The Yoga Experience

Page 67

balance your spirit

you lengthen from the back and then from the sides as you go deeper

Easy pose

into the forward bend. Forward bends also soothe and relax the body, so become aware of the flow of energy in this pose. As you bring the head closer to the legs, withdraw your senses from the external environment and internalise your awareness.

Easy pose (sukhasana) & twist (parivrtta sukhasana) Sukhasana is known as the cross-legged pose. Gently roll the pelvis forward, rest on the sitting bones and lengthen the spine. Touch the index finger to the thumb and rest both hands on the knees. Close the

Seated twist

eyes and focus attentively on each breath. This meditative pose aligns the spine, allowing prana to flow evenly throughout the body. Allow the mind to relish the present moment. This single-pointedness helps cultivate feelings of serenity, acceptance and positivity when it comes to life and everything around us. To go into the twist, bring the right hand just outside the left knee. Place the left hand behind either the left hip or the spinal column for a deeper stretch. Lift from the base and elongate the spine. Initiate the twist from the abdomen and rotate the head to look over the left shoulder. As you twist deeper, allow the energy to rise and feel yourself discovering new horizons. Twisting on both sides allows equilibrium to return to the body.

Bridge pose (setu bandha sarvangasana) Backbends are often given to patients suffering from depression as

Bridge pose

they have far-reaching effects, including the ability to create uplift and clarity — beneficial qualities for spiritual transformation. Lie on your back and bend the knees. Place the soles of the feet on the floor at roughly hip distance apart. Bring the arms resting beside you or grab hold of the ankles with each hand. Inhale and lift the hips up. Gently walk the shoulders in. As the chest lifts and expands, feel the breath naturally deepen and the enhanced sense of vitality and contentment. Shoulder stand

If you can overcome the fear of performing an inversion, you have the strength and stamina to tackle life’s obstacles. Shoulder stand (sarvangasana) Lie on your back with your hands by your side. Lift both legs up. Use your arm strength to lift the lower back off the mat. Support the hips or, if possible, the upper back with the hands. Straighten the legs and bring the chin closer to the chest. Focus your gaze on your toes. Feel the body lengthening and blood flowing throughout. Inversions can be daunting for many people but they offer great benefits. If you can overcome the fear of performing an inversion, you have the strength and stamina to tackle life’s obstacles.



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