CPR_ HE BLS covid chart v1

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Adapted from the New Zealand Resuscitation Council guidelines https://www.nzrc.org.nz/assets/Uploads/Basic-Life-Support-Jan-2016.pdf Andy Davies- Heart Education- TXT 0272300663

COVID 19 changes.

Adapted from the

NZRC charts 3/2020

Concern re- COVID19, Victim ?- Oxygen mask over the person’s face- if you have one, without oxygen flowing. Or use paper-mask or a cloth. Rescuer- wears PPE: gloves /mask/ face-shield/ gown if possible.

Check by talking to them. If no response, give painful stimulus, such as thumping the shoulder.

When calling 111, if you think the person may have COVID -19, you should say that.

Open the person’s airway with a head tilt, chin lift, preferably with gloves on.


Do not listen for breathing by placing your face next to theirs, but put you hand on their chest to feel for movement. If in doubt, start compressions. Before starting CPR place mask or cloth over mouth and nose of the person. The cloth is not PPE but may prevent some droplets/cough, spray when doing compressions. If an AED / Defibrillator is immediately available, attach it first, before CPR and follow prompts.

If Ambubag available, use a 2 handed grip to make a tight seal, and the CPR person can squeeze the bag in-between compressions. Use a viral filter where possible on the mask.

Breathing. ‘*In many cases the person in cardiac arrest is a loved one or known to you. In that situation you may be willing to do mouth-to-mouth. This gives the best chance of survival, particularly for children. Without treatment, people in cardiac arrest will die’. NZRC https://www.nzrc.org.nz/assets/Guidelines/COVID-19/2020-03-27-Temporary-Guideline-in-State-of-EmergencyFINAL.pdf

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