NMC Mission
NMC Vision
If NMC ceased to exist, we (not the building but the body of Christ) would be missed.
North Metro Church,
Welcome to our 2023-2024 Annual Report! This year is especially significant as we celebrate the 25th anniversary of North Metro Church. As I reflect on our journey, I am filled with gratitude for how God has moved among us and for the lives that He has transformed over the years.
In the past year, we have experienced a revived sense of community and purpose. Together, we have witnessed powerful stories of people following Jesus for the first time, of people faithfully following Jesus, and of helping other people find Jesus. You’ll read more about this in the following pages, but this year was also momentous in the fact that we broke ground on our first-ever multisite location. Instead of building larger buildings and asking people to come to us, we want to go to them and help them find and follow Jesus. This year, we not only thank God for His past faithfulness but also look forward with excitement to the future God has in store for us.
From the bottom of my heart, I want to say thank you for your unwavering obedience to God, generosity, and commitment to our mission. Your partnership has been vital in creating impactful environments where lives can be transformed by God’s love in Marietta, around East Cobb, throughout America, and in neighborhoods across the world.
As you explore this report, may you be encouraged by the stories that reflect the faithfulness of our God and the community we share.
Grateful for you,
Rob McDowell Lead Pastor
Celebrating 25 Years
September 10, 2023
This past year, NMC celebrated our 25-year anniversary. We are so grateful for how God has blessed our last 25 years and can not wait to see where God will take us in the next 25.
We started our celebrations on Sunday, September 10, 2023, with donuts and 25 year-edition coffee mugs. We’ve continued celebrating by looking at a different story each month of how God, working through NMC, has changed and shaped people’s lives. Throughout all 13 stories, we have seen God’s faithfulness poured out upon us. Over the year, we’ve also had the joy of having former worship leaders such as Caroline Fidell and Sunny join us on a Sunday for worship.
Daniel Hicks hosted a podcast to share each of these stories. You can listen to each of these Celebrating 25 Years podcast episodes anywhere you get your podcasts.
By 2025, we want to help 1,000 people find Jesus. We’re fully dependent on God to change our hearts and lives, and we want to remain faithful to sharing the good news of the Gospel.
As we live out our mission to help people find and follow Jesus, one of the ways we see this through is by celebrating salvations and baptisms.
Salvations Baptisms
Adults, students, and children showed their friends, family, and church that they have been found by Jesus and accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
“In her words, she has no grand story to tell, no groundbreaking aha moment. She has heard the gospel and believed in God for most of her life. But now, tonight, she is ready to publicly acknowledge and demonstrate her faith. Tonight, after all of those Sunday morning sermons, the re|engage Mondays, and the NMCU lectures, which were a lot. After all of that, she’s confident now that life with Jesus is better than a busy life without him.”
“This is what I’ve been missing all of my life and this is where I need to be. And at the age of 41, I decided to give my life to him.... You’re born once, but now I know. Now I understand. I have been born again. I have a new life in Christ and this is why I want to get baptized because I have been saved.”
— Gretchen Reif
Do you believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God, your Savior, and your Lord? “Absolutely”
— Caleb Aumage
“I’m getting baptized today to show that I was once dead in my sin. However, because of Christ, I am forgiven. I’m done living in the shadows of sin, and I want to make a declaration that Satan has no grip on me and that Christ is my Savior.”
“Salvation does not mean that we won’t have trouble in this world. We will have trouble in this world, but my God keeps my lamp burning. He turns my darkness into light. And I just thank Him so much for His forgiveness and for mercy. That joy can come in the morning with every new day. I’m getting baptized today because I want to boldly proclaim that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. I want to be able to share this hope that I have with others.”
Alaina Gatch
“You know, I am a broken and sinful person, and there’s nothing that I can really do to fix that for good, for eternity. When we put our faith in Jesus and we devote our lives to Him, He not only blesses us with love and grace and mercy, but He is continually through the Holy Spirit, sanctifying us and redeeming us, and healing those broken parts within us... He’s making something glorious out of me and everyone who believes. So today, I’m getting baptized because I want to faithfully obey Jesus’ command.”
Abbie Harbin
▶ Church Gatherings
We gather on Sunday mornings as a body of Christ to center our lives, hearts, and minds on God. Together, through Biblical teaching, serving one another, and worship through music and communion, God continues to transform our lives.
Teaching Series
In July of 2023, NMC had our second four-day revival. Hunger 2023 was centered on desiring more of God’s words, ways, and presence. We celebrated 16 baptisms and had a time of teaching from guest speakers Miles Fidell and Will Gravely.
in October, January, April, and May People
▶ Around Barrett Campus
This year, 884 individuals have set the table for others to experience the goodness of God at NMC.
And friends attended our 2023 Braves Game Appreciation Night in July.
Attended our 2023 Tablesetter Appreciation Dinner and Game Night in December.
Dads & Daughters
Got all dressed up and joined NMC for Daddy Daughter
Date Night. Dads were inspired and equipped to disciple their daughters, and so many memories were made!
Sewell Mill Campus
Helping people find and follow Jesus in East Cobb
On Sunday, July 31, 2022, NMC Leadership shared with the entire church about our calling to open a second location. That is, to have one church with multiple locations so that we can continue to help people find and follow Jesus.
Learn more about our journey to our second location here!
While we were praying about a second location, Sewell Mill Baptist Church was also asking the Lord about their next steps.
After a few connections that only God could create, on April 16, 2023, North Metro Church adopted Sewell Mill Baptist Church.
This past year, we have renovated the Sewell Mill Campus, getting it ready for us to launch our second campus and serve the East Cobb community. We opened the campus in July 2024 and can not wait to see all that God will continue to do!
We help people find and follow Jesus. While faithfully following Jesus includes many things, one of the ways we help people take their next steps around NMC is by helping them jump in a circle. Anyone can take the next step towards Living in Community, Loving God, His Church, and Others, and Learning Biblical truth.
Living in Circles
Our mission at North Metro Church is to help people find and follow Jesus. We want so much for the family members of NMC, which is why we have created three circles. We believe if followers of Jesus jumped into these circles, it would help them take their next steps to become more faithful followers of Jesus. These are to: Live in Community, Love God, His Church and Others, and Learn Biblical Truth.
Grayson and Abbie Harbin are family members at NMC who have naturally jumped into all three circles. They started attending NMC in 2022, right when they got engaged. Since getting married and moving to Marietta in May 2023, they have been regularly attending and serving at NMC. In their own words, they are so thankful God led them to plant roots at NMC and meet so many wonderful people.
We asked Grayson and Abbie to share how God has transformed their lives while they joined the three circles at NMC. Getting involved in a new church can be a big task, so we wanted to know what drove Grayson and Abbie to join NMC and what they have gained and learned since then. Read their own words and be encouraged by what they have found!
Take a next step!
Why are you both involved at NMC? What do you hope to give or gain from being involved in your local church?
The main reason we are involved at NMC is because Scripture makes it evidently clear that Jesus’ followers should participate in the Church. Commonly compared to the body with Jesus as the Head, the Church is unified in its diversity of members and carries out the good plans and purposes of God. We believe God has called us to participate in the local and global church so that we can not only encourage and be encouraged by other church members, but be a light for Jesus in our community through our love and service. We hope to give our time, resources and God-given gifts to the Church, and we are expectant that God will use us to advance His kingdom and bless us with amazing people to walk alongside in our faith journeys.
What are you involved in now at NMC?
Currently, we are serving in Shift, the 5-7th grade ministry (Shoutout Shift!), attending community groups and going to Foundations Gatherings for newlywed couples. We have also completed two semesters of North Metro Church University and have served at a Respite Night.
but that’s not the kind of church attendance Jesus has called us to. He wants us to be active members of the body and utilize our God-given gifts to serve the church and our community. We have seen the Lord transform our hearts through serving at NMC, bringing us a sense of fulfillment and purpose, and it has also strengthened our marriage. It has been such a gift to serve and make friends together!
What is the greatest challenge to being involved? What would you say to someone who feels like they don’t have enough time or are scared to start something?
These three circles provide direction to all of the ministries and efforts we do around NMC.
Do you remember the first thing you got involved in at NMC? What was it like jumping in at the beginning?
Merge was the first thing we got involved in together at NMC. It is a class for engaged couples that walks us through various aspects of a God-glorifying marriage. It was a great way to not only learn more about marriage, but also meet other engaged couples who attend NMC. The class leaders were very welcoming and engaging from the beginning. It was easy to feel that we had members of our church willing to pour into us.
How have each of the opportunities transformed or benefited your life or faith? Anything that you have learned or that stands out to you?
Each of these opportunities has been such a blessing to us. And let us start by saying, we have had so much FUN! Attending groups and serving has given us so many wonderful memories, and in our opinion, it is the best way to meet and become friends with people of all ages at NMC. It’s easy to attend a Sunday morning service, keep to yourself, and leave for lunch right after the sermon,
For us, the greatest challenge was the first commitment. Once we made the leap to get out of our comfort zone, the Lord worked in our hearts to grow a desire to continue to serve and get involved where we could. To those who are scared to start something or feel like they don’t have enough time, we would just point back to the importance of obeying the Lord and His desire for His followers to be a part of the church and be light in their communities. NMC has a multitude of ways to get connected at different varieties of time commitments as well. Talk to any Tablesetter on Sunday morning about how you can serve if you’re unsure of where to get started!
We’re honored to be a part of the ministry and service of NMC and want to encourage others to take a similar step of obedience wherever they can. It has truly brought a deeper love of the church and its people. NMC has so many incredible ways to get connected and some really great people eager to welcome newcomers in. With that being said, come say hi! We would love to meet you and talk more about our experience at NMC.
NMC University
NMCU Workshops College Intern Program
walked through Merge and learned how to create a strong foundation for their marriage through our pre-marital mentoring class.
prioritized their marriage and participated in our re|engage semester-long groups. spent walking through an intense 12-step discipleship program.
participated in Foundation This year, we launched a new ministry, Foundation, that provides community and mentorship to husbands and wives who have been married for three years or less.
“My name is Pam. I have a new life in Christ, and I am recovering from the desire to seek approval and attention from others, a critical spirit, and perfectionism.”
These are some of the most meaningful words I can speak, and my journey to that statement would not have happened without God’s love and a program called re:generation (re:gen).
— Pam Sutton
Grounded in Christ A New Life of Peace, Healing, and Joy
In September of 2022, Becky Everette, a staff member at NMC, invited me to a meeting to discuss a new discipleship program. My assumption was that she was looking for teachers or leaders for this program. I’d been at NMC for less than a year, but I’ve taught lots of Bible studies in the past and was comfortable doing so again. Becky began to describe re:gen as a ‘recovery program for the heart’, and as I listened to her, I felt the Holy Spirit saying, “You need this for yourself!” I didn’t feel that I needed a “recovery program” (Wasn’t that for people struggling with alcoholism), but I did need something for my heart.
Making Peace with Our Pasts
I grew up in an alcoholic home and experienced physical, mental, and emotional abuse every day. My father was in the Army, so we moved every 2-3 years. My life was in constant turmoil. I was made to feel unloved and worthless. It was a hard way to grow up, so I developed some behaviors that felt like coping mechanisms to me … trying to be the best, trying never to make a mistake, and speaking badly about people to make myself feel better. I knew about God and was taken to church every Sunday, but there was nothing personal about it. God seemed distant, and I grew up thinking that he did love people, but not people like me.
As an adult, married and with children, I was living a good life. We went to church as a family, and I was introduced to the idea of having a relationship with Jesus. Sadly, my sin struggles and selfishness kept me in a negative cycle … feeling ‘less than,’ constantly comparing myself to others, and being
insecure at work and at home. I thought I had made peace with my past, but there was still anger, hurt, resentment, and jealousy.
For 30 years, I was comfortable knowing that God helped me get through a lot of situations, and Jesus Christ died on the cross for people’s sins. I knew these things in an academic fashion, as if I were reciting multiplication tables. The reality was I did not feel it personally.
Looking to Recover
When re:gen started, I found myself in a room with nine other women, all of them strangers to me. We began going through Groundwork (the first phase of re:gen), and I quickly discovered that we were all broken, we all struggled with sin, and we all wanted to be better. We were looking to recover.
I went into re:gen feeling that I wasn’t worthy of God’s love or forgiveness. I was still burdened by past hurts and my sin patterns. I was experiencing an inner turmoil that I just couldn’t overcome on my own. God was always present in my life, but I chose not to acknowledge him often enough. I thought I could, and should, do it all by myself. I was so wrong.
The daily work in re:gen helped me to understand more about myself and about God’s love for me. Our group discussions each week allowed us to share insights that were thought-provoking and meaningful. As the months went on, I began to feel myself drawing closer to God and opening my heart fully to the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. His death on the cross was the price that God was
willing to pay for my sins in order to bring me back to Him and secure my place in heaven.
Recovery of the Heart
Through the re:gen steps, and with the help of the other women in the pilot group, I began to embrace the very personal gifts I had been given. My heart accepted that I was truly a child of God, wonderfully and fearfully made. I am at peace in a way I never have been before and it has been life-changing. Going through re:gen has made such a difference in how I feel about myself, how I look at other people, and how I spend my time.
re:gen is the tool that we use for “recovery of the heart,” but the real power comes from Jesus alone. My journey has brought me a level of peace I never thought possible. I have opened my heart to the love of Christ, and I am living in joy, regardless of my circumstances.
As we finished the re:gen pilot program in June 2023, I knew I wanted to help the next group of women go through the process. I wanted to share my story with as many people as I could.
If you have been hurt in your life, if you feel lost, if you are stuck in sin patterns that weigh you down, re:gen is for you. We are all broken in some way and we all struggle with hurts, hang-ups or habits that keep us from leading the lives God intended us to lead. Being in a recovery program can be intimidating and sometimes uncomfortable, but the end result will be worth every moment you invest. The power of re:generation is not the material, but the power of Jesus Christ guiding you through the process.
This year, we launched week-long opportunities, City Serve Weeks, where our local partners offered ways for us to serve at varying times of the day over a week.
▶ Love God, His Church, and Others
In everything we do, you’ll consistently hear, we are here to help people find and follow Jesus, and we do this by loving God, His Church, and others. We engage with everyone in and outside of our circles in a way that if NMC ceased to exist, we (not the building but the body of Christ) would be missed.
We love our community. Over the course of the year, we have been able to utilize and steward our building for the community. We hosted students for MHS IB testing, and multiple trainings and events for Cobb County and Marietta City Schools.
participated in Habitudes (Character-Ed mentoring), with over 600 KMHS students mentored in Habitudes by one of our character-ed mentors.
We love our community. Over the course of the year, we have been able to utilize and steward our building for the community. We hosted students for MHS IB testing, and multiple trainings and events for Cobb County and Marietta City Schools.
Kennesaw Mountain High School Character-Ed Mentors Harvest India
NMC had the largest team to participate in the 2023 Gobble Jog, supporting MUST Ministries.
Mobilization GobbleJog 2023
Mobilization Partners and Missionaries
To continue to love our community and the world, we partner with organizations and missionaries who continue to share the Gospel with those they serve. We believe in these organizations and missionaries and support them financially and prayerfully in their efforts.
Redeemer’s House
Redeemer’s House is North Metro Church’s international ministry in Panajachel, Guatemala. Redeemer’s House seeks to reach everyone with the good news of the Gospel to see everyone’s lives changed for Jesus.
Focusing on three strategies: building local churches, supporting community education programs, and mentoring local pastors, Redeemer’s House aims to help people find and follow Jesus in Guatemala. Currently, Redeemer’s House’s full-time staff supports communities in four villages: Panajachel, Xecotoj, Chuizuit, and Patzazun.
This past year, we were able to take six trips to Guatemala. From high school students to adults, people were mobilized and given the opportunity to serve, share the Gospel, and connect with individuals in Guatemala.
This year:
6 6
to acknowledge Jesus as their Lord and Savior for the first time People Individuals were
➔ Continued light construction projects in Chuizuit and Patzatzun
➔ Participated in Hope for Christmas in Guatemala - supplying gifts and food for families
➔ Partnering with Templo De Alabanzaa Church in Panajachel on a new church plant
➔ Continued to support, build, and deepen relationships with the Casa del Redentor Guatemalan team, giving them a more profound sense of purpose for their mission
➔ Continued to deepen relationships with the communities served by Redeemer’s House
▶ Live in Community
Around NMC, you’ll hear us say “Welcome Home” because we want everyone to feel a part of our church family. One way of doing this as followers of Jesus is through diving into a community, whether that be a Community Group that focuses on prayer and Bible studies, Connection Groups that bring people together over shared hobbies and interests, or a Support Group that walks with people enduring difficult circumstances.
We know that living in community also means walking through difficult times together. Receiving support can be a powerful experience when enduring difficult circumstances. This year in our support groups:
in Community Groups.
In addition to our groups, we take time once a semester to focus on the community built among the men and women of NMC.
being supported through a new men’s group for Infertility and Loss.
attended Man Church gatherings. were supported in the Infertility and Loss Support Group. in Connection Groups.
newly involved in Connection Groups from our Group Connect events on Sunday mornings. found community in the Foster & Adoption support group.
attended Women’s Gatherings.
Students were
attended ONEday which occurs in August. It launches the NMC Student ministry for the year and is a fun day for all students to connect with one another and grow in their love and knowledge of God.
and leaders went to the Fall and Spring Retreats.
This past year, NMC Students focused on being Father Focused; setting our hearts, minds, and souls on God, our good Father.
College students gathered 35 times for bible study, worship, and small groups.
at Shift Spring Weekend - Each year, Shift takes over NMC’s campus for a weekend of fun and worship!
Twice a month on Wednesday nights, Shift gathers for game and movie nights so that our 5-7th grade students have an extra opportunity to
have used their time and talents to lead other students in worship this past year.
and adults served with Redeemer’s House in Guatemala in March 2024.
Hayes Elementary School
NMC Kids supported Hayes Elementary last year by donating school supplies at two separate times, providing ice
for all students, bundt cakes to the teachers and t-shirts for every student. We give to Hayes Elementary to show support and the love of God to their students and teachers.
▶ Multiplication: Church Plants
One of our 2025 goals is to support seven church plants. Part of NMC’s multiplication strategy is to support church plants so people in every community can hear the Good News. We carry this goal out by providing financial and leadership assistance during the early years of a new church. In the past year, we supported eight churches.
According to most church publications and guidelines, a great goal is to keep operational expenses under 15% of total income. In the last ministry year we were able to hold operating expenses to 8.26% of our total revenue.
Because NMC is debt-free, we are uniquely able to intentionally save money in lieu of more traditional expenses like loan payments. This year, we were able to allocate 36.21% of our total income to savings.
According to most church publications and guidelines, staffing costs should be less than 50% of total income. Due to the amazing generosity and obedience through giving of the church body, staffing costs only accounted for 34.28% of our total revenue, a very solid measure of financial stability for our church.
Ministry Expense
According to most church publications and guidelines, ministry expenses should be 15% of your total expenses. This past year NMC was able to allocate 21.25% to ministry expenses. This is higher than the guidelines but is a reflection of NMC’s financial health because we were actually able to give more money away to mobilization efforts and ministry partners, which are included in ministry expenses.
Ministry Year-End Financial Summary
➔ Income: $8,663,289.03
➔ Expense: $6,326,012.20
➔ Over(under): $2,337,276.83
➔ Operations – 8.26%
➔ Savings – 36.21%
➔ Staffing – 34.28%
➔ Ministry Exp – 21.25%
Debt Free Church
Our stone of remembrance of the day we became debt-free on January 6, 2016.
We’re praying our guts out!
We praise God for His faithfulness over this past year, and we ask you to join us in praying our guts out for this year to come. Join us in praying for:
➔ Revival to continue to break out within and through NMC
➔ More people to find and follow Jesus and trust Him for salvation
➔ Our church to grow more in love with our Savior, the mission, and others
➔ North Metro Church Sewell Mill Campus construction and launch
➔ NMC to have open hands to additional locations that God may lead NMC to
➔ College Intern Program to grow and develop young leaders
➔ NMCU to continue to help people become more faithful followers of Jesus and know the big picture of Scripture
➔ The Lord to continue to bless and grow our ministries
➔ The Lord allows us to minister more globally in this post-pandemic world