21

You Write Thank you

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My son and I were involved in an accident on Wednesday 8 February whilst crossing at the Tring Road traffic lights. We were knocked down by a driver who was not looking at the Call: 07949 465793 road. I just wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone who gave up their evenings and shivered in the cold to ensure our Do you need help with safety. Ellis and I are now recovering after breaking a few Maths GCSE? bones and are coming to terms with what happened. I can’t Local enthusiastic maths tutor remember who everyone was and exactly what their parts is able to help, were in helping us as I was in and out of consciousness but I phone 07813945510 know they were all amazing. First lesson free! Hannah and Ellis Flint

Science Tutor

Vacancy - Honorary Chairman

For all your plastering and painting needs, please call Steve on 01296 426584 or 07779 331391 BIOENERGY PRACTICE Sunday 10-12 Halton Village Hall Movement meditation. Free your energies, clear the mind, shake off your problems. Chris: 01296 696604


ELECSA Approved Contractor Science not making sense? Established in 1979, Youth Concern From a Single Socket to Private tuition available from (Aylesbury) is a registered charity based Complete Rewire an experienced teacher around a drop in centre and coffee bar. Competitive Rates We have excellent on-site facilities that Call: 07881 757 450 0800 3345823 07944 251828 are accessed by our clients including an IT suite and a purpose built Music Studio with high specification equipment and software. The drop in centre is staffed by experienced youth workers and volunteers who address the needs of clients on an individual basis. We also have • One to one Programmes qualified counsellors working on-site. Referrals to specialist • Target-based Programmes agencies are made as appropriate. The charity is managed by a Chief Executive and is governed by four Trustees and • Remedial Fitness an Executive Committee of ten. We are seeking an inspiring, • Pilates - Tuition and Classes progressive and committed individual to lead the charity into • Pay Monthly or As You Go the next phase. The role of Hon. Chairman is part-time (12 No Membership Fees hours/month) and unpaid. If you would like an informal and confidential discussion about the charity or its governance, please contact Fran Borg-Wheeler, CEO, on 01296 431183 WEIGHTS & MEASURES or 07730 666608.

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22 March 2012

Tribute to Cliff Mullinder From beginner to advanced, learn to sing freely with confidence and skill. Professional singer, now teaching in Wendover, call:

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Clifford was a familiar figure in this village every morning he visited the newsagent for his newspaper. He was imposing, tall, erect, and every inch a military man. He was proud of his Yorkshire roots, had an acute, dry sense of humour and did not suffer fools gladly.

which he was the first president. Clifford was an outstanding man with many interests and voluntary commitments. Not many people have ridden along the Great Wall of China on horseback - he did. Sadly he passed away on 21 September 2011. His funeral was on 3 October at the Chiltern Crematorium. A huge number of mourners attended, many of them proudly wearing their Red Caps or berets.

Born on 12 September 1917 in Stockton-on-Tees, Clifford joined the Durham Light Infantry aged 17. During WWII he was stationed in China, North Africa, BARRY BAUGHAN Italy and Egypt. In 1940 he A Memorial Service was held in Experienced GARDENER transferred to the Corps of Royal Military Police (CRMP) November 2011 at the CRMP Reliable Service Training Centre, Portsmouth, again becoming an investigator with Tel: 01296 613973 with a vast congregation. It was a the SIB (Special Investigation Mobile: 07598 595872 great pity that Nora, his devoted Branch) in the Western Desert. (fully insured) wife and companion for 64 years, In 1945 on return to England he was promoted to WO1 (Regimental Sergeant was unable to be there. He leaves Nora, ROY COATES Major) at the Depot. He married Nora in daughter Jean, son-in-law Nigel, and two Building Services 1947 and she was with him during service in grandsons, Ben and Guy. Repairs to nine countries worldwide. Windows Colonel Leslie Mason who still lives in Guttering In 1960 he was made Major QM, remaining in Wendover and knew him for 60 years says: Leaking Roofs Chichester until 1972 when he retired and “He was one of nature’s gentlemen who was Flashings Brickwork took up the post of RO3 at the barracks firm and fair in all his dealings, who set and Competitive Rates before his second retirement to his beloved expected high standards, a shining example ℡ 01296 625296 of the thought behind our Corps motto: Yorkshire. 07885 095366 EXEMPLO DUCEMUS.” He and Nora moved to Wendover in 1980. General building work:He was much involved in the formation of the Clifford will be sadly missed by many people Local Builder Buckinghamshire branch of the CRMP of he has known over the years. Non VAT registered Free Estimates - all work guaranteed Over 30 years experience Tel: 01296 625433 New Number!

Carewatch (Mid Bucks) 13a South Street, Wendover HP22 6EF

Tel: 01296 625385 Carewatch provides services to a wide range of individuals in the community; assisting with any personal care needs, domestic care needs, companionship or relief care for regular carers. If you need some help, Carewatch is what you’re looking for.

We really do care.

March 2012 23

Local Face: Debbie Cattle Sugarcraft Specialist

By mid 2005 the Cake DecoratingSupplies 01296 696860 opportunity to take over the Cake 1 Town Court, High St Factory i n Wendover Bucks, HP22 6EA W e n d o v e r presented itself and Pilates Works she grabbed it. The Ellesborough Road—Wendover rest, as they say is Mat and Studio work history. Cornelli Aqua & Swimming 1 to 1 Sugarc raf t has Or small groups (private pool) somewhat taken over her life and the Call Liz Ward 01296 625993 passion has truly become reality.

Debbie was born in Watford in 1973, and moved to Aston Clinton when she was five. She grew up with baking and cooking as a major influence in her life as both her Nan and Mum were great bakers. Family birthdays were always an opportunity to make a cake. By the time she was 16 she was given a gift voucher for W H Smith, and bought a book on Cake Decorating, Finishing Touches by Pat Ashby and Tombi Peck. This was the inspiration that really got her started. She signed up to do several evening courses and soon the simple birthday cakes were becoming more and more exotic creations. Debbie went to Sir Henry Floyd Grammar School in Aylesbury and did A levels, but having gained a place at university she decided to take a year out. She was soon employed by one of Hertfordshire’s leading bakeries to make sugar flowers for wedding cakes and university was put off completely. Having gained a wealth of experience she then went on to do a City and Guilds teacher training course and taught adult education for West Herts College for a number of years.

Spare time is quite rare, but Debbie and her partner Steve have spent the past year renovating a house in Chesham, which has now become home, having moved in last summer. She is now looking forward to a more relaxing summer and hopefully some time for getting the garden in order.

Artist Studio/ Office Space

AVAILABLE IN THE Aside from the general day to day running of the shop, Debbie makes cakes from home, CENTRE OF WENDOVER and is now running daytime courses from her 07712 032 565 purpose built kitchen in Chesham, as well as the long standing classes that are held in the THE PRACTICAL After various career changes including Store shop in the evening. GARDENING Manager for Holland and Barrett and Fleet COMPANY Sales for Volkswagen, she had her daughter Debbie hopes that her enthusiasm for baking Reliable Lady Gardeners Eve in 2004, but had never given up on the and cake decorating never leaves her and Garden tidying she tries to inspire as many people as idea of cake decorating professionally. Regular garden maintenance possible to have a go for themselves. Tel: 07732 484545


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24 March 2012

Wendover Parish Council Page

Matters Arising View from the Chair

the process followed by the Government in coming to its decision to proceed with HS2. As this is the first application we have had from a campaign group we would like your opinion, please let us with the modernisation of the Wendover know whether you are for or against by Parish Council website which by the emailing the Clock Tower: details below. time you read this should have gone live. It is early days and we would Youth Centre Grant appreciate any helpful comments, The sum of £5250 has been granted to including pointing out any errors you the Youth Centre which will assist with may find! It is completely different, running costs for the coming year. more comprehensive and informative. We hope you like it . S106 Grant Funding The W PC would like to remind Karen Saunders has been elected to the Wendover’s clubs & organisations that chair of staffing - a challenging role grant money may be available for which I’m sure Karen will be more than innovative schemes in the fields of equal to. Additionally, other groups are leisure activity, fitness & sport. The l o o k i n g a t c o m p l i a n c e a n d money, presently in the keeping of communication which are all equally AVDC, arises from the S106 provision important. surrounding the recent development at Princess Mary Gate. Schemes put Annual Parish Meeting forward for consideration should either 7.30pm Wednesday,18 April bring something new to the already wide range of available activities in Wendover Wendover Memorial Hall or provide an improvement to an existing facility. Please contact the PC Early warning of our Annual Parish to see if your scheme meets the criteria. meeting on Wednesday 18 April to be Applications should be sent to the Clerk held in the Memorial Hall, by which time to WPC at the Clock Tower before the a year of the current Parish Council will end of March 2012. have passed. How time flies! Bob Duggan, Chairman Overgrown Hedges

Spring Charity Market Firstly a great big thank you to all those 9am—1pm Saturday, 24 March people in Wendover who responded to Manor Waste, High Street our recent questionnaire. It gave much more gravitas to our response to AVDC which was guided by the views and opinions expressed. There were a few hiccoughs which was not surprising - it being the first consultation exercise that this Parish Council has undertaken. Difficulties relating to distribution will have been sorted out by the next consultation. As localism takes more of a hold there will be further consultations and invitations for comment on matters ranging from HS2 to celebrations of the Queen's Jubilee. Bucks Healthcare have issued a consultation which I would urge you to participate in, as Health is a subject that very much affects us all - see page 6 or By the time this article is published, I will have met with the Schools' Youth Council and hopefully persuaded two Youth Councillors to be seconded to the Parish Council.

Local Produce Market Manor Waste 9.00am to 1.00pm Saturday 17 March 2012

We say thanks, goodbye and good luck HS2 Grant to Katie Ryan, who has been helping Wendover HS2 Action Group has out over the last few months in the requested a grant from the Parish Clock Tower. Katie has been involved Council to help fund a judicial review on

If you have a boundary hedge which is adjacent to a footpath, pavement or road now is a good time to check it out. Make sure you manage your tidy up before the nesting season.

Wendover Parish Council, The Clock Tower, High Street, Wendover, HP22 6DU

01296 623056

Community Information Office

01296 696759


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