of energy is now, at Mines
TheGlobal EnergyFutureInitiative(GEFI) isascienceand engineering framework for creating our secure,resilient and just global energyfuture
Thegrand challengeof anet-zero global energy futurerequires:
- Systemsthinking acrosssectors
- Interdisciplinarycollaboration and expertise
- Transforming research into action
Mines?Global EnergyFutureInitiativeconnectsenergy innovators,industryleadersand policymakerswith cutting edge-research from world-classMinesfaculty
Governmentsand industryaround theglobearepursuing increasinglyambitiousinitiativesto reducegreenhousegas emissionsand diversifytheir energyportfolios,all whilethe world isfacing significant growth in energydemand from emerging and developing economies On thesecomplex issues,Mineshasauniquecombination of expertisewith thedepth to meet theenergychallengeshead on Mines hasan exceptional track record of solving tough scientific and engineering problemsacrossthegamut of energyand environmental fields Theuniversityenjoysareputation as an unbiased problem-solver in the disciplinesrelated to earth,energyand environment;requirementsfor practical solutions
With partnersfrom academia,industry,government and civil societygalvanized byMines?uniquelycomprehensive expertise,we?redeveloping energysolutionsthat will shape decision-making,now and in thedecadesto come
Through technical research,education,workshops, seminars,symposia,public outreach and more,GEFI isa platform for ideation and collaboration
Shareyour knowledgewith theworld and sharpen thetoolsto build abrighter future
The Global Energy Future Initiative works within and across the most important hub areas of energy innovation:
Low Carbon & Renewable Energy
Developing low-carbon,renewable,secure,resilient and adaptiveenergyinfrastructurethat fosterseconomic growth whilereducing environmental impact
Carbon Capture Utilization & Storage (CCUS)
Exploring multidisciplinaryapproachesto scientific,
engineering and policyresearch on net-zero emissions technological innovations
Clean Water Innovation
Shaping theroleof technological innovation in reimagining global water in thefutureenergysystem
Minerals & Metals
Exploring solutionsto meet mineralsand metals needsfor our futureenergysystem,including sustainable mining practices,technological innovation and transformation in mining and defining therolesof markets, economics,and policy
Oil & Gas
Navigating interdisciplinaryapproachesto thescience, engineering and policyof oil and gasin our net-zero energy future
Supply Chain Transparency
Understanding how our futureenergysystem will impact theglobal supplychain and theassociated effectson markets,communitiesand theenvironment
The future of energy is now, at Mines
An integral element of GEFI is solving the societal challenges connected to the energy future. Research and innovations in the hubs are affected by societal factors:
Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG)
Connecting thesocial and technical expertiseon campus with theincreased focusfrom governments,industry, investorsand communitieson environmental,social and governanceissues
Economics, Markets & Innovation
Bringing Mines?uniqueapproach to energyeconomicsand thebusinessof innovation through an entrepreneurial mindset
Regulation & Policy
Integrating theuniversity?sexpansiveenergyknowledge into global discussionsto inform and shapereasonable energyregulation and policy
Security & Resilience
Creating diverseand stableglobal energysystemsthat empower developing countriesand ensurestabilityin an interconnected world
As a member of the Global Energy Future Initiative, you will:
Connect directly to Mines research results
Accessand help guideMines?technical research to achieve your net-zero energygoals
Build strong and significant relationships
Connect with leadersfrom academia,industry,government and civil societyto influenceand support global energy decision-making
Invest in the future
Empower futureleadersat pointsacrosstheenergysystem, including industry,science,technologyand policy
Join an initiative where problems are solved
Join stakeholdersthroughout theenergysystem working to advancethecommon good
Help build a sustainable future through interdisciplinary collaboration
LeverageMines?broad technical expertisethroughout the
energysystem to maintain acomprehensiveunderstanding of futureenergyopportunitiesand challenges
Year-long program benefits will include:
- Opportunitiesto provideinput on research projects to ensurethat themost relevant technical challenges arebeing met
- Accessto facultyand research staff aswell as cutting-edgedata,relevant reports,PhDthesesand research highlighting keyenergytrends
- Recruiting accessto studentsand post-doctoral fellows
- Invitationsto our annual meetings,whereyou can network with leading energyexpertsin the mountainsof Colorado
- Participation in workshops,lecturesand roundtables with relevant stakeholders,including policymakers
- Facilitated public engagement through webinars, seminarsand more
About Colorado School of Mines
Since1874,Colorado School of Mineshasbeen a pioneer at thefrontiersof scienceand engineering
Whether locating and uncovering earth resources, building thefutureof energyproduction or establishing new standardsin environmental stewardship,the students,facultyand alumni of Colorado School of Minesbring unmatched expertiseand practical solutionsto themost important challengesin energy
Over thedecades,Mines?expertisehasexpanded to meet thechanging needsof industryand society It hasfound keyrolesto playin thegrowth and evolution of theglobal energyand natural-resourceindustries
Minesisthethought,systemsand technologyleader, ideally-suited to meet global energyfuturechallenges Mines?applied expertise,connectionsto industryand relationshipswith theNational RenewableEnergy Laboratory(NREL) and theUnited StatesGeological Survey(USGS) areunmatched among academic institutions
With theGlobal EnergyFutureInitiative,we?reopening new channelsof communication,connecting powerful leadersand ideasand putting theworld-classresearch capabilitiesof Minesinto action