CSW Admissions Viewbook

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asking difficult questions

in everymoment WE
collaborating forchange ARE
learning withpurpose


310 Numberof Students

1:7 StudentTeacherRatio

29% Domestic StudentsofColor

30% StudentsReceiving FinancialAid

80% Facultywith AdvancedDegrees

20% Studentsfrom OutsideMA

30% Boarding Students

7 LanguagesSpoken onCampus

English, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Mandarin, Vietnamese, Spanish


areCSW. Andwecan’twait togettoknowyou.


Yes,you. Theonereading thispage.Tellus all aboutyou.

Whoare youright now—and who do you want to become?

Whatdoyouwant todiscoverabout the people and the world around you?

What fires you upandmakes youwanttotake action?

We wanttoknow— and we will help you get there.

CSWiswhere learning comes to life.

Wherecreativity isn’t lockedin a classroom, a lab, or a studio. It’s in the air.

Whereevery individual matters—butwe’re more powerful together.

Thisistheplaceto start therestofyour remarkablelife.

At CSW, weare rooted in the values of progressive education and havebeen from the verybeginning.


does that look like in practice?

Courseworkisintensive,immersive,and connectedtolifebeyondtheclassroom

Weapproach contentthroughahighly interdisciplinarylens

Classroomcultureencouragescreativerisktaking,valuingprocessoverproduct Weencourageyoutosharpenyourfocuson whatyouloveandexplorethingsthatare newtoyou

ouwillregularlyengageinlivelydebate, hands-onlabs,anddirectfieldwork oure periences whatmakesyou,you are alwaysseen,heard,andhonored

Wewantyoutolearnhowtolearn—anessential skillyouwillcarryintoyourfutureasadoer, maker,innovator,leader,ande ceptionalhuman doingmeaningfulwork in the world.

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We are leading the charge to elevate the student learning experience, with coursework that is thoughtfully tailored to the times we are living in.

Head of School Lise Charlier

i am thinking creatively about the management and tracing of nuclear waste repositories.

Aidan (Physics 2b: Nuclear Semiotics)

i am writing a research paper tracing the origins of racial discrimination in women’s healthcare.

Dana (U.S. Writing About History)



The Mod System is what sets a CSW education apart. With an unparalleled depth of 200+ academic and co-curricular offerings taught by expert faculty, youhave the flexibility to put your time,effort, and passion into what matters most to you.

Here’s how it works:

Ouracademicyearisdividedintosix focusedacademictermscalled odules, or ods, witheach odlimitedtojust threecourses eighteencourseseachyear ouworkwithadvisorsandfacultytocodesignaunique-to-youModschedule Eachdaybringsthreedeeplyengaged periodsofteachingandlearning,giving youthetimetofocusanddivedeepinto whatyou’restudying

Ourcoursesrangefromcoreacademic conceptstointerdisciplinarysubjects youwon’tfindanywhereelse andthey increaseindepthandbreadtheach year youareatCSW

ouareaccountableforeverythingyou learn andwewanttohearallaboutit, everystepoftheway

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Own academic
We are cultivating a curriculum that allows for specific, curated pathways of interest.

robotics design ( math ) nRobotics esign,youcanstudythepast, current,andfutureuseofautomationtechnology inindustrialandeverydayuse.Througha comprehensiveoverviewofroboticsystemsand thesubsystemsthatcomprisethem,students workinteamstodesign,build,anddocument theirprogress.

6 csw.org

fashion and textiles: design solutions in a circular world ( Visualart ) Design of the recent past is based ona linear model startwithunusedresources,wear,return totheearthwhenwearedoneusingit.Butwhat ifwelookedatfashionandtextilesinamindful way,consideringwheretheycomefromandwhere they’regoingafterwewearthem nthiscourse, wewillcreatematerials,wearableart,andmore consideringthese uestions,usingclothingdesign toexamine and potentially solveproblems.

current events in the spanish speakingworld (languages) nthiscourse,studentse aminecurrentevents in the Spanish-speaking worldalongwiththeir historicalroots.Eachweekisdedicatedtoa differentregionofthe panish-speakingworld. SourcesincludearticlesfromSpanish-language newspapersandmaga ines,podcasts,news clips,andblogs.

andbiology of cancer (science)

Theprofoundimpactofcanceronsocietyhasbeen thedrivingforcebehindmajorresearchadvances andledtoabetterunderstandingofcellbiology. Understandingthebasicbiologyofcancerand its impact onthe human bodyhasled tomore effectivetreatments,enhanceddetectionmethods, andthedevelopmentofpreventionstrategies.This courseprovidesanoverviewofthebiology,andthe geneticandmolecularbasisofcancer.


Makethe most ofevery


Asafirst-yearstudent, ’sschedulebalancesre uiredfoundational courseslike Writing oundationsWorkshop and eometry with opportunitiesfore plorationlike igitalAnimation and African pics fromthe ral raditions, allowinghertodelveintoe istingcuriosities anddiscovernewpassions.

First Year Schedule

my grOups

Circleof isters

irst eneration ociedadLatin ACommittee

Peer entor

mOD 1

Portraitsand dentities

Writing oundationsWorkshop ood, ustice,Power irls arsity occer

mOD 2

Keyboard kills

Writing oundationsWorkshop

Robotics esign irls arsity occer

mOD 3

ioChemistry oundationsofLife

Raceinthe . . lackAmerica igitalAnimation irls arsity asketball

mOD 4 uitar kills ioConnections Cells, rganisms, andSociety eometry irls arsity asketball

mOD 5 panish ntermediate-Advanced ioConnections Cells, rganisms, andSociety eometry usicalProduction

mOD 6 panish ntermediate-Advanced African picsfromthe ral radition eometry usicalProduction

i am studying power dynamics and social disparities around the world through the lens of food.
8 csw.org
i am


Theory I” in my role as Music Department Ambassador.


TeddycametoCSWasadedicatedmusicianinterestedinimprovinghis guitarskills,buthedidn’twanttolimithimselftoonediscipline.His th gradescheduleillustrateshistechnicaladvancement as a performing musician,alongwithaburgeoninginterestinthebiologicalsciences.

Junior Year Schedule

my grOups

AnimeClub iologyClub


Peer entor

PhotographyClub ongwritingClub

mOD 1 usic epartmentAmbassador usicTheory American mmigrantLiterature lementary unctions trengthandConditioning

mOD 2 rigonometry ar raining iologyofCancer oundsoftheWorld nsemble

mOD 3

AdvancedWritingPortfolio conomicsoftheWorld LatinAmerica Rebelsand Revolutionaries Rock Pop nsemble

mOD 4 ideoArt The oving mage iscovering ndia panish lective4 panishCaribbean trengthandConditioning Wilderness rip

mOD 5

WritingAboutReading nventingAfrica Colonialismand elfDetermination panish lective4 panishCaribbean ltimate risbee Wilderness rip

mOD 6 arine iology ff-CampusCourse ltimate risbee



10 csw.org
i am dipping my toes into the field of epigenetics, exploring the role that genetic engineering technologies like CRISPR play in medicine, agriculture, and biotechnology.
Maya (Genetic Engineering and Molecular Biology)


Social justice, equity, and belonging are at the core of our identity as a school. That’s why we’re the first school to introduce a social justice requirement that touches every aspect of learning and lifehere. We want you to go out in the world ready to be both a confident advocate foryourself and a courageous ally for those who need you.

To satisfy the Social Justice Graduation Requirement, a course must examine: Historicalandcontemporaryissuesfromtheperspectives ofnon-westernculturesand orhistoricallyoppressedgroups. tructuresofpowerandprivilege theirhistory,causes,andeffects. odelsofsocialchange,withthegoalofadvancinghuman rightsandequity.

12 csw.org

amore justsociety

i am organizing a used book drive on campustocutdownonwaste,reduceexcess spending, and make resources accessible and affordable to all students.

Beatrice (Co-Head of SOFA: Students on Financial Aid)




Ourworkingartistfacultyteachbothbeginningand advancedclassesindrawing,painting,sculpture, photography,filmmaking,anddigitalart.

urfacilitiesincludefourartgalleries, - printers, darkrooms,andamultimedialabtoworkonvideo, animation,graphicdesign,anddigitalphotography. ach courseculminatesinacross-disciplinaryEnd-of-Mod howintheCommunity allery,whereourstudentsshare theirwork.

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Whetherit’sour allor pringProductions,theannual Rock Pop nsemble,one-actplaysinthe tudent irectorsWorkshop,orourannual anceConcert,our studentstakeonnearlyeveryaspectofeachproduction, fromtheacting,dancing,andmusicalperformance,tothe directingandcostume and lighting design that makeeach showareality.


inevery moment




Our students connect their diverse interests and goals to shape a CSW experience that’s unique to them. Meet a few of our seniors and discover how the path they’re pursuing right now is helping them set a vision for what’s next in their lives.

ames daystudent cambridge, ma

IAM advocatingformoreinclusivityingeocaching.

IWILL serveasacommunityorganizertodismantlesystemsofoppression.

C W’scommitmenttosocialjusticeeducation wasoneofthefirstthingsthatattracted amesto

C W,andthroughouthistimeasastudent in classesandinaffinityandalliancegroups hehas dedicatedhimselftoexploringhisownidentity while alsolearninghow andwhen to elevatethe voicesofothers.Asco-headoftheschool’sIDEA nclusion, iversity, uity,andAction Committee, he’shelpedtoorgani eregular actionhours, duringwhichtimecommunitymemberscancome togethertosignpetitions,contactlocal,state,and federalofficials,andplancommunityevents.

nadditiontothisimportantrole, ameshasfully engagedhimselfinclasseslike“Decolonizing Women hattering ppression, ailhouse ation TheHistoryof ass ncarceration, and ActivisminAction ocumentary ilmandHuman Rights, towidenhisknowledgeofpublicpolicy, humanrights,andsystematicformsofoppression throughouthistory. ameshasalsobeenanactive memberof odel ,andC W’s unior tateof Americachapter,travelingasfarasWashington, C,toparticipateinconferences.Helooksforward tostudyingpublicpolicyandpoliticalscience incollege,inhopesofonedayworkingforlocal government.

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boarding student westroxbury,ma

IAM fundraisingandvolunteeringforCapeCod’s NationalMarineLifeCenter.

IWILL domyparttosupportandprotect endangeredmarinelife.

When adiwasjustelevenyearsold,sheandher mothergot into the practiceofrescuingstranded seaturtlesonthebeachesofCapeCodand transportingthemtotheNewEnglandAquarium forrehabilitationandrelocation.Shehassince remainedpassionateaboutthisworkandhopes toonedaywork as marineveterinarian.Tobring herselfclosertothisgoal, aditransferredtoC W herjunioryear. hehadalotofinterestsinaddition toscienceandveterinarymedicine,andappreciated how,inthe od ystem,shecouldfocusdeeply onscience,whilealsoe ploringotherthings. he creditscourseslike Animal ehavior and iology ofCancer insolidifyingherinterestinthebiological sciencesandpreparingherforhertrajectory ahead. ostnotably,C W’soff-campus arine io courseon aine’sHurricane slandgaveher thechancetoengagein important marinescience research,whichledhertothereali ationthatshe wantstomajorinmarinebiologyincollege.

Hasan boarding student atlanta, ga

IAM studyinghowmentalhealthaffects performanceforprofessionalathletes.

IWILL addressanddestigmatizeissuesofmental healthinthe lack, ndigenous,andPeopleof Color P C community.

AsastudentatC W,Hasanhasmadeitagoal totryalittlebitofeverything pursuing courseworkontopicshealreadyhadapassion for,like lack tudies, andtryingothers, like Computer cience, fortheveryfirsttime.A three-sportvarsityathlete occer, asketball,and rack ,Hasanhastakenadvantageofnumerous leadershipopportunitiesandco-curriculars, servingasadormleaderandacontributing memberoftheBlackStudentUnionandUnited StudentsofColorgroups. Forhisseniorcapstone project,heisstudyingtheimpactofmental healthonprofessionalathletes,andheintends tostudypsychologyandpotentiallygopre-med incollege.Hehopestoonedaybeabletooffer mental healthsupport tofellow membersof the P Ccommunityandopenupopportunitiesfor underprivilegedyouth.

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i am participatingin student leadership training so that I can be an informed mentor to younger students of all identities and backgrounds.
Sammy (Peer Mentor)


We learn, play, eat, and live together— and even if you don’t live on campus, our dining hall and buildings are open late to keep us all connected.


20 csw.org

70% Day Students

30% Boarding Students

4 Residential Dorms

i am learningimportant life skills and developing a stronger sense of independence.

65 Acresof WoodedCampus

Jared, Boarding Student

Yourweekends could also include…

Amusement parks

Applepicking A uariums Concerts scaperooms o-karting

Lasertag alltrips ovies

Paintball rampolineparks … and more!

15 Countries OutsidetheUS Represented

16 States Represented

12 MilesfromBoston andCambridge

20 ResidentialFaculty andTheir amilies


tCSW, our life as a community is a direct re lection ofour openness to diverse ideas and perspectives, freedom of expression, and respect for one another. Ourstudentscome fromevery background, culture, race, and identity, and their creativity, energy, and joymake us who weare.

Each of us—students, faculty, and staff—is accepted as an individual with our own experiences to draw on, and an evolving story to tell.

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more 23


Every student has the agency and opportunity to shape their educational experience at CSW—and to support their fellow students in doing the same. Studentvoiceissoimportant to us that weencourage students to work side-by-side with our administrators to help shape school policy, review school curriculum and interview facultycandidates, and even serve as members of the Boardof Trustees. When you speak up, you will be heard.

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your mind and heart



CSW welcomes students of all races, genders, identities, cultures, and backgrounds to be a part of our community, and to freely share their experiences with us as unique individuals. When we come together to listen to one another, to learn from one another, and to question our biases, webreak downbarriersthatcanstandinthewayof communication and understanding.

Affinity groups areclose,safe spaces forstudents of certain ethnicitiesandbackgroundsto connect with and relate to one another. Our interest groups connectstudentswithshared interests and passions in pursuing what they love, or discovering something new to add to their lives.


finity groups currently include AbleismAwareness AdoptionAffinity AsianHeritageAffinity lack tudent nion Circleof isters isabilityAlliance eministCoalition irst eneration enderand e uality Alliance

ewish tudentAffinity Space i edHeritage enofColor ueerP C ociedadLatin ransAffinity roup nited tudentsofColor

White tudentsAgainst Racism

26 csw.org

Our interest-based clubs include:

Advisory oard A- oard





ungeons ragons


Lit ag Literary aga ine


Robotics eam

cience erdAdvisory

Posse AP

The ryphtonesA Cappella roup ranslationClub earbook



—by living well

as a student at CSW, and we’re committed to helping you navigate that journey in a healthy, balanced way. We offer an integrated set of tools and resources to help you care for mental and physical wellbeing, both as an individual and as part of our community.

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i am refiningmy technical soccer skills and growing into my role as a leader on and off the field.
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thletics at CSW re lect the same progressive approach that guides every aspect of how we learn and create as a community. Everyone can be part of the team here, regardless of their identity or ability.

Webelieve in the power of teamwork to build character and communication skills, and the joyofdiscovering what we’re capable of when wetake risks without the fear of failure. Whether you want to try a sport or activity that’s completely new to you or strengthen skills you’ve already developed, you’ll havethe opportunityto supportothersand besupportedin doing and being your best.

No matter what we’replaying, we workhard, weplay hard, and weareproud to compete together to achieve our goals… regardless of the final score.

Sports by season:



ieldHockey oys occer

irls occer

irls olleyball

Winter oys asketball

irls asketball

Spring aseball


oys ennis

irls ennis rack

ltimate risbee

Year-round activities

Cardio o ing ance anceAerobics olf


RockClimbing ouldering trength Conditioning oga

On campus

Athletictrainingfacility ance,martialarts yogastudios erciseclassrooms

ndoorjogging walkingtrack utdoorplayingfields

Regulationbasketballand volleyballcourts

32 csw.org

i am writing an Op-Ed about the political history of Somaliland and its relationship with Somalia and colonial influence.

Lachlan (Inventing Africa)


Coco boarding student hangzhou, china

IAM curatingasecond-handthriftstoreclothing installation.

IWILL develop sustainable solutions to“fast fashion.

Cocohastwomainpassionsinlife:fashionand sustainability. WithCSW’shighlyinterdisciplinary curriculum,it’sbeeneasy ande citing forher tobeabletocombinethetwopursuits.Outsideof theclassroom,CocohasservedasheadofC W’s FashionCluband SustainabilityCommittee. Andin her WearableArt course,Cocoworkedwithvisual artandscienceteacherstoresearchanddevelop herownbioplastics,whichsheusedinthecreation oforiginal,sustainablymadefashiondesigns. orherseniorcapstone,shesolicitedclothing donationsfrommembersoftheCSWcommunity and used the school’scommunitygallery to host a pop-upthriftstore,withartfullyandaesthetically arrangedmerchandise.Theshop soldout inless thanaday. ncollege,Cocoplanstodoublemajor infashiondesignandenvironmentalanalysiswith aminorinbusinesssothatshecan doher part to makethefashionindustrymoresustainable.

ram daystudent west newton, ma

IAM restoringagas-powered,two-stroke,off-road dunebuggyandconvertingittoanelectricmotor andbattery.

IWILL worktomakecost-effectivesupersonic transportation a reality.

romayoungage, ramhashadapassionfor engineering.WhenhearrivedtoC W,heknewhe wantedtotakeasmanyphysics,math,andcomputer scienceclassesaspossible.Throughthemod system,hehasbeenabletotakeclasseslike Physics lectricityand agnetism, Robotics esign, Calculus- asedPhysics, and Computer cience, workingwithfacultywhoseexpertiseandpassion forthematerialhavegivenhimunprecedented one-on-onementorshipanddevelopedhisskills tonewlevels. utsideofclass, ramservesas theMechanicalTeamleadforCSW’scompetitive roboticsteam,inadditiontoparticipatinginthe ewish tudentAffinity pace, odelRocketryand AerospaceClub, odel ,WeightliftingClub, andUltimateFrisbee.Bram will study mechanical andaerospaceengineering incollegeandwould lovetoonedaycontributetomakingsupersonic transportationarealityintheUS.“Ithinkalotof theworld’sproblemswouldbesolvedifpeoplecould moreeasilyconnectwithoneanother,andtravel fromplacetoplaceinanefficient,cost-effective way, hesays.

34 csw.org

abi boarding student doha, qatar

IAM usinggraffitiandstreetartforsocial commentaryinLittleHavana.

IWILL confrontissuesofurbani ation,affordable housing,andclimateinjusticeinunderserved communities.


abilovestolearn,andsheispassionateabout contributingtothecommunitiesthat matter to her. AsastudentatC W,shehasservedasaleaderfor Circleof isters,anaffinitygroupforstudentsof colorwhoidentifyasfemale,and nited tudents ofColor,aspaceformembersofthe P C community.Sheisalsothedebatecoordinator forC W’s unior tateofAmericachapteranda participantinModelUN.One ofherfavoriteclasses atC Whasbeen Rockingthe choolhouse, a coursethatexploresthehistoryofeducationinthe UnitedStatesandchallenges students to createand markettheirownschool.Ithas been courseslikethis thathaveinspired abitopursueacareerinurban planning.AfterC W,shewillstudycommunity developmentwithapre-lawtrack,withtheultimate goalofgoingtolawschoolandusinghervoiceto supportdisadvantagedcommunities.

lijah Day Student Somerville, MA

IAM exploringtheartofwoodcarving.

IWILL beahealthy,happy,confident memberofsociety.

Anyonewhoknows lijahwilltellyouthathe isbright,open-minded,andeagertolearn,so itwasnosurprisewhenhewaselectedbythe studentbodytoserveasco-headofAdvisoryBoard A- oard ,arolethatinstilledhimwiththeuni ue opportunitytohelpshapeandinformschool policy. In takingon initiativeslikeminimizing foodwasteinthedininghallandensuringthat menstrualproducts be made available in all school bathrooms, lijahdevelopedcriticallifeskills likepatience,empathy,andself-advocacy,allthe whilelearningwhatitmeanstoproblemsolve, network,andeffectivelycommunicate.Athreeseasonvarsityathlete, lijahwasalsoelected captainoftheUltimateFrisbeeteam. As he looks aheadtothefuture, lijahise citedtocontinue learning,growing,andbuildingconnections,so thatnomatterwhatenvironmenthefindshimself in,heknowshewillbeathriving,thoughtful, contributing memberof society.



ofyour own 36 csw.org
i am pushing the boundaries of my own creativity and challenging myself to discover new possibilities with painting.

Jonas Wood ’95

A,HobartWilliamand mithColleges A, niversityofWashington

“CSWtaughtmetobeopenminded. Idon’tknow ifthat’s askill, butIthinkCSWisreallyopenminded. Therearea lot of different kinds of people, ways of life, andwaysofthinking.”

onasWood’ isacontemporaryartistwhoseworkhasbeen e hibitedatmuseumsandinstitutionsaroundtheworld.Hiswork isincludedinthepermanentcollectionsoftheHirshhorn useum and culpture arden,Washington, .C. etropolitan useumofArt, ew ork an rancisco useumof odernArt uggenheim useum, ew ork The road,LosAngeles useumof odernArt, ew ork andWhitney useumof AmericanArt, ew ork,amongothers.Hisworkisbold,colorful,andvibrant,re lecting auniquevisionofhiseverydayexperiences.

i am advocating for a world where access to a quality education is a right and not a privilege.

A, oucherCollege

, ohnsHopkins niversity

d , ohnsHopkins niversity

“CSW operates on the fundamental belief that the young person is the center of the classroom, and I believe every young person deserves that.”

RaeWalker’ hasbeenpassionateabouteducationsincehistimementoringand tutoringlocalstudents manyofwhomhadseverephysicaldisabilities asa studenthimselfatC W. oucherCollegebroughtRaeto altimore, aryland, whereheworkstoensurethatdisabledandneurodivergentlearnersare taughtandcaredforinwaysthatbuildthemup,ratherthantearthem down. nadecade,Raehasservedasaresearchfellowat tanford niversity acorpsmember,coach,andconsultantfor eachfor America anadjunctlecturerat oucherCollege, organ tate niversity,andthe ohnsHopkins choolof ducation andateacher andconsultantfor altimoreCityPublic chools.Raealsoregularly volunteersasateacheratlocalchurches,prisons,andareaschools.

38 csw.org
i am thinking creatively about how we share and consume stories.
“The job of a journalist is to be curious and resourceful, traits that CSW fosters in its curriculum and its community.”

Whetherit’sthroughphotography,video,orinteractivemedia, osie edgwick’0 knowshowtotakeastoryandpresentitinan engaging,compelling,andeasilydigestiblewayforadesired audience.Afterstudyingvisualartwithafocusondigital mediaat mithCollege, osiemovedto ew orkandhustled throughaseriesofcontractandfreelancejobsintech,education, marketing,anddesign,beforelandinganentrylevelpositionat TheNew YorkTimes. hewouldlatertransitiontotheCulturedesk, editingvisualandmultimediaprojectscoveringfineart,dance, theater,television,movies,andmusic.



The best way to get a sense of the energy and vibrancy of our campus is to experience it for yourself.

Admissions interviews and tours are offered from the end of Septemberthrough January 31 to students in their application year and are required of all applicants. Bothin-person and virtual appointments are available and are conducted Monday through Friday while schoolis in session. Weask that you complete the interview process before February1. Please call the admissions office to check availability and reserve your appointment.

hedulingyour admissions

, we ask that enna account. If you enna account, f the schools

Writtenanddesignedincollaboration withSametzBlackstoneAssociates
THE CAMBRIDGE SCHOOL OF WESTON 45 GEORGIAN ROAD WESTON, MA 02493 781-642-8600 admission@csW.org cambridgeschool WearecsW WearecsW

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