WE | Vision & Values Deck

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diversity grace in love generational roots personal bible study

a place to belong

Ephesians 2:14-19, MSG

| vision deck

The Messiah has made things up between us so that we’re now together on this, both non-Jewish outsiders and Jewish insiders. He tore down the wall we used to keep each other at a distance. He repealed the law code that had become so clogged with fine print and footnotes that it hindered more than it helped. Then he started over. Instead of continuing with two groups of people separated by centuries of animosity and suspicion, he created a new kind of human being, a fresh start for everybody. Christ brought us together through his death on the cross. The Cross got us to embrace, and that was the end of the hostility. Christ came and preached peace to you outsiders and peace to us insiders. He treated us as equals, and so made us equals. Through him we both share the same Spirit and have equal access to the Father. That’s plain enough, isn’t it? You’re no longer wandering exiles. This kingdom of faith is now your home country. You’re no longer strangers or outsiders. You belong here, with as much right to the name Christian as anyone. God is building a home. He’s using us all—irrespective of how we got here—in what he is building. He used the apostles and prophets for the foundation. Now he’s using you, fitting you in brick by brick, stone by stone, with Christ Jesus as the cornerstone that holds all the parts together. We see it taking shape day after day—a holy temple built by God, all of us built into it, a temple in which God is quite at home.

| contents 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

scriptures of encouragement vision and values defined commitment of membership membership continuum chart of support shepherds staff leadership team program assessment communications annual budget (draft percentages) measures of success


| vision deck scriptures of encouragement

But we do not belong to those who shrink back and are destroyed, but to those who have faith and are saved — Hebrews 10:39

If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you — John 15:19

Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires — Galatians 5:24

And you also are among those Gentiles who are called to belong to Jesus Christ. — Romans 1:6

To the Lord your God belong the heavens, even the highest heavens, the earth and everything in it. — Deuteronomy 10:14

You are judging by appearances. If anyone is confident that they belong to Christ, they should consider again that we belong to Christ just as much as they do. — 2 Corinthians 10:7

You are all children of the light and children of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness — 1 Thessalonians 5:5

To God belong wisdom and power; counsel and understanding are his. — Job 12:13 4

| i belong vision and values defined

a place to belong statements defining our vision and purpose I was designed to belong to the kingdom of God through Jesus

“I feel a sense

I know this is true no matter if I am at West End or anywhere else in the world I am a member of the church to express and strengthen my sense of belonging

of belonging to the

(as a disciple of Jesus, I come to church to be a better servant leader not to be served) (I leave church on Sunday asking not what did I get, but what was I able to give)

I am intentional to own my individual spiritual growth

kingdom of God through

I have opportunities to use my spiritual gifts in both


ministry within the church and mission outside the church


defining elements of our vision that drive our direction and decisions


generational roots

embracing unique differences and

discipleship that builds on our past and for the

experiences strengthens our family

sustainable future

grace in love

personal bible study

how we treat one another especially in times of

ownership through study and prayer of our

disagreement and conflict

own individual spiritual growth 5

| commitment of membership I am a member of the church at West End Church of Christ to express and strengthen my sense of belonging

i belong to the kingdom of God through Christ i connect to the body of Christ at West End through | gathering :: assembly on Sunday mornings (Ekklesia) worship, prayer, communion, tithe, participate in a message about Jesus when away, I pray for the church family, listen to the message online and review the weekly bulletin online

| group :: fosters deep & transparent relationships this is not a group that is working as a ministry would be — this is a group “doing” life together this is a social group with other West End members having the intent of deepening relationships examples would be: mens group, ladies group, bible study group, literary society, young adult small group, keenagers

| ministry :: utilizes individual gifts and passion this is a group that is working for different aspects of West End, keeping insiders this is a group that is seeking to put their spiritual gifts to work for West End examples would be: cleaning for Wednesday night meals, planning retreats, teaching class, involvement in a leadership team

| mission :: outreach that is focused on discipleship this can be a mission of West End or a mission outside of West End, reaching outsiders examples: involvement with local non-profit, involvement with West End foreign missions, involvement with West End inner city


spiritual growth through a place to belong Sense of Belonging to the Kingdom

| membership continuum church leadership leadership team members

personal spiritual growth church membership i connect

} relationship } i belong


living our vision and values engaged in gathering, group, ministry, mission

to the kingdom of God through


1. with others 2. with God (confession of faith and public act, baptism)

Affiliation with West End COC over time **greater activity does not equate to greater spiritual growth**


teachers / ongoing volunteers

leadership team quarterly meetings



weekly meetings mondays @10:15 am



monthly meetings first wednesday of each month


program champions volunteers leading volunteers strategy and focus

spiritual guidance

focused intensity momentum = (God / Jesus / Holy Spirit) time 8

a West End shepherd can be found doing these things: Shepherd the flock • teach them • touch them • protect them • lead them Teach the Word • feed them • encourage them • refute false teachings dangerous to them

Guard the flock Lead the flock Care for the flock • maintain • oversee • be watchful on behalf of Serve the flock Be examples to the flock

| Preach the Word Pray for the flock Anoint the sick and pray for them Direct the affairs of the flock Take thought for the flock Busy oneself with the flock Lose sleep over the flock Equip the flock for ministry

the role of a shepherd at West End should steer away from: Controlling the flock Withholding from or granting permission to the flock

Setting corporate policy for the flock

Managing the money and administering the facilities donated by the flock

Determining the worship styles of the flock

Micromanaging the various ministries and activities of the flock, thereby, suppressing the energy and creativity of the flock Fleecing the flock

therefore, the role of the shepherd at West End is organized around:

the flock

the visitors

the sick

shepherding the members of the church through WE | groups

shepherding visitors by connecting them to the vision and values of the church

shepherding those who are shut-in, in rehab or hospitalized



Preaching / Vision / Outreach Wes Bender, PT Young adult - keenagers

Lead Leadership Team

staff leadership adult discipleship classes

Sunday morning assembly

neighborhood outreach

Wednesday Night Round Table

Youth and Family Ministry Joe Simpson, PT Middle - High

Lead Youth and Family Ministry Team

Camp WEBE events

Wednesday night classes

mentorship ou/ngs

Sunday morning classes

present for “pop-ins”

develop transi/on of children to youth ministry

Pastoral Care Ken Dye, FT inside and outside the church Aid the work of Shepherds, rotating elder chair Lead WE | groups team shepherd coordinator

WE | groups

associate for part-/me staff

Sunday night devo/onal service leader

present for “pop-ins”

Children’s Ministry Kim Simpson, PT birth - 6th grade

Building Supervisor Joe Simpson, PT Lead Building and Maintenence Team Children’s Chris/an Center Support

capital projects pipeline

work with building support staff point of contact for contract services

maintenance cleaning

counselor to staff and volunteers

Finance Team Member

Lead Children’s Ministry Team

Sunday morning classes / curriculum / teachers

parent communica/ons

Wednesday night classes / curriculum / teachers

children’s worship

events — back to school blessing / promo/on sunday / baby dedica/on nursery — sunday morning / wednesday nights classrooms (children) - aesthe/cs and environment

bulle/n boards

classrooms (youth) - aesthe/cs and environment

Administrative Louise Malcom, FT Worship Wes coordinate - Larry / Daniel, interim Lead Spiritual Act of Worship Team worship leaders, scripture / prayer song slides

praise team

song selec/on

Finance Support Sissy Sobel, PT Weddings Amy Thurman, PT Bldg Support Tara Coats, PT

Lead Communications Team Secretary

Admin assistant

Office Manager


church communica/ons

minister support as available

internal church calendar

building usage

volunteer support as available

external church calendar

Children’s Christian Center Leslie Sitton — Amy Tate Responsibili/es to WECOC

Responsibili/es to regulatory bodies

Responsibili/es to Children

Responsibili/es to Staff


Responsibili/es to Parents

| Leadership Team comprised of all West End Team Leaders, staff - deacons - ministry leaders lead — Preaching Minister Deacon / Ministry Leader — rotating chair

| Groups Team organize and promote all the smaller groups to which members feel a sense of relationship and belonging lead — Pastoral Care Minister Deacon / Ministry Leader — TBD

| Communications Team develop and maintain internal and external communications lead — administrative staff Deacon / Ministry Leader — TBD

| Children’s Ministry Team vision connection and special events lead — Children’s Minister Deacon / Ministry Leader — Bobo Sitton

| Foreign Missions Team organize, promote and collaborate with our foreign mission efforts lead — Mission Team chair Deacon / Ministry Leader — Chuck Whittle

| Youth and Family Ministry Team vision connection, connecting youth to church body, youth ministry support lead — Youth and Family Minister Deacon / Ministry Leader — TBD

| Visitation Team pastoral care and needs of sick and shut-in

| Spiritual Act of Worship Team

Deacon / Ministry Leaders — Jan Weldon and Kris Thurman

Sunday morning assembly planning, feedback, We are the Sermon Sundays lead — Worship Minister Deacon / Ministry Leader — TBD

| Finance Team

| Building and Maintenence Team

fidelity, vision and stewardship through the Spirit lead —Finance team lead Other members - TBD

Insurance, capital projects pipeline, etc. lead — Building / Maintenence Supervisor Deacon / Ministry Leader — TBD


| program assessment Impact on Vision (drives our values)

stewardship for our present and future

high vision / values low resource

high vision / values high resource

PROMOTE low resource low vision / values

high resource low vision / values

ASSESS Resources Required



time, number of volunteers, money, building usage, required staff


| communications drive internal and external information


bulletin text reminders mobile apps sign out front utilize for: 1. sermon series 2. events 3. classes

word of mouth


email blasts collaboration tools

team meetings mychurchmembership

social presence

church calendar internal — online and supply room external — website and bulletin board

twitter / facebook / other

shut-ins sermon bulletin phone tree 13

family matters prayer room CCC pieces monthly newsletters e-mails app

| annual budget aligning financial resources to our vision and values

ongoing maintenance / debt reduction PT, building / facilities

separate from special capital contributions

total salary and benefits FT, pastoral FT, admin PT, preaching PT, youth and family PT, children’s PT, finance support PT, building support

staff and program champion budgets

special projects fostered by the prompting of the Holy Spirit local charities / persons in need that align with our vision and values


| measurements we will accomplish what we evaluate and measure: monthly contribution (operations)

% of church engaged with WE |

Sunday morning attendance


program / event attendance

% of church experience ministry


and mission opportunity

class attendance

personal spiritual growth

our success will be in the expression of our values: diversity

generational roots

embracing unique differences and

discipleship that builds on our past

experiences strengthens our family

and for the sustainable future

grace in love

personal bible study

how we treat one another especially in

taking ownership through prayer of our

times of disagreement and conflict

own individual spiritual growth 15

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