WEIRD DEC 2011 Issue

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HARD TIMES . . . . are coming to your land! By Russell Dowden

HARD TIMES While many American’s are working hard to keep food on the table and gas in their cars, the mainstream media persists all is well with the economy and the US Dollar. As the Federal Reserve keeps printing more and more dollars into the circulation in an effort to stimulate the economy, all it really has done is increased inflation 30%. Most American families are not earning any more than they were a few years ago, yet the cost of living has sky-rocketed in the last 24 months! Example; a loaf of bread at HEB that was .59 cents in 2008 is now $1.19 in 2011. A gallon of milk that was $2.89 back then is now $4.00. What does this say about the rising cost of

commodities and the devalue of the US Dollar? If a gallon of gas is cheaper than a gallon of milk, we are in serious trouble. Many business owners are also feeling the pinch of the declining dollar as things have not quite been the same since late 2008. While financial institutions were getting bail outs to the tune of trillions of dollars, the rest of the public has to foot the bill! Why are so many of us experiencing these HARD TIMES? Well that is just the way the bankers intended it to happen. You see in the event that the dollar ever did fail, the Banking Clan of the FEDERAL RESERVE, wholly intended for you the American tax payer eat that debt. Many readers of Weird Magazine may know this already, but those of you

who don’t; author G. Edward Griffin’s book “Creature from Jekyll Island” points out these 7 rather shocking points about the FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM: 1) It is incapable of achieving it’s stated objectives, 2) It is a cartel operating against the public interest. 3) It is the supreme instrument of USURY! 4) It generates our most unfair TAX! 5) It encourages WAR! 6) It destabilizes our economy and finally 7) It is an instrument of TOTALITARIANISM!

No the book is not a sequel to the Jurassic Park franchise but is a keenly well written work that offers a closer look at the US banking system and how it was set up to fail from it’s very beginnings. Why do I mention reference to this book and the FEDERAL RESERVE you ask? Because my friends, the house of financial cards are starting to crumble all around us just as these bankers predicted it would nearly 100 years ago. Well what does that mean for many of us Americans? I have not heard CNN tell me this yet, but I have also not heard the mainstream media tell me that US Forces are currently preparing for a face-off with the Russia and it’s allies either. However that is exactly what is happening in regards to Syria and Iran, both Russian and China allies. The collapse of the dollar and ww3 looming over the head of most Americans seems distant, yet it is still happening. I wonder if it is seemingly designed that the most popular game in the world in recent weeks is Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3? Are we being prepared to go to a global conflict through video games and movies? I think we are, and I think the human race is on the VERGE! HARD TIMES are here and we face them alone. We face them as a divided country of selfish, self centered, football crazed,

video game war mongers, and an over consuming socially inept group of ill-informed thinkers that believe our way of life will get better before it gets worse! Whoa to you FOX NEWS lovers and beLIEvers in the mainstream media that our political system’s next good looking CANDIDATE can save us from the bankers hunger and lust for power and death over humanity! Christ, I sound like an Alex Jones political rant of Apocalyptic dystopian hellish nightmare that even I see our world heading towards! My friends Joseph Simmons, Darryl McDaniel’s & Jason Mizell probably said it best when they wrote: “When you got short money you’re stuck on the ground . . . Turn around, get ready, keep your eye on the clock . . . . And be on point for the future shock . . . . . . HARD TIMES ! ! “ Yes that is RUN DMC!! So in the end . . . . I hope 2012 gets better in the next 12 months or so, but heed my warning, if Hollywood has it’s way, we’ll all be heading for the hills with our shotguns, duct tape, gas masks, MRE’s and Ammunition. And yes, You can pray for a Blue Light Special of redemption from a religious Savior to save us from our overspending and treacherous ways, but the dollar still won’t buy you a cup of coffee from Starbucks!

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Texas Homeboy Whitley Strieber Meets The Hybrids

By Sean Casteel


reached maturity but was old. He was behind the cabin for a long time. We would hear him. We would see places where he had stayed and smoked cigarettes. Sometimes we would smell smoke on still evenings.” Not long afterward, Strieber and his family lost their cabin in the woods due to financial difficulties and moved back to Texas. The hybrid “child” seemed to have followed them there. The neighbors in the Striebers’ condo complex began to complain of an apparent feral boy, and again the smell of cigarette smoke wafted in the air. Strieber discovered that the hybrid was standing outside his bedroom at night, and it was clearly the same person who had been at the cabin. He seemed to be sharing a home with two grownup men who were illegally occupying a nearby condo, squatters without a lease. Strieber installed a motion-sensitive light outside his bedroom. One morning, as Strieber was working in his garden, he saw the hybrid “child” go bursting off down the street and never saw him again.

Texas Homeboy Whitley Strieber Meets The Hybrids By Sean Casteel As readers of “Weird Magazine,” you most likely have an interest in paranormal topics like UFOs and alien abduction. With that as a given, you’ve almost certainly heard of abductee Whitley Strieber and his bestselling book “Communion: A True Story” and the several sequels that followed, right? But did you realize that Strieber is a Texas homeboy, born and bred right there in Central Texas? San Antonio to be exact? Strieber also received a B.A. degree from the University of Texas at Austin in 1968 and was a student there when Charles Whitman carried out his infamous clock tower massacre. Although Strieber currently resides in Southern California, his Texas roots are deep and

continue to figure in his writings about his ongoing experiences. I interviewed Strieber in March of 2011 when he was promoting his latest novel, “Hybrids,” a work of fiction in which he hoped to convey some strenuously nonfiction ideas. “This is another case of a book,” Strieber told me, “in which I am including things I know or believe to be fact in fiction. Things I can’t document and therefore don’t feel I can write about speculatively. The story revolves around a group of hybrids who are a mix of human and alien with some other elements of the machine thrown in so that they’re programmable. However, they are smarter than the human and stronger than the human. And they don’t see themselves as machines. They see themselves as our evolutionary replacement. That’s what the basis of the story is, the theme of the story.” Other abduction researchers have also declared their belief

that some sort of humanlooking alien hybrid creatures walk among us undetected, but Strieber goes them one better by saying he has had firsthand encounters with the strange creatures, beginning at his cabin in upstate New York where so many of his early abduction experiences took place. At first, Strieber took one particular hybrid interloper to be a child.

The two men the hybrid had been staying with were evicted from the condo where they had been illegally squatting. But Strieber had not seen the last of them. “We used to walk very late at night,” Strieber said, “because it was quite hot in Texas. It was about two o’clock in the morning and we came up over a hill on our way home and there was a little strip mall there. Standing in front of the thrift store in this strip mall was one of these two men. And it was like being hit in the face with pure evil. Both Anne [Strieber’s

wife] and I just stopped in our tracks when we saw this guy. He didn’t look at us. His back was turned to us. But the sense of palpable evil was appalling. I have never forgotten that. “In my opinion,” he continued, “these people were hybrids, and I’m not so sure we would enjoy it a whole lot if they didn’t continue to keep to themselves. That was an extraordinary experience. I don’t know whether they were alien/human hybrids or people that had been altered in some way genetically. But certainly there is somebody here who is not us.” All of which demonstrates that Central Texas was and continues to be a hotspot for the UFO and alien presence, as well as for other forms of paranormal activity. The Lone Star State perhaps has a special appeal to the “Other Side” for reasons we can only wonder about at present. Meanwhile, Strieber’s novel “Hybrids” is due to be released in paperback this month, and might make a nice stocking stuffer. Strieber also has a new nonfiction book coming out in January of 2012 called “Solving The Communion Enigma” in which, among many other things, he tells the story of his encounter with the hybrid “child” in more detail. And if you hear knocking sounds on your roof this Christmas, let’s just hope that Santa’s a little noisier than usual this year, eh? [If you enjoyed this article by Sean Casteel, visit his website at to read more of his interviews with Whitley Strieber and other UFO luminaries.] From left, Whitley Strieber, journalist Sean Casteel, and Whitley’s wife Anne

“He began to be noticed by the children when they were out playing,” Strieber said. “I came across him and actually walked up and tried to talk to him. But it was so disturbing that I left and went back to the house. It was small, and my initial impression was that it was a child smoking in the woods on a very dry August afternoon. Obviously not a good idea. “But when I was close to him,” Strieber continued, “he looked more like a ‘weathered child,’ someone who had never

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National Defense Authorization Act

A Recipe for Civil War

without charge or trial, it simply makes such detention discretionary,” Amash wrote on his Facebook page.

planning to detonate a “dirty bomb,” an accusation that was enough to keep Padilla in a military brig for over three years yet was never proven.

The controversy over whether or not the text of the bill suggests the legislation applies to U.S. citizens is largely inconsequential given the fact that every piece of antiterror legislation passed since 9/11 has been used against Americans, both at home and abroad.

As far back as December 2002, the Washington Post reported that a “parallel legal system” had been put in place under the auspices of the war on terror, in which terrorism suspects — U.S. citizens and noncitizens alike — may be investigated, jailed, interrogated, tried and punished without legal protections guaranteed by the ordinary system.”

The Patriot Act was passed in the name of giving federal authorities the tools to catch terrorists, but it has been used in hundreds of cases against American citizens, often in cases that have no relation whatsoever to terrorism.

Yes, Americans Will Be Targeted As Terrorists Under the NDAA

Republican Congressman Amash warns that bill can be applied to U.S. citizens Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones Monday, November 28, 2011 Controversy over whether or not Americans are exempt from a provision of the National Defense Authorization Act bill, set to be voted on this week by the Senate, which defines the the entirety of the United States as a battleground in the war on terror, has been addressed by Republican Congressman Justin Amash, who warns that the bill does apply to U.S. citizens. Martial Law As we previously reported, under the ‘worldwide indefinite detention without charge or trial’ provision of S.1867, the National Defense Authorization Act bill, which is set to be up for a vote on the Senate floor this week, the legislation will

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“basically say in law for the first time that the homeland is part of the battlefield,” said Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), who supports the bill. That provoked concerns that American citizens could be targeted as terrorists and indefinitely detained without trial or charge. “One section of these provisions, section 1031, would be interpreted as allowing

the military to capture and indefinitely detain American citizens on U.S. soil. Section 1031 essentially repeals the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 by authorizing the U.S. military to perform law enforcement functions on American soil. That alone should alarm my colleagues on both sides of the aisle, but there are other problems with these provisions that must be resolved,” Colorado Senator Mark Udall said in a speech earlier this month. Following an ACLU alert on the legislation, some pointed out that the text of the bill actually exempts Americans from being detained under the new “homeland battlefield” designation under the proviso that “the requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to citizens of the United States.” However, as Republican Congressman Justin Amash told the The Grand Rapids Press today, the language of the bill is “carefully crafted to mislead the public.” “Note that it does not preclude U.S. citizens from being detained indefinitely,

Furthermore, as Ron Paul has pointed out, Anwar al-Awlaki, an American citizen who has never been charged with any crime, was the victim of extrajudicial killing because of the same unconstitutional legalese that defines the entire globe as a “battlefield,” where the constitutional rights of U.S. citizens are declared null and void if they are designated as terrorists by the federal government. Indeed, national intelligence director Dennis Blair openly stated last year that, “Being a U.S. citizen will not spare an American from getting assassinated by military or intelligence operatives.” Recall that José Padilla, an American citizen, was held without charge for 3 and a half years as an “enemy combatant” and denied a trial in civilian court, after being accused of

The “battlefield” provision of the NDAA is nothing new, it is merely an updating of existing policy that has been applied to American citizens on numerous occasions over the last decade. The difference is that the danger of American citizens being detained without trial as terrorists on frivolous pretexts is an even greater danger now given that the Department of Homeland Security has characterized behavior such as buying gold, owning guns, using a watch or binoculars, donating to charity, using the telephone or email to find information, using cash, and all manner of mundane behaviors as potential indicators of domestic terrorism.

Chinese Government Official: ‘US Threat To Pakistan Is Threat To China’ with the country. In response, China recently sent large numbers of Second Artillery PLA troops armed with sophisticated DF-21C and short-range DF-11A tactical missiles to China’s northwestern plateau near Pakistan for a huge military exercise designed to reflect China’s “attitude towards the US threat to Pakistan.”

Chinese military stages massive wargame exercise near Pakistan in response to build-up of U.S. troops Paul Joseph Watson & Yi Han Thursday, December 1, 2011 The Chinese military has staged a massive wargame exercise near Pakistan in response to a build-up of U.S. troops in the region as a top Chinese government official warned that any threat to Pakistan would be taken as a direct threat to China. Chinese Military Citing a report by China’s Central Televi-

sion, Junshijia reports that an unnamed government official warned, “Any threat to Pakistan is a threat to China,” in response to increasing hostility directed towards Pakistan by both the US and NATO in the aftermath of a NATO bombing that killed 26 Pakistani soldiers last week.

The drill ran from the 14-27 of November and included Pakistani troops. It was also reported by numerous other Chinese news sources.

Pakistan responded to the airstrike by sealing its border with Afghanistan, preventing supplies from reaching the USoccupied country.

The report strongly emphasizes the Chinese position that its alliance with Pakistan represents a “brotherhood,” and that “China will never be in peace if Pakistan is lost.”

According to the report, the United States is massing troops on Pakistan’s border in an act of aggression that China sees as a direct threat to its close alliance

“Militarily, China will be conducting massive and heavy equipment desert warfare in Pakistan on the 16th,” states the translated report. “America

has always desired Pakistan, especially in recent years. As the U.S. war in Afghanistan deepens, and military actions against Iran’s determination become stronger, (the threat of ) confrontation with China increases, Pakistan is the place for America to gain military advantage strategically and geographically.” As we reported earlier, while China’s official rhetoric in English language media regarding hostilities towards the likes of Pakistan and Iran has taken on a concerned tone, discussions taking place inside China itself are a great deal more bellicose. In response to increased

western hostility towards Iran, Chinese Major General Zhang Zhaozhong remarked that “China will not hesitate to protect Iran even with a third world war,” comments that have provoked much debate in China. The subject of Iran is also discussed in the Chinese media report. A western-led military assault on Iran is strongly discouraged, a point China also hoped to stress by way of a show of force in its recent wargames. China’s ambassador to the UN has warned IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano not to create “unfounded” evidence to justify a military attack on Iran in the name of halting its controversial nuclear program.

S.P.I.R.I.T Paranormal Exclusive Interview with the founder of Paranormal Denmark Ole Holst

S.P.I.R.I.T. Paranormal interview with the founder of Paranormal Denmark Ole Holst Ole Holst is one of the most repected paranormal researchers in Denmark and has over 10 years experience investigating. His team conducts investigations throughout Denmark. Here are some highlights from a radio interview we did with him directly from Denmark.

S.P.I.R.I.T:What city in Denmark are you from ?

Ole Holst : We’re from a region in the southern part of Denmark in a city called Hørsholm that’s like an hour from the German border.

S.P.I.R.I.T: You men-

tioned you started investigating in 2001. Can you tell us how you got started? Ole Holst : Well, I lived in Indiana for a few years and got involved with a local group over there. I had experienced a lot of weird things throughout my life so decided to run along with them.

S.P.I.R.I.T: What types of investigations do you focus on? Ole Holst :Here in Denmark graveyards are public and you can go visit them at anytime. So we do some graveyards, private homes, factories, and whoever wants us to come out and investigate. If we don’t get a call for

a while, we’ll go to historical sites. There’s lots of castles down here in Denmark.

S.P.I.R.I.T: What was the first piece of evidence you captured at an actual investigation? Ole Holst :– I captured a shadow person by a window at an empty apartment. We took several pictures and he showed up in two of them and was looking straight at us.

S.P.I.R.I.T:– I know

alot of people in the United Kingdom employ Ouija Boards in their investigations. Is that something that’s also widely used amongst the paranormal community in Denmark? Ole Holst : Not at all. I told my team that I would never allow a Quija Board. You don’t know what you can get from that and it’s not a toy. I just don’t want it in my team. Absolutely not.

S.P.I.R.I.T: – – I know

you’ve had some media coverage in Denmark. Let’s get into the story that was covered in the newspaper article. Can you tell us a little bit about that investigation, the reported activity, and some of the evidence you captured? Ole Holst :Yeah, it was at an old watermill from the 1600’s and there used to be a castle where the watermill is at now. It’s open to the public and the owner asked us if we could come out an investigate, and we said yes. We were joined by a newspaper reported

that was a skeptic and didn’t believe in ghosts whatsoever. But let me just say that when we were done that changed.

Back in the 1800’s there was a man that controlled that whole place that was a real mean dude. He was terrifying and all the people there where scared of him. He told everyone that when he died his spirit would still be there. Four priests have blessed the place, but they say he’s still out there. We captured several EVP’s and some shadows. The reporter said that he felt someone run their fingers through his hair while standing there alone and also reported smelling flowers and smoke.

S.P.I.R.I.T: So I hear

your wife is also part of the team and goes with you on all your investigations.

Ole Holst :– Absolutely. She’s my EVP expert.

S.P.I.R.I.T: – Do you do any EVP sessions at home? Ole Holst:– I promised my wife not to. She don’t want it. That’s our free zone.

S.P.I.R.I.T:A lot of people may be under the impression that most spirits are malevolent, but what we’ve seen in the field and what we’ve concluded through our investigations is that there’s way more good in the spirit world than there is bad. Ole Holst: - Exactly, and like I tell people that have been experiencing activity for a year or two – don’t worry, because if they wanted to cause harm they would have already, which is hardly the case. And also, 80% of the time it turns out to be explainable due to natural causes.

S.P.I.R.I.T: – - Well Ole if you ever come down to South Texas you’re welcome to join us on an investigation. Ole Holst :–Sounds great! I’ll definitely take you up on that one. My team and I have a dream about going to the states and doing some investigations. We also want to go to the UK and Scottland.

S.P.I.R.I.T: – Let’s go

ahead and get your website and youtube channel so we can get it out to the public. Ole Holst :–– People can check us out at and http:// To listen to this full exclusive interview go to -

S.P.I.R.I.T: – What does Paranormal Denmark have on its agenda for this coming month? Ole Holst :– We have an upcoming investigation in the Northern part of Denmark at a house where the people are experiencing footsteps, knocking on the door, the dogs going crazy at night, and doors opening and closing. So we’re going to investigate a week from now.

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“Overview of GoreGrowlers Ball S.A. Tx”

“Overview of GoreGrowlers Ball S.A. Tx” by: J. Franco Chavez F.Y.I my playlist at the moment: John Coltrane “Dakar”, Sarcafago “Rotting”, The Crow “soundtrack Vol 1”, Smashing Pumpkins “Melancholy...... lets move on... Friday night 30min outside San Antonio, and me and my entourage (my brother Migs and close friend Bert Morin) are already getting the “Metal jitters”, with just a pinch of herb in our systems and envisioning our Metal Heros at work, the excitement builds. Although we are only attending the Sat. part of this Three day fest, and in our opin-

ions the best day of the fest, feat. legendary acts, Deceased, Brutal Truth, and Hirax, we began the festivities right away, meeting up with some good buds(the dudes from Feral Rex and Trench Rench, plus Sara) who were kind enough to share there Hotel room with us(dudes room! dudes room.......), we began to party in traditional metal fashion, but call it a night to prepare for Tmrws events. Sat. 12:00pm, we wake up to breakfast tacos, shots of liquor, beer swigs and hits of some delicious herb, to get in that “Metal fest” mode, and it worked, first band goes on at about 2:00pm, (Vex) great sounding band from Austin Tx, originally out of San Angelo, Tx, the smell of LoneStar beer already filling the air, now on to the Vendors, always a Metalheads delight, T-shirts,buttons,patches,CD’s (yes Cds kids!, people still listen

to those things), i purchase my first Lonestar, slowly sip and began to scam through the vendors, immediately my eyes widen, i spot some classic remastered stuff, now to decide, always a challenge, I go with the first album by Grave, which I’ve had on cassette for years but never on CD. Of course it has bonus material, fuck yeah!. I continue to scam while the next band Funeral Rites prepares for Doom, I come to a Mexican vendor(they always have the good shit) and score an awesome Mercyful Fate “Melissa t-shirt”, already buzzing with joy, i continue to check out the bands, a solid set by Funeral Rites out of Houston Tx. A definte highlight of the early mid day would have to be Bearing Teeth(Willow Tip Rec.) an excellent band out of Dallas Tx, very much reminesint to one of my favorite bands Gorguts. My entourage and I decide to head back to the motel for a bit to re up on some “goodies” to prepare for the long stretch ahead. We arrive back around 7:00, next we catch our Rgv. bros Severance, who played a brutal set(like always) and drummer Jamie who in my opinion one of the top Death Metal drummers in the World, without a doubt. Up next is one of my favorite bands Deceased, combined with my perfect buzz, it was metal nirvana, headbanging to there classics and laughing as lead singer King Fowley was telling off the police, who were only 50 feet away outside of the fest(apparently they were complaining about the outside

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stage). It was time to refuel, i head over to gourmet hotdog stand “Rocker Dogs” and purchase there “Thi dog”, at $5 it was worth every bite, i purchase another Lonestar immediately after, then we head back to the room for a pit stop. I arrive back to the fest, and who do my wondering eyes see, the legendary Dan Lilker(Brutal Truth) and Terence(Suffocation) walking around and enjoying the fest like the metal fans they are, i take advantage of the situation and take pics with both legends, awesome! preparing my neck for Hirax, who is coming up soon enough, the days festivities are catching up to my head, but i wasnt going to let that stop me, I head to the restroom and wash my face repeatedly, then head back out and take the pain and prepare for “Raging Violence”. Bass drum stomp begins and the crowd is getting pumped, fists are in the air as we all prepare for metal war, lead singer Katon de Pena appears and the crowd is frantic, screaming at the top of our lungs. A fury of riffs, screams, and double bass, then the set comes to a close, sweaty, head pounding, and one more band

to go. As Brutal Truth set up to close the night, my body tells me to get rest, while my head is saying the same thing, but my musical/metal spirit won’t let that happen, i take a breather, drink some water, and tell myself lets finish this mo fo off. Feedback rises as Brutal Truth prepare to start there set, grinding, thrashing, madness erupts, but after the first six songs, my ears along with everything else are ready to shut down, slightly disappointed in myself, i take a seat outside and ponder on the days events, and for “partying” headbanging etc.. for over 10hrs, i think i did ok. As i come to a close, I am given word(through the grapevine) that the “GoreGrowlers Ball” my not go through for next year, i hope this is not true and if anything maybe they can set it up for a one day only event, none the less, if this is in fact the last dance for the GoreGrowlers Ball, that makes it much more of an epic experience for myself. Til next time, PEACE,LOVE, TOTAL METAL!!!

2012 The END or not the END? Second Mayan Prediction of Apocalypse in 2012 Discovered Carving at Comalcalco ruin ‘backs up’ first prophecy that world will end on December 21 2012.

describes something that is supposed to occur in 2012 involving Bolon Yokte, a mysterious Mayan god associated with both war and creation.

Many still doubt that it is a definite reference to December 21, 2012 or December 23, 2012, the dates cited by proponents of the theory as the possible end of the world. ‘Some have proposed it as another reference to 2012, but I remain rather unconvinced,’ said David Stuart, a specialist in Mayan epigraphy at the University of Texas at Austin.

They’ve done their best in the past to downplay theories that the ancient Mayas predicted some sort of apocalypse would occur in 2012. But archaelogists at Mexico’s National Institute of Anthropology and History have admitted that a second reference to the date exists on a carved fragment. Most experts had cited only one surviving reference to the date in Mayan glyphs, a stone tablet from the Tortuguero site in the Gulf coast state of Tabasco. The second is an apparent reference at the nearby Comalcalco ruin on the carved or moulded face of a brick. Comalcalco is unusual among Mayan temples in that it was built with bricks. Arturo Mendez, a spokesman for the institute, said the fragment of inscription had been discovered years ago and has been subject to thorough study. It is not on display and is being kept in storage at the institute. The ‘Comalcalco Brick’, as the second fragment is known, has been discussed by experts in some online forums.

He said the date inscribed on the brick ‘is a ‘Calendar Round’, a combination of a day and month position that will repeat every 52 years’. The brick date does coincide with the end of the 13th Baktun. Baktuns were roughly 394year periods and 13 was a significant, sacred number for the Mayas. The Mayan Long Count calendar begins in 3114 BC, and the 13th Baktun ends around December 21, 2012. But the date on the brick could also correspond to similar dates in the past, Mr Stuart said. ‘There’s no reason it couldn’t be also a date in ancient times, describing some important historical event in the Classic period,’ he said. ‘In fact, the third glyph on the brick seems to read as the verb huli, which means ‘he/she/it arrives’. ‘There’s no future tense marking (unlike the Tortuguero phrase), which in my mind points more to the Comalcalco date being more historical that prophetic,’ Stuart wrote. Both inscriptions - the Tortuguero tablet and the Comalcalco brick - were probably carved about 1,300 years ago and both are cryptic in some ways. The Tortuguero inscription

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However, erosion and a crack in the stone make the end of the passage almost illegible, though some read the last eroded glyphs as perhaps saying: ‘He will descend from the sky.’ The Comalcalco brick is also odd in that the molded or inscribed faces of the bricks were probably laid facing inward or covered with stucco, suggesting they were not meant to be seen. The Institute of Anthropology and History has long said rumours of a world-ending or world-changing event in late December 2012 are a Westernised misinterpretation of Mayan calendars.

The institute reiterated that ‘western messianic thought has twisted the cosmovision of ancient civilisations like the Maya’. The institute’s experts say the Mayas saw time as a series of cycles that began and ended with regularity, but with nothing apocalyptic at the end of a given cycle.

Given the strength of internet rumours about impending disaster in 2012, the institute is organising a round table of 60 Mayan experts next week at the archaeological site of Palenque, in southern Mexico, to ‘dispel some of the doubts about the end of one era and the beginning of another in the Mayan Long Count calendar’.


Police don’t care how polite or cooperative you are – if they find a useable quantity of marijuana, even just one joint or one bud, you can bet on going to jail. When you waive your constitutional rights against searches or to remain silent, you aren’t doing anyone any favors but the police. What you say after an arrest can also be critical to your case. If you use marijuana at all, it is best to speak to an attorney now, so you can learn the best way to conduct yourself during an investigation and after an arrest. Don’t wait until it’s too late to find out you did or said something hurtful to your defense. The best preparation is to choose an attorney in ahead of time and carry his contact information on

420 DUDE.COM If you are a marijuana user, the last thing you want to think about is getting arrested and dealing with a criminal drug charge. However, even if you are only an occasional user, it makes sense to be prepared in the event of an arrest. When an arrest occurs, it may be hours or even days before you can speak to an attorney. What you say and do during your interactions with the police and during the ride back to the station can have a huge impact on your case and your lawyer’s strategy in defending you. If you are not prepared for what to do in an arrest situation, you may say or do something that hinders your

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case; if you don’t speak to an attorney until the next morning, you won’t know this until it’s too late. For example, many people believe that waiving their rights will curry favor with police officers and lead to more lenient treatment, or even release with a mere warning. Some people will consent to a search of their home or vehicle either because they believe that if they seem like they have nothing to hide a search will not be conducted, or because they think police will see them as polite and cooperative and thus treat them better. Unfortunately, this is simply not the case.

you at all times. If you have not chosen an attorney in advance, you will be faced with a daunting task after you are arrested and released from jail. Making a decision about which attorney to hire can be difficult. You want to be able to rely on an attorney with the experience, skills, and training required to successfully defend your case. Don’t wait for an arrest to decide which attorney to hire. The stress of being arrested, making bond, breaking the news to family members, and dealing with a lengthy criminal prosecution can add to the difficulty of your choice, or worse, can make you feel rushed to choose an attorney. The morning after an arrest is not the time to be flipping through a phonebook or doing a quick internet search for a lawyer. Your decision about which attorney to hire can make a huge impact on the outcome of your case, and it is not a decision to be taken lightly or to be made under stress or in a rush. The best course of action is to do the research now, and have your attorney’s infor-

mation close at hand in case of an emergency. At, you can read about attorney Jamie Balagia, the Drug Dude, and his extensive training, experience, and knowledge about drug cases. There you will find Jamie’s blog, contact information, and extensive information about marijuana laws and penalties. You’ll also find the top five things you need to know immediately after being arrested for a drug offense. The Drug Dude can be reached at (210) 394-3833 in San Antonio and (512) 278-0935 in Austin. Save the Dude’s contact information to your cell phone so that you can easily contact him in the event of an arrest, or the arrest of a loved one. Jamie handles drug cases across the State of Texas, and is ready to fight for you when you need him.

ALIEN ADVICE Alien Advice. by Heidi Hollis

Ouija Board Demon On The Loose Dear Heidi: Okay, about 2 weeks or so

ago myself, a friend and my sister decided to make an Ouija Board. We didn’t light candles and we didn’t turn off the lights. But, we did do a prayer before we started. We asked the board if there was anyone there. Nothing happened—we waited a minute and asked it again, then it slightly started to move towards the “yes” written on the board. We got totally

freaked out and slid it ourselves to “goodbye” and flipped the board over. Later that night we shredded the board up and threw it away. Ever since we played with it, though, strange things have happened to us. My sisters’ boyfriend believes that my sis went into this trance for at least 30 minutes! She wouldn’t talk to him; she would just stare at him with her arms out as if she wanted to hold his hand. She says she doesn’t remember any of it. But she said that same day she saw a shadow in the doorway that was at least 7 feet tall and it was hunched over really bad. This past week, almost every night, she’s been seeing this same shadow in her room. She’s really creeped out! She also said she had a dream that some one was yelling out, “They’re coming! They’re coming! They are going to get all of you,” then the person yelling said, “Ornias and Gnoll is coming for everyone!”

by Heidi Hollis

The next day she looked up Ornias and found that he is the harassing demon—so now she’s more than a little freaked out!!! What should we do? Thanks, Erika in Arizona

Dear Erika First let me say, “Yipes and holy crap!” You all got yourselves into a rotten situation that understandably seemed somewhat innocent at the time. It even may have felt safe being that you said a prayer prior to using the Ouija Board. As you now have seen and learned, there was some serious risk involved in dabbling on the board even a little bit. But know that you are far from being alone in suddenly being met with unexplainable events following the use of an Ouija Board—even possession. It sounds odd to say that word

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“possession” but essentially what you’ve described your sister doing without her knowledge is a form of something else taking over. Which is so not a good thing—of course. So what to do you ask…? When you destroyed the board after opening a doorway to communicate with the other side—you left that doorway wide open. Closing that doorway is essential so nothing else likes with it sees and pays you a visit, too. Blessing the home that you all were in would do this—meaning whomever lives in this home should walk through and bless it from top to bottom. Now then, dealing with this demonic thingy—your sister needs to bless her living space

ASAP and keep a positive, religious necklace on to keep it away! But if this thing continues to be able to take over your sister—that’s a whole other level of nasty that needs to be dealt with on an exorcism level—and sadly I’m not kidding!


Why You Should NEVER Cheat on a Tattoo Artist

Apparently Fitzjerald had found out Rosie was cheating on him with a long-time friend of his and instead of confronting them, cooked up an ingenious way of getting even. The guy pretended everything was ok and by drinking “a bottle of cheap whine and doing tequila shots” with his girlfriend, he got her to sign a consent form, before doing any tattooing, that said the design was “at the artist’s discretion”. So instead of a fairy-tale scene from Narnia, Rosie Brovent woke up to a giant pile of excrement on her back.

They can turn your body into a living masterpiece, but tattoo artists also have the power to make your life hell, every time you look in the mirror. Case in point, Rosie Brovent, who got more than she bargained for when she let her boyfriend tattoo her back.

The outraged woman first tried to have Ryan Fitzjerald charged with assault, but because she had signed the consent form, she had to settle with a lawsuit for $100,000 in damages. She claims she was passed out for most of the time the tattoo artist executed the hideous tattoo.

Just to be clear from the start, this really isn’t verified news, since it first appeared on a rather obscure blog, with no link to any established media outlet. Still, I thought it was simply too cool not to feature this issue.

Doctors Baffled by Girl Who Weeps Stones A seven-year-old girl from India who weeps stones is baffling doctors who are unable to say what is causing the phenomenon.

Tattoo artist, Ryan L. Fitzjerald and his now ex-girlfriend Rosie Brovent, both residents of a trailer park in Dayton, Ohio, are the main protagonists one of the weirdest/funniest stories I’ve read in a while. Brovent is accusing her ex of tattooing a huge steaming pile of crap with flies buzzing around it, instead of a scene from Narnia.

Tamil Nesan reported that stones had been discharging from Kura Nitya’s right eye for the past 15 days. Nitya, from a village near Hyderabad, has been weeping about 12 to 25 stones a day.

Freak Tofu Explosion Terrorizes Portland If the creators of “Portlandia’ -- the cable television show that pokes fun at us – need a sketch, they should take a look at a Sunday-night explosion that involves – of all things – tofu. Not only is it so Portland, but the cause of the explosion is such a mystery that investigators up and down the West Coast are being contacted to see if they can help figure out what happened. He said natural gas is not suspected. “We’re scratching our heads,” said Paul Corah, spokesman for the Portland Fire & Rescue. “We’re all baffled.” Just after 8:15 p.m. fire crews were called to an apartment building in the 300 block of Northwest Fifth Avenue in the heart of Old Town. “When they arrived they found a woman sitting outside crying,” Corah said. “She said there’d been an explosion and she was upset. She had a slight burn on her left hand, but was otherwise not hurt.” The woman told investigators was cooking tofu and had rinsed out the pan with water when there was explosion. The blast was so powerful that it blew a 4 by 6 window out of the building and onto the street, Corah said. “Could steam have put that much pressure on a window?” Corah wonders. “Everyone from the chief on is puzzled. The fire investigator can’t figure it out. I’ve been here 30 years and never heard of such a thing. We’re all dumfounded. Investigators are making calls today to see if other investigators have heard of something like this.” The woman was unable to help, saying she had been cooking tofu and rinsed off the pan, Corah said. Damage is estimated at $15,000. The case seems to fall in the gray area – equal parts CSI:

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Crime Scene Investigation and Rachael Ray. So amateur detectives, any ideas? Source: Oregon Live

Her parents have approached several ophthalmologists who were unable to diagnose what was causing the problem. According to her grandfather Gopal Reddy, the stones began popping out on Oct 26. ‘Initially, we thought it was some divine power and prayed to God for this phenomenon to stop,’ he said, adding that they were keeping the stones for medical tests, if required. Nitya said the lower portion of her right eye swelled minutes before the stones painlessly popped out. Ophthalmologist Dr Kalyan Chakaravarthy said Nitya was medically fit and there was no logical reason for the phenomenon.

her. Back home, she told her family what had happened and, while she was doing so, a second piece of crystal appeared in her eye.

Regular readers of Conspiracy Journal know that this sort of fortean phenomena is not that uncommon. In 2006, a thirteen-year-old girl from Hazaribagh, India, made headlines with her strange ailment of crying stones. It all started in 2004, when Savitri, daughter of a mason, first had this experience. Back then, stones would actually come out of her mouth, ears and nose too when she would weep. Needless to say, it was very painful. A TV channel offered to have her tested, but doctors at the Diwanchand Metropolis Clinical Laboratory could not offer any ideas on how to test the girl for her unique ailment. In 1996, a 12-year-old girl from Lebanon, Hasnah Mohamed Meselmani, baffled doctors by producing tiny crystals from her eyes. The girl reportedly was producing the crystals at an average rate of seven a day. Although the crystals are as sharp as cut glass, Hasnah says she feels no pain and doctors could not explain the phenomenon. It all began in March when Hasnah was at school. She felt something strange in her left eye - her first piece of crystal, which, understandably, upset

Her father took her to the city of Chtaura to see Dr Araji, an ophthalmologist. She stayed in his clinic for two weeks, and the crystals kept flowing out of her eye. Dr Araji certified that the pieces were real crystals and said he had no scientific explanation of the phenomenon. It could only be understood, he thought, as an act of God. iPhone’s Siri is Extreme Religious Right users say. Apple’s new iPhone 4S has made waves for its voicecommanded virtual assistant, personified as “Siri”. However, users have noticed that Siri seems to have a blackout concerning certain topics — is Apple pandering to the Christian Right? The recent illustrations of Siri, the iPhone 4S voice-recognition based assistant, failing to provide information to users about abortion, birth control, help after rape and help with domestic violence has gotten a lot of notice. Siri can answer a lot of health related questions perfectly well, why shouldn’t we expect it to be able to answer reproductive health related queries too? Why treat reproductive health as a walled-off garden that the general public can’t or shouldn’t be exposed to?

420 FORUM Parenting & Pot By Karli Duran

Parenting and Pot Karli Duran Talking to your children about marijuana is necessary. Some parents are embarrassed, think their children are too young, or just don’t know what to say about the issue. A good starting point is to try the truth. Whatever your stance on marijuana use, you should be prepared to logically explain your position to your children. Having the ability to talk to your children about your position is of no use unless you actually take the time to sit down and have this discussion with them. However, there is another category of parents involved in this issue - marijuana users. If you are a marijuana smoker, and you suspect your child is aware of that fact, it is time to talk to them about the pros and cons of marijuana use. If you are not aware of whether or not they know - assume that they know that you are using marijuana. It is also important to stress to your child that until they are an adult, they do not have the cognitive ability to make the choice to smoke marijuana. Unless for medical purposes in a Medicinal Marijuana State (where the act is legal under State Law), minors should not engage in smoking marijuana, drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes, using prescription pills, or using any illegal drug. The most current research supports the position that of the substances listed above, marijuana causes the least amount of harm to the human body. But

just because marijuana cannot kill you, does not mean it is acceptable for minors to use.

cal marijuana issue.

If you live in a non-Medicinal Marijuana State, like Texas, and you are smoking marijuana you are violating the law. Also, Federal Law prohibits almost all use of marijuana even though the federal government does oversee the cultivation of marijuana at research facilities and the DEA oversees the distribution of Marinol - a synthetic form of THC prescribed for certain medical purposes.

Third, do not smoke in the presence or close proximity of your children or other underaged persons. Never place your child in the position of having to lie in order to protect you. You can also be placing your children’s friends in an uncomfortable position should your children reveal your “secret” to their friends. There is no reason to flaunt any behavior that exposes your children to these feelings. Because Texas’ marijuana laws remain strict, you need to know that Child Protective Services could interfere with your custody rights if your child’s safety is at risk due to your involvement with illegal drugs. You also want to set a good example for your child. A child does not need to see their parent breaking the law and using marijuana. Be honest with your children, but you do not want to expose them to more than their young brains can handle. Always use good judgement and common sense when making decisions that could affect your family. Recently, an eleven year old boy took pictures of his mother and stepfather’s marijuana and turned them in to authorities which lead to the home being raided and the mother and stepfather being arrested. It’s difficult telling your child you participate in something considered illegal, but with the right explanation and facts, they may be able to understand your position.

So how do you explain to your children that it is still acceptable for you to illegally use marijuana? First, explain the history of how and why marijuana became illegal. A Google search will reveal a wealth of information of this topic. Most of the information suggests that the prohibition of marijuana was done for political reasons. A visit to the NORML website at will expose you to the most current legal and medical information available.

Next, explain the current legislative action and grass root citizen efforts to change the current status of marijuana as an illegal drug. Again, the norml. org site is a good start for information and for a detailed discussion of the medi-

Do not feel like you are being a hypocrite. There are many reasons why it is more acceptable for an adult to use marijuana. Most importantly, a child is still learning coping skills necessary for their adult life. If a child begins smoking marijuana at an early age, they lose the ability to learn natural coping skills that they will need throughout their adult life to deal with crisis. It is also unclear what cognitive impairment marijuana can cause to a teenage brain that is not yet fully developed, but this is a concern for all substances, including coffee and over the counter medications. The bottom line is communication and common sense. Except in situations where

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there is sexual or physical harm occurring it is probably best to keep the “government” out of your home. For some great information on how to protect yourself and your family go to and read the material listed.

Always remember that you and your family members should keep a qualified criminal defense attorney’s phone number in your cell phone. The number for Jamie Balagia, the 420 Dude, is 210-3943833 in San Antonio and 512-278-0935 in Austin. Jamie handles drug cases throughout Texas and has friends nationwide as well in case you know anyone that needs legal advice outside of Texas.

Unicycle Football League gears up for seventh season, works on expansion to Austin

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