November 2009

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Max: Good Shows. Great Music

311 S. 17th St. Mcallen TX (956) 971-9825

W: Any Tattoos?

Max: Yes! My last name on my stomach/ An the Anti Christ on my right Arm

W: What is your Specialty Shot/drink?

Max: Surfer On Acid CONTENTS OF DRINK:

Max wouldn’t say; he makes his own version of this drink. It was quite good.

W: Favorite Local band?

Max: They Mean Us W: Hardest Part about being a BARTENDER?

Max: Drunk Tough Guys in Ed Hardy Shirts

Max Garza, W: AGE?

W: Have you ever seen A Ghost here at El Rey?

Max: 28 W: Years Bartending?

Max: 3 W: Favorite Night to work?

Max: I was pushed by a ghost once upstairs in the projection room. W: Did Bert ever get a hair cut?

Max: Damn Straight!

Max: SAT W: Contents of Pocket?

Max: Zig Zags. Bartool W: Best part about being a bartender at Cine El Rey?

W: Somthing nobody knows about you?

Max: I was an alter boy when i was a kid for about 3 years.

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“Quotes of the Night”


“this is how babies are made right here dawg” “who’s Playing tonight ?”

“Did you say favor- “Everybody gets ite posiLaid” tion”

“Well Is this the I hope they’re re-mix?” good” Where’s my shit?


Lets Go Surfing!

2012 NOT the End! 2012 is Not the End of the World, Mayan Elder Insists The year 2012 will not bring the end of the world, a Mayan elder has insisted, despite claims that a Mayan calendar shows that time will “run out” on December 21 of that year. Apolinario Chile Pixtun is tired of being bombarded with frantic questions about the end of the world. “I came back from England last year and, man, they had me fed up with this stuff,” he said.

mixes “predictions” from Nostradamus and the Mayans and asks: “Is 2012 the year the cosmic clock finally winds down to zero days, zero hope?”

“It’s too bad that we’re getting emails from fourthgraders who are saying that they’re too young to die,” Ms Martin said. “We had a mother of two young children who was afraid she wouldn’t live to see them grow up.”

Still, things are only likely to get worse for Mr Pixtun. Next month Hollywood’s “2012” opens in cinemas, featuring earthquakes, meteor showers and a tsunami dumping an aircraft carrier on the White House.

Mr Pixtun, a Guatemalan, says the doomsday theories spring from Western, not Mayan ideas.

A significant time period for the Mayans does end on the date, and enthusiasts have found a series of astronomical alignments they say coincide in 2012, including one that happens roughly only once every 25,800 years.

But most archaeologists, astronomers and Mayans say the only thing likely to hit Earth is a meteor shower of New Age philosophy, pop astronomy, internet doomsday rumours and TV specials such as one on the History Channel which

But hysteria surrounding 2012 does have some grains of ar-

stone tablet almost did not survive; the site was largely paved over and parts of the tablet were looted. The inscription describes something that is supposed to occur in 2012 involving Bolon Yokte, a mysterious Mayan god associated with both war and creation. However, erosion and a crack in the stone make the end of the passage almost illegible. Guillermo Bernal, an archaeologist at Mexico’s National Autonomous University, believes the eroded message is: “He will descend from the sky”. But Mr Bernal also notes there are other inscriptions at Mayan sites for dates far beyond 2012 - including one that roughly translates into the year 4772.

At Cornell University, Ann Martin, who runs the “Curious? Ask an Astronomer” website, says people are scared.

chaeological basis. One of them is Monument Six. Found at an obscure ruin in southern Mexico during highway construction in the 1960s, the

The Mayan civilization, based in modern day Mexico and Central America, reached its height from 300 AD to 900 AD and had a talent for astronomy Its Long Count calendar begins in 3,114 BC, marking time in roughly 394-year periods known as Baktuns. Thirteen was a significant, sacred number for the Mayas, and the 13th Baktun ends around Dec 21, 2012.


“The Maya never said the world is going to end, they never said anything bad would happen necessarily, they’re just recording this future anniversary on Monument Six.” But some say the Mayans knew another secret: the Earth’s axis wobbles, slightly changing the alignment of the stars every year. Once every 25,800 years, the sun lines up with the centre of our Milky Way galaxy on a winter solstice, the sun’s lowest point in the horizon. That will happen on Dec. 21, 2012, when the sun appears to rise in the same spot where the bright centre of galaxy sets. Source: The Telegraph news/newstopics/howaboutthat/6300744/2012-is-nottheend-of-the-world-Mayan-elderinsists.html

“It’s a special anniversary of creation,” said David Stuart, a specialist in Mayan epigraphy at the University of Texas at

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Expert Tips for Ghost Hunting How to keep your sixth sense in tune, where to meet the undead, and more. Hunt on the ghost’s time: “Nighttime is good for ghosthunting because the absence of noise, people and other distractions of the day helps your sixth sense stay in tune with your environment. That said, any time can be good, depending on who’s doing the haunting. The elderly lady who haunts my home, for example, knocks on the walls throughout the day, but stays quiet at night, unless we’ve done something to upset her, such as running the vacuum too late. In that case, she knocks loudly and often, as if to keep us awake as payback.” —Garret Moffett, who leads Springfield Walks’ ghost tours and wrote “Lincoln’s Ghost: Legends & Lore”

Bring a trigger object: “Know your history of the place

and of the haunting, then bring something the spirit can relate to. If it’s a kid, for example, bring a toy, or if you’re at a bank where there was a big heist, bring money from the era of the heist. Talk about it. Ask questions. You may even get enough spirit energy to move it.” — Aaron Goodwin, a member of the paranormal investigation crew for the Travel Channel’s Ghost Adventures series

Be childlike:

“Adults walk around with blinders on. We’ve got so much on our minds.

Children are open to everything. Wide open. They see things before we do. When I go into a historic (and therefore possibly haunted) spot, I’m fascinated and ready for any‘

thing. I believe the ghosts sense that you’re sincere; that you want to see them.” — Robert Edgerly, a haunted-

tour guide in Savannah (one of America’s most haunted cities) who literally wrote the book on Savannah Hauntings.

Document evidence:

“Digital recorders are a really good, basic tool. Cheaper ones are great because they generate white noise, which spirits speak within. EVPs [Electronic Voice Phenomena] can be Class A, Class B, or Class C. Class A is so unbelievably clear you can easily make out the words. At our last location, we were asking questions and then playing back some EVPs, and the spirits said our full names, in clear voices, actually responding to our questions. Really bizarre.” — Nick Groff, a member of the paranormal investigation crew for the Travel Channel’s Ghost Adventures series

Engage all senses:

“You feel a presence, your hair stands on end, you hear sounds or feel a touch, then turn around and nobody’s there. Then there are smells — earth, old perfume, roses, body odor. In Savannah, if it’s built in the 1840s or 1850s, it’s built by

Imagine the anguish, the longing. That stays. So you’re standing there by yourself in one of these buildings, slaves.

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and all of a sudden there’s a strong smell of body odor and it ain’t coming’ from you, that’s an apparition.” — Edgerly Paranormal perspective:

“I find that spirits hanging around have usually suffered a sudden, tragic death and are just trying to get their story told straight. It’s rather like the movie “Ghost”.

Understand the risks:

“You’re not hunting rocks. You’re not hunting seashells. Provocation is very serious. Things can follow you home. I’ve had to have my house blessed twice. In this season’s premiere episode, I was overtaken by a dark entity. I suddenly wanted to attack Aaron and I started breaking our equipment. I don’t remember it, and watching the video was very disturbing. I don’t mess around with this stuff.” — Zak Bagans, a member of the paranormal investigation crew for the Travel Channel’s Ghost Adventures series Source: MSNBC id/33400849

skarlett o hara Weird Magazine Interviews Skarlett O Hara WEIRD: Welcome to Weird Magazine. Introduce the Band Members. SOH: Eddie Cano: Vocals, Rene lopez: Guitar/vocals, Logan Burns: Guitar/vocals, Alek Samodouroff: Guitar, Arnie Bernal: Drums, Andrew Mena: Bass WEIRD: Describe your sound. Local Metal Heads are really talking about you guys. SOH:Loud, Heavy, And Nassty, We like to turn it up to 11. WEIRD: Tell us about some of your influences for the band? SOH:We listen to a bunch of different stuff, from Winds of Plague to Prince. Right now we are really big on Underoath, The devil Wears prada, And Wham! WEIRD: Why the name? SOH:We were at Logan’s house and were watching that old movie “gone with the wind” and rene thought that girl “Scarlett O’hara” was hot so we decided to name the band that.! WEIRD: How old are you guys? You seem very young. SOH:We range from 17 to 21. Andrew is the grandpa of the band! WEIRD: Where are you from? SOH:We’re All from Mcallen, Texas, with the exception of logan, he moved here from England. WEIRD: Tell us where people can catch your shows? What venues do you play? SOH:

We normally

play at the Mcallen Incubator but occasionally go to the Nikki Rowe VFW, Recently we have been playin local bars like Newmans and Smokin’ Aces. WEIRD: The night of the Weird Magazine Party was fun. What is your Most Memorable Night in recent months? SOH:

It would probably be when we played Smokin’ Aces and some

hardcore dancer pissed one of the huge bouncers off and got owned. It was our FIrst time playin a bar and seeing something like that. It was crazy.

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skarlett o hara

WEIRD: Up coming shows? Weird Magazine Interviews Skarlett O Hara WEIRD: Have you ever seen a UFO or the Chupapcabra? SOH:

No but we saw boy george once.

Karma Karma Karma Karma Karma Chameleon You come and go You come and go! WEIRD:


Nope not at the time, we just got back from a grueling 3 month tour and its nice to have alittle down time. SOH:

WEIRD: How can people get in touch with you to book you for a show or hear your music?

SOH: The best way to get ahold of us would to contact us through our myspace ( scarlettoharamusic ) Or email us at

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17th Street District El Rey. While later incarnations of night life gave us The Dive, Speakeasy, Rhythm & Brews, Club M & Flesh in 2008. Then in 2009 The Patio, The Rooftop, Bar 201, Lumen, The Dirty Bottle, Chill, Volta, Vice, The Gallery Bar , Balini 7, Chicago Pizza, and now Brewski’s are all new to this years line-up! That’s not all of them. More bars to come are slated after the First of the year! With all these watering holes in the District, where are the fresh pool of drinkers going to come from to quinch their thirst? From All over the Valley and including tourist from out of town and visitors from Northern Mexico. McAllen has a new District for entertainment and it is located downtown in the 17th Street Area. Next months December issue

17th Street is growing with more bars to drink at and places to eat as entertainment disctrict starts to hop!


eird Magazine

has spent several weekends enjoying the sights, sounds, crowds and foods of down-

of Weird Magazine will offer a profile on these new business and what entertainment they have to offer. We will cover the local bar scene and growing local live music for this dynamic growing area in detail for our readers next month. There are alot of activities going in December including the Annual dropping of the Ball on New Years Eve. So stick around next month and we will see you downtown for some great local music and a cold drink!

- Staff

town 17th Steret as McAllen’s Entertainment District gets going. Back in 2005 and 2006 things were pretty slow in the downtown area but have picked up more in recent years.

Some of the older bars of THE 17th Disctrict are The Boiler Room, Shine, & Page 16 •

DAWN OF THE NEW MILLENNIA The Nazi UFO Controversy: Banned In 22 Countries” “UFOs, Nazi Secret Weapons?” By Sean Casteel

When Timothy Green Beckley chose to publish “UFOs, Nazi Secret Weapons?” he realized he was taking a risk of no mean proportions. Beckley even carefully declares on the book’s cover that this edition is not endorsed by himself, any known UFOlogists or conspiracy theorists, and most certainly not the Space Brothers. Why all this care and concern? After all, there has been much written already about the possibility that some UFOs were designed by Nazi scientists working feverishly against the clock as the eventual defeat of Germany in World War II came to be seen as more and more inevitable. Even renowned author and conspiracy theorist Jim Maars talks about the flying saucers on the drawing boards of Nazi weapons designers without so much as ruffling the feathers of everyday UFO believers in his recent book “The Rise of the Fourth Reich: The Secret Societies That Threaten To Take Over America.” The difference with Beckley’s new offering is that “UFOs, Nazi Secret Weapons?” was written by a genuine, unapologetic Nazi

sympathizer named Mattern Friedrich, who also went by the pseudonyms Christof Friedrich and Ernest Zundel. However he was named, one learns in Beckley’s cautious introduction that Friedrich originally wrote the book in the 1970s and it was the very first to put forth the idea that some flying saucers were of Nazi design. All other treatments of the subject followed in its wake, although usually with a more morally palatable point of view. Friedrich did time in jail in both Canada and the U.S. for various hate crime violations and at one point stated that pursuing his vision had cost him some years of freedom but the public notoriety that came with it had also given him more free publicity than he could have ever imagined. The worth of this document some thirty or so years down the line is purely as an historical artifact. In a manner similar to the 1935 Nazi propaganda film “Triumph of the Will,” directed by Leni Riefenstahl, it is undeniably a work of true evil. But it is also, in its own specialized context, a museum piece of 20th century UFOlogical theory that may have some merit in purely speculative terms. For instance, there are few who would dispute the fact that immediately after World War II, both the U.S. and Russia began to gather together former Nazi scientists and put their expertise to work for the purposes of the Allies. It is a generally acknowledged fact that our own space program could not have been the success it was without imported Nazi know-how. The program was called “Operation Paperclip” here in the U.S., and it remains a vital link in the chain in the understanding of present day conspiracy theory. Could there have been a few flying saucer blueprints imported as well? While Friedrich touches on that aspect of military history, he also writes as a true Nazi. He denies the Holocaust ever happened while claiming that Hitler was a sadly misunderstood humanitarian. He also milks the idea that Hitler didn’t die in his bunker in April of 1945 but instead escaped to freedom in Antarctica, where he continued to await the perfecting of flying saucer technology. Everyone

from Stalin to Eisenhower is supposed to have entertained the belief that Hitler was still alive, working his evil machinations from some kind of secluded technological wonderland.

into the interior of the Earth where, again, the Nazis may have concealed themselves in order to reemerge and conquer an unsuspecting world.

Bookshop. ONLINE at conspiracyjournalbookshop.

In any case, if you have the stomach for the kind of ignorant rhetoric and appallingly selfserving commandeering of the UFO phenomenon expressed in “UFOs, Nazi Secret Weapons?” then you may find the whole business readable for the sake of the aforementioned historical curiosity. Sort of like seeing a concentration camp while taking a tour of Germany, witnessing a horror that one prays never repeats itself, a tragedy that for the time being threatens to recur only in the darkest of visions of our collective future.

[Just for the record, I am what is today called a Christian Zionist. I believe that Israel’s rebirth as a modern nation is predetermined by God and that the Jews continue to be the His Chosen People. Christ himself was Jewish and certainly never intended his people to suffer the centuries of racism and oppression that followed his death on the cross. I have written some books on the subject, including “UFOs, Prophecy and the End of Time” and “Signs and Symbols of the Second Coming,” all of which take a very positive view of the aliens and are available at and on my website at ]

One must at least acknowledge the fact that Friedrich is a coherent writer. He tries to buttress his arguments with historical data he has collected over the years, which includes letters from some of the alleged participants and witnesses to the Nazi’s flying saucer research, as well as drawings and diagrams he claims came directly from top secret research laboratories. All of which is reprinted here, as well as several newspaper and magazine articles that deal with some UFO sightings relevant to his case here and throughout the world. Plus the book is packed with photos of purported German-made saucers and conceptual artwork. More than one UFO witness has apparently declared that the aliens they had the privilege of speaking to spoke to them in German or in English with a German accent. It is claimed in another case that the traces left behind by a landed UFO included a swastika embedded into the ground. These instances are admittedly rare and could easily instead be a twisting of the facts designed to support this repellant Nazi theory of UFOs. The package also includes a 60 minute CD called “Nazi Flying Saucers and the New World Order,” hosted by the ever popular Commander X. (The commander, it should be noted, is no ex-Nazi himself, but rather a patriot who says he is currently being hunted by the New World Order because of his fearless disclosures of secret information.) The CD asks such topical questions as: Did the Nazi regime end with the conquest of Germany by Allied Forces? Did top secret antigravity technology allow the Third Reich to continue its grip on sinister power at either or both of the polar bases? That last has been a popular theory that argues for entrances at the poles leading deep

To order a copy of this controversial book, Conspiracy Journal

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Movie Reviews

conventions. And I liked Independence Day because back then the fluff was kind of cute. Now it’s fat and repulsive and you just want it to move out of the house. But perhaps I’m just excoriating it in the worst way. Judge for yourself: Nov 19th


NOTE: The Fear based propaganda machine that

Hollywood regurgitates is to KEEP YOU IN FEAR! Now whether it’s Alien Abduction Phenomena or the 2012 END OF THE WORLD DOOMSDAY Films Emmerich always puts out; rest assured it is in some shape or form to Pre-Condition you to some fancifull version of a manifested reality!

In theaters: Friday, November 6, 2009. In, 1972, a scale of measurement was established for alien encounters. When a UFO is sighted, it is called an encounter of the first kind. When evidence is collected, it is known as an encounter of the second kind. When contact is made with extraterrestrials, it is the third kind. The next level, ABDUCTION, is the fourth kind. This encounter has been the most difficult to document until now. Structured unlike any film before it, The Fourth Kind is a provocative thriller set in modern-day Nome, Alaska, where -- mysteriously since the 1960s -- a disproportionate number of the population has been reported missing every year. Despite multiple FBI investigations of the region, the truth has never been discovered. Here in this remote region, psychologist Dr. Abigail Tyler

(Milla Jovovich) began videotaping sessions with traumatized patients and unwittingly discovered some of the most disturbing evidence of alien abduction ever documented. Using never-before-seen archival footage that is integrated into the film, The Fourth Kind exposes the terrified revelations of multiple witnesses. Their accounts of being visited by alien figures all share disturbingly identical details, the validity of which is investigated throughout the film. This movie could prove to be very important to UFOlogists and to mankind in general. If the contents of the movie live up to their billing then millions of people will have the opportunity to experience alien abduction and realize the real horror inflicted on the abductees. It scares the hell of out of me. Dirk Visit the website: Why Wait for the Apocalypse? Experience 2012 Now

2 0 1 2 In theaters: Friday, November 19, 2012 looks like the Playboy of disaster porn, the Debbie Does Dallas of destruction. Roland Emmerich will (hopefully) put himself out of a job after this because there will literally be nothing left to destroy. Either way, it’s not too late for someone to stop this man, if people pass on his film this time.

The scene, which you can see below, features just about every disaster movie convention and cliche stuffed into five minutes: as Los Angeles sinks into the sea, one family careens close to death, destruction directly behind, chaos ahead, all perfectly choreographed, and an escape from the city that looks conspicuously like something out of The Langoliers, as they watch the final moments of destruction from high in the air. The worst Arnold impersonator ever says, “The worst is over,” when it never is (at least the film is self-conscious enough to make fun of this convention). I think that I’d rather live through the apocalypse than watch this film, though I admit that some people may enjoy the special effects. But in that case, they might as well show two hours of destruction. The human elements look about as tension-deprived and predictable as any other Emmerich film. Characters are simple plug-ins. Special effects betray the worst kind of competence: beautiful and staggering images in perpetuity that are hollow beneath. Actually, I don’t even know if that’s true. The effects themselves betray standard

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Is it the end of the world in 2012? Hell No! But I’d be more concerned about the fall of the Dollar and the introduciton to a new currency ala THE AMERO; than California falling into the Ocean. Read page 16 if you haven’t allready. Simply put, pay attention when you are being goofed over by Hollywood, the UFO/ END OF DAYS rhetoric has been coming for decades. ID4, The Arrival, CONTACT, War of the Worlds, The Day the Earth Stood Still, and as far back as ET, and Close Encounters of the Third Kind. I’m not saying Aliens are going to invade anytime soon, However, perhaps we are meant to think they might by the year 2012. Look into Project Blue Beam in next months X-Factor in December 09 Issue of Weird Magazine. Untill then, get out your shotgun and can of raid and prepare for the worst. While it may not be Anal Probing Aliens from Zeta Reticuli to take you for an off world trip to have your chakras alligned; Hollywood will do it’s best to sell you t snake oil under the big top. You have been warned!

Fall Of The Republic Exposes How Financial

Terrorists Are Imposing Global Enslavement been built around the President makes him far more of a danger to America than Bush could ever be.

Alex Jones’ brand new documentary blockbuster reveals how elite oligarchies are plotting a new dark age for humanity Paul Joseph Watson Prison Monday, October 19, 2009 While the criminals who have hijacked the world financial system continue to pose as saviors and swallow up more power in the name of fixing the very problems that they created, Alex Jones latest documentary blockbuster Fall Of The Republic exposes the real agenda of the financial terrorists who have bankrupted America in their quest for world domination and global serfdom. The majority of Fall Of The Republic is devoted to an indepth investigation into how the vultures of global corporatism exploited the engineered financial meltdown to begin the step by step implementation of their economic new world order – a parasitical financial system expertly crafted to benefit the elite few while destroying the living standards of the middle class and sinking the planet into a new dark age. The film opens with an analysis of Brand Obama and why the cult of personality that has

Max Keiser, G. Edward Griffin, John Perkins, Wayne Madsen and others discuss how Obama’s continuation of the Bush financial policy proves that he is merely a front man for the same banking interests that have ruled America since the introduction of the Federal Reserve in 1913. The film explains how corporations were allowed to be transformed from relatively small and scrutinized operations to the position they occupy today, transnational behemoths that dictate the rules to governments, the press and the people through their monopolized ownership structures. The goal of the men who run these global corporations and the banking oligarchies that are allied with them is the complete subjugation of free enterprise in America and a general lowering of living standards via Malthusian policies of micromanagement and oppression, as the film documents. The demise of the dollar and its replacement with a global currency controlled solely by the IMF and the World Bank is the next step in the agenda to centralize world financial power into the hands of a rapidly decreasing inner circle of elitists. The second half of the film exposes Obama’s lies in a way yet to be witnessed in documentary format, surpassing

even The Obama Deception in its devastating demolition of the notion that Obama represented a “change” from the policies enacted under George W. Bush. From executive signing statements to the continuation of war and electronic surveillance, to his hiring of lobbyists, to prosecuting those who tortured, and particularly his promise to freeze taxes for those who earn below $250,000 a year, Obama has betrayed every promise he made before even reaching the end of his first year in office.

Crucially, Fall Of The Republic devotes times to an exploration of how all this tyranny is being accomplished with relatively little unrest on behalf of the masses, through social engineering and sophisticated public relations brainwashing being carefully massaged into popular culture, Hollywood, sports, and television. Perhaps the most important segment of the film is devoted to how the fraud of man-

made global warming is being interwoven into every aspect of our lives in order to mandate the plan for a global carbon tax along with stifling levels of

bureaucracy, regulation and

control. Climatologist Timothy F. Ball, Ph. D explains how the establishment has used intimidation, smear and fear as a means of silencing skeptical voices by equating any doubt towards man-made global warming with holocaust denial. Webster Tarpley highlights how radical environmentalists and fanatic Malthusians now find themselves in positions of key advisory roles to Presidents and Prime Ministers, overseeing the agenda to equate the life cycle itself as an assault on Mother Earth while calling for genocidal policies of mass population reduction. Fall Of The Republic expertly exposes how cap and trade and the carbon trading market being set up by people like Al Gore and the Rothschild family will benefit to the tune of billions and eventually trillions of dollars the very people who are claiming it is needed to combat the manufactured hoax of manmade climate change. The film documents how the legislation being passed in the name of combating climate change does little other than crush free enterprise and introduce nightmare levels of federal government power while doing nothing to address real environmental concerns. The final topic covered in the film is the issue of how local and state law enforcement is being taken over at the federal level as cops are trained to be secret police and treat every American citizen as a potential terrorist. The movie exposes how preachers, boy scouts and girl scouts, and the public in general are being trained to spy on the American people in federally operated Stasistyle informant programs.

Northcom is moving hundreds

of thousands of active duty troops inside the United States to deal with expected unrest as the takeover of the country accelerates, allowing the nation to be looted and stolen in broad daylight. The film ends by offering the viewer a choice. Either American citizens can follow the hundreds of nations that have fallen to tyranny over the last few centuries alone, or they can draw a line in the sand and say enough is enough by beginning to take back and restore what once was America. Future generations will look back at this moment in history and learn about how it was either the time when the planet fell into the merciless grip of a high-tech tyranny, or when free-thinking people all over the globe rose in unison to defend the most basic rights of mankind against the rampaging, bloodthirsty, inhumane and dictatorial force of the new world order. Fall Of The Republic is just one of many tools that will aid the planet in waking from its collective slumber and coming to the understanding that if we don’t stop this agenda in its tracks now, a never-ending dark age for humanity could once again envelop the world and make our current problems look like a relative utopia in comparison with what the global elite have planned for us over the next 100 years. Fall Of The Republic lands on October 21st. Order the DVD here or watch the film in high quality online at Prison Or at Brave New Books in Austin.

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FBI Demands Tattoo Shops Rat On Customers

Kurt Nimmo Infowars October 30, 2009 Are you in the market for a patriotic tattoo, maybe the Gadsden flag? Forget about it. Unless you want the local tattoo artist to inform on you. The FBI, in league with the Bureau of Justice Assistance (part of the Department of Justice), has launched a program that harks back to East Germany’s Stasi. In Philadelphia, the FBI has instructed tattoo shops to rat out their customers if they demand privacy, insist on

paying with cash, engage in “suspicious behavior,” make “anti-US” comments, or request tattoos that are “extremist symbols.”

According to the MIAC report, the Gadsden flag is a “militia symbol.” The Department of Homeland Security’s Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment report characterizes militias as “white supremacists,” domestic terrorists and a threat to the president. MIAC is part of the federal “fusion” effort now underway around the country. It is not merely “extremist symbols.” In addition, the FBI literature instructs tattoo shops to be on the look-out for people who change hair color, style of dress, or shave beards between visits. Suspicious people also include those with missing fingers or hands, chemical burns, strange orders or bright colored stains on clothing. Read the handout below for more absurd “extremist” indicators according to the FBI.

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INFOWARS NEWS NOV 2009 Ron Paul: Health Care Bill Could Kill The Dollar Paul Joseph Watson Prison Monday, November 9, 2009 If the Obama administration keeps its promise in guaranteeing not to raise taxes to pay for universal health care, the only way to cover the costs will be for the Federal Reserve to print even more money out of thin air, a process that will kill the dollar and lead to lower living standards for all Americans, warns Congressman Ron Paul. In his weekly Texas Straight Talk telephone update, Dr. Paul said that Saturday night’s passage of the health care bill in Congress will lead to a further devastation of the American economy and the greenback.

“This new monumental pressure could very well be the straw that will break the dollar’s back,” warns Paul. “Foreign creditors are already nervous about continuing to invest in the U.S. because of our skyrocketing debt – the explosion of debt that is certain to accompany the enactment of this national health care bill can only add to that nervousness,” said the Congressman. Paul concluded by warning that a government takeover of health care will take a flawed system and make it “immeasurably worse”. Listen to Dr. Paul’s comments via the You Tube clip below. watch?v=_GsyHaHsHn4

“This world will not be a peaceful one if we do not work for more global order and more multilateral cooperation,” Merkel stated. In the presence of U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Merkel added that Americans would have to deliver over more authority to multilateral organizations such as the UN, just as Europeans have done to the EU. Merkel pointed to the forthcoming UN climate summit in December, to be held in Copenhagen, as an opportunity to forge such a new order. German Chancellor Merkel Calls For A New Global Order FOTR 340x1692 The German Chancellor’s speech echoed that of former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev, who called for a “new world order” in a December 1988 speech to the United Nations in New York City. Gorbachev was present at the event in Berlin today.

The Congressman highlights the fact that the health care reform package is already twice as expensive as originally forecast and that estimates of past health care spending programs have been off by as much as 100 per cent, “So there is no telling what the actual cost will be,” states Paul, adding that government intervention has always been expensive and historically has routinely led to waste, fraud and abuse.

Paul labeled the bill German Chancellor “completely unconstiMerkel Calls For A “New tutional” and accused Global Order” Washington of “torturing the numbers” rather Says Americans must give more authority to global bodies than facing the truth and warned, “If health Steve Watson care reform does Monday, Nov 9, 2009 deed pass, we should not be under the illuChancellor Angela Merkel today sion that it will be free, called for the establishment of a “new global order” in remarks they will have to get marking the 20th anniversary of the money from somethe fall of the Berlin Wall. where.” Dismissing claims that the government will get the money from cutting wage fraud and abuse, noting that this was intrinsic to government programs, Paul said that if the administration doesn’t raise taxes and premiums, “This can only then put more pressure on the Fed to print the money out of thin air,” resulting in an even greater acceleration in the weakening of the dollar.

that world unity could only be possible if such “global corrections” were made.

Speaking at a scientific conference entitled “Falling Walls”, Merkel brazenly told reporters:

“The most important thing, when attempting to overcome barriers, is: Are the nation states ready and willing to give competencies over to multilateral organizations, no matter what it costs?” The German leader stated

Other world leaders set to join Chancellor Merkel are French President Nicolas Sarkozy, Russian president Dmitry Medvedev and British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, who is set to make a last-ditch appeal to Merkel to rally behind Tony Blair as the first president of Europe. President Obama will not travel to Germany, a move that has drawn heated criticism and has been seen by some as an attempt to better relations with Russia.

The End of America, in the Middle of the Night Adam Murdock, MD Monday, Nov 9th, 2009 While normal everyday oblivious Americans were preparing their beds to sleep Saturday night their elected officials quietly passed H.R. 3962, the Affordable Health Care for America Act. Indeed, the passage of this act deals one of the final death blows to the Constitution and with it our liberties. As I ponder upon this momentously horrid occurrence it is

as if I have just woken up from a nightmare and been thrown directly into the plot of George Orwell’s 1984, with no hope of escape. As this thought grabs hold I am lead to ponder more and more about America and I ask myself a few questions. Since when did the Constitution provide for a health care guarantee? Since when did the Constitution grant the Congress the power to force Americans into a health care dystopia? What good is a Constitution if we choose to ignore it? What good is a Constitution if the Congress simply chooses to create a new one in their own graven socialist image? Truly, these questions are meaningless now. The Constitution is hanging by the tiniest of threads. Who will save it? Who will come to its rescue? It is the everyday middle class American that will suffer the consequences of this travesty. Indeed, while the economy is reeling and unemployment pushes depression-era levels the arrogant Congress has decided to pass the biggest expansion of government in the history of the United States. It will create a new tax that will primarily be felt by the middle class, the ones most likely affected by the current depression. This is because as Americans are forced to purchase health insurance, the wealthy will have no problem paying for escalating costs. Nor will the poor feel the burden as they will receive government health insurance subsidies. Yet, the forgotten man will be the middle class working American who now already struggling against the burden of economic ruin will be forced to pay fines or even face possible jail time for not complying with our government’s take over of his/her health care. As this tax sinks in, the middle class will be forced downward into the ranks of the working poor and therefore into the ranks of government rationed medical care. Inevitably, government healthcare will swallow the whole of the medical insurance world and there will be no escape. This dystopian vision will consist of patients waiting in long lines and when they are finally permitted to see their doctor there will be much fruitless begging and pleading for the treatment that they desperately need. But no

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mercy will be given because the doctor will have become nothing more than a desk-clerk, simply following the government treatment protocols. “What, you have shoulder pain?” Your doctor asks. “Well, the treatment protocol for this condition provided by our majestic government says you have to wait two years to get a MRI or to see an Orthopedist. I am sorry. Here are a few pain pills. There is nothing more that I can do. Have a nice day.” Such will be the conservation heard in doctor’s offices throughout America. Don’t believe me? I have personally lived in the socialist countries that we are now trying to emulate. This is the reality in these countries and the people there simply accept it and learn not to complain. We, in America, will also come to learn and accept over time what our benevolent government has chosen to grant us. And what about our parents? It will not be long before the health care budget spirals out of control and our benevolent government is forced to make cuts. Who will they cut off first? Why, our parents of course. The government will say that the elderly simply cost too much. They will say that the elderly are no longer productive members of society and have only a few years to live anyway so let’s just stop providing life-saving surgeries or needed food and water for these no longer useful people. Don’t believe me? Just look to these same socialist countries where the elderly are frequently pushed into hospice death programs when they have no terminal illness and denied needed surgeries because they are too old. I could go on and on. Such is the fury and simultaneously the sorrow I feel for our country. Now is the time for our voices to be heard. Now is the time to make a stand before it is too late.

The Grand-Daddy of all Fake Terror Fall Guys: Guy Fawkes

Webster Tarpley Prison Thursday, November 5, 2009 2009 marks the eighth anniversary of 9/11 – and the 404th anniversary of state-sponsored false-flag terrorism or synthetic terror in the English-speaking world: Guy Fawkes Day. Even now, few understand that plot: Guy was no fox but a dupe ensnared by the chief minister himself in a madcap scheme to blow up King and Parliament. The real plot was royally successful: to invent a pretext for war with Spain. This fraud was the foundation of the British empire. In 1898, the American century was ushered in by a similar anti-

Spanish hoax: the bombing of the USS Maine in Havana harbor. And on 9/11/2001, plotters embedded in the US government, working on a Project for a New American Century, faked the pretext for a Clash of Civilizations – and a neo-fascist world order. In earlier books, Webster G. Tarpley first uncovered the Bush family’s key role in launching Hitler, and the fascistic P2 lodge behind the false-flag Red Brigades terrorists. He is uniquely qualified to press the case against the perpetrators of 9/11. THE classic case of strategic terrorism of this type is doubtless the Gunpowder Plot of November 5, 1605, a day that is still marked each year in the English calendar as Guy Fawkes’ Day. In 1605 James I Stuart,

a Protestant who united in his person the crowns of Scotland and England for the first time, was considering a policy of accommodation with the Spanish Empire, the leading Catholic power. James was also considering some measures of toleration for Catholics in England, where the majority of the landed gentry in the north of the country was still loyal to Rome. An influential group in London, backed by Venetian intelligence from abroad, wanted to push James I into a confrontation with the Spanish Empire, from which they hoped among other things to extract great personal profit. They also thought it was politically vital to keep persecuting the Roman Catholics. Chief among the war party was the royal chancellor, roughly equivalent to prime minister, who was Lord Robert Cecil, the Earl of Salisbury. Cecil set out to sway James I to adopt his policy, by means of terrorism. Acting behind the scenes, Cecil cultivated some prominent Catholics, one of them Lord Thomas Percy from the famous Catholic Percy family, and used them as cut-outs to direct the operations of a group of naïve Catholic fanatics and adventurers, among them a certain gullible gentleman named Guy Fawkes. Thomas Percy was supposedly a Catholic fanatic, but in reality was a bigamist. This group of Catholic fanatics hatched the idea first of tunneling into the basement of the Houses of Parliament from a nearby house, and then simply of renting the basement of the Houses of Parliament, in order to pack that basement with explosives for the purpose of blowing up King, Lords, and Commons when James I came to open the Parliament early that November. But instead Guy

Fawkes was caught going into the basement the night before the great crime was scheduled to occur. Fawkes and the rest of the plotters were tortured and hanged, and several Catholic clergy were also scapegoated. James I put aside his plans for toleration of Catholics, and England set out on a century of wars against the Spanish and Portuguese Empires, from which in turn the British Empire was born. Guy Fawkes Day became the yearly festival of “no popery” and hatred of Spain. Concerning the Gunpowder Plot, the Jesuit Gerard concludes that “for purposes of State, the government of the day [meaning Cecil] either found means to instigate the conspirators to undertake their enterprise, or, at least, being, from an early stage of the undertaking, fully aware of what was going on, sedulously nursed the insane scheme till the time came to make capital out of it. That the conspirators, or the greater number of them, really meant to strike a great blow is not to be denied, though it may be less easy to assure ourselves of its precise character; and their guilt will not be palliated should it appear that, in projecting an atrocious crime, they were unwittingly playing the game of plotters more astute than themselves.” (Gerard 17)

Here we have an excellent definition of state-sponsored terrorism. Gerard’s method of proof is this: “It will be enough to show that, whatever its origin, the conspiracy was, and must have been, known to those in power, who, playing with their infatuated dupes, allowed them to go on with their mad scheme, till the moment came to strike with full effect.” (Gerard 55) This can also be applied to 9/11. It should be added that James I does not seem to have been aware of the operation in advance. The plot was not directed against him; it rather intended to push him in a specific policy direction. After the event, James I does appear to have realized what Cecil’s role had been, at least to some extent. Father Gerard speaks of Thomas Percy, Cecil’s agent in the Gunpowder Plot, as a “tame duck employed to catch the wild ones.” (Gerard 152) But the fact that he was Cecil’s agent did not prevent Percy from being killed as part of the cover-up after November 5. At the risk of mixing metaphors, we can cite the opinion of a contemporary observer that Cecil, once he had secured the game birds he was seeking, hanged the spaniel who had actually caught them for him, “that its master’s art might not appear.” (Gerard 153)

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