Plantsbrook School Information for Parents

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Plantsbrook School ‘Be the best that you can be’

Welcome to Plantsbrook School

Information for Parents 2017/18

A very warm welcome to our School Introduction from the Headteacher I am very pleased that you have chosen to send your child to Plantsbrook School. As well as welcoming your child, I would also like to welcome you as parents, in to the Plantsbrook team. Together, over the next five years at least, (and hopefully seven years, if your child joins Sixth Form) we will work together to ensure that they are able to truly live up to our motto ‘be the best that you can be’! We hope that this guide will provide you with ‘need to know’ information to support your child in their first year at Plantsbrook.

Tracy Campbell (Ms) Headteacher

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General Information Governors We have a very active Local Governing Body, including elected Parent Governors, who represent your interests. The Local Governing Body meetings are held half termly and minutes are available, upon request, from the school. Details of the current Governors Members and Instrument of Government are available on the school website.

Friends of Plantsbrook (PTA) We have a committed ‘Friends of Plantsbrook Association’ which actively supports the school in many ways. They hold a number of fund raising events throughout the year and the money raised is used for the direct benefits of our students. Keep abreast with the “Friends of Plantsbrook” activities via the fortnightly school newsletter.

Parental contacts with the school Parents wishing to visit the school to discuss matters of concern are requested to make appointments through initial contact with Reception who will direct such requests to the appropriate member of staff. Unless the matter is of a very serious nature, initial contacts will be directed towards the Tutor or Mr D Waple, Achievement Co-ordinator.

Headteacher and Senior Staff Ms T Campbell Mr J Farr Mr A Hulse Ms E Thom Mrs C Ash Mrs C Drury Miss H Dudley Mr S Hampshire Mr W Legood Miss L Proctor Mrs N Wigley Mrs L Smith

Headteacher Deputy Headteacher Deputy Headteacher Deputy Headteacher Assistant Headteacher Assistant Headteacher Assistant Headteacher Assistant Headteacher Acting Assistant Headteacher Assistant Headteacher – Sixth Form Assistant Headteacher Director of Finance and Support Services

Contact details Please remember to inform the school of any change to your contact details, as if your child is injured or taken ill, we must have a contact number to telephone you in an emergency. Please telephone the school with any new details or alternatively email to ensure we hold the correct information. In order to protect our students we have a facility to record Court Orders confidentially. It is the responsibility of parents/guardians to keep us fully updated with details of the Court Orders. We will try to act in accordance with them at all times. It is also important for parents/guardians to inform us if information needs sending to more than one address (because adults with parental rights are living separately).

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Communication Plantsbrook’s main communication with parents is via the fortnightly newsletter. This is published on alternate Fridays. It can be emailed to parents and is also available on our school website (Information Section). Paper copies are available from reception.

School website The website provides a central source of information on the school and its activities. It has easy-to-use tabs which will enable you to navigate and find out more about our students’ successes, subject information, term dates etc. The website homepage is also used to advise parents of any emergency closures due to extreme weather or site problems.

Parents’ Evening System The school has introduced a new easy-to-use online Parents’ Evening appointment system. This allows parents to choose suitable appointment times with teachers, and has proven to be very popular.

Safeguarding Plantsbrook School is fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of our students. The health, safety and well-being of every student is our paramount concern. We ensure continuous development and improvement of robust Safeguarding processes and procedures that promote a culture of safeguarding amongst our staff. We have a safeguarding policy and procedures in place; a copy of the policy can be accessed by the school website. Sometimes we may need to share information and work in partnership with other agencies when there are concerns about a student’s welfare. We will ensure that our concerns about our students are discussed with her parents/carers first unless we have reason to believe that such a move would be contrary to the student’s welfare. Our Designated Safeguarding Leads are Mrs N Wigley (Assistant Headteacher) and Miss L Proctor (Assistant Headteacher). Please do not hesitate to contact the school if you have any concerns about any of our students.

Google Classroom Google Classroom is the blended learning platform at Plantsbrook School. Blended Learning is an approach used in teaching which combines the learning undertaken in the classroom with learning opportunities created online. Students get their own Google account which gives them access to all G Suite for Education apps as well as a Google Drive area and school email address. With many of our staff now using Google Classroom and the other G Suite apps to create personalised courses for their subjects, pupils are able to take more control of their learning and access more relevant, varied teaching resources from anywhere. Pupils are introduced to Google Classroom in computing lessons.

Inclusion Provision We understand that for parents/carers transition to a secondary school can be a time of concern, particularly if you have a child with additional needs. However, we would like to assure you that the provision being delivered at Plantsbrook School is part of a graduated approach that the support offered is appropriate to the identified need. The effectiveness of the provision will be regularly monitored through an Assess, Plan, Do, Review approach (the graduated approach). This enables us to make informed decisions about your child throughout their time with us. There will be an opportunity for you to share further information about your child with a member of the Inclusion department during the New Year 7 Parents Evening, which will be held on Tuesday 4th July. For further information regarding SEND,please refer to our pages on the school website:

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The SIMS Learning Gateway The Learning Gateway, which is part of SIMS, provides secure online access to your child’s information 24/7, with the aim of getting parents more involved and better engaged. Parental engagement is very important at Plantsbrook School and is vital to children’s academic progress. With The SIMS Learning Gateway, parents can log on from any PC or tablet to access the information they need to support their child’s learning, including attendance, student progress and reports.

School term dates academic year 2017/2018 AUTUMN TERM 2017



Monday 4 September to

Monday 8 January to

Monday 16 April to

Friday 20 October

Friday 16 February

Friday 25 May

Half Term

Half Term

Half Term

Monday 30 October to

Monday 26 February to

Monday 4 June to

Monday 22 December

Thursday 29 March

Tuesday 24 July

May Day - Monday 7 May 2018 is a public holiday

Teacher training days 2017/2018 Monday 04 September 2017 Tuesday 05 September 2017 (Extraordinary training day to enable the school community to move in to the new building) Friday 20 October 2017 Monday 08 January 2018 Monday 16 April 2018 Monday 23 July 2018 Tuesday 24 July 2018 Monday 18 September students finish at 1:20pm in readiness for Open Evening for 2018 new intake

Times of the school day Registration/Assembly

08.40 - 09.00

Period 1




Period 2





11.00 - 11.20

Period 3




Period 4





1.20 - 2.05

Period 5


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Uniform list All students are expected to wear full school uniform and their appearance should be appropriate to a working environment. Shirts must be tucked in, top button fastened and ties clipped correctly. Coats may not be worn around the building. Please refer to the full uniform policy provided with this brochure and on the school website. Both boys’ and girls’ uniform can be purchased from most chain stores and multiple shops.


• B lack/red detailed polo shirt embroidered with school emblem (compulsory) • Black shorts with red/white embroidered detail (compulsory) • Black/red football/rugby reversible top embroidered with school emblem (compulsory) • Embroidered hooded sweatshirt (optional) • Black tracksuit bottoms (optional) • Quarter zip training top (optional) • Football/rugby socks (compulsory) • Trainers (must have non-marking sole) • Football boots and shin pads (compulsory) • Gum shield (optional)



• B lack/red detailed polo shirt or t-shirt embroidered with school emblem (compulsory) • Black shorts or skort with white/red embroidered detail (compulsory) • Embroidered hooded sweatshirt (recommended) • Black/red stripe sports leggings (optional) • Black tracksuit bottoms (optional) • Quarter zip training top (optional) • Football/rugby socks (compulsory) • Trainers (must have non-marking sole) • Football boots (compulsory) • Shin guards (compulsory)

Hair should be neat and tidy without decorative attachments. Extreme styles, unnatural hair colours, tram lines or other shaved shapes in the hair or eyebrows are not permitted.

Uniform/PE Kit is available to purchase from The Uniform Hub and Clive Marks or will be available to order on the Open Evening. PE kit can also be personalised with your child’s name at a small additional cost.

Please refer to the Uniform Policy provided with this brochure.

MAKE-UP Discreet, natural looking make-up is permited. False eye lashes are not permitted. Fake tans are not permitted NAILS Clear nail polish is permitted. False nails are not permitted.


JEWELLERY No jewellery, except for one wrist watch and a maximum of one plain set of stud ear-rings.

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Valuables and personal property The School will not accept responsibility or liability for the loss or damage incurred to any valuable items such as mobile phones and staff will not look after them for safe keeping in PE lessons. Our policy is to allow students to use such items in the playgrounds at breaks and lunchtime at their own risk. However, if staff see students using these items in the building they will be confiscated.

Bags and coats Corridors must be kept clear of bags and coats, if accidents are to be avoided. Such items should be placed in appropriate rooms during lessons and carried sensibly by their owners on other occasions. Lockers are available. Bags must not be left unattended at lunchtimes.

Illness, accident or medical issues Plantsbrook School has a “First Aid and Welfare Officer�. This role involves the maintenance of Medical Profiles for students and providing first aid for those injured during school hours. If a student has any other injury, or a medical problem, the School First Aider cannot deal with this and the child should be dealt with by their family practitioner or local hospital. If your child becomes unwell during a school day they will be encouraged to continue at school. If this is not possible they will be referred to their Achievement Co-ordinator who will make the decision as to whether your child should be sent home. Students should not contact parents themselves. Parents will be contacted to assist in medical matters and in any emergencies involving the need for a student to attend hospital. In this instance, it is vital that the school has contact telephone numbers of parents and that these are updated as necessary. Parents can help by not sending children to school who are unwell before leaving home. Where children have a medical condition which does not prevent them from attending school, but requires some measure of medical input during the school day, the student’s Achievement Co-ordinator must be informed. Students who require any medication should ask their

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family practitioner to make every effort to ensure it is prescribed to be taken out of school hours. If this is not possible, the Headteacher may be willing for a member of staff to administer the medication. Parents will be required to complete a School Medication Authorisation Form and to deliver the medication to the allocated member of staff. The school has a linked School Nurse who works for North Birmingham Primary Care Team and is based at Falcon Lodge Clinic, telephone number 0121 465 5232.

Healthy Eating We are keen to encourage students to live a healthy lifestyle. Your child, on average, will spend a quarter of his/her life at school and we recognise that this is a big step from primary school. Poor diet is a major contributor to lack of concentration, dehydration and poor behaviour. We would therefore encourage you to make sure that your child has breakfast each morning and brings a bottle of water to school. Fizzy pop/energy drinks are not permitted in school. No food should be consumed in classrooms or in the corridors. Students may drink water during lessons if needed. It may take your child a little time to adjust to the later lunchtime, but our experience is that students quickly adapt to the new time. PLEASE NOTE students are expected to remain on site during lunchtime.

Free school meals If your child is entitled to free school meals please contact Mrs S Ellis on 0121 362 7310 to obtain an application form. A copy of the form is enclosed.

Behaviour Home school agreement We are a community school. We take children of all abilities and we believe in success for everyone. “We” means all of us: students, parents and carers, staff, governors and people who live and work nearby. This document says what we have all agreed to try to do, working together to make Plantsbrook a success. We ask you to discuss it thoroughly with your child.

• We will all do our best, continuously trying to improve and working hard to develop our skills and talents • We will be a school in which everyone is an achiever and everyone is made to feel valued • We will care for everyone equally and provide a secure, happy and yet demanding and stimulating environment, both inside and outside the classroom

These are what the school aims to do for your child:

• We will all work together in a spirit of mutual respect and co-operation, both serving the local community and utilising it to enrich our learning

At Plantsbrook, we aim to be a learning, caring, successful school, serving the community and preparing our students for the opportunities of adult life in the 21st century. To achieve this:

• We will prepare students to become responsible citizens, able to take advantage of the opportunities of adult life, and respectful of the values and cultures of others

School Aims

‘Be the best that you can be’ | 9


To show respect for others and their property To be treated fairly and with respect

2. To listen to others and respect their opinions 3. Not to bully others, which includes cyber bullying and to report any bullying you see 4. To appreciate that people who are different from you are equal to you 5. To allow others to learn without distracting them 6. To try hard and to do your best 7. Not to call others names when they work hard 8. To try your hardest to be punctual and well organised. To do all of your work and to ask for help if you need it 9. To maintain and improve the quality of the environment

To have the right to speak when it is appropriate to do so To feel safe and free from bullying To be treated as an individual To be able to learn without being distracted To receive praise and encouragement Not to be called names for working hard To be well educated To have a green, clean, safe and tidy school To be spoken to politely

10. T o speak to others politely and to be well mannered

Rewards and Punishments Teachers will praise and reward good work and behaviour wherever possible. However, we also ask parents to support us when we have to discipline children e.g. through in-school punishments like litter duty or after-school detentions.

Attendance and Punctuality It is the parent’s responsibility to make sure children attend every day and on time. If your child cannot attend because of illness, we ask you to telephone the school on the first day of absence and every subsequent day and to send in a note of explanation to the Form Tutor on the first day back.

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Where possible, please arrange appointments outside of school hours, e.g. dentist, doctor. If this is not possible, parents should notify their child’s Form Tutor in writing before the appointment. Absence for family holidays will not be authorised during term time. Each child has a target of 97% or better for each year and should also aim for 100% punctuality.

Working with Community Partners At Plantsbrook we have strong links with our local community. We ask you to give your full support to any community organisations with whom the school works e.g. the Police and Social Services.



We use Show My Homework SMHW, an online tool, to help you and your child keep track of the homework being set.

The school will provide an annual written report on your child’s progress. You will also receive progress reports at other points during the year. Teachers may also contact you about particular matters of concern. You should feel free to do the same. Consultation with parents on whole school issues is normally done through discussions at Friends of Plantsbrook PTA meetings and through the school newsletter which is available on the website or via email and is published fortnightly on a Friday.

Children should expect to receive regular homework. We ask parents to provide an appropriate place to do it and to check that it is properly done. Years 7 and 8 might be expected to do from 45 to 90 minutes a day, Year 9 from 1 to 2 hours and Years 10 and 11 from 1.5 to 2.5 hours. If less is set on a particular day, children should read or revise the work done during the day. Homework clubs are provided during lunchtimes and before and after school in the library.

We would ask you discuss the above agreement fully with your child and sign the reply slip enclosed.

Absences and lateness As stated in the Home School Agreement, parents must telephone the school on the morning of the first day of absence and every subsequent day of absence, unless long term absence has been advised. You can leave a message on the voicemail or email advising the reason for absence and anticipated date of return. The student should also provide a letter for their Form Tutor upon their return. It is important that the above information is provided, as the school operates the Schoolcomms system which is an automated messaging system that sends a text message to parents to inform them of unauthorised student absence. Parents are then asked to respond as requested. Schoolcomms is also used to inform parents of forthcoming parents’ evenings or important school events.

Provision of lockers


Lockers are available for all students who require them through a hire scheme. The cost of hire is £40.00 for 5 years.

Permission to bring a bicycle must be given by Mrs L Smith, Director of Finance and Support Services. Students should therefore contact the Finance Office to obtain the Parental Consent letter. Students are expected to cycle safely, wear a cycle helmet and make sure cycles are properly locked and loose accessories removed. Students bring cycles at their own risk. Cycles must be pushed on the school premises.

In order for the lockers to be allocated in September 2017, please complete and return the reply slip enclosed with this guide.

School fund Every year this school, like many others, requests contributions towards the school fund. Such contributions are utilised for small expenditures, which are not met by the school’s budget, such as sports fees, association fees, small items for departments, and trips. Without this support, the school would have to find monies from a restricted school budget.

Litter All of us wish to live and work in a clean and pleasant environment. To help in this, no litter should be dropped and any we see should be picked up and put in a bin. Litter duty at lunchtimes may be used as a punishment for misbehaviour. Please note chewing gum is not allowed in school.

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Lost property Any student who has mislaid any item of clothing/ equipment should contact the School Reception. It is therefore important to ensure all items of clothing/ equipment are named to enable a prompt return.

Movement around school We are a relatively a small site with a large number of people in it. We work hard to ensure everyone’s safety around the building. Students must not run in the corridors and should keep to the left.

Entrances and exits Students should enter the school via the student entrance at the front of the school in Upper Holland Road.

Dropping off/collecting students We appreciate just how difficult it is to park near the school, especially at the beginning and end of the school day. Parents/carers are asked not to obstruct main entrances, park on yellow lines or use the locked staff car parks on Ebrook Road and Upper Holland Road. If dropping off, or collecting students, please ensure that you consider our neighbours. We would recommend that parents/carers use the pay and display car park opposite the school.

Bus route We try to encourage students to walk to school. Many students arrive/leave school using public transport. Bus stops are located directly outside the school in Ebrook Road.

Cashless dining Our school meals provider Caterlink, operates a biometric finger recognition cashless system for the catering service. This not only helps to provide a quality school meal service but also helps you to ensure that dinner money is spent on school meals! The system has many advantages for parents and students of the school. It enables the contractor to deliver a more efficient, faster service and to continue to provide wholesome, healthy, and enjoyable meals at the lowest cost.

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For your convenience and to assist our external contractor in their administration of the service, a method of payment by cheque is available – cheques should be made payable to our external contractor Caterlink and placed into the payment box in the dining room. Please write the full name of student, Year and Tutor Group on back of cheque and place in an envelope and take to the school kitchen. However, should you wish your child to continue to bring dinner money to school the facility for accepting cash payments for the day or a number of days will of course always be available by using the automatic cash revaluation terminals. Please note that it will not be possible to pay for food directly at the dinner counters. Revaluation terminals are located in the dining room. Any amount of money can be paid into your account held within the system, money spent on food will be taken out of the system and you can always check by using the revaluation terminal to see how much you have left. It will not be possible for your child to bring ‘dinner money.’ They are programmed to accept £20 £10 - £5 - £2 - £1 - 50p - 20p - 10p coins. In addition to this, School uses ParentPay. This enables parents to make secure online payments by credit card and debit card for school meals. It will be possible to provide a report detailing each item of food served, each credit made to the system, for any time period and show a current balance. There is a daily ‘spend limit’ programmed into the system of £5.00. This can be increased or decreased for an individual student by making a written request to our external contractor. Accounts will be opened for Year 7 students early in September.

Parent Pay Parent pay is also being used in September 2017 to include all other payments i.e trips.

A sample of extra curricular activities

The following extra curricular activities are an example of visits that have taken place during the last two academic years for students in Years 7-9. Similar opportunities will be made available in 2017-2018.

Visits Abroad

Ski Trips to Canada Humanities visit to Europe

Other Visits

Theatre Visits Cinema Musical Concerts Boreatton Park

Languages trip to France

Industry Links Visits Think Tank Universities – Cambridge, Aston, Birmingham

Organised Activities

School Games Teams Brass Group Computer Club Choir Basketball Orchestra Rugby Music Masterclasses Football Drama Productions Cricket Club Drama Club Hockey Club Reading Group Netball Learning Resource Centre (LRC) – reading and computers Inter Form Competitions Language Club Gym Club Gifted and Talented Art Sketchbook Club Homework Clubs Year 7 Club Science Club Great Midlands Fun Run Maths Club The G Team (Gardening) Technology Club School Council Puzzle Club ‘Children in Need’

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Charging for school activities Board of Trustees Policy Statement on Charging and Remissions In accordance with the provisions of Sections 449 - 462 of the Education Act 1996, this document sets out the policies of The Board of Trustees of Plantsbrook Learning Trust in relation to charges and remissions for activities organised by the School. The Board of Trustees of Plantsbrook Learning Trust recognises the valuable contribution that the wide range of additional activities, including trips, clubs and residential experiences can make towards Students’ education. The Board of Trustees aims to promote and provide such activities both as part of a broad and balanced curriculum for the Students of the school and as additional optional activities. The Board of Trustees recognises and supports the objectives of the charging provisions in the Education Act namely: • to maintain the right to free school education • t o establish that activities offered mainly or wholly within normal teaching time should be available to all students regardless of their parents’ ability or willingness to help meet the cost • t o emphasise that there is no statutory requirement to charge for any form of education or related activity, but to give schools the discretion to charge for optional activities provided wholly or mainly out of school hours • to confirm the right of schools to invite voluntary contributions for the benefit of the school, or in support of any activity organised by the school, whether during or outside school hours. N.B. “School hours” are the hours that the school is actually in session and does not include the lunch break. Effectively therefore school hours are the period from 8.40 am to 3.05 pm (excluding lunch). An activity which takes place partly in and partly outside school hours is regarded as taking place in school hours if 50% of it does take place in school hours. In the case of an activity which involves residential accommodation, it is regarded as taking place in school hours if the number of sessions missed by the students is 50% or more of the number of half days involved. In some cases it may not be easy to define the position of the activity with regard to school hours. In all cases where there is doubt, the discretion for charging will be with the Headteacher and The Board of Trustees.

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Charges 1. For all activities that are deemed to be essential to students’ learning i.e. the activity forms part of the syllabus of an examination prescribed by the Secretary of State, or is a requirement in connection with the National Curriculum, will be provided by school at no cost. 2. For all activities that are deemed to enhance learning, but that are not essential, the costs must be met in full by parents. 3. For all activities that are deemed to be enrichment activities, the costs must be met in full by parents. 4. In the case of examination entries, fees will be paid for students prepared by the school for examinations prescribed by the Secretary of State, whether these constitute a ‘retake’ or not. Remarks will be paid for by the school in most cases. However, where a resit or a remark is not judged to be the best course of action by the school, students will be required to meet the costs in full. For examinations for which the school has not prepared the candidate, or which are not recognised by the Secretary of State, candidates will be required to meet the costs. 5. No charges will be made for materials to be used in the course of lessons or for the cost of transport in connection with an activity that takes place during school hours. 6. The school may require parents to meet the cost attached to the replacement of broken windows, broken or damaged fixtures, fittings and equipment, damaged, defaced or lost text and exercise books where these are the result of a student’s behaviour. 7. School will provide a copy of a student’s school record upon written request from the parent/guardian. Copies of such documentation will be provided within 15 school days of such written request. A charge will be made for photocopying prior to despatch of documents.

Voluntary Contributions For all activities where charges may not be made, voluntary contributions will be invited from parents. Students will not be prevented from taking part in the activity if parents do not make a voluntary contribution. For such activities there is no obligation to contribute, but if the activity cannot be funded without voluntary contributions, the school reserves the right to cancel the activity if insufficient contributions are received. The activities include contributions in either kind or cash towards materials for certain subject areas such as Technology.

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Remissions If the activity is part of a prescribed examination syllabus or a requirement in connection with the National Curriculum, financial assistance will be considered. Parents in receipt of Income Support, Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance, Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999, Guarantee element of State Pension Credit, Universal Credit, or Child Tax Credit (providing that they do not also receive Working Tax Credit and have an annual income, assessed by the Inland Revenue that does not exceed £16,190 and an income related employment and support allowance will receive automatic remission of such costs and the Trustees will seek to fund such activities if at all possible from the School Fund. All other charges which the School or Trustees are empowered to make may be remitted, in accordance with the policies of the LA, in whole or in part at the discretion of the Headteacher and the Board of Trustees.

Recovery If a student fails, without good reason, to complete the examination requirements for any public examination for which the Board of Trustees or School has paid, or is liable to pay an entry fee, then that fee will be recoverable from the parent. Failure to complete the examination requirements will include failure to complete the coursework requirements and/or failure to sit the final examination(s). It may also include failure to complete satisfactory attendance during the two years preceding the examination. The decisions as to what constitutes a ‘good reason’ will rest with the Board of Trustees.

Lettings and Hire of Rooms On occasion, facilities in the school may be hired out for a cost. A schedule of these costs may be obtained from the school on request. The Board of Trustees would expect those groups hiring rooms to look after the facilities and to ensure they are left in a good condition. The Board of Trustees would therefore take action against any group misusing them. Certain groups may be refused the use of our rooms, e.g. political groups whose views might contravene our equal opportunities policy. The discretion for this rests with the Headteacher. There is a right of appeal to the Board of Trustees.

Trustees Representatives The Trustees retain responsibility for this policy and will require the Headteacher to report to them, as they consider appropriate, on its operation. This policy statement will be reviewed as appropriate and amended as necessary. Any such amendments will be reported to parents at the earliest opportunity.

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EASY REFERENCE GUIDE FORM TUTOR: Each student is allocated a tutorial

group and the form tutor has a vital role to play in the student’s life at Plantsbrook School. Parents, students and staff must work together to foster success.


Students are expected to be in full uniform at all times. Blazers and ties form an important part of this. Trainers must not be worn in school except for PE lessons. ALL ITEMS OF CLOTHING SHOULD BE CLEARLY MARKED WITH THE STUDENT’S NAME. Students should be neat and well presented and we encourage them to take pride in their appearance.


should arrive at school for registration at 8.40 am, via Upper Holland Road. The remaining year groups will start later, giving the new Year 7 time to settle in.

MONDAY 18TH SEPTEMBER: Students finish at 1.20pm in readiness for Open Evening for the 2018 new intake. LOCKERS: If you have requested to hire a locker for your son/daughter, these will be issued in September. The cost is £40.00 for five years. Payment can be made at the ‘New Parents’ Evening on 4th July or prior to this.

SCHOOL FUND: It is vital for helping the school to provide items not covered by School budget, such as the minibus, trophies, entry fees to sporting events etc. Payment can be made at the ‘New Parents’ Evening’ on 4 July or prior to this.

SCHOOL BAGS: All students should have a sturdy bag in which to carry their books and other equipment required in lessons (e.g. PE kit). Please name clearly all items of equipment.


will have the following pieces of equipment with them in school every day. Black pens Coloured Pencils Maths Set Pencils Pencil sharpener Pencil Case Ruler Rubber Red pen Glue stick Calculator (recommended Casio fx-83 GT Plus or Casio fx-85 GT Plus)

If a student arrives late or returns from a medical appointment they should report to Reception. If students leave school e.g. for a medical appointment they should bring an explanatory letter. This should be signed by their Form Tutor during registration. The student should then present the letter at reception before leaving school. They will then be given permission to be out of school.

TUESDAY 4TH JULY: New Parents’ Evening doors open at 6.00pm. The uniform display and sale of school uniform by the Uniform Hub and Clive Marks will be available on the evening. Tutor introduction and Ms Campbell’s speech will commence from 6:30pm. You will also receive information on settling in procedures. Please note this evening is for parents only. WEDNESDAY 5TH JULY:

Students should arrive no later than 9.45am at the Ebrook Road entrance, wearing clothing they would normally wear at their Primary School. They will be met by Student Ambassadors and escorted to Cromwell Hall. They will be provided with a free lunch, so all they need to bring along is a pair of training shoes for PE activities. Students will be dismissed at 2.50pm, again from the Ebrook Road entrance.

EQUIPMENT: It is our expectation that all students

FIRST POINT OF CONTACT: Should your son/daughter experience any difficulty please do not hesitate to contact Mr D Waple, Achievement Co-ordinator on School telephone no. 0121 362 7310.

‘Be the best that you can be’ | 17

CHECKLIST Please see below items which need returning to Mr Waple Year 7 Co-Ordinator. Admission Form

School Fund Form

Home School Agreement Form

Free School Meal Form

School Locker Form

Cashless System Form

Borreaton Park Trip

School Uniform Policy Form

IMPORTANT DATES TO REMEMBER Tuesday 4th July – New Parents’ Evening doors open at 6:00pm – please note this evening is for parents only Wednesday 5th July – Students should arrive no later than 9:45am – wearing primary school uniform Wednesday 6th September – Students should arrive before registration at 8:40am Monday 18th September – Students finish at 1:20pm in readiness for Open Evening for 2018 new intake

OTHER USEFUL INFORMATION Before you buy your school uniform please refer to the School Uniform Policy enclosed with this brochure or go to the school website

Please have a look at Show My Homework website

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Plantsbrook School Upper Holland Road Sutton Coldfield West Midlands B72 1RB Tel: 0121 362 7310 Email: Web: Company No. 07655702

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