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704.739.3446 Residential & Commercial Service Serving Cleveland, Gaston, Lincoln, Mecklenburg and Surrounding Counties since 1955.
Volume 132 • Issue 6
Indoor Air Quality Assesments • New Installations A Family Owned & Operated Business
Servicing All Brands
kmherald.com • 704-739-7496
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Layoffs coming for Eaton’s heavy-duty transmission assembly division By Loretta Cozart Members of Eaton’s management team met with employees at the Kings Mountain facility on January 10 to announce that the company will be consolidating its heavy-duty transmission assembly division. The Kings Mountain facility will continue to manufacture gears and shafts and other transmission sub-assemblies. The facility currently has 354 employees. This decision is a result of an increasing demand for the Eaton Cummins Automated Transmission Technologies’ Endurant™ transmission. Because of this consolidation, Eaton will be offering voluntary retirement
to minimize the impact on other employees. Employees who are retirement eligible could choose this option and receive a severance package in addition to their normal retirement benefits. Eaton management shared a corporate statement saying, “We are committed to supporting employees throughout this transition and will be offering outplacement assistance and severance packages to impacted employees in good standing at the company.” The statement continued, “This difficult decision in no way reflects on the hard work of the people in this facility, and we recognize the impact this has on our valued employees and their See EATON, Page 2A
EATON CORPORATION Photo by Loretta Cozart
Starbucks to open store on York Road
Buckley wanted by KMPD On Jan. 29, around 4:20 am, Kings Mountain Police responded to the area of Second Street regarding a suspicious person. Upon arrival, officers found Travis Shane Mills at 108 Second Street suffering from a laceration to his head. Upon further investigation, Officers learned Mr. Mills was attacked with an edged weapon. The suspect who attacked Mr. Mills fled the scene prior to the officer’s arrival. Mills was transported to CaroMont Regional Medical Center to be treated for his injuries. Through the investigative process, warrants were secured for Eugene Francis Buckley, IV for assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill. This is still considered open and is actively being investigated by the Kings Mountain Police Department. Anyone with information concerning this investigation is asked to contact Detective Corporal Bryant at 704-7340444.
By Loretta Cozart
Chad Beam recently spoke to dads at Bethware Elementary School. An English teacher at Burns High School, Beam was nominated for NC Teacher of the Year and was recently named as Cleveland County Schools and the NC Southwest Region Teacher of the Year. Photo Amy Jones
All Pro Dad clubs meet in two KM schools Did you know that when a father is not actively involved in his child’s life, the child will be twice as likely to fail or drop out of school, 54% more likely to be poorer than their parents, seven times more likely too experience teen pregnancy, and more likely to go to jail? How do men learn to be good fathers? From their own father? That’s is a challenge for many men who didn’t experience a loving father in their lives, or whose father wasn’t focused on the children. Men are often told they have to be the breadwinner for the family, so they put all their attention to that. All Pro Dad gives fathers the tools they need to become a better dad to their children. Two Kings Mountain Schools offer an All Pro
Dad Club with a monthly program: Bethware Elementary School and Kings Mountain Intermediate School. For one hour each month, fathers get to join other dads and kids at school for a fun, memory-making event. Participating fathers get daily encouragement on how to be a better dad delivered right to their inbox, join other dads and kids at our school chapter programs for a fun time of relationship building, and bond with their kids at an interactive All Pro Dad Experience. The All Pro Dad Experience is held an NFL, NBA, or NCAA's team’s practice facility or stadium. During the three-hour event, dads and kids rotate through stations and participate in interactive games designed
to strengthen their relationships and deliver useful fatherhood tips. Clemson University’s All Prod Dad Experience is scheduled for Feb. 29. On the local level, All Pro Dad Clubs programs also provide excellent local speakers who encourage fathers to build relationships with their children, love their families well, and give them greater hope for the future. At Bethware Elementary School, Chad Beam recently spoke to fathers, and father figures, about the importance of them holding on to their children, of not giving up on them, and of guiding them throughout their lives. Mr. Beam, an English teacher at Burns High School, was recently See DAD, Page 7A
S t a r bucks will open a store on Hwy. 161, at 717 York Road, the Herald confirmed with a person closely involved in the negotiations. Demo began on the former Burger King / Big E building earlier this year. The 2,583 sq. ft. space is larger than the regular Starbucks’ footprint and will include a drive-through window. “We chose the space due to its proximity to I-85 and because it is easily accessible for Kings Mountain residents,” the source
said. “Starbuck’s mission is to inspire and nurture the human spirit - one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time.” The restaurant has a projected opening date in July, but meeting that deadline depends upon many factors, including building permits and weather. Starbuck refers to employees as partners and offers 100% tuition coverage to every benefits-eligible U.S. partner working partor full-time for a first-time bachelor’s degree. The program is offered through Arizona State University’s online program offering over 80 diverse undergraduate degrees.
Mongiello to speak at Broad River Geneology Society on February 9 Marti Mongiello will speak at the Broad River Genealogy Society on Feb. 9 at 3 pm at American le- MONGIELLO gion Post 82 at 1628 s Lafayette Street in Shelby. Mongiello will address women in war and their local contributions of the southern region in combat to create the United
States. All interested in local history and family lineages are invited to attend. Fellowship and light refreshments to follow the presentation. “Marti” Mongiello is an old soul and armchair “learnit-all,” bent on not acting like a know-it-all. Exploring the North Pole via nuclear submarine, spurring a white Arabian horse or camel forward across the deserts of Petra, or studying green tea See MONGIELLO, Page 7A
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