The Body Issue

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fitness, sleep & massage

fitness, sleep & massage

Next we slip on the gloves and begin shadow boxing and sparring with each other, for two or three minutes at a time. Eventually moving on to punching drills and stretching to finish off the workout. My trainer shares with me, as he helps me prepare: “These gloves smell of hard work.” This is the true expression of blood, sweat and tears. A boxing fitness class is a challenging hour that is a high intensity, full body workout, keeping you moving the whole time. The workouts are always different, always fun, and get results. It is outstanding cross training for any sport that relies on core strength, and the focus is on boxing technique, not actual fighting. However, boxing is not only about the physical. It is a sport of intelligence. One needs attention, balance and discipline. As well as improving fitness, boxing also focuses the mind, enhances psychological wellbeing and builds confidence.

"He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in Life.” Muhammad Ali


By Sharni Quinn wellness ambassador

A typical Boxing Fitness workout meets all the criteria of an ideal fitness programme, we send Sharni Quinn to see why it is such a popular form of workout.

famous quotes “The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses - behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights.” Muhammad Ali “I did not enjoy the violence of boxing so much as the science of it.” - Nelson Mandela



alking into The Armoury Boxing club, I realize this is serious. They are not messing around. This is not a gym class with a few punching bags. This is authentic boxing. The boxing ring is exposed in the centre of the room surrounded by boxing equipment, leather medicine balls, gloves and skipping ropes all neatly packed and waiting to be used. Inspiring quotes, by Muhammad Ali and other famous boxers, are painted on the walls, and magazine articles plus photos of ‘fight night’ are displayed – setting the tone for a genuine boxing experience.

everything you need to live life well

As they say at The Armoury Boxing Club, “boxing physical fitness makes you look good, feel good and helps give you the mental fortitude to tackle your challenges.”

We asked

There are many boxing clubs throughout Cape Town, for various levels. You don't have to be set on becoming a professional boxer or a fighter for that matter. If you are looking for motivation and a fitness programme safe for the mainstream exercise devotee, then visit one of the clubs below. Try a workout used by some of the world’s most finely conditioned athletes, boxers. It is an exhilarating and liberating experience.

Boxing clubs in Cape Town: The Armoury boxing Club in Woodstock East City Boxing Club in Harrington Street Pound for Pound in Bree street

Boxing fitness

BENEFITS: • Weight loss • Increased agility & coordination • Muscle tone – especially legs & thighs • Upper body strength • Greater fitness • Improve reflexes • Learning to throw a solid punch

Blood Sweat & Tears in Seapoint – 0710306043

wellness ambassador Sharni Quinn how she lives life well?

“To me life is all about balance. I keep myself balanced with my daily meditation and Yoga practice, as well as swimming, cycling and hiking outdoors during the week - then relaxing, having fun and living it up over the weekend. I also stay balanced by keeping good company. I have amazing people in my life and treasure my clients, associates, friends and family… all of whom keep me grounded and happy. Living Life Well means that I love what I do and do what I love. I am passionate about inspiring myself and then sharing the sunshine with others.”

I join the boxing fitness group class first thing on a Monday morning and five minutes before the session starts we are told to start skipping… then the real fitness training begins. Sit ups, press ups, jump backs, stance and footwork combinations, and then repeat - half an hour of fitness intensity to increase stamina, strength, suppleness and speed.

Boxing fitness BENEFITS >


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