International Wedding Trend Report 2019

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Wedding Cake & Sweet Tr ends With Rosalind Miller of Rosalind Miller Cakes

What w edding cake t rends are em erging in 2019? We predict t ext ures, t aller t iers and lot s of single t ier cakes grouped t oget her, allow ing t he couples t o have diff erent designs and diff erent f lavours on t he sam e t able. What are som e of t he m ore unique t rends you're seeing now t hat w ill be big in 2019? We are seeing an increasing dem and in dessert t ables f or w eddings and are predict ing a real boom f or 2019. They are m ainly used as a room cent re pieces, sett ing t he m ood and t he at m osphere w it h beaut if ul hand?craft ed sugar decorat ions and m at ching sm aller dessert s t able it em s. We?re also seeing a rise in int erest ing t ext ures, such as concret e, st one, and t ext ured butt ercream , rat her t han just t radit ional sm oot h f ondant icing. What dessert (non?cake) t rends are up and com ing in 2019? Vegan dessert s are already on t rend but w e w ill be seeing an increase dem and in vegan dessert s; using nat ural/ organic ingredient s, f resh f ruit s and f low ers. How do you see w edding dessert s being used in t erm s of decor and st yling in 2019? Very big w edding cakes are becom ing a f ocal point of t he w edding recept ion room , creat ing a big st at em ent w it h t heir size and int ricat e decorat ions, and surrounded by ext ravagant decorat ions such as an arch f low ers or f oliage. Mat ching dessert s and dessert t ables w ill also f orm a cent ral part of t he dĂŠcor, rat her t han just m at ching it , w it h lot s of unique t hem ed dessert s, rat her t han just t radit ional cupcakes and cookies.

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