Capacity Building for Wau Dioese Staff

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What we hear sometimes does not always reflect the reality of something that we hear. I heard from many friends that the Western World is completely different from the African ways of doing things in terms of culture, hospitality, spirituality and social life. But to my surprise when I arrived at the Presbyterian Church on Saturday 22 and again on Sunday 23 Feb 2014, amazingly I was warmly welcomed by every church member, overjoyed to spot me among many members I think I was the only African Christian member in the worship. They were prayed for my journey as I had difficulty in getting a Visa in Nairobi because my visit coincided with South Sudan’s conflict which started on 15 December 2013 in which 10,000 people are claimed to to have been killed. That delayed my visa but I thank Canon Kenneth, Richard, the Administration of Wau Fellowship in Hamilton Road Presbyterian Church, Bangor Diocese and Poole Deanery on 1st March 2014. who tirelessly stood firm by working hard to ensure other required documents were provided so that I was granted a visa.

Here is a picture of one of my hosts Tim Crome and Brenda.

I would like to thank the Hamilton Road Presbyterian Church for their generous support through Canon Kenneth J.H. Hearn who is the Bishop of Wau’s Commissary in the UK and special friend to the members of Hamilton Road Presbyterian church in Northern Ireland. I was hosted by their members of whom I’m grateful and I hold in my heart with love and respect for their love and unreserved care granted to me while in their homes.

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