WLWL: Issue 11

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wlwl 11

created by welikewelove.com / a magazine about sharing the things you like & love


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Sophia Models






featured shop





KELLI MURRAY featured blogger


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FOREST fashion

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DIY: FALL MAKE-UP TRENDS / 38 Sophia Models


a magazine about sharing the things you like & love

issue 11 * our CHANGE issue!

NEW PLACES: MAKING MOVES ONLINE AND OFF ALYSSA YUHAS Creative Director / alyssa@welikewelove.com

LIZ FIELD Managing Editor / liz@welikewelove.com

SHANE YUHAS Staff Photographer / shane@shaneyuhas.com

JOSH NAUD Copy Editor


Things have changed quite a bit for us at welikewelove. For the last four years, we’ve been based out of one city in Calgary, AB. This fall, our team has spread out across the country, and we’re now based out of Vancouver and Toronto as well. We’re excited to be plugged in and inspired by our new communities and cities and can’t wait to share with you what we’re discovering. But a part of our hearts will always be in the prairies of Alberta, and we’re so thankful to stay connected with Calgary, a city we know and love. In the same way that some of us as welikewelove have been mapping out, exploring and adjusting to the new cities we now call home, we’re also in the process of mapping out a new direction and home for welikewelove. We want to share the things you like and love in a dynamic way that allows us to share with you more regularly. As we’ve been establishing ourselves in new places in our day to day lives, we’re doing the same in an online capacity. In the new year, you can expect to see welikewelove with a new website and blog in addition to publishing issues of the magazine. We love the ability to hold each magazine, to flip through its pages, and to see the magazine live on our coffee tables. It’s what we’ve always loved, and what inspired us to start welikewelove in the first place. We want to continue to share stories, beautiful images, your favourite book, an amazing song, gallery openings -- but we want to share them more often.




We’re looking forward to seeing more of you, more often, in 2013. – from the WLWL girls

CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: ISSUE 12 DEADLINE IS JAN 15TH Send all photo/art submissions to alyssa@welikewelove.com Send all writing submissions to liz@welikewelove.com





FRONT COVER PHOTOGRAPHER Anne Højlund Nicolajsen Bracelet by Bjorg Jewellery. / PG 30

THIS IS OUR ELEVENTH ISSUE! wlwl is published quarterly & is available to purchase via

www.welikewelove.magcloud.com Read the blog, send us an email, submit to the magazine & support us by visiting > www.welikewelove.com. Thank you for your ongoing support of welikewelove!

1 Anne Højlund Nicolajsen aka Hello Anne!, beauty & fashion photographer, New York City, NY, helloanne.com, likes cocktails in the city, chocolade, photography, walking, & meeting new people. 2 Chrysa Koukoura, drawer & dreamer, London, UK, chrysakoukoura.com, likes the ocean, reggae, wine, coriander, & maps. 3 Remon van den Kommer, photographer, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, remonvandenkommer.nl, loves my one & only Dre!, photography, Antigua, Thai food, & Poepiesam! 4 La femme Chic (Hakima and Layla Ezzimousa), clothing designers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, likes fashion, designing, friends & family, WLWL, & music. 5 Mette Mikkelsen, fashion stylist & blogger, New York City, NY, amusetoamuse.com, likes chocolate in all shapes and flavours, NYC consignment stores, old school Hollywood glamour, the scent of Balmain's Ambre Gris, & to think I'm not addicted to Facebook.


FEATURED BLOGGER kellimurray.com KELLI, Illustrator + Graphic Designer, San Diego, CA

Before I had my daughter, I worked for 6 years in the fashion industry as an art director for a clothing company. My primary role was graphic design and merchandising. My personal art and illustration has long been my side business... up until this year, that is. I recently decided to go full time freelance to accommodate my new role as mom! I am now doing a range of design work from custom invitations to branding, commissioned illustrations to t-shirt graphics. My dream has always been to create a stationary line so I am in the very beginning stages of that. I am really excited to be on this new freelance adventure and I look forward to it.



Why did you start blogging, and what do you love about it? I launched my website way back in 2008. At the time, I was still working full time as an art director but I was also getting much more enthralled with the art community and developing my own style as an artist. I wanted a place to showcase my work, document my progress and share the events I was a part of. But over time, my blog became more personal and I found myself really enjoying sharing bits and pieces of not only my artwork, but also my life, my style and the things that inspired me. Blogging has opened doors to many opportunities for me that I otherwise may have never had. Â I never set out to be a "blogger", but it has been a slow, natural progression for me... and something I have really grown to love. I have met so many great people through the online community and I am constantly encouraged by people's comments and emails. When you aren't blogging or creating for your Etsy shop, what would we find you doing? Since I am a newbie to this freelance world, I have been working like crazy to build my portfolio. Lately, I have been taking on a lot of branding jobs and custom invitation projects... because I think that is the direction of my

5 LIKES & LOVES 1 my main squeeze (aka baby girl) Rylee Jean 2 watercolors and gouache 3 beach days 4 crafting 5 fashion


future. I have been a busy bee developing my own new website and blog layout... hopefully scheduled to launch before the new year! (warning: things take twice as long with baby to take care of!) But I wouldn't change a thing. When I'm not working, I've got a tiny girl strapped to my hip and I try to make life fun for her. We like to read stories, go to the beach, meet friends at the park, visit grandma, and dance... we love to dance. Your etsy shop is a WLWL favourite, what is the inspiration for all of your different prints? What is your process when creating your illustrations? There are two ways in which I like to create art. One being a painting on wood using acrylic paint and the other being an illustration on paper using watercolours and gouache. I always start with a sketch. For my illustrations, I lightly pencil in my drawing first. I add detail using both the pencil and a micron pen. Then I go in with watercolour and add colour in the places that I want. Sometimes I like to bring my pencil drawings into the computer and finish them digitally. Adding colour in layers in photoshop. And we LOVE your style, how would you describe your style and who do you consider your style icon(s)? This is one of the hardest questions for me to answer because I don't feel like I always maintain one specific style. I like to mix it up and my style is constantly changing. I love mixing vintage pieces with current trends. I feel most comfortable when I am somewhere in-between casual and fancy. I like to balance an edgy look with something feminine and a girly look with something tomboy. And I LOVE shoes. They are my downfall, forever and always! A few of my favourite icons include Miroslava Mikheeva Dume, Olivia Palermo & Alexa Chung.


FEATURED BLOGGER parkeretc.com AMY, changing the world by day at Warby Parker, running the lifestyle blog Parker Etc & co-founder of Blog Brunch, Brooklyn, NY

For the first seven years of my career path, I was heavily in the music industry. First as an artist manager in Texas and London, then I booked tours at a top entertainment agency and finally settled in at an indie record label here in the city. After needing a change of pace, I took some time off to focus on building my passion project, Blog Brunch, with my wonderful partners Katie and Megan (thefreshexchangeblog.com). Recently, I’ve made a wee-bit of a career change and can now be found at the wonderful world of Warby Parker. After three years in Manhattan, I'm currently residing in Brooklyn with my darling and crazy talented husband (ericryananderson.com).

FOUR QUESTIONS Why did you start blogging, and what do you love about it? As most will say, my blog started as a place to share my passions and projects that weren’t a part of my normal day at my job. Talking about DIY necklaces didn’t really co-exist with negotiating major tour deals with Live Nation. Go figure. So my blog became this place I created to share the other side of my life – interior design, fashion and intimate dinner gatherings. I love that as I have evolved, grown and changed interests, my content and focus on the blog has evolved as well. I hope it is always that way. Your blog covers personal style posts, DIYs and more. What is your favorite topic to talk about? Tough question, it’s like asking me to choose my favourite (hypothetical) child! I’d have to say, the DIY’s are a lot of fun because I feel like I’m learning along with my readers. I don’t just make things and they turn out fine and dandy. It’s a haphazard process for me usually too, and I make sure to show those photos and steps along the way in my posts. I’m also no fancy Bob Vila or MacGyver, so my DIY’s are pretty junior varsity and I love that I sense that resonating with my readers so


photos by



1 walks through prospect park 2 having fresh flowers in my home 3 ‘The Joy of Painting’ with Bob Ross Yep, you read that right. 4 when the subway actually runs on my schedule 5 iced coffee all year-round


much more than anything extravagant, and then obviously faked, ever will. So I’d say, the DIY’s help ‘keep it real’ on the blog! Living in Brooklyn, how has your location helped (or enhanced) your blog and the fun opportunities that you get to experience? I’ll say it, this city is the best! You can’t go anywhere without being inspired, challenged and encouraged. The heartbeat of this city is strong. There is always something going on, whether it’s a museum exhibit, a festival in the park or a random street fair you come across, you will never be bored unless you allow yourself to be. There are so many aspects of the city that I always want to share, but I think there’s magic in also knowing when it’s just time to be present and experience something without having to document it. And we LOVE your style, how would you describe your style and who do you consider your style icon(s)? Would you be surprised to know that most mornings I have to look at my husband for approval on my outfit? Most of those conversations start like this: ‘Honey, does my outfit look like I got dressed in the dark?’ As long as he gives me the seal of approval to walk boldly onto the streets of New York in whatever crazy concoction I’ve put together, then I feel pretty darn confident. Since living in New York, describing my style is a hard thing to pinpoint since it’s constantly changing with the wind. I’m inspired daily just by what I see women wearing on the streets, in cafes and on the subway. I’d say my style is a mix of classic pieces with an edgy twist. One thing you can always come to expect, I will have some piece of obnoxiously large costume or DIY’d jewellery on. Take one thing off before you leave the house? Nope, never heard of the thought! Style icons include everyone from Sienna Miller, Gwen Stefani, the Olsen twins and Taylor Tomasi Hill. I think they all kind of intertwine!

5 LOVES 1 winning the husband lottery 2 hand-written thank you notes 3 roaming flea markets for hours 4 upstate New York in the fall 5 drinking wine, anytime


Photography / Jessica Pechet Styling / Jessica @ Artist Group Make-up / Twyla Hayes @ NIIMD Model / Aimee @ Numa

IN ORDER SHOWN: Vintage russian military hat: Crown Surplus, dress: Naked Zebra (APT 22), scarf: Liberty Raw (APT 22), white blouse: Fate (APT 22), pantie: Aerie, hat: Delux (Fine Finds), necklace: APT 22, dress: Kamiltry, shoes: YSL, belt: Cat's Eye Vintage, necklace & rings: Expressions (The Bay), sweater (black and white): Love Spray (APT 22), leather shorts: Fate (APT 22), necklace: Expressions (The Bay), jacket: Lush (APT 22), paisley top: Fate (APT 22), underwear: Aerie (Winners), tights: Oroblue (Winners), hat: Cat's Eye Vintage, necklace: APT 22, military skirt jumper: Fate (APT 22), scarf: Liberty Raw (APT 22), belt: stylist's own, layered tights: Givenchy (Winners), colored tight: Suzy Sheer, boots: Etro (stylist's own), fur coat: Niki Viki (APT 22), ring: APT 22, hat: Jessica Simpson (Winners)

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creativemornings.com Born in the fall of 2009 in New York City, Creative Mornings began as a local, monthly breakfast lecture series. In the same way that creative ideas tend to radiate, Creative Mornings have since spread from the borough of Brooklyn to 27 cities across the globe. From Budapest to Auckland to Singapore to Toronto and Vancouver, nearly 30 CM chapters are now hosting monthly breakfast lectures in much the same way as they started: Creatives, with varying professions and backgrounds, huddled together early on a Friday morning around food and coffee. Speakers give lectures on creativity or the creative process (which don’t feel anything quite like lectures) after which attendees break off into smaller groups to discuss and share ideas. This fall, Creative Mornings Vancouver hosted local restaurateur Vikram Vij, who stood at the door as attendees entered and shook hands with each one. This simple act seemed to set the tone for the morning as Vij spoke with an unassuming humility about his equality-based business mentality. Indian born, Vij sees his purpose as changing the North American perspective on Indian food. Pushing beyond our butter-chicken loving boundaries, Vij has set out to elevate Indian cuisine to its rightful place alongside the likes of other complex and fine food, like French cuisine. With annual visits back to India, Vij relies on these trips to refill his storehouses of creativity, often visiting homes of friends and family to learn from personal interpretations of traditional dishes. He holds dining in these types of intimate settings in high regard, and welcomes diners to his restaurants as he would guests into his home.

To view Vikram Vij’s Creative Mornings talk, visit vimeo.com/51267825.

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Photography / Remon van den Kommer Make-up / Jacqueline Walet Hairstyling / Felitia Jongeman Clothing / La femme Chic Models / Samantha Jackson & Samantha Charyta Postma. Location / forest in the Netherlands

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THE MEN'S DEN 41 West Cordova Street, Vancouver, BC EXPECT TO FIND: menswear, unisex apparel, and an expanded sale section with items priced below $10. Expect to find vintage T-shirts, woolly knits, army parkas, and cowichan sweaters here.

THE FROCK SHOPPE 311 Carrall Street, Vancouver, BC EXPECT TO FIND: Ladies apparel and accessories, including a large collection of dresses and a selection of new jewellery.


Our purpose is to inspire positive transformation through fashion: By having the best selection of clothing at the best price; by employing women with barriers to traditional employment, giving them valuable job skills in a transitional period in their lives; and by donating all profits back to the community through key programs of the PHS Community Services Society. - The Portland Hotel Society illustrations by

{ CHRYSA KOUKOURA } chrysakoukoura.com

Nestled in Vancouver’s historic Gastown, Community Thrift and Vintage is a shop you’d feel lucky to stumble upon or wise enough to seek out. Found within blocks upon blocks of grand Victorian buildings, old world aesthetics and a modern urban backdrop seem to collide: A trendy neighbourhood to grab a coffee on a cloudy Vancouver afternoon and stroll through streets lined with 20th century storefronts. But in an area of town where high-end retail prices set the tone, Community Thrift and Vintage stands out for more than its affordable prices. Amongst the racks of carefully curated clothes, shoes and accessories, you’ll find something else is going on at the store’s two locations. Community Thrift and Vintage is a social enterprise run by the Portland Hotel Society, and hires women transitioning from homelessness and adverse situations to traditional employment. All profits from both locations are donated to PHS community initiatives. And so it seems fitting that Community Thrift and Vintage is located in a neighbourhood that houses both so much of a city’s history and so much of its progressive business. In the same way, Community Thrift and Vintage has found a way to give both clothing and people a second chance at being new.

THE PORTLAND HOTEL SOCIETY The Portland Hotel Society is a non-profit organization created in 1993 to advocate, develop and implement creative and responsive services for persons living with concurrent disorders. The Portland Hotel provides permanent accommodation for 86 adults with mental illnesses, addictions and other problems. It combines housing with professional employment support to assist residents according to their individual needs.

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Photography / Anne Højlund Nicolajsen, helloanne.com Styling / Mette Mikkelsen, mettemikkelsen.com Make-up / Imane Fiocchi, imanefiocchi.com Hair / YasutakÊ Kosaka Photo Assistant / Jia Jia Retouch / Daniel Weinreich @ HuskOS, huskos.com

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Ear piece by Bjorg Jewellery, Nude top by By Malene Birger, Purple dress by Hanne Bloch, Gold ring by Maria Black Jewellery, Purple ring by Jewlscph |

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Showpiece glasses by Bjorg Jewellery, Yellow shirt by H&M. |

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Peach top by 3.1 Phillip Lim, Necklace by H&M |

Necklace by Bjorg Jewellery, Pink dress by Topshop, Bracelet by Sabrina Dehoff |

Blue shirt by Zara, Ring by Maria Black Jewellery |

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Necklace by By Malene Birger, Green/black body by Maje, Ring by Jewlscph |

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Green dress by By Malene Birger, Ring by Bjorg Jewellery |

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FALL MAKE-UP TRENDS Calgary professional make-up academy, Sophia Artists Academy of Cosmetic Design, is showing off this fall's hottest make-up, hair and clothing trends. Make-up / Krista Ho Lem Photographer / Amber Morgan Hair / Jag Moussa Styling / Courtney Kos www.sophiaartists.com

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MULBERRY MOUTHS The red lip that emerges every fall has a powerful & elegant twist injected into it this season. The deep mulled-wine stain, with rich chocolate undertones gives the perfect pout for fall. Bottega Veneta & Gucci are just a couple of designers who used this trend while showcasing their latest collection. Textures ranged from creamy matte to high patentleather gloss pushing the look to a more casual or dressy finish. Begin by buffing away any dry skin with an exfoliating lip treatment and follow with a thin coat of clear lip balm. If your lipstick tends to bleed, use lip primer instead of the balm. Line the lips with a similar-complementing colour to the lipstick and finish with a final swipe of lipstick and or gloss. To really make this look work keep your remaining make-up on the softer side; use a natural foundation for the skin and a neutral shadow on the lids. Finish off the look with a few coats of mascara and you're done. This look is very fashionable and it is super easy to achieve!

Sweater: BB Dakota, Necklace: issabella moda, Make-up: MAC Cosmetics |

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MEMORIZING MULTI-TONED EYES Statement-making eyes made a strong appearance on the fall runway, and yet another take on the trend was the mesmerizing multitoned eye done by Roberto Cavalli & Stella McCartney. This look is about colour blocking the eye in a range of colours that complement each other and not being scared to extend the shadow lines a little farther than normal. Start with your first shadow applying it in the inner corners of the eye and blend out. Next, take your second colour and apply from the outer corners on the eye and blend in. When the shadows meet, blend the two colors so that they gradually fade into another. Line the lower lash line with another shadow colour or two. Really there are no rules on what you apply, just look for shadows with hints of silver or gold mixed into the colour to soften the different tones coming together. Finish the eye with some liquid liner and mascara. Again keep your remaining make-up natural and choose to go for a nude lip when the eyes are dramatic.

Dress: darling, Make-up: MAC Cosmetics |

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FUTURISTIC EYES Winged out eyeliner is bigger and more bad than it was last fall when we were first introduced to the thick strokes brushed across eyelids. This year the intensity was turned up as lines swooped way beyond the outer corners of the eyes and were applied with exaggerated curves. A lot of the liner was seen in black though Ana Sui used dramatic lines of cobalt blue on her models brightening the finish. Do push the edge a little by extending and thickening your eyeliner lines. Use a liquid or gel liner to give you a smooth and equally saturated line. If your strokes are noticeably different from one to another, put some eye make-up remover on a Q-tip and shave away from the line to make the sides more proportionate. Keep the skin soft and natural with a light foundation and finish the lips with some gloss. A generous application of mascara complements this look perfectly.

Leather tank top: model's own, Sweater: Ya Los Angeles, Necklace: Alice and Olivia, Makeup: MAC Cosmetics |

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DEFINED BROWS Beautifully strong eyebrows continued to draw attention and it is apparent that brows are getting fuller and more defined. Manicured brows were seen in conjunction with other make-up trends or worn as the feature of the make-up with the rest of the face natural. On the runway, Chanel and Donna Karen had a glammed up version of featuring the brows by adding jewels and other embellishments to decorate them. Although you may not want to take the trend to that extreme, it’s a sure thing you’ll want to pay attention to your brows. Regularly tweeze stray hairs and trim any overly long hairs. Grooming the eyebrows takes patience. If you don’t have any leave it to the professionals and get your brows waxed or threaded. After you have a groomed brow, play up your shape by feathering through an eyebrow pencil or shadow to accentuate your arch. Pick a shade that is slightly lighter than your brow color, which will keep the finish natural. Wear this trend alone or pair with another. It’s very versatile and a staple for this season.

Dress: ark & co., Makeup: MAC Cosmetics |

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Our mantra this issue is: { FALL IS FOR CHANGE } It is simple. Write it on your hand. Put it on your fridge. Don’t forget it.

Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.