WCOBA 2012 Lampstand Magazine

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Lampstand The

THE ANNUAL MAGAZINE OF THE WELLINGTON COLLEGE OLD BOYS’ ASSOCIATION NUMBER 22 • NOVEMBER, 2012 PO Box 16073, Wellington, New Zealand 6242 • Telephone 04 802 2537 • Fax: 04 802 2542 THE LAMPSTAND • 2012 Email: oldboys@wc.school.nz • Web: www.wellington-college.school.nz



Wellington College Old Boys’ Association PO Box 16073, Wellington 6242 • Telephone: 04 802 2537 • Facsimile: 04 802 2542 Stephanie Kane, WCOBA Executive Officer • Email: oldboys@wellington-college.school.nz


he Lampstand is the Registered Newsletter of the Wellington College Old Boys' Association. Mail can be sent to the WCOBA Executive Officer, at the above address. Back issues of The Lampstand can be found on our website: www.wellington-college.school. nz (Our Community/Old Boys/Lampstands). Please support the Association by joining the WCOBA today. Your support assists in producing the magazine, funding Old Boys' activities and events, as well as supporting College awards, buildings, activities and maintaining the Archives. Life Membership: $150.00 (Includes a Certificate of Life Membership & Lapel Pin)

Keep in Touch Visiting the Archives Calculating Your Cohort


year ago, we announced that the Archives and Development Office would be housed under the same roof, by relocating to the Headmaster’s former House. While the Archives are firmly settled, it’s not the same for the Development Office. Following a structural engineers report, the House is deemed nonearthquake compliant for day-to-day use by staff. The Archives, and Archivist Paddianne Neely are able to remain as it is deemed in that the use is occasional. Visitors can still see first-hand, the wonderful and historical collection of Wellington College memorabilia and Paddianne welcomes Old Boys to her new location, undoubtedly the first visit for many who have not actually been inside the former Headmaster’s residence.

How we calculate your Cohort for our Reunion programme: Example 1 Started 1959 • Left 1962 • Cohort is still 1963 Form 3 Form 4 Form 5 Form 6 Form 7 Upper 5 Upper 6 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 3C1 4C1 5C1 5U2 6XX Thus 1963 is your Cohort Year

(ie the five years from Form 3 to Form 7/Upper 6th)

Example 2 Started 1960 • Left 1962 • Cohort is still 1963 (because you began College at another school) Form 3 Form 4 Form 5 Form 6 Form 7 Upper 5 Upper 6 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 3XX 4C1 5C1 5U2 6XX Thus 1963 is your Cohort Year

(ie the five years from Form 3 to Form 7/Upper 6th)

If you wish to visit the Archives, please email or telephone first so Paddianne can ‘pop the kettle on’. Paddianne officially works on Mondays and Wednesdays only. Paddianne Neely 04 382 9411 (Work) oldboys@wellington-college.school.nz 04 386 2072 (Home)

1963 is the year from which your anniversary of

leaving school is calculated, by adding 10, 20, 40,, 50, 60 years etc. Your cohort leaving year may not be the actual year you left Wellington College, but captures all those fellow students who you were at school with, irrespective of how many years you were at the College, or the years you actually started or left.

Special thanks to Paddianne Neely, our Archivist for providing material for The Lampstand and to Gil Roper (1959-61) who proof-read The Lampstand. Thank you also to staff and Old Boys who took many of the more recent photos and provided news which all helps form The Lampstand each year. Stephanie Kane, Editor 2

EMAIL us • Help us to send you news from the Association (including forthcoming reunions and events) by providing us with your email address, so we can keep you up-to-date. Email us at oldboys@wc.school.nz with your details so it can be added to our database. It saves us dollars if we can communicate with you via email on forthcoming events and news. Just remember to make the Old Boys a ‘safe sender’ so our emails don’t end up in your spam box. STAY IN TOUCH • Please keep our database up-to-date so you can receive The Lampstand plus news of WCOBA and College events and reunions taking place in 2011 and 2012. IF YOU CHANGE HOUSE AND/OR EMAIL ADDRESS - PLEASE LET US KNOW. If you are in contact with former College friends and relatives but find they are not receiving The Lampstand, it may be because we no longer have their address. If they would like to receive the magazine, please ask them to contact us to update their details. CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE • You can visit our site at www.wellington-college. school.nz (Our Community/Old Boys) or read of current news from the College at www.mycoll.school.nz or join us on Facebook. Just search for Wellington College Old Boys (NZ) and you will find us.




Important Dates • Class of 1963 Reunion Friday, 23 March 2013 • ANZAC Service and Lunch Friday, 19 April 2013 • Class of 1973 Reunion Friday, 18 October 2013


Back oldboys@wc.school.nz My Email Address Hi Stephanie Here’s my email address: anoldboy@email.co.nz Regards

Please send us your email address for future costefficient communication. Remember also to let us know if you move to another postal address. Around 300 Lampstands are returned each year with ‘Gone, no Address’. THE LAMPSTAND • 2012

year ago, the WCOBA and Development Office were eagerly looking forward to joining Archivist, Paddianne Neely in the former Headmaster’s House and establishing ourselves in our new, accessible and prominent location. However, it wasn’t to be, as the house was found to be noncompliant to the new earthquake safety standards. While we are very disappointed, we hope soon to confirm that a new location has been found and that we will eventually be located back amongst the main school campus after residing up the hill, just below the Gifford Observatory for the past five years. My colleague, Development Manager Tony Robinson and myself, were fortunate to attend the recent EducationPlus Conference in Sydney, thanks to the generosity of the College, the WCOBA and the Foundation. EducationPlus (formally known as ADAPE) is the Association of Development and Alumni Professionals in Education Australasia. Around 650 delegates were in attendance from both private and state secondary and tertiary institutes throughout Australasia and we both enjoyed the business networking workshops and social occasions. While many aspects of friend-raising and fundraising differ between the two countries, both Tony and I welcomed the opportunity to learn from others - and look forward to initiating some of these ideas into reality within Wellington College. What we did note, was that although our office is a staff of 2.4, compared to many schools whose Development and Alumni Offices run to double figures - what we offer in the way of reunions, events and communications to our Alumni surpasses many of those larger and wealthier schools. We justifiably feel proud of what we have been able to achieve.

back into the swing of things and look forward to a number of forthcoming events on the calendar. We trust that you enjoyed reading the mini Lampstand the Lamp Post, issued in June this year. We hope to continue to issue this smaller mid-year edition and thus invite you to send us your email address so we can send it to you digitally as well as send you invites to your local WCOBA functions plus other news as it comes to hand. The Lampstand and the College Collegian can be emailed or posted to you, upon your advice as to what best suits your reading preference. Visitors continue to call in to the College - some by invitation from the Headmaster to celebrate their achievements and others informally. Whether you would like to visit the Archives, walk around the College or carry out some family research please feel free to call in. We do recommend that you telephone or email first to ensure that one of us - Paddianne, Tony or myself is available to greet you. While communication is sporadic from our Old Boys, we do appreciate those who tell us that we are doing a good job of keeping past students involved and informed. On the whole, the majority agree that Wellington College has a history to be proud of and provides an excellent education. The College has a culture which encourages high standards and continues to promote active involvement across a well-rounded base of activities. Your old school is in great heart, with good leadership under current Headmaster, Roger Moses. As you read through the pages ahead, I am sure you will agree that your fellow alumni continue to put Wellington College on the map representing a plethora of activities. I extend my thanks to colleague, Glenda Schmitt who has joined our office two days a week. Glenda is the one behind the scenes who updates our database, stuffs envelopes, arranges name badges, folds menus and a myriad of other tasks which all help in running a reunion or event smoothly. She is a god send to both Tony and myself!

Speaking of reunions - just last month we hosted around 160 Old Boys who attended the College from 1950-1957. These Old Boys have not experienced a 50 Years On Reunion and were too young to have attended the 60 Years Plus Reunion in 2007. For once, Wellington turned on a superb day which made the tour of the College much more appealing. Headmaster, Roger Moses conducted the morning Assembly. Following the formal cohort photos, our Prefects escorted our guests around the College before lunch was served. The evening dinner was also wellattended and rounded out a successful occasion. Similarly, the Class of 1962 returned in March and the Class of 1972 have just assembled.

Last but not least, in 2013 we look forward to launching the five year campaign leading up to Wellington College’s 150th Anniversary over Labour Weekend, 2017. We hope by then that our new Assembly Hall will be completed and ready to welcome a large number of Old Boys back for what promises to be a most historic occasion for the College and for Wellington City.

Our WCOBA dinners and lunches around the country have been curtailed somewhat this year due to heavy workloads. However we are getting

Stephanie Kane • WCOBA Executive Officer Email: oldboys@wc.school.nz DDI: 04 802 2537 3

Who’s Who in the WCOBA WCOBA Executive 2011-2012 POSITION





Brian Smythe




Bob Slade




Bob Slade



Stephanie Kane



Matthew Beattie



Robert Anderson



Roger Moses (Headmaster) EXECUTIVE MEMBERS

bob@slade.co.nz oldboys@wc.school.nz



Matthew Reweti



Guy Randall



Ernie Rosenthal



Scott Tingey



WCOBA Branch Contacts LOCATION






Ross Crotty

1959-1963 crotty@lowndeslaw.com


Alain Harper

1956-1960 apralain@wave.co.nz

(07) 848 4091


Barry Ward

1948-1952 barry.ward@kinect.co.nz

(07) 576 6774


Dave Halliday

1962-1966 dash-hb@slingshot.co.nz

(06) 844 7590


Robert Bruce

1954-1958 rabruce@inspire.net.nz

(06) 329 7858


Barry Jobson

1953-1957 jobson@paradise.net.nz

(04) 904 3399


John Wedde

1961-1965 johnwedde@xtra.co.nz

(027) 484 3729

Ian McGuire

1960-1964 mcguires@slingshot.co.nz

(03) 547 4422

Murray Lauchlan

1967-1971 Murray@valuersnelson.co.nz

(03) 547 9876

John Grocott

1951-1955 grocottjw@xtra.co.nz

(03) 385 1449


Peter Morrison

1970-1975 morrisonh@xtra.co.nz


Darryl Tong

1981-1985 darryl.tong@stonebow.otago.ac.nz


Michael Rhodes

1962-1966 michael@mkarhodes.com

Bryan Gray

1977-1980 bryan.w.gray@jpmorgan.com

Peter Osvath

1966-1970 peter.osvath@csiro.au

Rob Owers

1951-1955 rowers@bigpond.net.au


Martin Conway

1971-1974 martinsconway@yahoo.co.uk


Yuttachat Boonyarat

1967-1969 kmbgroup@ji-net.com


(027) 4507 548

(03) 377 7905 or (027) 434 0568 (03) 479 6530 (+614) 127 20922 (M) (00612) 9440 8910 (W) (03) 9545 2594 or (+610) 439 343 483 (M) (03) 9807 0931 or (0419) 807 093 (M) +44 (0)7720 052 051 +66 8181 28787

WCOBA Objectives The WELLINGTON COLLEGE OLD BOYS’ ASSOCIATION was founded to: • Further the interests of the College and its past and present members and keep former students in touch with each other and with the school. • Maintain a register of names of all who have passed through the College since 1867 and endeavour to record the addresses of all those alive. • Arrange reunions and other functions for Old Boys. • Where needed, support current students at the College. These aims are met by the Association undertaking the following tasks: • Produce The Lampstand and similar publications each year, covering activities of Old Boys and other relevant information. • Maintain a computerised database giving details of all Old Boys of the College including teaching staff. This includes addresses where known. The Executive Officer will release addresses to bona fide Old Boys but will not allow any access for commercial purposes. • Provide financial support for College activities including sport and cultural activities, sponsorship and academic prizes as well as supporting the Archives. • Organise various reunions and other social functions either at the College, nationwide or internationally for Old Boys which the Association wishes to encourage and extend. • Administer charitable funds managed by the Association for current and past students including assistance with fundraising appeals. 4



The Lampstand: Paper versus Digital – making the switch to e-magazines


here are countless arguments between two camps - paper versus digital. Both have features that are great for different things. Making the switch from print publishing to digital publishing is a big step. But as costs for everything from paper to printing to postage increase to produce The Lampstand, making the jump to digital is becoming more appealing to our WCOBA Executive in issuing both magazines and communications. More and more Old Boys now ask us to communicate by email as they become more globally spread and digitally inclined. It’s not necessarily a generational concept but communicating by email and the web saves time and money. However, it’s a complicated process to become fully digital – first and foremost is the lack of actual email addresses of our readers and secondly, there are readers who still like to pick up and put down an actual hard-copy of The Lampstand.

In the interim, we will still continue to produce the hard-copy version of The Lampstand to all of our subscribers.

HOWEVER, we ask you to complete the enclosed form and advise us in which format in future you wish to receive communication from us - hardcopy or digital or a combination of both. If you select The Lampstand in hardcopy format, we would welcome a donation to cover printing and postage costs. The mid-year inaugural Lamp Post could become a regular and more frequent form of keeping you up-to-date with news from the College and the Association by emailing you the link. Invitations to local branch functions can also be emailed as well as registrations for reunions and dinners. Our monthly newsletter to parents and students is now emailed with a link to the inter-active publication and has been well received saving the College around $22,000 pa. Please complete the enclosed form to advise of your preference and of course if you have an email address, let us know. If we don’t hear from you, we will presume you do not wish to receive future news and invitations. Stephanie Kane, WCOBA Executive Officer E: oldboys@wc.school.nz or 04 802 2537

Below: How our international readers read the Lamp Post on line - using the interactive full colour, page-tuner, zoom in-and-out format.

Reunions More or Less?

What are your thoughts?


hile we hold 40 and 50 Years On Reunions and the occasional ‘one-off’ events including 60 and 55 Years Plus and a Firth House Reunion, we wonder if others feel ‘left out’? Do you think we should include more reunions in our calendar? At the Alumni Conference I recently attended, I was stunned to see that many other schools start at One Year On, followed by five, ten, fifteen, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty and seventy. That’s eight more than we host, however many of these schools have the manpower - totally committed to just solely running reunions. I recently contacted a small group of Old Boys who will be approaching their 25 Years On and asked them for their feedback. Is 25 Years On, about right to return to your old school, or on the whole, are most just happy to wait until 40 Years On. While feedback was positive, this was the viewpoint from a small sample of Old Boys. If you have an opinion, I would appreciate your thoughts. Perhaps first talk to fellow cohort members to garner their feelings before you respond so I can see if there is an actual demand or just a couple who may think it’s a good idea or not a good thing. You can send your thoughts to me via email or on the enclosed form. Other Old Boys may just be happy to come to our 150th Celebrations in 2017 or just wait until their own 40 and 50 Years On Reunions approach. Stephanie Kane

The Collegian


ld Boys may like to subscribe to The Collegian (the College’s monthly newsletter) to acquaint themselves with current news of the College and forthcoming events. Each issue includes news from the Headmaster, the Head Prefect and the Board, as well as coverage of our Arts and Sporting activities and success stories achieved by our students, plus academic news, international students’ activities and the Old Boys’ Assoc. The Collegian link can be emailed to you or you can read each issue on our website. Check out past issues of The Collegian and The Lampstand: http://issuu.com/ wellingtoncollege We hope to also feature old Wellingtonians on this site.



WCOBA President’s Report Brian Smythe (1954 - 1958, Head Prefect)


am pleased to present the following report covering my second year as President as at 30 June, 2012.

• Overview Wellington College continues to perform at the highest levels in academic, sporting and cultural achievement. This is a constant source of pride and satisfaction to all Old Boys, and a credit to Headmaster Roger Moses, his staff, and the students. • General While the WCOBA and the College are in good heart and in excellent hands, there are a number of issues of current concern: 1. Some of the older buildings, notably Firth Hall and the Headmaster’s House, fall below the minimum building earthquake code standard of 34% compliance. 2. The world economic recession has clearly and severely curtailed fundraising efforts. 3. Operating budgets for both the College and the Association have consequently been reduced and restricted. 4. The Archives, relocated last year into the Headmaster’s House, are an earthquake risk and may need to be moved again.

• 40 Years On Reunion for the Class of 1971 • WCOBA Lunch in Tauranga in October 2011 • WCOBA Cocktails in Christchurch in November 2011 • College Leaver’s Lunch in November 2011. All of these events were thoroughly enjoyed by those who attended, whether to reminisce, network, or just chat. • Communication The Lampstand, a perennial Old Boy favourite of exceptionally high quality, was issued in October 2011 and included a strong plea for financial support to ensure its on-going publication. We received around $17,000 in donations which has helped to fund the recent Lamp Post – a supplementary WCOBA publication designed to reduce the size of The Lampstand – and support the 2012 issue.

Unfortunately, however, it has emerged that the building is an earthquake risk under current compliance rules. The Property Committee of the College Board of Trustees is undertaking structural reports that will determine the Archive’s future. In the meantime Old Boys can contact Paddianne to make viewing arrangements. In this regrettable situation the Development Office, which was intended to relocate upstairs in the Headmaster’s House, will have to remain in its current remote location at the end of the old Firth House driveway. However, plans are underway to shift the office back amidst the main campus.

• All Weather Artificial Turf A magnificent addition to the College sporting amenities is the all-weather playing surface constructed on the middle ground. This was funded jointly by the College Foundation using a most generous financial gesture by Sir Ron Brierley, and the Wellington City Council. I was privileged to attend the formal opening ceremony earlier this year in While so many Old Boys enjoy the 80-page perfect weather - at which the entire student publication, the reality is that the printing population performed a thunderous Haka, and posting costs are rising steadily. We are and Headmaster, Roger Moses bravely and reviewing a proposal to produce the magazine • Improvements electronically for emailing to Old Boys. However accurately kicked a soccer ball into the net and Despite these financial constraints there have a rugby ball neatly over the goal post. it appears only one-third of Old Boys on the been significant positive steps taken at the database have provided email addresses, which Development office, including: • Memorial Hall would mean many missing out. It is noted that 1. Installation of a new database of Old Boys the College will be adopting this approach with A decision has been made to enlarge the and their contact details, which will be of great its monthly Collegian newsletter, emailing it to existing hall for assembly and performance, in a assistance in friend-raising and fund-raising. manner capable of accommodating all students parents and friends of the College, thus saving 2. Glenda Schmitt is employed two days a and staff at one time. The design, selected $22,000 pa. from a number of interesting contenders, is week as administration support to Stephanie both attractive and financially prudent. It will Kane and Tony Robinson. Likewise, it would make economic sense if we could email details of events to Old Boys, rather embody the Memorial Window as a key feature. • Events Fundraising will now be focussed on this exciting than incurring the considerable expense of Events have been few and far between over sending out postal invitations. The digital age is project and Old Boys may be assured they will have an opportunity to contribute. the past twelve months, due to a number inevitably upon us so to remain connected to of reasons. To cut to the chase, the prime the Association we ask that if you have an email reason appears to be apathy among Old Boys. address to please let us know. • Acknowledgements Granted there are so many claims nowadays on The Development Office continues to be one’s time, energy and money, but support of • Archives expertly run by Stephanie Kane [College WCOBA should not be limited to a faithful few – Our Archivist, Paddianne Neely, has done a Communications and Events Manager, and there is so much pleasure and satisfaction to be superb job last year in relocating the extensive WCOBA Executive Officer], and her worthy had from making an effort to attend events. It is archive material from storage into the attractive associate, Tony Robinson. Stephanie and Tony, uneconomic for the Association to run events if spaces provided by the Headmaster’s House, with financial assistance from the Association, insufficient numbers are willing to attend. are attending a major fund and friend-raising vacated by the Moses family. Memorabilia, conference (ADAPE) in Sydney later this year, documents, pictures, photographs, etc are However, over the year there have been: intending to return with state-of-the-art ideas now on display or stored for easy access. A • 50 Years On Reunion for the Class of 1962 to apply to our purposes. dedicated archives fund accumulated from Old Boy donations has made a substantial • WCOBA BBQ in Horowhenua in February 2012 contribution to the cost of relocation and reBrian Smythe, President smythelson@clear.net.nz • 04 977 3478 establishment. • Nelson WCOBA social gathering in May PO Box 16073, Wellington 6242 6


From the Headmaster Roger Moses, ONZM


t is my very real pleasure to convey warm greetings to Old Boys all over the world.

2012 has been another very positive year for the College. Many former students will recall the ground by the Old Boys’ Gymnasium which was a perpetual bog in winter and a little like the Sahara Desert in summer. Thanks to the generosity of Sir Ron Brierley and a grant from the Wellington City Council, we now have a magnificent artificial pitch which hosts both Football and Rugby. The field is in continuous use from 7.00am in the morning until 9.30pm at night and has been a real boon for sport at the College. The former squash courts are being developed into a Sports Academy and will be of immense value in the years to come. Our students performed with spectacular success in the 2011 New Zealand Scholarship Examinations. As readers may be aware, these examinations are the pinnacle of academic

achievement in New Zealand Secondary Schools. The one hundred and twenty eight scholarships won by our boys was the most gained by any school since the qualification was introduced in 2004. These scholarships were won by seventy one students in twenty-three different subjects, a wonderful testimony to both students and staff alike. The extracurricular dimension of the College continues to thrive, both in Sport and in the Arts. Many of our sports teams have done well, in particular the Swimming Team which are the national champions for the second year in a row. In the cultural arena, the Wellington College Chorale performed magnificently at the national ‘Big Sing’, our debaters dominated the Wellington scene and the musical Chess was played to packed houses.

John Marshall, QC (1960-1964, Head Prefect)


In practice the Board of the Foundation works closely with the Headmaster and the College Board of Trustees to identify those areas of College life where support from the Foundation is most needed. In the last year we used the proceeds of sale of 1 million GPG shares, generously given to the Foundation by Sir Ron Brierley, to enable the College to pay for an artificial turf, all weather sports field, which was opened in March this year. Each year we support the Sports and Cultural Awards dinner which is a highlight of the College year. This year the dinner was held THE LAMPSTAND • 2012

Tony Robinson, our Development Manager, has also done a magnificent job in leading the charge for the raising of funds for the new hall. In this economic climate, that is no easy task, but we continue to make good progress. As your Headmaster, I continue to enjoy the role as much today as when I first started in 1995. It is a challenging, but highly rewarding position. As the years pass, I now look forward with anticipation to the celebration of our 150th anniversary in 2017.

I must pay tribute to Stephanie Kane, our

From the Foundation Chair he Wellington College Foundation is a Charitable Trust which receives donations from persons who wish to make a contribution to the College, and invests the money for the benefit of the College. Payments may be made from the income and capital of the Trust fund for a wide variety of educational purposes.

inspiring Executive Officer of the Old Boys’ Association who produces not only The Lampstand, but also our monthly Collegian and the Wellingtonian. Her immaculate organisation of so many Old Boys reunions has reignited many friendships throughout the world.


in the College Hall and was attended by 500 parents, boys, staff and invited guests. We hope as a result of this occasion, which showcases the huge variety of sport and cultural activities that the College offers, that parents will appreciate even more the very high quality of the education and experience the boys receive, and make a donation to the Foundation.

On pages 59 - 61, we acknowledge those who have to date, supported our recent fund-raising initiatives supporting both Wellington College and the Wellington College Old Boys’ Association.

Over the past several years, the College has raised $3.3m towards the extension and refurbishment of the College Hall, with the objective of creating a modern multi-use facility which can accommodate the whole school. The current Hall is too small and only three out of five year groups can attend assemblies. We need a further $3.3m to undertake this work, and while it is difficult raising money in the current economic climate, we are very hopeful that we can raise this sum in the next two years. While some major donors are needed, every little bit helps.

Your commitment to helping the College and the Association achieve its goals in rebuilding the Memorial Hall, supporting students in need, enhancing our facilities and helping the Association keep in touch, benefits our past, current and future students and for this we are most appreciative of your support.

john.marshall@waterfront.org.nz 7

The Development Office Tony Robinson (Development Manager)


year ago I wrote about my first impressions and goals set out as I was just beginning with the College at that time.

Time seems to have rushed by in the interim and the blur of four busy terms has provided the clearest insight into the seemingly endless challenges and events undertaken by the students at Wellington College. It is very easy to be caught up in the infectiously positive spirit at the College which is noticeably addictive.

Hall needs to be up in good time to be the focal point of the 150th year celebrations in 2017. So now we have a crucial time of two and a half years to complete the task.

Further on in The Lampstand we have included the names of all those people who have so generously donated to the Hall Appeal and who have financially supported Wellington College in general in recent years. Such committed and loyal support allows the College to move • All Weather Artificial Turf forward and provide facilities and opportunities This new ground was opened at the end of which springboard our students to perform at March and has aptly been named after Sir Ron the top level consistently in the country. Your Brierley who has been an extremely generous backing is hugely appreciated, and you will see benefactor to the College. During the three from looking at the list just how many names previous winter seasons when the ground could there are. accurately have been described as a bog, the Number 2 ground averaged twelve hours a • The Memorial Window Relocation Initiative week practice and playing time combined. Now It was very good to be able to speak about with the use of lights, College teams are seen this for the first time at the Old Boys’ recent practising as early as 7.00am and play often 55 Years Plus Reunion. What we are going to continues until 10.00pm at night. be doing is taking a pixelated enlargement of the Memorial Window and dividing it into 392 A further highlight is to see the boys using the squares. Depending where the square sits in ground en masse at lunchtimes and breaks as relation to the visual scene on the window, the often over 500 students have fun relaxing doing squares can be purchased for one, three or five the activities of their choice. thousand dollars. The window is going to be returned to its time-honoured position behind A further point to emphasise is the partnership the stage and it really is the symbolic lynchpin with the Council which has been a huge success of the Appeal. When the window is up in the and we are very grateful for the leading support new building, there will be a display cabinet of Cr John Morrison and others. The new facility nearby with the names of the donors on the has brought many visitors into the College pixelated image recorded for posterity. There which is a good thing for everybody concerned. was a tremendous response during the day with the first eight Old Boys putting their names There are still some signage opportunities to a square, and I recommend this initiative available around the perimeter fence line of the strongly for people’s consideration. You will be ground. This intensely busy sporting facility has hearing a lot more about it in the future. provided a maximum exposure which has been seen as a very worthwhile prospect, so please contact me if you would like to have this organised. • The Memorial Hall and Performing Arts Project Everyone understands the very strong rationale for this essential facility, especially now as the College does not have the space to host major occasions whether they be assemblies, concerts or a celebration of the Performing Arts. The College has now secured half of the required funds but there are still three million dollars needed before building can start. There is now a definite time frame as the 8

• Launch of Phase II of the Memorial Hall Appeal As a large percentage of the original pledges have been worked through, we are promoting a number of new fundraising activities and approaches and will be having a launch celebrating fresh perspectives for the Appeal in late February of 2013. • Leadership Teams Five teams have or are being established to work with me in the second half of the Appeal. These fit into the designated areas of Finance, Marketing, Y9 Parents, College Parents’ Association and a Board sub-committee and are assisting me to promote a model for success, communicate the challenges across the Wellington College community, strengthening our cause through further astute networking. • New Fundraising Activities Recently we had a successful Sunday afternoon film fundraiser at the Paramount Theatre which was supported by over 200 people and saw us raise close to three thousand dollars on the day. Susan Harding, who has just joined our team of Stephanie Kane, Glenda Schmitt and me on a part time voluntary basis, will be discussing a range of possible fundraising activities with the College Parents’ Association that we hope might happen in the next two years. These will include having an Art Auction, a Trade Me Auction, guest speakers at the College, a Cook Book, a Gala, a concert and a formal dinner. • The Bequest Programme This will always remain a most significant goal for the Development Office as a practical but strong way to ensure the Wellington College legacy continues for many years to come. It is an area where Old Boys can provide a crucial bedrock of support and I know that many have said they are giving it most serious consideration. Best wishes to you all. Tony Robinson, Development Manager t.robinson@wc.school.nz DDI: 04 802 7698


The Development Office

The 24-Hour Bikeath n WHAT'S IT ALL ABOUT? Q When specifically is it? A It starts at 9.00am on Tuesday, 30 October in the Hall alongside the Memorial Window and while there will be various venues used around the College, it finishes in that same spot 24 hours later. Q The main question of course is why are you doing this? There are three reasons. The main reason is to increase the awareness of the Memorial Assembly Hall and Performing Arts Centre Appeal, especially in the eyes of the students. There is such a need for this building and presently we are half way to achieving our financial target so we are launching a phase two of the Appeal early in 2013 to increase the momentum. The second reason is to throw down the gauntlet to next year’s leaders so they will organise teams of students to compete in the event in 2013 and also think of other creative fundraising initiatives that will boost the Appeal. The final reason will be to raise a few dollars for the cause which will certainly alleviate the pain of having spent 24 hours in the saddle! There will be Wellington College buckets provided and people are going to be encouraged to make a gold coin donation. We will be advertising the event to College families and Old Boys so support from these quarters will make the required statement that we all want the improved Memorial Hall as soon as possible! I will also be approaching some of my own networks to enlist their support. Q So Tony, how does the Bikeathon work? A Well the 24 hours are going to be divided into eight three-hour periods. Every three hours I am allowed a 20-minute rest period. The first and last three hour period as mentioned will be alongside the Memorial Window. Noon to 3.00pm will have the cycle situated near the edge of the drive by the Administration Block. 3.00pm to 6.00pm will be in front of the Firth Hall entrance and then 6.00pm until 9.00pm down a bit further alongside the Turf ground. The venue for the night hours from 9.00pm until 6.00am will be in the Staffroom.


Q Is anything being planned to accompany this event? A Yes indeed. The College Parents' Executive team is planning a sausage sizzle alongside the drive and other food will be sold. So families - please ensure your sons don’t bring lunch to College on this day. It will all support the cause! We will also have visual designs of the proposed Hall on display and a graphic montage of fundraising success to date with the challenge still to be achieved. We are also going to have a second exercycle alongside so anyone with minutes spare during the day is encouraged to accompany me for a period. Q Are you in training? A I am pleased to say that this is not being neglected. I cycle 30 kms a day on average and have done so for several years since I have had two new artificial knees and become pain-free again. I do a two-hour 40m cycle on Saturdays as that will be the length of each period on the bike before the essential 20 minute respite! Q Do you think some people may think it is strange you doing this? A If that is the response and it causes a few giggles or smirks along the way, then that is great. The whole thrust is to draw attention to the Building Appeal and how essential this facility is to the future of Wellington College. If the event causes people to look and ask questions, then the intention will have been achieved.

Please support Tony and the Memorial Hall Appeal. There will be collection buckets for gold coin donations on the day. Alternatively, you may like to post a donation to Tony c/- the Wellington College Development Office PO Box 16073, Wellington 6242 or through the Wellington College Foundation internet banking account: 06 0501 0575822 02 (Please advise if you require a receipt).


The Archives Paddianne Neely (College Archivist)


he Olympic Games in London captured the imagination and held the public of New Zealand entranced as our athletes strove to reach the highest level. Wellington College was delighted by Old Boy Peter Taylor’s success and congratulations were extended to him for winning a Bronze medal. In 1902 at the Wellington College Athletic Sports, Arthur Halligan (1901-1902) won the Long Jump Open with a leap of 18 feet 5 ½ inches, the High Jump Open with 5 foot 1 ½ inches and the 120 yard Hurdles Championship in the record time of 17.2 seconds. Six years later in 1908, Halligan became the first New Zealander to perform at an Olympics Games, held in London, England. He represented Scotland (where he was then living) for Great Britain. New Zealand at that time did not send representative teams. Later, back in New Zealand in 1914, Halligan won the 120 yard Hurdles Championship. Harry Wilson (1911-1912) represented NZ in the first official Olympic team in 1920 at Antwerp, Belgium. Wilson came fourth in the finals of the 110m hurdles. Ted Morgan, the winner of New Zealand’s first Olympic gold medal, attended Wellington College from 1921 to 1922. Morgan, a southpaw won four fights to claim the Welterweight gold medal at the 1928 Amsterdam Olympics in Holland, despite suffering a broken left hand before the tournament. He had won New Zealand Lightweight titles in 1925 and 1927. In 2008 he was inducted into the New Zealand Sports Hall of Fame. At the 1932 Olympics in Los Angeles, USA, another Old Boy represented New Zealand. George Cooke (1918-1921) was stroke of the eights Rowing team. New Zealand were second in the first reclassification eights, 6 minutes 52.2s. Reg Johansson (1940-1943) represented New Zealand at Hockey at the Olympic Games in Melbourne, Australia in 1956. The team finished sixth overall. Several years ago, Reg donated his 1956 Olympic Games blazer to the College at an Assembly. Since the Archives has moved to the Headmaster’s House, his blazer is now on display and shown in all its splendour. This year, Ian Kerr (1951-1953) returned 10

to the College for a 55 Plus Years Old Boys’ Reunion in September. Ian, a double New Zealand Hockey Olympic Games representative competed in Rome, Italy in 1960 where the team finished fifth and in Tokyo, Japan 1964. Also at a College Assembly some years ago, Ian most generously donated his 1960 Olympic hockey shirt and 1964 Olympic tracksuit top and NZ banner. All are proudly on display in our College Archives. Prior to the Games, a large display was created upstairs in the Headmaster’s House for these and other Old Boy Olympic representatives to illustrate the 104 years since our first Old Boy, Arthur Halligan participated. Hundreds of visitors have poured through the new Archives venue in the Headmaster’s House since it opened in August 2011. I am delighted to see that so many Old Boys and their families, staff and students have been keen to view the history of the College. Gifts have continued to arrive at a fast pace and I am most grateful to the many people for their wonderful donations. A few items received this year are outlined: Old Boys may remember Maurice Browne

‘a goodly heritage, proud traditions, cherished memories’ (1926-1929) from cricket and hockey playing days. His daughters, Alison Holman and Mary Bennie have kindly donated Maurice’s 1937 New Zealand Hockey blazer and uniform. Deborah Manning, granddaughter of C G Kirk (1914-1916) donated an album containing 15 certificates awarded to him for academic achievements and for Dux of the College 1916, signed by Headmaster J P Firth. At the Wellington College Sports in 1891, H. Nahr was awarded a silver medal, this is now part of the Archives Collection, gifted by granddaughter, Noelene Swann. Venus Flaws, visited the Archives and presented her grandfather Eric M P Flaws’ amazing array of medals won by him and a stunning collection of College and staff photographs taken during his years as a student and later as a member of staff. These provide a visual history of Wellington College during Eric’s years. Lady Reeves and family attended a College Assembly to donate items of Sir Paul Reeves (1946-51) to the College Archives. One magnificent gift was a ‘living’ feather cloak to be used for ceremonial occasions. Lady Reeves also presented a model gun built to scale in brass and wood with minute detail to all accompaniments mounted on a mahogany plinth. This beautiful piece was given to Sir Paul by the Officers and Ratings of the Royal NZ Navy in 1990. These are housed in a marvellous display case given to the Archives by Old Boy Neale Ames. The Old Boys’ Library Collection continues to grow. Books have been received from Alan Gibbs, Richard Robinson, CT McNulty, Mark Pirie, Roger Moses (the student), Carl Rolf, Dr J Moore Tweed, Gary Couchman, Don Neely, David Simmers and Alan Bishell. Book prizes have been added to the Collection this year. These beautifully bound books, some in cases leather tooled with gold insets now range from 1869 to 1967 A fine array. 400 photographs have been added to

Lady Reeves (centre) with son-in-law Brian Tunui and daughter, Sarah the Collection this year. It’s amazing Reeves in front of the pictorial display in the Archives of Sir Paul Reeves. how many images find their way back to the Archives and the range of topics Brian and Sarah’s son Ben is in Y11 at Wellington College. THE LAMPSTAND • 2012

The Archives and years is never ending. There are still hundreds of gaps in the form classes and sports teams. Old Boys often say to me, Oh but you’ll have those class photos, or You’ll have all those team ones. No, I do not. The majority of photographs in the Archives have been donated by Old Boys and their families over the last 22 years. So, if you no longer wish to care for your collections, please consider giving them to the Archives. The College did not keep photographs in the past and much of the history has been lost over the years. They are needed for the proposed history book and display for 150 years of College life. It’s been a busy year with preparing photographic displays for two Old Boys’ Reunions. I was pleased to attend the annual School Archives’ Conference in Auckland in March. Always a rewarding few days and good to visit other schools and see their progress. In October, I will be hosting delegates from the Archives and Records of NZ (ARANZ) Conference in Wellington. I hope the Headmaster’s House will hold them all! Finally thank you to all those wonderful people who have supported me and helped in the Archives throughout the year: - Headmaster, Roger Moses provides encouragement and support; Robert Anderson is always on hand to help with information; Marilyn Maclennan for her long and much appreciated hours of photocopying; Kelwyn D’Souza and Roy Smith for their building maintenance skills; Penny Basile and Lynda Woods for typing; Stephanie Kane and Tony Robinson for their constant support along with Mac Gapes (now sadly deceased), Doug Catley and Matthew Beattie; former parent Jan Bunting for her volunteer work in the Archives; Ted Clayton, my able assistant and organiser of our huge newspaper files and for researching the College timeline. Don Neely for helping with the numerous photographic displays for Old Boy Reunions. These folk are great to have as back up. My sincere thanks to you all. I look forward to more Old Boys visiting the Headmaster’s House. I am usually there most Mondays and Wednesdays. Please telephone first just to make sure it is convenient. Best wishes to you all. Paddianne W. Neely College Archivist Tel: 04 382 9411 (W) 04 386 2072 (H) Email: oldboys@wc.school.nz


TOP : The korowai, worn by Sir Paul Reeves, on display in the Archives. LEFT: The Model Gun, a gift to Sir Paul and donated by the Reeves family. RIGHT: A DFC medal, donated by the Willis family, awarded to MS (Murray) Roberts (1933-1936) in 1944. ABOVE: A Wellington College Sports Silver Medal from 1891, awarded to H. Nahr gifted by his granddaughter, Noelene Swann. BELOW LEFT: The 1971 Dux Medal gifted by recipient Martin Button of Texas when he returned for his Class of 1971 Reunion. BELOW RIGHT: Just one of the photo boards on display at the Class of 1971 Reunion. 11

Reunions Class of 1962 50 Years On Reunion (26 March, 2012)

Back: Third: Second: Front: Absent:

Mark Binning, John Bell, Derek Smyth, Robert Beaglehole, John Wilkinson, Dougal Congalton, Hugh McLean, Bob McLellan, Tony Rush, John Gates Dick Bramwell, Dave Jenks, Dave McNicoll, Bob Cooper, Peter Kingston, Stephen Freed, Garth Melville, Duncan Dempsey, Phil Dobbs Tony Ansell, Rick Ronald, Burton Silver, Denys Watkins, Trevor Speight, Bruce Waddel, Jeremy Cooper, Steve Porter, Ray Poy Ronald Mayes, John Benton, John Pohl, Peter Carroll, Roger Booth, John Bruce, Mike Quinn, Peter Schumacher, Bill Southworth, Clark Pollitt, Chris Saunders Ian Burtt, Chris Dentice, Ant Hyman Inserts: (T-B): Bevan de Berry, John Brown, Ian Fraser, Murray Higgs, Chris Roberts

Memories 50 years on Roger Booth (Deputy Head Prefect)


o you remember those first few weeks at the start of 1958 and the fear that someone was going inevitably to grab your cap and bite off the knob, hopefully without tearing the rest of it too much? Do you remember the mystique of ‘Horse’ Bradley in the first classroom on the left inside the West School front door and that Horsey and only Horsey called it the stables and that he would say: Answer me yay and neigh and we’ll canter through this next section and tomorrow we will enter green fields and pastures new. Can you recall milk in the milk crates on the ground beside the West School wet or fine, in the chill of winter or alternatively directly in the sun? Do you remember the boarders v day boys’ scrag in the quadrangle at morning interval? What about our happy hours in cadets? • The long route march up to Buckle Street to get issued with our sandpaper suits. • The sight of boys running around the bottom


field with rifles above their heads. • The route march up to the top of the hill and the speech in which ‘Fish’ Heron pointed out how suitable it would be if one of us when we got older and richer bought the St Marks corner of the bottom field and gifted it to the school. • The ATC (Afternoon Tea Club) and the day they all ran around on the third field with an inflated parachute, the only thing they did all year. vaguely related to flying. • The Sea Cadets under the powerful control of the Officer in Charge Lieutenant Close. Remember those packets of raisins that you used to bring to school in your lunch to have at morning break. I remember the day when ‘Foxy’ lifted a painting out a bit so that we could all see it properly and about a dozen empty raisin packets fell on to the floor. He actually laughed. And you might remember that when he laughed he had to take his glasses off and wipe his eyes. And then for some strange reason he blamed DAS King for putting them there and made him, protesting strenuously, to come and pick them up.

Some of you may remember Bob Lindop, who was actually only at Wellington College for two years before he shifted to Palmerston North. But Bob, who is now in Brazil sent this list of Wellington College memories: • The Marble Staircase (and did you know that the reason that only staff and prefects were allowed to use it was that it was made of imitation marble and was wearing badly). • Haka practice in the quad. • The one-tune only pipe band. • Phys Ed cross-country up the back hill (gutbuster). Remember PE teacher, Mr Pohe who loved sending students over the hill and while he sat around for the period. • The stained glass window. • Inky’s latest retirement (He retired in our third form, again in our last year of school. But he was back when I returned to teach at Wellington College, and then retired again). • Making those pencil cases with the very cool plastic nameplate. • Café nutrition 50s style: a potato pie, cream donuts and a bottle of Lime Fruit and Soda.


Class of 1962

• The mysterious sandal wearing tribe called ‘The Scabs’. • The narrow wooden staircase up to the art room. • Non Omnis Moriarty (and I remember , when playing cricket down below, having pointed out to me that the Moriar had become ‘Moriarty’) Did you ever see ‘Fanny’ Flaws rip a Wellington phone book in half or bend a six inch nail? Or did you only hear about it? I do remember Johnny Northern in the first week for third form maths, pulling out his strap, slamming it down on his desk, and getting the class to file past and have a look at the resulting groove in the desk. Do you remember Ian Uttley’s runaway try against Silverstream, that caused such amazing crowd scenes that it is rumoured that ‘Mousey’ Hughes looked up from the book he was reading. You may remember Fish’s speeches were the essence of brevity – I imagined him at the Cricket…

Yesterday afternoon, as a season ticket holder of Wellington Cricket, I took the opportunity to spend a couple of hours at the test cricket match over the road from the school at the Basin Reserve. I took my place with the other paid ticket holders in the stand. Came 3.30pm and my students came down the drive in orderly fashion. A good number of them crossed the road and proceeded to climb over the fence into the ground. And there I sat, Headmaster of Wellington College... I thought to myself as I watched them what would be in the minds of the others in the stand. I thought of the businessmen thinking ‘cunning little devils’. The sports enthusiast recognising it was at least perhaps a healthier way of getting into the ground. The Scots College parent thinking ‘Thank God I made the sacrifice’ And there I was, Headmaster of our revered College, knowing what the world was thinking…Work it out

for yourself how I felt. I returned to the College as a teacher for two years before I left Wellington. It was interesting to be on the other side of the staff room door and get to know many who I had known as a student. I also taught alongside ‘Foxy’ Sutton. Firstly he was on a real high because, he had the year before been assisted to go on a trip to France, and to actually see and be in his beloved France for the first time. Then, within a year… the sad sight of him absolutely overcome in the staffroom because he was trying to teach, in his tried and true way, classes that just refused to listen. And the sadder sight of his being carried out to an ambulance after suffering a stroke, never to return to the classroom… But the triumphant last call as he tried to set the homework for that night as they carried him out on a stretcher. Great memories of a great College.

Memories of the Masters Peter Carroll


wonder if you ever saw the movie If….. It was set in the 1960s in an autocratic and hierarchical boys’ school, similar in some ways to Wellington College. The Malcolm McDowell character was a rebellious teenage student who takes his revenge for all his accumulated grievances and resentments towards the teachers by getting up on the roof with a machine gun and taking them all hostage. For some reason, that movie crossed my mind a few weeks ago when I was thinking about being here tonight. You may be pleased to know I have calmed down a little since then. I am not very big on reunions of this kind, and in fact this is the first one I have ever attended. You know the reputation they have – everyone looks around at the others who show up, curious to see who has done well and how people have turned out. It is no surprise I guess to see that many of the boys from the A stream continued their studies and ended up as teachers and academics or working for the government. Many from the other streams have gone straight into business and set about getting themselves rich. There is the story about the reunion where one of the boys – we will call him Ron – has obviously done much better than everyone else, much the surprise of his classmates who remember him at school. When asked about it, Ron says his success is due to his maths teacher – we will call him Frank. Ron explains, It was those percentages that Frank taught me that made all the difference. You know the way, if you earn four percent and accumulate it long enough, it compounds up to a large amount. Ron’s classmates roll their eyes and glance at one another in amusement, thinking that Ron would have trouble figuring out a percentage if he was married to one. Ron continues, So, I would buy for one and sell for five in the market and, just as Frank taught us, those four percents really did add up.


Reunions of this kind also bring up the matter of ageing. It seems to me that you do not notice the process in yourself so much, because it is rather gradual, but you do see that the people around you just keep on getting younger. I had a sense of alienation when I first arrived at Wellington College. I wanted to discover things that were outside our experiences at school and even beyond the environment at that time in New Zealand as a whole. There were social and political revolutions happening out there. I guess you could sum it up as sex and drugs and rock ‘n’ roll. A little later in life the whole human tragedy descends in the form of marriage, mortgages and taxes, and you realise that much of youthful extravagance is shallow. And you have your own children and the getting of wisdom starts in earnest. I was very definite that my own children would go to schools that were different from mine. Anything other than co-educational was against my religion, and there would be no thought of teachers assaulting students. But even these beliefs ended up being challenged by experience. My youngest son attended a school where everyone hugged one another all the time and classes were given in multiple languages. He was bilingual by the age of six or seven, but he was not learning much from school in the way of grammar, maths, science, and so on. On the matters of hard work and discipline, I found myself saying to him things like: what you need is an hour on the parade ground with Fanny Flaws, doing drills with a 303. He would of course respond: whatever, Dad. By high school though, he and I were looking around for other schools. Of the three of four we visited, to my surprise he chose a single sex boys school with conservative academic values where he could do cadets, rowing and play rugby. As soon as I walked into the corridors of Sydney Grammar, I went straight back to Wellington College.

With these experiences, you start to get another view of school and the role teachers may have played in your life. I have talked with many of you, my classmates, and heard what mattered to you at Wellington College and which teachers you believe made a difference. We are not all the same and the teachers had different impacts on some than on others. I can speak only of my personal views, although there are common themes. The truth is that some of the teachers were good, some were not so good and some were, frankly, way off the weird end of the spectrum. Seeing my own children and their friends - their ingratitude, sense of entitlement, the disrespect common in adolescents - I did begin to wonder what our own generation must have looked like to our teachers. Like our parents, many of them had known real hardships – in the 1930s depression and the two world wars. We baby boomers in comparison must have looked very privileged and spoiled. Our teachers had not just lived through it - some were real war heroes. Inky Dighton, who taught us Social Studies and Latin, strutted around in his pompous manner with the stentorian voice and snowy hair. He had taught my father back in the 1920s, when his hair was still jet black. But he had gone through Passchendaele in Belgium in 1917. This was the iconic battle we all remember for the images of men struggling in the mud. On one single day of that battle, New Zealand suffered its worst casualty rate ever in war, when around 1,000 boys were killed. Inky survived that. While we boys mocked him and snickered at his war stories, he was truly a hero. Another such teacher was “Q” – Mr Quartermain – who had been gassed in the trenches of WWI. Then there were those from the Second World War. Eric Flaws – Fanny - was the Head Prefect of Wellington College when the war started in 1939. He came out of the army six years later as a Major.


Class of 1962

This was the man who led our army cadets, when we boys paraded around for a week every summer with 303s and sandpaper suits. I did not personally see Fanny tear telephone books, or bend four inch nails, or fire a Bren gun from the hip, but most boys believed he did these things. There was also the story that his class had an unofficial arm wrestling competition every year and the champion boy then had the right to take on Fanny. And Fanny aced it bang, bang, bang – three nil every time. He was one very tough guy who had seen action in the South Pacific including, without going into the awful details, killing men with his hands. And there was Frank Crist. As we heard earlier tonight, he was a fighter pilot. He flew bomber escorts over Europe, each one a dangerous task. I have trouble imagining a man as big as Frank – he played lock for Wellington and the Barbarians – fitting into those small planes. Yuri Gagarin, the first man in space in 1961, was selected from the other cosmonauts because he was only 5 foot 2 and could just squeeze into that capsule. I once asked Frank about his favourite plane, and he said Hurricanes were good, but Spitfires were easily the best. This was the man who led our air force cadets. My most vivid memory is ANZAC day. We boys were all sorted by size and, with our shiny shoes and socks pulled up, our hair combed and shirts sleeves all rolled the same way, we were seated in that sacred Memorial Hall, surrounded by hundreds of names of previous boys who had gone off to the wars. We stared up at the bronze plaques with the honour rolls of those who had been killed. I was mesmerised by the name of my own great uncle, Lincoln Bishop Murray, who had died of his wounds in the Somme in April 1918. His death still cast its long shadow of grief over my entire family. And up on the stage sat our teachers, many of them heroes too. Out of the silence, from the end of the corridor at the back of the east wing, came that bugle with the Last Post, played so beautifully by one of our own classmates, Phil Salt. To this day I cannot hear that without the hairs standing up again on my head. We had other good teachers too, among them our English teachers by the name of Hart and Read. Roger Moses mentioned some of the events of the 1958-62 years. Massive shifts in politics and popular culture were happening. The Cold War was at its height – in 1959 Castro took over Cuba and Soviets tested a 50 Megaton hydrogen bomb, the largest ever exploded by humans. In 1958 the US Supreme Court banned school segregation and there were race riots across the southern States of America. In 1960, the year started with the massacre in Sharpeville and continued with All Blacks touring South Africa with no Maoris in the team. It was a time of some controversy. I remember Mr Read encouraged us to debate and write about apartheid and these other issues, and that had a deep effect on me. The matter of popular culture was a little different. Rhubarb Radford took us for music and I have heard some of you say good things about him. I remember sitting in the music room listening to stuff like Bach cantatas and chamber music. I thought we 13-year-old boys might like something a bit lighter than Beethoven’s fifth and one day I asked Rhubarb if we could have something modern. Like what? he asked. Well like Elvis Presley, Buddy Holly, Chuck Berry and Little Richard, I ventured. Rhubarb was astonished at this idea and said they were just flashes in the pan


and would soon be forgotten. Later when I was in sixth form, on some trivial pretext, Rhubarb gave me a public thrashing that I found degrading and humiliating. I have never forgotten that. For Art, we had Don Ramage, a lovely gentle man with real creative talent. I believe Don’s own work is widely known in New Zealand and has been bought by some of you here tonight. Don was particularly interested in the uses of washes and dyes, but the skills he passed on to me were used mainly to change the colour of my tram pass and avoid having to buy a new one each month. I am confident his teaching was put to more socially positive uses by many others. Many of you also remember Tom Coburn, who we learned this morning is still alive. He put up with all our adolescent mischief with Bunsen burners, sulphuric acid and hydrogen sulphide. I remember a couple of times seeing that ambulances had been called after incidents with the fume cupboards. It would not be allowed today. Despite this, Tom managed to impart some useful knowledge of the periodic table and organic chemistry and I remember him with respect and affection. And I thought Looney Mac was great too. He was a tall elegant man, scholarly, beautifully dressed with funny little John Lennon glasses. He taught French, and I continued that subject mainly because of him. We all sat around a long table in his room and repeated sentences, one of which was Jeune, nous avons parcouru le monde. It means, in our youth we travelled the world. One morning he showed us a postcard he had received from Paris, sent by a former pupil, which said Jeune, j’ai parcouru le monde. He was delighted, and I think that whetted my own appetite for travel. Then there were the other teachers. Many of you have talked of Fish Heron. I was never sent to his office for a caning, but enough have described the experience. My memories are more positive. One day, when we were in third form, Fishy came clump, clump, clumping into assembly and announced that we had lost the McEvedy Shield. We had not lost it to a respectable school like St Patrick’s (Town) but to Hutt Valley High School, the implication being this was especially humiliating because half of them were girls. Fish stared up at the balcony where all the third formers sat – I thought he was looking straight at me – and said it was the duty of the younger boys to train hard and get that shield back where it belonged. I had never done athletics before, but it was compulsory for every third former to enter something on the school sports day. I had been in a sprint and managed to come in third or fourth. I realised I could run ok but not fast enough to win directly. I thought, if I took up something technical like hurdling, I might have a chance. So I got a book on athletics and I spent the whole winter practising hurdles with cartons in my backyard at home. No-one really knew about my efforts and, to everyone’s not least my amazement, I actually won a race at the next sport days. Someone put me in the intercollegiate athletics team, and I also managed to get three points or something towards the total of 80 or 90 the school needed to win back the McEvedy Shield in 1960. It was the first time I had been part of anything like this and I thank Fishy for inspiring me to do it. I have other memories of Fish too. He had strict rules and smoking was a definite no no. Boys could

drink beer, avoid homework or chase girls but, if someone found you having a quiet durry behind the bike shed, you were out, expelled. One day, Fishy put rules on the notice board about the school dance, one saying that public amorous advances were not permitted. That sounded to me like a very serious offence, definitely something to be avoided, like smoking. If only I knew what it meant. Other people have mentioned Horse Bradley. To me he was a rather stern man, with his mane of hair parted down the middle and his ever present strap. I was impressed by the relaxed manner in which he handled his nickname - unlike many of the others, he showed a good sense of humour, and I do give him credit for that. We had Bernie Paetz for Latin, and he had taught my father too in the 1920s. My memory of Bernie is him huddling over his heater at the front of the class exploring inside his nostrils with his nicotinestained fingers, while we took turns translating from a book of Caesar’s exploits in Briton and Gaul. We boys kept peeking forward at the page about the rape of the Sabine women, where there was a picture of some ladies with bare tops, presumably at the mercy of Romans. We waited patiently to get to that but, when we finally did, Bernie found a pretext to skip the page. That was disappointing. Many of you have talked with affection of Mickey Michael. I had mixed feelings about him as an English teacher, but remember him as coach of the 2A rugby team. I was in his team in 1962 and we went through the season undefeated. The 2A team had gone the previous season undefeated too, with Mickey as coach, and some of those boys had gone into the 1st XV in 1962. That was the mighty Wellington College team that ended the drought by winning the Quadrangular Tournament in Wanganui, starting the school’s dominance of schoolboy rugby which has continued to this day. A story you may not have heard was told me by Frank Crist who was the master in charge of Firth House in 1947, soon after the War. All the boarders were supposed to arrive the day before school started, dressed in their school uniforms. One young lad had turned up in mufti. Frank went up to him and asked, Boy, what is your name and what form are you in? He replied, I am Ray Michael and I have come here to teach. Foxy Sutton - I have often felt sorry for him. He was fastidious, with all those funny personal mannerisms, and so insecure. He hated his nickname, although it was appropriate when you saw him in profile. One day he almost had a nervous breakdown when he heard some distant voice calling out tallyho across a sports field. A witch-hunt was set up to discover the boy concerned, although I think it never succeeded. I can still recite Foxy’s vowel triangle, which we all chanted at the start of every lesson. Ooo, eee, air, ahh, un bon vin blanc, and so on. However, my son occasionally amuses his friends by asking me to say crème caramel. They all learned their French through immersion. After exams were over, Foxy sometimes devoted a lesson to other European languages, including some that sound like they have no vowels and instead make strangulated noises. Foxy could speak six or seven of these, which I thought amazing. I realised from him that people from other language groups hear English as full of hissing noises, because of the sounds we favour.


Class of 1962

I was pleased when I learned Foxy finally made it overseas to see his beloved France. The things I liked most about his lessons were the Paris Match magazines which, in those days, often had pictures of Brigitte Bardot. So, classmates, please charge your glasses. I give you Fish, Fanny, Inky, Q, Rex, Flea, Chook, Horse, Don, Noel, Nose, Foxy, Bernie, Mickey, Baldy, Mole, Rhubarb, Tim, Looney Mac and all the other people in the Animal Farm that was our school. In toasting of these fantastic men, I will be thinking above all Frank. Many of you have mentioned him and I know he is held in great respect and affection by almost everyone, and I want to give my tribute to him. Twenty years ago I met Frank Crist at my father’s funeral, and I realised he and my Dad had become friends through Wellington College. We exchanged phone numbers and I asked him to contact me next time he was in Sydney. Soon afterwards I got a call, and that started my friendship with him and Greta. He visits me in Australia and I visit him in Hastings, and he has become a mentor to my family and a wonderful grandparent figure especially to my young son. Frank was a war hero as I have mentioned. He was a great sportsman, missing out on becoming an All Black only because of injury. He probably missed out on becoming Headmaster of Wellington College simply because of an accident of timing - many thought that was his destiny. Frank was tall and


charismatic – with that dimple in his chin like Cary Grant. He was my form master in 1959, when I was a troubled 13-year-old, and he showed me that being masculine was not just about being strong and handsome. I never saw him use the cane although I have heard some say he did so on rare occasions. If a boy mucked up in our class, Frank would take his hand and very rapidly tap it twenty or thirty times with a ruler while all the time talking about what it meant to be a man. The message was simple. Play the game. Fight well. And above all manners maketh the man. He wrote these words across the top of the blackboard in his classroom. In my personal To Sir with Love movie, Frank Crist is my Sidney Poitier character, and it is to him I will be directing my toast. You will all have your own personal feelings. So, I ask you all now please to be upstanding and to toast ‘The Masters’.

Class of 1963 50 Years On Reunion Friday, 23 March 2013


Class of 1962



Reunions Class of 1971 40 Years On Reunion (28 October, 2011)

Back: Fourth: Third: Second: Front:

Alan Meek, John Wierenga, Duncan Munro, Ash Fitchett, Stuart Cox, Martin Button, Don Young, David Evison Peter Howman, Chris Taylor, John Lambert, Graham Paterson, Keith Brebner, Malcolm Davison, Keith Davidson, Graeme Lynch, Bruce Tie Bill Armour, Michael Hayman, Bruce Wilson, Brian Harding, Doug Braddock, Rick Millane, Brian Blackman, Peter Conway, David Ramsden Richard Allison, John Vokaty, Barry Davis, Andrew Gunn, Martin Douglass, William Young, Carl Hamlin, Fred Estell Lawrence Goldsmith, Will Shirer, Ray Standidge, Brent Lindsay, Mark Bell-Booth, Roger Moses (Headmaster), Gray Thompson, Tony Capp, Mo Bhikha, Don Tilbrook

Memories 40 years on Martin Button (Dux)


t’s wonderful to see you all here tonight, and especially good to see that everyone is just coming into their prime Forty Years On. Thanks to Bruce Tie for sorting out the lemonade at lunch. Our years here at Wellington College were dominated by change. Of course, there was the physical change around us with the demolition of the old Memorial Hall and the start of construction on the Tower Block, an unfortunate addition of Soviet era architecture to the campus. By 1971, this disruption changed the ambience in the Prefects’ Room from merely grubby to downright dungeon-like. The effect must have been intimidating for cheeky third formers, who sometimes hung helplessly by their belts from coat hooks, while Wellington College’s finest


casually tossed darts at their legs. But the physical changes were dwarfed by the larger social and cultural changes going on at the time. Caps disappeared; long pants and jackets were added to the day uniform for upper classmen; and women teachers appeared as members of staff for the first time since WWII. In our third form year, music instruction consisted of us suffering through the St Mark’s church organist playing songs on the piano that we didn’t care about, while we slaughtered the lyrics and melody. By our fourth form year, we listened to tracks from The White Album, discussing their musical structure and lyrics, with oblique references to sex and drugs and a world almost beyond our comprehension. Furthermore, the new music teacher, Mr

Smalley, had a hair style that would not have been permitted on a student. I seem to remember Mr Bradley’s incredibly long middle finger often finding its way behind a boy’s ear, extracting hidden and illegal locks. Wellington College did not exactly embrace change in our day. In fact, change was seen as a threat to the fabric of the school. But attitudes gradually softened, as you can see by comparing hair in our 7th form and 3rd form class photos, and the school got on with the business of educating its students. In recent years, I’ve started reflecting back on my life, thinking about teachers and mentors who’ve been instrumental in getting me where I am today. I’ve been privileged to have studied under the tutelage of great minds at the University of Canterbury, and the University 17

Class of 1971

I entered Wellington College as a lanky, clumsy third former, absolutely terrified when facing Graeme Lynch’s bowling. Now I can barely imagine a day without some form of exercise. Wellington College played a small part in that transformation. But again, success in sports was measured by that of the few: the 1st XV and the 1st Cricket XI. When the Headmaster summed up the sporting year at But not everyone shared these positive learning the 1971 prize-giving, those other XIs, Hockey experiences. Academic success was narrowly and Soccer, although both winning National defined, and available to the few rather than Championships, were mentioned only as the many. afterthoughts. of California at Berkeley, both world class institutions. But the groundwork for my success was laid here at Wellington College, and I count Messrs Clayton, Thomas, Bradley, McGillivray and Holt as significant influences. The degree of learning in Mr Thomas’s Thursday morning geometry class after a loss by the 1st XV on Wednesday afternoon was mind-boggling.

The College offered much opportunity in the sporting arena, less so in the cultural one. The notion that the body, as well as the mind, must be nourished was clearly part of the message.


The Wellington College that served the class of 1971 with mixed results, has evolved beautifully, and is clearly thriving.

Thanks to Headmaster, Roger Moses and his Prefects for today’s tour of the College, and to Stephanie Kane for arranging this reunion. Wellington College is in good hands. Its programmes today reflect a more culturally nuanced understanding of the school’s place in the larger community than was the case in our day. Success is obviously more broadly defined, to everyone’s benefit. So, Roger, when the Class of 2011 meets here in 2051, their Wellington College experiences will be as important and formative to them as ours are to us. Please charge your glasses. It is my great pleasure to propose a toast to Wellington College.


Class of 1971



Reunions Class of 1972 40 Years On Reunion (26 October, 2012)

Back: Third: Second: Front: Absent:

John Shimmins, Adrian Shine, Gordon Wilson, Malcolm Rands, David Archer, Simon Kember, John Saker, Peter Baumann, Matthew Birch, Chris Tietjens, Phil Matsopoulos David Galler, John Roberts, Russell Goulden, Peter Ramsden, Tim Frost, David Scott, Mike Milne, Wayne Johanson, Willy Bilton, Roland Yee, Graeme Carruthers, David Peirse, Seth Le Leu, Max Tie Doug Spoor, Jim Young, Tony Heywood, John Ayers, Peter Tait, Peter Baker, Peter Gaskin, Peter Gear, Martin Meyers, Dave Read, Nick Tramoundanas, Adrian Hill Garry Mason Demetrius Christoforou, John Waymouth, Bruce Holmes, Grant Fisher, Evan Cunliffe, Mike Ward, Roger Moses, Matthew Beattie, Kim Svensen, Peter Castle, Mark Broadbent, David Pointon, David Lane Rahim Khan, Andrew Hagen

Memories 40 years on Matthew Beattie (Head Prefect)


r Roger Moses, Mr Tony Robinson, Ms Stephanie Kane, Former Master Alexander Yule, and fellow classmates.

This is a special day and we have rekindled old friendships – but we cannot forget those who could not and would not make it today. They were all part of the experience and the experience had a huge part to play, in who we are today. If my maths is correct – we were the 101st year in the life of this College. It is wonderful to see you all here now. 40 years on – we look not so different: • Sure, the three Petes, Gear, Ramsden and 20

Baker all have more face to wash and less hair to comb. But 40 years ago they were pretty boys with flowing locks. • Sure, some of us look very successful - true testament to the real use of increased girth. • Sure, quite a few of us cannot read a smartphone or a newspaper without glasses. • Sure, Matthew Birch, Spang – we didn’t realise until now and a short haircut that he wasn’t that tall. • Sure, Dim Christoforou has only one good leg… but he plays the piano beautifully and has

scientific talent to boot • Sure, a few of us probably have a health profile we would rather not have, but wait one of us actually is taller than when he was at school – Simon Kember grew after he left here – he now rivals John Saker for altitude and saved substantially on razors as he only started shaving in his third year at University. • But generally, you are all very recognisable – all good faces - as the Police profilers like to say. Roger mentioned this morning that we were one of those cohorts who were educated on a demolition site and a building site. 1968-1972 THE LAMPSTAND • 2012

Class of 1972

was an interesting time for New Zealand - The Little Red Book was around - and Wellington College was no different – society was undergoing massive change – and it was effectively counter cultural between our father’s generation and ourselves. Seddon Hill came back from WWII, having been a prisoner of war and many of his teachers were that vintage also – they saw hierarchy, structure and discipline as fundamental to learning and development. When you weren’t in the classroom, you ought to have been on the sports field and unfortunately if you did not fit that mould, you risked being left behind – you may not have been noticed. I am so delighted that education and development here now is so different, so inclusive – every young man finds a niche and is recognised for that contribution. What I would like to do now is to paint some images that I and a few others recall of our school life. Remember, I arrived here from Auckland for the fifth form and missed the delights of being one of those eleven who got sent down at mid year from 3A to 3 Shell A – to pass those on promotion going the other direction in the hallway. The great majority of you started as 13-yearolds here. Pete Gear and Dave Galler were already shaving and successfully managed to have impressive sideboards to pull Wellington East girls. I want you to think of being at the bottom of the marble staircase or in Laurie Gardiner’s office – bent almost double and hands grasping the chair with thumbs to the outer. The canes were arrayed in the cupboard to the flank. Those war comics were so useful as padding. They gave the term ‘going Commando’ a whole new meaning.

the afternoon period, Sporting prowess does not count – it is time to use your brains, gentlemen. Ah, bless him. And our lovely Ted Clayton whether at French or supervising a school trip – he just loved to socialise and a drink was always the order of the day or night. Ted cracked the greatest scientific discovery of his generation by working out that if he drank to excess on the overnight ship, Rangitira to Lyttleton he would counter balance the rolling effect of the ocean. The jury is still out on that one. Our cohort had extraordinary sporting success: • Rankin Cup for hockey three years in a row. Nothing got past Jack Waymouth and Percy Holmes at the other end was poetry in motion. • National Secondary School Soccer Champions • Moascar Cup holders and U-19 champions for rugby • Basketball, waterpolo, tennis, cricket. We were really good at all of them. How many of us remember the cricket marvel Burt Vance trying to hold his end up against New Plymouth Boys’ High – our team pursuing 200. This tall skinny red-head just went through our team – like the wind. Dave Galler, batting at eight went in just wishing he was dead. He recounts that he was saved by Willie Simpson’s father, George. George Simpson, on the long off boundary wore burnt orange socks that could be seen from hundreds of metres away. As the destroyer thundered in ready to bruise another victim, Dave recalls that his eyes were distracted focusing anew on those socks. Galler never even saw the ball that skittled him middle and leg. He was saved from painful

Mickey Michael stating that there was nothing more satisfying as a good hate and trash talking the opposition fullback from the sanctity of the deadball line.


We were experientialists – we tried our hands at all sorts of things – Crown and Anchor, 500 we questioned authority. We loved it. The Wellington College that served the class of 1972 is thriving today – we have seen clear evidence of a premier school continuing to set the bar for academic excellence, development of tomorrow’s leaders, investing in a career in professional sport, assisting reveal the cultural and musical stars of tomorrow but moreover, graduating young men armed with quiet confidence who have been given a great start in life as a whole and not necessarily just preparing them for those jobs identified as crucial by the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment for the next five years. Many thanks to my old friend, Roger Moses who continues to lead this school with great faith, dignity and challenge to everyone who walks through or past his door. Thanks also to the fabulous staff who want to work here and to the Prefects who by their conversation and example have reinforced for us today why this is without doubt a great College – we may not have all loved our experience here, we may not all have been academic sporting, musical or cultural successes here, but we do love the association with this place. Superior performance today gives us reflected glory. And what about the Chorale outstanding. John Saker and I wanted to sing in the school production of Oh, What a Lovely War. We saw a side of Laurie Gardiner that was light and whimsical but the show was cancelled. We will be happy to show you, perhaps later, that the tunes and lyrics are still in here.

Jock McGillivray from Aberdeen and his organic chemistry class – he lobbing chalk into the mouths of students, just because he could.

Horse Bradley – his love for Basketball. He really fought inside himself. We, having returned from 20 on 20 basketball in the Quad at lunchtime, Horse would open

injury and thanked George afterwards. Our generation was different. Onslow College and Erskine College had revolutionary reputations - albeit for different reasons. What started at Onslow quickly spread to us. We all grew our hair. We created the Wellington College Racing Club and often convened at Tauherenikau. We generally did not take ourselves too seriously. Seddon Hill just loved Willie Simpson’s long shorts - the Bombay Bloomers. We were baptised in heavy metal – Ron Hill’s stereo at Firth House belted out Uriah Heep’s Very heavy, very humble.

Come to the 150th in 2017. It will be a blast. Let’s do this again and next time get many more along.

(L): Matt Beattie with 2012 Head Prefect, James Blackwell

Please charge your glasses. It is my pleasure, a real pleasure, to propose a toast to Wellington College. 21

Class of 1972



Reunions 55 Years Plus The In-Between Years (1950-1957)


t was Warwick Bringans (Class of 1955) who questioned why there hasn’t been a reunion for those Old Boys whose cohorts fall between 1950 and 1957. Since 1958, we have hosted reunions for Old Boys to commemorate 50 Years On, similar to our 40 Years On Reunions and in 2007, Old Boys who attended 60 Years Plus ago were invited back to the College, but unfortunately the Old Boys who attended between 1950 and 1957 were either too young for the 60 Years Plus or because the 50 Years On Reunions were not initiated until 2008 fell into the ‘In Between Years. However, in September this year, Warwick’s wish was realised and around 160 Old Boys returned for their reunion. On a lovely spring day, the morning formalities began with an Assembly, lead by Headmaster Roger Moses. Along with the traditional hymn, and reading given by David Egley (Head Prefect, 1956), Roger spoke of the highlights of the College, which was then followed by morning tea and cohort photos. Our 2012 Prefects then escorted our Old Boys around the College, concluding their expedition at the newly-established Archives. The evening formalities began with welcome drinks before our Chorale gave an outstanding 20-minute rendition of their awardwinning performance just two weeks earlier. Our most mature Old Boy in attendance, Bill Percival (1950) was invited to ‘Light the Lamp’ to start the dinner, MC’d by Deputy Principal, Rob Anderson (19691973). Barry Jobson gave the Toast to the College, with Roger Moses responding with a toast to our Old Boys. Throughout the evening, three other toasts were given; Kahu Pattison (1957) toasted Firth House, Barry Ward (1952) toasted the Staff and Warwick Bringans toasted Absent Friends. The Reunion was a auspicious event for the College and our Old Boys and no doubt there have been many friendships reacquainted. Toast to Wellington College • Barry Jobson (1953-1957) What an honour it is for me to be asked to propose the Toast to Wellington College tonight. You know, the 1950s has been a strong period as far as the Old Boys’ Association is concerned. Five of our recent Presidents of the Association left the College in 1956, 1957 and 1958. Here I refer to Malcolm Perrett (who ran the Old Boys’ Association just about singlehandedly for many years), myself, Ross Macdonald, Bob Slade, and the current President, Brian Smythe. None of these gentlemen would have taken on the job unless they had a deep affection for their old school - it indicates the strength of the school spirit in the 1950s. It was a big move in recent decades to move the Old Boys’ administration and Secretariat to the College. We used to operate independently outside of the College. This move added immense strength to our Association. We have been very fortunate since that move to have the utmost support from Harvey Rees-Thomas, and currently Roger Moses, as Headmasters - and what a jewel we have in Stephanie Kane, as our wonderful Executive Officer, and also our new Development Manager, Tony Robinson. We have never had greater support from the College in running our Old Boys’ affairs. In proposing the Toast to Wellington College, and applying a bit of the iambic pentameter taught to me in third form English by Mr E.M.P. (Fanny) Flaws, I thought I would write a poem. I have entitled it ‘Ode to Wellington College in the 1950’s’ - so here goes (with apologies to Wordsworth, Tennyson, Yeats, Byron and others)!


ODE TO WELLINGTON COLLEGE IN THE 1950s Barry Jobson (1953-1957) ‘Twas back in the old 1950s, some city boys, and some country hic, We came to old Wellington College, ‘Neath the hills in the lee of Mt Vic. Third-formers we were scrubbed and polished, with black cap with band of gold trim, Looking out for the risk of de-knobbing, at school or down by Basin’s rim. We plunged into cadets with great gusto, red faced ‘neath the hot February sun, We shouldered the 303 rifles, and tinkered with the odd black bren-gun. Athletics was great for Brian Hastings, as he re-wrote the school record-book, And later he plundered the bowling, with on-drive, back-cut, and leg-hook! The athletics season concluded, with the fight for the Mc Evedy Shield, Yea, that’s the time we sweated and yelled, “to the blue and whites we’ll not yield!” As each year ended we swatted, for School Cert, UE or the like, Hoping that Dizzy or Flash or even Fish, would accredit us based on our psyche! Our Masters had nick-names like Lofty, and Fanny and Mickey and Hank, With Horsey and Foxy and Mud-guts, not forgetting dear JC and Frank. In time we came to respect them, looking back they moulded our life. We apologise for giving them so much cheek, from teens so hell-bent on strife. As Masters they held all the cards though, by giving us ‘Room 9’ or the cane, For one instant we pined for our mothers, to save us the anguish and pain! Then in winter we turned out for rugby, or soccer or hockey or fives, We jumped and kicked and shouted ‘my ball’, and ran for the lick of our lives! In between times we did some desk-carving, and etched our initials in wood, At lunch-time we watched old carbuncle-arse, Reg’s tractor had gears that were good! The West school and Tuck-Shop were favourites, but watch out for scab-alley at One, Those Boarders were tough, mainly boys from the farm, they’d scrag you with a kick in the bum! The music with Rort was so joyful, our voices unbroken, not yet crap, Don’t forget your hymn-books, Radford would say, or he’d clip our rear-ends with his strap! Wellington College the school that we went to, fifty - plus years did since pass, From the days of the mighty quadrangle, or games of scrag on the grass. We do now look back with great pleasure, on days played out in the sun, Whether academic or culture or drama, we certainly enjoyed all the fun. Tonight is the night of nostalgia, of stories of ‘do you remember’? That halcyon period of carefree days, each year from Feb to December. Let’s toast the College we care for, from the ‘gut-buster’, to old Room C. Our proudest days as teenagers, yeah - Lumen accipe et imperti!


55 Years Plus Reunion

Class of 1950 Back

Bill Percival, Gavin Yates, Deane Davis, Gerry Paris, Roy Burke, John Moffat


Brian Foley, Barry Brooks, Graeme MacFarlane (1951), Neil Kittow, Manly Bowater, Dick McKenzie

Absent Peter Davenport, Don Hopkirk

Class of 1951 Back

Jim Atkins, Trevor Hudson, Pat Scrivens, Dick Smith, Trevor Reynolds, Bill McKeich, Kerry Ansell, Leo Gambitsis


Peter Davenport (1950), Roland Sarten, Kev Boyle, Bruce Robinson, Charles O’Donnell, Bob James, Russell Feist

Class of 1952 Back

Wes Bowater, Ron Ebbett, Doug Thwaites, Gael Ansell, Peter Sander, Vic Morgan, David Daysh, Ramsay Newton


Frank Blewitt, John Edgar, Bernard Hill, Barry Ward, Ron Hill, Jock Ryder, Bernie Harris

Absent Jim Atkins, Peter Conwell 24


55 Years Plus Reunion

Class of 1953 Back

Doug Strong, Tony Pengelly, Euan McQueen, Graeme Taylor, Dave Grenfell, Iain Hopkirk, Don Francis

Second John Aburn, Ian Kerr, Don McLeod, Brian Bregmen, Graeme Hall, Gerry Pallo Front

Ted Varcoe, Bill Kuegler, Richard Reynolds, Murray Austin, Keith Watchman, Stan George, Brian Coomber, Ted Woodfield

Absent Doug Brown, Michael Clements, George Janis

Class of 1954 Back

Graeme Joyce, Mike Pope, Russell Tether, Richard Wallis, Barry Davis, John Cook, Iain Hopkirk, Miles Deck

Second Jim Bruce, Keith Dreyer, Peter Burbidge, Norm Mitchell, Les Howe, Bill Murdoch, Robin Andrews Front

Colin Butland, John Foster, Roger Phillips, David Petersen, Barry Brice, Ralph Caulton, Peter Thomas, Alan Bishell

Absent Hugh Bretton, Berwick Taylor

Class of 1955 Back

Ken Pledger, Lloyd Wills, John Grocott, Warwick Bringans, John Harper


Bruce Thomson, Leith Peddie, Don Forsyth, John Childerhouse, Don Stewart, Trevor Berry, Jim McPherson

Absent Allan Brown, Jim Cleland, Richard Owen, Don Scott THE LAMPSTAND • 2012


55 Years Plus Reunion

Class of 1956

Back Murray Selig, Peter Dukes, Ian Taylor, Dennis Lahman, Bryan Shepherd, Warren Daniel, Alistair Hutchison, Alex McRae, Noel Evans, Graham Booth Second Berwick Taylor (1954), Steve Phillips, Jeff Burgess, Barry McLaggan, Warwick Copeland, Pieter Smuts-Kennedy, Jim Meikle, John Falkner, Don Scott (1955), David Bailey, John Stevens, Peter Jackson Front Nelson Crisp, Dave Egley, Richard Owen (1955), Ross Macdonald, David Davis, Malcolm Perrett, Colin Beyer, Struan Munro, John Xanthopol, Hugh Bretton (1954) Absent Bryan Atkins, Don Baird, Noel Todd

Class of 1957 Back Second Front Absent 26

Nev Bevan, Peter George, Bob Falconer, David Harrison, Peter Browne, Staff Smith, Ivan Hill, Don Somerville, Chris Palamidas Brian Shearer, Graeme Wilson, Bryon Foster, John Oliver, Murray Noble, Roger Lyon, Malcolm Brown, Jim Wilkinson John Corder, Kahu Pattison, Bill Jackson, John Southworth, Dick Houston, Barry Jobson, John Smith, Kevin Gardner, Don Baker Bill Boshier, Tony Muir, Geoff Thompson THE LAMPSTAND • 2012

55 Years Plus Reunion



Reunions Class of 2002 10 Years On • TP Katene, Head Prefect 2002


s is customary, I must open my address with nothing is withheld from us consideration of those who are no longer what we have conceived to do. with us. Essentially, anything that we The 2002 Head Prefect Team • (L-R): Andrew Gillespie, Te Puoho Katene, believe can be achieved is ours for the taking. As a side point, in The passing of Sam Grubi was undoubtedly a Edward Norman, Hamish Brown periods between spouting quotable shock to us all, and a colossal waste of life. Kua loving every minute of it. The range of topics quips, Russell Kirsch also invented the topi te aka matua o te māhuri totara – moe world’s first internally programmable computer that are broached on a daily bases require a mai rā e hika. Huri noa ki ngāā mate katoa i constant upskilling and self-challenging, and the waenganui i a tātou, haere atu rā, e moe, okioki. and the digital image. reward of positive outcomes strikes at a very personal level. Upon being contacted regarding the possibility It has also been made clear that we were of writing this piece for The Lampstand, it took indeed very fortunate to go to a school which Japan is never far from my mind though. a great deal of effort to accept the fact that opens as many doors into the future as our In a year truly overborne with eye-opening indeed we are ten years on from our times in College does. While academia is not always experiences, one thing from my time in Japan black and yellow. Upon introspection, I found for all, hindsight offers the clarity to see rings more profoundly and prominently than that my many memories from College times that ours was and is a school for all seasons, any other. In experiencing the great Tohoku have gotten brighter in fondness, but inevitably indeed for all students. The qualities instilled, earthquake, among the cacophony of emotions have lost some of their detail in the haze of a such as loyalty and camaraderie, passion and one message resounded above the others; bygone decade. pride, acceptance and equality, armed us for that of the transience of life, what māori refer the challenges life would hold, and once the to as matemateāone, or the Japanese refer to I quickly took to contacting many of my old mindset of indestructibility so prevalent in as mono no aware. This concept encapsulates schoolmates to see how the last decade has youth cleared, the learnings from our time that the awareness of the transient nature of all played out for them, and was truly impressed at College would play significant roles in the things heightens appreciation of life’s beauty. by the sheer diversity of achievements and moulding of our futures. journeys. We have journalists in Egypt and Hemingway said the world is a beautiful place, Climate Change advocates in the Pacific. We Upon leaving College, I was no more sure of and worth fighting for. I wholeheartedly have professional sports players in the UK and my intended direction than many a school agree – so as we each continue to forge our professional viola players in Germany. Writers, leaver. Unfortunately having many passions own paths into the future, I would offer you historians, car salesmen, professors. We have has resulted in a highly schizophrenic career these sentiments. Take a moment from the the likes of Gold Coast DJ Patariki Rei is rubbing pursuit. I ended up studying at Victoria bustling clamour of progress to appreciate the elbows with the GC cast members and hip hop University, pursuing my duel loves for science superstars alike. The likes of Arrun Soma, who and māoritanga (not a classic pairing for tertiary beauty and wonder that surrounds us, be it in breathtaking vistas, the memories you treasure, went from gracing our screens as a TV news study unfortunately), completing degrees the joy taken in your work or the laughter in reporter to exploring a new adventure as an majoring in Māori Studies and Marine Biology your home. For it is in the creation, appreciation, international English teacher. Our very own and Ecology & Biodiversity. This, too, was not and sharing of these occasions that our lives and Nick Gordon has reached the top 20 in the without its moments of soul searching, with efforts find their true meaning. German version of the X-Factor recently! I was various speed bumps along the way such fascinated to learn of Aaron Packard’s work in as sojourns into stage acting. Starting work I leave you once more with the thoughts from Pacific Nations affected by climate change, and as a Fisheries Science Officer not one week Max Ehrmann I once paraphrased (badly) at his internationally televised throwing out of a after my final exams, I stayed for four years, our 7th form Prizegiving. As through the past United Nations Climate Change conference due eschewing my previous plans for further study, decade we have migrated fully into adulthood, to peaceful protest. And also of Himesh Chima’s little motivated to trade my wages for the this message remains as pertinent now as then, less-travelled path, including overcoming a well-established student diet of noodles and V when a young man bursting with passionate broken back and combining his love for writing energy drinks. naivety stood in the College Hall and addressed and cooking in his close-to-complete cookbook. his classmates for the last official time. My comfort zone, however, was to be well and I cannot, of course, do justice to all the stories truly shattered, as in 2011 I was lucky enough to shared with me in recounting them in their receive a year-long scholarship to train in global Be at peace with your God, whatever you may conceive him to be. And for all its faults and entirety, but it was amazing to hear people fisheries and aquaculture in Japan. This year misgivings, remember that it is still a beautiful relate such a vibrant and diverse range of greatly influenced my outlook on the future, world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. experiences. Indeed I think the best part of this and filled my kete to the brim with knowledge, journey for me has been the opportunity to hear fond memories and friendships. Upon returning Nā, Te Puoho Katene of all the achievements and milestones that to Aotearoa, I traded in my scientist role in TePuoho.Katene@mpi.govt.nz have marked people’s paths along the way, and I favour of my true passion – working with my thank them all for sharing their stories with me. people. I am currently working for the Ministry CLASS OF 2003 COHORT for Primary Industries as a Māori Partnerships Touch base with your Head Prefect, Matt Prosser During my catch ups with my former classmates, Implementation Adviser. I work closely with iwi/ and update your news for the one thing been made resoundingly clear, Māori to increase productivity and sustainable 2013 Ten Years On Report. Email Matt at: mattyprosser@gmail.com summed up nicely by one Russell Kirsch; utilisation of primary sector assets, and am 28


Branch Events

Bay of Plenty


ld Boys functions are for fellowship, fun and an updating on Wellington College activities. The annual luncheon of the BOP Old Boys saw 31 from Tauranga, Rotorua, Taupo, Te Puke and further afield including Ian Kaywood (1942- 44) and Neal Craighead (1944 – 47) from the Waikato, certainly found these goals realised. Stephanie Kane had done her usual superb job with the invitations and had arranged for Headmaster, Roger Moses and Development Manager, Tony Robinson to be guest speakers. Held once again at Daniels in the Park on a lovely sunny day, the Old Boys met to reminisce over a drink before sitting down for the meal. It was started with all Old Boys stating their names and years at College and in some cases to recall special memories of their time there. A fine lunch of roast pork, bread crumbed red cod, roast vegetables accompanied by wines followed by strawberries and pavlova was provided by Daniels.

Manawatu & Horowhenua


ur one event of the year was the Magic Day Barbecue and Picnic on 19 February 2012, when Past President, Bob and Janet Slade opened the gates to their home and garden at Manakau, just south of Otaki. The day was cool and calm for the 25 Old Boys and their wives and partners attending. Relaxing, reminiscing and ruminating on the terrace, we steadied ourselves for another astonishing display of ‘pure magic’ from master magician Andrew ‘Amputation’ Wilson (1960-1964). After bluffing us right, left and centre, it was Janet herself who fronted up to put her head or rather her secateur – wielding hand onto the block of the guillotine. Chillingly, Andrew was happily unfazed as he gleefully chopped up celery, carrots and rhubarb with his blades – ‘no worries at all’. Then, when it became Janet’s turn, fortuitously, the guillotine gadget failed to function and sever her limb at the wrist. This was just as well. For the sake of a hand, it would have been a staggering shame to see the Slades’ fragrant garden wither from a lack of attention from secateurs and loppers. Then, relieved, content and intact after yet another splendid Old Boys’ occasion, we took another sniff of the roses and headed home happily. Robbie Bruce (1954-58), Convenor • rabruce@inspire.net.nz

Lynn Morrison (1957 – 61) then proposed the toast to the College which was responded to with enthusiasm. Tony Robinson spoke of his important development role which seeks to ensure the College is able to meet the future needs of its students. Headmaster Roger Moses then addressed the Old Boys in his usual enthusiastic style. Old Boys continue to be impressed by the various strengths of the College and the amazing achievements of its students. All present hoped Roger would continue in his important role for many more years. The luncheon concluded with the rousing singing of Forty Years On. Over 40 apologies were received and it is hoped that many of these Old Boys will be able to attend in future years. Barry Ward (1948 - 52) barry.ward@kinect.co.nz



Branch Events



he Canterbury Branch managed to have two events in the past year, the first in late November 2011 when Headmaster, Roger Moses, Development Manager, Tony Robinson and myself flew in for the evening. Hosted by Peter Morrison (1970-75) at his delightful Classic Villa, around 30 Old Boys gathered for the evening in the CBD.

For Roger, Tony and myself, it was an eye-opening experience to see first-hand the devastation from the earthquakes, just from our drive into the city from the Airport and the area surrounding Peter’s premises. However we could see that there is much positivity going on as people begin to rebuild and restore their homes. We also heard from many in attendance of the personal tragedies faced, and we particularly thank those Old Boys who were able to attend while still dealing with their own difficulties. Roger and Tony addressed the group, with news from the College which was well received and our Old Boys were heartened to know that Wellington College remains as one of the successful all-round educational institutes. In July this year, Peter kindly hosted a second event, this time in conjunction with the Quadrangular Tournament at Christ’s College. Again a good number turned out, despite the dismal weather with many attending both the rugby and the function. We were also pleased that a number of out-of-towners could also come along, having made the journey to watch the College play at Tournament. Despite Roger suffering a debilitating ailment, he still managed to briefly attend and greet everyone before he retired for the evening. We were also joined by a number of our 1st XV and both young and old enjoyed talking about the final, scheduled for the following day and about their extracurricular involvement at school. I wish to extend my personal thanks to Peter and Jan for hosting these two events and for their warm hospitality in accommodating Roger and myself. The Classic Villa is well and truly open for business and Peter will always offer a ‘special rate’ to Old Boys. Rated as a 5 Star boutique hotel, The Classic Villa can be found at 17 Worcester Boulevard, Christchurch. Tel: 03 377 7905 or email him at frontdesk@ theclassicvilla.co.nz The Classic Villa’s website is: www.theclassicvilla.co.nz Stephanie Kane, WCOBA Executive Officer



Forthcoming Events

WELLINGTON COLLEGE ANZAC SERVICE 2013 Friday, 19 April Former serving and current serving Old Boys are invited to join senior students and staff at the College’s ANZAC Service in our Memorial Assembly Hall on the morning of Friday, 19 April 2013 (the last day of Term One). Following the service, there will be lunch for those who wish to stay on. Lunch is $25.00pp and includes both food and beverages. If you wish to attend, please contact the WCOBA Office for a formal invitation to be issued, and so we can accommodate you for the service and lunch. No payment is required until the formal invitation is issued. Please contact the WCOBA Office: 04 802 2537 or oldboys@wc.school.nz

Class of 1963 Class of 1973 50 Years On Reunion 40 Years On Reunion Friday, 22 March 2013

Friday, 18 October 2013

We are trying to locate an number of Old Boys from the Class of 1963 Cohort. (Form 3 1959 through to Form 7 1963 plus those from the 1962 Cohort who stayed on for a further year).

We are trying to locate an number of Old Boys from the Class of 1973 Cohort. (Form 3 1969 through to Form 7 1973 plus those from the 1972 Cohort who stayed on for a further year).

If you know where one or many may reside, please let us know so we can send them details of their Reunion.

If you know where one or many may reside, please let us know so we can send them details of their Reunion.

Invitations will be issued shortly to those Old Boys from the Class of 1963 for whom we have addresses for.

Invitations will be issued early 2013 to those Old Boys from the Class of 1973 for whom we have addresses for.



Awards and Honours

Olympic Medalist receives the College’s Congratulations


t’s been a couple of busy months for Peter Taylor (1997-2001) since he won his bronze medal in London. But the Wellingtonian - one half of the double lightweight sculls along with Southlander Storm Uru - was centre of attention as he showed off his prized possession at his old school, Wellington College when he returned to speak in Assembly and receive the school’s congratulations. Former world champions Peter and Storm had spent six years working toward gold but Peter said the result of bronze was still awesome. Unfinished business meant he would probably still be rowing come Rio in 2016. I feel like there's still more to give in rowing and that rowing hasn't seen the best of me yet. There's more I want to achieve and I'm looking forward towards Rio but we'll just see over the next few months when I do get into the boat.

Peter reckoned the 2012 season was the best he had ever rowed and felt there was still room for improvement. It was likely Peter and Storm would take some time out as a pairing on the water and experiment with different combinations during the next two years before potentially reuniting ahead of Rio. Like the Danish double who won gold in our event, they took two years out of the boat together and then came back for the last two years to achieve that result. So it's achievable, we'll see what Storm's up to and what the Rowing NZ selectors feel is best use of my abilities. Success was breeding success at Rowing NZ and Peter said that competitive, healthy environment was too attractive to walk away from. Peter said sharing his bronze medal with his brothers, sisters and parents in London was special. It's nice to return home now and spend some time with my family and just relax and share what this has brought to us.



Awards and Honours

Doctor earns kudos for earthquake work


wo Townsville doctors have been presented with an award for their work in Christchuch following last year's devastating earthquake. Townsville Hospital doctors Brett Hoggard (1985-1989) [right] and Peter Aitken [left] were among 24 medical, nursing and other health professionals who were deployed to Christchurch following the earthquake in February last year. Brett said: that it was three months of interesting times for him, after just returning from London. He was also involved in the Brisbane flood response, Cyclone Yasi, coordinating the evacuation of Cairns Base Hospital and on the first helicopter into cyclone area to evacuate critical patients. Then part of AusaMAT team into Christchurch.

The team set up and managed a 75-bed medical facility in the grounds at a stadium in east Christchurch, an area which had been severely

Recognition for Cycling Contribution


n a timely celebration of Volunteer Awareness Week, Alan Rice (1944-1947), was awarded the Wellington Community Trust Lifetime Contribution Award for services to cycling. Alan has been actively involved with the sport of cycling since 1948, and has been a stalwart of the Wellington Centre and PNP Club for many years, as well as the NZ Amateur Cycling Association. During the late ‘60s and 70s, Alan spent time as Secretary for the New Plymouth and Port Nicholson clubs, was a delegate on their respective Centre committees, and was on the organising committee of the national track championships, and a team official at the 1970 Commonwealth Games.

Since his return from an overseas work assignment in 1978 Alan has been the mainstay behind the local Port Nicholson Poneke Cycling Club in Wellington. Throughout the late 80’s and early 90’s when cycling in Wellington suffered from a lack of volunteers and officials, Alan was not only Treasurer, but also race manager. In 2008 Alan was made Life Member of Cycling NZ.

ONZM for Services to Maori

affected by the disaster. The team treated 642 patients in the seven days the clinic was open, as aftershocks continued to shake the town. They assisted the CDHB to ensure the city's health services could meet demand, despite being hampered by sewerage, water and electricity problems. Surgeons, anaesthetists and intensive care specialists provided support to colleagues at the Christchurch Hospital, with emergency physicians and nurses performing shifts to help with the workload. Queensland Health director general, Dr Tony O'Connell said the work this team undertook in the face of very confronting scenes was remarkable, and the award showed how much their help meant to their colleagues and Christchurch residents.

ONZM for Services to Corporate Governance


ongratulations to Richard Waddel (19541958) for services to corporate governance.

Richard has held a number of governance positions in infrastructure, health, the arts, sport and education in both Canterbury and Auckland. Richard was also the Chair of the Aotea Centre Board of Management, and served three terms as the Chair of the Auckland Festival Trust. He was a member of the Foundation for the School of Population Health, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Auckland and the Director of the Environmental Defence Society. He was the Vice-President of the Wellington Rugby Football Union, and is a life member of the Old Boys University Rugby Club, Wellington. Richard was Ernst & Young’s Chief Executive from 1986 to 1995, and was a fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants and the Institute of Directors.


ongratulations to Russell Feist (1947-1951) who received an ONZM for Services to Māori in the New Year Honours.

A foundation partner at Tripe Matthews & Feist since 1968, Russell has worked for many years with Tuwharetoa and was instrumental in establishing the Lake Taupo Forest Trust and in negotiations for the return of the title of Lake Taupo to Tuwharetoa.




Frankly Good: Mr Frank Crist and the Wellington College 1st XV: 1953-1962 Adam Julian, First XV Rugby, The Rugby Channel, SKY TV • adamjr@clear.net.nz http://blog.skysport.co.nz/collegerugby/frankley-good-mr-crist-and-the-wellington-college-first-xv-1953-1962/ Keith Quinn: Wellington College: 1960-1964: He is a wonderful bloke, once when the Wellington Football Club bought out a new club tie he bought a whole box of them. He liked the fact that they put ‘WFC’ under the club’s emblem. He is WFC too, William Frank Crist!

Wellington qualified for the final with an unpolished 14-5 victory over Christ’s College. The final, played in front of an estimated ten thousand people and broadcast live on radio, saw Wellington at their very best, scoring seven tries in a crushing victory.

After WWII, rugby at Wellington College entered a difficult phase. Despite the 1st XV for some years being coached by Sam Meads, cousin of the great Pinetree, success was hard to come by. Obviously the consequences of the war had an adverse effect, but so did the departure of veteran coaches Tibby Brodie and Tom Beard. Fortunately, in 1947 Frank Crist arrived!

Captain, Ed Young once again scored the first try, but it was future Junior All Black, Bill Fleming who was the star. He scored two tries, relishing the attacking approach that Wellington embraced, encouraged by Frank, and improved upon, after a training visit by All Blacks’ legend Bob Scott.

Frank Crist – The Man Originally from the Southern Hawke’s Bay, Frank Crist was educated at Dannevirke High School. After graduating from Auckland University College he served with the RAF in the European theatre of WWII. A Wellington representative forward, Frank inherited the 1st XV in 1953. Over the next ten seasons he would help revive a struggling team. Wellington would win the annual Quadrangular three times and produced two fine All Blacks, Ian Uttley and Mark Sayers. Crist was an austere and firm coach. A run to the top of Mount Victoria was not uncommon and the need for ruthless rucking was drummed in relentlessly too! In 1955, Frank even placed a ball in a sack and requested the forwards to ruck it out! More famously though he had the apparent audacity to not select Ken Gray, who later became one of the greatest All Black props, for the 1st XV. The clamour just to be selected for the 1st XV and the high standards demanded by Frank were clearly big factors in Wellington’s renewed success. Frank Crist: The Player, Clive Akers 95 83 38 1943 1944 1948 1950 1952-56 1953 34

First Class Games First Class Points (9 tries, 16 con, 17 pen and 1 dg) Games for Wellington New Zealand Services Dominions XV, Britain NZ Trials Wellington XV and Barbarians Club Centurions Club Bohemians Club

Famous Frank Moments 1955: v St Patrick’s (Town) – Won: 48-6 The Evening Post: Wellington played like juggernauts. The 71st game between the schools was transferred from a muddy Athletic Park and played on May 30 on what the Wellingtonian described as ‘a hockey field’. Ed Young scored a try in the first five minutes to set the tone! Wellington’s ‘heavier and faster forwards’ were rampant! It was 21-0 at halftime and in total Wellington finished with nine tries to score their biggest victory against Town since 1917, the scorers were: John Hunn (2), Bill Fleming (2), John Grocott, Peter Seville, Geoff Walpole, Trevor Bringans and Graham Roberts. 1955: v Wanganui Collegiate – Won: 25-3 The Wellingtonian: It was heartening to see our XV once again playing as a unit…Wanganui simply did not get going. Wellington had failed to win the Quadrangular outright since 1937, a shared victory in 1945 their best result in the past 17 seasons, which included twelve appearances in the playoff for third and fourth! The 1955 team was possibly the strongest that Frank produced, losing just one game to an unbeaten St Patrick’s (Silverstream).

The Wellingtonian expands on Wellington’s game plan: The playing method was simple but effective. From the start of each game the ball had to be passed along the backline to the wing without any player taking more than two or three strides, and with every player backing up the ball carrier. No back was allowed an inside break in the first twenty minutes of the game. In addition the fullback was encouraged to come into the backline outside the wing. This meant the games were played in an open manner that was enjoyed by players and spectators alike. The final was referred by New Zealand rugby and cricket international Eric Tindall. For Wellington it was their biggest win against Wanganui Collegiate up to that point and would remain so until 1999! 1957: v Nelson College – Won: 29-15 The Wellingtonian: Both forwards and backs had done their part…Nelson failed to live up to their reputation of being the strongest team. The last Wellington team to win the Quadrangular in the South Island prior to this match was in 1897. The 1957 team had a strong chance of breaking the drought though. They were unbeaten in interschool fixtures having accounted for Rongotai College, captained by future All Black Mick Williment, 9-3, St Patrick’s (Town), 21-0 and Wellington Technical College, 30-6. Additionally, they had drawn with Hutt Valley High School 11-11 and St Patrick’s (Silverstream), 9-9 – in the latter match scoring three unconverted tries. In the first match of the Quadrangular, played in Nelson, Wellington thrashed Christ’s College by 23-5, scoring five tries. In the final, they THE LAMPSTAND • 2012





The Numbers


1961: v Silverstream – Won: 6-5

suffered defeat in the Quadrangular since 1957. In a tense but free-flowing game the teams were scoreless at halftime. In the second spell, Richard Ronald scored a try and David Heather kicked a penalty as Wellington, through tough defence and a superior lineout, at last beat Nelson and won the Quadrangular again.


The crowd of over 5,000 were given a bonus 25-minutes but with the speed of the game the players were almost exhausted by the finish. Wellington fullback Tubby Wright, also the fast bowler of the College’s 1st XI Cricket team, was overheard appealing against the light to the referee, who finally got the message!

1957 1st XV


Tournament rules stipulate 35 minute spells and at the end of normal time the scoreboard showed Wellington 23 - Nelson 12. However, the Nelson College clock stopped at 4.20pm. The referee was obviously going by the school clock rather than his watch and the second spell ran for a full 60-minutes.

XV’s. In 1983, Robertson returned to his old college to officially open the Jubilee Pavilion. Under Frank’s astute leadership, Hastings Boys’ High School flourished as some of the following achievements show!


met Nelson College who had won six of the last eleven tournaments. Wellington, with characteristic speed and flair, ran out convincing winners, scoring seven tries. Wingers Lance Lekis and Felix Wendt scored two tries each and were outstanding. Future High Court Judge, Hugh Williams was Wellington’s captain in this game, while Brian Hastings, who later played 31 cricket tests for New Zealand, was the vice-captain. Bruce Heather, a member of the team, recalls however that they had to work a lot longer than expected for their victory:

1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 Total

17 15 17 14 15 19 16 16 16 17 162

11 8 15 8 10 12 8 10 9 11 102

6 6 1 5 2 6 4 4 6 4 44

0 1 1 1 3 1 4 2 1 2 16

136 149 409 167 219 262 176 181 195 179 2073

79 125 65 94 91 168 130 123 123 114 1156

Since 1951, Wellington had failed to beat Silverstream in nine games, with six of the defeats suffered by less than five points! This clash was extremely controversial! Though the heavier Wellington forwards showed greater mobility and quickness to the loose ball, Silverstream appeared to have a legitimate goal disallowed, denying them victory. The Evening Post account of Kevin Miles said:

In 1965, Frank Crist was appointed the Headmaster of Hastings Boys’ High School. Though Frank had little direct association with the Hastings 1st XV through coaching, he was their most avid supporter and it is little surprise that Hastings enjoyed some memorable moments during his tenure as Headmaster.

Miles kicked what appeared to be a fine penalty goal early in the first spell only to have it ruled not over by the referee. The two linesmen, both teams and almost every spectator considered that the ball had travelled clearly between the posts. Patrick Wikstrom (try) and Alistair Young (penalty) scored points for Wellington.

In 1973, the 1st XV won the Hastings U23 competition. In 1977, the 1st XV won 14 of their 17 games, including a first victory against Gisborne Boys’ High School since 1962. The school also produced one of the greatest All Blacks of all time, Bruce Robertson, who appeared 68 times for his country, including 34 tests was in the 1969 and 1970 Hastings’ 1st

In 1984, Frank retired as Headmaster but remained active in the community. His volunteer work included a spell educating inmates at Hawkes Bay Prison, over 45 years of service to the Hastings Rotary club, service for the Hawkes Bay Community College, now the EIT, and service for the Anakiwa Trust which runs Outward Bound programmes. Frank is now completely retired but still going strong at 92 years of age. Postscript: I did invite Frank to participate in an interview for this story, however owing to ill heath at the time he was unable to speak. However Frank has read the story and approves of its content. I would like to thank Greta Crist for her assistance. - Adam Julian Acknowledgments: Keith Quinn, Dave Henderson and Stephanie Kane. Wellington College have been playing Hastings Boys’ High School on an annual basis for a number of years now just prior to the local competition season with results favouring Wellington over Hastings. Frank Crist, at the 2009 Firth House Reunion (no doubt recalling a momentous rugby moment).

1962: v Nelson College – Won: 6-3 The Wellingtonian: The 1st XV rose to the occasion magnificently and dictated this game in the forwards to an increasing degree. The pack was tightly knit and the backs provided spirited support. Nelson, with their fastpaced backline, at many times looked like they could break through, but the defence was too strong to bridge. Since 1958, Nelson had won an impressive 71 of their 89 games and had not THE LAMPSTAND • 2012


Splendid book about the Brotherhood


fter many years of research writing and editing, Wellington College History teacher (and Irishman), Colm McNulty’s book A Brotherhood so Splendid has finally been published. The story of nine members of Wellington College and their experiences in the Great War is the true story of a ‘splendid’ brotherhood - masters and boys of Wellington College who go to the First World War. Their story is told in a scintillating series of vignettes which vividly portray their actions and emotions in the different theatres of conflict. Each vignette stems from a deep and grounded knowledge of the characters involved, what they did, who they were and where the action took place. Colm’s extensive use of dialogue that is crisp and real makes A Brotherhood So Splendid much more than an ‘action packed’ recital of history. Colm understands the internal dramas his characters deal with as they face action in the field and by a singular blend of imagination and expertise he has enfolded history in the dialogue of these young men. The quintessentially ‘Kiwi’ character of these young men’s actions is sewn deep into the sinews of the narrative. The interplay is real, tangible and pure. This is a New Zealand story – authentically told at that critical point in time when New Zealanders stepped up, and stepped onto the world stage – thereby discovering that which made them different not only from their forebears, but from all other nations. These men discovered the essence of their identity becoming A Brotherhood So Splendid. You can order a copy of Colm McNulty’s book A Brotherhood so Splendid through the WCOBA Office for $35.00 [incl NZ P&P). Post Cheques (payable to Wellington College) and/or Email Credit Card (Visa/Mastercard) details with your order to: WCOBA Office, PO Box 16073, Wellington 6242 or order via the enclosed feedback form. Sales to date have been impressive and has quickly become a ‘Must Read’ by College staff, students and Old Boys.

A Soldier’s last letter from Gallipoli: Isaac Harold Plimmer


he Plimmer family were instrumental in the establishment and expansion of Plimmerton. John Plimmer as a Director of the Wellington and Manawatu Railway was a driving force in the establishment of this private railway company connecting Wellington to Palmerston North. The railway line opened the West Coast of the lower North Island to expansion with 36

the area previously known as Taupo Pa being renamed as Plimmerton in John Plimmer’s honour. When the railway reached Plimmerton in 1885, the area was seen as an obvious ‘Brighton of New Zealand,’ the beach resort area for people from both Palmerston North and Wellington.

It was John Plimmer’s son Charles (Chas) who built the first major accommodation Plimmerton House, beside the Plimmerton railway station that opened to the public in 1893. Charles children; Isaac, Ella (Girlie) and Mary (Mollie) would have spent time at Plimmerton Continued on page 38 THE LAMPSTAND • 2012

Accepting the Challenge


ld Boy, Sione Stanley (19982002), was one of 25 Cadets who graduated from the Waiouru-based Officer Cadet School in December having successfully completed 12 months of rigorous training. Family and friends of the graduating cadets, New Zealand Defence Force staff and overseas dignitaries attended the graduation ceremony at Waiouru Army camp.

Prior to joining the Army, Second Lieutenant Stanley (26) had a diverse employment background, working in various retail and banking roles, while concurrently completing a Health Sciences Degree from the University of Auckland. 2Lt Stanley also worked with a number of charities,

including the Heart Foundation, Child Obesity intervention and TYLA (Turn Your Life Around). 2Lt Stanley's decision to join the Defence Force was based on a desire for a career with variety and something that was 'outside the box of a normal job'. Furthermore, 2Lt Stanley's brother, 2Lt Joseph Stanley is also an Officer in the NZ Army. 2Lt Stanley was humbled when he arrived at OCS at the beginning of the year, 'realising he was not as good as he thought he was'. The biggest learning that 2Lt Stanley will take away from OCS is 'striving to be better and always setting high standards - as that is what your soldiers expect of you'.

2Lt Stanley enjoyed his time at OCS. However, one particularly difficult exercise challenged him. We had an informal SAS brief prior to the exercise. We learnt about two types of people. Those who work hard when they are being watched, and those who work hard consistently. 2Lt Stanley has been posted to the Intelligence Corps. As part of his posting, he will spend time training with the Signals Corps. He is looking forward to a long career with the NZ Army, and aspires to reach the senior ranks. Also on the horizon are overseas postings. 2Lt Stanley wants to extend a challenge to other Maori and Pacific Islanders who are considering a career in the New Zealand Defence Force. If you really want to test and challenge yourself. A career in the NZDF will definitely deliver on that.

Escape to fight another day


ixty-five years after the end of World War II, in 2010, I published For the Duration, by Bruce Robertson, a book based on my late father’s diaries and memoirs. He was a Wellington College Old Boy (1923-25) and a Prisoner of War. It therefore seemed miraculous when Bob Wood (1928-1930), aged 97, [pictured right] rang to tell me that he knew my father. Bob has lived and worked in Australia for over 50 years and is now in Sawtell, on the NSW north coast. We met there in February 2012. Bob and Bruce joined up in October 1939 and sailed for the Middle East with the 19th Wellington Battalion in the First Echelon of soldiers on 5 January, 1940. Both were captured there; Bob at Ruweisat Ridge on 15 July 1942 and Dad at the first Battle of Alamein on 22 July. Bob had already had a couple of lucky escapes, including just before VE Day when a mortar struck a bag of shirts on his back. The shirts were casualties. Bob and Dad were flown at different times to Lecce, Italy, then transferred north to Campo PG 47 in Modena near Bologna.

options, including immediate departure or staying put. Dad backed what he called the wrong horse and,was transported with hundreds of others to a prison camp at Weinsberg, near Stuttgart, where he remained until liberation at Moosburg. Bob Wood was prepared to leave with two others, but the plan was postponed. The next day he and a friend, Sandy Wilkinson, decided to take to the roof. They climbed the downpipe at the rear of their building and lifted tiles to find a space above the rafters where they stored some food and water. When the roll was called they returned to the roof. Next morning it was clear that a move to Germany was imminent. On 13 September, when the final batch of POWs went, Sandy pulled out. Bob and Hugh Flower from Christchurch, (his father was the notable Christ’s College Master), adjourned to the roof. They lay low on the rafters for a day in terrific heat with the Germans below.

They had many friends in common Bob (‘Splinter’ Wood as a POW) had an excellent recollection of camp life, including the rough red vino, sometimes on offer, was known as ‘roosters blood’ or ‘purple death’. He too wrote and illustrated a diary.

Then, on the night of 15 September, they spotted a cut wire atop the wall at the rear of their hut. With a tin of bully beef, some chocolate and cigarettes, they scrambled over the high wall and with machine gunfire uncomfortably close, detoured around Modena, finding a maize patch some 10 kms south in which to sleep.

When Italy capitulated in September 1943, PG 47 was in an uproar. The POWs got three

Their route to freedom covered about 600 kms over three months through Tuscany, Umbria


and the Appenine Mountains, assisted by many Italians with food, a few lira and shelter. Unlike many escapees who were recaptured, they avoided the many small towns and villages. They lived on quantities of potatoes, bread, pasta, cheese, grapes, soup, polenta and chestnut flour mash (‘quite good’) with meals occasionally flavoured with bacon. Tomatoes and grapes were often for the taking. They spent many nights in barns, often perilously close to the rears of livestock and often even more perilously close to German troops. They crossed many rivers and often moved by night in the cold and mud. In the mountains they often followed charcoal burners’ tracks and sheltered in caves. Sometimes they helped farmers with harvesting or gathered acorns for pigs and chestnuts for themselves. On 19 September crossing the Appenines, they met up with fellow escapees from Modena, swapped notes and separated. In early October they were sheltering near Gubbio in the mountains when a high-smelling object soaked to the skin and wearing sandals appeared. It was Captain Hudson (2nd Seaforth Highlanders), also from the Modena camp, who travelled on alone. At the end of October near the town of San Spirito, they met up with five other NZ Continued on next page 37

soldiers before crossing the mountain known as La Maiella – (The Pig, and literally a pig of a mountain, Bob said). Around them the Germans were evacuating a number of villages, sending the inhabitants to a concentration camp at Chieti. Sheltered by one Michele Ricci’s family, they waited some weeks for better weather, then met up with British Paratroopers on the mountain before descending a steep gorge near Palambaro to reach safety at British Airborne Brigade HQ. Finally they joined NZ troops near the Sangro River for a thorough and welcome delousing by the NZ Field Hygiene Unit. Bob was reunited with his suede shoes, a cigarette case ‘pinched’ from his kit 18 months before; and many friends, including his former Wellington flat mate, Tony Cleghorn. Old Boy

celebrated New Year’s Eve at their old camp at Maadi, near Cairo, before leave in New Zealand. Bob returned to the 22nd Battalion in Italy as a Major in 1944. He saw further action at Forli Faenza, Lamone and many nasty river crossings, one of a very few who rejoined the service after escape.

Bob Wood, alive and well at age 97 in Australia

In 1945 he joined the POW Repatriation Unit near Margate, Kent and was discharged in September 1946. He and his wife Lyn visited Italy in 1971 and the remains of Campo PG 47 and meet with the Ricci family who had, at great personal risk, helped the escapees for so many weeks just behind the lines.

and General Bernard Freyberg had a long talk in his caravan, and gave the pair 200 cigarettes and Rosanne Robertson, rosar@ihug.co.nz a pat on the back. He advised them to return Tel: (04) 472 4580 to New Zealand. By 15 December they were back at Bari, then

Continued from page 36 House from 1893 possibly up to it being destroyed by fire in April 1907. The Plimmer family may not have lived permanently in Plimmerton House as Isaac is listed as being schooled at the Clyde Quay School before attending Wellington College. Isaac is also listed as passing the Junior Civil Servants exams in 1898 and trained in engineering as he is listed as a mechanical engineer in the 1905-06 electoral rolls. In 1911 Isaac Harold Plimmer (1895-1897) is listed as purchasing 99 Boulcott Street but it is doubtful that Isaac lived at the house as he moved to Gisborne soon after its purchase. The property would later be owned by Isaac’s sister Mollie up until her death in 1958. A later owner renamed the house Plimmer House. With the declaration of war on 4 August 1914, the mobilisation of NZ’s forces began and Isaac Harold Plimmer answered the call and enlisted on 14 October 1914. Service records noted that at the time of enlisting he was a Marine Engineer in Poverty Bay. Following his enlistment, Isaac was attached to the NZ Field artillery as a gunner with the NZFA, 2nd battery. The main body of the NZ Field Artillery Force departed New Zealand on 16 October 1914, and arrived in Egypt in December 1914 and were based Zeitoun where training and reconditioning began. In March 1915, the NZ Field Artillery now part of the ANZAC Corps moved to Alexander for embarkation for the landings at Gallipoli. The 2nd Battery was 38

landed at ANZAC Cove 26/27th April were reproduced in court records. 1915 and continued to support the The letter is addressed to ‘Dear Mother and infantry units through the following Father’ and the last page reads: months. I am writing this in a hurry, things are a bit In August 1915, preparations for dicky, and one doesn’t know when one is going a major offensive, the Battle for to get laid out; let’s hope when it comes it will Chunuk Bair had been completed. be only a temporary nature. In case it is more At 4.30 pm, 6 August 1915, the permanent you must not grieve too much, for I’ll initial bombardment of Turkish positions be doing my duty and that is the main thing, its started. It was during the first phases after one little chance one has, and one has to make fierce fighting that the Wellington Battalion the most of it. We haven’t been asked to do captured Chunuk Bair on 8 August 1915 and anything very serious up to date, but this time it was on this day that Gunner Plimmer wrote it will be, remember me to all my friends. I’ll not what would be his final letter home. The letter be writing any farewell letters other than this. contains references to the great fight that was in progress, that he had seen the charge by Give my love to Girlie and Mollie and to either the Sikhs or Gukkas which had resulted yourselves, love and good-bye. I can’t thank you in a great number of casualties to the Turks and sufficiently for all you have done for me, and this that his battery had been in action for some is but the little I can give in return. time but he was proud to do his duty. Dad will fix my affairs. I would like him, however, On 9 October 1915, two gunners, Isaac Harold to arrange what I possess to be divided equally Plimmer and Albert Harold Griffiths were between, himself, mother, Girlie and Mollie. reported to have been Killed in Action. It is possible that both died as a result of a Good Bye. Love to All, premature explosion of a shell from their Your affectionate son, Isaac Harold Plimmer battery as there were at least two reported 2nd Battery NZFA occasions of this happening with the 2nd PHOTO: Gunner Isaac Harold Plimmer, 2nd Battery, New battery during the Gallipoli campaign. It was after his death that the letter written in August Zealand Field Artillery is remembered on the memorial was sent, as requested, to his family with a note at Chunuk Bair, Gallipoli and on the Wellington College next to the address stating ‘to be sent only if War Memorial Tablets. sender is dead’. Alan Dodson, agcdodson@xtra.co.nz Plimmerton Residents’ Association Historian The contents of the letter would later on the death of his father in 1931, be used in a court case to determine Isaac Harold Plimmer’s last will but only part of it (the first and last pages), THE LAMPSTAND • 2012


Keeping it in the family



avid McLellan (2000-2004), centre, is the latest family member to be admitted to the bar, following in the footsteps of his grandfather Jeremy Cooper (1958-1962) and mother Wendy Cooper.

orld renowned linguist Prof Emeritus Bernard Spolsky (1944-1948) and who now lives in Israel, was a keynote speaker at a symposium Building a multilingual society: creating habitats for language survival, which focussed on the survival of Māori and Pasifika languages, held at Victoria University earlier this year. The symposium considered how to ensure the survival of Māori and Pasifika languages and build a multilingual society.

As long as New Zealand has had courts, David's family has provided the lawyers. David, 24, was admitted to the bar in the High Court at Wellington earlier this year, after graduating from Victoria University – the sixth generation in his family to join the legal profession. His mother, Wendy Cooper, acted as her In 1844, George Cooper was appointed private son's moving counsel during the ceremony to secretary to Governor Robert Fitzroy, who support his admission to the bar. became the second governor after Mr Hobson died in 1842. David’s grandfather, Jeremy Cooper, a Levin lawyer and another Victoria graduate, On David's father's side of the family, William attended the ceremony to act as moving Reeve Haselden arrived in here in 1860 and counsel for David's cousin, who was admitted settled in Westport, where he was mayor for five to the bar on the same day. Jeremy said terms and a Crown prosecutor. He later moved he was proud of his grandson, and not to Wellington where he specialised in patent law altogether surprised he had followed in the and became a District Court judge in 1906. family's well-trodden footsteps. David said it had been helpful having generations of legal knowledge on hand when he needed help studying. He was even able to borrow robes from his mum's work for the ceremony. Both of David's great-great-greatgrandfathers were lawyers – on his mother's side, George Sisson Cooper arrived in New Zealand from Ireland in 1840, the same year the country's first governor, William Hobson, was appointed.

George Cooper's son, Harold Riddiford ‘Chummy’ Cooper, was born in Wellington in 1876. He was a colourful character, also a Crown prosecutor, and president of the Manawatu Law Society. His son Arthur Riddiford Cooper was born in 1902 and studied at Victoria University before practising in Wellington. He was also President of the Wellington Law Society. David is not likely to be the last lawyer in the family – his younger brother George (2004-07) has just completed his LLB. The Dominion Post

Lecturer’s Dream Job


any teenage boys see playing video games as a great way to waste a few hours, but for one university lecturer it represents a serious day's work. Pippin Barr (1992-1996), until recently spent his days discussing video games, and making them, at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark, where he lectured on videogame design and programming. Despite the in-depth work he has conducted on video games as part of his doctoral


Love of the Lingo

studies, Pippin never considered himself much of a gamer. I suppose I'd characterise myself as a fairly ordinary game player through childhood and my teens playing at the arcade, renting SEGA games from the video stores and buying a PlayStation when it first came out. It really wasn't until I was starting my PhD and trying to figure out what I could do three years' research on that video games took a front seat in my life. Continued on next page

Bernard was educated at Wellington College, Victoria University and the University of Montreal. He taught at secondary schools in New Zealand, Australia and England, then taught English for two years at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and completed military service in the Israel Defence Forces. He was assistant professor of Education at McGill University (1962-64), and assistant professor of Linguistics at Indiana University (1964-68). At the University of New Mexico from 1968-80, he was Professor of Linguistics, Elementary Education and Anthropology and for six years Dean of the Graduate School. Bernard was appointed Professor of English at Bar-Ilan University in Israel in 1980, serving as Dean of the Faculty of Humanities from 1992-94 and Chair of the Department of English from 1995-96. On retirement in 2000, he was appointed Professor Emeritus. At Indiana University, Bernard was director of the English as a Foreign Language Program and associate chair of the Research Centre for the Language Sciences. At the University of New Mexico, he directed the Navajo Reading Study. At Bar-Ilan University, he founded and directed the Language Policy Research Centre. Bernard has been a Senior Associate at the National Foreign Language Centre and Senior Research Scientist at the Centre for the Advanced Study of Language, both at the University of Maryland. He was Editor-in-Chief of the international academic journal Language Policy from 2002 until 2007 and is Publications Director of Asian TEFL (the Asian Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language) and editor-in-chief of its academic journal. Bernard’s extensive research over the last 40 years includes research on language policy, sociolinguistics, educational linguistics, language testing and its history, and language attitudes and identity. He is currently writing a book on language management. 39


An eye for optics and photonics


ongratulations to Rick Millane (1967-1971) who has been elected SPIE (the international society for optics and photonics) Fellow, acknowledging Members for their outstanding technical contributions and service to SPIE. Rick, of University of Canterbury was recognised for achievements in diffraction and reconstruction algorithms for biophysical imaging. Rick is the first and only SPIE Fellow named from New Zealand. He has made important contributions to imaging and image reconstruction in biological and medical imaging. His work in the area of phase retrieval was especially pioneering when, in 1990, he made fundamental connections between classical phase retrieval techniques in crystallography and those in optics. Rick’s discoveries paved the way for high-resolution diffraction imaging of atomic, molecular, and cellular particles, and his subsequent research has addressed uniqueness and reconstruction algorithms in this area. In addition, he has contributed to the theory and algorithms for using x-ray diffraction

program committee for the OSA Topical Meetings on Signal Recovery and Synthesis since 1992, as an executive committee member of the IEEE New Zealand South Section, and he is currently associate editor of the journal IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. Rick has also served as co-editor of the International Union of Crystallography’s journal Acta Crystallographica Section A since 2001, and has served on the programme committee for the Image and Vision Computing New Zealand conference since 2001. data from biological polymer fibres to image molecular structures. His accomplishments include establishing methods for image analysis of diffraction patterns, derivation of rigorous metrics for assessing the precision of results, and developing Bayesian methods for optimal reconstruction. Most recently, Rick extended his work into image analysis of disordered biological arrays in muscle and the retina and image reconstruction for optical diffusion tomography. Rick is a vital member of the greater optics community, especially as a senior member of IEEE and a fellow of the Optical Society of America. He has served on the technical

He was, until recently, Head of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Canterbury. He has contributed greatly to SPIE, beginning in 1992, as a presenter, session chair, and conference chair. In particular he co-created the Image Reconstruction from Incomplete Data conference in 2000 and has chaired the bi-annual conference since then at the SPIE Optics + Photonics symposium. He has also served as co-chair for the Digital Image Recovery and Synthesis conference and has taught the SPIE courses Fourier-based Image Recovery and Practical Digital Image Reconstruction Algorithms.

Large presence at NZ Law Students’ Conference

from page 39: PIPPIN BARR Pippin began his degree at Victoria University on two somewhat disparate elements philosophy and computer science. However, the combination worked well for him, eventually leading to computer game research at the suggestion of a colleague. I was having coffee with my academic mentor, and she just happened to raise the idea that I could study video games for my PhD. I was a little shocked by it, but as I thought about it, it made more and more sense and so away I went. Since then, video games have been at the core of most of what I've done.

(L-R): Phil Thomson, Almiro Clere, Matthew Dodd, Oscar Ward, George McLellan, Duncan McLachlan)

His research on the use of human values in gameplay grabbed the attention of overseas universities, landing him the masters-level lecturing position in Copenhagen - a dream job, despite the amount of marking.


t the NZ Law Students’ Association (or NZLSA) Conference in Auckland, winners of the legal competitions across the six law schools in New Zealand competed for national glory and while the NZLSA executive and council met to advocate on issues affecting law students across the country.

At the event, there was a strong contingent of Wellington College Old Boys that dominated the NZLSA executive as well as competing at the conference including George McLellan (2004-2007) as the Administrative Vice President of NZLSA, Almiro Clere (2003-2007) as the Competitions Vice President of NZLSA, Phil Thomson (2000-2004) as the Council of Legal Education Representative on the NZLSA and Oscar Ward (2003-2007) as the Editor of Lex Magazine (a guide to what’s happening for NZ law students). Competitors included Matthew Dodd (2003-2007) as the University of Otago’s competitor for the Witness Examination Competition and Duncan McLachlan (2006-2010) as Victoria University’s competitor, and the national winner of the Bell Gully Junior Mooting Competition. Oscar Ward 40

Pippin and his wife have quite recently moved from Copenhagen to Malta though he still supervises a couple of students in Copenhagen. He’s continuing to make games and is gearing up to teach a course for the University of Malta.

Please remember to send us your news. oldboys@wc.school.nz THE LAMPSTAND • 2012


What’s Your Prison?

By Dr Paul Wood (1988-1992)


s someone who did more than their fair share of gut-buster runs and Friday detentions before dropping out of Wellington College in Form Four, the idea that I would one day graduate with a PhD and spend my time helping others was such an audacious concept. Especially if you consider that when I was 18 I was using drugs to cope with my life, and an altercation with a drug dealer resulted in his death; a death that I was responsible for, and for which I would spend the next ten years behind bars. Today I work as a development and change specialist, and help people identify their purpose, overcome barriers, and play to their strengths. It is ironic that this is something I may not have achieved if I had not gone to prison. It was there I realised that before I was incarcerated, I was already living in a prison of my own making – the prison in my mind. My prison was my belief that my potential was fixed, that the measure of a man was his capacity for violence and aggression, and that men shouldn’t feel scared, sad, vulnerable, or weak. It took a meeting with one of New Zealand’s most accomplished safe crackers to challenge my idea of freedom. It was about two years into my sentence when one day in the yard he presented me with two objects of unequal weight and asked which would hit the ground first if they were dropped at the same time. The result blew my mind. I had never questioned my understanding of the world, and this demonstration made me wonder what else in my thinking I could be wrong about.

success. The road to freedom can be lonely, but only you have the ability to make real change. All of us begin life born free, but life kicks in and we create self-defeating and distorted beliefs to make sense of our worlds. It is only through being mindful of the architecture of our personal prisons, recognising and avoiding seemingly innocent choices, and learning ways to respond when obstacles are encountered, that we can achieve the experience of

living free. While my story reflects my own experience of change, living free is something that we should all aspire to. So I ask, what’s your prison? www.whatsyourprison.com

INSERT: Dr Paul Wood received his PhD at Massey University’s graduation ceremony, to add to his BA and MA (completed in prison). My passion is in development and people's capacity for change and positive growth.

Reunion on the High Seas

This simple catalyst started my journey towards living free, but the path has not been straightforward. I wrote my first assignment in solitary confinement. I completed my exams in a windowless room in a punishment block. I had to stop doing drugs if I was going to be able to start the process of changing my life. As a result, I had to give up the ability to be emotionally numb to my situation on the inside. Time is a different commodity when you are looking at a very long sentence. Part of breaking free of the things that were holding me back was my need to accept that I had to live in the present and focus on what I could do today. I had to fight for my freedom and face the bureaucracy, assumptions and judgements that stood in my way. I was very fortunate to have people in my life that believed in my potential, and having allies who will champion your cause and fight beside you is a key component to THE LAMPSTAND • 2012

Recently, Old Boys Trevor Speight (1958-1962) and Bruce Waddel (1958-1963), together with their respective wives undertook a three-week Mediterranean Cruise on the Holland America Line MS Noordam. To their surprise, the ship was captained by an Old Boy, Captain John Scott (1968-1972). Many pleasantries and stories of the College were related over the course of the cruise. (L-R): Trevor, John and Bruce. 41

An Anthology of Success

New Solicitor-General appointed Startup is Going Up


ormer Wellington College Head Prefect, Michael Heron (1980-1984) has taken up his role as the new Solicitor-General.

of the Crown Law Office. AttorneyGeneral Christopher Finlayson [was quoted in Stuff as saying] Michael's experience covered a broad mix litigation and advice, including criminal, civil, commercial, human rights, health and public law.

Michael was a partner at Russell McVeagh and before that a partner at Meredith Connell, where he worked as a Crown prosecutor. He also worked with Allen and Overy in London and Tokyo in the early 1990s.

His experience and skills are directly relevant to the role of SolicitorGeneral and chief executive of the Crown Law Office, Mr Finlayson said.

He was a counsel for the Serious Fraud Office as well as chairman of Drug Free Sport New Zealand.

He will oversee implementation of decisions following a review of the Solicitor-General's functions.

The Solicitor-General is principal counsel and Michael’s five-year term began on 3 September. legal advisor to the Crown and chief executive

Winning Plans for Architect


ld Boy, Stuart Gardyne (1970-1974) has won the competition to refurbish the school hall and his firm Architecture + will carry out the project.

Stuart’s concept will provide a new space large enough for the entire school to fit for assembly and will create a hall that’s also a versatile venue for music and theatre productions, and formal events such as dinners. He hopes to reuse elements of the existing building in the new construction and better display heritage elements such as the memorial window. It is hoped the hall will provide a better link with the existing Firth Hall and Brierley Theatre buildings on the site. Stuart will tread old ground when he visits Wellington College for the project. As a past student, I have some understanding of the context and it doesn’t feel as if it’s a mystery, says Stuart, I hope my solution reflects the history, character and culture of the school. Of course schools change all the time, says Stuart - We used to wear caps and pretend we didn’t have long hair, he laughs – and he notes the quadrangle of his day has gone but the amphitheatre is still a big part of the school landscape. He’s amused that some of the supposedly temporary ‘prefab’ buildings in which he took fourth form science lessons still exist on the Wellington College site today. A timetable for construction has not yet been established and fundraising for the project will continue in 2012 and beyond.


avid Fellows (19921995) is the Chief Technology Officer for a Wellington startup company, GreenButton (www. greenbutton.com) and was recently awarded by Microsoft NZ as the Solutions Architect of the Year. The company was named BizSpark partner of the year and jointly won software exporter of the year with Auckland cinema software firm Vista Entertainment Solutions. Dave was GreenButton’s second full-time staff member and was bought in as Lead Architect to design their cloud-agnostic High Performance Computing architecture, suited to running on commodity cloud infrastructure. Prior to GreenButton, Dave spent many years working in the UK designing massively scalable systems for the Investment Banking industry. Before this, Dave worked at both Datacom and Synergy leading technical teams. GreenButton's application can be built into software products and lets computer users access supercomputer power at the click of a button as they need it and without having to invest in their own systems. It has teamed up with Microsoft to use its cloud computing platform, Windows Azure, to provide the processing power. In July, GreenButton was named as the global winner of the Windows Azure independent software vendor partner of the year award. It said in August it was working with Disney's animation giant Pixar to make its movie rendering software available to anyone over the web.

The man who will use his skill and constructive imagination to see how much he can give for a dollar, instead of how little he can give for a dollar, is bound to succeed. - Henry Ford

A long road ahead


A highly experienced executive in the infrastructure and toll road sector, Ray has spent 40 years working in all aspects of international and local major project development and operations, including 17 years’ involvement in the development, construction and startup of toll road projects in Australia. His career includes having worked on major projects across New Zealand, Indonesia, South East Asia generally, the Middle East and West Africa.



ay Wilson (1958-1962), Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director of BrisConnections, leads the current building contract for the new the Queensland Airport Link toll road, under the largest transport PPP contract in Australia to date, together with the delivery of the Northern Busway extension (Windsor to Kedron) and the Airport Roundabout Upgrade, for the Queensland Government, at a total financed cost of $5.6 billion.

An Anthology of Success

A winning way with words

Kudos in the Kitchen


Wellington start-up that turns learning vocabulary into an online game is the winner of the BNZ Startup Alley competition, revolutionising language learning for the self-motivated. GoVocab has almost 6000 users, including about 250 secondary schools from New Zealand, Australia, the United States, Indonesia and Canada. When I was at school I had to learn a language, and we were just given a list of words at the start of the week, says founder Michael Dowse (2003-2007) [centre in photo]. We’d take them home and memorise them just by staring at this bit of paper, basically. Then on Friday you would have a test – you’d cram in the hallway for five minutes and then forget it all straight away. His creation, Go Vocab, is a tool for students and teachers delivered via its website and mobile apps. While classroom teaching traditionally focuses on the conversational aspect, Go Vocab handles vocabulary, word matching, verb conjugations and all the other ‘boring parts’ of language learning. Go Vocab originated from a vocabulary revision iPad app Michael pitched for an Apple Student Developer Scholarship while studying computer science. He didn’t win, but kept going and turned it into a website that would have broader appeal. Around this time, he befriended fellow student Jeremy Geros. That was back in late 2010, with Michael working on Go Vocab parttime. In January 2011, he and Jeremy quit their software development jobs and went full-time on the newly-incorporated business.

They had enough saved to last six months, and in February, the first student began using Go Vocab. For the first school term, the product was trialled by Wellington schools, but before long they rolled out to the rest of the country and started bringing in revenue. Go Vocab now has more than 7,000 registered students, according to Michael, with 400-plus teachers across 100-plus schools. Users are primarily Australasian, although somehow word has spread further afield to customers in Canada and Singapore too. Not surprisingly, the most popular languages are French and Japanese, matching the languages most commonly taught in schools. German and Maori are also popular; Latin, slightly less so. In Australia, Indonesian has also proved a hit. It’s still early days and the Go Vocab team is heads-down, bums up, content to keep building the company up. There’s scope for expansion into more languages or even beyond language learning entirely. With their recent win at Webstock’s inaugural BNZ Startup Alley, netting the guys $10,000 cash and flights for two to that hotbed of tech entrepreneurship, San Francisco, the future is bright. https:// govocab.com/

Three Old Boys Win NZU Blue


t the 92nd New Zealand Universities’ Blues Awards held in Wellington, three Old Boys studying at Victoria University were presented with prestigious New Zealand Universities’ Blues Awards for their achievements during the 2010 academic year. The awards provide an opportunity for University Sport New Zealand (USNZ) and its membership of students’ associations to officially congratulate those who can combine competing at the highest level in their chosen sport, THE LAMPSTAND • 2012

while maintaining their commitment to their academic study as a tertiary student. Victoria’s supreme athletes and administrators recognised with NZU Blues Awards included: Gareth Kean (Swimming) [top]; Stephen Whittington (Debating) [centre]; and Sebastian Templeton (Debating). The New Zealand Blues have been awarded since 1919 and are based on the traditional Blue of Oxford and Cambridge Universities.


n Old Boy chef's philosophy of using every part of a product in his dishes has helped him to become recognised as one of the capital's most outstanding cooks. Jamie Armour (1998-2002), head chef at Duke Carvell's, was named Outstanding Emerging Chef at the Capital Awards. The awards are to recognise the contribution of individuals to Wellington's food and beverage industries.

Jamie cooked up success with his crispyskinned snapper with Jerusalem artichoke veloute sauce, beetroot and snapper mousse ravioli, and braised baby fennel. He said he did not like to overcrowd the plate with too many different flavours, but wanted to demonstrate various cooking styles with his chosen produce. When I understand the diversity of an ingredient, it's easy to create a dish using its flavour as a foundation and then looking at forms and preparations to bring the dish together aesthetically and texturally. But it's important to come up with something tasty before doing something that is pleasing to the eye. In his winning recipe, the snapper was used as the main part of the dish, as well as being made into snapper stock and snapper mousse in the ravioli. Jamie said the award was very positive. It's a kind of reassurance for me that I'm going in the right direction. Jamie began his career as a chef working in Scotland. He later returned to New Zealand to study cookery at Weltec. Since then, he has worked in kitchens in Australia, France and New Zealand and has worked for chef Joel Robuchon, who holds the most Michelin stars globally at his restaurant L'Atelier de Joel Robuchon, in Paris. 43

Good Sorts

Safer Driving for our Students

Helicopter Hero


azley Motor Group prides itself on being a local, family business committed to contributing to the Wellington community. Myles (1985-1989) and Oliver (1989-1993) Gazley, proud Wellington College Old Boys, are very aware of the growing number of youth fatalities and injuries in car accidents in New Zealand. In New Zealand the number of crashes per driver increases substantially from the Learner to the Restricted phase (when people start driving solo). For 15-and-a-half to 16 and-a-half-year-olds, the increase in crashes from the Learner to the Restricted phase is about 30 percent greater than the increase for 16 and-a-half to 17-and-a-halfyear-olds, and about 90 percent greater than for 17-and-a-half to 18-and-a-half-year-olds. (source: Ministry of Youth Development). As an active member of our local community, Gazley is eager to provide support for our teenage children and help them improve their driving skills – directing them to be safe and responsible drivers. To celebrate the opening of our new showroom on Kent Terrace, Gazley is delighted to donate 10 x AA Defensive Driving Courses to Wellington College. And for every new vehicle purchased from Gazley by a family member of a Wellington College student or a Wellington College Old Boy, Gazley will donate one AA Defensive Driving Course to the College. Gazley is the exclusive Central Wellington agency for Nissan, Volkswagen, Skoda, Alfa Romeo, Fiat, Citroen and Renault and their new showroom is located on Kent Terrace, Wellington.

ABOVE: Myles Gazley presents Roger Moses with the Defensive Driving Vouchers.

Driving Force to help team-mate


ellington's sporting community came together to raise more than $30,000 for a former Poneke rugby player Seti Tafua who suffered a severe spinal injury while playing rugby for his Sydney team, Northern Suburbs. To raise money for the Wellingtonian's treatment, former Poneke teammate and family friend Evan Belford (19921996) organised a quiz and auction night at Wellington College. More than 500 people packed the school's Brierley Theatre for the event.

I wanted to do something to help Seti and his family,Evan said. It was started as a Poneke event, but I think it has become more of a community event with everyone from the local rugby clubs to schools to NZ rugby players getting in behind it. Among the sporting stars attending was All Black Victor Vito, who went to Scots College with Seti. He visited his friend in a Sydney hospital a few weeks ago. Seti was zipping around in a motorised wheelchair, had regained some feeling in his arms and legs, and was doing rehab at the gym. Hopefully it might not be as bleak as we thought, Victor said. Included in the auction was a trip to Sydney for a Bledisloe Cup match, a cricket bat signed by the Black Caps, a lunch date with Vito, and signed jerseys from the All Blacks and Hurricanes. The evening's events raised $30,305 for the Fund.


Wellington helicopter pilot has become a celebrated rescue hero in the Australian outback. Ned Lee (1997-2001) was called on to rescue terrified Queensland residents from deadly floodwaters in January last year. The young Helipro pilot's daring rescues of 45 people caught the world's attention. A couple were winched to safety from the roof of a home as it was swept away after breaking free of its foundations. And a young boy clinging to a hay baler was plucked to safety moments after being swept from his family's engulfed four-wheel-drive. There were two days of intense activity, the 28-year-old told The Dominion Post. We did a few winches and a lot of what's called hover entries, over roof tops or over water, and they climb in that way. I wouldn't call them dangerous. They're a little bit harder to perform. Ned's actions during the Queensland floods last January earned him official recognition from the Queensland state government. He and chief crewman Kris Larkin were honoured with bravery medals from the Royal Humane Society of Australasia for their work saving others. Helipro chief executive Rick Lucas said Ned was a skilled pilot and the award was recognition for him and Kris risking their lives to save others. Ned is now Helipro's central division operations manager. He is also still called upon for search and rescue work, as well as firefighting under contract to the Australian Rural Fire Service.

ABOVE: Victor Vito, left, and fundraising organiser Evan Belford with a Hurricanes jersey and a Black Caps signed bat at the Quiz and Auction night held at Wellington College 44


Good Sorts

Retirement Reflections

Reflections on South Africa


athan Hoturoa Gray (1988-1992), Ngāi Tahu, Rangitāne, Waikato [whangai] served as a lawyer and foreign policy advisor in California, Alaska and Saipan before becoming a freelance journalist covering international feature stories for National Geographic, TNT UK and New Zealand's Tu Mai Magazine. His first book: First Pass Under Heaven - One Man's 4000km Trek along the Great Wall of China is a Penguin Best-Seller available worldwide and the journey was also shown on the National Geographic Channel. Nathan currently writes for Hollywood's P3 Update Magazine showcasing the best film destinations in the world and sits on Te Waka Toi - the Maori Arts Board of Creative New Zealand as well as the Board of the New Zealand Film Archive. His second book: The Age of Fire - is a travelogue looking at where the species is heading over the next 50 years. However the opening chapter shares in some of his most memorable experiences while attending Wellington College from 1988-1992. Later chapters garner lessons from his time as a Rotary exchange student in South Africa during the build up of the country's first free democratic elections in 1993-4, a time which heralded the rise of Nelson Mandela. (Here he had the opportunity of playing alongside future rugby Springbok great - Stefan Tereblanche.) The book also recounts his return to the country when covering the Soccer World Cup in 2010 writing about the changes to apartheid over this time, (An event which saw former old boy Simon Elliot perform sensationally on the international stage.)

For more details the book can be viewed at the following link: http:// www.lulu.com/shop/ nathan-hoturoa-gray/theage-of-fire/paperback/ product-18926294.html or just got to Nathan's website: www. greatwalldvd.com which also showcases his global photogallery. Signed copies of the book cost $30 and are available by emailing the author direct: nathanspictorials@yahoo.com



ong-time Chaplin at the Huff Hospital, the Rev John McCaul (19631964), retired from that position at the end of February 2012. Here he reflects on his ministry.

Many in the Diocese know me as Bishop's Chaplain, Clerical Secretary of Synod, or Examining Chaplain, but my everyday work for the past twenty years has been Chaplain at the Hutt Hospital, the last seven as Ecumenical Chaplain. This entailed 24/7 availability of me or my locum, and was demanding work. Many-a-time I made no commitments, just in case I get a call. And I never knew what I was walking into: sickness, injury, a tragic or joyful event, good or bad news...praying, listening, leading worship, or supervising voluntary chaplaincy assistants. My time at the Hutt was a time of immense change both in the Health system and the way in which it is delivered. In 1992, we didn’t know if Hutt would be closed or would become part of the Wellington Hospital, and a huge rally of locals told the powers-that-be in no uncertain terms, that Hutt valley people did not want that to happen. Thus Hutt remained open and independent, and it has gone from strength to strength, led by some wonderful staff and culminating in the recent opening of the new Operating Theatre and Emergency Department complex. A highlight for me was the blessing of the last pour of concrete at the topping-off ceremony. Hospital Chaplaincy needs longer rather than shorter ministries, but I would like to see more clergy experience life as a hospital chaplain during their ministry. I turned 65 in June. It is time for me to move on. There is continuing work to do for God, the Church and the Diocese, and I am looking forward to a change and new opportunities.


ovelist and publisher, Martin Kerr (1955-1959) travelled to New Guinea, and joined the Australian Trusteeship Administration as a cadet patrol officer and then operated as a crocodile shooter along the West Papua border. After teaching at Sydney High School for three years, he settled in Victoria then moved north Queensland in 2002.

An author of seven previously published books, Martin has recently released a trilogy, whose protagonist, Amon Mortlake, is caught up in the momentum of geological discoveries, exploitation of mineral resources and the

machinations of the stock market. Lost tribes, murder, and cultural confrontation; the three novels are relevant to general readers, field geologists, mine managers, contractors, workers, investors; anyone associated with resource development and harvesting. The saga attracts book lovers looking for historical realism, romance and political intrigue. Martin’s books can be previewed on his website www.maskimedia.com.au or you can email him at mkerrm@yahoo.com.au


Scene and Heard

Shortland Street to Hollywood


iwi actor Karl Urban (19861990) has now starred in a number of films and is set to return to New Zealand cinema screens in Dredd. Dredd sees crimefighter Judge Dredd take centre stage once again –in the second big screen incarnation of the futuristic comic book. Playing Judge Dredd - the dark, helmet-clad law enforcer - is more than just Kiwi Hollywood star Karl's biggest role yet. Because what's more impressive than being the leading man in the gritty and brutal Dredd 3D is that Karl had a major part in not only shaping his character but the film itself. It helps that the 40-year-old is a fan of the comic book hero created by British writer John Wagner and artist Carlos Ezquerra in the late 70s. Karl was 16, working in a Wellington pizza parlour, when his boss introduced him to the comics and the mythology behind them. Back then, and you get the feeling even these days, the tough law man and vigilante persona of Dredd - who along with his fellow enforcers has the power of the police, as well as being judge, jury and executioner - was what captivated him. I just enjoy these stories, they are great morality tales set in a totalitarian society that is teetering on the brink of chaos and the only thing that's holding the whole show together are the judges who, as a desperate measure, have been forced to get out from behind their desks and courtrooms and get on the streets and dispense justice. So Urban was well qualified for the role and it was this knowledge and passion for the character that helped him score the part. The actor, who divides his time between Auckland, Los Angeles and wherever his work takes him (for Dredd he was in South Africa for three months), downplays it as his biggest role to date. It's a big deal for me simply because of the fact I'm taking on a character that means a lot to me, he says, sounding very much like the blunt and calculating lawman of Mega-City One might do. No matter what he thinks, after 20 years in the business, which have seen him go from TV shows such as Shortland Street, Hercules and Xena, to prominent roles in Lord of the 46

Rings, Star Trek and as assassin Kirill in The Bourne Supremacy, Dredd is a coup. He revelled in the research he did in the lead-up to developing Dredd's imposing on-screen presence and his harsh and raspy voice which he modelled on a saw cutting through bone. Part of my research was to get hold of every single Dredd comic that I could, he says. So I got to go back and have a look at all the really cool comics I loved as a teenager and also discovered a whole lot of new stories that had been written subsequently that I wasn't privy too.- TimeOut

From the Oscars to the Catlins

Sounds of Battle linger for ever


he attack on Ruweisat Ridge during the first battle of El Alamein sits firmly in the back of Jack Kettlewell's (1936-1939) [photo: below] mind. The WWII veteran, who has lived in New Plymouth for more than 50 years, was just 20 years old at the time, and said the casualties had been heavy. That was quite significant. We were left high and dry by the British; they didn't give us any tank support, Jack said. So the next morning the enemy counter-attacked and we had nothing to stop them. We just had nothing. Jack recently attended a commemoration for the 70th anniversary of the Battle of El Alamein in Wellington. Some of his comrades travelled to Egypt for a service, but 90-year-old Jack decided against it. I thought about it for about 15 seconds and then decided I wasn't really up to it. He did, however, attend the 50th anniversary in El Alamein, returning to the old battlefield and a memorial at the cemetery where 1100 New Zealanders are buried. Jack said that trip had been stimulating, but he had been slightly apprehensive about going back. I didn't like the idea of driving around there because I didn't know that they'd cleaned up all the mines.


n case you haven't heard, our Oscar Winner Bret McKenzie (1990-1994) is currently appearing in a new Kiwi film. The Robert Sarkies-directed flick - Two Little Boys - which tells the tale of two best friends who have quite a conundrum on their hands; a dead backpacker who needs to be disposed of, filmed in the Southern Catlins. Bret plays Nige, whose close encounter with a Scandinavian backpacker has grievous results, while also testing a longtime mateship. Bret will also appear in Brit-shot romance Austenland, which marks the directorial debut of Napoleon Dynamite co-scriptwriter Jerusha Hess.

ABOVE: Bret (left) with Robert Sarkies

Please remember to send us your news. oldboys@wc.school.nz

Wellington-born Jack ran over three land mines during his time in the war, the first of which killed two of his crew members, and the third ending his time in the war. I ran over one in Libya, then ran over two in Italy. I didn't like the idea of going back and running over another bugger 50 years later, because they go off with an enormous wallop. You don't hear them because your hearing can't cope. You don't get scared, because you don't get time. Jack is a former New Plymouth City Council engineer; he designed and worked on projects such as the New Plymouth one-way system and the Waste Water Treatment Plant. He said he was looking forward to reflecting on, and paying his respects to those he knew and lost during the battles. You think of these friends that didn't come back and you still see them as they were as young men. [Laurence] Binyon's lines are quite true; They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old. That's how you remember them - as young men. THE LAMPSTAND • 2012

Scene and Heard

Organist heads to New York

Accolade for Actor


orget your image of an older person plonking wildly on the organ; this local organist is young, talented, and headed for the USA.

Thomas Gaynor (2008-2009), has received a Freemasons scholarship, and is preparing to attend Eastman School of Music in New York. Thomas was awarded his $6000 scholarship in Parliament's legislative council chamber, along with 32 other students from around New Zealand. He has been studying for a Bachelor of Music with honours at Victoria University, the only one of his class majoring in organ performance. 1500 and 2000. After completing his honours, Thomas will move to New York to study at the Eastman School of Music for two years. He was accepted into Julliard, Eastman and Yale schools of music, and chose Eastman because it has the biggest organ school. Thomas comes from a musical family, with his father playing in a band, and his mother singing in the Orpheus Choir. He began playing the piano at 10 to compete with his older sister. At 13, he took up the organ, after being impressed with its ‘volume’ and became an organ scholar at the Wellington Cathedral for eight years. Thomas usually practises about three or four hours a day, at St Mary of the Angels Church or the Music School's Concert Hall, or at home on his mini-organ. It has 250 pipes - considerably fewer than a regular organ, which has between

Being an organist may look tricky, but Thomas said it was easier than being a pianist, because loud and soft were controlled by stops rather than by the force of fingers. Thomas’ favourite music is late 19th and early 20th century French romantic, which he said was so visceral one could feel the vibrations. Big loud, crazy pieces that are great fun to play, and people appreciate them because it fits their image of a crazy organist, bashing away. Long term, Thomas wants to be an organ teacher and professor at a university, researching historical performance practice, which he said was a relatively recent field. Whatever he does, he wants to be involved with the church and play at Sunday services. The Wellingtonian

New Kid on the Block Rich vocal tones of John Mayer, the soul-filled lyrical and melodic ability of Jamie Lidell and a laid back, rasping style all of his own. Jen Jaconelli, Hit The Floor Magazine, UK


ith an astute eye for lyrical detail, a rich vocal tone that harks back to classic Motown-era soul and a direct and expressive guitar style, Wellingtonbased singer / songwriter Louis Baker (2003-2007) is one of the most promising new talents to emerge from New Zealand in recent years. Louis has recently been selected to attend the Red Bull Music Academy – a roaming international workshop that pairs some of the greatest hits in the business with some of the greatest potential. Louis is one of 60 international musicians plucked from a pool of over 4000, to spend two weeks (continued on page 48) THE LAMPSTAND • 2012


LAYMARKET announced that the winner of the Bruce Mason Award for 2011 was actor and playwright Arthur Meek (1995-1999). The award recognises Arthur’s dedication as a playwright, the quality of his work and grants a $10,000 cash prize to encourage his continued exploration of the theatre medium. Arthur launched his playwriting career in 2006 with The Cottage set in the toilet stalls of a scandalous local gay club. On the conditions and possibilities of Helen Clark taking me as her young lover took the country by storm last election year (2008) and was affectionately described as slightly disturbing, but highly entertaining...sharp political satire as Arthur performed to packed houses, garnering best production of the year nominations and picking up awards throughout the country. After some time away from playwriting, working as an actor in shows such as The Almighty Johnsons; Nothing Trivial and Underbelly, he this year burst back onto the theatre scene with Sheep, written for Long Cloud Youth Theatre’s summer season and the critically acclaimed On The Upside-Down of the World commissioned, produced and toured by Auckland Theatre Company and based on the 1884 memoirs of Lady Anne Martin - Our Māoris. Arthur is currently shooting a guest-starring role in the fourth season of TVNZ’s Go Girls. The Award is named after the man considered to be New Zealand’s first most significant playwright, Bruce Mason (1938), who died in 1982. His plays are still produced widely today and many, such as The Pohutakawa Tree and End of the Golden Weather (produced by Auckland Theatre Company this year), have come to be considered New Zealand classics. 47

Scene and Heard

Sixty Plus Years tickling the Ivories


ellington musicians gathered to honour a pianist and former music teacher whose name became a byword among his peers for his exacting professionalism.

There's no doubt though about his preferred instruments. If people ask me what instruments I play, I say the piano and the organ, he said. It was as a pianist that he became a fixture at the Majestic Cabaret during the golden era in the 1950s and 60s. His services were also in demand for recording sessions and he toured with artists as diverse as the British comedian Jimmy Edwards and Welsh torch singer Shirley Bassey. Bob simultaneously pursued a career as a music teacher, tutoring an average 80 pupils a week for 40 years. Though he's an entertaining raconteur with a dry sense of humour, he admits no one ever hired him for his personality. He recalls as the leader of the band at the Majestic, the late Don Richardson, once told him the other musicians didn't like his attitude. So I said How's my playing? He said, It's always impeccable. So I said, well, that's all you need to worry about. He had a long and close professional

living, breathing and eating all things music in the historic epicentre of creativity – New York City. He’s the sole selection from over 100 New Zealand applications. Prizing the intimacy and immediacy of performing solo with his guitar, Louis sings openly and honestly about his life. For a young man, he’s completely comfortable exploring the big themes - love, loss and a life unfolding, - all the while keeping the energy and interaction front and centre for his audience.

Long-time Titahi Bay resident Bob Barcham, (1942-1945), began playing professionally in the late 1940s and was still doing regular gigs with the X7s dance band as recently as late last year. Name a musical instrument and chances are Bob has played it: piano accordion, cello, double bass, E-flat bass (a brass instrument) and trumpet, to name a few. He even toured with the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra as a percussionist.

NEW KID ON THE BLOCK (continued from page 47)

relationship with Richardson, but it was often prickly. Bob tells of a time when they didn't speak for months and a fellow member of the band installed phones on the bandstand so Richardson could bark instructions down the line. On one fabled occasion, a cabaret patron lurched up to Bob and asked how he could call a taxi. Bob cranked the handle on the phone and handed it to the patron, who found himself talking to an irascible and uncomprehending Richardson. Bob laments that most of his musical contemporaries have passed on. He counts himself lucky that he's not only still alive, having survived a life-threatening cancer, but remains married to Jean, his wife and they recently celebrated 64 years of marriage, sharing the occasion with their six great grandchildren. That must be a world record in the music trade, he says.

Alongside his live performance schedule, Louis is busying himself in the studio; working on collaborations, and preparing for a series of anticipated festival performances over the summer months. Notably, Louis is part of Vanilau, Maxwell, Baker, a ‘Crosby, Stills and Nash’ styled group with Mark Vanilau and one of Baker’s heroes, Warren Maxwell, who personally invited him to join the group. My music is love, soul, beauty, peace, meaning. - Louis Baker I was truly floored when I first heard him sing. His voice is a conduit for pure emotion and the maturity of his songwriting completely contradicts his age. There is a soulful path written already for this gifted minstrel. – Warren Maxwell

In the tribute, organised by the Wellington Jazz Club, the X7s, original arrangements written by Bob were played.

ABOVE: Bob, playing at the Wellington Town Hall, 1951. BELOW: Bob playing with the X7s at his tribute.



Sport News

86th Quadrangular Rugby Tournament


he numbers 86 and 2012 will unfortunately signify the year and occasion where Wellington College’s 1st XV nine successive wins at Quadrangular Tournament came to an end when the team ended up drawing the final with Nelson College. The Monday fixtures produced two very one sided matches in wet and muddy conditions. In a repeat of the previous few years, both Nelson College and Wellington College prevailed to move into the Major Final on Wednesday. The second day of Quad produced not only nicer weather, but two very close encounters where both matches came down to last minute kicks at goal to determine the results. In the first match, the Minor Final was contested between Christ's College and Wanganui Collegiate. Despite having a number of chances, Christ's were unable to convert these and only led narrowly for the majority of the match until Wanganui scored its third try to tie the match at 15 all. However, the game was decided on fulltime when Damian McKenzie kicked a penalty from wide out to give Christ's an 18 - 15 victory. In the Major Final, Nelson College opened the scoring and lead 10 nil before Wellington responded decisively with four quick tries

in order to lead 26 - 13 at the break. In a remarkable turn around, Nelson College responded with an outstanding half of rugby which resulted in tries to each winger and a 50m runaway to their openside flanker, Steven Soper, to have them lead by 5 with minutes remaining. Wellington were not going to be denied and scored a late try wide out but failed to convert. Final score 31 all. A thrilling end to another very good Quadrangular tournament. Next year, 2013, Nelson College will host the 87th and as per previous Quads, the WCOBA will host a function for both local and out-of town Old Boys. And to end the season on a low note, the 1st XV, having led the 2012 local season competition right through to the final fell, at the last hurdle going down to St Patrick’s (Silverstream) 3-6 in the most atrocious conditions. The result was the reversal of Silverstream’s season in 2011. Four team members received national honours with front rowers Eti Sului and Vincent Sakaria being selected for the NZ Secondary Schools' team while Zek Sopoaga and Nelson Asofa Solomona being selected for the NZ Secondary Schools’ Barbarians side.

Lima Sopoaga (2005-2009), current Highlanders and Wellington Lions 1st Five, returned to the College to present his younger brother Zek (left) and fellow front row team mate Eti Sului (right) with their third 1st XV Cap. Zek is the third Sopoaga to captain the 1st XV (and there is still one more to go).

(L-R): Wellington College supporters, Brian Hastings, Hugh Perrett, 1st XV Coach Lincoln Rawles delivering his half-time talk, Malcolm Perrett and Mike Phillips

Bristol swoop for Willie Helu


hampionship English Club Bristol have confirmed the capture of Tonga international Willie Hulu (1999-2004). The 25-year-old winger, who can also play in midfield, is an Old Boy of Wellington College but has been plying his trade in Europe for the past two seasons after joining Grenoble in 2009 before moving on to Rugby Roma in 2011. However, he is now bound for the Memorial Ground and is expected to link up with his team-mates shortly. I'm really looking forward to joining up with Bristol, he said. It's a club with a great history THE LAMPSTAND • 2012

and big ambitions. I hope that I can contribute all that I can both on and off the field. Bristol head coach Liam Middleton is in no doubt that Willie has what it takes to make a big impact in the English game. Will has experience at international and European club level, bringing with him some very good attacking and defensive qualities, he said. The values and characteristics he exhibits will suit the Bristol culture and he will add real quality and competition to our backline.


At last... #33

t's been a few years since Wellington College last had an All Black on the field but when Dane Coles (2004), the 25-year-old Wellington hooker (and one of two new caps in the 32-man end-of-year tour squad) gets his chance, he will become the College's 33rd All Black. His selection is a victory for perseverance coming five years after his provincial debut and after three long seasons in the shadow of All Black incumbent Andrew Hore at the Hurricanes. Congratulations Dane! 49

Sport News

Waddle reaches 200 not out


ditor of the Wellington newspaper, Joseph Romanos talks to cricket broadcaster Bryan Waddle (1962-1965) about working in a bank, Richard Hadlee's world record and the Basin Reserve.

still remember how wonderfully he described Rodney Redmond hitting Majid Khan for five successive boundaries at Eden Park: He's working him around the clock. Iain Gallaway had a conservative middle-of-the-road style, but was masterful with his subtle humour and powers of description.

Weren't you a Karori boy? Yes, Karori West to be exact, and then Wellington College. Who were your contemporaries at College? Keith Quinn, Onny Parun and David Howman were there with me. Graeme Moody was a couple of years behind. Did you make the 1st XI? I had some games for the firsts, trying to be a batsman. What about afterwards? I played for Karori for four years, and got into the seniors, then moved to Collegians. Where did you work before you became a broadcaster? For the ANZ Bank. Enjoyed it, too, but it was the start of the computer era and the job stopped being about people. What turned you to broadcasting? A group of us used to drink at the Britt in Willis St, and we'd mix with the guys from the Sports Post and some broadcasters. Then there was the broadcasting split, when everyone had to decide whether to stay with radio or go with television. It created some vacancies at radio, so I applied and, after an audition, got a job. Working where? I worked for 2ZB sport. I loved it, covering a range of sports, reading the sports news, presenting sports shows. How did you come to specialise in cricket? It was gradual. When 21, it started when Trevor Rigby and Noel Lawson were the local commentators. Then I'd get the odd test, mainly doing news reports and interviews. I became a more full-time commentator in 1984, on the New Zealand tour to Pakistan. But it was, and still is, more than just commentating. I do previews, interviews at the end of the day, news reports. Do you get sick of touring? I don't like the hotels and being on planes. That's very draining. But I still love cricket — 50

watching, talking to players and coaches and others in the media. Do you get on well with players, even if you're critical of them? Sometimes things get frosty for a week or two, but I haven't really had too many problems. Players are always welcome to have something out with me. I'll defend my position if I can, or I'll maybe see it from another perspective. Some of our players have been rather individualistic. Did you get on with Turner and Hadlee, for example? I always got on well with Hadlee. With Turner it took a wee while, but I have really enjoyed, talking cricket with him. Some commentators plan certain lines when they know a big moment is coming, like winning a World Cup or the America's Cup. Do you do that? Not much. I like the spontaneity. I had a few ideas about what I wanted to say when Hadlee got his 374th test wicket in India, the world record. But at the time I was watching the game through the legs of a bloke holding two wires together over my head, and was talking into a tape recorder. I didn't even know if we'd fixed our technical problems and I was on air, but I wanted to record the moment. Hence the tape recorder. Who have been some of the good commentators you've worked with? Alan Richards was the No 1 when I on the scene. He was strong and forthright. I

You became associated with Jeremy Coney and John Parker. At that time, a team of specialist commentators was sent to each big game. We got on well. I really enjoyed working with them. Coney was very clever with words and Parker was drier and very observant. You must have learnt a bit over years? You start out and think you know a lot, but the longer I've gone on, the more I’ve realised how little I knew about cricket. I’m not so adamant or black and white these days. Talking to knowledgeable commentators in Australia and England and to good players gives you much more insight into the game. What have been some memorable moments? Winning the test in Hobart at the end of last year was a big one. I wasn't at the Oval in 1999 when we won the series against England. I came home after the World Cup that year, so missed the test series. I was listening on the radio in the middle of the night and was very touched when Chris Cairns, in the euphoria of victory, sent out a special greeting to Bryan Waddle, who’d like to have been with us today. The 1992 World Cup, when New Zealand played so well, was another great time. What's your favourite ground? Do you need ask! The Basin Reserve, a true cricket ground. I love the vibrancy and intimacy, with every part of the game. My father was the public address announcer back in the 1970s, and my mother did the catering — she once told off Jeremy Coney for taking four potatoes one lunchtime. The ground has great memories for me. Milestones in cricket come and go and some mean more than others, but when New Zealand played South Africa in March at the Basin Reserve, it was Bryan’s 200th Test broadcast - a magnificent effort from lifelong devotee of the game.


Sport News

The Football Boys:

the story of Association Football at Wellington College


n the June 2012 Lamp Post, the Wellington College Football Club (‘Soccer’) announced that it was embarking on The Football Boys: the story of association football at Wellington College. The WCFC committee updates their progress. Thanks to the considerable assistance of the many Old Boys interested in Football (soccer), the ‘Football Boys’ project has got off to a great start. We soon realised that the best initial vehicle for this history is the internet. This enables the maximum possible interaction with Old Boys and other members of the Wellington College Football community. It also ensures we quickly accumulate information on key events involving the ‘Football Boys’. The possibility of a book type publication has not been totally discounted but that does come at great expense and the electronic approach is a much more inclusive and relevant for today. Therefore, armed with a copy of every Wellingtonian since 1946 (the year Football officially came to Wellington College), we have commenced decade by decade tables of the key Wellington College football events of every year. These have been complemented by media cuttings and from information sent in by Old Boys and former coaches and officials. In addition to these tables, we have added two special sections: The New Plymouth Traditional and a record of the twelve known Wellington College ‘All Whites’. We quickly discovered that 2012 is the Diamond Jubilee (sixty years) of the first Football traditional against New Plymouth Boys’ High School. This has been played every year since 1952 and has survived teachers’ strikes, flooded grounds and delayed train journeys. Wellington College won this year’s Jubilee match 1-0 in a very evenly contested encounter on the Sir Ron Brierley Turf.

A brief account of every one of these matches is on the History website. In the 61 Traditionals of this series, Wellington College has won 38, Boys’ High 13 with 10 drawn. The biggest margin recorded was the 8 - 0 victory by NPBHS in 1963 at Kelburn Park although 1963 Wellington College 1st XI player, Hugh Webber is certain his team scored from a Chris Jacobsen direct corner so when sufficient evidence is unearthed it may be 1 - 8! The section on the NPBHS Traditional has created great interest. Michael Clements proudly advises he still has a THE LAMPSTAND • 2012

copy of the programme for the 1953 encounter in which he played. The 1957 encounter was at Athletic Park and was the curtain raiser for a ‘Test’between the All Whites and FC Austria. Wally O’Donnell emailed in with fine memories of the Wellington College 2-1 victory that day. He was being modest as the match report reveals his goal was a key moment in Wellington College’s success. 1958 1st XI vice captain Robert (‘RAB’) Bruce well remembers the trip and match at New Plymouth and the fine hospitality of their hosts. The New Plymouth Girls’ High School Boarding House organised an after-match dance for both teams with the Wellington College coach (staff member KV Bliss) reporting in the Wellingtonian, the boys soon forgot how tired they were! Rab’s friend and fellow 1st’s team mate, Stephen Turnovsky, emailed in from the United States where he has resided for many years. He vividly recalls both the New Plymouth trip and the challenges of the training ground ‘up top on Mount Victoria’ that Wellington College footballers had to endure. The first three Wellington College Old Boys to play in an official ‘A Football international’ (the matches recognised by FIFA) - James Kershaw (1920-1924), Pat Harris (19311934) and Rex Boyes (1930-1934) were all at College in the pre ‘Football Club’ days. The first Wellington College ‘All White’ who actually played for Wellington College was Alan Preston (1946-1950) and he was followed, as an A international, by Steve Bruce, (1963-67) Dave Burgess (1976-1980) and Mark Clare (1984 -1988) who, like Alan, were all 1st XI captains.

for the 2006 Lampstand and this also was very informative. Having based our approach on Football formally commencing in 1946 we actually were given a fright. A number of committee members were rather perplexed by a photo in the Lifts’ of the lobby of the Tower Block at the school. Headed 1883 Wellington College Football Team, it was of 16 boys (about the number in a modern 1st XI squad) in sports gear with what some reckoned was the ‘Keeper holding a round ball’ A quick call to College archivist Paddianne Neely uncovered that the Rugby XVs of that era were known as the football teams and while the ball was indeed quite round – that was a consequence of a pigs bladder being used! Paddianne checked the names on the photo and they were indeed of the rugby variety. So, at this stage, history has not had to be reinvented. Once the decade tables and the special sections have been completed, we will focus on providing links to informative articles supporting the entries in the primary web pages. Those wanting to view the story, so far, simply need to Google Wellington College Football Club History or link to: https://sites. google.com/a/wellington-college.school.nz/ football-club/special-events We welcome all comments, contributions and corrections to robnrosie@xtra.co.nz Rob Greenfield, Past Chair, WCFC

In the golden decade of the 1990s, five Wellington College students who played for various Wellington College 1st XIs coached by Ross Durant (staff from 1981) were, collectively, to later play nearly 200 A internationals for the ‘All Whites’. The ‘famous five’: Mark Burton, Simon Elliott, Duncan Oughton, Tim Brown and Leo Bertos are amongst the most significant footballers to represent our country. Their names live on in Wellington College Football as all have Wellington College Grade 14 teams named after them. The website has links to profiles of all the Wellington College All Whites and these will shortly be updated. Old Boy, Colin Chin (1956) referred us to an article he wrote for the tenth anniversary of Football at the College and this has given us some great information about the pre 1946 years. John Taylor (1945-49) had already written an excellent piece

Alan Preston (1946-1950), Wellington College’s 1st All White (1954) 51

Old Boys in the News

At home on land and water


he world’s first high-speed sports amphibian – the GIBBS Quadski - will go on sale in the United States next month.

The dream of two visionary entrepreneurs, years of development work in the United States, New Zealand and the UK, and millions of research dollars, the GIBBS high-speed amphibian will be produced at a 5,016 sq m assembly plant in Auburn Hills, Michigan. An entirely new form of transportation for U.S. consumers, the Quadski is capable of reaching speeds of 72kmh on both land and water and transitions between both in five seconds or less. Introduced at a Gibbs Sports Amphibian press conference in Detroit by Alan Gibbs (19531956), the company’s founder, and Neil Jenkins, its chairman, the Quadski is equipped with a 175-horsepower BMW Motorrad engine and transmission. With the press of a button, its wheels retract when entering the water and deploy when approaching land. Jenkins told reporters in Detroit that Quadski will retail for about US$40,000 (NZ$49,151) when introduced in November. The company expects to have more than 20 dealership locations in place within the next 12 months, primarily in the Midwest, New York, Texas and the southeastern United States. The GIBBS amphibian weighs 580kg, is equipped with a 57ltr fuel tank and will be available in five colours – red, yellow, blue, silver and black. Suggested retail pricing and details about GIBBS’ dealer network will be announced prior to public introduction in midNovember. All our amphibious projects since 1997 represents an investment of more than $200-million and two-million man hours of work over a period of 15 years, said Alan Gibbs. With the introduction of Quadski next month, our dream of providing high-speed amphibian transportation to consumers will become a reality. GIBBS has more than 300 patents and patents pending on its High Speed Amphibian (HSA) technology for consumer, commercial and firstresponder use. It’s been a long, uphill battle, but clearly worth the effort, said Alan. Quadski will pave the way for a host of other HSAs for consumers, sports enthusiasts, law enforcement agencies, first 52

responders and other commercial enterprises. Jenkins noted that Gibbs Sports Amphibians expects to add a total of more than 200 jobs at its Auburn Hills facilities on Brown Road and its new assembly plant at 50 Corporate Drive in the next 12 months. At maximum capacity, the plant will be capable of producing 20 units per hour. The company currently has 100 Michigan employees. Although Quadski initially will be available for sale only in the US, we expect to find a ready market for it in Europe, Latin America and elsewhere around the world in 2014 and beyond, Alan added. The new HSA’s BMW four-cylinder, water-cooled engine is considered the lightest power plant in its segment and features electronic fuel injection, a double-overhead camshaft and dry-sump lubrication. GIBBS spent more than 18 months and 75,000 engineering man hours to pair BMW’s Motorrad powertrain to its high-tech amphibian system. We’ve created an entirely new power-sports category with our patented HSA technology. Quadski is especially designed for families and individuals who enjoy the outdoors, watersports, off-road travel, hunting and fishing, said Jenkins. It offers premium power-sports buyers a combination of power, safety, comfort and versatility that has never been available before. Designed to meet applicable state and federal safety requirements, the Quadski is 10.5 feet in overall length; 1.5m in width, and 1.3m in height with a wheelbase of 1.7m. It initially will be offered for use by one person. • About Gibbs Sports Amphibians

Gibbs Sports Amphibians, Inc. (GIBBS) has pioneered in the development of its High Speed Amphibian Technology to create the world’s first sports amphibian to operate at high speeds on both land and water. The privately held company, founded by Alan Gibbs with Neil Jenkins in 1997, consists of two divisions – Gibbs Sports Amphibians, Inc., which designs and manufactures consumer sports amphibians such as the Quadski, and Gibbs Amphitrucks Inc., which builds commercial amphibians for first responder and military applications. Based in Auburn Hills, Mich., GIBBS currently has more than 100 employees. More information about GIBBS and its HSA technology can be found at www.gibbssports.com.

A man who in his twenties dared to take on the cosy club of import licence-holders who controlled the New Zealand car industry by building his own car for commercial production was always going to be someone to watch. Who could have picked, however, back in the early 1970s, that this young engineer would one day persuade Sir Richard Branson to zip across the English channel in his amphibious car, the Aquada. The life of businessman, inventor, merchant banker, philanthropist, art collector, adventurer and inveterate traveller Alan Gibbs has been far from ordinary. Serious Fun - The Life and Times of Alan Gibbs is out now and available in all good book shops. THE LAMPSTAND • 2012

Old Boys in the News

First civil union at Parliament 'fitting' have their relationship acknowledged legally, Piri would prefer to be married. It's like we don't deserve it, we're something lesser. It's discriminating. There's no real reason to deny us the same basic rights. They walked down the aisle together in matching tuxedos to Somewhere Over the Rainbow with six ‘groomsmaids’, two best men and a flower girl.


iri Norris (2001-2005) and Justin Elder made history when they tied the knot in the first civil ceremony at Parliament.

Sir Elton John politely turned down an invitation, but there were a number of MPs among the 180 guests watching the husbandsto-be share their vows. The Wellington men's whirlwind romance began a little over a year ago after they first laid eyes on each other at the gym. I was too shy to talk to him, then he finally plucked up the courage to come up to me and say something, said Piri, who now works for the Victorian Premier. They began planning their

$20,000 ceremony four months ago before their wedding after a casual proposal. We were having a discussion about it and we thought that's something that could be for us, Justin said. [Justin is an Old Boy of Otago Boys’ High School].

Justin, 28, who until recently, worked as an executive assistant to National MP Sandra Goudie, was granted permission by the Speaker of the House to hold the civil union in the Legislative Council Chamber. Only current MPs or parliamentary staff can get married or hold a civil union at Parliament. Both men ‘came out’ when they were 19 after knowing for years they were ‘different’.Their families took a bit of time to get used to their sexuality but were part of the ceremony.

The pair approached former Wellington mayor Kerry Prendergast to be their celebrant for the historic occasion as she officiated the first civil union in the country six years ago.

Two wedding cakes – one chocolate, one fruit and both gluten-free – were made by Justin's mum and sister and took pride of place at their reception.

Having the ceremony at the place people had fought for gay rights was symbolic for the pair.

After their honeymoon spent travelling around the South Island with six friends from Australia, the pair will spend some time in Melbourne before going to live in London. The Dominion Post

While both were glad they could express their love in front of family and friends and

Welcome Back to Wellington College

Old Boys are most welcome to visit the College at any time and don’t necessarily need to wait until a reunion or similar occasion. We suggest you call or email first to set a date and time so we can make sure you receive the ‘royal treatment’ to coincide with an Assembly, LEFT: Fellow class mates of Class of 1989 (L-R): John Roache, Tai Moananu and Lester Lualua spent the afternoon at a visit to the Archives, a tour of the College and Wellington College, meeting former staff and taking a trip down memory lane as they explored the their old school. perhaps even a cup of tea with the Headmaster. RIGHT: Proud grandad, Peter Davenport (1946-1950) paid a visit to the College and managed to gather his four grandsons who are current students (L-R): Peter with Jack Hocking, Henry Hocking, Ted Taylor and Rufus DavenportThomas. Another grandson, Luca Davenport-Thomas is due to start at the College in 2014. THE LAMPSTAND • 2012

Telephone: 04 802 2537 or Email: oldboys@wc.school.nz 53

Your Letters


took my family to Auckland and I transferred to the Auckland Grammar School. Grammar also had a Cadet Battalion so I was able to continue my cadet military career, eventually becoming Instructor Sergeant Major in the NCO Training Unit and Battalion Quartermaster Sergeant Major in the Battalion. I made the 1st XI Hockey during my last two years at Grammar. I also became a School Prefect. I have sometimes wondered if any of the Grammar School third formers regarded me with the same awe with which I held Eric Flaws - I think not !

have recently had time to read and enjoy The Lampstand issue No 21 of October 2011 and feel impelled to write to you. In February 1939, as a very immature 13-year-old I made my start at Wellington College in the Mod 3B form. After having been initiated in the customary manner of the day, one of my earliest memories is that of assembling in the wonderful old Memorial Hall. On to the platform strode a ‘giant’ with very hairy legs - he was of course none other than Eric ‘Fanny’ Flaws, Head Prefect. He was to me a ‘god like’ figure and I am saddened to note that he recently passed away. I am sure they have ‘broken the mould’ there will never be another! I regret that I never had the opportunity of meeting up with Eric in post war days. I also note with sadness the passing of the internationally famous ballet dancer Alexander Grant. Alec as we knew him, was my classmate in each of his College years 1939 - 1941. I remember him as being well liked in class and in our eyes already a champion dancer. We watched with wonder at what he could do on stage. Alec usually rode his push bike to school and he was a sight to behold as no one rode a bike quite like Alec - it was truly an art form. Another vivid memory was the arrival of the ten wartime evacuees from Britain. I well remember the faces of the ten boys pictured in The Lampstand. By 1940 I had progressed to form Mod 4A and I am pretty sure Bor, Mawson and Stuart were with us in this class, if not in this class certainly in Mod 5A in 1941. They were all well ahead of us in the mastery of the French language. Several of us would take one or two of these boys down to the Cricket Pavilion at lunchtime to assist us with our homework. French Master, ‘Loony Mac’ was stunned with our apparent rapid and unexpected linguistic improvement - when he discovered the real reason for our progress he took appropriate action by doubling up our homework exercises. Barracks week also brings back memories - of chaffed upper legs from those rough unlined khaki shorts and blistered feet from the issue socks which had no feet in them. In 1939, the Battalion had an armoury stocked with 1914 -18 vintage 303 rifles. These soon disappeared when WWII broke out as did the felt lemon squeezer hats with which we had been issued. It appears as though these hats never came back, as glengarry bonnets can clearly be seen worn in the published photograph of the 1955 ‘final’ parade. I was a keen cadet, became a ‘Marksman’, won the Colonel Powell trophy for rifle shooting (photo enclosed) and was selected for NCO training. Toward the end of 1941 (my Mod 5A year), wartime considerations 54

Finally let me say that I greatly value my years at each of two of New Zealand's finest Secondary Schools. I belong to the Old Boy Associations of each. I attend WCOB Auckland Branch functions whenever I can. These functions are now held in the Grammar Old Boys' Pavilion, located in the grounds of the Grammar School so you will understand that I feel ‘doubly at home’ when I attend an OB function. I am quite well known to Headmaster Roger Moses, who is himself an Old Boy of Auckland Grammar and taught one of my sons during his teaching years at Grammar. I trust this wonderful Lampstand magazine will continue in future years and enclose a small donation in the hope that it will. Lumen Accipe et Imperti • Per Angusta ad Augusta John Kernohan (1939-1941), Auckland


ith regards to the item at the bottom of page 45 of the 2011 Lampstand, on Sam Meads Way - Kuranui College opened in 1960 with Sam Meads as its foundation Principal. He made a huge impression on the school and community and I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a double entendre in the street name - there would have been only one way to do things at the college, ie the Sam Meads way! Stafford Smith, (1953-1957), Hamilton

Sam Meads’ daughter, Diana popped over to Greytown to take the above photo of ‘Sam Meads Way’ for inclusion in The Lampstand.

Please remember to send us your news. oldboys@wc.school.nz


ou featured some photos I sent of one of two buildings in an earlier Lampstand. The second is a dormitory here where a number of new dormitories were named after former Principals when the Institution was Vudal College. I was the last before it became Vudal University and then the University of Natural Resources and Environment. I am in the process of completing a small book with some of the stories of my life. I will of course send you a copy and perhaps you might advertise it a little. More about that later. I am still Dean of the School of Natural Resources of the PNG University of Natural Resources and Environment (Vudal). My work is interesting and useful and, what is more, it seems to be appreciated. I have the two buildings named for me and in 2011, I was invested with the insignia of an Officer of the Order of Logohu in the Papua New Guinea New Year Honours. Logohu is the Motuan word for the iconic Bird of Paradise and the Order of Logohu is the principal of the Orders of Papua New Guinea. The citation read: For public service through his significant contribution to agricultural research, development and extension, particularly in livestock production, his teaching role at the Vudal University and UPNG and as the Livestock Adviser and Chief Scientist at the National (Agricultural) Research Institute. I have a Papua New Guinean partner Jane, and a two-year-old son Leslie, named after you know who. Longevity is a wonderful thing. My sister Marion has given much of my and our Dad’s memorabilia to Paddianne. Dr Alan R. Quartermain OL (1949-1953), PNG


t was nice of the WCOBA to once again produce (and post) The Lampstand, especially when I found a small biography on another Old Boy, Brian Sutton-Smith who was a University Blue in 1946. Although I am probably the only one (to date) who has written a History of Football at the College (that was actually written and published in the Wellingtonian for 1956) - the only year I was at Dufferin Street, before I returned to Invercargill, but not before I was elected 3SC Form Captain. Unbeknown to me, Brian actually preceded the introduction of Football (It was in 1947) at the College (1939-41), so he must have played club football all those years! In fact, Football had its very beginnings in Wellington at the College for the simple reason that there were no suitable grounds back in 1890-91, and Wellington College was the place of the very first soccer games! In those days, there was Swifts, Diamonds and I think, the Petone Clubs only! I remember Brian well, as he was my first and only football coach, passing on the first tactical knowledge of playing the year before when I was in the 1st XI for Kelburn Normal School THE LAMPSTAND • 2012

Your Letters

(who played in the midweek Primary Schools competition). I do recall him turning up from the Teachers’ Training College which situated then on the opposite side of the street of Kelburn School. Then, NZ clubs and players had no coaching as such - and only enjoyment and the need to be competitive taught us boys as players to try and master much needed skills, so that Brian’s bio showed that he understood what was meant as ‘play theory’. No wonder! Football coaching finally arrived in New Zealand in 1965 when the NZFA appointed Yugoslav, Lou Brocic as a National coach. Soccer coaching finally became more organised. I was very fortunate to travel with him around the North Island, when he was purely a part-time coach but he explained to me the set-up in his country which under the Communist Marshall Tito saw the centre of Balkans survive the years of Hitler’s Nazism and World War II. Players there either played for the Army, Navy or Air Force until they reached their early 30s, and then could move abroad to join Western European clubs as professional footballers. The chairman of the NZFA was then Mr R S (Bob) Smith, brother of G W (Gordon) Smith, one-time national Selector and NZ international centreforward. His one and only son, Stuart Smith graduated from Rongotai College but is one of many badged NZFA coaches who emerged, but told me that while at College, he injured his knee but Brocic helped treat that injury, such was his extensive knowledge of football medical problems! I first came across Brian Sutton-Smith gaining his NZU Blue for football, as he was listed as a recipient in the 60th Anniversary edition of NZFA named ‘Association Football in New Zealand’ - a bible for anyone studying the History of Soccer here in NZ. Little did I know that I was to come across him, later that year when attending Kelburn Normal School! Michael Groot, David Hurley, David Kelsey and Justice Andrew McGechan, were all footballers also at the College from Kelburn Normal School, but we were all in different Form 3 classes! As well as Brian Rosenburg, James McIntosh and Peter Stokes (later Head Prefect) from the Kelburn School cricket side. James and Andrew later both sought the high echelons of Harvard University College after Lower 6th, so Brian Sutton-Smith was in good company. Colin Chin (1956), Invercargill


hen my parson father was transferred from Cambridge to Wellington in May 1935, my two years and one term at Hamilton High School ended and my two terms at Wellington College began. The break in my education was disturbing – new classmates, new textbooks and mid-city travel. At HHS, I had been a train boy; every morning we arrived on trains from north, south and east to enjoy the status of Hamilton High, a


mixed-sex school where segregation was total. Form 5B at Wellington College was my destination. The boys were a bright lot, one of whom was Dick Barrett. Dick Barrett and I met again seven years later in 1942, in the flyers’ meeting-place of the Tartan Dive of the Sussex Hotel, a short walk from the New Zealand Services Club in Charing Cross Road, London. I was a naval airman in training. He was superbly outfitted in RAF blue, wearing the foreand-aft cap preferred by ‘the fighter boys’.

(dear old Bill), that I really shouldn’t be there as it was a College for gentlemen. He might have had something there, as baked beans on dry bread and golden syrup on a crust as a daily lunch didn’t make for a Richie McCaw or Dan Carter. I spent my years in C and D forms, but got School Certificate and moved on to a tyre repair outfit for 15/- (about $3) for a 44 hour week.

My dad got me an apprenticeship at William Cable Ltd, a ship repair firm, where I was when war broke out. The whole firm was manpowered and never looked back. Everybody worked huge amounts of overtime There’s a war on you Naturally we talked about flying and he kept me in !@$%%&*& well know. Men and boys frequently awe of his experiences in the Battle of Britain. Dick worked 36-48 and even 72 hours without sleep as troopships could only stop two-three days. It was was eventually killed in action after 151 sorties not uncommon to work six – nine weeks without on fighter patrols and ground attack missions. a day off. To cut a long story short, I subsequently 151! The mind boggles – why had he not been worked up to Foreman of the Machine Shop permanently transferred to second-line duties? and alternatively the Fitters Shop (80 men and Dick must have had breaks from combat flying and boys) and left after the war for Shell Oil as a superintendent. They moved us to Auckland and I suspect that he insisted on returning to ground a year later we would have been moved back, attack operations, in which skilled German antiso I left and went to work for Masons, working aircraft fire was notably effective. with flexible abrasives, metal spray and grit blast pumps but subsequently moved out on my own Ironically, my final role in the Fleet Air Arm flying in steam regulator work. I continued at this until was ground attack against Japanese airfields, in I was 84 when my son took over the business. support of the US invasion of Okinawa, south of I have enjoyed fairly good health till now and the Japanese mainland. On my last flight, a lightbefore recent hospitalisation, did the shopping calibre shell hit my cockpit, inches away from my and helped around the house. head. A block of armour-plated glass saved me. Ray Richards (1935), Auckland


ear Brian (Smythe), [WCOBA President].

I enclose a few things which I believe the Archivist for Wellington College may be interested in. They belonged to my father, William Ernest Fauquhar who died in March this year at the age of 97. He was very fond of his Wellington College blazer but as you will see it has definitely seen better days. It was often used as a dress up item and matched with a dreadful ginger wig to liven up family parties. I hope also to find some more photos as I go through Dad’s huge supply of albums so if I find anything relevant I will send them. Dad was an avid self-taught photographer so it may take me a while to go through them all. Jane Bealing, Nelson


any thanks to whoever sent me the annual Lampstand recently. As we have lived in Auckland for about 48 years, I have not taken a more than cursory interest in the old ‘Alma Mater’ but pleased to hear it is doing well. I attended Wellington College from 1933-1937 emerging slowly from the Great Depression amid frequent borrowings from the local church mouse and told not infrequently by WA Armour

I am now 92, my wife 88 and we both drive and care for our semi-invalid daughter. Thanks again for the magazine which brings back many pleasant memories. Cedric Willson, (1933-1937), Auckland


y wife died a few years ago and I have not been so well - in and out of Hastings and Waipukurau Hospitals over a long period. I moved to Carterton Retirement Home to be near my son and family. I have been here for about a year and have only got around to writing now. I was at Firth House 1937-1940, and a Prefect in 1940. My parents and I were long-time friends of the Jones family who owned the large ‘Bon Marche’ department store in Hastings and at the time, Stuart Jones was sent down to Firth House in 1938. As a 14-year-old, I was given the task of keeping my eye on him – he was quite a character at Mahora Primary in Hastings. He became the family director of the Men’s and Boy's Clothing department – I had opened my Men’s and Boy's clothing shop in Waipukurau and we often met up while on buying trips. Friends in Hastings sent me several cuttings of Stuart’s death and I thought the College may be interested – Stuart would have been one of Hawkes Bays most famous men. A while ago, Stuart got in touch with me to say he saw a story on TV and he thought he should know this person. I did a bit of research of my 19381940 Wellingtonians and in the College Tennis pages were photos of the title winners. Stuart 55

Your Letters

had won the Junior Doubles and his partner was his TV enquiry. His name was Brian Boyes later to become the famous NZ Heart Specialist Sir Brian Barrett Boyes. It is now interesting to think that two Wellington College boys became famous in New Zealand at the same time – one in medicine and one in sport. On the cover of the 2010 Lampstand is a photo of four of us with boater hats taken with my camera. (L-R) is WA (Bill) Simpson who went on to Duntroon Military College and eventually retired after doing a lot of work for the retired nations – he retired as a NZ Army Colonel. AB (Bruce) Glengarry joined up with the Fleet Air Arm when he tuned 18. Later Bruce, after some training in the USA transferred to the NZ Army and served in the Italian Campaign. He returned and became an architect. HW (Bill) Strang was from Waipawa. He worked in a bank and at 18 joined the Army, later serving in Italy. On his return, he worked for the CHB Press and Printing Co. A very fine pianist, he had his own orchestra and played for many fine events. And me, Duncan Hyde - born in Wairoa and schooled at Mahora in Hastings. I started work in 1941 at the Stock and Station firm Murray Roberts and Co office. The Japanese came into the war at the end of 1941 and at 18, I joined the Air Force. I returned after four years in Canada then joined the RNZAF as a Wireless/Air Gunner on Sunderland Flying Boats with the RAF in Scotland, the Indian Ocean and 209 Squadron near Rangoon, Burma. Upon my return, I opened a Menswear Shop in Waipukurau which I ran for 42 years and was a Life Member of the Hawkes Bay Retailers Association. All four of us in the photo were schooled in the Hawkes Bay for our primary education and went through the 1931 earthquake. I have just retired as a JP and had a nice letter from the Ministry of Justice thanking me for 45 years’ service of Court work and general JP duties. Duncan Hyde (1937-1940) OSJ, JP, Carterton


awasdee-khrab Khun Pallin (Mike Pallin, former Deputy Principal).

I write to acknowledge the receipt of the Lampstand No. 21. Thanks very much for forwarding the said magazine to me, as you promised. It took me some time to write because we were caught in the recent flood ordeal during the course of which we had to move house to outside of Bangkok twice during October and November while I remained behind alone to mind the house - during which time I had to monitor the flood situation day-by-day and, at times, hour-by-hour. All that had now come to pass and we, I and my family, were very lucky to have escaped the wrath of the flooding unscathed, both bodily and property-wise.


As to the magazine, I was surprised to find the story and photo of my visit so quickly. Even so more surprising was the receipt about a week ago of an e-mail from a long-lost school friend, from Israel, from my 5th form Jewish friend, Michael Kuttner, a Second World War refugee, who grew up and lived in NZ until about 15 years ago when he went to Israel. He received the magazine, saw my photo and story, and received my address from your office. So it was all very gratifying as I had been wondering right through all these years as to what had become of him. Thanks goodness I had found him or, rather, he had found me, at last. Nikhom Tantemsapya (1957-1959), Thailand


always read the annual issues of the Lampstand with interest, but I was particularly interested in the letter from Brian Sutton-Smith, and the biographical notes on page 69 in the 2011 issue. The controversy over the Our Street stories is probably difficult to comprehend now with more than 60 years hindsight, but it was clearly topical in 1949/50. So much so that the publishers of Our Street in 1950 (AH &AW Reed), considered it necessary to precede the ten Our Street stories by a ‘Publisher’s Note’ and four chapters entitled The Background of Our Street; an Appraisement of Our Street; For Parents and Teachers; and For Boys and Girls, the latter two chapters written by the author. In the For Parents and Teachers chapter, the author states, As I finished each chapter, I read it to some children I knew and we talked it over together. I was privileged to have Brian Sutton-Smith as my teachers in Standard 3, 1948 at Brooklyn School, and I remembered the stories being read to the class. We enjoyed the stories and were able to identify with them. We were of course, not aware of the controversy which followed their publication in the NZ School Journal in 1949. I have copies of both Our Street and Smitty does a Bunk. At the time of writing (January 2012), I notice that a second-hand bookshop in Wellington has a copy of Our Street, original marked price 8/6, for sale at $125.00. Tom Sydall (1952-1956), Western Australia


arlier this year, I had four of my cricket poems and my cricket poetry anthology, A Tingling Catch, included in the NZ Cricket Museum at the Basin Reserve in Wellington. The poems are part of a new touch screen interactive display incorporating players, broadcasters, cricket music, comedy and poetry. I also came across the following poem by Ronald

B Castle while reading the 5,000 books he and others have collected at the Poetry Archive of New Zealand Aotearoa (PANZA) in Dr Niel Wright’s weatherproof two-car garage in Northland, Wellington. Mr Castle (1907-1984), a local Wellington chemist, writer and musician, created a pharmacy museum in the 1970s. He was an Old Boy of Wellington College and attended after WWI. Several of his teachers including Alfred Caddick are in the poem. Caddick was a rugby and cricket player and coached the Wellington College 1st XV, that was undefeated during his coaching tenure, according to his Obituary in the Evening Post. Castle’s poem is an elegant evocation of school days at Wellington College, where On summery days on the green, white-flannelled cricketers batted. As an Old Boy of the school, I very much enjoyed Castle’s poem. Man in the Faded Blazer Weary, kindly old gentleman ambling slowly the pavement, That black blazer you wear speaks of collegiate days; Lamp that eternally burns, in orange embroidery gleaming, Still have you treasured from youth, braving the fugitive years. Know that I, too, at the back of some drawer filled with odd trifles, Found my tattered old cap, fronted by orange lamp. What are your memories, leaping the chasm of the relentless Onward-hastening days? Sit you again at the desk Watching the black board where geometric angles and circles Drawn with chalk-scratching sound, kind ‘Garry’ Lomas defined? Or under Welsh Mr Jones gowned in immaculate neatness, Drilled with phonetic symbols, could we ‘assassinate’ spell? Learnt we from sad Alexander the rich Ovidian sweetness Ere he, dying too soon, boarded Charonian barge? And what shall be said of the Master declaiming passionate verses, Still ignoring his wound, late from the trenches returned? Lover of beauty immortal, and England’s sonorous language, Fired he many a youth, taught him poetical craft. Now unremembered be good Monsieur Balham, tutor, With Gallic accent pure, gesticulating hands, Coaxing unlikely lads from that ‘plume de ma tante’, still missing, On to noble Racine, chansons of dark Baudelaire. What nauseous fumes emitted the attic science research room! THE LAMPSTAND • 2012

Your Letters

Bubbled the glass retorts, Bunsen burners upflared, Dangerous phosphorous retrieved from water exploded like fireworks; Through the microscope tube we viewed the structure of worlds. Still stands the observatory dome on the hillock behind the College, Where Doctor Gifford grave, his counter-poised telescope swung, Sweeping the heavens antipodean, to pupils revealing Stars in endless space, galactic Milky Ways? On summery days on the green, white-flannelled cricketers batted, Or on the tennis courts with resonant racquets smote: While in the blue-tiled baths naked forms were swimming, And from the music-room came brass and cymbals sound. This we knew and revered, O man in the faded blazer Black with the orange badge bearing the deathless lamp Over its Latin script, motto engraved in our bosoms, ‘LUMEN ACCIPE ET IMPERTI’, from age to age. From The Select Poetry of Ronald Castle, Wellington, 1983). Mark Pirie (1987-1991), Wellington


wish to thank you for your kindness in showing Judy and I around Wellington College on our visit in February this year. We were impressed with your generous expenditure of your time and effort that you gave in making our visit a memorable experience. We were also impressed to learn that Wellington College was named as the top academic school for the year based on your NZ Scholarship results. I have written to our Australian Federal Member of Parliament that our education experts should look to Wellington College as a model of excellence in regard to secondary education in Australia as this is a much debated subject politically. Thus please give my best regards to Roger Moses. I think he is a very suitable person to give leadership to 1500+ boys and aptly named as leader. I attended the funeral of my brother Christopher Moller (1952) after we left Wellington. I think I told you he had a motorcycle accident, aged 74 and doing what he loved. He was only a student at Wellington College for nine months, but must of had more brains than I as he was placed in 3A. He had to leave as my parents moved to Auckland because of my father’s work. He was enrolled in the local High School which was only two years old and he quickly lost interest in learning. I persuaded him to work with me in the meatworks at Westfield to earn money to enrol as a boarder in Firth House and so to return to THE LAMPSTAND • 2012

Wellington College. I wrote to Headmaster, Mr Heron for approval but Mr Heron rejected this plan on the grounds that the work experience Chris has acquired could be a bad influence on other boarders. I understand that Messrs MacAloon and Meads strongly and heatedly disagreed with Mr Heron. I even travelled to Wellington to have a face-to-face with Mr Heron but was not given an interview to argue over the matter. Chris then joined the RNZAF becoming an aircraft mechanic. He serviced the Canberra Bombers in NZ and Singapore and then was sent to work at Rolls Royce in England for a year. He left the Air Force after 20 years and he raced motor cycles fitted with side cards. He raced at Bathhurst in Australia. I feel strongly that if he had had a Wellington College education, he would have gone to university and graduated as an outstanding Mech Engineer, however it was not to be. He grew up to be a fine man who was much loved and respected by those who knew him. Chris left two fine sons a daughter. At his funeral, I spoke of his first day at Wellington College. Chris set off from home in his new uniform, new school case and books. If I had been living at home I would have strongly advised him not to catch the Karori Boys’ Special Tram to school. However this is what he did and he arrived at the Wellington College stop and was thrown off the tram, naked and covered in lipstick. His uniform was tossed out with his other belongings in bits. He took it all in good humour, cleaned himself up the best he could and went to school. He could have gone home - many would have. I said he had the guts to overcome tribulation and on this occasion was evidence of his guts. On the card you gave me of my school record, it states that I won the Christchurch Old Boys’ Prize for Literature in 1946. I also won it in 1947. Perhaps I should have chosen Journalism instead of Architecture as a career.

readers who wish to follow our travels and see parts of Australia can click on videos and follow us. So far we have completed four trips around Australia, and now just travel to various destinations we have missed on previous trips or to re-visit favourite places. My contract is to write a minimum of one travel feature each month, but I write much more than that and cover special features as well. We use only our own images, and the photography is a very important part of each feature. Lately I have also been given a page for ‘Tried and Tested’ product reviews, where manufacturers or wholesalers forward me products to test and review. I also write a monthly blog for the CW website, so you can see I am still pretty busy. I have now been writing exclusively for CW for ten years and was freelance prior to that, writing for boating as well as RV magazines. Our vehicle is a Ford Territory AWD and we tow a 17’ caravan that we designed ourselves to tackle corrugated dirt roads, and had built by a leading Australian manufacturer. We carry two laptops and three cameras as well as lots of other gear. Denyse and I live in Mackay, Qld. Any of my old school friends may contact me on toododos@ bigpond.com

Donald Moller (1946-1950), New South Wales

Tony Allsop (1953- 1956)

t the ripe old age of 72 you would think that I would be retired, but I probably have a job many people would envy: being paid to travel around Australia.



I am the senior travel writer for Australia’s oldest and most respected RV magazine Caravan World, which has recently celebrated its 42nd birthday. This magazine has around 230 pages and is printed monthly. The NZ sister magazine Motorhomes Caravans & Destinations is also published by the huge ACP organisation and occasionally they reprint one of my articles.

On arriving at Firth House, one makes friends and then can lose contact, therefore your magazine provides some means of keeping abreast of what is happening. When first starting at College, it appears quite daunting but later one realises that the system just keeps rolling and you are part of it for a short period and leave with a greatly enhanced outlook for yourself, the world and life.

My wife Denyse (a retired GP who also writes a medical page for CW) and I travel for around six to eight months each year in our caravan to various parts of the country, writing travel articles and shooting five minute videos to accompany them for the www.caravanworld.com.au website. Any

Thanks to the Headmaster, staff and students for the results they have produced.

e have great pleasure in supporting your Association and we wish the staff and students all the best as we enjoy reading your magazine.

Alan & Shirene Bishell, Whangarei (1950-1953)


News from the College

Running for the lives of others

The Chorale


n August, the Wellington College Chorale competed in the national finals of The Big Sing competition. The standard of this event was extremely high and it was a huge honour to sing in the Wellington Town Hall as one of the top 18 choirs in the country.

The students in charge of the 2012 World Vision Runathon led the College to 40 hours of running around the College circuit in March to raise funds for World Vision- in particular for the Ibwera Area Development Programme in Tanzania - where the Wellington College donations support. (L-R): Matt Symonds, Fergus Scott, Billy Fitzgerald, Under the excellent leadership of Felix Angus Beattie, Harry Smith and Felix Sampson. Since the inception of the Runathon in 1998, Wellington College has Sampson, Fletcher Mills and Fergus Scott, the Chorale was awarded a Silver placing and they raised more than $600,000.

NZSS Debating Champs


They received three standing ovations and were described as breathtaking.... exciting......crowd favourites!

ll four members of our Senior Premier A Debating team took part in the most significant of the Secondary Schools' Debating events, the Russell McVeagh NZ Schools' Debating Championships. The top debaters from schools nation-wide were selected to represent their regions and Wellington, because it is a big region, had two teams and four of the six team members were from Wellington College. In Wellington Gold – Tom Leggat and Jack Garden and in Wellington Black - Ed Foley and Oscar Shaw. Over the course of the weekend, all teams took part in seven limited preparation debates. Wellington Gold, with Tom and Jack, won three of the seven debates, with a number of unlucky calls, as is the nature of debating, and with the ranking system, narrowly missed out on a semifinals position. Wellington Black, with Oscar and Ed, went through the weekend undefeated – winning seven from seven debates – the only team to do so. This has happened only twice in the last 20 years. They then met the Central North Island team and affirmed a moot supporting the privatisation of State Owned Assets, which they won. This took them to the Grand Final against Waikato, a team they had beaten twice in the tournament. It was a very prestigious event which took place in the historic Legislative Chamber in Parliament with the Governor General and a number of prominent politicians present. With one hour to prepare, the team put together a strong case and both


reinforced their reputation as performers of the highest calibre.

The Chorale has also sung at many school events including Old Boys’ Reunions and ANZAC services this year, as well as contributing to community events such as singing for the Stroke Association Annual Meeting and the SoTheyCan fundraiser to help raise money for a village in Kenya. 2012 has been another successful year for the Chorale.

Runners Up: Wellington Black. (L-R): Governor General Lieutenant General Sir Jerry Mateparae, GNZM, QSO, Oscar Shaw, Ed Foley, Jemima Lomax, (St Mary's College). Oscar and Ed spoke persuasively and brilliantly. However, this final victory just escaped them and Waikato won, for the second year in a row. Obviously, after such a great tournament, this was a great disappointment but to get runner up – to be identified as the second best team in the country, is a great achievement. Oscar, Ed, Tom and Jack are great role models for our young debaters coming through and in the tournament continued the Wellington College tradition of excellence in debating.

Old Boys are still able to order a copy of the CD recorded by the Chorale [refer to the June Lamp Post] or contact the College Bursary m.sampson@wc.school.nz The CD features a number of the songs performed at school events and reunions, plus music performed in competitions such as The Big Sing. Katie Macfarlane, HoD Music

Special congratulations to Ed who, for the second year, has been named in the five-person NZ team and will travel with them to Turkey for the World Champs early next year. Oscar, who was highly commended in the tournament, narrowly missed out on a place in the team. Kirsty Hazledine, Arts Director THE LAMPSTAND • 2012

A Tradition of Giving


ellington College acknowledges, with appreciation, the tremendous support of Old Boys, parents, staff and friends. These individuals, through their collective philanthropy, ensure the vitality of school life at Wellington College through their commitment and generosity to Annual Giving, the College’s Building and Endowment programme, made and left Bequests and the Old Boys’ Association since 2007 when the current campaigns began. We thank all those whose gifts enable Wellington College to continue to provide and excellent, well-rounded education, environment and support to its best. [D denotes deceased since donating] 1916


Mr H C Hildreth (D)

Mr D F Barnes Mr J Bown (D) Mr P R Carpenter Mr W T B Coulter Mr J T Cruse Mr A T Freeman Mr D S Trevena Mr R B Twaddle

1920 Mr A W Knight (D)

1924 Mr E L Howe (D)

1925 Mr A D Wilkinson (D)

1930 Mr S G Radford (D)

1931 Mr D L Bade Mr W S Mitchell

1932 Mr A H Armour (D) Mr A B Cooper Mr J M Dale Mr N D Dyett (D) Dr N R Jefferson Mr C T Smallbone (D) Mr R M Wood

1942 Mr R T Barber The Rev J R Battersby Mr E A Cameron Reverend R C Cattell (D) Mr A F Ferguson Mr I F Pinel Mr R C Pope (D) Prof. B S Sutton-Smith Mr A Watson


Mr F J Brooker Mr R A W Curtis Mr J W C McArthur Mr R Richards, ONZM, DSC Mr E C Tait

Anonymous (2) Mr A H Bellamore Mr W E Chegwidden Mr W E Dasent (D) Mr J V E Hipkins Mr S G Jones MBE (D) Mr J K Kernohan Mr P C Lee (D) Mr I D Mackersey Mr R A McCarlie Mr A H E Munden Mr R D Richardson Mr G R Streeter Mr G C Weston Mr D L Williamson Mr T J Young (D)



Mr G W B Barrow

Mr K Chiu Mr P Y Collins Mr G H Cook Mr J D Craig Mr A J Crowther Mr D J Exley (D) In memory of AE Exley (1897) Dr C R Fenton Mr L R Franks Hon G F Gair Mr A H J Gaskin Mr J D Gifford Mr M K M Hansen Mr M E Lambert Mr W J P Macdonald Mr W F Moody Mr F M Moore Mr D Salkeld (D) Mr I K Sclater Mr A E Scott (D) Mr D B Silver (D) Mr R D Sutherland Mr K L Thomas Mr E Waaka (D) Professor P Whittle

1933 Mr K J Frazer Mr A A Gawith DFC


1937 Mr H F Hart (D) Mr J O Haworth Mr N C McLeod Dr J M Tweed

1938 Mr C F Bryan Mr A M Crocket Mr P B Hindle Mr J S Hopkirk Mr K H Logie Mr R B Pinel (D)

1939 Mr P E Bourne Mr I K Lankshear Mr K R Porter (D) Mr R M Richardson

1940 Mr L W Edwards Mr N M Gapes (D) Mr D R C Gray Dr R Hunt Mr A T Pattle Mr D M Thomas


1945 Anonymous (2) Mr G S Aburn Mr J August Mr B H Bailey

Dr I Cher Honouring Pupils and Teachers of Form VI A, 1945 Dr R B Conyngham Mr M D Danaher Mr K T Dee Mr G Q England Mr E G Freeman Mr A G Hansson (D) Mr W C Hopper Mr D N Lawson Mr L J Parkinson Mr C R Steele Mr I R Sutherland Mr E C G Williams

1946 Mr A Bay Mr D J Bowers Mr D Brooke-Taylor Mr W S Fraser (D) Dr J B Hutton (D) Mr D C Isaacs (D) Mr L J Johnsen Mr I R Kaywood Mr P N Keys Dr F G Major Mr B C Mexted Mr R G O’Connor Mr R H Pope Mr E J Sherring Mr C J Vining (D)

1947 Anonymous (1) Mr J S A’Court Mr G J Asbridge (D) Mr B Blades Mr P D Chatwin Mr E N Clayton Mr F W Coad (D) Mr P B Collins Mr S J Cumming Mr I J Doyle Mr P B Keesing Mr R J McCully (D) Mr P B Olsen Mr D Patching Mr J C F Phillipps Mr P G Riddell Mr R A B Ridding Mr S Robertson Dr C R Sheppard Mr A L Solomons Mr J R Tripp Mr J B Williamson

1948 Anonymous (4) Mr G J Alecock Mr D S Arbuckle Mr A S Barnaby Mr A R Best Mr C J Blake Mr T P Broad Rev J D Buchanan Mr J C Burnett Mr M O Conibear Mr R B Donovan Mr J B Ede OBE Dr T Farrar

Mr M S Faulknor Rev B M Hogan Mr W A Hunt Mr C J Isaacs Mr F K Martin Mr A J Nixon Mr L A O’Donnell Mr R O Partridge Mr G A Patchett Mr M J Prosser Mr W Ross-Taylor Mr A D Salkeld Mr B E Smith Professor B J Spolsky Mr N K Thomas Mr T C Valler

1949 Anonymous (1) Dr F R Bernard Archdeacon I G Bourne Mr B J C Bradburn Mr R W Burney Mr A C Bycroft The Rev G M Cleland Mr J B Denton Mr J B Ellings Mr R V Kirby Mr M J Limbrick Mr G W McLauchlan Mr M O Mexted Mr N A Robinson Mr R W Ross Mr C P Simpson Mr J C Taylor Mr D G Tierney (D) Mr T W Turner Mr D H P Walpole

1950 Anonymous (1) Mr R Archibald Prof T H Beaglehole Mr R G Bjorngaard Mr R M H Bowater MNZM Mr B H Brooks Mr I W Burrell Mr P B Davenport Mr D R Davis Mr B T Foley Mr D C Jarvis Dr P N Leslie Mr M N Mayman Mr J A Moffat Mr T M Mowbray Mr R I Murray Mr J L Nelson Mr W R Percival Mr E P Percival (D) Mr G D Preston-Thomas Mr R W C Raleigh The Very Rev G H Yates

1951 Anonymous (2) Mr K G Ansell Mr W A Bainbridge Mr W F Barnard (D) Judge I A Borrin Mr K M R Boyle Mr D E S Brooker

Mr V Darke Mr M W Duncan Mr B Farrell Dr R M Fergusson Mr R A Grainger Mr J E H Haldane Mr R G Hand Mr K D Haycock Mr M A Hornblow Mr D I Lamason Mr T B Martindale Mr B K Newport Mr T J Reynolds Mr J C Ritchie Mr G B Robinson Mr R H Robinson Mr R L Sarten

1952 Mr G B T Abel Mr G L Ansell Dr D S Campion Mr P W Conwell Mr E F L Davis Mr R G Ebbett Mr J V Edgar Mr B Y Hill Mr S G Lockhart QC Mr A M Main (D) Mr B C McCormick Mr A A Turner (D) Mr D L Vautier Mr B E Ward Mr I T Wilson

1953 Anonymous (1) Mr M W Austin Mr B S Coomber Mr K G Douglas ONZ Mr W J Flannery Mr E P Groombridge Mr A G Hall Prof. B P M Hamilton Mr G L Ingham Mr W R Kingston-Smith Mr A R Martin (D) Mr R B McCorkindale Mr A E McQueen Dr T A Ord Mr M K Phillips Mr S W Pillar Mr R A Reynolds Mr B E Teehan

1954 Mr T J N Beyer Mr A J F Bishell Mr C M Davies Mr M R Deck Mr R K Dreyer Mr E L Howe Mr M W Hutchings Mr K J Little (D) Mr T G Twist Mr G F Wardle Mr T D W Williams Mr G N Wyatt Mr E E Young

1955 Anonymous (2) Sir R A Brierley Mr WJ Bringans Mr D H Catley Mr J E Childerhouse Mr P J Edmondson Mr D E Forsyth Emeritus Prof J F Harper Mr J M Hunn Hon J A Laurenson Mr W A Melville Mr J L North Mr I H Paterson Dr K E Pledger Mr D B Scott The Rev Dr H W Skeels (D) Dr D C Stewart Mr I R Tichbon Dr R J Townsley Rev G E Walpole

1956 Anonymous (1) Mr R S Allen Mr D R Bailey Mr DA Egley Mr B N Gillespie Mr D T Grant Mr A L Hutchison Dr J H Lidgard Mr K R Macdonald Mr R W Mangin (D) Mr J F Mills Mr R W Mitchell Mr H E Perrett in Memory of HE Perrett (1931) Mr M A Perrett Dr J C Ross Mr T C Sheehy Mr T H Syddall Mr I N Taylor Mr D N J Todd Mr A J S Turner Mr M D Woods

1957 Anonymous (2) Mr J R Barraclough Mr K E Brierley Mr P M R Browne Mr J A Burgess Mr P Chong (D) Mr P B Clark Mr E I Clissold Mr T P Doherty Mr G F Ellett Mr R M Falconer Professor G Fogelberg Mr G K Froggatt Mr R C Houston Mr B D Jobson Mr P J MacDonald Mr J G McCulloch Mr J W O’Brien Captain J N Oliver Mr D L Paetz Mr C Palamidas Mr J E Pattison Mr R A J Roberts Mr J Roberts OBE


A Tradition of Giving Mr D B Roberts (D) Mr B W Sexton Mr B K Shearer Mr S J Smith Mr D A Tyson Dr P C Wellings Sir J H Williams QC Mr D J Wilson Dr G J Wilson Mr P H Wilson Mr H C Wong Mr A B Wright Mr I P Wylie

1958 Anonymous (1) Mr T R C A’Court Mr D S Allan Dr R L Brathwaite Mr D G P Brocklehurst (D) Mr R A Bruce Prof F P Cass Mr R G Ellison Mr M R Ewing Mr A D Gordon Mr J R C Graydon Mr W J Greenwood Mr B A C Heather Mr T Hobson Mr G R Kenny Mr G C Key Mr K G Martin Mr R B J Nodwell Mr J S Perkins Mr P A Savage Mr B F Scott Mr R D Slade Professor S J Turnovsky Mr I N Uttley Mr J W Welsh Mr R A Wilton

Mr S P Sherring Mr R D Sweetzer MVO Mr L Tone Mr R J Wood Mr W S Wyatt

1961 Anonymous (1) Mr A C Ansell Mr A J Baldwin Mr W S Chapman Mr P T Lawton Mr I R Letica Mr H M Morison Mr L G Morrison Mr B S Mudge Mr I R Murray Mr D J Newcombe Mr A W Oakey Mr G H Roper Mr E R Rosenthal Mr B J Whitney

1962 Mr J G E Benton Dr R L Cable Mr P J Fehl Mr I A N Fraser Mr J Gates Mr A L Greensmith Mr I F Hastings QPM Mr M J Higgs Mr A J Kean Mr J C Legge Mr R N Macgregor (D) Mr R G Mayes Mr P E Salt Mr C D Segal Mr B A Swift Mr P G Van Dongen Mr P S Warren



Dr J R Bundle Mr R W Burgess Mr W D C Clark Mr P J Dawson Mr G T Gardiner Mr A G W Gooch Mr A F Hassed Mr R B Jeffs Mr M D Kerr Mr I Kwok Mr R E Lane Mr K R Moses Mr K P Pohl Mr D V Rowe Mr E T Sainsbury Dr F T M Schroder Mr F M Small Mr G D Stevenson Mr N Tantemsapya Mr B E Thawley Mr R C Turner

Mr D S Dalgliesh Mr P J Farmer Mr P N Glasson Mr M G Hedstrom Mr H Heitner Mr J C Jaynes Mr P A Oliver Mr J E C Pether Mr M D Small Mr B S Taylor Mr M G Turner Dr R L Vasan Mr J H Whitwell

1960 Anonymous (1) Mr P Adams Mr R S Bezar Mr Q S H Collier Mr G H Gower Mr J A Harper Mr I A Henderson Professor A R Hornblow CNZM Mr T G Huppert Mr D E Hurley Mr A F McKay Mr W T McKeown


1964 Anonymous (1) Rev J R Boyes Mr R S Clarke Mr H N Cooper Mr D D Cox Mr A J Gibson Mr D M Golding Mr J M Green Mr R J Hay Mr D A Jorgensen Mr G Kirkcaldie Mr O G Lane Mr V A Langford Dr D A Lingard Mr J L Marshall Mr L M Megget Mr D J M Milne Mr A J Morriss Mr M Olsen Mr A Parun

Mr R L Pattison Mr S A M Perry Mr D L Powell Mr K Quinn Dr S K Slater Mr N B Trendle Mr J H Veale Mr H E Webber

1965 Anonymous (1) Mr G N Cave Prof J W Chapman Mr R S Cheevers Mr S Chhotu Mr G J Clark Mr H J S Cromie Mr R J Earles Mr M H Fyson Mr H S Hancock Mr I Horbun Mr P L Jones Mr D G Kember Professor A G S King Mr J D Lynch Mr J P Martin Mr M G Monaghan Mr R J Morrison Professor J K Raine Mr R N Sadler Mr W S Sommerville Dr R A Speed Mr C G Thorp Mr JA Wedde Mr J R Whitaker Mr B E Windley

1966 Anonymous (3) Mr A C Christie Mr B J Drake Mr G S Johnson Mr R A Josephson Mr W J P Keeling Mr T D Kerr Mr R C Laurenson Dr S C MacDiarmid Mr D J Martin Mr J D Monaghan Mr B A Morrison Mr L K Powell Mr C J Pulley Mr G R Rowe Mr H M Snowball Mr P D Stevens Mr R J R Thornley Dr D V Weston Mr B M Wilson

1967 Professor W R Atkin Mr M Bruce-Smith Mr T J Castle Dr J W Drake Mr L J East Mr G J C Ferguson Mr B Girdlestone Mr N A Hill Mr D J Lamb Mr B E Marklew Mr J P H Oldfield Mr B R Pratt Mr J C Rutherford Mr T M Sheppard Dr A B M Tie Mr S L Waller

1968 Mr M R Burns Mr R S Davey Mr J P Fyson Mr S P Harrey Mr J A Langford Mr G B Little Mr B F Matchett Mr J C G Rhodes Mr I Wong

1969 Mr T G Benton Mr G Bruce-Smith Mr R W Burt Mr G A H Craigie Mr R W Hughes Dr B L Krause Dr T D Meech Mr P D Oram Mr G Osvath Dr J P Petrie Mr D S Pope Dr A D Rutherford Dr K A Simpson Mr R A Smyth Mr G A Tait Mr P G Twigden Mr P Wedde Dr G H Weiss Mr G W Whiteacre

1970 Prof S W Beasley Mr G M Caradus Mr B W Heir Mr J H Jenkins Mr S C Lambert Mr P A McLean Mr H Quinn

1971 Anonymous (1) Mr J S Bishop Mr M R Button Mr P B Howman Professor M Lazarevic Mr D J McLeod Mr A D Meek Mr G R Paterson Mr I K Talbot Mr C J Taylor Mr B L Tie

1972 Anonymous (1) Mr C Anastassiou Mr D J Archer Professor M G Banwell Mr M D Beattie Mr T E Frost Mr M E Kinsella Mr D K Read Mr J B Roberts Mr A H Shine Mr A S Varuhas Mr J A K Waymouth

1973 Anonymous (2) Mr R W Anderson Mr J A F Bernau Mr A Douglass Mr A G Harcourt Mr J W Little Mr D G Major Mr C A Mortland Mr J R O’Brien

Mr D J H Phillipps Mr D Reitsma Mr S Robertson Mr I W Tisch Mr M Tuimalealiifano

1974 Mr P D Cenek Mr D J Darwin Mr P C Morrison Dr J M Riseborough Mr A J Stuart

1975 Mr T I Brown Mr G E Coppersmith Mr D I Hatfield Dr J A Heyes Mr D R A Ironside Mr K B Johnston Mr T D R Kirby Mr D E Knott Mr P B Marriott Mr D P Shillson Mr A N Slack

1976 Mr R J Broad Dr I T Foster Mr C J Hurrell Mr P R Ittensohn Mr P C Keall Mr J Viatos

1977 Mr K D Binnie Mr W D Brandon Mr A J Brice Mr B T Bush Dr D Naik Mr S M Town

1978 Mr P G Fuller Mr J D Schwass Mr R W Smith

1979 Anonymous (1) Mr R L Borrell Mr P K Emanuel Mr P J McLeod Mr K T Sixtus Mr C W Stevenson

1980 Mr M K Hunn Mr S A Hunter Mr T R Preston

1981 Mr S J Cumming Mr E Ete Commander A M Millar Mr R A Nimmo Mr G W Nixey Mr M B O’Grady Dr N J Willis Mr V F E Wong

1982 Mr G J Coldham Mr C B Hunter Mr M J Pillar Mr P D F Rumpit Mr D A Trow

1983 Mr A R Allan Mr S B Gray Mr C B Johnson Mr A B Miller Mr M F Quinn Mr P A Sue

1984 Mr A M Buick-Constable Mr M Parmar Mr M W Prout Mr B C Rollings Mr B C Sutton Mr P D Swallow

1985 Mr J R Clarke Mr D R Ferrier Mr R E Griffiths Mr M R Halliday Mr A B Heald Mr J J Munz Mr T E Simpson

1986 Mr A E Scott-Howman

1987 Mr R D Greenwood Mr T K Pledger Mr S M Robson Mr N P Sercombe Mr S R Waddel

1988 Dr G I G Christie Mr A J Dome Mr D J McEwen Mr D M McGuigan

1989 Mr J C Baddiley Mr N L Kerr

1990 Anonymous (1) Mr A J Clarke Mr G J Heather Mr K V R Magan Mr M T Reweti Mr P D Shallard

1991 Mr M D Mistry Mr M R Pirie Mr F Shafiei

1992 Mr J J J Bailey Mr J A M Cave Mr J P Moore Mr T R Robson

1993 Mr S Reed Mr J Ward

1994 Mr E Ruvinski

1995 Mr G J Fraser Mr R G Wallace Mr J J R Whyte


A Tradition of Giving 1996 Mr S R Fraser Mr O J Martin Mr A Paliwal Dr P C Robinson

Mr T P W Murdoch Mr M V Stickley Mr K G Yager


Mr J J L Langford Mr F S Shafiei Mr M C Smith

Mr J P A Etheridge Mr R A Kennedy Mr N E Parkin Mr A B Stace Mr G D Sutherland




Mr J E C Franklin Mr J G Halstead Mr C J B Lendrum Mr W F Moore

Mr D A Prasad Mr S R M Rajasekar Mr T S Sciascia Mr T J L Wheeler

2002 Mr P A Halstead Mr W L Ho Mr R P J Hosegood Mr I A D Kennedy Mr F J MacArthur Mr P W McGimpsey Mr J D McNamara Mr K Selvamaheswaran Mr J C Sygrove Mr P H Sygrove Mr E K Woods

2003 Mr J J B Dean Mr D N Dickinson

Mr M P Gill Mr G S A Randall Mr B M Stephens

2004 Anonymous (1) Mr D J Elliott Mr E G A Smith Mr J G Wylie

2005 Mr A J Eastwood Mr T F Lawson Mr D K Plowright Mr H A Skinner Mr E T Stace

Mr J N Morris Mr A J Robinson

Mr D G Tubb

2006 Mr C G Barrett Mr S C Cormack Mr S S Fineman Mr A Q N Miller Mr D M O’Grady Mr K A Roberts Mr R J Steven Mr M J Vegar

2007 Mr M C B Dickson Mr J P W Leslie Mr L B McKee

2008 Anonymous (1) Mr E J Bowie Mr R K Fagan Mr V G Ward Mr R B T Woonton

2009 Mr H R Hancock Mr T A Hughson Mr S J Lawson Mr E A S Stevens

Parents, Staff and Friends of Wellington College Anonymous (36)

Mr M Egan and Ms M Cockburn

Mr P A and Mrs L Kuhn

Mr J and Mrs D Saunders

Mr M and Mrs V Abernethy

Mr M & Mrs S English

Dr F and Dr A Langdana

Mr S and Mrs S Sawrey

Dr D Abernethy and Ms R Kelly

Mr K and Mrs H Ferguson

Mrs J Langridge

Mr M and Mrs M Scannell

Mr M and Mrs V Aitken

Mr S and Mrs C Franks

Dr L and Mrs E Lawler

Mr R and Mrs C Schroder

Mr B Alderton & Ms M Lloyd

Mr S and Mrs C Fyfe

Mr S and Mrs A Lee

Mr P & Mrs T Schuyt

Mr C Alexander and Ms K Anderson

Mr M and Mrs S Gallagher

Mr M Leggat and Mrs A Brennan

Dr P and Mrs A Scott

Mr M A Anderson

Mr A Garden and Ms P Le Fevre

Mr P and Mrs R Leslie

Mr A and Mrs J Scott

Mr R and Mrs G Allen

Mr B Gardner and Mrs M Gardner-Seglia

Mr P A & Mrs M L Logan

Mr M and Mrs L Shanahan

Mr J Armstrong and Ms A Riley

Mr T and Mrs D Garrett

Dr A Logan and Dr B Treuren

Mr G Sharp and Ms S Thomas

Mr R and Mrs C Bava

Hon Justice W & Mrs C Gendall

Mr C and Mrs M Lynskey

Mr G Simpson and Mrs Lloyd-Simpson

Mr G M and Mrs P G Bellam

Mr R and Mrs S Gibson

Mr A and Mrs G MacBain

Mr M and Mrs A Skoog

Mr D Bennett and Ms L Baxter

Mr G and Mrs A Girvan

Dr B and Mrs S Mahon

Mr C R & Mrs V Smith

Doctors B Betty and S Harichandran

Mr N J and Mrs A M Gluyas

Dr A Malik & Mrs R Choudhry

Mr J G Sproat

Mr W F & Mrs G Crist

Mr I Gordon and Ms J Manthel

Mr T and Mrs L Marks

Ms V J Stanbridge

Mr R & Mrs E Bradley Estate

Mr T and Ms C Cowie

Mr R and Mrs S Matthews

Mr P Steel & Ms M Beere

Mr A W & Mrs A M Beasley

Mr K & Mrs L Graham

Mr G McIndoe and Ms M Schwass

Mr B and Mrs A Stephen

Mrs M Dean in the Memory of Tom Dean

Ms J Grant

Prof C McLachlan and Ms R Fraser

Mr G and Mrs R Steven

Miss V Dunn in the Memory of Thomas K Paul

Mr A and Mrs J Gray

Mr D and Mrs J Melville

Mr P and Mrs V Sullivan

Mr & Mrs T & B Blundell

Dr B Gray and Ms L Dovey

Mr P and Mrs C Milne

Mr M & Mrs D Summerell

Mr S & Mrs N Bomann

Mr P and Mrs S Green

Mr T & Mrs T Moresi

Mr C D and Mrs R E Sygrove

Dr B Bowkett and Dr I Carbonatto-Bowkett

Mr H Greive and Ms G McKone

Mr D Murray and Ms J Grady

Mr L and Mrs J Taylor

Mr A Bradshaw & Ms H Bewley

Mr P and Mrs P Gush

Mrs P W Neely

Mr K Tearney and Ms C Perry

Mr A and Mrs A Brodie

Mr R A & Mrs E J Hampton

Dr A and Mrs G Neill

Mr P Tremewan & Ms T Hall

Mr R and Mrs D Budhia

Dr P Herrick and Ms A Cottrell

Mr G and Mrs J Nelson

Mr M Trigg and Ms L Blake

Mr & Mrs D & T Butchers

Mr J & Mrs N Hobbs

Mr R A Newberry and Ms E Alcock

Mr M Thornton

Mr P Butchers & Ms M Bibby

Mr K Hollingsworth & Ms S Timmins

Mr S Newman

Mr M C & Mrs M I Turner

Mr F and Mrs M Buttner

Mrs F Hornabrook

Mr A Nicholls and Ms LTrevelyan

Mr C and Ms J Tyndall

Mr J Cantin & Mrs B Buckley

Mr M and Mrs J Horsley

Mr R Niven and Dr C Dalli

Mr T and Mrs G van Zijl

Mr J Carroll and Ms S Hatfield

Mr R and Mrs V Hughson

Mr B O’Brien and Dr H Gibbons

Mr R and Ms R Vinijmoore

Mr & Mrs Chau

Mr & Mrs N & S Isaacs

Mr P O’Connell and Ms E Howe

Mr P & Mrs L Wan

Mr S Cheah & Ms T Phee

Mr A and Mrs E Jacobson

Mr C and Mrs J O’Neale

Mr G & Mrs S Watchman

Mr A Clarke & Ms M Pallot

Mr M and Mrs K James

Ms S Ottrey

Mr A & Mrs J Welch

Dr T R Cookson and Dr R Dodd

Mr A Jenkins and Ms A Brinkman

Mr J and Mrs C Petris

Mr C and Mrs L Wellington

Mr P and Mrs A Coop

Mr S & Mrs C Joblin

Mr E and Mrs L Playle

Mr A & Mrs C Wells

MrT & Mrs G Cripps

Mr B and Mrs J Johnson

Prof J Prebble and Ms N Riddiford

Mr R & Mrs A Whinam

Dr T & Mrs L Crutchley

Mr C & Mrs A Jones

Mr E and Mrs R Purdie

Mr T G and Mrs R Wiffen

Mr D & Mrs L Dann

Mrs C Judd

Dr N Quigley and Ms N McBride

Mr J and Mrs C Wild

Mr & Mrs S & B Dawson

Mr E Kalafatelis and Ms C de Bonnaire

Mrs M Rabone

Mr M & Mrs B Williams

Mr C and Mrs R Day

Mr D & Mrs S Kale

Mr M Reese and Ms J Hansen

Mr S Wong

Dr D and Mrs H Delany

Mr R Kellahan and Ms M Smith

Mr & Mrs N & K Reeve

Mr D S and Mrs A Wood

Mr P Dickie and Ms A Munro

Mr P Kerr

Mr B G and Mrs S Ross

Dr J Wyeth and Mrs McIntosh

Mr R and Mrs D Dobson

Mr R L Kerr

Dr B Russell and Ms S Harding

Mr K Y Yeo & Ms K L Won

Mr M and Dr A Donnell

Mr A Kibblewhite and Ms K Davies

Mr I & Mrs N Russon

Mr L Yiavasis & Ms C B Matthews

Mrs A Doriguzzi

Mr S and Mrs M Kladnitski

Dr P & Ms S Rutherford

Mr M Dowse and Ms B Murray

Mr S and Mrs J Kong

Mr C and Ms S Ryan

Mr P and Mrs K Eady

Mr S Kos and Ms J M Afford

Ms N Saker and Mr M O’Regan





ellington College and the Old Boys’ Association extends its sincere condolences to the families and friends of those listed below for whom the Association has received notification of death since the 2011 Lampstand. (•) An obituary (sourced from the media or from family) is included on the following pages for some Old Boys. If you can assist us by adding to an obituary or providing one that we do not have, we would be most appreciative. This year, the list is recorded in cohort years. Class of 1930 RADFORD, Spencer George 1912-2011 of Wellington Wellington College 1926-1929 Class of 1931 SMALLBONE, Cyril Trevor 1915-2012 of Lower Hutt Wellington College 1927-1932 Class of 1932 FARQUHAR, William Ernest 1914-2012 of Nelson Wellington College 1928-1932 Class of 1935 NEILL, William Roy (Bill) 1916-2012 of Palmerston North Wellington College 1931-1935 Class of 1936 DUNCAN, Gordon James 1919-2011 of Wellington Wellington College 1932-1935 • NAIRN, Donald James Henry 1920-2012 of Masterton Wellington College 1932-1936 Lt Cdr (A) RNZNVR Fleet Air Arm VIVIAN, Harold Franklin 1919-2012 of Lower Hutt Wellington College 1932-1935 Class of 1937 PEARCE, Clifford Clinton Martin 1918-2012 of Dunedin Wellington College 1933 SIMS, Keith Balfour 1919-2012 of Christchurch Wellington College 1933-1934, RNZAF SLYFIELD, Eric Scarlett 1917-2012 of Upper Hutt Wellington College 1932-1934 Class of 1938 BALL, John Douglas (Jack) 1920-2011 of Lower Hutt Wellington College 1934-1938 Lt 2NZEF WWII HALFORD, Horace Ralph (Horrie) 1920-2012 of Auckland Wellington College 1934-1937 • PINEL, Raymond Burton 1920-2011 of Gisborne Wellington College 1934-1936, RNZAF WILKINSON, Earl Gordon 1920-2012 of Waikanae Wellington College 1934-1936 Class of 1939 ALLEN, Orril Vernon 1920-2011 of Levin Wellington College 1935 • GLEDHILL, Jeffrey Allan (Captain) DFC 1921-2011 of Sydney Wellington College 1935-1939 KEMSLEY, Noel Ernest Gore 1921-2012 of Napier Wellington College 1935-1938 SANGSTER, William James (Bill) 1921-2012 of Wellington Wellington College 1935-1937


Class of 1940 DOWNES, Maxwell Wilson 1936-2012 of Lower Hutt Wellington College 1936-1939 GAPES, Noel MacDonald 1923-2012 of Christchurch Wellington College 1936-1941 Head Prefect 1941, 1st XV 1939-1941 1st XI Cricket 1941 (C) ROOKE, John James (Jim) 1922-2012 of Auckland Wellington College 1936-1939 Class of 1941 BOWN, Joseph (Joe) 1923-2011 of Tauranga Wellington College 1937-1941 GOODHALL, Eric Houchen 1924-2012 of Wellington Wellington College 1937-1940 HIGHET, Geoffrey Reid Burton 1923-2012 of Christchurch Wellington College 1937-1939 DFC, AFC & Bar, RNZAF, Captain, WWII, 14 Sqn J Force, CO of 75 Squadron (Canberras), Air New Zealand DC8 pilot • MORRIS, John Nelson (Jock) FNZEI, MBE 1924-2012 of Napier Wellington College 1937-1940 ROSS, Robert Stuart (Robbie) 1923-2012 of Paraparaumu Wellington College 1937-1940 • WAAKA, Edward Kereminita (Ted) 1925-2012 of Napier (MNZM) Wellington College 1940-1942, 1st XV 2NZEF, Ngati Pahauwera, 28th Maori Battalion, RNZAF, Div Cav, J Force YARNELL, Charles Eric Hinson 1924-2011 of Invercargill Wellington College 1937-1940 Class of 1942 CATTELL, Reverend Richard Charles 1924-2012 of Auckland Wellington College 1938-1940 LAWSON, William Patrick (Pat) 1925-2011 of Sydney Wellington College 1938-1940 1st XI Hockey, NZRAF MASON, William John 1924-2011 of Wellington Wellington College 1938-1941, 1st XV STAUB, Noel Walton 1924-2012 of Levin Wellington College 1938-1939 Class of 1943 HARRIS, Archibald Neal Frank (Archie) 1925-2011 of Hamilton Wellington College 1939-1942 • JONES, Stuart MBE 1925-2012 of Hastings Wellington College 1939-1941 QUIRK, John Samuel 1925-2012 of Wanganui Wellington College 1939-1940 Firth House, RNZAF

Class of 1943 FERGUSON, Alexander Fergus MB, CHB, FRACS, FRCS 1925-2012 of Wellington Wellington College 1939-1943 HOWARD, Dalmain Wilbur 1924-2012 of Wellington Wellington College 1939-1941 RNZN HMNZS Archilles RICHARDSON, Reginald Durward 1926-2012 of Paraparaumu Wellington College 1939-1941 • YOUNG, Trevor James QSO 1925-2012 of Lower Hutt Wellington College 1939-1943 Class of 1944 McCARDLE, Vincent Gladstone 1926-2011 of Paraparaumu Wellington College 1940-1942 McGILL, Andrew Keith 1927-2011 of Auckland Wellington College 1940-1944 PALMER, Colin Edward 1926-2012 of Auckland Wellington College 1940-1942 SAXTON, John Shillito 1926-2012 of Christchurch Wellington College 1940-1943 SCOTT, Alan Ernest 1926-2012 of Lower Hutt Wellington College 1942-1943 NZRAF, Central Band • SILVER, Donald Bentley 1926-2012 of Wellington Wellington College 1940-1943 Class of 1945 GILKISON, Robert 1927-2012 of Whangarei Wellington College 1941-1944 HEYWOOD, Bruce Peverill 1927-2012 of Marton Wellington College 1942-1944 1st XV 1944 PATCHING, James (Jim) 1926-2012 of Levin Wellington College 1941-1945 1st XV 1944-1945 Class of 1946 BISS, Alan John 1926-2012 of Palmerston North Wellington College 1944 • FRASER, William Smyth (Bill) 1929-2011 of Lower Hutt Wellington College 1942-1946 1st XV 1946 HUTTON, John Brasell (Dr) 1928-2012 of Tauranga Wellington College 1945-1946 Prefect, 1st XV 1945-1946, 1st XI 1946 ISAACS, David Cargill 1929-2012 of Wanganui Wellington College 1942-1946 1st XV 1946 SMITH, Ross Alfred 1928-2012 of Wellington Wellington College 1942-1943

Staff who passed away 2011-2012 BREE, Ted (1999-2011) Assistant Groundsman DRAYTON, Joy (1942-1944), Teacher HERRON, Jack (1947-1948), Teacher (RAF) WILSON, William David 1928-2012 of Waipawa Wellington College 1942-1945 Firth House Class of 1947 ASBRIDGE, Gordon John 1929-2012 of Wellington Wellington College 1943-1947 COAD, Frederick William 1930-2011 of Wellington Wellington College 1943-1946 GARRATT, Edward Clarkson 1929-2012 of Lower Hutt Wellington College 1943-1945 HORAN, Brian Francis 1929-2012 of Whakatane Wellington College 1946-1947 JORDAN, Baden Lewis 1930-2011 of Morrinsville Wellington College 1943-1948 1st XV 1947-1948, FH Prefect 1948 Class of 1948 BALL, Eric John 1931-2012 of Napier Wellington College 1944-1946 DARRACOTT, John Bruce 1931-2011 of Rangiora Wellington College 1944-1945 • KINVIG, James Lorrimer 1930-2012 of Titahi Bay Wellington College 1944-1945 MORTON, William Boyd 1929-2012 of Kapiti Wellington College 1944-1946 VINING, Colin James 1929-2012 of Rototuna Wellington College 1944-1946 Firth House Class of 1949 MacANDREW, Hunter Alister de Latour 1931-2012 of Wellington Wellington College 1945-1948 MASON, Edwin Augustus (Ted) 1930-2012 of Wellington Wellington College 1945-1949 SEDDON, Thomas Derisley Stuary (Derry) Dr (GP) 1932-2012 of Tauranga Wellington College 1945 TIERNEY, David George 1932-2012 of NSW Wellington College 1945-1949 1st XV 1949 Class of 1950 DRAPER, Norman 1931-2012 of Lower Hutt Wellington College 1946-1948 • PERCIVAL, Edwin Philip (Ted) 1933-2011 of Carterton Wellington College 1946-1950 1st XI Hockey, Prefect WELDON, William Henry Thomas (Bill) 1932-2012 of Wellington Wellington College 1946-1947



Class of 1951 BARNARD, William Ferguson 1935-2011 of England Wellington College 1947-1951 DUDFIELD, James Henry (Jim) 1934-2012 of Sydney Wellington College 1947-1951 SMITH, Murray Graeme 1934-2011 of Rotorua Wellington College 1947-1950 Class of 1952 HALDANE, James Ross 1933-2011 of Hamilton Wellington College 1948-1951 1st XV, 1st XI Cricket 1950 TURNER, Alan Arthur 1934-2012 of Wellington Wellington College 1948-1951 Class of 1953 BOYD, James Terence (Terry) 1936-2012 of Auckland Wellington College 1949-1953 FOLEY, Dennis John 1934-2012 of Auckland Wellington College 1949-1953 Class of 1954 TURNER, David Gareth Owen 1937-2012 of Wellington Wellington College 1950-1954 1st XV, 1954, Prefect VERHOEVEN, William (Wim) 1936-2012 of Wellington Wellington College 1952-1953 WATERHOUSE, Neil Stewart 1935-2011 of Otaki Wellington College 1950-1952 Class of 1955 • CAMPBELL, Peter Frank 1937-2011 of London Wellington College 1951-1954 LUFF, Vernon Alfred William 1937-2012 of Wellington Wellington College 1951-1953 • SKEELS, Harry Wilbur (Wilbur) [Rev.] 1938-2011 of California Wellington College 1951-1955

Class of 1956 EWING, Paul Gordon 1938-2012 of Auckland Wellington College 1952-1954 MANGIN, Robert William (Bob) 1938-2012 of Matamata Wellington College 1952-1954, NZRAF • SIMONS, Malcolm James 1939-2012 of NSW Wellington College 1952-1956 TUCKWELL, Clifton Keith (Cliff) 1938-2012 of Wellington Wellington College 1952-1955 Class of 1957 COUNSELL, Brian James Elliott 1939-2012 of NSW Wellington College 1953-1955 DICKSON, Robert John (Bob) 1939-2012 of Levin Wellington College 1953-1956 • RARERE, Hamuera (Sam) 1937-2012 of Hastings Wellington College 1953-1956 1st XV 1953-1955 TRAILL, Lindsay Francis 1939-2011 of Auckland Wellington College 1953-1957 Class of 1958 BROCKLEHURST, David George Patrick (Paddy) 1941-2012 of Malaga, Spain Wellington College 1954-1957 BROWN, Malcolm Irving 1940-2012 of Wellington Wellington College 1955-1957 CHUNG, Howard 1940-2011 of Wellington Wellington College 1954-1958 1st XI Football 1958 COLLINS, David George 1941-2012 of Toronto, Canada Wellington College 1954-1957 Class of 1959 GARDNER, John Knox Law 1942-2011 of Waikanae Wellington College 1958 HORNABROOK, Simon William John 1942-2012 of Tauranga Wellington College 1955-1959 1st XI Hockey, 1959

Peter Frank Campbell Illustrator, writer, editor and book designer. Peter Campbell, who died aged 74, was the resident designer and art critic for the London Review of Books (LRB). He worked for the magazine from its first appearance in 1979 and wrote more than 300 pieces, mainly about art but also, eclectically, about such things as escalators, weeds, bicycles, bridges and hearts. He was the magazine's most prolific contributor. Each fortnight from 1996 onwards, Peter did a cover illustration for the LRB. He came up with a seemingly infinite array of THE LAMPSTAND • 2012

RITCHIE (NOBLE), Derek Bredon 1941-2012 of Wellington Wellington College 1955-1957 Class of 1961 GRIFFIN, Donald Hollis 1943-2012 of Sydney Wellington College 1959-1960 Class of 1962 MacGREGOR, Robert Neil 1944-2011 of Hamilton Wellington College 1958-1961 Firth House SMITH, Roger Edmund 1944-2011 of Wellington Wellington College 1958 Class of 1963 MABIN, Timothy Day 1946-2012 of Havelock North Wellington College 1959-1963 READ, John Hilton 1946-2012 of Wellington Wellington College 1959-1961 Class of 1964 ELMSLIE, Peter Lawson 1946-2012 of Feilding Wellington College 1960-1963 Class of 1965 GILBERT, David John 1947-2012 of Lower Hutt Wellington College 1961-1965 SHEERIN, Bruce Ronald 1947-2012 of Upper Hutt Wellington College 1961-1964 Class of 1966 AFENDULIS, George 1947-2012 of Queensland Wellington College 1962-1964 HUGHES, Nigel Edward 1948-2012 of Wellington Wellington College 1962-1966 TURNER, Geoffrey William Arnott 1948-2012 of Auckland Wellington College 1962-1965 Class of 1968 TIETJENS, Wayne Theodore 1950-2012 of Wellington Wellington College 1964-1966

unpredictable images: a yacht and a starfish, a tram, two knickerbocker glories, a game of dominoes, a man walking past a lighted window at night, umbrellas in the rain and a plug in a wall socket (switched to on). The immediate freshness, colour, playfulness and surprise of these covers belied their technical skill, erudition and command of detail and artistic reference. Domestic images inspired him. He described the LRB job as perfect for him and his ‘absurd good fortune’. It allowed his talent and years of expertise to come together.

YOUNG, Peter Humfrey 1949-2012 of Wellington Wellington College 1968 Class of 1969 NICOLSON, Clive Latham 1951-2012 of Wellington Wellington College 1965-1970 Class of 1971 GRANT, Angus Ewan 1953-2012 of Wellington Wellington College 1967-1970 PAPATSOUMAS, Nicholas (Nick) 1953-2012 of Wellington Wellington College 1967-1972 Class of 1972 BROOM, Kenneth Leslie 1954-2012 of Perth Wellington College 1968-1971 TUNNICLIFFE, Ernest Richard 1954-2011 of Wellington Wellington College 1968-1972 Class of 1974 WILEY, John Stephen 1956-2012 of Sydney Wellington College 1970-1974 Firth House Prefect Class of 1975 TOEBES, Quentin Johan 1958-2012 of Hamilton Wellington College 1971-1975 Class of 1978 WRATHALL, Joseph Clifford 1960-2012 of Wellington Wellington College 1974-1977 Class of 1983 ETUATA, Tom Hardley (Junior) 1966-2012 of Wellington Wellington College 1979-1983 Class of 1997 JAMES, Leighton John (LJ) 1980-2012 of Wellington Wellington College 1993-1997 Class of 2006 • WAKELIN, Timothy David 1989-2012 of Wellington Wellington College 2002-2007 1st XV 2006-2007

Peter’s father, Arnold, was director of education for New Zealand, and his mother, Nancy, was an early advocate of family planning. Peter's early apprenticeship as a printer and illustrator was served with the poet and publisher Denis Glover, who founded the Caxton Press and then became typographic adviser at the Wingfield Press, where Peter trained. Paper, typography, binding and illustration were as intrinsic to the published book as literary quality, Glover taught. Peter attended Victoria University and in 1960 married a fellow student, Win Doogue. He and Win then boarded the MS Willem Ruys for the month-long voyage to Britain. He lived for the rest of his life in London, but kept a New Zealand ease 63

Obituaries and way of seeing. Tramping trips at Christmas settled the New Zealand landscape in my mind, he wrote. Over the years, New Zealand mountains, trees, building types and the occasional antipodean bird turned up in his written and visual work. In London he remained in the same terraced house in Southfields. He wrote about it in 2011 in a piece for the LRB entitled At Home.

Peter is survived by Win and their children, – 1991, received an honorary doctorate from the Jane and Ben; a granddaughter, Izzy; his stepUniversity, where flags flew at half-mast in her granddaughters, Jess and Jazz; and his sisters, Jane honour following her passing. and Margaret. The Guardian Long-time friend and historian Jinty Rorke, says PETER LEONARD COOPER Joy was a selfless, loving and passionate woman who never held a grudge. She loved people, she was very sociable, a great cook, and she loved Peter completed his wartime service in the NZ having dinner parties. Joy was a humble woman Army. He and wife Betty moved to Calgary in For 15 years, he worked for BBC Publications. In who valued people for who they were. She was 1950 where Peter began his career as an aerial the late 1960s, the BBC published books based on photographer at Imperial Oil. He was also very always very thoughtful, not to say she wouldn’t major television series. Peter designed and edited active in the early ski scene in Calgary and Banff stand her ground if she thought you were wrong, Kenneth Clark's Civilisation, Jacob Bronowski's The and for many years wrote ski columns and but she never held grudges. Ascent of Man, David Attenborough's Life On Earth supplements for The Albertan, later moving to the and Alistair Cooke's America. Tauranga Girls’ College Deputy Principal, Leonie Calgary Herald. Peter also freelanced for many Summerville said Joy was a dedicated woman major North American ski publications. He was a Peter went freelance in 1976. Authors he had who maintained close contact with the College founding member of the Canadian Ski Patrol and met or worked with at the BBC sought him out throughout her retirement. She donated a number the Calgary Mountain Club, and for several years to design and edit their books. He had the ability was a member of the ski school at Sunshine Village. of pieces from her personal art collection that now to conceptualise what each publishing project serve as a reminder of her throughout the school. needed and to get it right. He was hugely and Following his retirement from Esso after 32 years diversely productive, but seldom hit a wrong note. of service, Peter and Betty set out to see the Joy was married to the late Ron Drayton, who died world. They travelled extensively and intrepidly in in the 1980s. Joy lived in the couple’s home until For the publisher John Murray, he worked on she was in her early 90s, when her health began every corner of the globe, including tackling four Clark's post-Civilisation titles and Reynolds to decline and she moved into a retirement home. circumnavigations by freighter. These journeys Stone's Engravings. He first met the art critic are described in vivid detail in Peter’s remarkable The couple had no children but are survived by David Sylvester at the BBC and later designed his collection of diaries amounting to many hundreds her nieces and nephews. book Looking at Giacometti and his catalogue for of pages. the Hayward Gallery's 1998 exhibition Francis WILLIAM (BILL) FRASER Bacon: The Human Body. Peter's other catalogues Peter was predeceased by his beloved wife of 62 Engineer. included Goya: Drawings from His Private Albums, years, Betty Cooper, in February of this year. Titian and Picasso: Painter and Sculptor in Clay. After leaving Wellington College in 1946 (1st XV member), Bill went to Victoria University to begin Dame Mary Josephine (Joy) Drayton He designed several of Diana Souhami’s books, an Engineering Intermediate Degree. From 1948 Educator and councillor. among them Selkirk's Island. He worked often to 1950, he attended Canterbury University. with Quentin Blake and wrote the introduction Old Boys from the early 1940s to Blake's The Life of Birds. He worked, too, on Bill graduated in 1950 with a Graduate Bachelor will be saddened to learn that several books by his fellow LRB contributor Alan of Engineering. While at Canterbury, he played Joy Drayton, who was one Bennett. Rugby for University teams, including the Senior of four lady teachers at the B in 1950. From 1951 to April 1953, Bill travelled College from 1942-1944 passed The most far-reaching of his BBC connections away in September. to the UK to take up a Graduate Apprenticeship at was with Karl Miller, who edited the Listener British firm Thomson Houston and played rugby for from 1967 to 1973. After working with Peter on The former Principal of their team. a Listener anthology, Miller commissioned him to Tauranga Girls’ College, Dame Mary Josephine write gallery pieces for the magazine. When Miller Drayton, also known as Joy, died in Tauranga He arrived back in NZ in 1954 and commenced was invited by the New York Review of Books to Hospital at the age of 96. work at Acme Engineering in Petone (founded edit a London Review of Books, he asked Peter to by his father) and continuously worked there, be its designer and to contribute reviews. Joy was a big part of the Tauranga community becoming Managing Director 1964 to 2001. Up to since moving to the township in 1959 to begin Bill’s passing, he was still working for the firm, and In 1992 Mary-Kay Wilmers became editor of her role as the Principal of Tauranga Girls’ College serving as a Director and major shareholder. Acme the LRB. Among the changes she made was where she remained until 1981. In her time as is now one of the larger companies of its type in commissioning illustrations from Peter for the Principal, Joy introduced the nation’s first Māori NZ, and is engaged in Heavy Engineering, Design, covers. Until 1996 these used black and white language studies class and saw the school’s role and Construction. photographs, many of them by Peter. In 2003, more than double. when the LRB opened its own bookshop in Married since 1956 to Lee, they had three Bloomsbury, Peter helped design it. The interior Following her retirement, Joy was a Tauranga daughters, one son and five grandchildren. reflected his style. The shop's ethos of quality was City councillor from 1985 to 1992 and spent They lived in Eastbourne for fifty years and Bill opposed to books as just another product: threethree years as the city’s Deputy Mayor. She was was active in local kindergarten and swimming for-two discounts, ‘recommendations’ paid for by also a regional councillor and Deputy Chair for committees. publishers and window space bought by them. Environment Bay of Plenty from 1992 to 1998. He joined the Skyline Ski Club in 1953, and worked Peter also wrote and illustrated children's books In December, 2004, she became a distinguished in spare time for over three years, building a Club including Harry's Bee (1969) and The Koala companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit for Lodge on Mt Ruapehu. Bill was an active skier, Party (1972). He was a man of habit, at his desk her services to education and local body affairs. and served on club committees ever since. He was at his untidy King's Cross studio by 8.00am, She made the New Year Honours List in 2000 and appointed a board member of Ruapehu Alpine Lifts unextravagant lunch with friends at 12.30pm, on 2005 for her services to the local government and in 1984, and served till reaching their retirement his way home on the District line by 5.00pm. He the community. age of sixty five in 1996. He was appointed a continued to review and make covers for the LRB Trustee of the company on retirement from the until a month before his death. Joy, a chancellor at Waikato University from 1988 board, and was still serving in this capacity. 64


Obituaries Bill returned to the College in 2006, along with his Air Group were deployed to the Korean War. 1946 classmates for a reunion and had submitted the above to enlighten fellow classmates of his life. In 1952, Jeff was promoted to lieutenantcommander and posted to the naval air base at Jeffrey Allan Gledhill Nowra. He was sent again to Britain, in 1954, this Military Professional. time to fly in a Gannet squadron in Ireland. The following year he returned to Australia in the A former Fleet Air Arm pilot, newly commissioned carrier HMAS Melbourne, Captain Jeffrey Gledhill DSC, participated in SEATO exercises in south-east Asia, died in Sydney in November and in 1956, promoted to commander, headed air 2011 at the age of 90. A operations at Nowra. former New Zealander, Jeff Gledhill won a DSC for landing a bomb on the In 1958, Jeff was assigned to Australia House in Tirpitz's A turrett when flying with the Royal London. In 1960, he went to the RN Staff College Navy in a Barracuda aircraft. Following WWII, at Greenwich, then returned to Canberra as he joined the RAN (Royal Australian Navy) and director of air warfare, organisation and training. became an pilot with a strong belief in the value He took a stand against moves within the Defence of naval aviation. Around 1963, he fought against Department to scrap naval fixed-wing squadrons Government decisions to cancel the Navy's but helped in the introduction of new helicopters fixed-wing capability and was instrumental in the and re-equiping of the Fleet Air Arm. In 1964, Jeff decisions which saw the life of the aircraft carrier was promoted to captain and became the naval Melbourne extended and the introduction of officer-in-charge, Northern Australia. This was Tracker and Skyhawk aircraft. followed by assignments to the Defence Planning Group, Canberra, the shore installation, HMAS The German battleship Bismarck proved such a Penguin, at Balmoral, and as aid-de-camp to the menace to Allied shipping in World War II that Governor-General Lord Casey. Winston Churchill had to virtually put everything else on hold to sink it. This might have been the In 1968, Jeff was appointed to the High end for the 19-year-old New Zealander Jeffrey Commission in Wellington as Australian Defence Gledhill, whose ship, the Tamaroa, almost Representative and in 1972 returned to Canberra blundered into the battle between the Bismarck for his final appointment, Director of Naval and HMS Hood. Intelligence. He retired in 1975 but that was not the end of his sailing career. He was a commodore Hood was blown up. Tamaroa was undetected and in the RAN Sailing Association and was made a Jeff went on to serve throughout the war as a naval Life Vice-Commodore of the Sydney RAN Sailing Association. His last racing was done at Pittwater, pilot. Jeff saw service on the aircraft carriers HMS near Mona Vale, where he had his last home. He Furious and HMS Victorious, in the North Atlantic was still racing at 88. Jeffrey Gledhill is survived and Antarctic, and in Norwegian waters. It was in by Margaret and daughters Diana and Rosalind. his blood, because after a brief spell at the end of the war he served in the Korean War, and remained Sydney Morning Herald with the RAN for the rest of his working life. STUART JONES Amateur Golfer. Jeffrey was born in Wellington, on Armistice Day, 1921, the son of an engineer, William Gledhill, and Daisy (nee McQuade). Schooled at Wellington New Zealand amateur golfing legend Stuart Jones died just College, he signed up for the Fleet Air Arm in a day after his 87th birthday, November, 1940. On loan to the Royal Navy, he three weeks to the day after his sailed on the Tamaroa in 1941. He did his naval wife Shirley died. and flying training in Britain. He was posted to 827 Squadron RN and, on leave at Lee-on-Solent Stuart was inducted into the in southern England, met English-born Margaret New Zealand Golf Hall of Fame Armstrong, who was serving with the Women's in March this year for his incomparable record in Royal Naval Service. the national amateur game, with seven national amateur titles to his name. After two years on the front line, Jeff was appointed a deck-landing instructor and promoted New Zealand Golf chairman Philip Hassall said it to lieutenant. He married Margaret in July 1944. was a sad day for the national golfing community. George VI awarded him the DSC. In 1946, Jeff returned to New Zealand with his bride. He He was a New Zealand golf legend in every worked for a period in an architect's office and sense. His record of winning the New Zealand for recreation went sailing. But the lure of the services was too great and in 1947 he moved with Amateur Championship on seven occasions and representing New Zealand at the Eisenhower Margaret to Australia to join the newly founded Trophy seven times is phenomenal and unlikely to RAN Fleet Air Arm. be ever be repeated in our game. Jeff trained in Australia then returned to Britain Not only that, but Stuart was a great person. for more training. He served in 817 Squadron RN, flying Fireflies, and in 1950 returned to Australia on He had a lifelong passion for the game and that showed in how much he gave back to the game HMAS Sydney. A year later, Sydney and the Carrier THE LAMPSTAND • 2012

over the years. It's a sad day for New Zealand Golf but when anyone looks back on the career and life of Stuart Jones they will remember a true legend. Stuart Jones is unquestionably one of the finest golfers produced by New Zealand, a name to stand alongside the greats of the game. He first played for New Zealand in 1953 and for two decades, he dominated the New Zealand amateur championship, winning it seven times, and added Canadian and Australian amateur titles as well. Stuart teamed up with Bob Charles, John Durry and Ted McDougall for the first world amateur teams event at St Andrews in 1958 and also played in the tournament six more times, including 1964 and 1970 when New Zealand were second and third. He twice won professional tournaments in New Zealand though never joined the pro tour, played a record 32 Freyberg Rosebowl tournaments and achieved a string of other notable national successes. Stuart’s career represents a lasting legacy in amateur golf. He was dubbed ‘The Emperor’ by the doyen of New Zealand Golf journalists, Sir Terry McLean, who acknowledged his outstanding record which occurred during a period when competition was fierce with the talents of Bob Charles, Ross Murray, John Durry, Ted McDougall, Ross Newdick and Walter Godfrey, all champions in their own right. Stuart represented New Zealand from 1953 to 1975, playing in seven Eisenhower Trophy events. His most notable achievements came when he won two professional events and the 1967 Canadian Amateur Championship. Together with seven New Zealand Amateur titles, Stuart’s record is unlikely to be matched in this modern era. With such an outstanding record it was little surprise Stuart was named the first-ever Hawke's Bay Sportsman of the Year in 1966, invested as a Member of the Order of the British Empire in 1977 and elected to the New Zealand Sports Hall of Fame and awarded life membership of the Hastings Golf Club. Stuart Jones has not just been a standout – he has been a legend. His record is unmatched and includes: • New Zealand representative from 1953 to 1975 • Seven appearances at the World Teams Championship, known as the Eisenhower Trophy • Winner of two professional events • Winner of the Canadian Amateur title in 1967 • Winner of the New Zealand Amateur title in 1955, 1959, 1961, 1962, 1964, 1966 and 1971 • Winner of the North Island Amateur in 1953, 1966, 1970, 1972 and the South Island Amateur 1964 • Winner of the New Zealand Foursomes title in 1960, 1963, 1965 and 1972.


Obituaries James (Jim) Lorimer Kinvig Retailer. Jim Kinvig attended Wellington College from 1944 - 45 and became a very well-known sportsman in Wellington. He was a premier rugby player for the Onslow Rugby Club during the 1950s and early 1960s. In the 1952 season ‘Big Jim’ as he was known, was named in the NZ Rugby Almanac as one of the Five Promising Players of the Year. He had represented Wellington as a lock forward during the season and over the next decade was in and out of Wellington Representative teams. Invariably, he had to compete for Wellington Rep. honours with some outstanding players of the day such as All Blacks Nev MacEwan, Ron Horsley, Dave Harker and even his own Onslow club mates, Cardy Williams and Trevor Reynolds. Jim's best rugby came as he was approaching 30 years of age when he cemented a place in the Wellington front row and finally was presented with his Wellington Blazer. He was best known for his long distance goal kicking which rivalled the famous All Black Don Clarke for distance. In those days he usually had to contend with a leather ball and heavy ground conditions. It was a common sight to see Jim at Athletic Park kicking goals from well inside his own half often to the amazement and dismay of the opposition supporters. When Jim hung up his boots at the age of 35, he turned to bowls where he became a successful bowler with the Titahi Bay Club where he won several Club titles and one Wellington Centre title. Jim was also successful in business in the grocery trade and in later years he owned two Supermarkets in Wellington's Northern suburbs. Bruce Heather (1954-1958) John (Jock) Nelson MORRIS Educationalist. Well-known retired Hawke's Bay school teacher Jock Morris, was awarded the MBE for his service to education. Still described by many in his profession as a teaching ‘legend’, despite retiring more than 27 years ago, Jock was the founding principal of Taradale Intermediate when it opened in 1967. He was in the position over 19 years up to his retirement in August 1986, soon after his service was acknowledged in that year's Queen's Birthday Honours. Jock was also the last chairman of the Hawke's Bay Education Board before it was swept out of existence in wide-reaching educational reform. A teachers’ representative for about six years before his retirement from teaching, he continued to serve post-retirement as a parents' representative for the urban Napier ward. His contribution in 66

the Taradale area was recognised with a Paul Harris Fellowship from the Taradale Rotary Club, of which he was President in 1971-72, and for several decades was involved with sport that included chairing junior rugby boards in Napier, and helping establish the Bay View Bowling Club, of which he was patron. Survived by wife and fellow teacher Daphne, his life was commemorated by hundreds of family, former work colleagues, ex-pupils and others at a service held at the Napier Sailing Club. DONALD JAMES HENRY NAIRN Aviation entrepreneur. Don Nairn grew up on his parents’ farm in Takapu Valley, north of Wellington. On leaving Wellington College, he became an engineering apprentice with the intention of getting into the aviation industry. At the beginning of WWII, he got a flying commission with the Royal Navy and travelled to England to begin training as a naval pilot in the Fleet Air Arm (FAA). He graduated top of his course and spent the next two years on active service in the Middle East, and flying from aircraft carriers in the Mediterranean and elsewhere. In 1942, he was one of three pilots posted to Washington DC to work as test pilots for the British Air Commission. One of the many aircraft he test-flew was the production model of the F4U Corsair, and recommendations he made for improving visibility and increasing safety were eventually implemented on all Corsairs. In July 1943, Don was the first British pilot allowed to fly a Japanese Zero captured by the Americans. His subsequent report on the aircraft, which identified several aspects of its vulnerability, raised the morale of allied pilots by de-mystifying the much-feared Zero and exposed some of its shortcomings. Don then remained in the USA for a period as the Chief Flying Instructor for the Royal Navy's 'Corsair Operational Training Unit', but he declined the offer of a permanent commission in the Royal Navy Test Unit established at the end of hostilities. Returning to New Zealand after the war, Don began flying as a topdressing pilot for James Aviation in Hamilton. He also put his test pilot skills to good use developing production Fletcher aircraft for the Department of Civil Aviation. The specialist Fletcher subsequently put New Zealand at the forefront of aerial topdressing techniques in the world. In the late 1950s, Don began operating a Cessna 180 floatplane in a tourist and charter business from Lake Taupo. Later, under charter to the Fijian Government, he took this Cessna to Fiji, where much of his work comprised emergency police and ambulance missions in the Fijian Islands.

in Queenstown when the company began its own floatplane operations. He spent several years with Southern Scenic, initiating the use of floatplanes for tourism, hunting and fishing trips from Queenstown, Te Anau and Milford Sound, and throughout Fiordland. Later, Don was hired as the company pilot to fly a Grumman Mallard for the consortium that won the contract to build the Manapouri power project. Don operated the Mallard in and around Fiordland between Invercargill, Te Anau, the West Arm of Lake Manapouri and Deep Cove for the next six years, transporting company personnel, government officials, accident and emergency cases, machinery and essential supplies. He also flew the Mallard on various search and rescue operations around Fiordland at the request of the authorities. At around the time of the power project work, Don produced a manual for pilots transitioning from land-based to water-based flying. During more than eight years of water-based flying experience, Don flew (and trained other pilots to handle) five different types of water-based aircraft: the Cessna 180 floatplane; the Grumman Widgeon, Goose and Mallard; and the Catalina. After the Manapouri project was finished, Don went to Darwin to support a six-month geological survey in West Irian, New Guinea. He flew the company's 'executive' Catalina on daily four-hour trips between Darwin and New Guinea, where he landed the aircraft in the sea, taxied down a river and deposited geologists into dugout canoes to be paddled to the company camp. At the end of the survey work, he became Branch Manager/Chief Pilot for Trans West Aviation in Western Australia. Under Don's management, this small charter company expanded throughout the nickel boom of the early 1970s into a fleet of 42 aircraft operating throughout Western Australia. In 1974, Don retired from flying and returned home to New Zealand. Don Nairn's flying career, which spanned 34 years, remained totally accident free; something Don modestly attributed to total concentration during the important aspects of flying - notably take-off and landing-and to never taking unnecessary risks. He flew more than 70 different types of pistonengine aircraft, and safely carried an estimated 30,000 passengers in single- or twin-engine planes. Don remained physically and mentally active in the latter years of his life, during which time, thankfully, he recorded his wartime exploits and his flying career in a book titled Gold Wings and Webbed Feet, a legacy that now forms a unique, interesting and valuable record of part of New Zealand's aviation history. Pacific Wings (August, 2012)

In 1961, Don joined Southern Scenic Air Services THE LAMPSTAND • 2012

Obituaries Edward (Ted) Philip Percival Architect. Ted was a person who was easy to like and to maintain a sound friendship with over many years. I first met him in our third form year – 1946 - 3 Shell A. Our paths separated, but I was well aware of his Hockey skills as he was in the 1st XI for three years and later in the NZ Universities team which toured Australia. We came together again in our final Wellington College year (1950), as School Prefects. Among other things, Ted was chosen to accompany the Governor General, later Lord Freyberg, at a tree planting on Arbor day. Occasionally, with the late Alan Preston, we did some light tramping in Orongorongo range. At University, our paths separated once again, Ted doing Architecture in Auckland, while I took Medicine at Otago. In 1960, Alan Preston, Ted and I were going to the UK. Ted and Alan travelled earlier than me and did some of their movements together. An extraordinary meeting occurred. On my first day in London, I decided to look around and took the tube from Russell Square to Piccadilly Circus. Arriving at the surface, who should I meet but Ted and Alan, coming up another flight of stairs. All three of us met again on at least two occasions when we were invited to the home of Mr and Mrs E.N. Hogben, our former Headmaster and his wife at their home in Walton on Thames. Again, a few years later, with Ted in Hawkes Bay and me in Wellington, we saw little of each other until Ted retired to Carterton and we met at successive WCOBA functions. I said retired, but among other things Ted drew architectural plans for a building to house the College Archives. As it turned out, these were not required with the Archives now housed in the former Headmasters' house on the Drive. Ted's true grit showed in his final illness. He made a point of getting a message to me that he was in Wellington Hospital. When visiting him on more than one occasion, he stated without fear that he was terminal and there may not be any useful .treatment. He showed no fear of dying. When it was clear that there was indeed no practical treatment to offer, he and his family agreed that he should go home to Carterton, where he died the next day. Needless to say the church was crowded at his funeral for which he had designed the order of Service. Peter Leslie (1946-1950) Raymond Burton PINEL Engineer. Following secondary education at Wellington College, Ray commenced a fitting and turning apprenticeship with Swifts (NZ) Ltd Freezing Co., Wairoa in 1939. THE LAMPSTAND • 2012

He joined the forces in 1940, spending six years in the army and air force, serving two years in Aircrew and Bomber Command, RAF. Ray resumed his apprenticeship in 1947, completing this in 1950, at the same time studying with McKenzie’s Engineering Academy and passing the Extra 1st Class Stationery Engineers Exams. In 1951, he was appointed Chief Engineer to the Wairoa Hospital Board. A new position created for the replacement of the existing cottage hospital. In 1965, Ray obtained the position of Chief Engineer to the Cook Hospital Board. This included the overseeing of the engineering services in the three stage development of a new hospital on a separate site. He became a registered REA in 1964. Retired in 1985 after being associated with the equipping and change over to the new Gisborne Hospital, Ray joined the NZHEA in 1952, attending his first conference in Christchurch in November 1953. At the AGM in 1954, he was appointed Secretary/Treasurer and held this position until 1963. On stepping down from this role, he was appointed an Executive member and later Vice President in 1966. Ray was elected President in 1967 and held this position until 1972. In the early 1980s Ray was appointed as the Association’s representative to the Health Department Salaries Advisory Committee (Engineers). Late in November 1985, he attended his last Annual Conference and was made a Life Member. Since retirement, he observed the major changes in the role of hospital engineers along with the inclusion of new variations of membership in the Institute. Such changes are reflected in the Institute’s new title the NZIHE. Hamuera (Sam) RARERE Sam passed away following a deterioration in his health. Sam suffered a stroke back in 2005, and although he was able to get through that OK, he never really regained full health. The funeral was well attended by Wellington College Old Boys including Bob Mitchell, John Buck, Dave Bone, Merv Ewing, Bob Morrison, Tubby Wright and John Norris. It was a sad occasion to farewell a popular husband, father and friend to so many. Sam's wife Anne, Sam's son Nathan, and Sam's two daughters all spoke. It was a moving occasion. Warwick Bringans, 1st XV Teammate, (1957) Sam was Māori and a boarder in Firth House at a time in the mid 1950s when Māori boarders were rare. He was a big and affable bloke who played for the 1st XV most probably as a fourth former. I remember one game on the Middle Ground (now known as The Sir Ron Brierley Field). It was a cool Saturday afternoon when the 1st XV, under headgeared captain Hugh Williams, played one of the blue and white teams.

The opposing scrums went down with Hugh barking away at the back. Breath rose as steam off the misty field. All of a sudden the opposition scrum folded and there was the ultra-powerful Sam with the ball in hand galloping away and fending off the opposition to score beneath Firth House – a sight well worth remembering. Rob Bruce (1954-1958) Donald Bentley Silver Librarian. Don Silver grew up in Hataitai and, apart from a short period overseas in the 1950s, spent his whole life living in the city that he loved, living for many years in Karori. Don was the second of three generations to attend Wellington College, and the grandson of a soldier who arrived in Wellington from Great Britain in the late 19th century to construct forts during the ‘Russian Scare’. Don studied English at Victoria University before joining the Wellington Public Library in 1946. Don was a Wellington identity in two fields. He is fondly remembered by the library profession and by the many people from all walks of life that he encountered in his long and dedicated career as a stalwart of the Wellington Public Library. Don held a number of senior positions and retired as Assistant City Librarian in 1986 and, more importantly, met Margery, his wife of 50 years, through the library. Don was also a long-standing member of Scottish Harriers, and enjoyed many successful years as a cross-country runner, long before the ‘jogging boom’ of the 1970s, although he was able to run with and enjoy his two sons’ stints as schoolboy long distance runners, and achieved one of his personal milestones by finally running a marathon in the 1980s. Don had a long and full retirement, and combined travel and enjoying time with friends and family with a very generous commitment to voluntary work. The latter included Meals on Wheels, the Karori Historical Society (where his guided walks are affectionately remembered), the Friends of the National Library, the local church and much else. The many attendees at Don’s service remembered Don’s great sense of humour, his wide range of interests, and his kindness. Julian Silver (1977-1981) Malcolm James Simons Immunologist. Dr Malcolm Simons, pioneer of so-called ‘junk’ DNA, has passed away, succumbing to multiple myeloma. Malcolm was one of the first 67

Obituaries to assert that non-coding, or so-called ‘junk,’ DNA played a significant role in biology. He went on to acquire a controversial patent in the 1990s over the utility of the non-coding sequences of DNA as they could be applied to diagnostic and gene mapping.

Prior to leaving for the States, he worked for the New Zealand Forest Service, where he was responsible for preparing the annual report to be reviewed by Parliament. This experience proved valuable because it gave him insight into governmental affairs and allowed for interaction with the Prime Minister. Later that year, he received his aviation certification and pilot’s licence, and he was granted admission into the Wellington Aero Club.

Conductors Guild.

Wilbur was renowned for his scholarly and encyclopedic knowledge of music – its history, complexity of styles, composer intentions, and appropriate interpretations and pronunciations. As a composer, he had more than 50 of his works With Mervyn Jacobson, he co-founded Genetic published and performed, both internationally and Technologies in 1989, although he resigned from in the United States. Many were premiered by the the company in 2000. More recently, he also coLos Robles Master Chorale, including Ubi Caritas, founded Haplomic Technologies, with an aim to Songs of the Dead Sea Scrolls, Fantasia and Fugue study the haplotype, yielding a greater insight into In 1968, Wilbur accepted the call to pastor the First for Christmas, Songs of Inscape, and his Missa Brevis how genes are related to disease. Terrae Novae. Some were also taken on European Baptist Church of Twentynine Palms, CA. While tours. He was the founder, editor, and publisher of there, he organised the first drug abuse hotline in Before his death in January this year, Malcolm Cantus Quercus Press. He translated and published the Mojave Desert to help many of the returning spoke to Australian Life Scientist about why he more than 100 choral works from Latin, German, Vietnam War servicemen stationed at the Marine believed his invention of a controversial ‘junk DNA’ Corps base. He organised a government grant Portuguese, Spanish, Russian, Croatian, Estonian, technique for identifying haplotypes associated Gaelic, French, and Middle-English languages. for the region’s first professional mental health with inherited disorders was misunderstood – and services at a time when few knew how to deal His internet site included the most extensive misapplied. information available anywhere about his friend with the harsh realities and emotional scarring and well known German composer, Franz Biebl. of a war being fought during a time of violent Malcolm trained as an immunologist. He was He was also the editor of the Sacred Choral Octavo cultural upheaval. It was for this work that he a member of both the New Zealand Davis Cup series, by the renowned Brazilian composer Heitor received his Doctor of Ministry. In every sense of squad, and the New Zealand national squash the word, Wilbur was a renaissance man. He was a Villa-Lobos, and of the oratorio Via Crucis by Martin team in the 1970s before emigrating to Australia. Sawa. He considered it an honor to have played full decade ahead of the proliferation of Christian He founded Australia’s first DNA paternitythe organ at Notre Dame Cathedral, St. Patrick’s counsellors and also played a significant role in testing laboratory in Melbourne, and was the Cathedral in NYC, Strasbourg, Chartres, and Saint the development of the ground-breaking book on inventor of patents that employ highly conserved spiritual, Christian mental health and counseling, Martin’s of the Field, among others. Every year sequences in non-coding DNA as proxy markers during the past decade, Wilbur would compose an CounselAid Manual. for haplotypes associated with inherited genetic original Christmas carol to include in his Christmas disorders. newsletter. A resident of the Conejo Valley since 1974, Wilbur’s gifts fully matured as he pursued his life’s Harry Wilbur SKEELS work and passion in Ventura County. He helped Wilbur’s greatest joy in life was his family. His Pastor. establish and then led Hospice of the Conejo. This constant source of joy and the one person who was also the nexus for other community efforts to would always make his blue eyes twinkle was Born in Dunedin, Wilbur help the needy, including Many Mansions and the his wife, Dee. They raised a family together and attended Wellington College Manna Food Bank. He also served in various roles traveled the world, from Paris to St Petersburg and later received a Master’s on the boards of Conejo Valley Little League and to New York City and to a lot of baseball games Degree in English Literature the Rotary Club. in between. He was proud of his three sons & Language from Victoria and enjoyed watching them pursue careers University, graduating with Wilbur spent the last 14 years of ministry joyfully in professional baseball and law. ‘Opa’ was First Class Honours. He also serving as pastor of First Baptist Church of Ojai. exceedingly proud of, and loved spending time received the Diploma in During this time he also served as the Religion with, his five grandchildren. Pianoforte from Trinity College of Music, London. Editor for the Ojai Valley News. He authored Wilbur went to the United States in 1960 as a and published two books, Attitude Checks for Edward (Ted) WAAKA Fulbright Scholar and attended Asbury Theological Believers and Skeptics and Faith. He was also the Educationalist. Seminary in Wilmore, Kentucky. There he met his founding Director and first board President of the future wife, Delia. They married in 1962. first homeless shelter in Ojai. This organisation Māori Battalion veteran, would become the model for Ventura County. former school principal In 1963, Wilbur received his Master of Divinity He remained as governing Director until his and noted Hawke's Bay degree from Fuller Theological Seminary in retirement in 2004. In 1994-1995, the city of educationalist Ted Waaka died Pasadena. The couple then sailed back to New Ojai established the honor of ‘Living Treasure’ to at his Napier home. Zealand, where Wilbur was ordained. He served recognise the invaluable contributions of special as pastor of Raumati Baptist Church until 1967. persons and to honour them for their community In the 2008 NY Honours, Ted They returned to California for good when Wilbur leadership and their ability to mentor others. was made a Member of the attended Fuller Theological Seminary and the Wilbur was the first recipient. New Zealand Order of Merit (MNZM) for services American Baptist Seminary of the West in West to Māori, education and the community. His wife Covina, receiving his Doctor of Ministry degree Wilbur’s gifts and passion were fully realised in Awhina had received the same honour less than in 1972. Wilbur continued to pastor American his music. He was associated with the Los Robles two years earlier. Baptist Churches until his retirement in 2004, after Master Chorale from 1980 – 2006, serving as 40 plus years of parish ministry. a singer, rehearsal and concert accompanist Born in Napier and an Old Boy of Wellington (organ, piano, harpsichord), assistant director, College, he spent more than 40 years in teaching, He lived in Cairo, Egypt, with his missionary parents and resident composer. He conducted a variety of after studying at Victoria University and training at church, community and boys choirs, and handbell Wellington Teachers' College. It included 25 years until age 7, when World War II forced them to ensembles. Wilbur was a member of the National as Principal of Taradale Primary School, and he return to New Zealand. There, he quickly began Assoc. of Church Musicians, the American Choral was also a Principal at Pakipaki, Waipiro Bay, on to nurture his prodigious intellect, his early sense Directors Assoc., the Music Publishers Assoc. of the East Coast, and at Tawhiuau in the eastern Bay of the world, and his life-long passion for music. America, and ASCAP, and he served as President of Plenty. Wilbur became a church organist at the age of 12. from 1984-1989 of the Ventura County Choral 68


Obituaries A great legacy of his teaching years was the founding of the Hawke's Bay Primary Schools Māori Culture Festival, now Ngati Kahungunu Primary Schools’ Kapa Haka Festival. He was Chairman of its organising committee for 17 years, and it has been a passion of the couple since the first festival in the mid-1970s. He served terms with the National Council of Māori Education and the Hawke's Bay Education Board. A World War II veteran, he was the third Hawke's Bay-based member of 28 Māori Battalion to die in the last two months, leaving just three surviving members in Ngati Kahungunu's rohe, including Wairarapa. Ted was also a long-standing member of the Taradale Rotary Club, of which he was President in 1975-76. Timothy David WAKELIN Tim passed away suddenly in July this year aged 23. From a very early age, Tim developed a passion for sport, especially rugby. At primary school he played for Wests and made the Wellington Region age-grade teams moving from fullback to hooker and finally settling into his natural position, open-side flanker. He was also a keen cricketer, ran cross-country and threw the javelin until his mid teens - also making representative teams in these sports. But Tim's ultimate love was rugby, and this was where he excelled. Tim was one of the real characters of Wellington College Rugby. As a Junior, he played for two great years in the U15 A team. One of the highlights of his Wellington College rugby career was winning the Most Valuable Player (Junior) award in 2005. He then went on play for 2nd XV before being selected for the 1st XV in 2006. Tim had such a fantastic time in his first year in the team he decided to return in 2007 for a little extra game time in the sport he loved at the school he loved. Tim played a key role in the this undefeated side as a leader with a great sense of humour and bruising uncompromising play on the field. Tim was always considered as a player with real potential and was selected in the all the Wellington age grade teams while at school. His easy going nature and competitive spirit will live in the memories of all those that have shared time with him on and off the field. After leaving school, Tim played rugby for Old Boys' University juggling his rapidly growing career with practice and games. A serious shoulder injury had curtailed his game time in the 2011 season, so Tim focused on passing on his love of the game by supporting the growth of the OBU Junior Club. He was a much loved coach by players and parents. THE LAMPSTAND • 2012

Tim's funeral service was attended by a large contingent of the Wellington College and Wellington Rugby community. The rousing Haka, performed by his former team mates and friends, was a tribute not only to Tim but also demonstrated the strong bonds of friendship and camaraderie built on the rugby field and in the Wellington College corridors. Lincoln Rawles and Nathan Frew (1st XV Coaches, 2006-07) Meredith Atkinson, (Tim's Mother) TREVOR JAMES YOUNG Politician Former MP Trevor Young was devoted to his community, country and God, as mourners at his funeral were reminded. Trevor was an honourable and decent man and a man of integrity, Paul Swain, who succeeded him in the Eastern Hutt seat after his retirement, said Trevor was an inspiration to him and a true servant of the people in every sense of the word.

and current Labour MPs. He met Trevor in 1985 and later thought about standing for Parliament. Trevor told him he was planning to retire and gave Paul his blessing to seek selection. Paul won selection and was publicly endorsed by Trevor. Trevor had a special understanding of the process of law-making which he put to good use in Parliament. But in local politics Trevor helped shape Lower Hutt and in Parliament became a member of Norman Kirk's inner circle. He placed constituents and his family before himself and had to endure personal attacks from lobby groups. He maintained his integrity and was respected across party lines. Trevor had the gift of oratory and was very persuasive because he so strongly believed what he said. Trevor was MP for the Hutt seat from 1968 till 1978 when a rearrangement of the valley's seats created the Eastern Hutt seat which he held until retiring from politics in 1990. He was Labour's deputy chairman of committees from 1984 till 1990. He received a QSO for public services. The Hutt News

Former Western Hutt MP John Terris said Trevor was never afraid to speak his mind and his forthright and Christian values probably cost him political advancement. Politics was often about compromise but Trevor was not a compromiser. Trevor was born in Turua (near Thames) in 1925 and grew up in Cambridge and Blenheim. He did his secondary schooling at Wellington College. His family settled in Naenae and his first job was with the Public Trust. He joined the Labour Party and at 22 as was asked three times to stand on its ticket for Lower Hutt City Council elections in 1947. Eventually someone took him aside to say he was unlikely to be elected but the experience would make him better known in the community. The reluctant candidate avoided campaigning but was elected. He was mentored in his new role by Mayor Hay. He combined work and unpaid local politics with law studies at Victoria University from which he graduated in 1958. In 1952, he married Ailsa, whom he met through the church, and they spent their whole married life in Lower Hutt. They celebrated 60 years of marriage in February. Trevor was a city councillor until 1968 when he was elected to Parliament in a by-election following the death of Hutt MP and former Prime Minister Sir Walter Nash. The morning after the election, a solo mother was on the Youngs' doorstep asking for help to find a house. It was the beginning of a more intensive level of service to the Hutt Valley public. Paul Swain, who succeeded Trevor as MP for Eastern Hutt, spoke on behalf of several former 69

Mastering Who’s Who at Wellington College


group of Old Boys, led by Robt Mann (1954-1958) have been running a competition to see if they could name all the Masters in the above photo (taken in 1950). While some struggled, others have been rather good at remembering names and faces from 60 years ago. Answers are at the bottom of the page. Sixty years on, the photo below was taken at the end of 2011, of the current College staff. My how things have changed - an increase in staffing numbers and around 40% of the staff are female.


Hamid Abu Shanab, Kim Tattersall, Sean Hann, Robert Everett, Philip Bergin, Robert Anderson, David Ashby, Roger Moses, Darrell Harvey, Ian Clark, Greg Sharland, Craig Blacklock, Zsu Sinclair, Andrew Savage, Katie Macfarlane Charmaine Izaz, Elizabeth Tanner, Stuart Slater, Lucinda Lendrum, Patrick Smith, Peter Maitland, Mark Bradley, David Grant, Colin Green, Charlotte Pascal, Mirsha O’Donnell, Arina Tulitua, Jane Armstrong, Diane Smithson, Ernie Rosenthal Marilyn MacLennan, Pushpa Patel, Helen Jones, Tim Costeloe, Andrea Shaw, Chris Wells, Karl White, Guy Mance, Michael Ellett, Lincoln Rawles, Steve Lyster, Edwina Cormack, Nikki Maetzig, Brenda Van der Meulen, Kathy Burn Lan Nguyen, Feng Yu, Madeleine Hannah, Cleo Lassaube, Jane Sun, Rebecca Edmunds, Boris Kipnis, Mark Callagher, James Edgecombe, Philip Kendon, Robin Corliss, Kevin Moriarty, Tara Webley, Stephanie Glover, Petra Spearman, Kirin Cherry, Elizabeth Pa’u Stephanie Kozyniak, Eli Bar Shalom, Gil Roper, Bevan Jones, Tim Thatcher, Bernice Jutson, Rachael Rushworth, Gillian Thomas, Nic Gorman, Colm McNulty, David Langrish, Neville Paul, Joseph Koshy, James Smith, Martyn Reynolds, Jenny Mather, Martin Vaughan, Jane George Madeleine Sampson, Pratik Tailor, Dawn Hall, Andrea Buxton, Shinichi Muroya, Jonothan Mahoney, Tom Martin, Edwin West, Kirsty Hazledine, Bevan Holloway, Ian Johnson-Lee, Debbie House, Stephanie Kane, Lynda Woods, Penny Basile, Heather Benfield, James Wilcox Christine Tait, Fran Forrest, Chris Drabble, Tony Robinson, Marc van der Poest Clement, David Calder, Mark Wallace, Matt Jarry, Nathan Frew, Thorsten Harms, Michael Pallin, James Nicholson, Juliette Manning, Sue Mackay Tara Bell, Mark Collard, Katrina Cowie, Kelwyn D’Souza, Ross Durant, Penny Dustin, Gregor Fountain, Dave Keat, Mary Maddren, Saskia Manktelow, Jan McLean, Stephanie Meronek, Paddianne Neely, Victor Paulson, Tomas Renna, Glenda Schmitt, Jim Sharp, Roy Smith, Murray Sutcliffe, Corin Takitimu, Bruce Tie, Margie Turner, Allan Wain, Jim Woodland, Ezref Zajko THE STAFF: 1950 • Back Row: Messrs Henderson, Rowe, Michael, Flaws, Bradley, Meads, Crist, Welch, Sutton, Radford Centre: Messrs Ramage, Watson, Haigh, Halliday, Gordon, Paetz, Meakin, Holt, Williams, Read, Swain Front: Messrs Holmes, Dighton, AW Griffin, Quartermain, Cuddie, Hogben, Joplin, JR Griffin, Thomson, Hislop. Absent on Overseas Leave: Mr McAloon

Front Row: Second Row: Third Row: Fourth Row: Fifth Row: Sixth Row: Back Row: Absent:


WCOBA Ties and Badges


on’t forget about the Wellington College Old Boys’ Ties and Lapel Pins - available for purchase from the WCOBA Office or via the feedback form. The Ties retail for $30.00 each and the Lapel Pins are $5.00 each.


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You can also subscribe to a Life Membership to the Association for $150.00 which gives you your certificate and Lapel Badge, and will help support the Association in its endeavours with the College.


Remember The Archives before you go to the tip! Are you an Old Boy or former staff member of Wellington College? Do you have any relatives or know friends who are? If so, you may be able to help the Archives obtain some of the following: Memoirs

Please send your stories


College Life; Students, Staff, Old Boys, Trophies, Prizes, Form Classes


Caps, Ties, Blazers, Boaters

Sports Gear

Jerseys, Caps, Boots


Dux, Badges, Awards, War Medals

Book Prizes

Academic Awards

Art Work

Paintings, Sketches


By Old Boy Authors


Recordings by Old Boys


Academic, Certificates


Governing Boards, Headmasters, Parents’ Association


Letters to and from Staff, Students and Old Boys

Do you have form class photos (preferably named) from 1930-2000 that you could donate to the Archives or lend for us to scan and return? We only have a small number of photos and wish to increase our collection for Reunion displays and of course the 150th celebrations. Please contact Paddianne W Neely • Wellington College Archivist Tel: 04 382 9411 (W) • 04 386 2072 (H) or Email: oldboys@wellington-college.school.nz

WCOBA Sponsorship enables student to set sail

hank you very much for the funding you provided for my voyage on the Spirit of Adventure. It was an unforgettable experience and I have gained both new skills and many friendships.

and the Runathon by supporting the junior students.

Voyage 615 left Auckland’s Princes Wharf on 6 January as we headed for the Bay of Islands. To start with, we didn’t know each other and were all nervous but after the first evening, we were all getting along well. We were put into watches of ten people and did most activities with them.

William Morrow, Class of 2012

Each morning we woke at 6.30am for a full-on day starting with a morning swim. Most days we would have a session sailing and others would go to shore for an activity and maybe a short run or swim. The scenery was amazing and it was a unique experience to spend ten days on a sailing ship.

Once again, thank you very much for your support.

Calling all Wellesley Old Boys Your old school is turning the ripe old age of 100 in 2014 and we want to keep you in the loop with events leading up to and during these celebrations. STAY IN TOUCH - Although we have your parents’ emails, we’d like to have more direct contact with you especially if you are leaving school for university or work at the end of the year. So drop us a line (alumni@wellesley.school.nz), or fill in form on website www.wellesley.school. nz and tell us what’s current. COME AND VISIT - see your old teachers, take a tour round the cool new Library or come and support your old teams at a Sports Traditional.

Overall the voyage was a huge step outside my comfort zone but it has helped improve my confidence that I lacked before. It was hugely motivational and had helped me with my sports and academic work. I plan to return to Wellington College with confidence in activities such as Football coaching and Peer Support THE LAMPSTAND • 2012


The Wellingtonian, 1912 • Good progress is being made with the Observatory. A fine telescope and the accompanying fittings have been ordered from England and should arrive shortly. • The school numbers are 427 this year, which is the largest number that has ever been on the roll. • MUMPS have been rather prevalent this term. Several of the boarders and not a few day boys and staff have been a victim to its attacks. • The school felt very proud when it became known that David Collins had won his rowing blue for Cambridge. His performance in getting both cricket and rowing blues is a very fine one and we believe has seldom been equalled. • Our readers will be glad to learn that we have a ‘handcuff expert’ among us. He recently caused some embarrassment by handcuffing a boy to a desk during lunch hour. When the first bell began to ring, the owner of the handcuffs was sought and the key asked for. It was found he had left it in his other coat pocket at home, and a messenger had to be dispatched for it. • The boxing contest took place, with Mr Morris of the ‘Times’ acting as Judge. He paid us the highest compliment of saying that the boxing was some of the best he had ever seen. • Sixth Form Notes: This year there are several boys of last year’s VIA back to carry on the honour of this form. Most of our classes are very small, with our Mathematics, Latin and Science forms containing only nine boys each. This has naturally brought more questions, and more translations for each member - unhappy thought. • On 2nd and 3rd April, our cadets carried out their Annual Class Firing at Trentham and the weather was perfect on both days. We left Te Aro at 7 o’clock and returned home at 6 o’clock weary but happy. Altogether, 240 boys went out.

Above: Sports Day, 1912 The Half-Mile Open Handicap Below: Headmaster, JP Firth

1912 Prefects AF Tucker H Neilson HH Smith JH Williamson GB Dall E Luke O Borer NB Gadsby JN Stainton F Joplin (Head) HE Greig NS Johnson



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