Office Coffee Machines Bristol

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OfďŹ ce Coffee Machines Bristol If you're in the market for a new office coffee machine but you aren't looking for a professional machine that will cost you spend thousands then an office coffee machine rental may be something you'd like to consider! There is a great range of benefits a new office coffee machine can bring you and your co-workers, whilst saving you money on upkeep and maintenance. With a new office coffee machine, you're able to give your co-workers a great convenient solution to the dreaded walk to the coffee shop, which saves time and money in the long run. You're also able to keep everyone hydrated and focused at work, as well as keeping them proactive by providing them

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with hot beverages on the job. This allows you the workforce to be much more focused and efficient in what they are doing, taking the time that would be spent just walking to a cafe and turning that back into productivity. Making use of an office coffee machine in the workplace helps promote a good relationship between the management and your workforce as well as your own morale as you grab a hot drink as you please. whenever they choose, without having to leave the premises. Looking at office vending machines in Bristol? Visit our informative page on - Office Coffee Machines Bristol or call our team today! If you are work in an office and are looking for an affordable option for coffee and teas in your office then a freestanding or desktop office coffee machine may be something you're interested in! There is a wide range of benefits that you can make use of since office coffee machines are more than just convenient.

Why Choose WCVS? WCVS can provide you with a reliable vending machine service with an exceptional choice of machines for you to pick from. In this article, we take a look at a few of the features of the office vending machines we offer! To find out more about a specific machine, take a look at our page on - Office Coffee Machines Bristol or just give us a call on 01761 347333 to inquire about an office vending coffee machine now! Here at West Country Vending, we provide a perfected service that is unmatched by our competition, as our service is tailored to meet your specific requirements.

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Office coffee machines are one of the most effective ways of providing hot drinks to your co-workers as well as even your customers since you can put the coffee machine at the "front of house" for your customers to help themselves. Even if you have a cafe or favoured lunch spot close by, an office coffee machine is still a great way of giving people a quicker option for a great tasting coffee for those that would much rather buy it from a machine! From office coffee machines to large freestanding vending machines that vend food, snacks & confectionery items, West Country Vending Services is the provider for you. WCVS offer a huge choice of office coffee machines whilst providing you with high-quality coffee too, giving you an all-inclusive service that takes the fuss away from acquiring a coffee machine! Most clever businesses and business owners will begin looking after their employees as they know a happy workforce is usually an efficient one. By leasing an office coffee machine, you're giving your workforce great tasting coffee whenever they want it! Leasing a machine also means you're not spending crazy amounts of money on having a coffee machine in your workplace. Office coffee vending machines are also a great morale booster since it lets your co-workers know they're being looked after.

Our machines give you options! Our coffee vending machines are all equipped to supply an amazing range of flavoured coffees, from your standard black coffee to cappuccinos and mochas! That, as well as the ability to make hot teas and even hot chocolates, mean that you're getting a very flexible machine that can pretty much do it all! If you are looking for a reliable & professional office coffee machine then you've landed in the right place. Why don't you take a look at our product page to take a look at the wide range of machines we have to offer, or if you're looking for something in particular then give our helpful team a call today and let them help you! Being able to offer your employees and/or customers an appetising choice is what makes for a successful business. That's why a reliable vending machine is an excellent tool to make use of especially in customer or workplace relations. West Country Vending Services do much more than just offer you an excellent range of office coffee machines. We also tailor our service with your requirements in mind, making sure our fulfilment service is considerate of your needs. We make sure the products that we are offering are as good as our customers expect

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us to be. sure the products we are offering is the standard that our customers expect. We make sure that the service we offer is second to none, which makes us the leading provider of office coffee machines in Bristol!

WCVS's Top Choice: When it comes to coffee, there's no point in drinking a cup if it isn't up to par! Not when there's a range of office coffee machines that can dispense great tasting coffee. With the latest machines from WCVS, you're given an amazing choice of beverages, from cappuccino's, americanos to flat whites and even teas! All you need to do is pick the type of machine that's going to best suit your needs & you're on your way. We have a range of desktop machines for those with smaller offices, as well as freestanding options for larger spaces. Your choices don't just stop there either! We have specific machines that are worth highlighting, due to the benefits they offer & the amazing drinks they dispense! A certain machine that we want to present is the NEO from our suppliers at Coffeetek. The NEO is a freestanding option that is suitable for a larger office space, given that it has several drinks options. The machine comes in a sleek black finish and is available in five different variants, instant, single fresh brew, double fresh brew, triple fresh brew & bean to cup. This variety gives you the choice to really find what you want from a coffee machine, as these different ways of brewing will give you different tasting coffees. As with the rest of the Coffeetek machines, the NEO makes use of the In-Touch system that comprises of large touchscreen making drink selection easy. You can also use the screen to program any condiment changes as well as drink strengths. The NEO has also been built with efficiency in mind since it has an energy saving mode that uses 30% less power! This machine also uses a paperless brewing system which means you are creating less waste for each cup you're drinking. You also don't have to waste more paper by using cups since the i-smart sensors allow you to pour a drink straight into your favourite mug! Like we mentioned, the NEO is a freestanding machine that is suited for a larger space. We do, however, have machines that will suit a smaller office whilst not taking away any functionality. These machines are named "desktop" machines as their smaller size format means that they're better suited for tabletop use. These machines are great for a kitchen table or even in the corner of an office, convenient for anyone passing by. When it comes to desktop machines, the ZEN takes our vote as one of the best machines on the market! The ZEN, also from

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Coffeetek is pretty much a smaller version of the STEP, which is very similar to the NEO. The ZEN features the same In-Touch technology that makes it a breeze for anyone to use. Selecting a drink is as easy as using a smartphone, making it a true "touch to go" system! The ZEN also adopts the energy savings features so that you're able to save on running costs whilst also reducing your carbon footprint.

Things to consider when looking a coffee vending machine When it comes to office coffee machines, no two machines are the same. There are going to be a range of machines that offer different things to suit different needs. So what should you be looking for? Well, that all starts with your own requirements since you need to look for a machine that's going to fulfil your needs. We go through the differences between certain machines to break down some of the jargon used. Understanding the different types of machines can be hard so we'll discuss the most popular machines on the market. The first thing you want to focus on is what type of drink you want, which then gives you the type of configuration you need. If you want instant beverages that offer more than just coffee, you'll be looking for an instant drinks machine. For those that only want fresh coffee, bean to cup machines are the way to go!

OfďŹ ce coffee machines can be broken into two main types: - Bean-to-cup machines: These machines make use of coffee beans that are ground when you choose to make a cup. The beans aren't ground until you turn on the machine ensuring a fresh dose of coffee every time. This for many seems to be the "purer" way of enjoying their coffee, as it ensures the beans aren't losing any of the taste. - Instant Coffee/Hot Drinks Machines - These machines use instant coffee that's pre-ground that dilutes & mixes much quicker. Instant beverage machines also have the additional advantage of dispensing other drinks. As long as the drink can be infused or mixed quickly then these machines can usually dispense them. This includes most types of teas & hot chocolates.

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Something else you should consider is the size of the machine, as this will have an effect on the overall cost of the machine. Take a look at your space/office/workplace and consider what size of coffee machine you can accommodate. If you have a large canteen or kitchen, then a freestanding machine may be suitable as it'll give you more options in terms of drinks. For smaller workplaces, a tabletop machine is more suitable as you're able to put them pretty much anywhere. From countertops to the corner of an office, table-top machines are great for any locations. Depending on how many people are using the machine, you'll also want to consider the capacity of the machine. Freestanding machines do have more capacity which for larger companies may be better suited. If you have a smaller workforce, however, a table-top machine is better since you only need a smaller machine to satisfy your needs.

Quality of the coffee: Quality is dictated by a few things. The coffee itself being the main factor, since this will decide the flavour & type of coffee that you'll dispense. Poor quality machines do ruin coffee due to poorly made, components burning or ruining the taste of coffee. It doesn't matter how expensive your coffee is if you're using a poor quality machine you're going to get a poor quality product! We ensure that the machines that we provide are sourced from the best manufacturers. We don't believe in providing cheap machines to our customers as it's a false economy. We provide an excellent fulfilment & repair service however we won't lease machines out if we know they're not reliable.

Fresh Brew vs Bean2Cup There are some machines that make use of fresh coffee beans that promise a better quality of coffee but this is not necessarily the case. This is true on certain high-quality machines, however just because you're using fresh beans doesn't mean you're going to end up with better tasting coffee. You could have the best machine in the world but if you are using poor quality coffee beans then you're end product will reflect what you've made it from. It's for this

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reason that we make sure the coffee we put on our machine is of the highest standard, giving our customers the best tasting coffee from a machine. Other types of office coffee machines also use ground coffee that is usually kept fresh in small foil capsules that you pop in and pierce by closing the machine. These are known as fresh brew machines and they usually brew loose tea leaves too. These machines are a great compromise of all types of machines as you're still getting a fresh product without the hassle of keeping your coffee stored and refrigerated. Regardless of what machine you decide on, everything we've mentioned above can be restocked through our reliable fulfilment service so that you do not need to worry about the stock of your office coffee machine Bristol! To learn more about our wide range of office coffee machines, check out our page on Office Coffee Machines Bristol or phone us on 01761 347333 to enquire regarding a coffee machine in your premise today!



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If you are looking for a snack or vending machine company in the South West UK then call the experts - WCVS. Call today on 01761 438180 © 2017 West Country Vending Service Ltd. All rights reserved.

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