KM Herald 1-1-20

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Volume 132 • Issue 1

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

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Ken Breakfield, Commander of American Legion Post 155, joined by American Legion Riders to present gifts. Photos provided

American Legion grants Christmas wishes to visually impaired students On December 21, American Legion Post 155, through their American Legion Riders (ALR) chapter, raised funds to grant some very special Christmas wishes through their first annual fundraiser, Huntlee’s Ride. Huntlee Allison is the

visually impaired granddaughter of the Legion’s First Vice Commander, Larry Carroll and Canteen manager, Rachael Carroll. The ride was to raise funds to get Huntlee a needed Braille typewriter for Christmas for her to have See LEGION, Page 2A

Heating assistance for qualified families Cleveland County Department of Social Services is now taking applications from individuals who need financial assistance with paying their heating bills. Each eligible household may receive up to a maximum of $600 per year for heating and cooling assistance combined. This is a federally funded program and the total amount that Cleveland County received for heating and cooling assistance this year was $547,000. Of this total funding, $264,000 was paid to 1,342 households for cooling assistance this past summer. That deduction

leaves a remaining balance of $283,000 in the County’s emergency fund to pay for heating bills this winter. To be eligible to receive financial assistance with heating, a household must: • Be located in Cleveland County • Have at least one U.S. citizen or non-citizen who meets the eligibility criteria • Have income equal to or less than 150% of the federal poverty limit • For example: • For a household of one, an income of $18,732 or less • For a family of four, an income of $38,628 or less

Looking back at 2019 the year in review By Loretta Cozart The year 2019 has been a year of good news primarily, as most of the Herald’s headlines would attest. Members of the community have supported each other, giving to charitable causes and remembering our children throughout the year. A pictorial view of 2019 in today’s Herald won’t include every event but gives a review of the year that ended Dec. 31. JANUARY – Tim Moore (R-Cleveland) was elected to a third term as presiding officer of the NC House, making him the longest running Republican See LOOKING BACK, Page 7A

Lisa Proctor was sworn in as the first woman Police Chief of Kings Mountain on January 18, 2019 by Mayor Scott Neisler. Photos by Gary Smart

See HEATING, Page 2A

Veteran’s breakfast this Saturday at American Legion Speaker Moore responds to Federal Acceptable forms of ID shown on the NC State Board of Elections website. Photo:

American Legion members invite all veterans for a free Veteran’s Breakfast on January 4, from 9 am to 11 am at the Otis D. Green Post home on East Gold

Street. Breakfast includes made-to-order eggs, bacon, liver mush, gravy, grits, biscuits, toast, coffee and juice. All veterans are invited to this free breakfast the first Saturday of every month. Others are welcome to attend for a small donation which helps fund future breakfasts.

Court blocking voter ID Law in NC Raleigh – On Thursday, Dec. 27, a federal court temporarily blocked the state’s new voter ID law from being implemented for the 2020 election. The NAACP et al. v. Cooper case challenges the Nov. 2018 law requir-

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ing a photo ID to vote. The judges said they hope to have a ruling in the next week or two. State House Speaker Tim Moore (R-Cleveland) responded Friday to a federal court’s decision to block North Carolina’s

voter ID law from taking effect for the 2020 elections. “This last-minute attempt by an activist federal judge to overturn the will of North Carolina voters must be immediately appealed by the Gover-

nor’s Board of Elections,” Speaker Moore said. “To issue an injunction against one of the nation’s most lenient voter ID laws – which 34 states already have – without providing an opinion is an outrageous See VOTER, Page 7A

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