Chamber Connection, March 2020

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In this issue . . .

MARCH 2020

Coronavirus Resources New Podcast Member News New Members Ribbon cuttings

We’re here to support all businesses By David Eckmann, President/CEO ear members,


Your team at the Greater Wausau Chamber of Commerce is working hard to support your changing needs in this challenging time. We are working remotely, ‘safer at home’, focused on developing resources and information important to you as you make important decisions for your business and families. Right now, in this moment, I implore each of you with 500 employees or less, to immediately review the links provided in this article and to begin to learn about the Small Business Administration (SBA) Disaster Loan process to address the Coronavirus pandemic. According to our partners at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, “The way lawmakers thought about this program when they were putting it together is they wanted to give small businesses as many tools as possible to keep people on their payrolls. It’s designed to help businesses keep people on their payroll particularly over the next two to three months.” The following links will provide you guidance on the process as well as SBA forms you may want to download and have on hand. Also important at this time is to be in communication with your community banking partners, credit union partners, and accounting professionals. Our banking and financial sector professional are very important partners in our community as we work through and emerge from this. We will emerge and we all must establish a foundation which allows us to launch our economy in an upward trajectory.

How Small Businesses will Benefit from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act U.S. Chamber’s Small Business Guide and Checklist SBA to provide Economic Injury Disaster Loans for coronavirus-related economic disruptions We continue to attend state and national conference calls and industry webinars gathering information important to all of you. As we learn information that is coming straight out of Washington, D.C. or Madison, we will get it to you immediately. Please know that we are here and available to you. If you have questions or need help, please reach out to us at In the coming weeks, the Greater Wausau Chamber of Commerce will be working with various partners to establish a community empowerment campaign that will empower us to light a fuse that will charge and invigorate our local economy.

Chamber News

Coming up:

April 3: Virtual Nothing But Networking For more information or to register for these programs and events, visit

Chamber offers information on SBA’s Economic Injury Disaster Loans In an effort to support the region’s small businesses, the Greater Wausau Chamber of Commerce has assembled a guide to the U. S. Small Business Administration’s Economic Injury Disaster Loans for coronavirus-related economic disruptions. The SBA has approved Wisconsin’s request for small businesses affected by the COVID-19 pandemic to access low-interest federal disaster loans. Under the Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) program, businesses may qualify for up to $2 million in loans to cover losses resulting from the pandemic. “We encourage our small business community to review the SBA program thoroughly to first understand the program.” said Dave Eckmann, President and CEO of the Chamber. “The SBA process is first-in, first-served. There are resources available and small businesses should engage now if they have an interest. As we learn more, we will provide updates to our small business community.” The collection of resources offers answers to questions like: What is an Economic Injury Disaster Loan? What businesses are eligible to apply? Wisconsin’s SBA office is offering daily webinars to answer your questions regarding the SBA’s Economic Injury Disaster Loans, for small businesses owners impacted by COVID-19. Registration links for the webinars to be held daily at 10 a.m. and at 2 p.m. can be found on The Wisconsin Small Business Development Network (SBDC), a resource partner of the SBA, is available to help small businesses apply for federal disaster loans to mitigate the substantial economic injury as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Please visit the Small Business Development Center website to connect with consultants ready to help business owners understand the qualifications and application process. To view this information and other collected resources related to the coronavirus, visit

Help us welcome our newest members: Support the regional economy - do business with members. PAW Health Network, Inc Wildlife Patrol LLC Jefferson Street Event Center Homes for Independent Living, A MyPath Company Redwood Street Roasters Bautch Chiropractic East The Boldt Company - Stevens Point

Yach’s Body & Custom in Rib Mountain hosted an open house on February 27.

Patron and the Wausau Noon Optimists hosted a Business PM networking event on March 12.

Prepared by the U.S. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE


Small Business Guide and Checklist

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act allocated $350 billion to help small businesses keep workers employed amid the pandemic and economic downturn. Known as the Paycheck Protection Program, the initiative provides 100% federally guaranteed loans to small businesses. Importantly, these loans may be forgiven if borrowers maintain their payrolls during the crisis or restore their payrolls afterward. The administration soon will release more details including the list of lenders offering loans under the program. In the meantime, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce has issued this guide to help small businesses and self-employed individuals prepare to file for a loan.

Here are the questions you may be asking— and what you need to know.

Chamber News

Chamber launches guide to local restaurants offering take-out, delivery orders In an effort to support the restaurants in the region, the Greater Wausau Chamber of Commerce has assembled a list of those businesses which offer take-out or delivery. Please contact each business in advance to place an order and confirm delivery or take-out details. “I encourage everyone who is able to support all of our local small businesses by purchasing gift cards and calling in orders for meals. Actions like these will really help these businesses out today.” said Brian Otten, marketing manager for the Chamber. “There is no better time than now to rally around our small

businesses and help them out.” The Chamber also encourages local restaurants to share specials on a new Hot Deals on Hot Meals page. The Wausau/Central Wisconsin Convention & Visitors Bureau assisted the Chamber in assembling the guide.

If you have a restaurant to add, please contact the Chamber’s marketing manager, Brian Otten at 715-848-5947. To view the Chamber’s Dining Guide and other collected resources related to the coronavirus, visit WausauChamber. com.


You CAN Control Health Insurance Costs! Attend this free, educational seminar. CE credits for SHRM and insurance professionals.

“Self-Funded Health Plans: An option worth considering for employers with 35+ employees.” Presented by the Northcentral Employers Healthcare Alliance Underwritten by Coalition Services

Seating Limited to 200! • Wednesday, May 13 • 8 a.m to 11 a.m. Westwood Conference Center • 1800 Westwood Center Blvd., Wausau Straightforward talk about self-funded health benefits. Ideal for HR/Benefit Managers, Chief Financial Officers and business owners. Benefit consultants and insurance professionals welcome, too. Learn about: • Pros and cons of a self-funded plan • Differences between TPA, ASO, Level funded and Referenced Based Pricing models • Stop loss function and contract variations

• Liability issues and how they work with the employer’s financial goals • The surge in small group self-funding options • More information at

Our Featured Speaker Benefit Consultant

Dean M. Hoffman, LLC Mr. Hoffman has been in the employee benefit industry for more than 40 years, with an emphasis in group employee benefit plans. Mr. Hoffman’s knowledge on self-funded arrangements has made him a favorite at many health and welfare plan management conferences around the country. He is often retained for expert witness testimony about the self-funded industry and has hosted briefings for members of Congress and the Wisconsin legislature about the health insurance marketplace and the advantages of self-funding. Professional affiliations include a 30-year membership in the National Association of Health Underwriters (NAHU) and past President of its Wisconsin Chapter.

RSVP to Lori Knick 414-507-3558 or

Chamber News

Chamber develops childcare resource for region’s businesses The Greater Wausau Chamber of Commerce, working closely with business leaders, K16 education leaders, professional day care organizations and youth-serving organizations in the region, has developed a new childcare resource on This resource was built to serve those whose childcare options have been impacted by measures mandated to prevent the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus). This online tool is intended to serve as the connecting piece between businesses of

all types and those who offer childcare services. Businesses who have employees in need of childcare should refer them to the contacts listed on “All in our business community, from the smallest of businesses to large corporations, are making rapid adjustments to an ever-shifting reality.” said David Eckmann, President and CEO at the Chamber. “As your business and your employees may be dealing with these changes, the closure

of all schools and daycare organizations is placing an additional burden on everyone. While many are addressing the childcare issue by engaging family and friend networks, we have worked to develop another option.” For more information about the resource, contact the Chamber’s marketing manager, Brian Otten at 715848-5947. To view the Chamber’s Childcare Connection and other collected






Tag photos of local events and activities with #elevatenaturally, a new talent attraction and retention website, is filled with features designed for those who are both new to the area or considering a move to our region. The website is organized around the following topics: • Explore: This portion of the site highlights the region’s miles of hiking, cycling and running trails; skiing, kayaking and fishing opportunities; and outdoor activities which can be enjoyed in all four seasons. • Experience: Information on dining, shopping, the performing and fine arts and regional events can be found here. • Live: Compare housing options and learn what makes each of more than a dozen communities in the region unique. • Work: Search for jobs, internships and apprenticeships available in the region, with an emphasis on positions in those industry sectors identified for growth in the Economic Development Strategic Plan. t󰉉󰉉󰉉󰉉󰉉󰉉󰉉󰉉󰉉󰉉󰉉󰉉󰉉󰉉󰉉󰉉󰉉󰉉󰉉󰉉󰉉󰉉󰉉󰉉 E … Na IF L R U E YO ELEVAT • Learn: Explore a variety of public and private school options across the region, along with preschool, daycare and higher education opportunities. • Get Connected: Browse volunteer opportunities, houses of worship and non-profits in this section of the site. A toolkit has been developed for employers. The toolkit includes a guide for usage, digital elements and more. Visit to download. Contact Brian Otten at 715-848-5947 or for more details.


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Ribbon Cuttings

Chamber News

Ribbon cuttings (from top) were held at Prevail Bank in Wausau on February 27, at Tommy’s Express Car Wash in Weston on March 3 and at Symmetry Natural Health in Wausau on March 4.

Chamber News

The Branch’s spring session canceled The Branch’s spring 2020 session has been cancelled due to concerns over the coronavirus and the safety of all students, businesses, coaches and faculty involved. Three student teams were working on innovation challenges from Church Mutual Insurance Company, Ruder Ware LLSC and Westphal Staffing Inc. Students from a variety of colleges and universities in central Wisconsin participate in each The Branch session. The Branch is a workforce development initiative introduced by the Greater Wausau Chamber of Commerce, Northcentral Technical College and Church Mutual Insurance Company in 2016. The program is an entrepreneurial skills accelerator which is designed to

retain talent in central Wisconsin. At this time, The Branch Academy program is scheduled to return this summer. The Branch Academy will offer high school juniors and seniors an opportunity to earn college credit while showcasing their talents for business and community leaders. High school juniors and seniors to-be can apply for the program on The Branch’s website. The program with college students will return for the fall 2020 semester. Interested college students can review the spring schedule and apply on The Branch’s website. AROW Global, Ansay & Associates LLC, Church Mutual Insurance Company, Greater Wausau Chamber

of Commerce, Incredible Bank, M3 Insurance, North Central Health Care, Ruder Ware LLSC and Westphal Staffing Inc are sponsors of the program. The University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, UWSP at Wausau and the Wausau River District are supporters of the program. For more information or to register as a coach for a team, visit The Branch’s website. Businesses that are interested in becoming involved with the program can also register projects through the site or contact Brian Otten, marketing manager at the Chamber, at botten@ or 715-8485947.

Each month, Wisconsin Central Time NEWS brings you insightful articles, updates, and events about the issues being discussed and the goals being achieved by Marathon County government. Check out the latest articles from Wisconsin Central Time NEWS — now in a mobile-friendly format — to see how county officials and employees are working to make Marathon County a great place to work, play, live, and do business. View or subscribe at

Honoring the endeavors of our 2020 Women of Vision and recognizing the accomplishments and future dreams of our scholarship recipients.

WOMEN OF VISION LUNCHEON May 15, 2020 Hilton Garden Inn, Wausau



Registration and networking begins at 11 a.m., lunch from 11:30 a.m.–1 p.m. Presenting: Women of Wausau Through the Decades Go to to register for event 715-842-3381 $40 single tickets,$275 table of eight

Celebrating 100 years of women’s voting rights and the founding of YWCA of Wausau.

YWCA is dedicated to eliminating racism, empowering women and promoting peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all. Thank You 2020 Presenting and Corporate Sponsors

. Sponsorship opportunities still available, contact the

Member News Visit for news items, like the ones below, from members.

We Want to Hear from You! Please submit your stories and photos via your Member Information Center login or to Brian Otten at Use of the submitted content will be at the discretion of the Chamber and may be shortened to fit the appropriate platform. Only stories from members in good standing with the Chamber will be used.

THIS IS NOT A NORMAL CLASS PROJECT. Get experience. Make connections. Get credit. What students should expect: • An opportunity to earn college credit • A chance to showcase talent in front of business and community leaders • Engagement with other driven students while solving challenging problems • An opportunity to add a real-world experience to college applications and career portfolios If you will be a junior or senior in high school during the 2020-2021 school year, apply today for the Summer 2020 Academy.

“I really enjoyed the opportunity to experience the program. I learned leadership skills, networking skills and business skills.” - David Kindlarski, student at Marathon High School

“I wanted to learn about the business world and I learned more than I expected. I benefitted from my time in The Branch because I learned the process used to develop products.” - Kayla Vang, student at Wausau West High School

If you have any questions, please contact The Branch at

The Immersion Project:

Chamber News

The seventh Immersion Project session focused on entrepreneurship was held on Tuesday, March 10, 2020.

Wausau Conservatory of Music – 2019 Mother’s Day Rose Sale Group Order Form Choose from: A. Dozen long-stemmed roses – wrapped - $17 B. Dozen long-stemmed roses w/baby’s breath and greens – wrapped - $22 C. Dozen long-stemmed rose arrangement in vase - $27 D. Two-dozen long-stemmed rose arrangement in vase - $50 (Order 10 or more dozen and get a bonus dozen free!)

Company/Organization Name: ____________________________________________

Contact Person/Phone : _______________________ / _______________

Delivery Address and Instructions: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Preferred Delivery time on Friday, May 8: __ 9-10 am ___ 10-11 am ___ 11-Noon ___ Noon-1 pm (orders of 10 or more dozen) Buyer Name




A $17

B $22

Rose Order Qty. C D Bonus $27 $50 Dozen

$$ Total

Payment Cash


Pd online

Instructions: ♪ Use this form to compile your group order – make copies as needed! ♪ Submit this form (keep a copy for yourself for distribution day) along with payment to Wausau Conservatory of Music – P.O. Box 606 – Wausau, WI 54402 ♪ Buyers can purchase online and be included in your group delivery – indicate on form above. Orders of less than 10 dozen will require pick up Friday, May 8, 9-6 pm or Saturday, May 9, 9-12 pm Questions? Give us a call at 715-845-6279

We're here to keep our communities connected during this time of need.

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Ad Positions Available!

A Central Location:

Our annual printed relocation guide is an important part of an ongoing effort to attract both people and businesses to our region. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to shape the impression prospective and new residents have of your business by advertising in our next edition, publishing in June 2020. The printed version of this relocation guide will be available at high-traffic locations around the region like banks, realty offices, hotels and more. The online version will be found on the Chamber’s website and will include links to all advertisers’ websites.

The Wausau Region is a metropolitan area of more than 79,000 residents and is located in Marathon County, Wisconsin’s largest county at more than 1,500 square miles.

DISTANCE FROM WAUSAU: DULUTH ................238 MILES (4 h 11 min) EAU CLAIRE ..........99 MILES (1 h 38 min) GREEN BAY ...........97 MILES (1 h 38 min) MADISON ............143 MILES (2 h 16 min) MILWAUKEE.......188 MILES (2 h 54 min) MINNEAPOLIS..185 MILES (2 h 56 min) MINOCQUA.................... 69 MILES (1 h 10








Wausau Whitewater Park Photo by Kelly Puntney


To reserve an advertisement in our next edition, visit or contact marketing manager Brian Otten at 715-848-5947 or

Rates: Full Page - $600 Bleed - 8.5” x 11” No Bleed - 7.5” x 10”

Half Page - $400 Quarter Page - $300 Horizontal - 7.5” x 4.75” 3.5” x 4.75” Vertical - 3.5” x 10”

Business Card - $150 3.5” x 2.25”


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