International Wedding Trend Report 2018

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Wedding Technology with Kather ine Oyer, Aisle Planner How are w edding prof essionals using t echnology in 2018? From f inding t he right places t o advert ise t o att ract t he perf ect client , t o ut ilizing lead m anagem ent program s t o t rack and f ollow up w it h client s im m ediat ely w it h aut om at ed responders. We hear it every day ? t he fast er and m ore eff icient ly w edding indust ry prof essionals can get t heir pot ent ial client s t he inf orm at ion t hey are looking f or, t he chance t o close t he sale and book t he couple increases dram at ically.

How is t echnology im pact ing w eddings planned f or 2018? The young w om en and t hose creat ive m en out t here w ho f irst adopt ed Pint erest in t he rise of int ernet ?based inspirat ion saving and sharing are now w ell int o t heir m arrying years. What st art ed as an easy w ay t o save "m ust ?have" ideas f or lat er use, has evolved int o t he expect at ion t hat every part of planning a w edding needs t o be online, cloud?based, easy t o f ind and accessible 24 hours a day ? bonus point s f or m obile accessibilit y!

What is social m edia's im pact looking like f or 2018 in w eddings? Inst agram w ill cont inue t o be huge f or t he w edding indust ry. More and m ore couples are f inding t heir event part ners on Inst agram f irst , using it as a creat ive search engine of sort s. Business ow ners are able t o show case t heir w ork in a curat ed w ay t o att ract t heir ideal client , prom ot e collaborat ions w it h t heir indust ry f riends, and now w it h Inst agram st ories, give a glim pse of "behind t he scenes" m om ent s on t he big day.

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