Why Is WordPress The Best CMS Platform?

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Why Is WordPress The Best CMS Platform?

It does not matter what business you are in, your website represents your brand in front of a massive audience so it needs to be something different from your competitors and be the best. Choosing the right platform to have a great website is important because it will decide the tools, customization options, and speed of your website.

Why Is WordPress Platform?




WordPress is frequently updated, well tested, and comes with a community offering an unrivaled depth of support. According to a recent survey, Word Press powers 32.3% of all websites on the internet. Here are certain reasons that will tell you why word press is considered to be the best platformWordPress Is Free

One of the biggest selling points is that this platform does not charge even a penny for its usage. This is a huge perk for using WordPress and because it is an open-source platform it is constantly being updated and checked for code errors. You can take the privilege of using it over the longer term and also themes, plugins, and other tools without even paying for them as there are tons of free and low-cost options to choose from. It is open source too which means you can alter or improve its source code in a way how you like to customize your website functionality or its appearance.

Is It Really Easy to Setup and Use? WordPress is used by people, including top WordPress Designers, who have no knowledge of how to code. Most developers will actually discourage owners of WordPress websites from tampering with the WordPress code as there is rarely a need to change the code. Developers say that changing the code can cause problems if you are not well trained in WordPress coding and troubleshooting. As has been mentioned in many of our other articles, you also have many options when it comes to choosing a theme. You can switch out themes and experiment with many different features and plugins. With all this flexibility you can still have your website up and running in no time.

You want your website to look professional for your business so if you don’t have experience working with WordPress you have the option of getting someone to help you. Since it is such a popular CMS platform there are many WordPress developers and designers available online at affordable rates when compared to other website developers.

WordPress is SEO Friendly Word press is SEO (search engine optimization) friendly right out of the box. You can then use various SEO plugins to further optimize your website and there are countless videos on YouTube if you need help configuring a plugin. WordPress makes use of standard compliance, high-quality code and produces semantic markup. Search engines, like Google, love this platform configuration and this is the reason WordPress websites tend to rank well with good SEO compared to other website platforms. WordPress was developed while keeping security in mind. However; the internet is constantly evolving so there is always the chance your site can become prone to cyberattacks, the most common being a brute force attack. Vulnerability to hackers is a concern with every platform. One good thing about WordPress is that because it is so popular, security breaches are identified and addressed quickly. As a WordPress website owner, you have a good amount of control over the security of your site. You can follow some simple precautions below: Choose to download plugins and themes that are known to be the most secure. Keep your plugins and theme updated. WordPress sites with outdated plugins are less secure. There are low-cost security plugins such as Wordfence


WordPress Types





When it comes to your website it is not just limited to text, you also need a built-in media uploader to upload videoís, images, and audio files. WordPress supports embedded websites which means you can embed YouTube videos, tweets, Instagram photos, and much more by just adding the URL in the WordPress post editor.

It ís Mobile-Ready No matter what kind of visitors you have or what type of audience you are targeting, it is essential to have a mobileready website since visitors with mobile devices far outnumber those with desktops and laptops. So if your site is not mobile-ready you are actually losing a large portion of your potential website visitors. If you want your website to look good on any device WordPress has the ability to be very mobile-friendly.


Conclusion The flexible functionality of WordPress websites, listed above, are just some of the reasons why WordPress is so popular. Many of the top brands use WordPress to power their websites including Time Magazine, Facebook, The New Yorker, Sony, Disney, Target, The New York Times, and more. So if you choose a WordPress website for your startup business, you are in good


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