Coffee Technology News - August 2018 - West Country Vending Services

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Coffee Technology News - August 2018 - West Country Vending Services We at WCVS like to keep our fingers on the pulse when it comes to technology in the vending sector. It only because of the machines in the industry that we're able to utilise them for the convenient distribution of food and drink. We've been following recent trends in the industry and wanted to highlight a few interesting developments! These may be the very future of unmanned food distribution & delivery.

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We focus on commercial coffee vending machines at WCVS, providing professional grade coffee machines to businesses that want to provide their customers & workers with quality tasting coffee. Visit our website on: Commercial Coffee Machines Bristol for more information about our machines today

Coffee Delivery Drone can predict when you're tired and deliver you a coffee! Recent developments by the company IBM have made the consumption of coffee much more high tech. They have produced what seems to be a coffee delivering drone. IBM has patented a design that is able to detect when people are tired or less responsive, responding with a hot cup of coffee to wake them up! The drone is said to be able to monitor your productivity, alertness, pupil dilation and other factors that it's able to pull from a device like a Fitbit, in order to find out when the most optimum time would be to deliver you a coffee. Whilst the company hasn't released their plans for the drone, the patent shows that they do have something in store for the concept, bringing it one step closer to reality. An inquest shows that there are several patents for similar drink dispensing drones, showing that there is more than one party playing around with this idea. The original patent was filed in 2015, with different variants from cup carrying models to ones that dispense coffee straight into a mug. Engineers that are admiring the concept predict that the drone would be able to use the data from biometric devices that measure heart rate and other biological traits in order to respond as quickly as possible to the user. Data like this would be able to allow the drone to measure how tired somebody is.

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Whilst companies are getting excited about the possibilities, the reception of the idea has not all been positive. Saftey concerns have arisen with the idea of coffee carrying drones as there are big safety concerns when it comes to autonomous machines carrying hot liquids. Sceptics are doubting whether or not the concept will ever become a reality, however, designs are always responding with new and creative ideas that ensure safety is kept paramount. Though the idea may seem modern and revolutionary, IBM isn't actually the first company to have utilised the idea. Coffee delivery drones have been worked on by European companies, with a Swiss logistics company having prototyped models as early as 2015.

Selfridges make use of a robot barista! Selfridges have employed the use of a coffee making robot in it's central London store as an effort to better their focus on technology and gadgets. YuMi is the stores first robot, put in place to serve barista quality coffee in its futuristic lounge. “For us, it’s all about amazing and amusing our customers, and I think we want to present things that people have never seen before,” said Jacov Nachtailer, founder of Smartech. Nachtailer teases that Smartech could involve more robots and even holographic displays in the future. YuMi’s arrival marks an expansion of Selfridge’s standalone technology store, following a 170% increase in sales compared with last year. Smartech is moving to another part of the store, where it has room to more than double from its existing 45 square metre space, to 100 square metres – a far cry from the small seven square metre concession with which it

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launched in 2016. “The robot can be programmed to perform a multitude of different tasks, in this case, we’re making coffee, but we’ve got them assembling electronic components, we’ve got them assembling mechanical components, all sorts of relatively small components throughout the manufacturing industry,” said Mike Wilson, UK business development manager for YuMi’s creator ABB Robotics. “The reason we’re here today is that we want to demonstrate to the general public that robots are not the threat that many people perceive them to be. “It’s about showing that robots can co-operate with people, they can add value to people’s lives and we feel that Smartech, and actually this demonstration in the Selfridges’ store, is a great way of achieving that.”


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