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BeneďŹ ts Of Having A Coffee Machine At The Workplace! Creating the best work environment for yourself and your employee's/co-workers is something we all strive for since it creates a better environment to work in. There are a variety of methods used by business owners, all along the line of improving the experience people have in the workplace. Some may offer free filtered water with a water cooler, or a vending machine to provide a convenient solution for mid-day snacks. Another easy way of providing convenience to staff members is with a hot drinks machine. Either in the hallway or kitchen, a coffee machine is a great way to improve the quality of life in a workplace. This connotes enthusiasm towards looking after your

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colleagues, that will benefit from having a range of delicious hot drinks at the press of a button! If you'd like to speak to a member of our team about a coffee machine, visit our page on Commercial Coffee Machines Bristol or call us on 01761 438180 for more information! A hot coffee machine can bring a variety of benefits to your workplace, as well as workforce. Looking out for your team is as important as doing whatever you're doing in your business. A happy workforce is a productive one since your co-workers will be motivated to carry out their work. We'll list a few reasons why employers/team leaders have fitted a coffee machine in their office, so you can see how you may benefit from doing so!

Coffee can boost productivity Drinks like coffee and tea can act as a refreshing pick-me-up that can help stimulate & revive people if they're feeling tired or unmotivated. It also gives people the chance to go on a short break to recharge their energy and come back stronger. Studies show that a workplace that provides beverages for its staff end up a lot less stressed. It is also shown to place workers in a positive mindset, ready to carry out work to the standard it should be. Coffee is also a great way to start the day with the caffeine in coffee can make you more alert, focused, and productive throughout the day.

Reduces wasted time to buy coffee Having a coffee machine in your office/workplace is a great way of providing readily available drinks. It means that your staff members won't have to do the dreaded coffee run at the start of the morning. We all hate waiting at the coffee shop, bundled in a line waiting for a barista to make your coffee. With an office coffee machine, your coffee is ready and waiting! With machines that can dispense a quality barista quality coffee in less than a minute, there's really no con when it comes to an office coffee machine! That versus the 20/30 minute wait at a high street coffee shop, and you have no competition! This subsequently makes your workforce more productive, since there's less time wasted just to get the coffee.

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Loyalty & Gratuity Providing your colleagues with something like an office coffee machine shows a lot about your mentality towards the team's quality of life at work. It's small benefits like great tasting coffee that is the difference between a loyal workforce and one that doesn't care about your business. Having small perks like a commercial coffee machine isn't the reason why people are going to join your company, but it does make a difference. Someone who sees's coffee is provided in the workplace shows that an employer is concerned about the welfare of their team & would like to improve/maintain the comfort in the workplace.

Coffee helps workplace interaction Everyone enjoys a 5/10 minute coffee break during the day as it's nice to get away from your screens to just take a breather. Coffee breaks are ingrained in work culture, so to be able to facilitate that at your workplace bodes well. Meeting or inviting your colleagues to have a coffee with you is a great opportunity to build relationships, talk things over as well as network. There are university studies that show that coffee breaks have an amazing effect that improves the strength of teams in the workplace. They are also proven to improve productivity, keeping the team motivated throughout the day. Having a coffee break with the rest of the team gives them a chance to vent any frustrations before they're buried, and turn into resentment. It also gives you a chance to an employer/business owner to get peoples opinions on things, since coffee tends to relax people whilst discussing.

Coffee is great for customer/client courtesy There are plenty of businesses that deal with customers face to face, as it's the principle of their business. Whether it be a garage, car dealership, barbers or a gym, there is always somewhere that could benefit from a coffee machine. Being able to provide your customers with a refreshing coffee or tea is great, especially if you

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have a reception where they're waiting for a service. It also gives you a chance to benefit from the above and discuss over a hot drink. Offering your customers a delicious coffee is seen as a great act of courtesy and respect, making the customer feel valued by your business. This can convey the business in a great way, showing that your business takes care of their customers. It may even improve repeat business since the customers know that your business is friendly and courteous All companies could benefit from an office coffee machine since there is such a wide range of benefits that people can make use of. For a small monthly cost, you can imbue a lot of value in your workplace, improving everything from your workforce's happiness to your customers. If you'd like to learn more about our office coffee machines then please visit our page on Commercial Coffee Machines Bristol or call our team on 01761 438180 to speak with an advisor. We'll be able to tailor a service that matches your needs, offering professional fulfilment maintenance & support of the coffee machine! Prev


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