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WOOF SUCH CLEAN WATER The more humans I know, the more I love my dog. When we think about water filtration systems, we tend to look into the advantages that it will bring for the humans and overlook the amazing benefits that it may bring to those four legged or swimming family members.

All kinds of pets, just as humans, have a composition of at least 80% water in their bodies. And the same health issues that a human may suffer from bad-water intake exist for these amazing friends. Be it heavy metals, bacteria, or any protozoans, fluoride which is a big risk for cancer, and hard water of course, can become problematic for these instinct driven beings. Granted, we've seen it all over the internet, talking dogs that ask questions or sing along with their human buddies. But in general they are not able to communicate when they’re thirsty or when they dislike the taste of the water they are consuming. Many of them are actually a lot more sensitive to this matter, for which is imperative to know how to check if your pets may not be getting the necessary amount of water every day. On a side note, cats are very sensitive to water that's been sitting down in a bowl for too long and has lost its oxygen percentage.

For dogs and cats, at least there's an easy way to do a check-up. Lift the upper lip and expose the gum as much as possible. Then, by pressing your finger onto the gum for a good 3 seconds and releasing it, you should be able to see how the gum has a slight change of color for a couple of seconds before going back to normal. If the blood is not back in 2 seconds, it's a clear sign of dehydration. For other check-ups in different pets such as fish or frogs, you may want to do a water test, which fortunately we have for free at Central Florida Water Treatment LLC.

And while bottled water may be a very safe way to ensure clean water consumption for both humans and animals, the usage of plastic, even when recycling is more effective every day, will without a doubt harm in several ways the environment, from which us and our best friends come. No need to worry. Just give us a call and let us help you figure out all the solutions to give those very loyal friends the best water they can get.

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