Gypsy Vanner Horse Society - The Vanner

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ACTHA (American Competitive Trail Horse Association)

Trail Riding Fun! Shared by: Jane Howard

ACTHA rides have become popular all over the US and Canada. . Below is a brief explanation of what ACTHA is all about. ACTHA is the result of a life long addiction to horses of Carrie Scrima, our Founder. This unlikely passion developed while being born and raised in the Bronx of New York City. As a child she played with nothing but horse statues, she read nothing except horse books and when she learned of a place near by that trained police horses for the NYC Mounted Patrol she found a place to spend every spare moment of her young life. She was in good company since these trainers were among the best in the world. Many having Olympic credentials in all disciplines! After an appropriate break-in period of shining boots, cleaning tack and doing anything they could think of that a buck-toothed, red-headed 8-year old could do safely, they took pity and the lessons began. They’ve never really stopped. Having ridden with some of the top names in all the disciplines she marvels at how a good trail horse brings them all together. From her titles in the world of Intercollegiate Horse Showing culminating in being awarded the very first Inter-Collegiate All-American honor to riding with several trail organizations while training and competing in world class hunter jumper events or just driving buggies for fun... it just didn’t matter as long as a horse was involved. ACTHA is the culmination of this life long affair with the horse. Everything she has learned, every obstacle, every rule (of which their are few) represents the safest way she knows to introduce you and your horse to the skills you will need to be as safe as possible and heighten your enjoyment of the “Sport” of trail riding. FAQ’s:

What is a Competitive Trail Challenge (CTC)?

A Competitive Trail Challenge (CTC) is a casual trail ride competition that is a 6-8 mile trail ride with judged obstacles (mostly natural) along the way. Each obstacle has its own judge. It is not a timed event. You will have a ride out time (usually within 30-60 minutes) to head out on the trail. You are encouraged to ride with your group,

family, or friends. When you come to the obstacle & judge, you perform the obstacle one at a time. The trail rides usually take from 2-3 hours. After you come in from your ride, you can eat some lunch and be ready for the awards ceremony. Ribbons and prizes are given to 1st -6th place for Open, Pleasure, and the Junior divisions. Jackpot cash may also be awarded. These rides provide a natural setting for your horse and are a lot of fun! At the very least you will enjoy seeing great countryside on horseback and get to know a network of horse lovin’ trail riders such as yourself!

What is an ACTHA Obstacle Challenge (AOC)?

Held in an arena (indoor, outdoor, covered) or in a field; 8 ACTHA obstacles, 2-4 judges depending on the format chosen by the ride host. The straight in line format or the Gambler’s Choice format which allows up for each obstacle to be ridden twice. Riders enjoy an opportunity to further their horsemanship skills in an enclosed setting by completing a set of 8 obstacles along an obstacle course. Riders can bring multiple horses. Enjoy lunch and awards following the competition. Ribbons and ACTHA Bucks will be awarded for Open, Pleasure, and Junior Divisions 1st -3rd place. ACTHA Bucks will also be awarded for 1st-3rd place in the Scout Division. All obstacles at an AOC are ACTHA approved obstacles located on our OBSTACLES page, set at 60 seconds, giving 8-16 minutes total arena time.

I want to become a member, what do I do? Start by visiting: www/

The Promise “...allow us on your most vulnerable place, your back, and carry us to sights unseen, plow our fields, stand by us and die with us in war, build our tunnels and carry the riches to us from below the earth, give up your freedom to roam, teach us; and we in turn will take care of you” - TCS 85


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