Is Building My Own WordPress Website Worth It?

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Is Building My Own WordPress Website Worth It? It is definitely worth it to build your own WordPress website unless you are building a static website for customers to simply access your business or prefer a ready-made e-commerce platform. However, even for e-commerce, WordPress’s woocommerce plugin for e-commerce is still the most popular website platform for e-commerce.

Hopefully, the information in this article will help you answer the question:

Is Building My Website Worth It?



Building your own WordPress website will pay dividends in the

end. The following are just a few of the many reasons you want your own hosted website online: 1. This might seem obvious, but hosting your own website means you own your website outright and are not limited in terms of what you can do when it comes to design, hosting, and collecting emails. 2. You will be putting a lot of time (thousands of hours) into building your website, it only makes sense you would want such an asset to be fully within your control. 3. You will also be putting money into your website, even if you choose to go with an all-in-one website building platform. In most cases, you will pay once for a plugin or other software to enhance your site. Other options will likely involve a monthly charge for the duration of time you run the website. 4. Getting help for a WordPress website from developers is far easier than other platforms because WordPress is the most popular CMS platform online. WordPress hosts approximately 40% of business websites online. 5. Some website building companies may have restrictions on email list marketing. This was a huge problem in the past and is far less of a problem now, but it is worth looking into. 6. Advertising options may be limited depending on the platform you use for your business website. 7. WordPress. org is an open-source platform and is constantly improving because an endless number of developers are able to enhance the platform. 8. WordPress has tens of thousands of plugins to design your website for your specific needs. 9. In terms of knowledge about working online and constructing a website, WordPress does have an increased “barrier to entry”. However, it is not due to affordability but rather a result of the time that is involved to learn the platform. This limits the number

of individuals who use WordPress to those who are more invested in their business. It may not be said, but many customers do not look at an all-in-one, cookie-cutter website with the same authority as a WordPress website that is built correctly. 10. When hosting needs become a priority as a result of your website’s database size and increased traffic, there is the option to select a hosting plan that is specifically designed to host WordPress websites. 11. Some advertisers and affiliate programs regard WordPress websites with more authority if the design and development are professional. Granted if a website, regardless of the hosting and platform, is very large and well-established this may not be a factor. 12. If you plan to sell your website, a website on a WordPress platform is often more desirable. Should your website be maintained online by a website building company, there is always the chance the company could close or change hands which is something you will have no control over. This can be a very important issue as websites that make money, sell for many multiples times their monthly income. 13. Search engine optimization is yet another factor to keep in mind. If you are depending on content creation to rank in Google Search this is particularly important. The fact that some of the well-known website companies now say their SEO is now as good as WordPress says something about the fact that WordPress for SEO is the gold standard. This is especially true as SEO plugins continue to improve, now incorporating AI, etc. Simply put, if you don’t host your own website, you are building a website on “rented land” and if your website is your business that is relinquishing a lot of control over an asset you are literally building from scratch. Unless you have other reasons to choose a website builder company, don’t let the ease of setting up a website in a matter of minutes

without any online experience tempt you. Take the time to learn WordPress and in the end, you will be happier. It is cheaper and you will maintain full control over all the content and software behind your business website. So…Is Building My Own WordPress Website Worth It? In most cases, the answer is a resounding YES! For more information about building your WordPress website, visit Website Building Tutorials for more articles and video tutorials.

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