Informe onu xa baja

Page 1

index introduction i. ii. iii. iv.

Foreword Background Executive summary Way forward

report 2012 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Strengthening citizen feedback on MDG delivery Strengthened civil society reporting on MDG promises Framing the discourse for the realization of the MDGs Post-2015 Annual expenditure report

acknowledgements acronyms


Corinne Woods. Global Director, UN Millenium Campaign

the efficiency of local MDG related

people's views on the issues they

with you the United Nations

services (health, education etc.),

think will make the most difference

Millennium Campaign’s 2012 annual

additionally data gathered further

to their lives, and so inform global

report, highlighting our main

serves as an accountability and

leaders as they begin the process of


informational tool for local level

defining the new development agenda

politicians and election platforms.

for the world.

I am pleased to share

2012 was a crucial year in which the focus of our work remained to

2012 also brought about an

Since November 2012, and through

sustain momentum for the MDGs, while

important strategic shift for

creative use of new technology

at the same time supporting citizen

the UN Millennium Campaign as

combined with offline methods, MY

and civil society participation in

we were formally mandated by the

World has been asking people around

the post-2015 development agenda.

UN Development Group

the world which six of sixteen


to coordinate and spearhead the

possible issues they think would make

continued to build partnerships and

MDGs/ Post2015 outreach process to

the most difference to their lives.

innovative mechanisms to ensure that

ensure it was as open, inclusive

The sixteen issues cover the existing

all voices and particularly those

and consultative as possible. Based

Millennium Development Goals, plus

of the most excluded were heard on

on this mandate, the Campaign

issues of sustainability, security,

the global development stage. The

established the Outreach Strategy

governance and transparency.

emphasis remained relevant, as 2012

Group to bring together multi-

also marked the start of a critical

stake holders both from within and

that the year in review proved to be a

moment of review of the MDGs and

outside the UN who could effectively

real turning point of renewed energy

a wide consultation process which

contribute to the deliberations of

and strengthened partnerships for the

established the groundwork for a new

the Secretary General’s High Level

MDGs. Notably, UNMC strengthened its

and more inclusive development agenda

Panel for Post-2015.

relationship with the Governments of

The UN Millennium Campaign (UNMC)

that best reflects the aspirations of people across the world.

The Campaign played a pivotal role

Finally, I would like to highlight

Nigeria, Germany, Australia and Spain

in planning, guiding and securing

as well as

the United Kingdom’s

civil society active participation

Department for International

implement our two year strategic

in the consultation processes

Development to ensure that advocacy

vision, focusing especially on

to shape the future development

outreach and representation of

using innovation and technology

agenda by supporting civil society

citizens remained central to the

to strengthen a key program which

consultations in El Salvador, The

global development agenda.

is driving citizen involvement in

Philippines, India, Nepal, Spain,

the MDGs: Citizen Feedback on MDG.

Italy, Kenya, Liberia, South Africa,

promises are kept and commitments are

This is an initiative we support in

Mozambique, Senegal and Nigeria.

delivered on, we can reach the MDG

We continued in our commitment to

We remain convinced that if

by 2015. Therefore the UN Millennium

The Philippines, India, Kenya and

To further magnify the voice

Mozambique which allows people to

of the people, the UN Millennium

Campaign will continue its work

track delivery of public services at

Campaign began working in

to ensure that citizens contribute

their local level through the use of

partnership to launch MY World. The

decisively to the achievement of the

mobile phone technology, internet

United Nations Global Survey for a

MDGs and that their voice is heard

and face to face interaction. The

Better World. .

in the debate on the future post-2015

system is particularly empowering

MY World is a global survey for

development agenda.

for rural and local communities as

citizens led by the United Nations

a tool which they can use to track

and partners which aims to gather

We thank our donors and partners across the world for their continued

the un millenium campaign T

he UN Millennium Campaign

restructuring exercise which enabled it

based in Kenya, with national presence

(UNMC) was established by

to continue to achieve tangible policy

in Nigeria, Ethiopia, Senegal, Kenya

former UN Secretary-General Kofi

and advocacy based results for the

and Mozambique; it also maintains a

Annan in late 2002 as an inter-agency

achievement of the

presence in El Salvador in Latin America

initiative of the United Nations to build

compromising the quality of its activities,

working through the UN Country Team

and maintain political will for achieving the

the Millennium Campaign streamlined

and civil society partners. In all these

its team and reduced its field presence

countries, activities and programmes

The Campaign was established to boost

to ensure ongoing support to partners

are nationally designed and undertake

support for development assistance and

and advocacy initiatives in support of the

initiatives that seek to inspire active

Millennium Development Goals (MDGs ).

to promote pro-MDGs policies in both

the North and South. The Campaign also

MDGs. Without


citizen engagement with governments

In accordance with its structural

and parliaments to ensure that the


facilitated the emergence of a broad and

foundation, the work of the Millennium

commitments are kept. The strategic

self-sustained movement and coalition

Campaign is divided into two main

presence of the Millennium Campaign in

of partners in support of the MDGs.

types of activities, one in the North

the North, mainly through teams based

It was envisioned that the Millennium

(industrialised countries), with a strong

in Europe (Madrid, Barcelona and Rome)

Campaign would target two main sets of

global media and civil society base,

and in New York headquarters, is geared

constituencies: the first includes members

and another in the South (developing

towards galvanizing political support

of intergovernmental and international

countries), working mainly with non-state

and social pressure to ensure sustained

bodies, governments’ representatives

actors, regional institutions and in

political and financial support for the

at the national and local levels, and

partnership with the United Nations

attainment of the

parliamentarians while the second includes

Development Programme (UNDP) and

civil society organizations, youth and faith

other UN agencies to advocate for


based groups, the private sector and the

policy acceleration on the


The Campaign has an Asia Regional

Due to the impact of the economic

office based in Bangkok with national

crises, since 2011, the Millennium

presence in The Philippines, Indonesia

Campaign underwent a challenging

and India; and an Africa Regional Office


United Nations Millennium Campaign 2012 Annual Report



Executive Summary D

Great advances were made at the

uring 2012, the Millennium Campaign

strategic partnerships with civil society

increased and deepened its

coalitions, national parliaments, and

global level as well as regionally with

presence inside and outside the UN,

regional and global parliamentary

regard to parliamentary engagement to

building partnerships with international

unions and associations as well as with

support, to monitor, oversee and allocate

civil society organisations, international

faith-based organisations. In Africa, in

resources to make a difference for the

NGOs and the UN to effectively strengthen

particular, the year witnessed renewed

most vulnerable sectors of society. In

and coordinate efforts and mobilize global

partnerships with inter-governmental

this regard, three major parliamentarian

public support for MDG acceleration.

institutions such as the

MDG office of

conferences on the MDGs were

Moreover, the Millennium Campaign at

Nigeria, building on the experiences of

supported by the UNMC in 2012- a Pan-

the global and european levels scaled up

previous years.

African Conference held in Addis Ababa,

its media and social media networks by establishing relationships with prestigious

media outlets focused on MDG advocacy and accountability such as The Guardian’s

The Millennium Campaign also

Ethiopia, a South East Asian Parliamentary

continued implementation of its strategy

Conference held in Manila, the Philippines

of strengthening the Citizens Feedback

and a South Asian Parliamentarians

initiative the on MDGs, to track the

Conference held in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

“Global Development� website, El Pais

effective and efficient delivery of MDG

and Le Monde Diplomatique en Espanol,

services through the use of mobile phones,

among others. These partnerships enabled

internet and face to face meetings.

commitment to the MDGs. At the global

the development of a wider platform for

Activities in the eight pilot sites were in four

level, collaboration with Inter-Parliamentary

outreach to the public and sharing of

countries including the Philippines (Tabaco

lessons learned, success stories, data and

and Agusan del Sur), India (Sehore and

MDG acceleration among members of the

Koraput), Kenya and Mozambique were

global parliamentary body.

analysis related to the MDG achievements. In Asia, Africa and Latin America, the year 2012 saw the scaling up of

consolidated with outcomes realised and lessons learnt extensively documented.

All of which resulted in the adoption of declarations re-affirming parliamentary

Union (IPU) continued to advocate for

Civil society and media engagements were intensified to ensure that equitable

and sustainable development remained

in continental and regional forums in the

the fundamental premise and grounding

lead up to the Rio+20 Summit and post-

principle in discussing, analyzing and

2015 process.

implementing policies. The objective is to

In addition to these key

ensure that the poorest of the poor benefit

engagements, the Millennium Campaign

from action and implementation of national

played an active role in implementing the

development policies and programmes.

global conversation component of the

Additionally in 2012, the Campaign,

UNDG Post2015 project. Activities that the

at all levels, played a pivotal role in

campaign led on included the creation and

planning, guiding, and securing civil

operationalization of a multi-stakeholder

society mobilization and participation in

outreach Strategy group and the initiation

consultation processess to shape the

of the global UN survey, MY World; aimed

future development agenda including

at enabling citizens worldwide to have an

the Rio+20 Summit and the post-2015

opportunity to identify their priorities for

national and thematic consultations.

the world they want in 2015, through web,

This ensured that the voices of the most

mobile communication and offline,

unreachable are heard, are included and


considered in the process. The Campaign

The MY World initiative includes an

supported civil society consultations,

offline component targeting marginalized

in El Salvador, Philippines, India, Nepal,

groups but also to generate data that is

Spain, Italy, Kenya, Liberia, South Africa,

representative of national populations

Mozambique, Senegal and Nigeria and

through standard nationally designed

also supported civil society participation

random sampling techniques.

the millennium campaign led the launch of MY WORLd, the global un survey which enables people all over the world to vote for their priorities and the world they want in 2015

united nations millennium campaign 2012 annual report



way forward â?? The period 2013-15 represents the last phase of the UN Millennium Campaign and, as such, the Campaign is in the


Citizens and critical stake-holders contribute to the definition of the post2015/SDG’s agenda. This

process of developing a strategy which is

outcome will be pursued through outreach

geared towards achieving the following

and coalition building activities aimed at

two outcomes:

enhancing citizens and multi-stake holder


engagement and ownership of the Post-

Political momentum on the mdgs

2015/SDG’s process.

is maintained through 2015. This outcome will be achieved through

advocacy and communication initiatives

on mdg progress and mdg policy and accountability initiatives;

The Millennium Campaign will roll-out this strategy in partnership with a wide range of partners within and beyond the UN system in early 2013.

we must keep the political momentum on the mdgs and ensure citizens can contribute to the definition of the post-2017 agenda

UN Photo/Iason Foounten

United Nations Millennium Campaign 2012 Annual Report



REPORT 2012 Strengthening citizen feedback on MDG delivery

The report outlines the three main strategic objectives and outputs of the Campaign for 2012 1

S trengthening citizen feedback on  MDG  delivery

• Number of countries where citizens are actively engaged in local level monitoring of real-time MDG achievement

• I mproved government responsiveness; in terms of time and quality, to concerns regarding MDG delivery


Strengthening citizen feedback on MDG delivery During 2012, the new technologies for

real time feedback on MDG delivery in Asia and Africa started to materialize thus


Strengthened civil society

reporting on MDG promises • Number of organized global, regional and national campaigns/ coalitions monitoring and reporting on MDG promises arising from the MDG Summit outcome documents & commitments

• Number and quality of MDG parliamentary committees

creating a unique opportunity for citizens to reinforce the quality of the services provided at the local level. The activities and related results achieved under this output are reported under three major sub-outputs: • Partnerships and CSO engagement

and local government authorities in partnership with citizens

• Media engagement


• New technologies for real-time feedback


F raming the Discourse for the realization of the  MDGs

• Quality and number of political statements and global/

• Research and monitoring and evaluation

1.1 New Technologies for Citizen Feedback

regional conference negotiated documents reflective of UN

Citizen Feedback is an initiative that seeks

research and analysis

to utilize face to face, web and mobile

of the MDGs

phone technology to facilitate citizen engagement in the public policy process

The specific activities and results achieved are reported as a

and to provide real-time feedback to

contribution under the three outputs while Post-2015 activities

service providers and governments in

are reported in a single sub-section, given the specificity of the

order to improve service delivery and the


use of public funds.

Finally, the Annexes contain the list of tools and

Once citizen feedback is registered,

mechanisms developed in 2012 with the aim of making

the local administration processes the

available supporting evidence of the results achieved and of

complaints and responds with appropriate

further sharing the Campaign’s knowledge products with other

actions to resolve the issues. Citizens can

development partners.

then track the status of their complaint


Villagers during a Samadhan mobilization campaign.

through a case specific ID number. After

AIHD to conduct an extensive baseline

the government has taken action, a

data collection and analysis exercise

message is sent to the citizen requesting

in four pilot/intervention sites and their

her/him to verify that the action has indeed

corresponding control sites (Langata/

taken place.

Embakasi, Murang’a/Nyeri, Kakamega/

implemented in three countries for a total of 8 pilot sites, where the initiative has

Bungoma, and Kisumu/Siaya intervention/ control sites respectively). The baseline data collection

started to produce specific results, based

employed the use of a household survey

on experience - sound practices.

which covered a total of 7,340 households,

Huduma, a Kiswahili word for

and gathered information on citizen NMC/2012

The Citizen Feedback Platform was

services, is the Kenya version of the

perception of access to and quality

Citizen Feedback Platform. The Millennium

of service delivery in relation to water,

Campaign worked with the developers

education, health, infrastructure and

and innovators of the platform, Social

justice. The household survey also looked

Development Network (SODNET) and

at issues of governance – the need for this

and analysis to the group and receive

the African Institute for Health and

theme became clear as it underpinned the

its feedback on how to compile the final

Development (AIHD) who led on the

success of the others. The survey reports

reports and present the data.

research and monitoring and evaluation

will be launched early 2013, immediately

aspects of Huduma in the design and

following the national elections in order to

workshop, the Millennium Campaign

implementation of the initiative.

put the focus on public services frontally

forged links around the research function

on the agenda of the new national and

with the Judiciary in Kenya to use

county governments.

the research on access to justice as

Huduma, previously built on the Ushahidi platform, was re-designed in 2012 to permit multiple levels of feedback-

In addition to the household survey,

As a follow up to the aforementioned

complimentary to the on-going reform

loops. SODNET established infonet

focus group discussions and in-depth

of the Judiciary in Kenya. As a result,

( as the software

interviews were also employed. In July

Huduma has now been adopted as the

building arm, devoted to technical

2012, the Millennium Campaign supported

SMS function for the Judiciary’s own

improvements of the platform. Infonet,

a research workshop which brought

monitoring platform, The Service Desk,

among others, developed an application

together the original research team which

which compiles and addresses complaints

for Huduma on smartphones as well as

consisted of the Kenya National Bureau

and comments from the public on the

the ISSD version for ordinary phones.

of Statistics (KNBS), the monitoring and

delivery of services across the entire

SODNET has continued to develop the

evaluation department of the Ministry

infonet platform to address multiple

of Planning, the MDG division of the

judicial system in Kenya.

challenges including language (e.g.

Ministry of Planning, UNDP Kenya, World

SODNET to develop links with the

Portuguese) and ASCII characters (e.g.

Bank Kenya, KIPPRA, and the Economics

Ministry of Public Services, and

Amharic in Ethiopia).

Department of the University of Nairobi.

more specifically, the Department of

Between September 2011 and March

The follow-up workshop provided AIHD

Performance Contracting which monitors

2012, the Millennium Campaign supported

with an opportunity to present the data

the performance of ministries and their

The Campaign also supported


Strengthening citizen feedback on MDG delivery

UNMillennium Campaign 2012


Program manager meeting with the villagers. Citizen Feedback initiative (Samadhan), Koraput, Orissa.

delivery of public services. The DPC

team, the UNECA and important civil

adopted Huduma as the main method of

society groups such as the Poverty Action

collecting public views on the performance

Network in Ethiopia (PANE). PANE and

will be conducted by CESC aiming to

of ministries and the delivery of services

its national network of grassroots civil

understand the challenges facing the

as per departmental service charters. The

society groups are vital partners in scaling

educational sector which are contributing

Commission for Administrative Justice

up grassroots efforts at holding devolved

to the current status of educational

(the Ombudsman’s office) also formerly

governments accountable, and also in

achievement in these particular project

adopted Huduma for its complaints

diversifying the uses of the service away

sites. The expected outcome will be in the

function. Training for the relevant staff

from mostly reporting on law-breaking into

form of a mapping of relevant institutions

began later in the year in preparation

direct citizen involvement in deliberating on

and services linked with education

for a joint roll-out after the presidential,

service provision and resource allocation.

provided by Government and CSO’s. The

parliamentary and county government

The citizen monitoring pilot in Ethiopia

findings will help the education sector and

elections to be held in March 2013.

is set around the HD2010 platform for

other related stakeholders working with

an enhancement of civic engagement in

the platform to improve the Mozambican

During the year in review, the Millennium Campaign also developed a

pressing for the attainment of the MDGs

strong partnership with the Organisation of

and in general development work.

African Instituted Churches (OAIC) whose

An adopted version of Huduma,

Manhica Secondary School. In 2013, a detailed baseline study

approach of “Huduma-Olavula” to address identified gaps. A pre-feasibility study for the roll-

secretariat is based in Kenya but has

called Olavula meaning “voice” in a local

out of an adaptation of Huduma was

reach and sub-organisations across the

Mozambiquan language, was also piloted

successfully conducted in Nigeria and the

African continent. OAIC has been and will

in Mozambique in collaboration with the

report presented to, and approved by, a

continue to be active in promoting Huduma

Mozambiquan civil society support and

Steering Committee including the Federal

through their networks, particularly in the

capacity building organization, MASC.

Government and the largest CSO coalition.

Nairobi pilot site of Lang’ata as part of the

The pilot was rolled out in the education

In 2013, a more detailed feasibility study

programme to promote “Just Communities”.

sector, working closely with students

will be conducted which will look more

and pupils to monitor the quality of

closely at the technological institutional

Campaign supported and began training

education service delivery. 7 Civil Society

challenges, working closely with the office

local government officials and service

networks, including IBIS, CESC, MEPT,

of the Ombudsman.

providers in the pilot areas to support

FORCOM, CAICC-CIUEM were involved

citizens to make use of the platform to

with the initiative and served as the

India; named “Samadhan,” which means

provide feedback on delivery of services

project’s steering committee. The team

“resolution” in Hindi, was implemented

in their respective areas. The Campaign,

represented a cross-section of both

in 2 pilot locations – the predominantly

in collaboration with SODNET and AIHD,

national and International organizations

tribal Koraput District in Orissa state and

trained over 150 government officials

as well as traditional partners of the

the quasi-urban Sehore district in Madhya

and service providers in Murang’a and

educational sector. The government of

Pradesh. In Madhya Pradesh, a partnership

Kisumu. The Huduma platform may be

Mozambique, vis-à-vis the Ministry of

was formed between the Collector of

accessed at

Education sector, expressed a great deal

Sehore District, the Government of Madhya

or at

of interest in the initiative and granted

Pradesh, a civil society organization called

permission for the roll-out of the pilot in

Samarthan and local media and civil society

Ethiopia also shows signs of great potential

2 Provinces: Gaza, Manjacaze District

networks. In Orissa, implementation was

with the possibility of partnerships with the

at Manjacaze Secondary School and

led by the Collector of Koraput District, the

government of Ethiopia, the UN Country

Maputo Province, Manhica District, at

Government of Orissa, civil society partners

Additionally, the Millennium

The Citizen Monitoring initiative in

The Citizen Feedback Platform in

citizen feedback facilitates citizen engagement to improve service delivery and the use of public funds

The biggest push came when the District

primary goals are to inform citizens that

Governments upheld the significance of

they can be stakeholders in development

this platform by using it as a scoreboard for

and to promote Tingog as a technology

performance review of each department.

tool that will enable them to help local

Samadhan platforms can be accessed at:

governments to better deliver basic social


services.; and

A series of community orientation

VSO India Trust and South Orissa Voluntary


actions in the ten pilot barangays in Tabaco

Action (SOVA), along with local media and

City were held prior to the social contract

civil society networks. To date, Samadhan is emerging as

signing in November. This was designed In the Philippines, the Citizens Feedback

as a capacity-building session led by

a platform for a “single-stop window”

Platform, locally called Tingog 2015, was

PRRM, allowing community members to

for grievance redressal for district

implemented in Tabaco City, Albay and the

understand the LGU’s program for maternal

administrations in both pilot locations. In

Province of Agusan Del Sur. The Tingog

and child health (mdgs 4 and 5), and

Sehore as well as Koraput, the government

campaign managed to bring together all

the community’s corresponding rights

is using the data from Samadhan for its

of the country’s three telecommunications

and responsibilities in service delivery.

internal planning and monitoring on a

companies to collaborate and provide

In addition to the orientation sessions,

regular basis. Greater integration with the

one common short code (2015) to use

ten community leaders were selected

government has led to a high resolution

for the SMS at a reduced tariff of P1.00

per barangay to comprise a core group

rate and an increase in the volume of

per SMS, as opposed to the regular

that will take the lead mainly in mobilizing

complaints. Community mobilization and

rate of P2.50. This is the first of its kind

communities to use Tingog. These core

empowerment is leading to increased

in the telecommunications industry

group leaders also underwent a series

awareness among citizens of their basic

and was made possible by forging a

of planning sessions allowing them to

entitlements and increasing government

strong partnership with the National

develop community mobilization plans.

accountability in public service delivery.

Telecommunications Commission

For the Inception Phase of Agusan Del

Recently, using participatory feedback

that oversees the telecommunications

Sur, a local CSO (People Power Volunteers

methods with the NGO partners as

industry. In addition, all three

for Reform) also conducted secondary

well as the district administration, the

telecommunications companies agreed to

data gathering, key informant interviews

first generation software platform was

waive outbound SMS fees for the duration

(KII) and community mobilization in order

embellished with various interactive and

of the pilot.

to understand the issues that need to be

analytical features to enable richer use.

Tingog is also supported

monitored. In addition, an LGU Toolkit for

Regular training and orientation workshops

by a comprehensive media and

establishing an M&E system in Tingog

are organized for government officials who

communications plan; the lead CSO,

pilots has been developed. The Tingog

are accessing the Samadhan platform

PRRM (Philippines Rural Reconstruction

platforms may be accessed at

to inform their own review mechanism.

Movement); and local partners. Its two

united nations millennium campaign 2012 annual report


UN Photo/John Isaac

Portrait of an Afghan.


Strengthened civil society reporting on MDG promises

are achieved through the critical work of parliamentarians. The Steering Committee of the Network was convened in Nairobi on the 27th and 28th of February 2012 to resume its work and expand the Network. The meeting deliberated amongst other issues the structure of the Network, engagement with national and sub-regional parliaments across Africa, networking with international parliamentary bodies and the drafting of

Strengthening Parliamentarians’ and Regional Councils’ capacities to contribute towards the achievement of the GTP and the MDGs

a Constitution for the Network. Equally

2012 witnessed significant success

31st 2012, the Steering Committee

achieved by UNMC in terms of

participated in the 126th Assembly of

parliamentarian engagement in Africa.

the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) in

The continued support provided by the

Kampala, where Members of the Network

Campaign at the beginning of the year to

reached out to the fellow parliamentarians

revitalize the commitment of members

creating awareness of the existence of

of the Steering Committee of the African

the Network as well as mobilizing them to

Network of Parliament, led to the formal

participate in the “All Africa Conference of

inauguration of the African Network of Parliamentarians for the MDGs, the

important in strategic terms is the confirmation of UNMC as the Secretariat of the Network. As a follow up, on March 30th and

parliamentarians on MDGs” planned to

take place in May 2012. The Chairperson of

adoption and launching of its Constitution

the Network was elected as a member of

and the organization of a pan-African

the IPU Advisory Committee on UN Affairs.

Parliamentarians Conference on the

In order to expand the Network´s

MDGs and the Post-2015 Development

membership and to gain support from

agenda. The African Network of

parliamentarian groups across Africa, the

Parliamentarians for the MDGs was reestablished with the support of the UN

Network members visited Uganda, Ghana, and Rwanda to advocate for the creation

Millennium Campaign in 2011. The primary

of MDGs Committees or Caucuses in

objective of the Network was to develop

their respective parliaments to oversee

and jointly pursue a common strategy

United Nations Millennium Campaign 2012 Annual Report


parliamentary support of the MDGs.

to promote the MDGs in parliaments

Particular to the Advocacy Mission of

throughout Africa and ensure that they

the Network to Ethiopia, the proposal of


report 2012

Strengthened civil Society reporting on Mdg proMiSeS

with un millennium campaign support, of the african network of parliamentarians for the mdgs


â?? 2012 saw the creation,

two hundred delegates including over

orientation retreat for members of the committee on the millennium development goals, house of representatives in nigeria

Historically, the Nigerian National

150 parliamentarians in addition to civil

After the 2011 General elections in Nigeria,

Assembly provided leadership for the

society organisations from across the

in which over 50% of parliamentarians

African continent on parliamentary

continent, UN personnel and African

did not retain their seats in the National

engagement with the mdgs.

Union representatives as well as Asian

Assembly, there was a visible capacity loss

However, as there was a lack of

parliamentarians gathered in Addis Ababa

of institutional knowledge. For the House of

coordination, understanding of roles

organising a Pan African Parliamentary Conference on the mdgs and Post2015 was endorsed by the Ethiopian Parliament and as a result, more than

on May, 2012. Members of the House of

Representatives Committee on the mdgs,

Representatives of the Philippines and civil

only two members made it back to the

partnership between the mdgs

society groups from Asia, the Pacific and

Committee out of 36 members.

committees and other sectoral

the Caribbean were also in attendance. The MPs had an opportunity to

In view of the above, the House of

Representatives Committee on the mdgs,

share best practices and lessons learned

House of Representatives, the Millennium

around the achievement and acceleration

Campaign and the Civil Society Legislative

of the mdg s in their home countries,

and responsibilities, coherence and

committees, the UN Millennium Campaign in partnership with the Joint Committee

on the mdgs of the National Assembly held a one day retreat for members of the

Advocacy Centre (CISLAC) organized a

mdgs related Committees of the National

particularly those countries such as

two-day retreat for members of the newly

Assembly on 4th June, 2012 to synchronize

Nigeria, Ghana and Kenya which had

constituted House Committee on the

established parliamentary committees

mdgs. The main objective of the retreat

their mandates and work together towards

and caucuses specifically for

was to expose members of the Committee

parliamentary mechanisms.


achievement. Importantly, the MPs also

to the principles and national frameworks

received an early introduction to the on-

on the mdgs as well as the mandate

going process of developing a Post-2015

of the Committee for the achievement

agenda to succeed the mdg s. The

of the mdgs.

conference ended with the endorsement of the African Parliamentary Declaration on the Millennium Development Goals and Post-2015 Development Agenda.

the acceleration of the mdgs using

roundtables on the nature and causes of inequitable development in mozambique Following the success of the fi rst General

joint retreat of the national assembly related committees on the mdgs in nigeria

Assembly of the African Network of Parliamentarians for the

mdg s in Addis

Ababa, members from Mozambique

work of UN agencies present in Spain. In May 2012, a joint meeting of UN agencies and the development committee of the Spanish parliament took place to underline

mdg achievements and strengthen institutional commitment.

Meeting with District Level Official – Minar Pimple, Regional Director, Asia and Pacific, UNMC, meeting with the District Magistrate and other officials at Koraput, Orissa.

parliamentarians from asia-pacific deliberate on instruments of progress and equity for the post-2015 agenda In Asia, the Campaign worked to advocate for mdg s acceleration and initiated

engagement of parliamentarians from countries across the Asia-Pacific region requested the Campaign to urgently

Social Plans as well as for the finalization

in Post-2015 discussions. At the regional

carry out training for Members of

of the mdg country report. Civil society

Parliament in Mozambique on

organization representatives were also

engaged with AWEPA (European

invited to share their experience of MDG’s

Parliamentarians for Africa), AFPPD (Asian

monitoring with MPs.

Forum of Parliamentarians on Population

mdg s

and the Post-2015 agenda. The training took place in November 2012 and brought together over 40 Members of Parliament from across party divides who engaged for 3 days

The meeting served as a key opportunity for MPs to better understand their role in both debates around mdgs

and sub-regional level, the Campaign

and Development), and SADC (Southern African Development Community) parliament and at the global level, the

on the progress of the mdgs agenda in

acceleration and the Post-2015 process.

Campaign worked closely with the Inter

Mozambique and also on the priorities

Issues pertaining to the achievement of

Parliamentary Union (IPU) to rally support

for the country Post-2015 with a focus

mdgs 4 and 5 were considered crucial

on causes and nature of inequitable

points for advocacy and monitoring in the

development. As a follow up to the training,

debate of mdg acceleration. Additionally;

Members of Parliament in Mozambique

peace and stability, corruption and

committed to the setting up a mdg

caucus in Parliament to address issues hampering mdg achievement.

The conference was organized by

for parliamentary focus on


during their Annual Meetings in Kampala, Uganda and Quebec City, Canada. UNMC and AFPPD; with the

transparency, and socio- cultural values

support of the Rockefeller Foundation

were identified as critical areas that

and in collaboration with a number of UN

needed to be considered in the formulation

agencies, civil society and parliamentary

of the Post-2015 agenda.

networks etc.; organized two sub-regional

a Joint UN Agency team composed of

Parliamentarian and CSO forums on

mdg acceleration and the Post-2015

institutions. One key government partner

hearing at the spanish parliament on mdgs success stories

involved with this activity was the Ministry

The Campaign supported greater

the Pacific was held in Manila, Philippines

of Planning and Development (MPD), a

collaboration with UN agencies in Spain

on 20-21 November 2012. Over 100

ILO, UN WOMEN, UNDP, and UNFPA in collaboration with partners of Governmental

government sector responsible for the

within the mdg agenda, establishing the

compilation of Government Economic and

Goals as the basis for the joint advocacy

development agenda. A Forum for Southeast, East and Northeast Asia and

representatives from parliaments, civil society and development partners from 13

united nations millennium campaign 2012 annual report



report 2012

Strengthened civil Society reporting on Mdg proMiSeS / fraMing the diScourSe for the realization of the MdgS

Asian countries gathered together to draw critical lessons learned from the mdgs

on mdg acceleration and the Post-2015

to encourage continued support of the

development agenda will be organized in

mdg agenda by parliamentarians as well

to help pave the way for lasting social,

March 2013, during the meetings of the UN

as to create awareness of the Post-2015

economic and environmental sustainability

Secretary General’s High Level Panel of

process among parliamentarians. The

beyond 2015.

Eminent Persons for post-2015. Outcomes

Campaign also participated actively in

of these meetings were provided as inputs

parliamentary sessions with the Presidency

north and central Asia was held on 10-11

to the High Level Panel meetings for Post-

of the General Assembly at the UN

December 2012 in Dhaka, Bangladesh and

2015 consultations.

headquarters in New York.

Another forum for south, southwest,

was inaugurated by the Prime Minster. Over

The Campaign also worked with

sixty Parliamentarians from countries such

the Inter Parliamentary Union (IPU) and

as Bhutan, Afghanistan, Turkey, Uzbekistan,

AFPPD in Asia to support parliaments in

India and Bangladesh assembled along

their three main functions; representation,

with Civil Society Organizations to review

legislation and oversight with a view of

progress on mdgs and discuss a

maintaining effective engagement on

themes such as inequality and governance.

mdgs and ensuring continued progress for mdgs’ achievement. Specifically,

The outcomes of these two sub-regional

the parliamentary support strategy

forums were the Manila Declaration and

encouraged and strengthened commitment

framework for a better future, highlighting

Dhaka Declaration by Parliamentarians and Civil Society on the mdg Acceleration

of Parliamentarians to achieve the mdgs at the national level, strengthened the

and the Post-2015 Development Agenda,

role of parliamentarians in ensuring that

which highlighted the renewed commitment

national development plans and policies

of both sector towards the achievement of

the mdgs and definition of the new world framework after 2015. In continuation of the UNMC’s

are mdg focused and supported

effective parliamentary engagement in monitoring the implementation of national development plans and policies

efforts to engage parliamentarians

supportive of mdgs through networking

partly to correct the previous lack

at the regional and global levels. During

of parliamentary participation in the

the IPU Assembly in Quebec in October,

formulation of the mdgs, a high-level

regional parliamentarian and CSO Forum

the UNMC and the Network of African Parliamentarians jointly organized an event

❝ parliamentarians from

all over asia assembled to review progress on the mdgs...focusing on inequality and governance


framing the discourse for the realization of the mdgs Great progress was made in 2012 in

the strategy, an interagency task team on advocacy was set up to (a) Develop and articulate advocacy priorities, (b) Develop an implementation work plan (c) Develop mechanisms for integration into existing communication and advocacy activities. A detailed work plan was developed, reviewed by the Task Team and reflected in the mdg Task Force 2012 work plan. The Task Team developed and articulated advocacy priorities which were

facilitating partnerships with media, CSOs

reviewed and approved by the mdg Task

and NGOs at the international, regional and

Force and the UNDG Advisory Group.

country levels to create awareness among

It should be noted that these priorities

citizens about their rights and obligations

have taken into account the Southern

within the mdgs frame in order to create informed and more active societies. The Campaign has undergone a series of strategic communications

African Development Community’s Post-2015 discourse. As part of this task, the Campaign undertook the tracking of UN leadership’s voice on the MDGs

campaigns both online and offline at all

and identified very low levels of mdg

levels in 2012. Innovative advocacy and

advocacy within UNDP as the lead agency

research campaigns were rolled out

to ensure mdg data is available and

united nations millennium campaign 2012 annual report


for MDGs, the OSG and at the mdg Task Force; the results of this analysis are being

considered by policymakers and duty

considered and a plan to address them

bearers and to outreach the general public


as well as create awareness on the status of the MDGs.

3.1 partnerships and civil society engagement

advocacy partnerships around equity Initial consultations with UNICEF, UNWOMEN and OHCHR indicated interest

integrated un mdg advocacy strategy

in common advocacy and campaigning on

The Campaign led the development of

this effort would be designed and managed

an integrated mdg advocacy strategy

equity and the MDGs. It was envisaged that jointly with the Millennium Development

through a process of consultations

Goals Achievement Fund (MDG-F) and

(Appendix 1) with the following outputs:

would build upon the process arising from

strengthening the UN’s Leadership Voice

the 2010 Equity report. Additionally, a

on the MDGs, building strong advocacy

series of bilateral consultations with civil

partnerships with civil society for mdg advocacy and strengthening national Level

mdg advocacy. In order to operationalize

society, in the context of Bill and Melinda Gates funded report by Brendan Cox, indicate potential for engagement. As



Framing the Discourse for the Realization of the MDGs

MDG-F had previously held consultations

consultations. A pan-African Conference

to promote volunteerism in development.

with the UN and civil society partners

on inequality is being planned.

A concept note was developed in support

around equity advocacy, the Campaign decided to build on the recommendations rather than set up a parallel process. Consequently, with the support of

of this effect and a Memorandum of


Understanding (MoU) was signed by all the partners in order to cooperate and work together towards common objectives.

SIDA in Kenya; the Campaign, entered into

Since 2011, the Campaign has been

a partnership with Kenya’s Constitutional

collaborating with the United Nations

the Campaign initiated discussions

(CRA) to provide support for CRA to

Volunteer program to work with strategic

with the United Nations Country Team

develop a revenue allocation formula

partners in civil society, private sector and

in Mozambique to work around the

for parliament’s approval to guide the

government to advocate and campaign for

employment of the HD2010 platform

allocation of at least 15% of national

policy environments and programs that

as an entry point for the broad citizen

revenue to support the development of

will promote the attainment of the MDGs

participation work.

county governments using inequalities

through volunteerism.

as a key basis. This engagement took

The first action of this collaboration is

Building on its work on volunteerism,

In January 2012, a workshop was held with the participation of over 100

the form of 3-day technical retreat in

the organization of a National Conference

youth leaders and advocacy materials

which the Millennium Campaign brought

on Volunteering and National Developments

were disseminated under the theme “Youth

high level technical expertise from India,

in Nigeria, where MDGs were prominently

developing the districts.” The expected

Brazil, Ethiopia, the United States and

featured. The event included presentations

results from the distribution of this material

from domestic sources to the table.

from the Campaign on utilizing

was to improve the knowledge of jobseekers

The outcome was the development of a

volunteerism for the acceleration of the

on issues around the MDGs since youth job

successful formula which was approved by

achievement of the MDGs. The conference

seekers who hold a degree are likely to work

Parliament. Following this, the Campaign

was extremely successful and received

in social areas at the district level where

facilitated missions by CRA leadership to

high level support from the Resident

poverty and inequalities are high.

India and Ghana amongst other countries.

Coordinator of the UN and OSSAP-MDGs.

Similarly, the Campaign in Nigeria

After the success of the above

facilitated a mission of the Office of the

conference, UNMC also co-facilitated the

Senior Special Assistant to the President

organization of community outreach and

of Nigeria on the MDGs (OSSAP -MDGs) to

sensitization in the Bwari Area Council

Brazil for the purpose of understudying the

of Abuja Federal Capital Territory with

Brazilian social protection system which

UNV and its partners which included civil

aims to eradicate poverty, hunger and

society organizations and government

reduce inequality. Based on this mission,

agencies involved in volunteerism such as

OSSAP-MDGs redesigned their conditional

the Nigerian National Volunteer Service

grants transfer scheme which is also being

(NNVS), Ministry of Youths, the National

significantly scaled up.

Youth Service Corps (NYSC) and the

Going forward, the Campaign will build on its partnership with UN Women,

OSSAP-MDGs. In view of the successful partnerships

UNICEF, and UNDP and to ensure that

recorded in the above programs, all

the Inequalities Thematic Consultations

the partners, including the Millennium

are grounded in national and regional

Campaign, decided to set up a coalition

We have worked with UN Volunteers to campaign for achievement of the MDGs

UN Photo/Sebastian Rich

Literacy Class.

19 United Nations Millennium Campaign 2012 Annual Report

Afghan Women in


report 2012

fraMing the diScourSe for the realization of the MdgS

3.2 media engagement

BDB, UNECA and policy experts on the

May 3-4, 2012, in Nigeria to expose the

In Europe, the Campaign conducted a

subject within UNDG.

media to their roles in accelerating the

review of the primary development focused

Le Monde Diplomatique en español:

attainment of the MDGs. The objective,

The UN Millennium Campaign in Spain

amongst others, was to provide platforms

partnered with Le Monde Diplomatique en

which would foster interactions within the

media outlets with a focus on mdg

advocacy and accountability. Based on this a cross-Platform Content Partnership was

Español and FAO for mdg outreach and

developed, including:

communication projects.

media practitioners to understand and play

The Guardian Global Development

The Finance and Business Daily –

stronger roles in advocating for the MDGs

website: a broader editorial partnership

Kenya: Over the span of several days, the

whilst supporting the efforts of government

was established between the UNDG and

Daily newspaper published three articles

and non-state actors in programs relating

the Guardian around three primary areas:

written by the Campaign, including pieces

to advocacy, monitoring and reporting on

on illicit financial flows and its impact

the MDGs.

• Key thematic focus areas for the UN

media community and build capacity of

system / UNDG over the next three-

on poverty eradication; “inequality and

five years

revenue allocation” and “capital account

Workshop on Media and Countdown to

deregulation, currency instability and

the MDGs was the formation of a network

inequality in Kenya”.

for media on the MDGs in Nigeria. The

• Milestone dates and events for UNDG/ mdg coverage

• Key data moments from UNDG agencies. El Pais: Building on the above-mentioned

The UN Millennium Campaign

A major outcome of the National

Media Advocacy Network has an email

organized a National Workshop on the

list serve and an active Facebook page

Media and Countdown to the MDGs on

through which it shares information,

Guardian partnership, UNMC Spain started dialogue with the Guardian’s development

The “And you didnt even know about

news partners in Spain, El Pais. These

it” award-winning campaign to raise

discussions centered on showcasing

awareness on MDG achievements

Spanish language mdg success stories in a creative way, resulting in the publication of the “Y tu sin enterarte” campaign. The Thomson Reuters Foundation: It was agreed that UNMC in consultation with UNDG would co-ordinate to provide Thomson Reuters with an outline of the key thematic areas to be discussed in the Post-2015 process and maintain on-going dialogue to facilitate broader development coverage. ProPublica: a commitment has been made to conduct an investigative story around the issue of illicit capital flows and the negative development impact of such outflows on achieving the MDGs, spanning several months. The themes for the story are being developed in consultation with

❝ in june 2012 reports and activities. The UNMC is currently in the process of developing a work-plan for the Network. In December 2011, in celebration of the Anti-Corruption Day, UNMC partnered with Transparency and Accountability Network (TAN) and the ABS-CBN News Channel (ANC) in the Philippines for a media event focused on a thorough analysis and discussion of the Freedom of Information (FOI) Bill which has been pending in Congress for years. To sustain momentum from the media event, UNMC continued its policy advocacy work with TAN in 2012. TAN co-led strategic planning sessions with transparency and accountability advocates, leading to a strengthened advocacy of the FOI Bill within Congress. Social media campaigning was also strengthened through the production

we ran an award winning campaign “and YOU didn’t eVen knOW abOUt it” showing citizens the major progress on mdgs achieved together

Key opinion leaders and celebrities with strong presence in social media such as the journalists Ana Pastor and Juan Ramón Lucas, the pop icon David Bisbal or the NBA star Jose Manuel Calderón-, donated their profiles, helping to secure successful outreach. Between the 6th of June and the 9th of July 2012, “” (campaign website) received more than 57,000 visits. 10,400 people donated their Facebook and Twitter profiles, sending 150,000 messages on mdg success

stories and major achievements, which generated more than 28 million impacts. The awareness-raising campaign was broadly covered by the media. It generated over 70 media impacts, reaching an aggregated audience of 33 million people. According to the media tracking company Kantar Media, the estimated monetary

of FOI advocacy videos. Another media

value of these media impacts was 1.2

moment (a televised forum or an in-depth

million Euros.

news feature) is being planned for February

key partnerships for the conceptualization

2013, before Congress closes.

and implementation of this campaign.

partnered with the Spanish Public Radio

The UN Millennium Campaign

One, with the advertising agency

Station (RNE) to air a series of news

online campaign to explain the impact of the mdgs in the global fight against poverty

Wysiwyg- Publicis, responsible for the

reports on mdg success on the leading

creative concept; and another one with

morning show, “En días como hoy”. A

the media buying company Mediacom,

MDG-F water project in the Philippines

From June 6th to July 9th 2012, the UN

which provided pro bono space for the

was features as success stories on one of

Millennium Campaign run an innovative


these reports. Informe Semanal, the most

online campaign in Spain called “y tú sin

UNMC also secured support from

reputed news report program in Spain,

enterarte” (“And you didn’t even know

all UN agencies in Spain, the Spanish

broadcast a special report on the progress

about it”), which aimed to communicate

branch of the Global Compact and large

made in the fight against extreme poverty

corporations such as Telefónica, BBVA,

and the Rio+20 Summit.

mdg achievements and success

stories and to stress the importance of

Mapfre; and the Spanish Development

development aid.

NGO Platform CONGDE.

This online campaign focused on

Joint work with UN Agencies in the

From the 6th of June to the 9th of July, and thanks to the support of the media buying agency Mediacom, “Y tú sin

the use of social media, putting citizens

identification of MDGs success stories was

enterarte” secured probono advertising

at the heart of the campaign. The UN

a key factor in generating content for this

space with a value of 1.4 million Euros.

Millennium Campaign established two


united nations millennium campaign 2012 annual report




Framing the Discourse for the Realization of the MDGs

Major exhibition on MDG progress in partnership with FAO, Le Monde Diplomatique and IVAM, Valencia

The Millennium Campaign, in collaboration

capability for blogging and functionality

with MDG-F, participated in the opening

with the major social media tools.

event of the 2012 AECID (Spanish Agency

The UNMC partnered with FAO, “Le

Week with one of its most successful

3.3. Partnership with civil society

Monde Diplomatique en Español” and the

awareness raising activities, “Photos for

In Nigeria, the Campaign has been

IVAM, Institut Valencià d’Art Modern, to

the MDGs.” In support of this event, the UN

supporting the work of civil society

produce “UTOPÍAS POSIBLES: Objetivos

Millennium Campaign’s Spanish website,

since 2005. The mainstream civil society

de Desarrollo del Milenio”, a major and AECID’s site

campaign organization, the Global Call to

exhibition looking back on a decade

featured a picture gallery with more than 200

Action against Poverty (GCAP),1 witnessed

of MDGs, progress and challenges.

citizens showing their support for the MDGs.

a downturn for more than one year due to

The IVAM is a well-established public

for Development Cooperation) Cooperation

structural and financial reasons. UNMC, in

(Spain). The temporary exhibition, which

Showcasing of MDG Impact through Online Media

opened in the last week of May 2012

UNMC has been working with web and

oversight roles in MDGs acceleration in

contemporary art centre in Valencia

its commitment to strengthen civil society capacity to play effective advocacy and

and ran until September 17 2012, was

social media specialists to create and

Nigeria, worked with civil society partners

hosted in the Sala de la Muralla, a 1.160

enhance its existing web-presence

to resuscitate GCAP and support it to

m2 gallery in the IVAM, below ground

www.endpoverty2015 to adequately

play more active roles in the emerging


level with the remains of the mediaeval

reflect MDG success stories,

ramparts of the city. This temporary

development of best practices and

and national discussions on Post-2015

exhibition was accompanied by the

inspiring news stories. In addition, regular

development framework.

edition of a catalogue, organization of

news feeds have been disseminated via a

conferences on the MDGs with high

range of social media platforms including

level speakers, educational workshops

Facebook, Twitter, Flickr and Youtube.

for schools and specific online outreach

acceleration efforts of government

The Campaign’s efforts to revamp GCAP Nigeria as a key civil society player

for MDG contributed to the development of a plan towards a CSO Consultative

through IVAM and UNMC websites,

Renewed online presence

Meeting on MDGs Acceleration Campaign

which took place during the three month

The Millennium Campaign worked to

in Nigeria and Post-2015 advocacy and to

duration of the exhibition.

reinforce its online presence in Spanish –

the revitalized engagement of GCAP in five

through the Campaign website in Spanish;

key areas:

The exhibition explained a decade of MDGs, going into in-depth analysis of as well as

• Post-2015 Development Framework

the progress in each one of the MDGs,

through its Facebook and Twitter profiles in

• Independent reporting on the MDGs

underlining specific success stories by

Spanish - to adequately showcase MDG

country & UN agency and highlighting the

success stories and use existing platforms

remaining challenges in the achievement of

to reach out to Latin America (Annex 9).

the MDGs by 2015.

Joint UN Millennium Campaign and MDG-F awareness raising/media event within the framework of the “Spanish Cooperation Week”, 5-11 September 2012

• Engagement with OSSAP and other Government agencies • Equity • Population Dynamics and Human

The Millennium Campaign Africa Website

Development in Nigeria

its website linked to the global website,

African Civil Society on Post Durban and Rio +20

the World we Want website and the MY

An African Civil Society Post Durban

World website, among others. The site has

and Rio +20 Preparatory Workshop was

The Campaign’s Africa team launched

It made use of primary data from the National Bureau of Statistics, the Universal Basic Education Commission and Ministry of Education. Other secondary sources used include publications from international and national bodies, interviews and media reports.

The UN Millennium Campaign global website

The aim of the research was to draw co-organized by Pan African Climate

of environmental governance and green

attention to the ever increasing linkages

Justice Alliance (PACJA) and Bio-

economic policies.

between poverty and access to free and

Resources Development and Conservation

A follow-up workshop was organized

qualitative education. It also made a

Programme – Cameroon (BDCPC) with the

jointly with UNDESA, UNDP, ACORD and

strong case for sector wide approaches

support of the Millennium Campaign. The

PACJA in Dakar, Senegal. This forum

for education programming and present

workshop took place between the 4th – 8th

discussed the links between the Rio+20

education as a multi-sectoral and human

March, 2012 in Limbe and was attended by

process and the Post-2015 development

rights issue. The report is significant as

50 participants from 23 African countries,

agenda process. This conference gave

it will serve as an advocacy tool for civil

namely: Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi,

birth to the African CSO Working Group

society in Nigeria and across Africa to

Cameroon, Chad, Democratic Republic of

on Post-2015 process. The Working

influence the thoughts and approaches of

Congo, Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, Liberia,

Group coordinates African CSO position

education policy makers. The report has

Kenya, Malawi, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda,

on the Post-2015 process and facilitates

been presented to civil society and the

Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania, Togo,

engagement between African CSOs

public during the Pre-COMEDAF African

Uganda, Mozambique, Zambia and

and the High Level Panel on Post-2015

Civil Society Meeting in Abuja.

Zimbabwe. Participants were drawn from

including periodic engagement with the

government institutions, Civil Society

co-chair, President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf

Organizations and indigenous groups

of Liberia

across Africa.

the Rio +20 processes, current opportunities

support and study with civil society action on education for all (csacefa)

for civil society engagement, issues of

To further strengthen advocacy and raise

sustainability, climate change financing in

civil society voices on issues of access

Africa amongst others. There were also

to education in Nigeria, CSACEFA 2 and

group work sessions which sought to

UNMC commissioned a study into the

galvanize opinions on the level of political

impact of poverty on access to education

will for sustainable development in Africa.

in Nigeria. The research undertook a brief

The two-day conference featured various presentations and discussions on

A major outcome of the workshop

situational analysis of the status of mdg

was the Limbe Declaration which calls

2 and national efforts aimed at realizing it

for accountability and political will from

in Nigeria. The research was intended to

governments across Africa in ensuring

provide information and create linkages

that principles of sustainability and equity

between the current state of universal

take centre stage in the implementation

basic education and poverty in Nigeria.

1 The Global Call to Action Against Poverty (GCAP) is a growing worldwide alliance consisting of national coalitions (or platforms) of campaigns to end poverty. GCAP is the largest anti-poverty campaign in the world by building on existing networks, and their strategies and activities. Currently it boasts more than one thousand member organisations and millions of supporters worldwide. It is involved with some 38 million people in actions in 2005 in over 75 countries and 23 million people in 2006 in over 85 countries. 2 The Civil Society Action Coalition on Education for All (CSACEFA) is a coalition of Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) involved in advocacy for the attainment of education for all. CSACEFA is also a member of the Global Campaign on Education (GCE).

united nations millennium campaign 2012 annual report



report 2012

fraMing the diScourSe for the realization of the MdgS

state of the mdgs. last mile program (lamp)

Nations System in Nigeria under the

and adopted; (iii) the CRA, in its final

leadership of the Resident Coordinator and

recommendations’ report to the Kenyan

With the deadline to the MDGs looming,

various international development partners

Parliament, sited the workshop as an

efforts at state level need to be accelerated

will use this program to stimulate political

important factor in the development of the

in order for Nigeria to meet the target

commitments towards the MDGs at state

final formula.

of the MDGs. In particular, states need

and local levels.

to collaborate with the United Nations

Rewards for the above will range from

Going forward, the Millennium Campaign is developing a compilation

system and other development partners to

grants to certificates, awards and honorary

book of analysis, presentations and

assist in accelerating efforts through the

mentions. The award nominees will be

experiences of other countries which will

creation of enabling environment for state

recognized during the United Nations Day

be useful in supporting countries that may

actions, citizens’ engagement and critical

celebration in an event to be co-chaired by

go through similar processes in the future.

investment in human and infrastructural

the Chair of Nigerian Governors’ Forum.

development to meet the MDGs.

The Campaign supported and will continue to support the Commission on Revenue Allocation to engage with

Coordinator in partnership with the

multi-stakeholder forum on the nature of inequalities and exclusion in kenya

Nigerian Governors’ Forum and other

In June 2012 the UN Millennium Campaign

India in preparation for future reviews of

development partners has developed the

held a technical workshop entitled,

the Kenyan formula.

State MDGs Last Mile Program (LAMP).

‘Financing a Fairer and Prosperous

The objectives of LAMP include:

Kenya: revenue Sharing and the Kenyan

It is in this vein that the UN System under the leadership of the Resident

partners with experience on revenue allocation in Ghana, Brazil, Ethiopia and

Constitution’. The workshop was held in

‘voices’ forum on inequalities and discrimination in india

commitments towards the MDGs at

collaboration with the Commission on

In India, on the occasion of the death

state and local levels.

Revenue Allocation (CRA) and the Ministry

anniversary of Babasaheb B.R. Ambedkar,

2. Measure commitments and efforts

of State for Northern Kenya and other

towards MDGs by States and Local

Arid Lands, and was supported by the


Kenyan offices of UNWOMEN and UNICEF.

3. Reinforce UN System in Nigeria’s

The objective of the workshop was to

delivering as one principle and

assemble different actors (government,

inter-sectoral collaboration for the

parliamentarians, civil society, service

attainment of the MDGs.

providers, think tanks etc.) to critically

4. Communicate and document

analyze and discuss the revenue allocation

progress made towards the MDGs

formula put forward by the CRA, which

at state levels.

would allocate funds to Kenya’s newly

5. Increase community ownership


1. Promote leadership and political

devolved counties. The two-day technical

of local development initiatives

retreat was hugely successful in that; (i)

through participation in planning,

there was full participation throughout

monitoring and evaluation of MDGs

the workshop by Commissioners from

related initiatives.

the CRA, including the Vice – Chair Panel Discussion

LAMP seeks to create a reward based

of the Commission; (ii) most of the

system in recognition of state efforts

recommendations by the participants to

FORUM, New Delhi,

towards meeting the MDGs. The United

the Commissioners were taken on board

6th December, 2012.

at the VOICES

chief architect of the Indian constitution

on narratives of the poorest and most

within each department and

and a Dalit leader, UNMC and its NGO

excluded communities, told in their own

Ministry and the monitoring of

partner National Confederation of Dalit

voices and from their own perspectives. A

this cell be directly under the

Organisations (NACDOR), organized the

Declaration to Bridge the Development Gap

concerned Minister.

Voices Forum where men and women

between Dalits and non-Dalits was adopted

from excluded communities gathered

for presentation to the government, key

together to talk about their struggles and

demands of which included:

successes in raising their voices against

• The government should allocate

Strengthen national civil society engagement in the MDG processes in the Philippines

discriminations and injustice. They spoke

a proportionate share to different

To deepen public discourse on inequality,

about their struggles in accessing basic

social sections in all resources

social justice and inclusive development,

essential services and entitlements under

including land, capital, technology,

in 2012 the Inequality Project was

various schemes of the government. Some

business and employment in

initiated together with partner CSO,

of the personal stories also showcased

proportion to their population in the

PRRM (Philippines Rural Reconstruction

the success of the people from excluded


Movement). The initiative included the

communities, highlighting their struggles

• Enact a law which ensures

development of a comprehensive paper

and ability to rise above the odds. It was

proportionate participation/

on the breadth and depth of Inequality

a strategic initiative in the context of the

reservation for the Scheduled

in the Philippines, a Forum on Inequality

ongoing discussions and consultations

Caste and Scheduled Tribes in

(entitled “Voices”) with participation from

worldwide on the Post-2015 development

employment, vendor services,

civil society and marginalized sectors, and

framework, which will be developed

supply and materials and

a high-level RTD on Inequality – where,

through an intensely consultative process

dealerships in the private sector.

on both instances, the in-depth paper

at the regional, national and local levels. The Voices Forum reinforced the focus

• Scheduled Caste Sub Plan and Tribal Sub Plan must be created

was presented, discussed and validated. The Voices Forum resulted in a “Voices Declaration” by left-behind sectors on how to achieve inclusive development; while the RTD engaged decision-makers and key stakeholders in discussing critical issues addressing inequality.

Supporting civil society analysis of the MDG progress and Post-2015 In order to provide a strong analysis of the impact of the MDGs - not just on development achievements, but also on the manner in which civil society has been able to advocate for entitlements and justice and put pressure on the government for accountability, the Breaking Point Research paper was supported by UNMC in 6

United Nations Millennium Campaign 2012 Annual Report





Framing the Discourse for the Realization of the MDGs

Grassroots participants write down their aspirations for a “Future We Want” at VOICES, a forum for left-behind sectors on Inequalities and Social Justice.

countries – India, Nepal, Philippines,

1.1. Rauka Campaign and the African

African Rio +20 Youth Summit was held

Gambia, Mozambique, and Nigeria.

Rio + 20 Summit

in Nairobi. The aim of this summit was to

This initiative is in partnership with the

In partnership with the Norwegian Church

bring together young people from across

Commonwealth Foundation which has

Aid (NCA) and the Kenya Youth Climate

the region, to share their experiences in

supported a country-level research in

Network (KYCN), the Campaign embarked

policy engagement and develop a shared

14 Commonwealth countries around the

on a regional Youth Campaign towards

analysis of Sustainable Development. The

world, which aims to address four sets

Rio +20, dubbed RAUKA: Act Now for a

discussions covered such topics as: the

Sustainable Future (RIOrder! RIOrganize

Green Economy and youth employment.

and Post-2015 framework: (1) civil society

RIO +20). The campaign was conducted in

More than one hundred youth participated

analysis on progress towards MDGs; (2)

four East African countries, namely; Kenya,

in the conference, with forty-five of these

usefulness and opportunities of the

Tanzania, Rwanda and Uganda.

coming from countries outside of Kenya.

of questions related to MDG progress


framework for CSOs; (3) contribution of

As a follow up to the campaign, the

CSOs to the MDGs; and (4) key lessons

African Rio +20 Summit, a regional, Pan-

learned from the MDG experience for

the Post-2015 development framework. Twenty national papers will feed into a global synthesis report, and these products will be used as advocacy tools at national, regional and global levels

especially in the MDG review and Post2015 consultation processes. Working with young people: In Africa, our work with young people in 2012 was organized around three themes • Strengthening reporting and

accountability on MDG promises

• The Post-2015 process • Partnership building

1. Strengthening reporting on MDG promises: The UN Millennium Campaign took advantage of two opportunities to promote accountability of the MDGs: the Rio + 20 process and emerging national and local government elections.

❝ working with

young people, through our growing number partnerships with youth organisations accross the world has been a key area of work in 2012

1.2. Voices of Youth Conference The UN Millennium Campaign supported and participated in the Voices of Youth Conference under the theme, “Youth participation towards inclusive public policy decision making in Ghana”. The conference was the platform for the launch of the Youth Manifesto, a compilation of youth policy options and proposals on issues and perspectives of political parties contesting Election 2012, which could form the basis for youth engagement with political parties and political leaders on key policy issues.

2. Partnerships The youth desk has continued to engage in a constituency building exercise, beyond the youth networks already established, which included partnerships with the Youth Division of the African Union Commission, Southern African Development Community Council of NGOs (SADC-CNGOs) and the Center for Citizens’ Participation on the African Union (CCP-AU).

UNICEF Administers Polio Vaccinations to Children in

UN Photo/Khadivi



Ellam velectassent fugitis non re nam nisi occae. Magnis

report 2012

sedic temquatqui quiaecturion raes aut officiam volorer itatemquia.


UN in Thailand



face to face interviews. A global database has been developed to consolidate all the

This period has also seen the Campaign

data gathered from the three channels

playing a strategic role in promoting civil

and will be analyzed and presented to

society and parliamentary engagement in

the High Level Panel (HLP) as an input

the Post-2015 development process as well

into their report. The outcomes of the

as involvement in the Rio+20 processes

MY World survey; which are analyses

ensuring that civil society views are heard

priorities for various stakeholder groups;

and their positions influence final outcomes.

children, youths, elderly, disabled etc.

The UNMC’s mandate for mobilization,

are being used as inputs into the national

outreach and partnership in the Post-2015

consultations and will also be used as

development process have been boosted

inputs into the meetings of the High Level

as the Campaign is working with national

Panel where the outcomes will be shared

partners to engage with the UN System and

and discussed.

governments to galvanize citizens’ voices to ensure a development process that is participatory, inclusive and equitable.

support to the post-2015 secretariat The Campaign provided support to the

post-2015 outreach

newly established One UN Secretariat

As part of efforts to reach out to all

by facilitating linkages with civil society

stakeholders in the Post-2015 process,

and other stakeholders. In addition, the

the UNDG is implementing an initiative

Campaign seconded one of its staff to

involving national level consultations,

the Secretariat to serve as the outreach

thematic consultations, and a virtual forum

coordinator and has been working closely

to reach out to citizens. The Campaign

with him to facilitate outreach to civil

is taking the lead in the implementation

society as well as their participation in the

of the third aspect which is the global

Post-2015 process

conversation. The UNMC helped to set up an outreach group consisting of the UN

outreach to civil society

and civil society representatives which

UNMC worked with a number of civil

developed the Post-2015 platform to serve

society partners including CIVICUS, GCAP

as a repository of information on Post-2015

and the Beyond 2015 to create awareness

as well as a medium for consultation and

among civil society of the Post-2015

an exchange of ideas.

process. Activities organized included a

In addition, the Campaign has also

day-long Post-2015 consultation between

implemented an initiative called MY World;

the UN and civil society and a session

a global survey of citizens to capture their

on Post-2015 - both organized during the

voices and priorities for the Post-2015

CIVICUS World Assembly in Montreal

framework in three different forms; a web

in September 2012. These two forums

portal, mobile communication using voice

created space for dialogue between the

and SMS as well as offline in the form of

UN and civil society on the Post-2015

fugitis non re nam nisi occae. Magnis sedic temquatqui quiaecturion raes aut officiam volorer

Mark Darrough


process as well as an opportunity for civil

Thus in the London meeting of the

framework by undertaking a national-level

society to plan their engagement in the

HLP in November 2012, the Campaign

dialogue and defining a joint vision for the

Post-2015 process.

helped organize a day of outreach during

future of development.

The Campaign also facilitated civil

which Panel members had extensive

As a first step in this strategy, the

society dialogue on linkages between the

dialogues with civil society representatives

UN Millennium Campaign conducted

Post-2015 process and the Sustainable

from various constituents, including youth

a mapping exercise to identify key

Development Goals; i.e. the outcomes

and women.

stakeholders from different sectors, and

of the Rio+20 processes. This brought

In Spain, the UN Millennium

convened four experts’ meetings with the

together civil society organizations involved

Campaign reached out to key civil society

aim of defining a set of initial proposals

in the two processes and resulted in greater

stakeholders under the framework of

from the Spanish civil society on the Post-

understanding of the linkages between

the Spanish Alliance Against Poverty to

2015 agenda.

the two process as well as commitment

facilitate the establishment of civil society

The four experts meetings convened by

to work together to ensure that at the end

focused, countrywide, multi-stakeholder

the UN Millennium Campaign included:

of the day, civil society will advocate for

consultations on the Post-2015 agenda.

• Experts Meeting on Youth.

a common development framework that

The main goal of the consultations was

Leganes, July 13th, 2012. In

addresses the needs of both post MDGs as

to strengthen the capacity of civil society

collaboration with the Spanish

well as sustainability issues.

actors and networks in Spain to engage

During the spring meeting of the

in the global debate around the Post-2015

Youth Council. • Experts Meeting on Environment

World Bank, the Campaign also facilitated

and Sustainability. Zaragoza,

a half-day consultation of civil society

September 17th, 2012. In

organizations; mainly those that work with the World Bank, to create awareness of the Post-2015 process as well as encourage them to get engaged in the process. Following the announcement of the composition of the High Level Panel for Post-2015, the Campaign - in collaboration with NGLS and other civil society support units of UN agencies - organized a consultation between civil society and members of the panel during the inaugural meeting of the HLP in New York. This consultation afforded civil society the opportunity to voice its views and concerns about the Post-2015 process in general and the work of the panel in particular. It also created and opened up dialogue between civil society and the Panel and they pledged to; during the course of their work, open up space for dialogue with civil society during their meetings.

❝ The Campaign

has played a strategic role in promoting civil society and parliamentary engagement in the post-2015 process

collaboration with the office of UNWater in Zaragoza. • Experts Meeting on Decentralised Cooperation. Barcelona, September 20th, 2012. In collaboration with UNDP-ART and CIDOB. • Experts Meeting on Development and Human Rights. Madrid, September 28th, 2012. In collaboration with the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). The outcomes of the experts’ meetings were consolidated and served as the basis for the main Post-2015 consultation event of the civil society in Spain, which the Campaign convened on October 16th, 2012, during the occasion of World Food Day and the Spanish Week Against Poverty. The main Post-2015 consultation event brought together over 100 Spanish civil society organizations, including

United Nations Millennium Campaign 2012 Annual Report


Ellam velectassent


report 2012 poSt-2015

NGOs, think tanks, youth and women

numerous key Human Rights, youth, and

preparatory consultations for policy

groups and minority communities,

women groups. The responses from the

makers on 14, May 2012.

which shared their views on the future

online survey were consolidated and

development agenda with respect to

served as a complement to the debates at

relationship between the Rio+20 process,

Post-2015. The UN Millennium Campaign

the main consultation event.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

also invited key representatives from the

Additionally, the Millennium Campaign

The participants focused on the

and the Post-2015 agenda, with a view of

Government of Spain as well as from UN

developed key communications tools to

shaping how civil society voices from Africa

agencies in Spain, United Cities and Local

facilitate the flow of information regarding

(and the global South) could be heard in

Governments, the largest global network of

the Post-2015 debate in Spain as well

these processes, with particular regards to

local governments, and Beyond 2015, an

as the generation of content by internet

an inclusive Post-2015 multi-stakeholder

international civil society coalition.

and social media users. This included

consultative process.

In order to increase the level of

the creation of a blog on the Post-2015

Participants agreed to a Declaration

participation in the Post-2015 consultation

Consultation in Spain hosted on the

which summed up the recommendations and

in Spain and reach the widest possible

Campaign’s site www.sinexcusas2015.

demands of African civil society as follows:

audience, the UN Millennium Campaign

org, which facilitated the tracking of all

• The Sustainable Development

also produced and disseminated an online

Post-2015 dialogue in Spain, and the

Goals and the Post-2015 agenda

survey on the Post-2015 agenda amongst

opinions and feedback generated by it.

should provide the an opportunity

the main civil society networks in Spain,

The Post-2015 consultations in Spain

including the Spanish NGO platform and

were also followed on Twitter with the

mdg Framework by addressing

hashtag #Post2015, and on the Campaign’s

the numerous gaps and emerging

Facebook and Twitter profiles.

issues such as equity, gender,

❝100 civil society organizations and over 400 participants were part of the civil society post-2015 consultation in spain, coordinated by the campaign

In addition to the support to civil

to review and build on the current

social protection and inclusion,

society in Spain around the Post-2015

human rights, governance, energy,

process, the UN Millennium Campaign

employment and environmental

also forged a partnership with the Spanish Secretariat for Latin America (SEGIB, as

sustainability. • Rio+20 should come up with

per the Spanish acronym) to facilitate the

concrete actions and a robust

engagement of key stakeholders in the

implementing mechanism that would

Latin-American region also in the Post-

fully integrate the economic, social

2015 dialogue and process.

and environmental dimensions of

In Africa, the Campaign and ACORD International in partnership with the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN

sustainable development towards accelerating the attainment of the MDGs by 2015. • UN led process of consultation

DESA), United Nations Development

towards a Post-2015 development

Programme (UNDP), Beyond 2015, and

agenda should be inclusive and allow

other stakeholders convened civil society

for participation of civil society and

groups at a strategic Dialogue for African Civil Society Organizations (CSO) in

other independent groups. • The transition towards the Green

Dakar. This Dialogue was held on the

Economy should recognize the special

sidelines of the inter-regional Rio+20

circumstances of African countries.

inception meeting of the Beyond 2015 National Civil Society Hub, September 2012.

ensures the inclusion and integration of NMC/2012

civil society voice both in the process and in the results. Furthermore, UNMC, in partnership with MDG-F Focus Country Initiative, provided technical support to civil society in the conduct of orientation • African governments must strive

offices of major international NGOs’

and planning sessions on Post-2015 civil

to provide good and accountable

and bilateral donors, in order to share

society processes, leading to the formation

governance abolishing corruption,

the most up-to-date information about

of a 25-member Beyond 2015 National

tax evasion and capital flight.

various processes and mechanisms by

Hub of Civil Society Organizations and

In line with its objectives of bringing civil

UN and non-UN partners related to the

the development of a national civil society

society actors together to join voices

Post-2015 development framework. The

deliberations plan for Post-2015. The Hub

to influence major outcomes of Rio+20

meetings were organized jointly with ADB,

has concluded national and sub-national

processes and ensure that the needs

UNDP, UNESCAP and UNFPA, with many

consultations across 17 basic sectors

of the world’s vulnerable and poor

other agencies – especially those leading

represented by more than 200 civil society

are reflected in key decisions, UNMC

thematic consultations such as UNICEF

organizations and networks spread

partnered with International Movement

and UN Women – joining to provide

throughout the country.

ATD Fourth World, Beyond 2015, Irish Aid,

their latest updates. Many participants

UN-NGLS and CIVICUS to jointly organize

expressed their appreciation for the

activities, a communications and PR Firm

a side event during the UN Conference on

UNMC’s proactive outreach efforts to bring

was contracted towards the latter part of

Sustainable Development.

everyone up to speed given the very tight

2012, to develop a Post-2015 communication

timeline of Post-2015 agenda formulation.

and advocacy campaign supporting the

June 13, 2012, was aimed at galvanizing

Simultaneously, in the second half of 2012,

UN and civil society’s consensus-building

civil society voices towards a Post-2015

the UNMC Asia regional office initiated

activities on developing a country position

development framework which puts

conversations with the Government of

on a Post-2015 Development Framework.

poverty eradication and sustainability

Indonesia to explore its willingness to hold

It will be implemented for six months,

at its core. The event also sought to

an interaction between the President of

highlighting UNMC’s work in supporting

sensitize member states on the need

Indonesia in his capacity as a co-chair of

the UNCT for the country consultations,

to align discussions on the Sustainable

the High Level Panel and a group of civil

and the work of civil society in the conduct

Development Goals (SDGs) framework with

society leaders in the region. (The meeting

of national civil society deliberations,

the Post-2015 development agenda and to

materialized in February 2013.) Further,

influencing and engagement.

come up with specific suggestions on how

UNMC started facilitating discussions and

In India, UNMC has provided

the two processes could be better aligned

strategizing among civil society coalitions

strategic and operational support to the

after the Rio+20 conference and in the

in the region towards effective engagement

Resident Coordinator’s Office to conduct

in the Bali HLP process and beyond.

a national consultation on the Post-

The event, which took place on

build-up to the 2013 MDG Summit. This is to ensure the emergence of a development

In the Philippines, a significant

To provide advocacy support to these

2015 agenda. After close analysis of the

framework that is holistic, inclusive,

development was the provision by UNMC

Indian context, a national consultation plan

equitable and universal.

of secretariat support to the UN Country

was agreed upon that identified national

In Asia, UNMC organized two

Team, together with the UNDP, in the

institutions to convene constituency-

regional briefing sessions on Post-2015

conduct of country consultations for

based consultations, involving Government

processes, mainly targeting regional

the Post-2015 process. This effectively

of the Republic of India, civil society,

United Nations Millennium Campaign 2012 Annual Report

31 UNMC leads the

Timorese Celebrate International

UN Photo/Martine Perret

Day of Peace.

❝ In Europe,

elected officials, trade unions, industry, women’s organizations, farmer’s associations, research institutions and youth organizations. Conveners have been asked to bring together members of their constituency to reflect on how to eliminate poverty, reduce inequality and promote inclusion through sustainable growth. To facilitate the discussion, UNMC supported the RC’s office in preparing a toolkit that provided a list of guiding questions

the USA, Asia and Latin America the UN Millennium CAMPAIGN convened multi stakeholder and civil society dialogues on post-2015

and a reporting template. Discussions

the capacities of CSOs to articulate and discuss public policy proposals. The strategy incorporated the existing synergies developed in the framework of the HD2010 project, and identified and included strong linkages between HD2010 activities and the Post-2015 and Inequality Report consultations. The UN Millennium Campaign identified the UNDP-ART Programme in El Salvador as a strategic partner for the overall implementation of the project,

on the Post-2015 Development Agenda

and the consultation resulted in a policy

based on its proven track record of multi-

have happened at the state, regional and

ask document summarizing key policy

level cooperation and partnership creation

national level across India involving more

recommendations for MDG acceleration

than 6,000 participants.

as well as incorporation into the new

To open up the dialogue to as many people of India as possible, UNMC has

development agenda. In El Salvador, the UN Millennium

at the territorial level. In the first phase of the project, the MDG-F Report on Inequalities was widely distributed and three consultation

provided content support to the Resident

Campaign facilitated the convening of a

exercises on the Post-2015 agenda were

Coordinator’s Office to put up an open web

countrywide multi-stakeholder dialogue in

conducted in the three geographic areas

forum http://www.worldwewant2015.

El Salvador on the Post-2015 agenda and

where the ART Programme is operational:

org/india2015. Hosted on the World

the MDG-F Report on Equity, ahead of and

La Unión, Morazán and Usulután. The

We Want platform that houses global

in parallel to the UN official consultation

participants in these consultations

conversations on Post-2015, the website

held in El Salvador as part of the national

included representatives from Local

allows citizens who are not part of the

consultations convened by the global

Authorities, civil society, private sector

structured national consultation to voice

UN Development Group. As part of this

(mainly small business and cooperatives),

their opinions on the priorities that the

exercise, a particular effort was made

COMURES (the Salvadorian network

future agenda should address.

to reach out to grassroots groups and

of Local Authorities), Local Economic

excluded communities to ensure that their

Development Agencies (LEDAs) and the

on Post-2015 development agenda was

voices were incorporated in the debate

Sub-secretariat for Territorial Development

organized jointly by the NGO Federation

about the future development agenda.

and Decentralisation of the Government of

In Nepal, a national consultation

of Nepal and the UN Nepal with support

The strategy for launching national

El Salvador.

from the UNMC Asia, building on the series

consultations on the Post-2015 agenda

of multi-stakeholder discussions on the

in El Salvador was conceived as a

the Post-2015 consultations were expanded

In the second phase of the project,

MDGs which had been undertaken under

continuation of the MDG-F funded HD2010

both geographically to the remaining

the Platform HD 2010 project managed

project which sought to: (i) strengthen

departments in El Salvador and thematically

jointly by the UNMC and UNDP. With this

the capacities of CSOs to monitor,

to incorporate a wider range of stakeholders,

activity, the HD 2010 project in Nepal

disseminate and advocate key messages

in particular populations traditionally

successfully concluded in Nepal. Nepal

related to MDGs and Human Development;

excluded from public debate (women, youth,

was among the first batch of countries

(ii) reinforce the dialogue between

people living with disabilities, indigenous

which organized Post-2015 consultations,

government and CSOs, and; (iii) enhance

peoples, and sexual diversity).

United Nations Millennium Campaign 2012 Annual Report



REPORT 2012 post-2015

Women (ISDEMU), the National Youth

rural women’s associations were

on the basis of the participants’ ownership

A Partnership strategy was developed

Institute (INJUVE), the Ministry of Culture

represented, 125 female elected and

and leadership capacity, support of the

(Indigenous Peoples), the National

public officials, 20 housewives from

national government, and the joint work of

Comprehensive Care of Persons with

vulnerable communities, and other

the UN system. Within the United Nations

Disabilities (CONAIPD), and Sexual

system, the Country Team was fully engaged

Diversity Directorate of the Ministry of

from the outset in the different aspects of the

Social Inclusion.

in the consultations included:

project, including the definition of the various

The Main activities by sector were:

University and technical students

approaches based on the expertise and

Local authorities, civil society

(400 young people consulted),

focus of each UN agency.

and private sector:

young people living in areas at

The Government of El Salvador also

groups. • Youth: The actors that participated

In the intervention departments of

risk (200), Indian youth (30) youth

collaborated in the preparation of the

the ART Programme, the Territorial

sexual diversity (30), networks local,

consultation in order to ensure that the

Working Groups strongly contributed to

outcomes were taken into account by the

the organization of the entire process;

Government and a sustainable dialogue

from the definition of the methodology,

were conducted in 50 of the 53

was set up. The main public institutions

agenda-setting and identification of

communities surveyed nationwide.

that engaged in the consultations were:

participants to the systematization and

43 indigenous leaders were

the Institute for the Advancement of

reporting of results.

trained through three workshops

In other departments, similar

to facilitate consultations in their

❝We reached

out to people traditionally excluded from the public debate: women, youth, indigenous people and people living with disabilities

mechanisms were built. The Departmental Councils of Mayors

national and regional (500). • Indigenous Peoples: consultations

communities. • People with disabilities: 25

(CDA) of the Corporation of

facilitators were trained to lead

Municipalities of the Republic of El

consultations with the 4 sectors

Salvador (COMURES) facilitated and

of disability (blind, deaf, physically

participated in the regional consultation

disabled and mentally handicapped)

process from the outset. Also, civil

in the three areas of the country

society and private sector stakeholders

(East, Central and West). The

were engaged in each department, with

vast majority of associations

a focus on traditionally marginalized

representing people with disabilities

groups: youth, women, indigenous

in the country engaged in the

people and persons with disabilities,


amongst others.

• Sexual Diversity: Consultations

Populations traditionally

were held with representatives

excluded from public debate:

of all transgender people of El

• Women: Participation in the

Salvador, and also participated in

consultations included rural

the consultations representative

women’s associations, the

from 20 sexual diversity-related

associations belonging to the


national health forum, female

In addition to all of the above, a partnership

elected officials (ANDRYSAS),

was also forged with the Global Call to

and housewives. In total, 33

Action against Poverty in El Salvador

to further outreach to civil society

Outreach to youth

2.1. technical support

organizations and excluded groups at the

The Post-2015 process was a key focus of

Beyond organizing the above dialogues,

country level. The UN Millennium Campaign

work with youths in Kenya. This youth work

the Millennium Campaign also offered

provided support to GCAP for the

in 2015 captured through:

technical support to youth process on

organization of sixteen Post-2015 dialogues


the Post-2015 process. This was aptly

with the engagement of the following

The United Nations Millennium

captured in the Campaigns participation

constituencies: i) Student groups; ii) Women

Campaign organized the Kenyan Youth

in and presentation at the African Youth

Groups; iii) Indigenous peoples; iv) Faith

Dialogue on Post-2015. The workshop

Summit on Post-2015, held on 18th

based organizations; v) Youth groups.

offered the Kenyan youth an opportunity

December 2012 in Nairobi. UNMC also

to understand the Post-2015 negotiation

offered technical support to the Ghana

from being an extractive exercise without

and consultations process and engage the

National Youth Consultations organized by

accountability or oversight, is based

UN Under - Secretary General and Special

YES Ghana.

on a strategy that seeks to ensure the

Advisor to the UN Secretary General on

sustainability and continuity of the dialogue

Post-2015, Ms. Amina Mohammed.

and synergies generated. In this sense, a

Objectives of the Kenyan Youth Dialogue

communications strategy to ensure that

on Post-2015:

The entire consultation process, far

feedback is received from participants on a regular basis was designed with the UNDP Communications Area in El Salvador, as well as a strategy to disseminate the outcome from the consultations and raise

• To generate awareness rising amongst the youth on the Post2015 process. • To foster friendship, exchanges of ideas for the promotion of

awareness amongst the wider public about

youth participation in the mdg

the preparation of the Post-2015 agenda

Campaign and the Post-2015

and its future implementation. Ultimately, the project aimed to help foster citizen

discussion, • To learn from each other, share

participation and impact on the design and

campaign tools and mobilization/

implementation of public policies.

advocacy practices

united nations millennium campaign 2012 annual report




Annual Expenditure Report


Annual Expenditure Report


United Nations Millennium Campaign Interim Annual Expenditure Report (as of Feb 2013)


$5,100,521.25 (100%) Output 1: Strengthening citizen feedback on MDG delivery


Output 2: Strengthen civil society reporting on MDG promises


Output 3: Framing the discourse for the realization of the MDGs


Output 1 S trengthening citizen feedback on MDG delivery



Activity 1 Facilitation of partnerships



Activity 2 New techn for realtime feedback



Activity 3 Engage Local and National Media



Project: 00078465

Output 2 Strengthen civil society reporting on MDG promises

$ 2,527,720.80

Project: 00078578 Activity 1 South-South and Trianular Cooperation



Activity 2 Parliament and Local Government Support $ 2,512,706.96

Output 3 Framing the discourse for the realization of the MDGs

$ 2,186,266.31

Project: 00078581 Activity 1 Strategic Communication Campaigns



Activity 2 Innovative Advocacy and Research



Activity 3 Stakeholders Communication Partnerships $


386,534.15 Output 2 Strengthen civil society reporting on MDG promises $ 2,527,720.80 Output 3 Framing the discourse for the realization of the MDGs $ 2,186,266.31 Output 1 Strengthening citizen feedback on MDG



2012 Annual Financial Report After the challenging financial transitions of 2011, the Millennium Campaign successfully completed its restructuring, whilst regaining financial stability in 2012. The Millennium Campaign’s 2012 budget was allocated into the three outputs (Output 1: strengthening citizen feedback on MDGs delivery - 8% of annual budget, Output 2: Strengthen civil society reporting on MDGs promises - 49% of annual budget, Output 3: Framing the discourse for the realization of the MDGs - 43% of annual budget), reflecting the Millennium Campaign’s 2010-2013 strategy. In line with its strategic shift, the Campaign decreased its financial investment in Output 1 as the Campaign was in the process of handing over “Citizen feedback tools and the mechanisms” to national Governments and other stake holders. Thus, the Campaign invested heavily and evenly in Outputs 2 and 3. Lastly, it is important to underline that - within the existing budget - many additional activities were realized in the framework of the Post-2015 process which were intrinsically linked to the work on MDGs advocacy and on civil society engagement and partnerships. Post-2015 activities will continue to intensify as the 2015 deadline draws closer.

United Nations Millennium Campaign 2012 Annual Report




The significant results and objectives achieved by the Millennium Campaign in 2012 were made possible because of the strategic support and partnerships with many donors and stake-holders. Therefore, the Millennium Campaign whishes to gratefully acknowledge political and financial support from:

AECID (Spanish Agency for International Development) AusAID (Australian Agency for International Development Cooperation) The Government of Germany The Government of Italy The Government of The Netherlands The Government of Nigeria SIDA (Swedish International Development Agency) The Rockefeller Foundation A special recognition also goes to the Senate and Parliamentary MDGs Committees of the Federal Republic of Nigeria for their political and financial support Moreover, the Millennium Campaign has also benefited from UN partnerships:

the MDG Achievement Fund has been a strong ally, together with the UNDP/ ART Initiative (Connecting Territories for Development Effectiveness) and the UNDP Democratic Governance Practice Group. The United Nations Millennium Campaign would also like to acknowledge the strong support received from the UN system and particularly from the UN Development Group MDG’s Task Force. Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, the Millennium Campaign wishes to thank all its partners for their critical contributions. Parliamentarians, local governments, hundreds of local, grass roots and faith-based organizations, civil society networks, media and corporate partners throughout the world have worked tirelessly and have offered their expertise and commitment to the shared vision of achieving the Millennium Development Goals.


AECID Spanish Agency for Development Cooperation AFPPD Asian Forum of Parliamentarians on Population and Development AIHD African Institute for Health and Development CRA Commission on Revenue Allocation CSACEFA The Civil Society Action Coalition on Education for All CSO Civil Society Organization DPC Department of Performance Contracting FOI Freedom of Information Bill GCAP Global Call to Action Against Poverty GCE Global Campaign on Education HLP High Level Panel IVAM Institut Valencià d’Art Modern KIPPRA Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis KNBS Kenya National Bureau of Statistics MDG-F Millennium Development Goal Achievement Fund NGLS Non-Governmental Liaison Service OAIC Organization of African Instituted Churches OSSAP-MDGs Office of the Senior Special Assistant to the President on the MDGs PANE Poverty Action Network in Ethiopia PRRM Philippines Rural Reconstruction Movement SADAC Southern African Development Community SEGIB the Spanish Secretariat for Latin America (as per the Spanish acronym) SODNET Social Development Network UNDAF United Nations Development Action Framework UNECA United Nations Economic Commission for Africa UNV United Nations Volunteer program

United Nations Millennium Campaign 2012 Annual Report


The UN Millennium Campaign was established by the UN Secretary General in 2002. It supports and inspires people from around the world to take action for the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals by 2015.

UN Millennium Campaign - Global


220 East 42nd Street 21st Floor New York, NY 10017

UN Millennium Campaign 3rd Floor Service Building, United Nations Rajadamnern Nok Ave Bangkok, Thailand 10200

Corinne Woods Director

Minar Pimple Deputy Director

Africa Regional Office

Europe Regional Office

Ground Floor, Block N UN Complex Gigiri, Nairobi, Kenya

UN Millennium Campaign Building B – 354 Via delle Terme di Caracalla, 1 00153 Rome, Italy

Charles Abugre Akelyira Deputy Director

Marina Ponti Deputy Director

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